The vilify whitey coalition authorized and led by our own politicians and the long term affect it will have on American unity?

I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

I'm not so sure college safe spaces and transgendered women using the ladies room is really to blame here. Most Americans haven't had any direct dealings with either, but who are the ones inflating the issues as an assault on America? It's wingnuts with microphones. Do liberals get ultra-pc? Some do, but I see it as more of a stereotype than anything else. But, sure some on the left take it too far.

Also, "the left" just elected a moderate Democrat and are mostly satisfied with the choice. There was no cult of personality, no irrational beliefs in what Biden can and cannot accomplish. 80 million people voted for him, there's a lot of liberals to count among them, to include Bernie Bros. They compromised for the sake of the country and I think as opposed with what we are seeing from the right at this point that's a good thing. The left so to speak is actually kind of moderate in it's radicalism compared to you know who. The right isn't even conservative so much as just a straight up cult willing to meld it's beliefs into whatever Trump wants.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

I agree. Though it's hard to tell as I do believe this board tends to pervert the size of the far right. But, who knows, he got 74 million votes and even normal Republicans are starting to fall in line with the cult. I know an elderly couple (late 60s) who when the virus began were and still are taking COVID seriously in the sense they mask up and social distance. When the Lt. Governor of Texas basically said old people should be ready to sacrifice themselves in the name of the economy she was in tears. She couldn't put two and two together so Trump for the most part got a pass. Now, she's questioning the COVID numbers and is somewhat convinced that flu numbers are down because people are diagnosing people with the flu as having COVID. They know and I know that we just don't talk about Trump to each other, but I found their ignorance in putting so much faith in internet rumors disturbing. I guess my point is this isn't the left poisoning their well, they are doing it to each other and they are exploiting everything to include raping common sense on a global pandemic.

I'm not so sure the left sitting quiet and taking it is really going to change their minds. That is probably not what you mean but someone whining about safe spaces in a corner of the world has very little impact.

haha....I can't watch you two play a cautious game of grab-ass any longer.
Look, 'this shit is so simple, you "CHANGE" America America Haters have brought all the pressure on yourselves, why it's all a big surprise to you is just plain bizarre.
Conservatives' were and have been plugging away doing business as usual, running this nation the way it's always been ran, doing things the way we've always done it...the American Way....and along came a bunch of weirdos hell-bent on forcing Americans to operate differently, to appease fringe factions, loonies and trespassing foreign criminals. Conservatives, being the nutless cowards they are looked the other way, didn't put up a fight and allowed you whacks to take the wheel and steer our nation down the shitter...well now they're pissed, they're retaliatory and they want their nation back from you Hate America types....that's all, simple shit!
Why not just get yourself legitimate, FUCK that 2% you're fighting for, fight to protect and preserve America and American virtue like we all use to before the faggots, wetbacks, feminazis and chicks with dicks suddenly came out of nowhere.

^What losing looks like.

I have to admit, I've learned a lesson from you guys. I don't want to live in hate. It is OK to disagree and not be disagreeable, we need to get back to that. Look at all the collateral damage you threw out in your post? gays, Mexicans and others from south of our border, woman who want the same rights as everyone else and my latest porn searches, oops, people who don't identify exactly as you insist they must. Get over it.

I've never seen such a bunch of crybabies who feel they are owed something whether they win or lose. So, I've decided I'm going to try and be more positive and thoughtful of others who come into the conversation the same. Doesn't look like that includes you so I look forward to the continued hysterical clown show you guys are good for.
... and the freedom they have to spray that hate and misery and paranoia and rage, was helpful in leading you to that conclusion. If we know what people like this think, we know how much work still needs to be done.

That's part of the value of freedom of expression.

It's awfully odd that you wouldn't "HATE" an emerging group of abnormals hell-bent on forcing you to believe that doing it their way is better than the American Way.
Well, I don't hate anyone.

The world is changing. Whether you like or not, America is part of the world.
That’s right, the U.S. is changing and certainly not to the benefit of the core people, the productive people, the right people...therein lies your problem, that’s where the extreme opposition and retaliation stems from.
The very people who were graciously allowing you fucked in the head whackos to sell them on faggotry, on how awesome it was to allow a few illegal wetbacks in to “make a better life for their family” are so fucking done with you...You Loons took advantage of their kindness and now they won’t give you one more’re fucked, you got greedy and now you’re done and hated by anybody decent.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

I'm not so sure college safe spaces and transgendered women using the ladies room is really to blame here. Most Americans haven't had any direct dealings with either, but who are the ones inflating the issues as an assault on America? It's wingnuts with microphones. Do liberals get ultra-pc? Some do, but I see it as more of a stereotype than anything else. But, sure some on the left take it too far.

Also, "the left" just elected a moderate Democrat and are mostly satisfied with the choice. There was no cult of personality, no irrational beliefs in what Biden can and cannot accomplish. 80 million people voted for him, there's a lot of liberals to count among them, to include Bernie Bros. They compromised for the sake of the country and I think as opposed with what we are seeing from the right at this point that's a good thing. The left so to speak is actually kind of moderate in it's radicalism compared to you know who. The right isn't even conservative so much as just a straight up cult willing to meld it's beliefs into whatever Trump wants.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

I agree. Though it's hard to tell as I do believe this board tends to pervert the size of the far right. But, who knows, he got 74 million votes and even normal Republicans are starting to fall in line with the cult. I know an elderly couple (late 60s) who when the virus began were and still are taking COVID seriously in the sense they mask up and social distance. When the Lt. Governor of Texas basically said old people should be ready to sacrifice themselves in the name of the economy she was in tears. She couldn't put two and two together so Trump for the most part got a pass. Now, she's questioning the COVID numbers and is somewhat convinced that flu numbers are down because people are diagnosing people with the flu as having COVID. They know and I know that we just don't talk about Trump to each other, but I found their ignorance in putting so much faith in internet rumors disturbing. I guess my point is this isn't the left poisoning their well, they are doing it to each other and they are exploiting everything to include raping common sense on a global pandemic.

I'm not so sure the left sitting quiet and taking it is really going to change their minds. That is probably not what you mean but someone whining about safe spaces in a corner of the world has very little impact.

haha....I can't watch you two play a cautious game of grab-ass any longer.
Look, 'this shit is so simple, you "CHANGE" America America Haters have brought all the pressure on yourselves, why it's all a big surprise to you is just plain bizarre.
Conservatives' were and have been plugging away doing business as usual, running this nation the way it's always been ran, doing things the way we've always done it...the American Way....and along came a bunch of weirdos hell-bent on forcing Americans to operate differently, to appease fringe factions, loonies and trespassing foreign criminals. Conservatives, being the nutless cowards they are looked the other way, didn't put up a fight and allowed you whacks to take the wheel and steer our nation down the shitter...well now they're pissed, they're retaliatory and they want their nation back from you Hate America types....that's all, simple shit!
Why not just get yourself legitimate, FUCK that 2% you're fighting for, fight to protect and preserve America and American virtue like we all use to before the faggots, wetbacks, feminazis and chicks with dicks suddenly came out of nowhere.

^What losing looks like.

I have to admit, I've learned a lesson from you guys. I don't want to live in hate. It is OK to disagree and not be disagreeable, we need to get back to that. Look at all the collateral damage you threw out in your post? gays, Mexicans and others from south of our border, woman who want the same rights as everyone else and my latest porn searches, oops, people who don't identify exactly as you insist they must. Get over it.

I've never seen such a bunch of crybabies who feel they are owed something whether they win or lose. So, I've decided I'm going to try and be more positive and thoughtful of others who come into the conversation the same. Doesn't look like that includes you so I look forward to the continued hysterical clown show you guys are good for and will give you back the amount of respect you've earned.
Yeah, you guys led by example on that peace/get along thing over the last four years. Fat chance buddy, you reap what you sow.

We were respected in the world. Well, not when Bush was president but when Obama was our allies liked us. We need allies, I'd like them back please.
Wrong. Our enemies loved Obama. Our allies tolerated the useless POS at best. Obama couldn't find his ass with both hands in the daylight with a flashlight.

I'd ask you to prove that but we both know that's not going to happen.

View attachment 432247
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah and your skewed polls said Hilary won in 2016 too. You haven't gotten over that BS either.

Here we go again. The national polls were accurate, they showed she would win the popular vote by about 2-3% and by golly she did.
and by golly she won less than 500 counties out of 3141. Yup, Yup you just keep believing those polls , moron.

I'm not sure what the number of counties has to do with anything. You brought up Clinton, polls and 2016. I merely pointed out that the national polls were pretty on target. I've never heard of county polls for national office because they would be absolutely meaningless.

Really odd and quite frankly idiotic route to take.
That's why you are spouting so much garbage, you DON'T KNOW. The millions of people in NYC and LA, where Hilarity's 3M vote lead came from, don't elect the president by themselves. The whole country does. That is why we have the electoral college. The mentally challenged have a problem with that. I'm sorry for you.

I like the back pedal.

You: Polls are wrong Hillary lost in 2016
Me: National polls were right they accurately predicted the vote percentages

You: moving goalposts: More counties voted for Trump
Me: So what?

You: NYC and LA don't count
Me: ??
Me: Don't talk about polls being wrong in 2016 and then pretend you were talking about something else when you're proven wrong.
Clean the window in your stomach and maybe you can find your way out of your BS circular arguments, I don't have time for your idiocy.

Russian proverb?

You said the polls in 2016 weren't accurate I demonstrated for what they track they were correct. It's not complicated.

So, now you get to look at this again
View attachment 432325

Look at all those white people that hate Trump.

I love it when you globalist apologists tell us how much you care about what the citizens of other nations think of our president....Not so coincidentally, when you tell us this twisted shit it’s usually in a thread where you’re also telling us how little you think of our own core people.
You don’t find that strange?
Now think once, wouldn’t any POTUS who takes a hardcore Americans first position be hated by the citizens in others nations waiting on their welfare check from the United States taxpayer?
You see, us good real core Americans waited eight long grueling years to install a legit president willing to put Americans first would think that all good, real Americans would want

It's pretty simple. America is strongest with it's allies. 'America First' is America alone and weaker.

Also, POTUS probably cares about you less than I do.
Oh no, the object of their adoration wubs them. Trump is the most selfless human being in the history of historical histories. He only cares about America and Americans. He wishes he could break bread with each and every one of us! They heard it on the radio.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

I'm not so sure college safe spaces and transgendered women using the ladies room is really to blame here. Most Americans haven't had any direct dealings with either, but who are the ones inflating the issues as an assault on America? It's wingnuts with microphones. Do liberals get ultra-pc? Some do, but I see it as more of a stereotype than anything else. But, sure some on the left take it too far.

Also, "the left" just elected a moderate Democrat and are mostly satisfied with the choice. There was no cult of personality, no irrational beliefs in what Biden can and cannot accomplish. 80 million people voted for him, there's a lot of liberals to count among them, to include Bernie Bros. They compromised for the sake of the country and I think as opposed with what we are seeing from the right at this point that's a good thing. The left so to speak is actually kind of moderate in it's radicalism compared to you know who. The right isn't even conservative so much as just a straight up cult willing to meld it's beliefs into whatever Trump wants.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

I agree. Though it's hard to tell as I do believe this board tends to pervert the size of the far right. But, who knows, he got 74 million votes and even normal Republicans are starting to fall in line with the cult. I know an elderly couple (late 60s) who when the virus began were and still are taking COVID seriously in the sense they mask up and social distance. When the Lt. Governor of Texas basically said old people should be ready to sacrifice themselves in the name of the economy she was in tears. She couldn't put two and two together so Trump for the most part got a pass. Now, she's questioning the COVID numbers and is somewhat convinced that flu numbers are down because people are diagnosing people with the flu as having COVID. They know and I know that we just don't talk about Trump to each other, but I found their ignorance in putting so much faith in internet rumors disturbing. I guess my point is this isn't the left poisoning their well, they are doing it to each other and they are exploiting everything to include raping common sense on a global pandemic.

I'm not so sure the left sitting quiet and taking it is really going to change their minds. That is probably not what you mean but someone whining about safe spaces in a corner of the world has very little impact.

haha....I can't watch you two play a cautious game of grab-ass any longer.
Look, 'this shit is so simple, you "CHANGE" America America Haters have brought all the pressure on yourselves, why it's all a big surprise to you is just plain bizarre.
Conservatives' were and have been plugging away doing business as usual, running this nation the way it's always been ran, doing things the way we've always done it...the American Way....and along came a bunch of weirdos hell-bent on forcing Americans to operate differently, to appease fringe factions, loonies and trespassing foreign criminals. Conservatives, being the nutless cowards they are looked the other way, didn't put up a fight and allowed you whacks to take the wheel and steer our nation down the shitter...well now they're pissed, they're retaliatory and they want their nation back from you Hate America types....that's all, simple shit!
Why not just get yourself legitimate, FUCK that 2% you're fighting for, fight to protect and preserve America and American virtue like we all use to before the faggots, wetbacks, feminazis and chicks with dicks suddenly came out of nowhere.

^What losing looks like.

I have to admit, I've learned a lesson from you guys. I don't want to live in hate. It is OK to disagree and not be disagreeable, we need to get back to that. Look at all the collateral damage you threw out in your post? gays, Mexicans and others from south of our border, woman who want the same rights as everyone else and my latest porn searches, oops, people who don't identify exactly as you insist they must. Get over it.

I've never seen such a bunch of crybabies who feel they are owed something whether they win or lose. So, I've decided I'm going to try and be more positive and thoughtful of others who come into the conversation the same. Doesn't look like that includes you so I look forward to the continued hysterical clown show you guys are good for and will give you back the amount of respect you've earned.
Yeah, you guys led by example on that peace/get along thing over the last four years. Fat chance buddy, you reap what you sow.

We were respected in the world. Well, not when Bush was president but when Obama was our allies liked us. We need allies, I'd like them back please.
Wrong. Our enemies loved Obama. Our allies tolerated the useless POS at best. Obama couldn't find his ass with both hands in the daylight with a flashlight.

I'd ask you to prove that but we both know that's not going to happen.

View attachment 432247
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah and your skewed polls said Hilary won in 2016 too. You haven't gotten over that BS either.

Here we go again. The national polls were accurate, they showed she would win the popular vote by about 2-3% and by golly she did.

Did the national pols make any other predictions? States won? Electoral college numbers? Chances of winning? Please post if you find any.
You wont because you enjoy lying to yourself.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

I'm not so sure college safe spaces and transgendered women using the ladies room is really to blame here. Most Americans haven't had any direct dealings with either, but who are the ones inflating the issues as an assault on America? It's wingnuts with microphones. Do liberals get ultra-pc? Some do, but I see it as more of a stereotype than anything else. But, sure some on the left take it too far.

Also, "the left" just elected a moderate Democrat and are mostly satisfied with the choice. There was no cult of personality, no irrational beliefs in what Biden can and cannot accomplish. 80 million people voted for him, there's a lot of liberals to count among them, to include Bernie Bros. They compromised for the sake of the country and I think as opposed with what we are seeing from the right at this point that's a good thing. The left so to speak is actually kind of moderate in it's radicalism compared to you know who. The right isn't even conservative so much as just a straight up cult willing to meld it's beliefs into whatever Trump wants.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

I agree. Though it's hard to tell as I do believe this board tends to pervert the size of the far right. But, who knows, he got 74 million votes and even normal Republicans are starting to fall in line with the cult. I know an elderly couple (late 60s) who when the virus began were and still are taking COVID seriously in the sense they mask up and social distance. When the Lt. Governor of Texas basically said old people should be ready to sacrifice themselves in the name of the economy she was in tears. She couldn't put two and two together so Trump for the most part got a pass. Now, she's questioning the COVID numbers and is somewhat convinced that flu numbers are down because people are diagnosing people with the flu as having COVID. They know and I know that we just don't talk about Trump to each other, but I found their ignorance in putting so much faith in internet rumors disturbing. I guess my point is this isn't the left poisoning their well, they are doing it to each other and they are exploiting everything to include raping common sense on a global pandemic.

I'm not so sure the left sitting quiet and taking it is really going to change their minds. That is probably not what you mean but someone whining about safe spaces in a corner of the world has very little impact.

haha....I can't watch you two play a cautious game of grab-ass any longer.
Look, 'this shit is so simple, you "CHANGE" America America Haters have brought all the pressure on yourselves, why it's all a big surprise to you is just plain bizarre.
Conservatives' were and have been plugging away doing business as usual, running this nation the way it's always been ran, doing things the way we've always done it...the American Way....and along came a bunch of weirdos hell-bent on forcing Americans to operate differently, to appease fringe factions, loonies and trespassing foreign criminals. Conservatives, being the nutless cowards they are looked the other way, didn't put up a fight and allowed you whacks to take the wheel and steer our nation down the shitter...well now they're pissed, they're retaliatory and they want their nation back from you Hate America types....that's all, simple shit!
Why not just get yourself legitimate, FUCK that 2% you're fighting for, fight to protect and preserve America and American virtue like we all use to before the faggots, wetbacks, feminazis and chicks with dicks suddenly came out of nowhere.

^What losing looks like.

I have to admit, I've learned a lesson from you guys. I don't want to live in hate. It is OK to disagree and not be disagreeable, we need to get back to that. Look at all the collateral damage you threw out in your post? gays, Mexicans and others from south of our border, woman who want the same rights as everyone else and my latest porn searches, oops, people who don't identify exactly as you insist they must. Get over it.

I've never seen such a bunch of crybabies who feel they are owed something whether they win or lose. So, I've decided I'm going to try and be more positive and thoughtful of others who come into the conversation the same. Doesn't look like that includes you so I look forward to the continued hysterical clown show you guys are good for and will give you back the amount of respect you've earned.
Yeah, you guys led by example on that peace/get along thing over the last four years. Fat chance buddy, you reap what you sow.

We were respected in the world. Well, not when Bush was president but when Obama was our allies liked us. We need allies, I'd like them back please.
Wrong. Our enemies loved Obama. Our allies tolerated the useless POS at best. Obama couldn't find his ass with both hands in the daylight with a flashlight.

I'd ask you to prove that but we both know that's not going to happen.

View attachment 432247
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah and your skewed polls said Hilary won in 2016 too. You haven't gotten over that BS either.

Here we go again. The national polls were accurate, they showed she would win the popular vote by about 2-3% and by golly she did.
and by golly she won less than 500 counties out of 3141. Yup, Yup you just keep believing those polls , moron.

I'm not sure what the number of counties has to do with anything. You brought up Clinton, polls and 2016. I merely pointed out that the national polls were pretty on target. I've never heard of county polls for national office because they would be absolutely meaningless.

