The vilify whitey coalition authorized and led by our own politicians and the long term affect it will have on American unity?

Obviously, there's going to be no cure for someone as openly racist as you are...
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.

Whites have played the race card since 1776. So if you are so motherfuckin weary, start telling whites like the OP to stop playing it.
How many Blacks have you helped out of the hood with your 5 successful businesses?
Why are other Blacks not doing the same?
Kanye tried and was denounced for it.
IM2 doesn't have the IQ to design a toilet, let alone a business.
Yeah, that's the why I helped build 3.
Given the fact that "whitey" has consistently modified their systemic racism, perhaps prison sentences and three strikes criminal penalties should be assessed to those lIke the OP.
Obviously, there's going to be no cure for someone as openly racist as you are...
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.

Whites have played the race card since 1776. So if you are so motherfuckin weary, start telling whites like the OP to stop playing it.

The OP is a realist, a bigot who profiles and stereotypes based on the behavior of various groups.
sThe OP is wise, courageous and intelligent enough to know that all wise, courageous, intelligent folks do the same....He likes facts and statistics, he trusts them and takes them into consideration.

Please note:
The OP is so racist that the group he HATES the most is the woke white guilt whack group which JoeB131 is the CEO of.
No, the OP is a white racist loser who thinks racism is a white entitlement and hates other whites who are trying to end it. OBTW, it was my work to change a city policy that helped 50,000 blacks initially but will help generations of blacks inevitably.
Clearly racism and hate will be part of the GOP for the foreseeable future.
I have never in my seventy years seen such vitriol and hate as I have witnessed coming from the democrat party in the last four years and especially the year just past. BTW, I am ashamed to say that I was a lifelong democrat until 2016. The democrat party has become a Globalist/Marxist organization bent on the destruction of the country.
Lol! And so you joined the fascists and racists.
Pardon me? Your belief that you know anything about me is ridiculous. I do know that you are a racist with a chip on your shoulder and you really should do something about your anger problems.
Are employers using extra caution when hiring SJW seeming women post #MeToo movement?
Are some avoiding them all together?
Are white employers staying clear of BLM seeming blacks and white wokeologists post BLM movement?
Are some avoiding them all together?
For the record; potential ‘baggage’ is a deal breaker for us job creators.

For the record, if it's not a BFOQ, you're breaking the law. That's what we real job creators know. aren’t an employer..if you were you’d know that nobody follows that BFOQ bullshit. We have many methods / workarounds that we all commonly use to thwart that state posturing bullshit. We hire who we want and who we see fitting into our existing company culture...PERIOD
I wasn't aware that "welfare queens" or "young bucks" were racist terms.

Then you are being deliberately stupid.

I am ashamed to say that I was a lifelong democrat until 2016. The democrat party has become a Globalist/Marxist organization bent on the destruction of the country.

Yeah, nobody believes you.

Are employers using extra caution when hiring SJW seeming women post #MeToo movement?
Are some avoiding them all together?
Are white employers staying clear of BLM seeming blacks and white wokeologists post BLM movement?
Are some avoiding them all together?
For the record; potential ‘baggage’ is a deal breaker for us job creators.

Nobody believes you create any jobs, "Broke Loser".

Hey, funny thing happened, when St. George Floyd was martyred, all those "Job Creators" fell all over themselves to show solidarity with the black community.
  • Wow
Reactions: IM2 aren’t an employer..if you were you’d know that nobody follows that BFOQ bullshit. We have many methods / workarounds that we all commonly use to thwart that state posturing bullshit. We hire who we want and who we see fitting into our existing company culture...PERIOD

Actually, the whole system of hiring is kind of broken anyway....

You have a bunch of candidates who send in resumes someone else wrote, and then you see who can answer canned questions the best. Most real companies don't even leave the hiring decision down to one person, they hire by committee.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.
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Are we sure that using our own elected officials to verbally whip whitey out of their racist ideals is the right way to go about this?
Are we sure that racist whitey won't just get sneakier with their 'systemic racism'?
Are we sure racist whitey has no means to retaliate?
Are we sure this won't make matters worse?
Shouldn't our politicians step aside and let the he said she said societal issues play themselves out?

1. One of the saddest developments has been the growth of the "Blame everything on Caucasian Americans" movement, IMHO.

2. We really, really, really thought that the Civil Rights laws of the 1960s would bring equality & harmony to the nation. Boy! Were we wrong!

3. For various reasons (probably including the drug epidemic), there has been a growth, not a reduction, in disharmony between Caucasians and many (NOT all) members of the African American community.

4. This is REALLY tragic. Those "leaders" of that community who are demonizing Caucasian Americans are doing a huge disservice to their community.

a. When Caucasians eventually become a very small minority without too much input in local & national decisions, the African American community will discover that it has lost its best friend and advocate for equality.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening.

Naw, man, what got Trump elected in the first place was that the Democrats listened to people like you and nominated Hillary instead of Bernie. People didn't vote for Trump because they don't like leftism. Those were the same people who voted for Romney and McCain. Trump didn't even move the needle in terms of turnout on the right. He got LESS of a percentage of the vote than Romney did, both times. He got less of the WHITE vote, both times.

What got Trump elected is that Hillary was a corrupt, unlikeable witch who passed herself off as a feminist, but her only real claim to fame is that she kept getting rewarded for not kicking her no-account husband to the curb.

