The "Virtuous" New Nazis.

Only one problem the land was never arab muslims from 1099 when they were evicted. The Ottomans never handed sovereignty to the arab muslims and the LoN gave them 78% of palestine to play with. This left the Jews with the poorest of land and desert to make into their National Home, and because they did in the face of constant attacks from islamonazi's proves they are there to stay.

By the way if you were to act as the islamonazi scum then you would be wiped out by your own government with the blessings of the world. How do you like them apples ?
You are mistaken. It is the people who are born in a land who own it as a birthright. Palestinians who were born in Palestine have a more legitimate right to the land than Ottomans or Russian Jews for that matter.

Once a person is a CITIZEN of a nation they are 100% legitimate shareholders in that Nation. Doesn't matter if its Jews or East Timorese. They are CITIZENS. It has ZERO to do with blood; everything to do with Citizenship.

The Israelis give citizenship to Jews from Queens, New York, and permits them to be settlers on Palestinian occupied land. This is a violation of international law and basic justice.

Rubbish. They are a sovereign nation and can give Citizenship to whoever they like. My father was made a Citizen of THIS country with the appropriate residency etc. The lands on which they settle are indeed disputed but it is LEGAL wrt Israeli Law. If you don't agree then that's what the courts are for; not a suicide vest!!


Exactly, though personally, I feel Israel's citizenship laws are unjust in certain ways - it's up to the nation to determine who is and is not a citizen. Israel was founded on the principle that ALL Jews would find a homeland there. It's their right as a nation. And courts are the appropriate avenue along with civil disobedience and other forms of peaceful protest. Not violence.

Are they any more unjust than Americas immigration laws then ?

How about the islamic nations immigration laws that ban everyone but muslims from becoming citizens.
Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.

Link please!!!

Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.

Not as of 2014.

You have something more recent??


I do know one thing; were a country's military occupying my land for half a century, massacring thousands in defiance of all international, sniping at children, destroying our infrastructure, hospitals, water treatment plants, schools, factories, bulldozing our homes with JCBs, arresting our children and keeping them for interrogation without legal counsel or family present, preventing pregnant women from attending maternity clinics, humiliating my people at checkpoints in our own homeland, ... well, I would want that enemy destroyed, wouldn't you?

A couple of points.

One ... Hamas is a terrorist group, existing to attack Israel. It regards Israel as its mortal enemy. It commits terrorist attack after terrorist attack against Israeli territory, not caring how many civilians it may kill in making those attacks.

It has, as its foundling Charter states, a commitment to seeing Israel destroyed (.. and I've yet to see evidence that this was ever revoked, because, of course, IT HASN'T BEEN).

The State of Israel is internationally recognised as legitimate, and as such, it has every imaginable moral and legal right to defend itself from terrorist attacks. This it does.

Two ... considering the first point ... what's the way of things, when Hamas and Israel clash militarily ? Simple. Hamas attacks first. The extent of reaction varies ... but, it is ALWAYS A REACTION. What Hamas brings upon itself, it earns through its initial and unprompted attacks upon Israel. Hamas attacks, Israel responds.

Now, you may not like the extent of that response. But, they ARE JUST THAT.

Were Hamas to renounce violence, were they to give up on all attempts to be killers of Israelis, sending suicide bombers on to the streets of Tel Aviv, or, if they stopped firing hundreds of rockets into Israel as a disgusting provocation .. then, Israel would not respond. There'd be nothing to respond to !

But Hamas will never give up on its terrorism, because terrorists is WHAT THEY ARE. I daresay they could no more give up their bloodlust than they could give up on breathing.

They promise genocide of Jews in their very charter.

.....which makes them very popular, indeed, among the Eloys of the world.

Since the terrorism against Jews started nearly 100 years ago, well before there was an Israel, it's awfully stupid to claim that it is a response to Israeli actions. Of course, that does not stop very stupid people from repeating all the jargon they have learned from terrorists.

Let's face it -- the killing of Jews provides much of the basis for the Palestinian economy. They kill some Jews, Israel retaliates, the world eats up all the "poor me" type propaganda and rewards them by making them the single largest beneficiary of world aid around.

It's little wonder there is so much Islamic terrorism in the world today. The world has been rewarding them for it.

Where has Eloy supported genocide? Or is this something you're making up as usual?

Read his posts, and not by flicking from this part to another leaving out the parts were he is anti semitic.

I just wanted to go on record here by way of saying that Tilly can soap me any time.

You and Tilly need a room, you're up each other's butts in public enough as it is.

Feel free to fuck off, you soulless harpie.

If not a room, at least draw the curtains.

Thank you.