Really odd and quite frankly idiotic route to take.
That's why you are spouting so much garbage, you DON'T KNOW. The millions of people in NYC and LA, where Hilarity's 3M vote lead came from, don't elect the president by themselves. The whole country does. That is why we have the electoral college. The mentally challenged have a problem with that. I'm sorry for you.

I like the back pedal.

You: Polls are wrong Hillary lost in 2016
Me: National polls were right they accurately predicted the vote percentages

You: moving goalposts: More counties voted for Trump
Me: So what?

You: NYC and LA don't count
Me: ??
Me: Don't talk about polls being wrong in 2016 and then pretend you were talking about something else when you're proven wrong.
Clean the window in your stomach and maybe you can find your way out of your BS circular arguments, I don't have time for your idiocy.

Russian proverb?

You said the polls in 2016 weren't accurate I demonstrated for what they track they were correct. It's not complicated.

So, now you get to look at this again
View attachment 432325

Look at all those white people that hate Trump.

I love it when you globalist apologists tell us how much you care about what the citizens of other nations think of our president....Not so coincidentally, when you tell us this twisted shit it’s usually in a thread where you’re also telling us how little you think of our own core people.
You don’t find that strange?
Now think once, wouldn’t any POTUS who takes a hardcore Americans first position be hated by the citizens in others nations waiting on their welfare check from the United States taxpayer?
You see, us good real core Americans waited eight long grueling years to install a legit president willing to put Americans first would think that all good, real Americans would want

It's pretty simple. America is strongest with it's allies. 'America First' is America alone and weaker.

Also, POTUS probably cares about you less than I do.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

I'm not so sure college safe spaces and transgendered women using the ladies room is really to blame here. Most Americans haven't had any direct dealings with either, but who are the ones inflating the issues as an assault on America? It's wingnuts with microphones. Do liberals get ultra-pc? Some do, but I see it as more of a stereotype than anything else. But, sure some on the left take it too far.

Also, "the left" just elected a moderate Democrat and are mostly satisfied with the choice. There was no cult of personality, no irrational beliefs in what Biden can and cannot accomplish. 80 million people voted for him, there's a lot of liberals to count among them, to include Bernie Bros. They compromised for the sake of the country and I think as opposed with what we are seeing from the right at this point that's a good thing. The left so to speak is actually kind of moderate in it's radicalism compared to you know who. The right isn't even conservative so much as just a straight up cult willing to meld it's beliefs into whatever Trump wants.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

I agree. Though it's hard to tell as I do believe this board tends to pervert the size of the far right. But, who knows, he got 74 million votes and even normal Republicans are starting to fall in line with the cult. I know an elderly couple (late 60s) who when the virus began were and still are taking COVID seriously in the sense they mask up and social distance. When the Lt. Governor of Texas basically said old people should be ready to sacrifice themselves in the name of the economy she was in tears. She couldn't put two and two together so Trump for the most part got a pass. Now, she's questioning the COVID numbers and is somewhat convinced that flu numbers are down because people are diagnosing people with the flu as having COVID. They know and I know that we just don't talk about Trump to each other, but I found their ignorance in putting so much faith in internet rumors disturbing. I guess my point is this isn't the left poisoning their well, they are doing it to each other and they are exploiting everything to include raping common sense on a global pandemic.

I'm not so sure the left sitting quiet and taking it is really going to change their minds. That is probably not what you mean but someone whining about safe spaces in a corner of the world has very little impact.

haha....I can't watch you two play a cautious game of grab-ass any longer.
Look, 'this shit is so simple, you "CHANGE" America America Haters have brought all the pressure on yourselves, why it's all a big surprise to you is just plain bizarre.
Conservatives' were and have been plugging away doing business as usual, running this nation the way it's always been ran, doing things the way we've always done it...the American Way....and along came a bunch of weirdos hell-bent on forcing Americans to operate differently, to appease fringe factions, loonies and trespassing foreign criminals. Conservatives, being the nutless cowards they are looked the other way, didn't put up a fight and allowed you whacks to take the wheel and steer our nation down the shitter...well now they're pissed, they're retaliatory and they want their nation back from you Hate America types....that's all, simple shit!
Why not just get yourself legitimate, FUCK that 2% you're fighting for, fight to protect and preserve America and American virtue like we all use to before the faggots, wetbacks, feminazis and chicks with dicks suddenly came out of nowhere.

^What losing looks like.

I have to admit, I've learned a lesson from you guys. I don't want to live in hate. It is OK to disagree and not be disagreeable, we need to get back to that. Look at all the collateral damage you threw out in your post? gays, Mexicans and others from south of our border, woman who want the same rights as everyone else and my latest porn searches, oops, people who don't identify exactly as you insist they must. Get over it.

I've never seen such a bunch of crybabies who feel they are owed something whether they win or lose. So, I've decided I'm going to try and be more positive and thoughtful of others who come into the conversation the same. Doesn't look like that includes you so I look forward to the continued hysterical clown show you guys are good for and will give you back the amount of respect you've earned.
Yeah, you guys led by example on that peace/get along thing over the last four years. Fat chance buddy, you reap what you sow.

We were respected in the world. Well, not when Bush was president but when Obama was our allies liked us. We need allies, I'd like them back please.
Wrong. Our enemies loved Obama. Our allies tolerated the useless POS at best. Obama couldn't find his ass with both hands in the daylight with a flashlight.

I'd ask you to prove that but we both know that's not going to happen.

View attachment 432247
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah and your skewed polls said Hilary won in 2016 too. You haven't gotten over that BS either.

Here we go again. The national polls were accurate, they showed she would win the popular vote by about 2-3% and by golly she did.
and by golly she won less than 500 counties out of 3141. Yup, Yup you just keep believing those polls , moron.

I'm not sure what the number of counties has to do with anything. You brought up Clinton, polls and 2016. I merely pointed out that the national polls were pretty on target. I've never heard of county polls for national office because they would be absolutely meaningless.

Really odd and quite frankly idiotic route to take.
That's why you are spouting so much garbage, you DON'T KNOW. The millions of people in NYC and LA, where Hilarity's 3M vote lead came from, don't elect the president by themselves. The whole country does. That is why we have the electoral college. The mentally challenged have a problem with that. I'm sorry for you.

I like the back pedal.

You: Polls are wrong Hillary lost in 2016
Me: National polls were right they accurately predicted the vote percentages

You: moving goalposts: More counties voted for Trump
Me: So what?

You: NYC and LA don't count
Me: ??
Me: Don't talk about polls being wrong in 2016 and then pretend you were talking about something else when you're proven wrong.
Clean the window in your stomach and maybe you can find your way out of your BS circular arguments, I don't have time for your idiocy.

Russian proverb?

You said the polls in 2016 weren't accurate I demonstrated for what they track they were correct. It's not complicated.

So, now you get to look at this again
View attachment 432325

Look at all those white people that hate Trump.

I love it when you globalist apologists tell us how much you care about what the citizens of other nations think of our president....Not so coincidentally, when you tell us this twisted shit it’s usually in a thread where you’re also telling us how little you think of our own core people.
You don’t find that strange?
Now think once, wouldn’t any POTUS who takes a hardcore Americans first position be hated by the citizens in others nations waiting on their welfare check from the United States taxpayer?
You see, us good real core Americans waited eight long grueling years to install a legit president willing to put Americans first would think that all good, real Americans would want

It's pretty simple. America is strongest with it's allies. 'America First' is America alone and weaker.

Also, POTUS probably cares about you less than I do.
Oh no, the object of their adoration wubs them. Trump is the most selfless human being in the history of historical histories. He only cares about America and Americans. He wishes he could break bread with each and every one of us! They heard it on the radio.
Nobody sane needs a POTUS to ”care” about them personally...we need them to implement policies that yield results that prove they care about know, like shutting down our border and stopping filthy thirdworlders from robbing American taxpayers, from destroying our communities, cities and states, from ruining our healthcare and education systems.
Basically, we need a POTUS who does the things the Kenyan and his almost dead sidekick didn’t and won’t do.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

I'm not so sure college safe spaces and transgendered women using the ladies room is really to blame here. Most Americans haven't had any direct dealings with either, but who are the ones inflating the issues as an assault on America? It's wingnuts with microphones. Do liberals get ultra-pc? Some do, but I see it as more of a stereotype than anything else. But, sure some on the left take it too far.

Also, "the left" just elected a moderate Democrat and are mostly satisfied with the choice. There was no cult of personality, no irrational beliefs in what Biden can and cannot accomplish. 80 million people voted for him, there's a lot of liberals to count among them, to include Bernie Bros. They compromised for the sake of the country and I think as opposed with what we are seeing from the right at this point that's a good thing. The left so to speak is actually kind of moderate in it's radicalism compared to you know who. The right isn't even conservative so much as just a straight up cult willing to meld it's beliefs into whatever Trump wants.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

I agree. Though it's hard to tell as I do believe this board tends to pervert the size of the far right. But, who knows, he got 74 million votes and even normal Republicans are starting to fall in line with the cult. I know an elderly couple (late 60s) who when the virus began were and still are taking COVID seriously in the sense they mask up and social distance. When the Lt. Governor of Texas basically said old people should be ready to sacrifice themselves in the name of the economy she was in tears. She couldn't put two and two together so Trump for the most part got a pass. Now, she's questioning the COVID numbers and is somewhat convinced that flu numbers are down because people are diagnosing people with the flu as having COVID. They know and I know that we just don't talk about Trump to each other, but I found their ignorance in putting so much faith in internet rumors disturbing. I guess my point is this isn't the left poisoning their well, they are doing it to each other and they are exploiting everything to include raping common sense on a global pandemic.

I'm not so sure the left sitting quiet and taking it is really going to change their minds. That is probably not what you mean but someone whining about safe spaces in a corner of the world has very little impact.

haha....I can't watch you two play a cautious game of grab-ass any longer.
Look, 'this shit is so simple, you "CHANGE" America America Haters have brought all the pressure on yourselves, why it's all a big surprise to you is just plain bizarre.
Conservatives' were and have been plugging away doing business as usual, running this nation the way it's always been ran, doing things the way we've always done it...the American Way....and along came a bunch of weirdos hell-bent on forcing Americans to operate differently, to appease fringe factions, loonies and trespassing foreign criminals. Conservatives, being the nutless cowards they are looked the other way, didn't put up a fight and allowed you whacks to take the wheel and steer our nation down the shitter...well now they're pissed, they're retaliatory and they want their nation back from you Hate America types....that's all, simple shit!
Why not just get yourself legitimate, FUCK that 2% you're fighting for, fight to protect and preserve America and American virtue like we all use to before the faggots, wetbacks, feminazis and chicks with dicks suddenly came out of nowhere.

^What losing looks like.

I have to admit, I've learned a lesson from you guys. I don't want to live in hate. It is OK to disagree and not be disagreeable, we need to get back to that. Look at all the collateral damage you threw out in your post? gays, Mexicans and others from south of our border, woman who want the same rights as everyone else and my latest porn searches, oops, people who don't identify exactly as you insist they must. Get over it.

I've never seen such a bunch of crybabies who feel they are owed something whether they win or lose. So, I've decided I'm going to try and be more positive and thoughtful of others who come into the conversation the same. Doesn't look like that includes you so I look forward to the continued hysterical clown show you guys are good for.
... and the freedom they have to spray that hate and misery and paranoia and rage, was helpful in leading you to that conclusion. If we know what people like this think, we know how much work still needs to be done.

That's part of the value of freedom of expression.

It's awfully odd that you wouldn't "HATE" an emerging group of abnormals hell-bent on forcing you to believe that doing it their way is better than the American Way.
Well, I don't hate anyone.

The world is changing. Whether you like or not, America is part of the world.
That’s right, the U.S. is changing and certainly not to the benefit of the core people, the productive people, the right people...therein lies your problem, that’s where the extreme opposition and retaliation stems from.
The very people who were graciously allowing you fucked in the head whackos to sell them on faggotry, on how awesome it was to allow a few illegal wetbacks in to “make a better life for their family” are so fucking done with you...You Loons took advantage of their kindness and now they won’t give you one more’re fucked, you got greedy and now you’re done and hated by anybody decent.

You know, Core People

The Core People live in the centre of the Earth on Earth-5391 a reality where the Earth is apparently hollow and contains a smaller micro "universe" inside where the Core People reside. They apparently lived below the surface of the Earth for centuries undiscovered until the year 2075.

They live in an alternate reality apparently. I can see that.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

I'm not so sure college safe spaces and transgendered women using the ladies room is really to blame here. Most Americans haven't had any direct dealings with either, but who are the ones inflating the issues as an assault on America? It's wingnuts with microphones. Do liberals get ultra-pc? Some do, but I see it as more of a stereotype than anything else. But, sure some on the left take it too far.

Also, "the left" just elected a moderate Democrat and are mostly satisfied with the choice. There was no cult of personality, no irrational beliefs in what Biden can and cannot accomplish. 80 million people voted for him, there's a lot of liberals to count among them, to include Bernie Bros. They compromised for the sake of the country and I think as opposed with what we are seeing from the right at this point that's a good thing. The left so to speak is actually kind of moderate in it's radicalism compared to you know who. The right isn't even conservative so much as just a straight up cult willing to meld it's beliefs into whatever Trump wants.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

I agree. Though it's hard to tell as I do believe this board tends to pervert the size of the far right. But, who knows, he got 74 million votes and even normal Republicans are starting to fall in line with the cult. I know an elderly couple (late 60s) who when the virus began were and still are taking COVID seriously in the sense they mask up and social distance. When the Lt. Governor of Texas basically said old people should be ready to sacrifice themselves in the name of the economy she was in tears. She couldn't put two and two together so Trump for the most part got a pass. Now, she's questioning the COVID numbers and is somewhat convinced that flu numbers are down because people are diagnosing people with the flu as having COVID. They know and I know that we just don't talk about Trump to each other, but I found their ignorance in putting so much faith in internet rumors disturbing. I guess my point is this isn't the left poisoning their well, they are doing it to each other and they are exploiting everything to include raping common sense on a global pandemic.

I'm not so sure the left sitting quiet and taking it is really going to change their minds. That is probably not what you mean but someone whining about safe spaces in a corner of the world has very little impact.

haha....I can't watch you two play a cautious game of grab-ass any longer.
Look, 'this shit is so simple, you "CHANGE" America America Haters have brought all the pressure on yourselves, why it's all a big surprise to you is just plain bizarre.
Conservatives' were and have been plugging away doing business as usual, running this nation the way it's always been ran, doing things the way we've always done it...the American Way....and along came a bunch of weirdos hell-bent on forcing Americans to operate differently, to appease fringe factions, loonies and trespassing foreign criminals. Conservatives, being the nutless cowards they are looked the other way, didn't put up a fight and allowed you whacks to take the wheel and steer our nation down the shitter...well now they're pissed, they're retaliatory and they want their nation back from you Hate America types....that's all, simple shit!
Why not just get yourself legitimate, FUCK that 2% you're fighting for, fight to protect and preserve America and American virtue like we all use to before the faggots, wetbacks, feminazis and chicks with dicks suddenly came out of nowhere.

^What losing looks like.

I have to admit, I've learned a lesson from you guys. I don't want to live in hate. It is OK to disagree and not be disagreeable, we need to get back to that. Look at all the collateral damage you threw out in your post? gays, Mexicans and others from south of our border, woman who want the same rights as everyone else and my latest porn searches, oops, people who don't identify exactly as you insist they must. Get over it.

I've never seen such a bunch of crybabies who feel they are owed something whether they win or lose. So, I've decided I'm going to try and be more positive and thoughtful of others who come into the conversation the same. Doesn't look like that includes you so I look forward to the continued hysterical clown show you guys are good for and will give you back the amount of respect you've earned.
Yeah, you guys led by example on that peace/get along thing over the last four years. Fat chance buddy, you reap what you sow.

We were respected in the world. Well, not when Bush was president but when Obama was our allies liked us. We need allies, I'd like them back please.
Wrong. Our enemies loved Obama. Our allies tolerated the useless POS at best. Obama couldn't find his ass with both hands in the daylight with a flashlight.

I'd ask you to prove that but we both know that's not going to happen.

View attachment 432247
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah and your skewed polls said Hilary won in 2016 too. You haven't gotten over that BS either.

Here we go again. The national polls were accurate, they showed she would win the popular vote by about 2-3% and by golly she did.

Did the national pols make any other predictions? States won? Electoral college numbers? Chances of winning? Please post if you find any.
You wont because you enjoy lying to yourself.

Obviously you don't know what a national poll measures.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

I'm not so sure college safe spaces and transgendered women using the ladies room is really to blame here. Most Americans haven't had any direct dealings with either, but who are the ones inflating the issues as an assault on America? It's wingnuts with microphones. Do liberals get ultra-pc? Some do, but I see it as more of a stereotype than anything else. But, sure some on the left take it too far.

Also, "the left" just elected a moderate Democrat and are mostly satisfied with the choice. There was no cult of personality, no irrational beliefs in what Biden can and cannot accomplish. 80 million people voted for him, there's a lot of liberals to count among them, to include Bernie Bros. They compromised for the sake of the country and I think as opposed with what we are seeing from the right at this point that's a good thing. The left so to speak is actually kind of moderate in it's radicalism compared to you know who. The right isn't even conservative so much as just a straight up cult willing to meld it's beliefs into whatever Trump wants.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

I agree. Though it's hard to tell as I do believe this board tends to pervert the size of the far right. But, who knows, he got 74 million votes and even normal Republicans are starting to fall in line with the cult. I know an elderly couple (late 60s) who when the virus began were and still are taking COVID seriously in the sense they mask up and social distance. When the Lt. Governor of Texas basically said old people should be ready to sacrifice themselves in the name of the economy she was in tears. She couldn't put two and two together so Trump for the most part got a pass. Now, she's questioning the COVID numbers and is somewhat convinced that flu numbers are down because people are diagnosing people with the flu as having COVID. They know and I know that we just don't talk about Trump to each other, but I found their ignorance in putting so much faith in internet rumors disturbing. I guess my point is this isn't the left poisoning their well, they are doing it to each other and they are exploiting everything to include raping common sense on a global pandemic.

I'm not so sure the left sitting quiet and taking it is really going to change their minds. That is probably not what you mean but someone whining about safe spaces in a corner of the world has very little impact.

haha....I can't watch you two play a cautious game of grab-ass any longer.
Look, 'this shit is so simple, you "CHANGE" America America Haters have brought all the pressure on yourselves, why it's all a big surprise to you is just plain bizarre.
Conservatives' were and have been plugging away doing business as usual, running this nation the way it's always been ran, doing things the way we've always done it...the American Way....and along came a bunch of weirdos hell-bent on forcing Americans to operate differently, to appease fringe factions, loonies and trespassing foreign criminals. Conservatives, being the nutless cowards they are looked the other way, didn't put up a fight and allowed you whacks to take the wheel and steer our nation down the shitter...well now they're pissed, they're retaliatory and they want their nation back from you Hate America types....that's all, simple shit!
Why not just get yourself legitimate, FUCK that 2% you're fighting for, fight to protect and preserve America and American virtue like we all use to before the faggots, wetbacks, feminazis and chicks with dicks suddenly came out of nowhere.

