The "Virtuous" New Nazis.

I just wanted to go on record here by way of saying that Tilly can soap me any time.

You and Tilly need a room, you're up each other's butts in public enough as it is.
How very vulgar of you, coyote, and jealousy is also a very ugly trait, so it suits you well. I think Dogmaphobe is an excellent poster, and he runs rings around you daily, which is always a pleasure to witness :) Oh, and he's also rather handsome and distinguished, not to mention being well educated and possessing excellent taste :)
No wonder you stalk him all over the board and lie about him incessantly.
Tissue? :)
Oh, and left wing anti Zionism is the new Antisemitism :thup:
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From the excellent Jonathan Sacks:
Incidentally, Jews are leaving Europe for Israel in numbers not seen since WW2.

Anti-Semitism is a virus that survives by mutating; today Jews are hated because of their nation state.

Desecrated tombstones of the Sarre-Union Jewish cemetery in France February 17, 2015. "Across Europe, Jews are leaving."REUTERS/VINCENT KESSLER
On March 27, speaking to the Sunday Times, former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams expressed his concern at rising levels of anti-Semitism on British university campuses. There are, he said, “worrying echoes” of Germany in the 1930s. Two days later, in The Times, Chris Bryant, the Shadow Leader of the House of Commons and a senior member of the British Labour party, warned that the political left was increasingly questioning the right of the state of Israel to exist, a view he called a “not too subtle form of anti-Semitism.”

Across Europe, Jews are leaving. A survey in 2013 by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights showed that almost a third of Europe’s Jews have considered emigrating because of anti-Semitism, with numbers as high as 46 percent in France and 48 percent in Hungary...

Anti-Zionism is the new anti-Semitism, says Britain's former chief rabbi
From the Sacks article above:

Nor is this a problem in Europe alone. A 2015 survey of North American Jewish college students by Brandeis University found that three-quarters of respondents had been exposed to anti-Semitic rhetoric. One third had reported incidents of harassment because they were Jewish. Much of the intimidation on campus is stirred by “Israel Apartheid” weeks and the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) campaign against Israel. These have become what Easter was in the Middle Ages, a time for attacks against Jews.

Something is clearly happening, but what? Many on the left argue that they are being wrongly accused. They are not against Jews, they say, only opposed to the policies of the state of Israel. Here one must state the obvious. Criticism of the Israeli government is not anti-Semitic. Nor is the BDS movement inherently anti-Semitic. Many of its supporters have a genuine concern for human rights. It is, though, a front for the new anti-Semitism, an unholy alliance of radical Islamism and the political left....
What then is anti-Semitism? It is not a coherent set of beliefs but a set of contradictions. Before the Holocaust, Jews were hated because they were poor and because they were rich; because they were communists and because they were capitalists; because they kept to themselves and because they infiltrated everywhere; because they clung tenaciously to ancient religious beliefs and because they were rootless cosmopolitans who believed nothing.

Anti-semitism is a virus that survives by mutating. In the Middle Ages, Jews were hated because of their religion. In the 19th and 20th centuries they were hated because of their race. Today they are hated because of their nation state, Israel. Anti-Zionism is the new anti-Semitism....

Anti-Zionism is the new anti-Semitism, says Britain's former chief rabbi

I just wanted to go on record here by way of saying that Tilly can soap me any time.

You and Tilly need a room, you're up each other's butts in public enough as it is.

Feel free to fuck off, you soulless harpie.

If not a room, at least draw the curtains.

Thank you.

There's a "Life of Brian" clip there somewhere but it's a bit rude.

The blood libel is alive and well:

...The legitimization has also changed. Throughout history, when people have sought to justify anti-Semitism, they have done so by recourse to the highest source of authority available within the culture. In the Middle Ages, it was religion. In post-Enlightenment Europe it was science. Today it is human rights. It is why Israel—the only fully functioning democracy in the Middle East with a free press and independent judiciary—is regularly accused of the five crimes against human rights: racism, apartheid, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing and attempted genocide. This is the blood libel of our time. .....