Stop being a pervert and peeping at them

I just wanted to go on record here by way of saying that Tilly can soap me any time.

You and Tilly need a room, you're up each other's butts in public enough as it is.
How very vulgar of you, coyote, and jealousy is also a very ugly trait, so it suits you well. I think Dogmaphobe is an excellent poster, and he runs rings around you daily, which is always a pleasure to witness :) Oh, and he's also rather handsome and distinguished, not to mention being well educated and possessing excellent taste :)
No wonder you stalk him all over the board and lie about him incessantly.
Tissue? :)
Oh, and left wing anti Zionism is the new Antisemitism :thup:

Of course you think he's an excellant poster you silly sycophant :) You two are constantly thanking and applauding each other. Please at least be a bit more discrete.

Lying? You do an admirable job yourself.
Ha ha ha. Thank you so much for letting everyone know how much it annoys you to see us agreeing and supporting each other :eusa_dance: lol.

Maybe we should do it more often and see what happens, see if it results in a biased set of rules being put into play ?
Which reminds me:


London Mayor Sadiq Khan to U.S. Immigrants: Don't Assimilate
by Raheem Kassam • Sep 16, 2016
Cross-posted from Breitbart

London Mayor Sadiq Khan to U.S. Immigrants: Don't Assimilate


Sadiq Khan narrowly won London's mayoral election in May.

London's Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan has continued his pro-Hillary Clinton tour of the United States by declaring that immigrants into the West should not be forced to assimilate.

His comments come hot on the heels of the Chicago press exposing his connections to radical Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

Mr. Khan, who was elected to be London's mayor in May 2016, has also used his trip to claim that Republican candidate Donald Trump is "playing into the hands" of the Islamic State.

His trip runs contrary to the U.S. visit from former UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage, who presented an upbeat message of defeating the political establishment on stage with Donald Trump.

Instead, Mr. Khan insisted: "One of the lessons from around the world is that a laissez-faire or hands-off approach to social integration doesn't work. We need rules, institutions, and support to enable people to integrate into cohesive communities and for the avoidance of doubt, I don't mean assimilation, I mean integration, and there's a difference."

He added: "People shouldn't have to drop their cultures and traditions when they arrive in our cities and countries

I agree with Mr. Khan----people should not have to drop their own cultures and traditions----wherever they end up living. He not only delivered that message to his fellow Britishers. He seems to have found it appropriate to appoint himself the advisor to me and my fellow americans. I support a world-wide tour for Mr. Khan-----he can deliver his good tidings
thruout the world------especially to those lands that impose the
filth of shariah, including the land of his ancestry----Pakistan
You are mistaken. It is the people who are born in a land who own it as a birthright. Palestinians who were born in Palestine have a more legitimate right to the land than Ottomans or Russian Jews for that matter.

Once a person is a CITIZEN of a nation they are 100% legitimate shareholders in that Nation. Doesn't matter if its Jews or East Timorese. They are CITIZENS. It has ZERO to do with blood; everything to do with Citizenship.

The Israelis give citizenship to Jews from Queens, New York, and permits them to be settlers on Palestinian occupied land. This is a violation of international law and basic justice.

Rubbish. They are a sovereign nation and can give Citizenship to whoever they like. My father was made a Citizen of THIS country with the appropriate residency etc. The lands on which they settle are indeed disputed but it is LEGAL wrt Israeli Law. If you don't agree then that's what the courts are for; not a suicide vest!!


Exactly, though personally, I feel Israel's citizenship laws are unjust in certain ways - it's up to the nation to determine who is and is not a citizen. Israel was founded on the principle that ALL Jews would find a homeland there. It's their right as a nation. And courts are the appropriate avenue along with civil disobedience and other forms of peaceful protest. Not violence.

Are they any more unjust than Americas immigration laws then ?

How about the islamic nations immigration laws that ban everyone but muslims from becoming citizens.

your question fascinates me Phoen. I wonder if you will
get answers from the usual suspects. I am delighted that Eloy made an attempt to answer your question----he claims
that people BORN in a land ----own that land. The shariah shit-hole in which my hubby was born is not only rich in oil----
the SPECIFIC city in which he was born is VERY rich in oil----
I hope he gets to claim his oil well soon.
‘70% of European Jews won’t go to shul on High Holy Days despite heightened security’

Poll by EJA and RCE finds decrease in synagogue attendance and increase in security measures for Jewish communities.

A poll released on Tuesday claiming that 70% of European Jews won’t go to synagogue on Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur due to security concerns, has been met with skepticism by prominent Jewish leaders.

The online survey, conducted last week by the European Jewish Association and the Rabbinical Center of Europe had 78 respondents, who the EJA says are a representative sample of 700 capital cities and peripheries throughout Europe – spanning from Britain to Ukraine.