^What losing looks like.

I have to admit, I've learned a lesson from you guys. I don't want to live in hate. It is OK to disagree and not be disagreeable, we need to get back to that. Look at all the collateral damage you threw out in your post? gays, Mexicans and others from south of our border, woman who want the same rights as everyone else and my latest porn searches, oops, people who don't identify exactly as you insist they must. Get over it.

I've never seen such a bunch of crybabies who feel they are owed something whether they win or lose. So, I've decided I'm going to try and be more positive and thoughtful of others who come into the conversation the same. Doesn't look like that includes you so I look forward to the continued hysterical clown show you guys are good for and will give you back the amount of respect you've earned.
Yeah, you guys led by example on that peace/get along thing over the last four years. Fat chance buddy, you reap what you sow.

We were respected in the world. Well, not when Bush was president but when Obama was our allies liked us. We need allies, I'd like them back please.
Wrong. Our enemies loved Obama. Our allies tolerated the useless POS at best. Obama couldn't find his ass with both hands in the daylight with a flashlight.

I'd ask you to prove that but we both know that's not going to happen.

View attachment 432247
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah and your skewed polls said Hilary won in 2016 too. You haven't gotten over that BS either.

Here we go again. The national polls were accurate, they showed she would win the popular vote by about 2-3% and by golly she did.
and by golly she won less than 500 counties out of 3141. Yup, Yup you just keep believing those polls , moron.

I'm not sure what the number of counties has to do with anything. You brought up Clinton, polls and 2016. I merely pointed out that the national polls were pretty on target. I've never heard of county polls for national office because they would be absolutely meaningless.

Really odd and quite frankly idiotic route to take.
That's why you are spouting so much garbage, you DON'T KNOW. The millions of people in NYC and LA, where Hilarity's 3M vote lead came from, don't elect the president by themselves. The whole country does. That is why we have the electoral college. The mentally challenged have a problem with that. I'm sorry for you.

I like the back pedal.

You: Polls are wrong Hillary lost in 2016
Me: National polls were right they accurately predicted the vote percentages

You: moving goalposts: More counties voted for Trump
Me: So what?

You: NYC and LA don't count
Me: ??
Me: Don't talk about polls being wrong in 2016 and then pretend you were talking about something else when you're proven wrong.
Clean the window in your stomach and maybe you can find your way out of your BS circular arguments, I don't have time for your idiocy.

Russian proverb?

You said the polls in 2016 weren't accurate I demonstrated for what they track they were correct. It's not complicated.

So, now you get to look at this again
View attachment 432325

Look at all those white people that hate Trump.

I love it when you globalist apologists tell us how much you care about what the citizens of other nations think of our president....Not so coincidentally, when you tell us this twisted shit it’s usually in a thread where you’re also telling us how little you think of our own core people.
You don’t find that strange?
Now think once, wouldn’t any POTUS who takes a hardcore Americans first position be hated by the citizens in others nations waiting on their welfare check from the United States taxpayer?
You see, us good real core Americans waited eight long grueling years to install a legit president willing to put Americans first would think that all good, real Americans would want

It's pretty simple. America is strongest with it's allies. 'America First' is America alone and weaker.

Also, POTUS probably cares about you less than I do.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

I'm not so sure college safe spaces and transgendered women using the ladies room is really to blame here. Most Americans haven't had any direct dealings with either, but who are the ones inflating the issues as an assault on America? It's wingnuts with microphones. Do liberals get ultra-pc? Some do, but I see it as more of a stereotype than anything else. But, sure some on the left take it too far.

Also, "the left" just elected a moderate Democrat and are mostly satisfied with the choice. There was no cult of personality, no irrational beliefs in what Biden can and cannot accomplish. 80 million people voted for him, there's a lot of liberals to count among them, to include Bernie Bros. They compromised for the sake of the country and I think as opposed with what we are seeing from the right at this point that's a good thing. The left so to speak is actually kind of moderate in it's radicalism compared to you know who. The right isn't even conservative so much as just a straight up cult willing to meld it's beliefs into whatever Trump wants.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

I agree. Though it's hard to tell as I do believe this board tends to pervert the size of the far right. But, who knows, he got 74 million votes and even normal Republicans are starting to fall in line with the cult. I know an elderly couple (late 60s) who when the virus began were and still are taking COVID seriously in the sense they mask up and social distance. When the Lt. Governor of Texas basically said old people should be ready to sacrifice themselves in the name of the economy she was in tears. She couldn't put two and two together so Trump for the most part got a pass. Now, she's questioning the COVID numbers and is somewhat convinced that flu numbers are down because people are diagnosing people with the flu as having COVID. They know and I know that we just don't talk about Trump to each other, but I found their ignorance in putting so much faith in internet rumors disturbing. I guess my point is this isn't the left poisoning their well, they are doing it to each other and they are exploiting everything to include raping common sense on a global pandemic.

I'm not so sure the left sitting quiet and taking it is really going to change their minds. That is probably not what you mean but someone whining about safe spaces in a corner of the world has very little impact.

haha....I can't watch you two play a cautious game of grab-ass any longer.
Look, 'this shit is so simple, you "CHANGE" America America Haters have brought all the pressure on yourselves, why it's all a big surprise to you is just plain bizarre.
Conservatives' were and have been plugging away doing business as usual, running this nation the way it's always been ran, doing things the way we've always done it...the American Way....and along came a bunch of weirdos hell-bent on forcing Americans to operate differently, to appease fringe factions, loonies and trespassing foreign criminals. Conservatives, being the nutless cowards they are looked the other way, didn't put up a fight and allowed you whacks to take the wheel and steer our nation down the shitter...well now they're pissed, they're retaliatory and they want their nation back from you Hate America types....that's all, simple shit!
Why not just get yourself legitimate, FUCK that 2% you're fighting for, fight to protect and preserve America and American virtue like we all use to before the faggots, wetbacks, feminazis and chicks with dicks suddenly came out of nowhere.

^What losing looks like.

I have to admit, I've learned a lesson from you guys. I don't want to live in hate. It is OK to disagree and not be disagreeable, we need to get back to that. Look at all the collateral damage you threw out in your post? gays, Mexicans and others from south of our border, woman who want the same rights as everyone else and my latest porn searches, oops, people who don't identify exactly as you insist they must. Get over it.

I've never seen such a bunch of crybabies who feel they are owed something whether they win or lose. So, I've decided I'm going to try and be more positive and thoughtful of others who come into the conversation the same. Doesn't look like that includes you so I look forward to the continued hysterical clown show you guys are good for and will give you back the amount of respect you've earned.
Yeah, you guys led by example on that peace/get along thing over the last four years. Fat chance buddy, you reap what you sow.

We were respected in the world. Well, not when Bush was president but when Obama was our allies liked us. We need allies, I'd like them back please.
Wrong. Our enemies loved Obama. Our allies tolerated the useless POS at best. Obama couldn't find his ass with both hands in the daylight with a flashlight.

I'd ask you to prove that but we both know that's not going to happen.

View attachment 432247
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah and your skewed polls said Hilary won in 2016 too. You haven't gotten over that BS either.

Here we go again. The national polls were accurate, they showed she would win the popular vote by about 2-3% and by golly she did.
and by golly she won less than 500 counties out of 3141. Yup, Yup you just keep believing those polls , moron.

I'm not sure what the number of counties has to do with anything. You brought up Clinton, polls and 2016. I merely pointed out that the national polls were pretty on target. I've never heard of county polls for national office because they would be absolutely meaningless.

Really odd and quite frankly idiotic route to take.
That's why you are spouting so much garbage, you DON'T KNOW. The millions of people in NYC and LA, where Hilarity's 3M vote lead came from, don't elect the president by themselves. The whole country does. That is why we have the electoral college. The mentally challenged have a problem with that. I'm sorry for you.

I like the back pedal.

You: Polls are wrong Hillary lost in 2016
Me: National polls were right they accurately predicted the vote percentages

You: moving goalposts: More counties voted for Trump
Me: So what?

You: NYC and LA don't count
Me: ??
Me: Don't talk about polls being wrong in 2016 and then pretend you were talking about something else when you're proven wrong.
Clean the window in your stomach and maybe you can find your way out of your BS circular arguments, I don't have time for your idiocy.

Russian proverb?

You said the polls in 2016 weren't accurate I demonstrated for what they track they were correct. It's not complicated.

So, now you get to look at this again
View attachment 432325

Look at all those white people that hate Trump.

I love it when you globalist apologists tell us how much you care about what the citizens of other nations think of our president....Not so coincidentally, when you tell us this twisted shit it’s usually in a thread where you’re also telling us how little you think of our own core people.
You don’t find that strange?
Now think once, wouldn’t any POTUS who takes a hardcore Americans first position be hated by the citizens in others nations waiting on their welfare check from the United States taxpayer?
You see, us good real core Americans waited eight long grueling years to install a legit president willing to put Americans first would think that all good, real Americans would want

It's pretty simple. America is strongest with it's allies. 'America First' is America alone and weaker.

Also, POTUS probably cares about you less than I do.
Oh no, the object of their adoration wubs them. Trump is the most selfless human being in the history of historical histories. He only cares about America and Americans. He wishes he could break bread with each and every one of us! They heard it on the radio.
Nobody sane needs a POTUS to ”care” about them personally...we need them to implement policies that yield results that prove they care about know, like shutting down our border and stopping filthy thirdworlders from robbing American taxpayers, from destroying our communities, cities and states, from ruining our healthcare and education systems.
Basically, we need a POTUS who does the things the Kenyan and his almost dead sidekick didn’t and won’t do.

Trump tried to save us from healthcare, that's for sure.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

I'm not so sure college safe spaces and transgendered women using the ladies room is really to blame here. Most Americans haven't had any direct dealings with either, but who are the ones inflating the issues as an assault on America? It's wingnuts with microphones. Do liberals get ultra-pc? Some do, but I see it as more of a stereotype than anything else. But, sure some on the left take it too far.

Also, "the left" just elected a moderate Democrat and are mostly satisfied with the choice. There was no cult of personality, no irrational beliefs in what Biden can and cannot accomplish. 80 million people voted for him, there's a lot of liberals to count among them, to include Bernie Bros. They compromised for the sake of the country and I think as opposed with what we are seeing from the right at this point that's a good thing. The left so to speak is actually kind of moderate in it's radicalism compared to you know who. The right isn't even conservative so much as just a straight up cult willing to meld it's beliefs into whatever Trump wants.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

I agree. Though it's hard to tell as I do believe this board tends to pervert the size of the far right. But, who knows, he got 74 million votes and even normal Republicans are starting to fall in line with the cult. I know an elderly couple (late 60s) who when the virus began were and still are taking COVID seriously in the sense they mask up and social distance. When the Lt. Governor of Texas basically said old people should be ready to sacrifice themselves in the name of the economy she was in tears. She couldn't put two and two together so Trump for the most part got a pass. Now, she's questioning the COVID numbers and is somewhat convinced that flu numbers are down because people are diagnosing people with the flu as having COVID. They know and I know that we just don't talk about Trump to each other, but I found their ignorance in putting so much faith in internet rumors disturbing. I guess my point is this isn't the left poisoning their well, they are doing it to each other and they are exploiting everything to include raping common sense on a global pandemic.

I'm not so sure the left sitting quiet and taking it is really going to change their minds. That is probably not what you mean but someone whining about safe spaces in a corner of the world has very little impact.

haha....I can't watch you two play a cautious game of grab-ass any longer.
Look, 'this shit is so simple, you "CHANGE" America America Haters have brought all the pressure on yourselves, why it's all a big surprise to you is just plain bizarre.
Conservatives' were and have been plugging away doing business as usual, running this nation the way it's always been ran, doing things the way we've always done it...the American Way....and along came a bunch of weirdos hell-bent on forcing Americans to operate differently, to appease fringe factions, loonies and trespassing foreign criminals. Conservatives, being the nutless cowards they are looked the other way, didn't put up a fight and allowed you whacks to take the wheel and steer our nation down the shitter...well now they're pissed, they're retaliatory and they want their nation back from you Hate America types....that's all, simple shit!
Why not just get yourself legitimate, FUCK that 2% you're fighting for, fight to protect and preserve America and American virtue like we all use to before the faggots, wetbacks, feminazis and chicks with dicks suddenly came out of nowhere.

^What losing looks like.

I have to admit, I've learned a lesson from you guys. I don't want to live in hate. It is OK to disagree and not be disagreeable, we need to get back to that. Look at all the collateral damage you threw out in your post? gays, Mexicans and others from south of our border, woman who want the same rights as everyone else and my latest porn searches, oops, people who don't identify exactly as you insist they must. Get over it.

I've never seen such a bunch of crybabies who feel they are owed something whether they win or lose. So, I've decided I'm going to try and be more positive and thoughtful of others who come into the conversation the same. Doesn't look like that includes you so I look forward to the continued hysterical clown show you guys are good for.
... and the freedom they have to spray that hate and misery and paranoia and rage, was helpful in leading you to that conclusion. If we know what people like this think, we know how much work still needs to be done.

That's part of the value of freedom of expression.

It's awfully odd that you wouldn't "HATE" an emerging group of abnormals hell-bent on forcing you to believe that doing it their way is better than the American Way.
Well, I don't hate anyone.

The world is changing. Whether you like or not, America is part of the world.
That’s right, the U.S. is changing and certainly not to the benefit of the core people, the productive people, the right people...therein lies your problem, that’s where the extreme opposition and retaliation stems from.
The very people who were graciously allowing you fucked in the head whackos to sell them on faggotry, on how awesome it was to allow a few illegal wetbacks in to “make a better life for their family” are so fucking done with you...You Loons took advantage of their kindness and now they won’t give you one more’re fucked, you got greedy and now you’re done and hated by anybody decent.

You know, Core People
View attachment 432582
The Core People live in the centre of the Earth on Earth-5391 a reality where the Earth is apparently hollow and contains a smaller micro "universe" inside where the Core People reside. They apparently lived below the surface of the Earth for centuries undiscovered until the year 2075.

They live in an alternate reality apparently. I can see that.
hahaha...I love it when you Abnormals pretend to be confused by what makes people CORE Americans.
I'll play along....Core Americans live and practice CORE American principles and values.....they love their country, it's history, it's culture, it's traditions...they speak the english language clearly and fluently, most share a last name with a soldier who served our nation in WW2, they're unapologetically prideful, they’re nationalistic, law abiding and productive...They tend to be heterosexual, they love God, they exhaust all effort in family and in teaching Americas family values to their children....I could go on and on..Are you starting to get still confused?
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

I'm not so sure college safe spaces and transgendered women using the ladies room is really to blame here. Most Americans haven't had any direct dealings with either, but who are the ones inflating the issues as an assault on America? It's wingnuts with microphones. Do liberals get ultra-pc? Some do, but I see it as more of a stereotype than anything else. But, sure some on the left take it too far.

Also, "the left" just elected a moderate Democrat and are mostly satisfied with the choice. There was no cult of personality, no irrational beliefs in what Biden can and cannot accomplish. 80 million people voted for him, there's a lot of liberals to count among them, to include Bernie Bros. They compromised for the sake of the country and I think as opposed with what we are seeing from the right at this point that's a good thing. The left so to speak is actually kind of moderate in it's radicalism compared to you know who. The right isn't even conservative so much as just a straight up cult willing to meld it's beliefs into whatever Trump wants.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

I agree. Though it's hard to tell as I do believe this board tends to pervert the size of the far right. But, who knows, he got 74 million votes and even normal Republicans are starting to fall in line with the cult. I know an elderly couple (late 60s) who when the virus began were and still are taking COVID seriously in the sense they mask up and social distance. When the Lt. Governor of Texas basically said old people should be ready to sacrifice themselves in the name of the economy she was in tears. She couldn't put two and two together so Trump for the most part got a pass. Now, she's questioning the COVID numbers and is somewhat convinced that flu numbers are down because people are diagnosing people with the flu as having COVID. They know and I know that we just don't talk about Trump to each other, but I found their ignorance in putting so much faith in internet rumors disturbing. I guess my point is this isn't the left poisoning their well, they are doing it to each other and they are exploiting everything to include raping common sense on a global pandemic.

I'm not so sure the left sitting quiet and taking it is really going to change their minds. That is probably not what you mean but someone whining about safe spaces in a corner of the world has very little impact.

haha....I can't watch you two play a cautious game of grab-ass any longer.
Look, 'this shit is so simple, you "CHANGE" America America Haters have brought all the pressure on yourselves, why it's all a big surprise to you is just plain bizarre.
Conservatives' were and have been plugging away doing business as usual, running this nation the way it's always been ran, doing things the way we've always done it...the American Way....and along came a bunch of weirdos hell-bent on forcing Americans to operate differently, to appease fringe factions, loonies and trespassing foreign criminals. Conservatives, being the nutless cowards they are looked the other way, didn't put up a fight and allowed you whacks to take the wheel and steer our nation down the shitter...well now they're pissed, they're retaliatory and they want their nation back from you Hate America types....that's all, simple shit!
Why not just get yourself legitimate, FUCK that 2% you're fighting for, fight to protect and preserve America and American virtue like we all use to before the faggots, wetbacks, feminazis and chicks with dicks suddenly came out of nowhere.

^What losing looks like.

I have to admit, I've learned a lesson from you guys. I don't want to live in hate. It is OK to disagree and not be disagreeable, we need to get back to that. Look at all the collateral damage you threw out in your post? gays, Mexicans and others from south of our border, woman who want the same rights as everyone else and my latest porn searches, oops, people who don't identify exactly as you insist they must. Get over it.

I've never seen such a bunch of crybabies who feel they are owed something whether they win or lose. So, I've decided I'm going to try and be more positive and thoughtful of others who come into the conversation the same. Doesn't look like that includes you so I look forward to the continued hysterical clown show you guys are good for.
... and the freedom they have to spray that hate and misery and paranoia and rage, was helpful in leading you to that conclusion. If we know what people like this think, we know how much work still needs to be done.

That's part of the value of freedom of expression.

It's awfully odd that you wouldn't "HATE" an emerging group of abnormals hell-bent on forcing you to believe that doing it their way is better than the American Way.
Well, I don't hate anyone.