Anti-Zionism is the new anti-Semitism, says Britain's former chief rabbi
From the Sacks article above:

Nor is this a problem in Europe alone. A 2015 survey of North American Jewish college students by Brandeis University found that three-quarters of respondents had been exposed to anti-Semitic rhetoric. One third had reported incidents of harassment because they were Jewish. Much of the intimidation on campus is stirred by “Israel Apartheid” weeks and the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) campaign against Israel. These have become what Easter was in the Middle Ages, a time for attacks against Jews.

Something is clearly happening, but what? Many on the left argue that they are being wrongly accused. They are not against Jews, they say, only opposed to the policies of the state of Israel. Here one must state the obvious. Criticism of the Israeli government is not anti-Semitic. Nor is the BDS movement inherently anti-Semitic. Many of its supporters have a genuine concern for human rights. It is, though, a front for the new anti-Semitism, an unholy alliance of radical Islamism and the political left....

They're using the same handbook.

The Political Strategy and Tactics of the Russian Communists


I just wanted to go on record here by way of saying that Tilly can soap me any time.

You and Tilly need a room, you're up each other's butts in public enough as it is.
How very vulgar of you, coyote, and jealousy is also a very ugly trait, so it suits you well. I think Dogmaphobe is an excellent poster, and he runs rings around you daily, which is always a pleasure to witness :) Oh, and he's also rather handsome and distinguished, not to mention being well educated and possessing excellent taste :)
No wonder you stalk him all over the board and lie about him incessantly.
Tissue? :)
Oh, and left wing anti Zionism is the new Antisemitism :thup:

Of course you think he's an excellant poster you silly sycophant :) You two are constantly thanking and applauding each other. Please at least be a bit more discrete.

Lying? You do an admirable job yourself.

I just wanted to go on record here by way of saying that Tilly can soap me any time.

You and Tilly need a room, you're up each other's butts in public enough as it is.

Feel free to fuck off, you soulless harpie.

If not a room, at least draw the curtains.

Thank you.

There's a "Life of Brian" clip there somewhere but it's a bit rude.



Life of Brian rocks....almost as much as the Holy Grail :rock:

I just wanted to go on record here by way of saying that Tilly can soap me any time.

You and Tilly need a room, you're up each other's butts in public enough as it is.
How very vulgar of you, coyote, and jealousy is also a very ugly trait, so it suits you well. I think Dogmaphobe is an excellent poster, and he runs rings around you daily, which is always a pleasure to witness :) Oh, and he's also rather handsome and distinguished, not to mention being well educated and possessing excellent taste :)
No wonder you stalk him all over the board and lie about him incessantly.
Tissue? :)
Oh, and left wing anti Zionism is the new Antisemitism :thup:

Of course you think he's an excellant poster you silly sycophant :) You two are constantly thanking and applauding each other. Please at least be a bit more discrete.

Lying? You do an admirable job yourself.
Ha ha ha. Thank you so much for letting everyone know how much it annoys you to see us agreeing and supporting each other :eusa_dance: lol.

I just wanted to go on record here by way of saying that Tilly can soap me any time.

You and Tilly need a room, you're up each other's butts in public enough as it is.
How very vulgar of you, coyote, and jealousy is also a very ugly trait, so it suits you well. I think Dogmaphobe is an excellent poster, and he runs rings around you daily, which is always a pleasure to witness :) Oh, and he's also rather handsome and distinguished, not to mention being well educated and possessing excellent taste :)
No wonder you stalk him all over the board and lie about him incessantly.
Tissue? :)
Oh, and left wing anti Zionism is the new Antisemitism :thup:

Of course you think he's an excellant poster you silly sycophant :) You two are constantly thanking and applauding each other. Please at least be a bit more discrete.

Lying? You do an admirable job yourself.
Ha ha ha. Thank you so much for letting everyone know how much it annoys you to see us agreeing and supporting each other :eusa_dance: lol.

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