The pollsters explained that while the number of respondents is far lower than the number of communities represented, each respondent speaks for multiple communities, as within certain cities and areas, many communities have similar characteristics.

The JPost

Have you noticed they are all reading from a script and use the same words to describe Israel. Her opening words are "brutal occupation" used on here by the members of team palestine. Then the old nugget claiming the Jews call themselves "gods chosen" when it is white supremacists and nazi's that make the claim.Even the black real Jews conspiracy theory is used, and shows that the anti semites want islamonazi's to take over.

Australia should arrest her for inciting violence, terrorism, religious persecution and racism and see how she likes it when she is found guilty.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan to U.S. Immigrants: Don't Assimilate
by Raheem Kassam • Sep 16, 2016
Cross-posted from Breitbart

London Mayor Sadiq Khan to U.S. Immigrants: Don't Assimilate


Sadiq Khan narrowly won London's mayoral election in May.

London's Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan has continued his pro-Hillary Clinton tour of the United States by declaring that immigrants into the West should not be forced to assimilate.

His comments come hot on the heels of the Chicago press exposing his connections to radical Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

Mr. Khan, who was elected to be London's mayor in May 2016, has also used his trip to claim that Republican candidate Donald Trump is "playing into the hands" of the Islamic State.

His trip runs contrary to the U.S. visit from former UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage, who presented an upbeat message of defeating the political establishment on stage with Donald Trump.

Instead, Mr. Khan insisted: "One of the lessons from around the world is that a laissez-faire or hands-off approach to social integration doesn't work. We need rules, institutions, and support to enable people to integrate into cohesive communities and for the avoidance of doubt, I don't mean assimilation, I mean integration, and there's a difference."

He added: "People shouldn't have to drop their cultures and traditions when they arrive in our cities and countries

I agree with Mr. Khan----people should not have to drop their own cultures and traditions----wherever they end up living. He not only delivered that message to his fellow Britishers. He seems to have found it appropriate to appoint himself the advisor to me and my fellow americans. I support a world-wide tour for Mr. Khan-----he can deliver his good tidings
thruout the world------especially to those lands that impose the
filth of shariah, including the land of his ancestry----Pakistan

Do you think Mayor Khan might appear on Jimmy Kimmel?

London Mayor Sadiq Khan to U.S. Immigrants: Don't Assimilate
by Raheem Kassam • Sep 16, 2016
Cross-posted from Breitbart

London Mayor Sadiq Khan to U.S. Immigrants: Don't Assimilate


Sadiq Khan narrowly won London's mayoral election in May.

London's Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan has continued his pro-Hillary Clinton tour of the United States by declaring that immigrants into the West should not be forced to assimilate.

His comments come hot on the heels of the Chicago press exposing his connections to radical Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

Mr. Khan, who was elected to be London's mayor in May 2016, has also used his trip to claim that Republican candidate Donald Trump is "playing into the hands" of the Islamic State.

His trip runs contrary to the U.S. visit from former UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage, who presented an upbeat message of defeating the political establishment on stage with Donald Trump.

Instead, Mr. Khan insisted: "One of the lessons from around the world is that a laissez-faire or hands-off approach to social integration doesn't work. We need rules, institutions, and support to enable people to integrate into cohesive communities and for the avoidance of doubt, I don't mean assimilation, I mean integration, and there's a difference."

He added: "People shouldn't have to drop their cultures and traditions when they arrive in our cities and countries

I agree with Mr. Khan----people should not have to drop their own cultures and traditions----wherever they end up living. He not only delivered that message to his fellow Britishers. He seems to have found it appropriate to appoint himself the advisor to me and my fellow americans. I support a world-wide tour for Mr. Khan-----he can deliver his good tidings
thruout the world------especially to those lands that impose the
filth of shariah, including the land of his ancestry----Pakistan

Do you think Mayor Khan might appear on Jimmy Kimmel?

The blood libel is alive and well:

...The legitimization has also changed. Throughout history, when people have sought to justify anti-Semitism, they have done so by recourse to the highest source of authority available within the culture. In the Middle Ages, it was religion. In post-Enlightenment Europe it was science. Today it is human rights. It is why Israel—the only fully functioning democracy in the Middle East with a free press and independent judiciary—is regularly accused of the five crimes against human rights: racism, apartheid, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing and attempted genocide. This is the blood libel of our time. .....

Anti-Zionism is the new anti-Semitism, says Britain's former chief rabbi

Be careful, there, Tilly. That's three consecutive posts discussing the actual subject matter instead of promoting Islam. You don't want Coyote to give you another warning, do you?

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