The world is changing. Whether you like or not, America is part of the world.
That’s right, the U.S. is changing and certainly not to the benefit of the core people, the productive people, the right people...therein lies your problem, that’s where the extreme opposition and retaliation stems from.
The very people who were graciously allowing you fucked in the head whackos to sell them on faggotry, on how awesome it was to allow a few illegal wetbacks in to “make a better life for their family” are so fucking done with you...You Loons took advantage of their kindness and now they won’t give you one more’re fucked, you got greedy and now you’re done and hated by anybody decent.

You know, Core People
View attachment 432582
The Core People live in the centre of the Earth on Earth-5391 a reality where the Earth is apparently hollow and contains a smaller micro "universe" inside where the Core People reside. They apparently lived below the surface of the Earth for centuries undiscovered until the year 2075.

They live in an alternate reality apparently. I can see that.
hahaha...I love it when you Abnormals pretend to be confused by what makes people CORE Americans.
I'll play along....Core Americans live and practice CORE American principles and values.....they love their country, it's history, it's culture, it's traditions...they speak the english language clearly and fluently, most share a last name with a soldier who served our nation in WW2, they're unapologetically prideful, they’re nationalistic, law abiding and productive...They tend to be heterosexual, they love God, they exhaust all effort in family and in teaching Americas family values to their children....I could go on and on..Are you starting to get still confused?
Non-"Core" Americans (by your definition) vote.

So, tough shit.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

I'm not so sure college safe spaces and transgendered women using the ladies room is really to blame here. Most Americans haven't had any direct dealings with either, but who are the ones inflating the issues as an assault on America? It's wingnuts with microphones. Do liberals get ultra-pc? Some do, but I see it as more of a stereotype than anything else. But, sure some on the left take it too far.

Also, "the left" just elected a moderate Democrat and are mostly satisfied with the choice. There was no cult of personality, no irrational beliefs in what Biden can and cannot accomplish. 80 million people voted for him, there's a lot of liberals to count among them, to include Bernie Bros. They compromised for the sake of the country and I think as opposed with what we are seeing from the right at this point that's a good thing. The left so to speak is actually kind of moderate in it's radicalism compared to you know who. The right isn't even conservative so much as just a straight up cult willing to meld it's beliefs into whatever Trump wants.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

I agree. Though it's hard to tell as I do believe this board tends to pervert the size of the far right. But, who knows, he got 74 million votes and even normal Republicans are starting to fall in line with the cult. I know an elderly couple (late 60s) who when the virus began were and still are taking COVID seriously in the sense they mask up and social distance. When the Lt. Governor of Texas basically said old people should be ready to sacrifice themselves in the name of the economy she was in tears. She couldn't put two and two together so Trump for the most part got a pass. Now, she's questioning the COVID numbers and is somewhat convinced that flu numbers are down because people are diagnosing people with the flu as having COVID. They know and I know that we just don't talk about Trump to each other, but I found their ignorance in putting so much faith in internet rumors disturbing. I guess my point is this isn't the left poisoning their well, they are doing it to each other and they are exploiting everything to include raping common sense on a global pandemic.

I'm not so sure the left sitting quiet and taking it is really going to change their minds. That is probably not what you mean but someone whining about safe spaces in a corner of the world has very little impact.

haha....I can't watch you two play a cautious game of grab-ass any longer.
Look, 'this shit is so simple, you "CHANGE" America America Haters have brought all the pressure on yourselves, why it's all a big surprise to you is just plain bizarre.
Conservatives' were and have been plugging away doing business as usual, running this nation the way it's always been ran, doing things the way we've always done it...the American Way....and along came a bunch of weirdos hell-bent on forcing Americans to operate differently, to appease fringe factions, loonies and trespassing foreign criminals. Conservatives, being the nutless cowards they are looked the other way, didn't put up a fight and allowed you whacks to take the wheel and steer our nation down the shitter...well now they're pissed, they're retaliatory and they want their nation back from you Hate America types....that's all, simple shit!
Why not just get yourself legitimate, FUCK that 2% you're fighting for, fight to protect and preserve America and American virtue like we all use to before the faggots, wetbacks, feminazis and chicks with dicks suddenly came out of nowhere.

^What losing looks like.

I have to admit, I've learned a lesson from you guys. I don't want to live in hate. It is OK to disagree and not be disagreeable, we need to get back to that. Look at all the collateral damage you threw out in your post? gays, Mexicans and others from south of our border, woman who want the same rights as everyone else and my latest porn searches, oops, people who don't identify exactly as you insist they must. Get over it.

I've never seen such a bunch of crybabies who feel they are owed something whether they win or lose. So, I've decided I'm going to try and be more positive and thoughtful of others who come into the conversation the same. Doesn't look like that includes you so I look forward to the continued hysterical clown show you guys are good for.
... and the freedom they have to spray that hate and misery and paranoia and rage, was helpful in leading you to that conclusion. If we know what people like this think, we know how much work still needs to be done.

That's part of the value of freedom of expression.

It's awfully odd that you wouldn't "HATE" an emerging group of abnormals hell-bent on forcing you to believe that doing it their way is better than the American Way.
Well, I don't hate anyone.

The world is changing. Whether you like or not, America is part of the world.
That’s right, the U.S. is changing and certainly not to the benefit of the core people, the productive people, the right people...therein lies your problem, that’s where the extreme opposition and retaliation stems from.
The very people who were graciously allowing you fucked in the head whackos to sell them on faggotry, on how awesome it was to allow a few illegal wetbacks in to “make a better life for their family” are so fucking done with you...You Loons took advantage of their kindness and now they won’t give you one more’re fucked, you got greedy and now you’re done and hated by anybody decent.

You know, Core People
View attachment 432582
The Core People live in the centre of the Earth on Earth-5391 a reality where the Earth is apparently hollow and contains a smaller micro "universe" inside where the Core People reside. They apparently lived below the surface of the Earth for centuries undiscovered until the year 2075.

They live in an alternate reality apparently. I can see that.
hahaha...I love it when you Abnormals pretend to be confused by what makes people CORE Americans.
I'll play along....Core Americans live and practice CORE American principles and values.....they love their country, it's history, it's culture, it's traditions...they speak the english language clearly and fluently, most share a last name with a soldier who served our nation in WW2, they're unapologetically prideful, they’re nationalistic, law abiding and productive...They tend to be heterosexual, they love God, they exhaust all effort in family and in teaching Americas family values to their children....I could go on and on..Are you starting to get still confused?

And they said Trump was a uniter.

Ooga, booga, Core People
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

I'm not so sure college safe spaces and transgendered women using the ladies room is really to blame here. Most Americans haven't had any direct dealings with either, but who are the ones inflating the issues as an assault on America? It's wingnuts with microphones. Do liberals get ultra-pc? Some do, but I see it as more of a stereotype than anything else. But, sure some on the left take it too far.

Also, "the left" just elected a moderate Democrat and are mostly satisfied with the choice. There was no cult of personality, no irrational beliefs in what Biden can and cannot accomplish. 80 million people voted for him, there's a lot of liberals to count among them, to include Bernie Bros. They compromised for the sake of the country and I think as opposed with what we are seeing from the right at this point that's a good thing. The left so to speak is actually kind of moderate in it's radicalism compared to you know who. The right isn't even conservative so much as just a straight up cult willing to meld it's beliefs into whatever Trump wants.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

I agree. Though it's hard to tell as I do believe this board tends to pervert the size of the far right. But, who knows, he got 74 million votes and even normal Republicans are starting to fall in line with the cult. I know an elderly couple (late 60s) who when the virus began were and still are taking COVID seriously in the sense they mask up and social distance. When the Lt. Governor of Texas basically said old people should be ready to sacrifice themselves in the name of the economy she was in tears. She couldn't put two and two together so Trump for the most part got a pass. Now, she's questioning the COVID numbers and is somewhat convinced that flu numbers are down because people are diagnosing people with the flu as having COVID. They know and I know that we just don't talk about Trump to each other, but I found their ignorance in putting so much faith in internet rumors disturbing. I guess my point is this isn't the left poisoning their well, they are doing it to each other and they are exploiting everything to include raping common sense on a global pandemic.

I'm not so sure the left sitting quiet and taking it is really going to change their minds. That is probably not what you mean but someone whining about safe spaces in a corner of the world has very little impact.

haha....I can't watch you two play a cautious game of grab-ass any longer.
Look, 'this shit is so simple, you "CHANGE" America America Haters have brought all the pressure on yourselves, why it's all a big surprise to you is just plain bizarre.
Conservatives' were and have been plugging away doing business as usual, running this nation the way it's always been ran, doing things the way we've always done it...the American Way....and along came a bunch of weirdos hell-bent on forcing Americans to operate differently, to appease fringe factions, loonies and trespassing foreign criminals. Conservatives, being the nutless cowards they are looked the other way, didn't put up a fight and allowed you whacks to take the wheel and steer our nation down the shitter...well now they're pissed, they're retaliatory and they want their nation back from you Hate America types....that's all, simple shit!
Why not just get yourself legitimate, FUCK that 2% you're fighting for, fight to protect and preserve America and American virtue like we all use to before the faggots, wetbacks, feminazis and chicks with dicks suddenly came out of nowhere.

^What losing looks like.

I have to admit, I've learned a lesson from you guys. I don't want to live in hate. It is OK to disagree and not be disagreeable, we need to get back to that. Look at all the collateral damage you threw out in your post? gays, Mexicans and others from south of our border, woman who want the same rights as everyone else and my latest porn searches, oops, people who don't identify exactly as you insist they must. Get over it.

I've never seen such a bunch of crybabies who feel they are owed something whether they win or lose. So, I've decided I'm going to try and be more positive and thoughtful of others who come into the conversation the same. Doesn't look like that includes you so I look forward to the continued hysterical clown show you guys are good for and will give you back the amount of respect you've earned.
Yeah, you guys led by example on that peace/get along thing over the last four years. Fat chance buddy, you reap what you sow.

We were respected in the world. Well, not when Bush was president but when Obama was our allies liked us. We need allies, I'd like them back please.
Wrong. Our enemies loved Obama. Our allies tolerated the useless POS at best. Obama couldn't find his ass with both hands in the daylight with a flashlight.

I'd ask you to prove that but we both know that's not going to happen.

View attachment 432247
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah and your skewed polls said Hilary won in 2016 too. You haven't gotten over that BS either.

Here we go again. The national polls were accurate, they showed she would win the popular vote by about 2-3% and by golly she did.
and by golly she won less than 500 counties out of 3141. Yup, Yup you just keep believing those polls , moron.

I'm not sure what the number of counties has to do with anything. You brought up Clinton, polls and 2016. I merely pointed out that the national polls were pretty on target. I've never heard of county polls for national office because they would be absolutely meaningless.

Really odd and quite frankly idiotic route to take.
That's why you are spouting so much garbage, you DON'T KNOW. The millions of people in NYC and LA, where Hilarity's 3M vote lead came from, don't elect the president by themselves. The whole country does. That is why we have the electoral college. The mentally challenged have a problem with that. I'm sorry for you.

I like the back pedal.

You: Polls are wrong Hillary lost in 2016
Me: National polls were right they accurately predicted the vote percentages

You: moving goalposts: More counties voted for Trump
Me: So what?

You: NYC and LA don't count
Me: ??
Me: Don't talk about polls being wrong in 2016 and then pretend you were talking about something else when you're proven wrong.
Clean the window in your stomach and maybe you can find your way out of your BS circular arguments, I don't have time for your idiocy.

Russian proverb?

You said the polls in 2016 weren't accurate I demonstrated for what they track they were correct. It's not complicated.

So, now you get to look at this again
View attachment 432325

Look at all those white people that hate Trump.

I love it when you globalist apologists tell us how much you care about what the citizens of other nations think of our president....Not so coincidentally, when you tell us this twisted shit it’s usually in a thread where you’re also telling us how little you think of our own core people.
You don’t find that strange?
Now think once, wouldn’t any POTUS who takes a hardcore Americans first position be hated by the citizens in others nations waiting on their welfare check from the United States taxpayer?
You see, us good real core Americans waited eight long grueling years to install a legit president willing to put Americans first would think that all good, real Americans would want

It's pretty simple. America is strongest with it's allies. 'America First' is America alone and weaker.

Also, POTUS probably cares about you less than I do.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

I'm not so sure college safe spaces and transgendered women using the ladies room is really to blame here. Most Americans haven't had any direct dealings with either, but who are the ones inflating the issues as an assault on America? It's wingnuts with microphones. Do liberals get ultra-pc? Some do, but I see it as more of a stereotype than anything else. But, sure some on the left take it too far.

Also, "the left" just elected a moderate Democrat and are mostly satisfied with the choice. There was no cult of personality, no irrational beliefs in what Biden can and cannot accomplish. 80 million people voted for him, there's a lot of liberals to count among them, to include Bernie Bros. They compromised for the sake of the country and I think as opposed with what we are seeing from the right at this point that's a good thing. The left so to speak is actually kind of moderate in it's radicalism compared to you know who. The right isn't even conservative so much as just a straight up cult willing to meld it's beliefs into whatever Trump wants.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

I agree. Though it's hard to tell as I do believe this board tends to pervert the size of the far right. But, who knows, he got 74 million votes and even normal Republicans are starting to fall in line with the cult. I know an elderly couple (late 60s) who when the virus began were and still are taking COVID seriously in the sense they mask up and social distance. When the Lt. Governor of Texas basically said old people should be ready to sacrifice themselves in the name of the economy she was in tears. She couldn't put two and two together so Trump for the most part got a pass. Now, she's questioning the COVID numbers and is somewhat convinced that flu numbers are down because people are diagnosing people with the flu as having COVID. They know and I know that we just don't talk about Trump to each other, but I found their ignorance in putting so much faith in internet rumors disturbing. I guess my point is this isn't the left poisoning their well, they are doing it to each other and they are exploiting everything to include raping common sense on a global pandemic.

I'm not so sure the left sitting quiet and taking it is really going to change their minds. That is probably not what you mean but someone whining about safe spaces in a corner of the world has very little impact.

haha....I can't watch you two play a cautious game of grab-ass any longer.
Look, 'this shit is so simple, you "CHANGE" America America Haters have brought all the pressure on yourselves, why it's all a big surprise to you is just plain bizarre.
Conservatives' were and have been plugging away doing business as usual, running this nation the way it's always been ran, doing things the way we've always done it...the American Way....and along came a bunch of weirdos hell-bent on forcing Americans to operate differently, to appease fringe factions, loonies and trespassing foreign criminals. Conservatives, being the nutless cowards they are looked the other way, didn't put up a fight and allowed you whacks to take the wheel and steer our nation down the shitter...well now they're pissed, they're retaliatory and they want their nation back from you Hate America types....that's all, simple shit!
Why not just get yourself legitimate, FUCK that 2% you're fighting for, fight to protect and preserve America and American virtue like we all use to before the faggots, wetbacks, feminazis and chicks with dicks suddenly came out of nowhere.

^What losing looks like.

I have to admit, I've learned a lesson from you guys. I don't want to live in hate. It is OK to disagree and not be disagreeable, we need to get back to that. Look at all the collateral damage you threw out in your post? gays, Mexicans and others from south of our border, woman who want the same rights as everyone else and my latest porn searches, oops, people who don't identify exactly as you insist they must. Get over it.

I've never seen such a bunch of crybabies who feel they are owed something whether they win or lose. So, I've decided I'm going to try and be more positive and thoughtful of others who come into the conversation the same. Doesn't look like that includes you so I look forward to the continued hysterical clown show you guys are good for and will give you back the amount of respect you've earned.
Yeah, you guys led by example on that peace/get along thing over the last four years. Fat chance buddy, you reap what you sow.

We were respected in the world. Well, not when Bush was president but when Obama was our allies liked us. We need allies, I'd like them back please.
Wrong. Our enemies loved Obama. Our allies tolerated the useless POS at best. Obama couldn't find his ass with both hands in the daylight with a flashlight.

I'd ask you to prove that but we both know that's not going to happen.

View attachment 432247
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah and your skewed polls said Hilary won in 2016 too. You haven't gotten over that BS either.

Here we go again. The national polls were accurate, they showed she would win the popular vote by about 2-3% and by golly she did.
and by golly she won less than 500 counties out of 3141. Yup, Yup you just keep believing those polls , moron.

I'm not sure what the number of counties has to do with anything. You brought up Clinton, polls and 2016. I merely pointed out that the national polls were pretty on target. I've never heard of county polls for national office because they would be absolutely meaningless.

Really odd and quite frankly idiotic route to take.
That's why you are spouting so much garbage, you DON'T KNOW. The millions of people in NYC and LA, where Hilarity's 3M vote lead came from, don't elect the president by themselves. The whole country does. That is why we have the electoral college. The mentally challenged have a problem with that. I'm sorry for you.

I like the back pedal.

You: Polls are wrong Hillary lost in 2016
Me: National polls were right they accurately predicted the vote percentages

You: moving goalposts: More counties voted for Trump
Me: So what?

You: NYC and LA don't count
Me: ??
Me: Don't talk about polls being wrong in 2016 and then pretend you were talking about something else when you're proven wrong.
Clean the window in your stomach and maybe you can find your way out of your BS circular arguments, I don't have time for your idiocy.

Russian proverb?

You said the polls in 2016 weren't accurate I demonstrated for what they track they were correct. It's not complicated.

So, now you get to look at this again
View attachment 432325

Look at all those white people that hate Trump.

I love it when you globalist apologists tell us how much you care about what the citizens of other nations think of our president....Not so coincidentally, when you tell us this twisted shit it’s usually in a thread where you’re also telling us how little you think of our own core people.
You don’t find that strange?
Now think once, wouldn’t any POTUS who takes a hardcore Americans first position be hated by the citizens in others nations waiting on their welfare check from the United States taxpayer?
You see, us good real core Americans waited eight long grueling years to install a legit president willing to put Americans first would think that all good, real Americans would want

It's pretty simple. America is strongest with it's allies. 'America First' is America alone and weaker.

Also, POTUS probably cares about you less than I do.
Oh no, the object of their adoration wubs them. Trump is the most selfless human being in the history of historical histories. He only cares about America and Americans. He wishes he could break bread with each and every one of us! They heard it on the radio.
Nobody sane needs a POTUS to ”care” about them personally...we need them to implement policies that yield results that prove they care about know, like shutting down our border and stopping filthy thirdworlders from robbing American taxpayers, from destroying our communities, cities and states, from ruining our healthcare and education systems.
Basically, we need a POTUS who does the things the Kenyan and his almost dead sidekick didn’t and won’t do.

Trump tried to save us from healthcare, that's for sure.