People stayed home, people voted for third parties, not because they wanted Trump... but because Trump was able to create an image of Hillary as corrupt. Which wasn't hard, because she always looked like she was trying to pull a fast one.

He tried the same thing with Biden, but it didn't work.

Now, what you call the "Lunatic Fringe" is people being sick and tired of "Business as usual" in government. That propelled Trump and Bernie because they actually stood for something, even if something was a bit nuts.
1. One of the saddest developments has been the growth of the "Blame everything on Caucasian Americans" movement, IMHO.

2. We really, really, really thought that the Civil Rights laws of the 1960s would bring equality & harmony to the nation. Boy! Were we wrong!

Naw, man, the saddest development is that white people keep voting against their own economic interests because the rich play your racial anxieties like a fiddle.

The funny thing is in the 1960's, the Middle Class was still growing... so we all thought we could make room for more people. But since 1980, the Rich have been slowly dismantling the middle class, and White People are acting like awful Reality TV Show contestants... is it any wonder they elected a Reality TV Rodeo clown as president?

3. For various reasons (probably including the drug epidemic), there has been a growth, not a reduction, in disharmony between Caucasians and many (NOT all) members of the African American community.

Um, yeah, because we haven't fixed the problems yet. The "War on Drugs" just became another scheme to keep a boot on the neck of minorities. Jamal gets prison, Rush Limbaugh gets rehab...

4. This is REALLY tragic. Those "leaders" of that community who are demonizing Caucasian Americans are doing a huge disservice to their community.

a. When Caucasians eventually become a very small minority without too much input in local & national decisions, the African American community will discover that it has lost its best friend and advocate for equality.

Uh, with friends like that, they can do without enemies.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.
See, this is where you logic ends. The so-called left does not have to look into any mirrors. This both sideism is what allows the right to continue getting away with what they do. You have seen 2 elections in this century where democratic presidential candidates have got more votes than the republican and you have not seen this. I don't think you've paid enough attention to how republicans have done things. This unhinged racist anger has been cultivated strategically by the Republican party. And if you don't think so, read "It Was All A Lie," by Stewart Stevens. He is the best republican political strategist in the business and when I wrote what I wrote 2 sentences back, it is based on what he wrote. We have a bunch of mad white men in this country who believe they are entitled. They have been radicalized to believe they are somehow being victimized because history is no longer hidden. And mac, trump actually lost both election by the peoples vote. So the only people who have to look in the mirror are whites like broke loser who brags about creating jobs and how unfair life is for "whitey" at the same time.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening.

Naw, man, what got Trump elected in the first place was that the Democrats listened to people like you and nominated Hillary instead of Bernie. People didn't vote for Trump because they don't like leftism. Those were the same people who voted for Romney and McCain. Trump didn't even move the needle in terms of turnout on the right. He got LESS of a percentage of the vote than Romney did, both times. He got less of the WHITE vote, both times.

What got Trump elected is that Hillary was a corrupt, unlikeable witch who passed herself off as a feminist, but her only real claim to fame is that she kept getting rewarded for not kicking her no-account husband to the curb.

People stayed home, people voted for third parties, not because they wanted Trump... but because Trump was able to create an image of Hillary as corrupt. Which wasn't hard, because she always looked like she was trying to pull a fast one.

He tried the same thing with Biden, but it didn't work.

Now, what you call the "Lunatic Fringe" is people being sick and tired of "Business as usual" in government. That propelled Trump and Bernie because they actually stood for something, even if something was a bit nuts.
Actually what got trump elected was purged voter rolls in rust belt states. Hillary got 3 million more votes than trump, so she was not the problem. Now the thing about Hillary is that no indictments ever showed up as republicans investigated her for 20 years.

trump played the race card because he was far more crooked than hillary but the promise to make mexico pay for a border wall and his promises to exclude muslims had people like most of these USMB members with the Chris Matthews tingle. Tipsy had to buy new panties daily for what trump was doing to her
1. One of the saddest developments has been the growth of the "Blame everything on Caucasian Americans" movement, IMHO.

2. We really, really, really thought that the Civil Rights laws of the 1960s would bring equality & harmony to the nation. Boy! Were we wrong!

Naw, man, the saddest development is that white people keep voting against their own economic interests because the rich play your racial anxieties like a fiddle.

The funny thing is in the 1960's, the Middle Class was still growing... so we all thought we could make room for more people. But since 1980, the Rich have been slowly dismantling the middle class, and White People are acting like awful Reality TV Show contestants... is it any wonder they elected a Reality TV Rodeo clown as president?

3. For various reasons (probably including the drug epidemic), there has been a growth, not a reduction, in disharmony between Caucasians and many (NOT all) members of the African American community.

Um, yeah, because we haven't fixed the problems yet. The "War on Drugs" just became another scheme to keep a boot on the neck of minorities. Jamal gets prison, Rush Limbaugh gets rehab...

4. This is REALLY tragic. Those "leaders" of that community who are demonizing Caucasian Americans are doing a huge disservice to their community.

a. When Caucasians eventually become a very small minority without too much input in local & national decisions, the African American community will discover that it has lost its best friend and advocate for equality.

Uh, with friends like that, they can do without enemies.

Parser has lost his mind.

So `I will say this:

The majority of the legislation that has created the inequality we see today was created by whites.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

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