Saving you from healthcare is not a function of your Father Government...although taxpayer dependent beggars tend to believe otherwise.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

I'm not so sure college safe spaces and transgendered women using the ladies room is really to blame here. Most Americans haven't had any direct dealings with either, but who are the ones inflating the issues as an assault on America? It's wingnuts with microphones. Do liberals get ultra-pc? Some do, but I see it as more of a stereotype than anything else. But, sure some on the left take it too far.

Also, "the left" just elected a moderate Democrat and are mostly satisfied with the choice. There was no cult of personality, no irrational beliefs in what Biden can and cannot accomplish. 80 million people voted for him, there's a lot of liberals to count among them, to include Bernie Bros. They compromised for the sake of the country and I think as opposed with what we are seeing from the right at this point that's a good thing. The left so to speak is actually kind of moderate in it's radicalism compared to you know who. The right isn't even conservative so much as just a straight up cult willing to meld it's beliefs into whatever Trump wants.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

I agree. Though it's hard to tell as I do believe this board tends to pervert the size of the far right. But, who knows, he got 74 million votes and even normal Republicans are starting to fall in line with the cult. I know an elderly couple (late 60s) who when the virus began were and still are taking COVID seriously in the sense they mask up and social distance. When the Lt. Governor of Texas basically said old people should be ready to sacrifice themselves in the name of the economy she was in tears. She couldn't put two and two together so Trump for the most part got a pass. Now, she's questioning the COVID numbers and is somewhat convinced that flu numbers are down because people are diagnosing people with the flu as having COVID. They know and I know that we just don't talk about Trump to each other, but I found their ignorance in putting so much faith in internet rumors disturbing. I guess my point is this isn't the left poisoning their well, they are doing it to each other and they are exploiting everything to include raping common sense on a global pandemic.

I'm not so sure the left sitting quiet and taking it is really going to change their minds. That is probably not what you mean but someone whining about safe spaces in a corner of the world has very little impact.

haha....I can't watch you two play a cautious game of grab-ass any longer.
Look, 'this shit is so simple, you "CHANGE" America America Haters have brought all the pressure on yourselves, why it's all a big surprise to you is just plain bizarre.
Conservatives' were and have been plugging away doing business as usual, running this nation the way it's always been ran, doing things the way we've always done it...the American Way....and along came a bunch of weirdos hell-bent on forcing Americans to operate differently, to appease fringe factions, loonies and trespassing foreign criminals. Conservatives, being the nutless cowards they are looked the other way, didn't put up a fight and allowed you whacks to take the wheel and steer our nation down the shitter...well now they're pissed, they're retaliatory and they want their nation back from you Hate America types....that's all, simple shit!
Why not just get yourself legitimate, FUCK that 2% you're fighting for, fight to protect and preserve America and American virtue like we all use to before the faggots, wetbacks, feminazis and chicks with dicks suddenly came out of nowhere.

^What losing looks like.

I have to admit, I've learned a lesson from you guys. I don't want to live in hate. It is OK to disagree and not be disagreeable, we need to get back to that. Look at all the collateral damage you threw out in your post? gays, Mexicans and others from south of our border, woman who want the same rights as everyone else and my latest porn searches, oops, people who don't identify exactly as you insist they must. Get over it.

I've never seen such a bunch of crybabies who feel they are owed something whether they win or lose. So, I've decided I'm going to try and be more positive and thoughtful of others who come into the conversation the same. Doesn't look like that includes you so I look forward to the continued hysterical clown show you guys are good for and will give you back the amount of respect you've earned.
Yeah, you guys led by example on that peace/get along thing over the last four years. Fat chance buddy, you reap what you sow.

We were respected in the world. Well, not when Bush was president but when Obama was our allies liked us. We need allies, I'd like them back please.
Wrong. Our enemies loved Obama. Our allies tolerated the useless POS at best. Obama couldn't find his ass with both hands in the daylight with a flashlight.

I'd ask you to prove that but we both know that's not going to happen.

View attachment 432247
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah and your skewed polls said Hilary won in 2016 too. You haven't gotten over that BS either.

Here we go again. The national polls were accurate, they showed she would win the popular vote by about 2-3% and by golly she did.
and by golly she won less than 500 counties out of 3141. Yup, Yup you just keep believing those polls , moron.

I'm not sure what the number of counties has to do with anything. You brought up Clinton, polls and 2016. I merely pointed out that the national polls were pretty on target. I've never heard of county polls for national office because they would be absolutely meaningless.

Really odd and quite frankly idiotic route to take.
That's why you are spouting so much garbage, you DON'T KNOW. The millions of people in NYC and LA, where Hilarity's 3M vote lead came from, don't elect the president by themselves. The whole country does. That is why we have the electoral college. The mentally challenged have a problem with that. I'm sorry for you.

I like the back pedal.

You: Polls are wrong Hillary lost in 2016
Me: National polls were right they accurately predicted the vote percentages

You: moving goalposts: More counties voted for Trump
Me: So what?

You: NYC and LA don't count
Me: ??
Me: Don't talk about polls being wrong in 2016 and then pretend you were talking about something else when you're proven wrong.
Clean the window in your stomach and maybe you can find your way out of your BS circular arguments, I don't have time for your idiocy.

Russian proverb?

You said the polls in 2016 weren't accurate I demonstrated for what they track they were correct. It's not complicated.

So, now you get to look at this again
View attachment 432325

Look at all those white people that hate Trump.

I love it when you globalist apologists tell us how much you care about what the citizens of other nations think of our president....Not so coincidentally, when you tell us this twisted shit it’s usually in a thread where you’re also telling us how little you think of our own core people.
You don’t find that strange?
Now think once, wouldn’t any POTUS who takes a hardcore Americans first position be hated by the citizens in others nations waiting on their welfare check from the United States taxpayer?
You see, us good real core Americans waited eight long grueling years to install a legit president willing to put Americans first would think that all good, real Americans would want

It's pretty simple. America is strongest with it's allies. 'America First' is America alone and weaker.

Also, POTUS probably cares about you less than I do.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

I'm not so sure college safe spaces and transgendered women using the ladies room is really to blame here. Most Americans haven't had any direct dealings with either, but who are the ones inflating the issues as an assault on America? It's wingnuts with microphones. Do liberals get ultra-pc? Some do, but I see it as more of a stereotype than anything else. But, sure some on the left take it too far.

Also, "the left" just elected a moderate Democrat and are mostly satisfied with the choice. There was no cult of personality, no irrational beliefs in what Biden can and cannot accomplish. 80 million people voted for him, there's a lot of liberals to count among them, to include Bernie Bros. They compromised for the sake of the country and I think as opposed with what we are seeing from the right at this point that's a good thing. The left so to speak is actually kind of moderate in it's radicalism compared to you know who. The right isn't even conservative so much as just a straight up cult willing to meld it's beliefs into whatever Trump wants.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

I agree. Though it's hard to tell as I do believe this board tends to pervert the size of the far right. But, who knows, he got 74 million votes and even normal Republicans are starting to fall in line with the cult. I know an elderly couple (late 60s) who when the virus began were and still are taking COVID seriously in the sense they mask up and social distance. When the Lt. Governor of Texas basically said old people should be ready to sacrifice themselves in the name of the economy she was in tears. She couldn't put two and two together so Trump for the most part got a pass. Now, she's questioning the COVID numbers and is somewhat convinced that flu numbers are down because people are diagnosing people with the flu as having COVID. They know and I know that we just don't talk about Trump to each other, but I found their ignorance in putting so much faith in internet rumors disturbing. I guess my point is this isn't the left poisoning their well, they are doing it to each other and they are exploiting everything to include raping common sense on a global pandemic.

I'm not so sure the left sitting quiet and taking it is really going to change their minds. That is probably not what you mean but someone whining about safe spaces in a corner of the world has very little impact.

haha....I can't watch you two play a cautious game of grab-ass any longer.
Look, 'this shit is so simple, you "CHANGE" America America Haters have brought all the pressure on yourselves, why it's all a big surprise to you is just plain bizarre.
Conservatives' were and have been plugging away doing business as usual, running this nation the way it's always been ran, doing things the way we've always done it...the American Way....and along came a bunch of weirdos hell-bent on forcing Americans to operate differently, to appease fringe factions, loonies and trespassing foreign criminals. Conservatives, being the nutless cowards they are looked the other way, didn't put up a fight and allowed you whacks to take the wheel and steer our nation down the shitter...well now they're pissed, they're retaliatory and they want their nation back from you Hate America types....that's all, simple shit!
Why not just get yourself legitimate, FUCK that 2% you're fighting for, fight to protect and preserve America and American virtue like we all use to before the faggots, wetbacks, feminazis and chicks with dicks suddenly came out of nowhere.

^What losing looks like.

I have to admit, I've learned a lesson from you guys. I don't want to live in hate. It is OK to disagree and not be disagreeable, we need to get back to that. Look at all the collateral damage you threw out in your post? gays, Mexicans and others from south of our border, woman who want the same rights as everyone else and my latest porn searches, oops, people who don't identify exactly as you insist they must. Get over it.

I've never seen such a bunch of crybabies who feel they are owed something whether they win or lose. So, I've decided I'm going to try and be more positive and thoughtful of others who come into the conversation the same. Doesn't look like that includes you so I look forward to the continued hysterical clown show you guys are good for and will give you back the amount of respect you've earned.
Yeah, you guys led by example on that peace/get along thing over the last four years. Fat chance buddy, you reap what you sow.

We were respected in the world. Well, not when Bush was president but when Obama was our allies liked us. We need allies, I'd like them back please.
Wrong. Our enemies loved Obama. Our allies tolerated the useless POS at best. Obama couldn't find his ass with both hands in the daylight with a flashlight.

I'd ask you to prove that but we both know that's not going to happen.

View attachment 432247
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah and your skewed polls said Hilary won in 2016 too. You haven't gotten over that BS either.

Here we go again. The national polls were accurate, they showed she would win the popular vote by about 2-3% and by golly she did.
and by golly she won less than 500 counties out of 3141. Yup, Yup you just keep believing those polls , moron.

I'm not sure what the number of counties has to do with anything. You brought up Clinton, polls and 2016. I merely pointed out that the national polls were pretty on target. I've never heard of county polls for national office because they would be absolutely meaningless.

Really odd and quite frankly idiotic route to take.
That's why you are spouting so much garbage, you DON'T KNOW. The millions of people in NYC and LA, where Hilarity's 3M vote lead came from, don't elect the president by themselves. The whole country does. That is why we have the electoral college. The mentally challenged have a problem with that. I'm sorry for you.

I like the back pedal.

You: Polls are wrong Hillary lost in 2016
Me: National polls were right they accurately predicted the vote percentages

You: moving goalposts: More counties voted for Trump
Me: So what?

You: NYC and LA don't count
Me: ??
Me: Don't talk about polls being wrong in 2016 and then pretend you were talking about something else when you're proven wrong.
Clean the window in your stomach and maybe you can find your way out of your BS circular arguments, I don't have time for your idiocy.

Russian proverb?

You said the polls in 2016 weren't accurate I demonstrated for what they track they were correct. It's not complicated.

So, now you get to look at this again
View attachment 432325

Look at all those white people that hate Trump.

I love it when you globalist apologists tell us how much you care about what the citizens of other nations think of our president....Not so coincidentally, when you tell us this twisted shit it’s usually in a thread where you’re also telling us how little you think of our own core people.
You don’t find that strange?
Now think once, wouldn’t any POTUS who takes a hardcore Americans first position be hated by the citizens in others nations waiting on their welfare check from the United States taxpayer?
You see, us good real core Americans waited eight long grueling years to install a legit president willing to put Americans first would think that all good, real Americans would want

It's pretty simple. America is strongest with it's allies. 'America First' is America alone and weaker.

Also, POTUS probably cares about you less than I do.
Oh no, the object of their adoration wubs them. Trump is the most selfless human being in the history of historical histories. He only cares about America and Americans. He wishes he could break bread with each and every one of us! They heard it on the radio.
Nobody sane needs a POTUS to ”care” about them personally...we need them to implement policies that yield results that prove they care about know, like shutting down our border and stopping filthy thirdworlders from robbing American taxpayers, from destroying our communities, cities and states, from ruining our healthcare and education systems.
Basically, we need a POTUS who does the things the Kenyan and his almost dead sidekick didn’t and won’t do.

Trump tried to save us from healthcare, that's for sure.

Saving you from healthcare is not a function of your Father Government...although taxpayer dependent beggars tend to believe otherwise.

What about stop signs? Is that a function of 'Father Government'? You know, baby sitting us and making sure we stop at intersections and what not. Don't even get me started on cross walks.

I know, you don't get it. But why aren't you complaining abut government getting into your business about every aspect of your mode of travel?
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

I'm not so sure college safe spaces and transgendered women using the ladies room is really to blame here. Most Americans haven't had any direct dealings with either, but who are the ones inflating the issues as an assault on America? It's wingnuts with microphones. Do liberals get ultra-pc? Some do, but I see it as more of a stereotype than anything else. But, sure some on the left take it too far.

Also, "the left" just elected a moderate Democrat and are mostly satisfied with the choice. There was no cult of personality, no irrational beliefs in what Biden can and cannot accomplish. 80 million people voted for him, there's a lot of liberals to count among them, to include Bernie Bros. They compromised for the sake of the country and I think as opposed with what we are seeing from the right at this point that's a good thing. The left so to speak is actually kind of moderate in it's radicalism compared to you know who. The right isn't even conservative so much as just a straight up cult willing to meld it's beliefs into whatever Trump wants.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

I agree. Though it's hard to tell as I do believe this board tends to pervert the size of the far right. But, who knows, he got 74 million votes and even normal Republicans are starting to fall in line with the cult. I know an elderly couple (late 60s) who when the virus began were and still are taking COVID seriously in the sense they mask up and social distance. When the Lt. Governor of Texas basically said old people should be ready to sacrifice themselves in the name of the economy she was in tears. She couldn't put two and two together so Trump for the most part got a pass. Now, she's questioning the COVID numbers and is somewhat convinced that flu numbers are down because people are diagnosing people with the flu as having COVID. They know and I know that we just don't talk about Trump to each other, but I found their ignorance in putting so much faith in internet rumors disturbing. I guess my point is this isn't the left poisoning their well, they are doing it to each other and they are exploiting everything to include raping common sense on a global pandemic.

I'm not so sure the left sitting quiet and taking it is really going to change their minds. That is probably not what you mean but someone whining about safe spaces in a corner of the world has very little impact.

haha....I can't watch you two play a cautious game of grab-ass any longer.
Look, 'this shit is so simple, you "CHANGE" America America Haters have brought all the pressure on yourselves, why it's all a big surprise to you is just plain bizarre.
Conservatives' were and have been plugging away doing business as usual, running this nation the way it's always been ran, doing things the way we've always done it...the American Way....and along came a bunch of weirdos hell-bent on forcing Americans to operate differently, to appease fringe factions, loonies and trespassing foreign criminals. Conservatives, being the nutless cowards they are looked the other way, didn't put up a fight and allowed you whacks to take the wheel and steer our nation down the shitter...well now they're pissed, they're retaliatory and they want their nation back from you Hate America types....that's all, simple shit!
Why not just get yourself legitimate, FUCK that 2% you're fighting for, fight to protect and preserve America and American virtue like we all use to before the faggots, wetbacks, feminazis and chicks with dicks suddenly came out of nowhere.

^What losing looks like.

I have to admit, I've learned a lesson from you guys. I don't want to live in hate. It is OK to disagree and not be disagreeable, we need to get back to that. Look at all the collateral damage you threw out in your post? gays, Mexicans and others from south of our border, woman who want the same rights as everyone else and my latest porn searches, oops, people who don't identify exactly as you insist they must. Get over it.

I've never seen such a bunch of crybabies who feel they are owed something whether they win or lose. So, I've decided I'm going to try and be more positive and thoughtful of others who come into the conversation the same. Doesn't look like that includes you so I look forward to the continued hysterical clown show you guys are good for.
... and the freedom they have to spray that hate and misery and paranoia and rage, was helpful in leading you to that conclusion. If we know what people like this think, we know how much work still needs to be done.

That's part of the value of freedom of expression.

It's awfully odd that you wouldn't "HATE" an emerging group of abnormals hell-bent on forcing you to believe that doing it their way is better than the American Way.
Well, I don't hate anyone.

The world is changing. Whether you like or not, America is part of the world.
That’s right, the U.S. is changing and certainly not to the benefit of the core people, the productive people, the right people...therein lies your problem, that’s where the extreme opposition and retaliation stems from.
The very people who were graciously allowing you fucked in the head whackos to sell them on faggotry, on how awesome it was to allow a few illegal wetbacks in to “make a better life for their family” are so fucking done with you...You Loons took advantage of their kindness and now they won’t give you one more’re fucked, you got greedy and now you’re done and hated by anybody decent.

You know, Core People
View attachment 432582
The Core People live in the centre of the Earth on Earth-5391 a reality where the Earth is apparently hollow and contains a smaller micro "universe" inside where the Core People reside. They apparently lived below the surface of the Earth for centuries undiscovered until the year 2075.

They live in an alternate reality apparently. I can see that.
hahaha...I love it when you Abnormals pretend to be confused by what makes people CORE Americans.
I'll play along....Core Americans live and practice CORE American principles and values.....they love their country, it's history, it's culture, it's traditions...they speak the english language clearly and fluently, most share a last name with a soldier who served our nation in WW2, they're unapologetically prideful, they’re nationalistic, law abiding and productive...They tend to be heterosexual, they love God, they exhaust all effort in family and in teaching Americas family values to their children....I could go on and on..Are you starting to get still confused?
Non-"Core" Americans (by your definition) vote.

So, tough shit.

Remember, you needed 20-40 illegal, desperate, illiterate trespassing thirdworlders to invade our nation without the people’s consent and drop millions of needy, begging, Dem voting anchor babies in the laps of CORE Americans to win.
You shameless fools will stoop to any level to stay in the game...I’m sure you’re real proud of your pathway to relevance by way of your barely American constituency.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

I'm not so sure college safe spaces and transgendered women using the ladies room is really to blame here. Most Americans haven't had any direct dealings with either, but who are the ones inflating the issues as an assault on America? It's wingnuts with microphones. Do liberals get ultra-pc? Some do, but I see it as more of a stereotype than anything else. But, sure some on the left take it too far.

Also, "the left" just elected a moderate Democrat and are mostly satisfied with the choice. There was no cult of personality, no irrational beliefs in what Biden can and cannot accomplish. 80 million people voted for him, there's a lot of liberals to count among them, to include Bernie Bros. They compromised for the sake of the country and I think as opposed with what we are seeing from the right at this point that's a good thing. The left so to speak is actually kind of moderate in it's radicalism compared to you know who. The right isn't even conservative so much as just a straight up cult willing to meld it's beliefs into whatever Trump wants.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

I agree. Though it's hard to tell as I do believe this board tends to pervert the size of the far right. But, who knows, he got 74 million votes and even normal Republicans are starting to fall in line with the cult. I know an elderly couple (late 60s) who when the virus began were and still are taking COVID seriously in the sense they mask up and social distance. When the Lt. Governor of Texas basically said old people should be ready to sacrifice themselves in the name of the economy she was in tears. She couldn't put two and two together so Trump for the most part got a pass. Now, she's questioning the COVID numbers and is somewhat convinced that flu numbers are down because people are diagnosing people with the flu as having COVID. They know and I know that we just don't talk about Trump to each other, but I found their ignorance in putting so much faith in internet rumors disturbing. I guess my point is this isn't the left poisoning their well, they are doing it to each other and they are exploiting everything to include raping common sense on a global pandemic.

I'm not so sure the left sitting quiet and taking it is really going to change their minds. That is probably not what you mean but someone whining about safe spaces in a corner of the world has very little impact.

haha....I can't watch you two play a cautious game of grab-ass any longer.
Look, 'this shit is so simple, you "CHANGE" America America Haters have brought all the pressure on yourselves, why it's all a big surprise to you is just plain bizarre.
Conservatives' were and have been plugging away doing business as usual, running this nation the way it's always been ran, doing things the way we've always done it...the American Way....and along came a bunch of weirdos hell-bent on forcing Americans to operate differently, to appease fringe factions, loonies and trespassing foreign criminals. Conservatives, being the nutless cowards they are looked the other way, didn't put up a fight and allowed you whacks to take the wheel and steer our nation down the shitter...well now they're pissed, they're retaliatory and they want their nation back from you Hate America types....that's all, simple shit!
Why not just get yourself legitimate, FUCK that 2% you're fighting for, fight to protect and preserve America and American virtue like we all use to before the faggots, wetbacks, feminazis and chicks with dicks suddenly came out of nowhere.

^What losing looks like.

I have to admit, I've learned a lesson from you guys. I don't want to live in hate. It is OK to disagree and not be disagreeable, we need to get back to that. Look at all the collateral damage you threw out in your post? gays, Mexicans and others from south of our border, woman who want the same rights as everyone else and my latest porn searches, oops, people who don't identify exactly as you insist they must. Get over it.

I've never seen such a bunch of crybabies who feel they are owed something whether they win or lose. So, I've decided I'm going to try and be more positive and thoughtful of others who come into the conversation the same. Doesn't look like that includes you so I look forward to the continued hysterical clown show you guys are good for.
... and the freedom they have to spray that hate and misery and paranoia and rage, was helpful in leading you to that conclusion. If we know what people like this think, we know how much work still needs to be done.

That's part of the value of freedom of expression.

It's awfully odd that you wouldn't "HATE" an emerging group of abnormals hell-bent on forcing you to believe that doing it their way is better than the American Way.
Well, I don't hate anyone.

The world is changing. Whether you like or not, America is part of the world.
That’s right, the U.S. is changing and certainly not to the benefit of the core people, the productive people, the right people...therein lies your problem, that’s where the extreme opposition and retaliation stems from.
The very people who were graciously allowing you fucked in the head whackos to sell them on faggotry, on how awesome it was to allow a few illegal wetbacks in to “make a better life for their family” are so fucking done with you...You Loons took advantage of their kindness and now they won’t give you one more’re fucked, you got greedy and now you’re done and hated by anybody decent.

You know, Core People
View attachment 432582
The Core People live in the centre of the Earth on Earth-5391 a reality where the Earth is apparently hollow and contains a smaller micro "universe" inside where the Core People reside. They apparently lived below the surface of the Earth for centuries undiscovered until the year 2075.

They live in an alternate reality apparently. I can see that.
hahaha...I love it when you Abnormals pretend to be confused by what makes people CORE Americans.
I'll play along....Core Americans live and practice CORE American principles and values.....they love their country, it's history, it's culture, it's traditions...they speak the english language clearly and fluently, most share a last name with a soldier who served our nation in WW2, they're unapologetically prideful, they’re nationalistic, law abiding and productive...They tend to be heterosexual, they love God, they exhaust all effort in family and in teaching Americas family values to their children....I could go on and on..Are you starting to get still confused?
Non-"Core" Americans (by your definition) vote.

So, tough shit.

Remember, you needed 20-40 illegal, desperate, illiterate trespassing thirdworlders to invade our nation without the people’s consent and drop millions of needy, begging, Dem voting anchor babies in the laps of CORE Americans to win.
You shameless fools will stoop to any level to stay in the game...I’m sure you’re real proud of your pathway to relevance by way of your barely American constituency.

Hot damn, I love the fear.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

I'm not so sure college safe spaces and transgendered women using the ladies room is really to blame here. Most Americans haven't had any direct dealings with either, but who are the ones inflating the issues as an assault on America? It's wingnuts with microphones. Do liberals get ultra-pc? Some do, but I see it as more of a stereotype than anything else. But, sure some on the left take it too far.

Also, "the left" just elected a moderate Democrat and are mostly satisfied with the choice. There was no cult of personality, no irrational beliefs in what Biden can and cannot accomplish. 80 million people voted for him, there's a lot of liberals to count among them, to include Bernie Bros. They compromised for the sake of the country and I think as opposed with what we are seeing from the right at this point that's a good thing. The left so to speak is actually kind of moderate in it's radicalism compared to you know who. The right isn't even conservative so much as just a straight up cult willing to meld it's beliefs into whatever Trump wants.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

I agree. Though it's hard to tell as I do believe this board tends to pervert the size of the far right. But, who knows, he got 74 million votes and even normal Republicans are starting to fall in line with the cult. I know an elderly couple (late 60s) who when the virus began were and still are taking COVID seriously in the sense they mask up and social distance. When the Lt. Governor of Texas basically said old people should be ready to sacrifice themselves in the name of the economy she was in tears. She couldn't put two and two together so Trump for the most part got a pass. Now, she's questioning the COVID numbers and is somewhat convinced that flu numbers are down because people are diagnosing people with the flu as having COVID. They know and I know that we just don't talk about Trump to each other, but I found their ignorance in putting so much faith in internet rumors disturbing. I guess my point is this isn't the left poisoning their well, they are doing it to each other and they are exploiting everything to include raping common sense on a global pandemic.

I'm not so sure the left sitting quiet and taking it is really going to change their minds. That is probably not what you mean but someone whining about safe spaces in a corner of the world has very little impact.

haha....I can't watch you two play a cautious game of grab-ass any longer.
Look, 'this shit is so simple, you "CHANGE" America America Haters have brought all the pressure on yourselves, why it's all a big surprise to you is just plain bizarre.
Conservatives' were and have been plugging away doing business as usual, running this nation the way it's always been ran, doing things the way we've always done it...the American Way....and along came a bunch of weirdos hell-bent on forcing Americans to operate differently, to appease fringe factions, loonies and trespassing foreign criminals. Conservatives, being the nutless cowards they are looked the other way, didn't put up a fight and allowed you whacks to take the wheel and steer our nation down the shitter...well now they're pissed, they're retaliatory and they want their nation back from you Hate America types....that's all, simple shit!
Why not just get yourself legitimate, FUCK that 2% you're fighting for, fight to protect and preserve America and American virtue like we all use to before the faggots, wetbacks, feminazis and chicks with dicks suddenly came out of nowhere.

^What losing looks like.

I have to admit, I've learned a lesson from you guys. I don't want to live in hate. It is OK to disagree and not be disagreeable, we need to get back to that. Look at all the collateral damage you threw out in your post? gays, Mexicans and others from south of our border, woman who want the same rights as everyone else and my latest porn searches, oops, people who don't identify exactly as you insist they must. Get over it.

I've never seen such a bunch of crybabies who feel they are owed something whether they win or lose. So, I've decided I'm going to try and be more positive and thoughtful of others who come into the conversation the same. Doesn't look like that includes you so I look forward to the continued hysterical clown show you guys are good for and will give you back the amount of respect you've earned.
Yeah, you guys led by example on that peace/get along thing over the last four years. Fat chance buddy, you reap what you sow.

We were respected in the world. Well, not when Bush was president but when Obama was our allies liked us. We need allies, I'd like them back please.
Wrong. Our enemies loved Obama. Our allies tolerated the useless POS at best. Obama couldn't find his ass with both hands in the daylight with a flashlight.

I'd ask you to prove that but we both know that's not going to happen.

View attachment 432247
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah and your skewed polls said Hilary won in 2016 too. You haven't gotten over that BS either.

Here we go again. The national polls were accurate, they showed she would win the popular vote by about 2-3% and by golly she did.
and by golly she won less than 500 counties out of 3141. Yup, Yup you just keep believing those polls , moron.

I'm not sure what the number of counties has to do with anything. You brought up Clinton, polls and 2016. I merely pointed out that the national polls were pretty on target. I've never heard of county polls for national office because they would be absolutely meaningless.

Really odd and quite frankly idiotic route to take.
That's why you are spouting so much garbage, you DON'T KNOW. The millions of people in NYC and LA, where Hilarity's 3M vote lead came from, don't elect the president by themselves. The whole country does. That is why we have the electoral college. The mentally challenged have a problem with that. I'm sorry for you.

I like the back pedal.

You: Polls are wrong Hillary lost in 2016
Me: National polls were right they accurately predicted the vote percentages

You: moving goalposts: More counties voted for Trump
Me: So what?

You: NYC and LA don't count
Me: ??
Me: Don't talk about polls being wrong in 2016 and then pretend you were talking about something else when you're proven wrong.
Clean the window in your stomach and maybe you can find your way out of your BS circular arguments, I don't have time for your idiocy.

Russian proverb?

You said the polls in 2016 weren't accurate I demonstrated for what they track they were correct. It's not complicated.

So, now you get to look at this again
View attachment 432325

Look at all those white people that hate Trump.

I love it when you globalist apologists tell us how much you care about what the citizens of other nations think of our president....Not so coincidentally, when you tell us this twisted shit it’s usually in a thread where you’re also telling us how little you think of our own core people.
You don’t find that strange?
Now think once, wouldn’t any POTUS who takes a hardcore Americans first position be hated by the citizens in others nations waiting on their welfare check from the United States taxpayer?
You see, us good real core Americans waited eight long grueling years to install a legit president willing to put Americans first would think that all good, real Americans would want

It's pretty simple. America is strongest with it's allies. 'America First' is America alone and weaker.

Also, POTUS probably cares about you less than I do.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

I'm not so sure college safe spaces and transgendered women using the ladies room is really to blame here. Most Americans haven't had any direct dealings with either, but who are the ones inflating the issues as an assault on America? It's wingnuts with microphones. Do liberals get ultra-pc? Some do, but I see it as more of a stereotype than anything else. But, sure some on the left take it too far.

Also, "the left" just elected a moderate Democrat and are mostly satisfied with the choice. There was no cult of personality, no irrational beliefs in what Biden can and cannot accomplish. 80 million people voted for him, there's a lot of liberals to count among them, to include Bernie Bros. They compromised for the sake of the country and I think as opposed with what we are seeing from the right at this point that's a good thing. The left so to speak is actually kind of moderate in it's radicalism compared to you know who. The right isn't even conservative so much as just a straight up cult willing to meld it's beliefs into whatever Trump wants.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

I agree. Though it's hard to tell as I do believe this board tends to pervert the size of the far right. But, who knows, he got 74 million votes and even normal Republicans are starting to fall in line with the cult. I know an elderly couple (late 60s) who when the virus began were and still are taking COVID seriously in the sense they mask up and social distance. When the Lt. Governor of Texas basically said old people should be ready to sacrifice themselves in the name of the economy she was in tears. She couldn't put two and two together so Trump for the most part got a pass. Now, she's questioning the COVID numbers and is somewhat convinced that flu numbers are down because people are diagnosing people with the flu as having COVID. They know and I know that we just don't talk about Trump to each other, but I found their ignorance in putting so much faith in internet rumors disturbing. I guess my point is this isn't the left poisoning their well, they are doing it to each other and they are exploiting everything to include raping common sense on a global pandemic.

I'm not so sure the left sitting quiet and taking it is really going to change their minds. That is probably not what you mean but someone whining about safe spaces in a corner of the world has very little impact.

haha....I can't watch you two play a cautious game of grab-ass any longer.
Look, 'this shit is so simple, you "CHANGE" America America Haters have brought all the pressure on yourselves, why it's all a big surprise to you is just plain bizarre.
Conservatives' were and have been plugging away doing business as usual, running this nation the way it's always been ran, doing things the way we've always done it...the American Way....and along came a bunch of weirdos hell-bent on forcing Americans to operate differently, to appease fringe factions, loonies and trespassing foreign criminals. Conservatives, being the nutless cowards they are looked the other way, didn't put up a fight and allowed you whacks to take the wheel and steer our nation down the shitter...well now they're pissed, they're retaliatory and they want their nation back from you Hate America types....that's all, simple shit!
Why not just get yourself legitimate, FUCK that 2% you're fighting for, fight to protect and preserve America and American virtue like we all use to before the faggots, wetbacks, feminazis and chicks with dicks suddenly came out of nowhere.

^What losing looks like.

I have to admit, I've learned a lesson from you guys. I don't want to live in hate. It is OK to disagree and not be disagreeable, we need to get back to that. Look at all the collateral damage you threw out in your post? gays, Mexicans and others from south of our border, woman who want the same rights as everyone else and my latest porn searches, oops, people who don't identify exactly as you insist they must. Get over it.

I've never seen such a bunch of crybabies who feel they are owed something whether they win or lose. So, I've decided I'm going to try and be more positive and thoughtful of others who come into the conversation the same. Doesn't look like that includes you so I look forward to the continued hysterical clown show you guys are good for and will give you back the amount of respect you've earned.
Yeah, you guys led by example on that peace/get along thing over the last four years. Fat chance buddy, you reap what you sow.

We were respected in the world. Well, not when Bush was president but when Obama was our allies liked us. We need allies, I'd like them back please.
Wrong. Our enemies loved Obama. Our allies tolerated the useless POS at best. Obama couldn't find his ass with both hands in the daylight with a flashlight.

I'd ask you to prove that but we both know that's not going to happen.

View attachment 432247
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah and your skewed polls said Hilary won in 2016 too. You haven't gotten over that BS either.

Here we go again. The national polls were accurate, they showed she would win the popular vote by about 2-3% and by golly she did.
and by golly she won less than 500 counties out of 3141. Yup, Yup you just keep believing those polls , moron.

I'm not sure what the number of counties has to do with anything. You brought up Clinton, polls and 2016. I merely pointed out that the national polls were pretty on target. I've never heard of county polls for national office because they would be absolutely meaningless.

Really odd and quite frankly idiotic route to take.
That's why you are spouting so much garbage, you DON'T KNOW. The millions of people in NYC and LA, where Hilarity's 3M vote lead came from, don't elect the president by themselves. The whole country does. That is why we have the electoral college. The mentally challenged have a problem with that. I'm sorry for you.

I like the back pedal.

You: Polls are wrong Hillary lost in 2016
Me: National polls were right they accurately predicted the vote percentages

You: moving goalposts: More counties voted for Trump
Me: So what?

You: NYC and LA don't count
Me: ??
Me: Don't talk about polls being wrong in 2016 and then pretend you were talking about something else when you're proven wrong.
Clean the window in your stomach and maybe you can find your way out of your BS circular arguments, I don't have time for your idiocy.

Russian proverb?

You said the polls in 2016 weren't accurate I demonstrated for what they track they were correct. It's not complicated.

So, now you get to look at this again
View attachment 432325

Look at all those white people that hate Trump.

I love it when you globalist apologists tell us how much you care about what the citizens of other nations think of our president....Not so coincidentally, when you tell us this twisted shit it’s usually in a thread where you’re also telling us how little you think of our own core people.
You don’t find that strange?
Now think once, wouldn’t any POTUS who takes a hardcore Americans first position be hated by the citizens in others nations waiting on their welfare check from the United States taxpayer?
You see, us good real core Americans waited eight long grueling years to install a legit president willing to put Americans first would think that all good, real Americans would want

It's pretty simple. America is strongest with it's allies. 'America First' is America alone and weaker.

Also, POTUS probably cares about you less than I do.
Oh no, the object of their adoration wubs them. Trump is the most selfless human being in the history of historical histories. He only cares about America and Americans. He wishes he could break bread with each and every one of us! They heard it on the radio.
Nobody sane needs a POTUS to ”care” about them personally...we need them to implement policies that yield results that prove they care about know, like shutting down our border and stopping filthy thirdworlders from robbing American taxpayers, from destroying our communities, cities and states, from ruining our healthcare and education systems.
Basically, we need a POTUS who does the things the Kenyan and his almost dead sidekick didn’t and won’t do.

Trump tried to save us from healthcare, that's for sure.

Saving you from healthcare is not a function of your Father Government...although taxpayer dependent beggars tend to believe otherwise.

What about stop signs? Is that a function of 'Father Government'? You know, baby sitting us and making sure we stop at intersections and what not. Don't even get me started on cross walks.

I know, you don't get it. But why aren't you complaining abut government getting into your business about every aspect of your mode of travel?

You have to use your head and think “GENERAL welfare” when begging for Father Government intervention.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

I'm not so sure college safe spaces and transgendered women using the ladies room is really to blame here. Most Americans haven't had any direct dealings with either, but who are the ones inflating the issues as an assault on America? It's wingnuts with microphones. Do liberals get ultra-pc? Some do, but I see it as more of a stereotype than anything else. But, sure some on the left take it too far.

Also, "the left" just elected a moderate Democrat and are mostly satisfied with the choice. There was no cult of personality, no irrational beliefs in what Biden can and cannot accomplish. 80 million people voted for him, there's a lot of liberals to count among them, to include Bernie Bros. They compromised for the sake of the country and I think as opposed with what we are seeing from the right at this point that's a good thing. The left so to speak is actually kind of moderate in it's radicalism compared to you know who. The right isn't even conservative so much as just a straight up cult willing to meld it's beliefs into whatever Trump wants.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

I agree. Though it's hard to tell as I do believe this board tends to pervert the size of the far right. But, who knows, he got 74 million votes and even normal Republicans are starting to fall in line with the cult. I know an elderly couple (late 60s) who when the virus began were and still are taking COVID seriously in the sense they mask up and social distance. When the Lt. Governor of Texas basically said old people should be ready to sacrifice themselves in the name of the economy she was in tears. She couldn't put two and two together so Trump for the most part got a pass. Now, she's questioning the COVID numbers and is somewhat convinced that flu numbers are down because people are diagnosing people with the flu as having COVID. They know and I know that we just don't talk about Trump to each other, but I found their ignorance in putting so much faith in internet rumors disturbing. I guess my point is this isn't the left poisoning their well, they are doing it to each other and they are exploiting everything to include raping common sense on a global pandemic.

I'm not so sure the left sitting quiet and taking it is really going to change their minds. That is probably not what you mean but someone whining about safe spaces in a corner of the world has very little impact.

haha....I can't watch you two play a cautious game of grab-ass any longer.
Look, 'this shit is so simple, you "CHANGE" America America Haters have brought all the pressure on yourselves, why it's all a big surprise to you is just plain bizarre.
Conservatives' were and have been plugging away doing business as usual, running this nation the way it's always been ran, doing things the way we've always done it...the American Way....and along came a bunch of weirdos hell-bent on forcing Americans to operate differently, to appease fringe factions, loonies and trespassing foreign criminals. Conservatives, being the nutless cowards they are looked the other way, didn't put up a fight and allowed you whacks to take the wheel and steer our nation down the shitter...well now they're pissed, they're retaliatory and they want their nation back from you Hate America types....that's all, simple shit!
Why not just get yourself legitimate, FUCK that 2% you're fighting for, fight to protect and preserve America and American virtue like we all use to before the faggots, wetbacks, feminazis and chicks with dicks suddenly came out of nowhere.

^What losing looks like.

I have to admit, I've learned a lesson from you guys. I don't want to live in hate. It is OK to disagree and not be disagreeable, we need to get back to that. Look at all the collateral damage you threw out in your post? gays, Mexicans and others from south of our border, woman who want the same rights as everyone else and my latest porn searches, oops, people who don't identify exactly as you insist they must. Get over it.

I've never seen such a bunch of crybabies who feel they are owed something whether they win or lose. So, I've decided I'm going to try and be more positive and thoughtful of others who come into the conversation the same. Doesn't look like that includes you so I look forward to the continued hysterical clown show you guys are good for.
... and the freedom they have to spray that hate and misery and paranoia and rage, was helpful in leading you to that conclusion. If we know what people like this think, we know how much work still needs to be done.

That's part of the value of freedom of expression.

It's awfully odd that you wouldn't "HATE" an emerging group of abnormals hell-bent on forcing you to believe that doing it their way is better than the American Way.
Well, I don't hate anyone.

The world is changing. Whether you like or not, America is part of the world.
That’s right, the U.S. is changing and certainly not to the benefit of the core people, the productive people, the right people...therein lies your problem, that’s where the extreme opposition and retaliation stems from.
The very people who were graciously allowing you fucked in the head whackos to sell them on faggotry, on how awesome it was to allow a few illegal wetbacks in to “make a better life for their family” are so fucking done with you...You Loons took advantage of their kindness and now they won’t give you one more’re fucked, you got greedy and now you’re done and hated by anybody decent.

You know, Core People
View attachment 432582
The Core People live in the centre of the Earth on Earth-5391 a reality where the Earth is apparently hollow and contains a smaller micro "universe" inside where the Core People reside. They apparently lived below the surface of the Earth for centuries undiscovered until the year 2075.

They live in an alternate reality apparently. I can see that.
hahaha...I love it when you Abnormals pretend to be confused by what makes people CORE Americans.
I'll play along....Core Americans live and practice CORE American principles and values.....they love their country, it's history, it's culture, it's traditions...they speak the english language clearly and fluently, most share a last name with a soldier who served our nation in WW2, they're unapologetically prideful, they’re nationalistic, law abiding and productive...They tend to be heterosexual, they love God, they exhaust all effort in family and in teaching Americas family values to their children....I could go on and on..Are you starting to get still confused?
Non-"Core" Americans (by your definition) vote.

So, tough shit.

Remember, you needed 20-40 illegal, desperate, illiterate trespassing thirdworlders to invade our nation without the people’s consent and drop millions of needy, begging, Dem voting anchor babies in the laps of CORE Americans to win.
You shameless fools will stoop to any level to stay in the game...I’m sure you’re real proud of your pathway to relevance by way of your barely American constituency.
You're welcome to find an island somewhere, where you and your fellow Core Americans can be great.

But whether you like it or not, this country is changing. You can be smart, provide some good ideas and manage the change, or you can just scream MAGA from the corner.

I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

I'm not so sure college safe spaces and transgendered women using the ladies room is really to blame here. Most Americans haven't had any direct dealings with either, but who are the ones inflating the issues as an assault on America? It's wingnuts with microphones. Do liberals get ultra-pc? Some do, but I see it as more of a stereotype than anything else. But, sure some on the left take it too far.

Also, "the left" just elected a moderate Democrat and are mostly satisfied with the choice. There was no cult of personality, no irrational beliefs in what Biden can and cannot accomplish. 80 million people voted for him, there's a lot of liberals to count among them, to include Bernie Bros. They compromised for the sake of the country and I think as opposed with what we are seeing from the right at this point that's a good thing. The left so to speak is actually kind of moderate in it's radicalism compared to you know who. The right isn't even conservative so much as just a straight up cult willing to meld it's beliefs into whatever Trump wants.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

I agree. Though it's hard to tell as I do believe this board tends to pervert the size of the far right. But, who knows, he got 74 million votes and even normal Republicans are starting to fall in line with the cult. I know an elderly couple (late 60s) who when the virus began were and still are taking COVID seriously in the sense they mask up and social distance. When the Lt. Governor of Texas basically said old people should be ready to sacrifice themselves in the name of the economy she was in tears. She couldn't put two and two together so Trump for the most part got a pass. Now, she's questioning the COVID numbers and is somewhat convinced that flu numbers are down because people are diagnosing people with the flu as having COVID. They know and I know that we just don't talk about Trump to each other, but I found their ignorance in putting so much faith in internet rumors disturbing. I guess my point is this isn't the left poisoning their well, they are doing it to each other and they are exploiting everything to include raping common sense on a global pandemic.

I'm not so sure the left sitting quiet and taking it is really going to change their minds. That is probably not what you mean but someone whining about safe spaces in a corner of the world has very little impact.

haha....I can't watch you two play a cautious game of grab-ass any longer.
Look, 'this shit is so simple, you "CHANGE" America America Haters have brought all the pressure on yourselves, why it's all a big surprise to you is just plain bizarre.
Conservatives' were and have been plugging away doing business as usual, running this nation the way it's always been ran, doing things the way we've always done it...the American Way....and along came a bunch of weirdos hell-bent on forcing Americans to operate differently, to appease fringe factions, loonies and trespassing foreign criminals. Conservatives, being the nutless cowards they are looked the other way, didn't put up a fight and allowed you whacks to take the wheel and steer our nation down the shitter...well now they're pissed, they're retaliatory and they want their nation back from you Hate America types....that's all, simple shit!
Why not just get yourself legitimate, FUCK that 2% you're fighting for, fight to protect and preserve America and American virtue like we all use to before the faggots, wetbacks, feminazis and chicks with dicks suddenly came out of nowhere.

^What losing looks like.

I have to admit, I've learned a lesson from you guys. I don't want to live in hate. It is OK to disagree and not be disagreeable, we need to get back to that. Look at all the collateral damage you threw out in your post? gays, Mexicans and others from south of our border, woman who want the same rights as everyone else and my latest porn searches, oops, people who don't identify exactly as you insist they must. Get over it.

I've never seen such a bunch of crybabies who feel they are owed something whether they win or lose. So, I've decided I'm going to try and be more positive and thoughtful of others who come into the conversation the same. Doesn't look like that includes you so I look forward to the continued hysterical clown show you guys are good for and will give you back the amount of respect you've earned.
Yeah, you guys led by example on that peace/get along thing over the last four years. Fat chance buddy, you reap what you sow.

We were respected in the world. Well, not when Bush was president but when Obama was our allies liked us. We need allies, I'd like them back please.
Wrong. Our enemies loved Obama. Our allies tolerated the useless POS at best. Obama couldn't find his ass with both hands in the daylight with a flashlight.

I'd ask you to prove that but we both know that's not going to happen.

View attachment 432247
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah and your skewed polls said Hilary won in 2016 too. You haven't gotten over that BS either.

Here we go again. The national polls were accurate, they showed she would win the popular vote by about 2-3% and by golly she did.
and by golly she won less than 500 counties out of 3141. Yup, Yup you just keep believing those polls , moron.

I'm not sure what the number of counties has to do with anything. You brought up Clinton, polls and 2016. I merely pointed out that the national polls were pretty on target. I've never heard of county polls for national office because they would be absolutely meaningless.

Really odd and quite frankly idiotic route to take.
That's why you are spouting so much garbage, you DON'T KNOW. The millions of people in NYC and LA, where Hilarity's 3M vote lead came from, don't elect the president by themselves. The whole country does. That is why we have the electoral college. The mentally challenged have a problem with that. I'm sorry for you.

I like the back pedal.

You: Polls are wrong Hillary lost in 2016
Me: National polls were right they accurately predicted the vote percentages

You: moving goalposts: More counties voted for Trump
Me: So what?

You: NYC and LA don't count
Me: ??
Me: Don't talk about polls being wrong in 2016 and then pretend you were talking about something else when you're proven wrong.
Clean the window in your stomach and maybe you can find your way out of your BS circular arguments, I don't have time for your idiocy.

Russian proverb?

You said the polls in 2016 weren't accurate I demonstrated for what they track they were correct. It's not complicated.

So, now you get to look at this again
View attachment 432325

Look at all those white people that hate Trump.

I love it when you globalist apologists tell us how much you care about what the citizens of other nations think of our president....Not so coincidentally, when you tell us this twisted shit it’s usually in a thread where you’re also telling us how little you think of our own core people.
You don’t find that strange?
Now think once, wouldn’t any POTUS who takes a hardcore Americans first position be hated by the citizens in others nations waiting on their welfare check from the United States taxpayer?
You see, us good real core Americans waited eight long grueling years to install a legit president willing to put Americans first would think that all good, real Americans would want

It's pretty simple. America is strongest with it's allies. 'America First' is America alone and weaker.

Also, POTUS probably cares about you less than I do.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

I'm not so sure college safe spaces and transgendered women using the ladies room is really to blame here. Most Americans haven't had any direct dealings with either, but who are the ones inflating the issues as an assault on America? It's wingnuts with microphones. Do liberals get ultra-pc? Some do, but I see it as more of a stereotype than anything else. But, sure some on the left take it too far.

Also, "the left" just elected a moderate Democrat and are mostly satisfied with the choice. There was no cult of personality, no irrational beliefs in what Biden can and cannot accomplish. 80 million people voted for him, there's a lot of liberals to count among them, to include Bernie Bros. They compromised for the sake of the country and I think as opposed with what we are seeing from the right at this point that's a good thing. The left so to speak is actually kind of moderate in it's radicalism compared to you know who. The right isn't even conservative so much as just a straight up cult willing to meld it's beliefs into whatever Trump wants.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

I agree. Though it's hard to tell as I do believe this board tends to pervert the size of the far right. But, who knows, he got 74 million votes and even normal Republicans are starting to fall in line with the cult. I know an elderly couple (late 60s) who when the virus began were and still are taking COVID seriously in the sense they mask up and social distance. When the Lt. Governor of Texas basically said old people should be ready to sacrifice themselves in the name of the economy she was in tears. She couldn't put two and two together so Trump for the most part got a pass. Now, she's questioning the COVID numbers and is somewhat convinced that flu numbers are down because people are diagnosing people with the flu as having COVID. They know and I know that we just don't talk about Trump to each other, but I found their ignorance in putting so much faith in internet rumors disturbing. I guess my point is this isn't the left poisoning their well, they are doing it to each other and they are exploiting everything to include raping common sense on a global pandemic.

I'm not so sure the left sitting quiet and taking it is really going to change their minds. That is probably not what you mean but someone whining about safe spaces in a corner of the world has very little impact.

haha....I can't watch you two play a cautious game of grab-ass any longer.
Look, 'this shit is so simple, you "CHANGE" America America Haters have brought all the pressure on yourselves, why it's all a big surprise to you is just plain bizarre.
Conservatives' were and have been plugging away doing business as usual, running this nation the way it's always been ran, doing things the way we've always done it...the American Way....and along came a bunch of weirdos hell-bent on forcing Americans to operate differently, to appease fringe factions, loonies and trespassing foreign criminals. Conservatives, being the nutless cowards they are looked the other way, didn't put up a fight and allowed you whacks to take the wheel and steer our nation down the shitter...well now they're pissed, they're retaliatory and they want their nation back from you Hate America types....that's all, simple shit!
Why not just get yourself legitimate, FUCK that 2% you're fighting for, fight to protect and preserve America and American virtue like we all use to before the faggots, wetbacks, feminazis and chicks with dicks suddenly came out of nowhere.

^What losing looks like.

I have to admit, I've learned a lesson from you guys. I don't want to live in hate. It is OK to disagree and not be disagreeable, we need to get back to that. Look at all the collateral damage you threw out in your post? gays, Mexicans and others from south of our border, woman who want the same rights as everyone else and my latest porn searches, oops, people who don't identify exactly as you insist they must. Get over it.

I've never seen such a bunch of crybabies who feel they are owed something whether they win or lose. So, I've decided I'm going to try and be more positive and thoughtful of others who come into the conversation the same. Doesn't look like that includes you so I look forward to the continued hysterical clown show you guys are good for and will give you back the amount of respect you've earned.
Yeah, you guys led by example on that peace/get along thing over the last four years. Fat chance buddy, you reap what you sow.

We were respected in the world. Well, not when Bush was president but when Obama was our allies liked us. We need allies, I'd like them back please.
Wrong. Our enemies loved Obama. Our allies tolerated the useless POS at best. Obama couldn't find his ass with both hands in the daylight with a flashlight.

I'd ask you to prove that but we both know that's not going to happen.

View attachment 432247
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah and your skewed polls said Hilary won in 2016 too. You haven't gotten over that BS either.

Here we go again. The national polls were accurate, they showed she would win the popular vote by about 2-3% and by golly she did.
and by golly she won less than 500 counties out of 3141. Yup, Yup you just keep believing those polls , moron.

I'm not sure what the number of counties has to do with anything. You brought up Clinton, polls and 2016. I merely pointed out that the national polls were pretty on target. I've never heard of county polls for national office because they would be absolutely meaningless.

Really odd and quite frankly idiotic route to take.
That's why you are spouting so much garbage, you DON'T KNOW. The millions of people in NYC and LA, where Hilarity's 3M vote lead came from, don't elect the president by themselves. The whole country does. That is why we have the electoral college. The mentally challenged have a problem with that. I'm sorry for you.

I like the back pedal.

You: Polls are wrong Hillary lost in 2016
Me: National polls were right they accurately predicted the vote percentages

You: moving goalposts: More counties voted for Trump
Me: So what?

You: NYC and LA don't count
Me: ??
Me: Don't talk about polls being wrong in 2016 and then pretend you were talking about something else when you're proven wrong.
Clean the window in your stomach and maybe you can find your way out of your BS circular arguments, I don't have time for your idiocy.

Russian proverb?

You said the polls in 2016 weren't accurate I demonstrated for what they track they were correct. It's not complicated.

So, now you get to look at this again
View attachment 432325

Look at all those white people that hate Trump.

I love it when you globalist apologists tell us how much you care about what the citizens of other nations think of our president....Not so coincidentally, when you tell us this twisted shit it’s usually in a thread where you’re also telling us how little you think of our own core people.
You don’t find that strange?
Now think once, wouldn’t any POTUS who takes a hardcore Americans first position be hated by the citizens in others nations waiting on their welfare check from the United States taxpayer?
You see, us good real core Americans waited eight long grueling years to install a legit president willing to put Americans first would think that all good, real Americans would want

It's pretty simple. America is strongest with it's allies. 'America First' is America alone and weaker.

Also, POTUS probably cares about you less than I do.
Oh no, the object of their adoration wubs them. Trump is the most selfless human being in the history of historical histories. He only cares about America and Americans. He wishes he could break bread with each and every one of us! They heard it on the radio.
Nobody sane needs a POTUS to ”care” about them personally...we need them to implement policies that yield results that prove they care about know, like shutting down our border and stopping filthy thirdworlders from robbing American taxpayers, from destroying our communities, cities and states, from ruining our healthcare and education systems.
Basically, we need a POTUS who does the things the Kenyan and his almost dead sidekick didn’t and won’t do.

Trump tried to save us from healthcare, that's for sure.

Saving you from healthcare is not a function of your Father Government...although taxpayer dependent beggars tend to believe otherwise.

What about stop signs? Is that a function of 'Father Government'? You know, baby sitting us and making sure we stop at intersections and what not. Don't even get me started on cross walks.

I know, you don't get it. But why aren't you complaining abut government getting into your business about every aspect of your mode of travel?

You have to use your head and think “GENERAL welfare” when begging for Father Government intervention.

Yeah, that ship sailed long ago and healthcare leaped that hurdle. Now what are you going to do?

EDIT: Mixed metaphors but we're a diverse country so you're used to it by now.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

I'm not so sure college safe spaces and transgendered women using the ladies room is really to blame here. Most Americans haven't had any direct dealings with either, but who are the ones inflating the issues as an assault on America? It's wingnuts with microphones. Do liberals get ultra-pc? Some do, but I see it as more of a stereotype than anything else. But, sure some on the left take it too far.

Also, "the left" just elected a moderate Democrat and are mostly satisfied with the choice. There was no cult of personality, no irrational beliefs in what Biden can and cannot accomplish. 80 million people voted for him, there's a lot of liberals to count among them, to include Bernie Bros. They compromised for the sake of the country and I think as opposed with what we are seeing from the right at this point that's a good thing. The left so to speak is actually kind of moderate in it's radicalism compared to you know who. The right isn't even conservative so much as just a straight up cult willing to meld it's beliefs into whatever Trump wants.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

I agree. Though it's hard to tell as I do believe this board tends to pervert the size of the far right. But, who knows, he got 74 million votes and even normal Republicans are starting to fall in line with the cult. I know an elderly couple (late 60s) who when the virus began were and still are taking COVID seriously in the sense they mask up and social distance. When the Lt. Governor of Texas basically said old people should be ready to sacrifice themselves in the name of the economy she was in tears. She couldn't put two and two together so Trump for the most part got a pass. Now, she's questioning the COVID numbers and is somewhat convinced that flu numbers are down because people are diagnosing people with the flu as having COVID. They know and I know that we just don't talk about Trump to each other, but I found their ignorance in putting so much faith in internet rumors disturbing. I guess my point is this isn't the left poisoning their well, they are doing it to each other and they are exploiting everything to include raping common sense on a global pandemic.

I'm not so sure the left sitting quiet and taking it is really going to change their minds. That is probably not what you mean but someone whining about safe spaces in a corner of the world has very little impact.

haha....I can't watch you two play a cautious game of grab-ass any longer.
Look, 'this shit is so simple, you "CHANGE" America America Haters have brought all the pressure on yourselves, why it's all a big surprise to you is just plain bizarre.
Conservatives' were and have been plugging away doing business as usual, running this nation the way it's always been ran, doing things the way we've always done it...the American Way....and along came a bunch of weirdos hell-bent on forcing Americans to operate differently, to appease fringe factions, loonies and trespassing foreign criminals. Conservatives, being the nutless cowards they are looked the other way, didn't put up a fight and allowed you whacks to take the wheel and steer our nation down the shitter...well now they're pissed, they're retaliatory and they want their nation back from you Hate America types....that's all, simple shit!
Why not just get yourself legitimate, FUCK that 2% you're fighting for, fight to protect and preserve America and American virtue like we all use to before the faggots, wetbacks, feminazis and chicks with dicks suddenly came out of nowhere.

^What losing looks like.

I have to admit, I've learned a lesson from you guys. I don't want to live in hate. It is OK to disagree and not be disagreeable, we need to get back to that. Look at all the collateral damage you threw out in your post? gays, Mexicans and others from south of our border, woman who want the same rights as everyone else and my latest porn searches, oops, people who don't identify exactly as you insist they must. Get over it.

I've never seen such a bunch of crybabies who feel they are owed something whether they win or lose. So, I've decided I'm going to try and be more positive and thoughtful of others who come into the conversation the same. Doesn't look like that includes you so I look forward to the continued hysterical clown show you guys are good for.
... and the freedom they have to spray that hate and misery and paranoia and rage, was helpful in leading you to that conclusion. If we know what people like this think, we know how much work still needs to be done.

That's part of the value of freedom of expression.

It's awfully odd that you wouldn't "HATE" an emerging group of abnormals hell-bent on forcing you to believe that doing it their way is better than the American Way.
Well, I don't hate anyone.

The world is changing. Whether you like or not, America is part of the world.
That’s right, the U.S. is changing and certainly not to the benefit of the core people, the productive people, the right people...therein lies your problem, that’s where the extreme opposition and retaliation stems from.
The very people who were graciously allowing you fucked in the head whackos to sell them on faggotry, on how awesome it was to allow a few illegal wetbacks in to “make a better life for their family” are so fucking done with you...You Loons took advantage of their kindness and now they won’t give you one more’re fucked, you got greedy and now you’re done and hated by anybody decent.

You know, Core People
View attachment 432582
The Core People live in the centre of the Earth on Earth-5391 a reality where the Earth is apparently hollow and contains a smaller micro "universe" inside where the Core People reside. They apparently lived below the surface of the Earth for centuries undiscovered until the year 2075.

They live in an alternate reality apparently. I can see that.
hahaha...I love it when you Abnormals pretend to be confused by what makes people CORE Americans.
I'll play along....Core Americans live and practice CORE American principles and values.....they love their country, it's history, it's culture, it's traditions...they speak the english language clearly and fluently, most share a last name with a soldier who served our nation in WW2, they're unapologetically prideful, they’re nationalistic, law abiding and productive...They tend to be heterosexual, they love God, they exhaust all effort in family and in teaching Americas family values to their children....I could go on and on..Are you starting to get still confused?
Non-"Core" Americans (by your definition) vote.

So, tough shit.

Remember, you needed 20-40 illegal, desperate, illiterate trespassing thirdworlders to invade our nation without the people’s consent and drop millions of needy, begging, Dem voting anchor babies in the laps of CORE Americans to win.
You shameless fools will stoop to any level to stay in the game...I’m sure you’re real proud of your pathway to relevance by way of your barely American constituency.

Hot damn, I love the fear.

Have you seen what your brown people have done to Mexifornia, to Lost Angeles, to every community they inhabit, to our education and healthcare systems, to our jails and prisons?
What’s not to FEAR?
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

I'm not so sure college safe spaces and transgendered women using the ladies room is really to blame here. Most Americans haven't had any direct dealings with either, but who are the ones inflating the issues as an assault on America? It's wingnuts with microphones. Do liberals get ultra-pc? Some do, but I see it as more of a stereotype than anything else. But, sure some on the left take it too far.

Also, "the left" just elected a moderate Democrat and are mostly satisfied with the choice. There was no cult of personality, no irrational beliefs in what Biden can and cannot accomplish. 80 million people voted for him, there's a lot of liberals to count among them, to include Bernie Bros. They compromised for the sake of the country and I think as opposed with what we are seeing from the right at this point that's a good thing. The left so to speak is actually kind of moderate in it's radicalism compared to you know who. The right isn't even conservative so much as just a straight up cult willing to meld it's beliefs into whatever Trump wants.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

I agree. Though it's hard to tell as I do believe this board tends to pervert the size of the far right. But, who knows, he got 74 million votes and even normal Republicans are starting to fall in line with the cult. I know an elderly couple (late 60s) who when the virus began were and still are taking COVID seriously in the sense they mask up and social distance. When the Lt. Governor of Texas basically said old people should be ready to sacrifice themselves in the name of the economy she was in tears. She couldn't put two and two together so Trump for the most part got a pass. Now, she's questioning the COVID numbers and is somewhat convinced that flu numbers are down because people are diagnosing people with the flu as having COVID. They know and I know that we just don't talk about Trump to each other, but I found their ignorance in putting so much faith in internet rumors disturbing. I guess my point is this isn't the left poisoning their well, they are doing it to each other and they are exploiting everything to include raping common sense on a global pandemic.

I'm not so sure the left sitting quiet and taking it is really going to change their minds. That is probably not what you mean but someone whining about safe spaces in a corner of the world has very little impact.

haha....I can't watch you two play a cautious game of grab-ass any longer.
Look, 'this shit is so simple, you "CHANGE" America America Haters have brought all the pressure on yourselves, why it's all a big surprise to you is just plain bizarre.
Conservatives' were and have been plugging away doing business as usual, running this nation the way it's always been ran, doing things the way we've always done it...the American Way....and along came a bunch of weirdos hell-bent on forcing Americans to operate differently, to appease fringe factions, loonies and trespassing foreign criminals. Conservatives, being the nutless cowards they are looked the other way, didn't put up a fight and allowed you whacks to take the wheel and steer our nation down the shitter...well now they're pissed, they're retaliatory and they want their nation back from you Hate America types....that's all, simple shit!
Why not just get yourself legitimate, FUCK that 2% you're fighting for, fight to protect and preserve America and American virtue like we all use to before the faggots, wetbacks, feminazis and chicks with dicks suddenly came out of nowhere.

^What losing looks like.

I have to admit, I've learned a lesson from you guys. I don't want to live in hate. It is OK to disagree and not be disagreeable, we need to get back to that. Look at all the collateral damage you threw out in your post? gays, Mexicans and others from south of our border, woman who want the same rights as everyone else and my latest porn searches, oops, people who don't identify exactly as you insist they must. Get over it.

I've never seen such a bunch of crybabies who feel they are owed something whether they win or lose. So, I've decided I'm going to try and be more positive and thoughtful of others who come into the conversation the same. Doesn't look like that includes you so I look forward to the continued hysterical clown show you guys are good for and will give you back the amount of respect you've earned.
Yeah, you guys led by example on that peace/get along thing over the last four years. Fat chance buddy, you reap what you sow.

We were respected in the world. Well, not when Bush was president but when Obama was our allies liked us. We need allies, I'd like them back please.
Wrong. Our enemies loved Obama. Our allies tolerated the useless POS at best. Obama couldn't find his ass with both hands in the daylight with a flashlight.

I'd ask you to prove that but we both know that's not going to happen.

View attachment 432247
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah and your skewed polls said Hilary won in 2016 too. You haven't gotten over that BS either.

Here we go again. The national polls were accurate, they showed she would win the popular vote by about 2-3% and by golly she did.
and by golly she won less than 500 counties out of 3141. Yup, Yup you just keep believing those polls , moron.

I'm not sure what the number of counties has to do with anything. You brought up Clinton, polls and 2016. I merely pointed out that the national polls were pretty on target. I've never heard of county polls for national office because they would be absolutely meaningless.

Really odd and quite frankly idiotic route to take.
That's why you are spouting so much garbage, you DON'T KNOW. The millions of people in NYC and LA, where Hilarity's 3M vote lead came from, don't elect the president by themselves. The whole country does. That is why we have the electoral college. The mentally challenged have a problem with that. I'm sorry for you.

I like the back pedal.

You: Polls are wrong Hillary lost in 2016
Me: National polls were right they accurately predicted the vote percentages

You: moving goalposts: More counties voted for Trump
Me: So what?

You: NYC and LA don't count
Me: ??
Me: Don't talk about polls being wrong in 2016 and then pretend you were talking about something else when you're proven wrong.
Clean the window in your stomach and maybe you can find your way out of your BS circular arguments, I don't have time for your idiocy.

Russian proverb?

You said the polls in 2016 weren't accurate I demonstrated for what they track they were correct. It's not complicated.

So, now you get to look at this again
View attachment 432325

Look at all those white people that hate Trump.

I love it when you globalist apologists tell us how much you care about what the citizens of other nations think of our president....Not so coincidentally, when you tell us this twisted shit it’s usually in a thread where you’re also telling us how little you think of our own core people.
You don’t find that strange?
Now think once, wouldn’t any POTUS who takes a hardcore Americans first position be hated by the citizens in others nations waiting on their welfare check from the United States taxpayer?
You see, us good real core Americans waited eight long grueling years to install a legit president willing to put Americans first would think that all good, real Americans would want

It's pretty simple. America is strongest with it's allies. 'America First' is America alone and weaker.

Also, POTUS probably cares about you less than I do.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.
I am weary to the point of gut-bathing violence of the fucking race card. I don't give a rat fuck about race and anyone who does needs to be executed.
The mods must love the possibility of another potential shooter amongst us.
As some point this stuff will end up back where it belongs, on the lunatic fringe.

But it's important to pay attention to that unhinged, paranoid rage: That's what got Trump elected in the first place. It's real, and to continue ignoring it would just make ultimately addressing it a longer process.

And honestly addressing it would require the Left to look in the mirror. That's not happening for the most part.

It's important to pay attention to but I don't see why blaming the left for the actions of the lunatic right is a thing.
It's not blame, but it's fair to examine what role the Left may have played in adding to their frustration and anger.

I was saying long before Trump showed up that there would be pushback to PC and Identity Politics, and they've made it clear that those issues were a big part of it. What I didn't realize was HOW big they would be.

But what part did you play? I don't mean that to blame you but you've also set them off on this board. I don't see how anyone is supposed to change their own behavior so the fruitcakes behave.
This board is a small and intense microcosm. I'm talking about the country, from coast to coast. I think their anger and frustration over those things was GREATLY underestimated, and still is.

I use the board as a single example.

As a liberal how am I supposed to appease these knuckledraggers when they think Bill Barr is a part of the 'deep state'? This has been building up for decades by politicians and pundits from the right, I'm not responsible for them.
Well first, that's a different topic. My point was that It was largely PC and Identity Politics that animated so many of them. This alternate universe stuff is its own beast.

I'm not so sure college safe spaces and transgendered women using the ladies room is really to blame here. Most Americans haven't had any direct dealings with either, but who are the ones inflating the issues as an assault on America? It's wingnuts with microphones. Do liberals get ultra-pc? Some do, but I see it as more of a stereotype than anything else. But, sure some on the left take it too far.

Also, "the left" just elected a moderate Democrat and are mostly satisfied with the choice. There was no cult of personality, no irrational beliefs in what Biden can and cannot accomplish. 80 million people voted for him, there's a lot of liberals to count among them, to include Bernie Bros. They compromised for the sake of the country and I think as opposed with what we are seeing from the right at this point that's a good thing. The left so to speak is actually kind of moderate in it's radicalism compared to you know who. The right isn't even conservative so much as just a straight up cult willing to meld it's beliefs into whatever Trump wants.

There are people who most likely aren't going to be a part of any informed, rational, constructive conversation. Some of these Trumpsters may come to their senses at some point, but a lot of them just won't. So trying to deal with them is most likely wasted effort. I compare it to trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage jihadi on the streets of Damascus.

I agree. Though it's hard to tell as I do believe this board tends to pervert the size of the far right. But, who knows, he got 74 million votes and even normal Republicans are starting to fall in line with the cult. I know an elderly couple (late 60s) who when the virus began were and still are taking COVID seriously in the sense they mask up and social distance. When the Lt. Governor of Texas basically said old people should be ready to sacrifice themselves in the name of the economy she was in tears. She couldn't put two and two together so Trump for the most part got a pass. Now, she's questioning the COVID numbers and is somewhat convinced that flu numbers are down because people are diagnosing people with the flu as having COVID. They know and I know that we just don't talk about Trump to each other, but I found their ignorance in putting so much faith in internet rumors disturbing. I guess my point is this isn't the left poisoning their well, they are doing it to each other and they are exploiting everything to include raping common sense on a global pandemic.

I'm not so sure the left sitting quiet and taking it is really going to change their minds. That is probably not what you mean but someone whining about safe spaces in a corner of the world has very little impact.

haha....I can't watch you two play a cautious game of grab-ass any longer.
Look, 'this shit is so simple, you "CHANGE" America America Haters have brought all the pressure on yourselves, why it's all a big surprise to you is just plain bizarre.
Conservatives' were and have been plugging away doing business as usual, running this nation the way it's always been ran, doing things the way we've always done it...the American Way....and along came a bunch of weirdos hell-bent on forcing Americans to operate differently, to appease fringe factions, loonies and trespassing foreign criminals. Conservatives, being the nutless cowards they are looked the other way, didn't put up a fight and allowed you whacks to take the wheel and steer our nation down the shitter...well now they're pissed, they're retaliatory and they want their nation back from you Hate America types....that's all, simple shit!
Why not just get yourself legitimate, FUCK that 2% you're fighting for, fight to protect and preserve America and American virtue like we all use to before the faggots, wetbacks, feminazis and chicks with dicks suddenly came out of nowhere.

^What losing looks like.

I have to admit, I've learned a lesson from you guys. I don't want to live in hate. It is OK to disagree and not be disagreeable, we need to get back to that. Look at all the collateral damage you threw out in your post? gays, Mexicans and others from south of our border, woman who want the same rights as everyone else and my latest porn searches, oops, people who don't identify exactly as you insist they must. Get over it.

I've never seen such a bunch of crybabies who feel they are owed something whether they win or lose. So, I've decided I'm going to try and be more positive and thoughtful of others who come into the conversation the same. Doesn't look like that includes you so I look forward to the continued hysterical clown show you guys are good for and will give you back the amount of respect you've earned.
Yeah, you guys led by example on that peace/get along thing over the last four years. Fat chance buddy, you reap what you sow.

We were respected in the world. Well, not when Bush was president but when Obama was our allies liked us. We need allies, I'd like them back please.
Wrong. Our enemies loved Obama. Our allies tolerated the useless POS at best. Obama couldn't find his ass with both hands in the daylight with a flashlight.

I'd ask you to prove that but we both know that's not going to happen.

View attachment 432247
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah and your skewed polls said Hilary won in 2016 too. You haven't gotten over that BS either.

Here we go again. The national polls were accurate, they showed she would win the popular vote by about 2-3% and by golly she did.
and by golly she won less than 500 counties out of 3141. Yup, Yup you just keep believing those polls , moron.

I'm not sure what the number of counties has to do with anything. You brought up Clinton, polls and 2016. I merely pointed out that the national polls were pretty on target. I've never heard of county polls for national office because they would be absolutely meaningless.

Really odd and quite frankly idiotic route to take.
That's why you are spouting so much garbage, you DON'T KNOW. The millions of people in NYC and LA, where Hilarity's 3M vote lead came from, don't elect the president by themselves. The whole country does. That is why we have the electoral college. The mentally challenged have a problem with that. I'm sorry for you.

I like the back pedal.

You: Polls are wrong Hillary lost in 2016
Me: National polls were right they accurately predicted the vote percentages

You: moving goalposts: More counties voted for Trump
Me: So what?

You: NYC and LA don't count
Me: ??
Me: Don't talk about polls being wrong in 2016 and then pretend you were talking about something else when you're proven wrong.
Clean the window in your stomach and maybe you can find your way out of your BS circular arguments, I don't have time for your idiocy.

Russian proverb?

You said the polls in 2016 weren't accurate I demonstrated for what they track they were correct. It's not complicated.

So, now you get to look at this again
View attachment 432325

Look at all those white people that hate Trump.

I love it when you globalist apologists tell us how much you care about what the citizens of other nations think of our president....Not so coincidentally, when you tell us this twisted shit it’s usually in a thread where you’re also telling us how little you think of our own core people.
You don’t find that strange?
Now think once, wouldn’t any POTUS who takes a hardcore Americans first position be hated by the citizens in others nations waiting on their welfare check from the United States taxpayer?
You see, us good real core Americans waited eight long grueling years to install a legit president willing to put Americans first would think that all good, real Americans would want

It's pretty simple. America is strongest with it's allies. 'America First' is America alone and weaker.

Also, POTUS probably cares about you less than I do.
Oh no, the object of their adoration wubs them. Trump is the most selfless human being in the history of historical histories. He only cares about America and Americans. He wishes he could break bread with each and every one of us! They heard it on the radio.
Nobody sane needs a POTUS to ”care” about them personally...we need them to implement policies that yield results that prove they care about know, like shutting down our border and stopping filthy thirdworlders from robbing American taxpayers, from destroying our communities, cities and states, from ruining our healthcare and education systems.
Basically, we need a POTUS who does the things the Kenyan and his almost dead sidekick didn’t and won’t do.

Trump tried to save us from healthcare, that's for sure.

Saving you from healthcare is not a function of your Father Government...although taxpayer dependent beggars tend to believe otherwise.

What about stop signs? Is that a function of 'Father Government'? You know, baby sitting us and making sure we stop at intersections and what not. Don't even get me started on cross walks.

I know, you don't get it. But why aren't you complaining abut government getting into your business about every aspect of your mode of travel?

You have to use your head and think “GENERAL welfare” when begging for Father Government intervention.

Yeah, that ship sailed long ago and healthcare leaped that hurdle. Now what are you going to do?

EDIT: Mixed metaphors but we're a diverse country so you're used to it by now.
“Yeah, that ship sailed long ago and healthcare leaped that hurdle. Now what are you going to do?”
What ship is that? The words of our our Constitution null and void?

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