The Wages Of Ordinary American Workers Has Increased 9% in Forty Years

Maybe they'll contribute to keeping you alive after you've long since passed being productive. Or maybe they won't... ;-)

No I'll have saved enough to take care of my self. You see I don't need to be subsidized like you do
Well, last I heard, people are required to perform services and provide little things like food, fuel, etc. If everybody were as forward thinking as you, there'd be no one to do these things.

There will always be people around to pay to do a job. I just don't expect other people to pay for me like you do
You can thank those of us who weren't too lazy or selfish to have kids for that.

Having children is extremely selfish. And FYI no one could ever call me lazy. I do more than any of my friend with kids do.

Why did you have kids? To give them to society? To put the burden on them to make the world a better place?

Are you so conceited as to think a child with your DNA will be a boon to the world when in all reality no one but you really cared or even noticed if he was born or not?

You had a kid because you wanted to. It was for you and your wife and you alone. it wasn't for anyone else. In fact if you are like most people and you probably are you didn't even think about it. You fell for the get married have kids societal expectations.
It was a very conscious decision and as rough as it gets sometimes, once you have them you can't imagine life without them.

I can't say that I'm unfamiliar with your attitudes though. There was a time when I really only thought of my self in much the same way as you do. I guess I was a bit of a libertarian back then. Thankfully I grew up.
The simple truth is that anyone can make more money any time they want. It's just that most people don't want to

The simple truth is that anyone can make more money any time they want. It's just that most people don't want to

Sure, if they want to work two or three jobs.

As a responsible employer I pay higher wages so my 'guys' don't have too.

The Koch Brothers must be very proud of you. Too bad you've screwed yourself and your family with your sociopath views.

So what?

You all whine that people can't make more money and the fact is they can

It is not written anywhere that all anyone will ever need is one 40 hour a week job

And I worked 2 or more jobs from the age of 16 right up until my late 30s. It allowed me to save the money I needed to start our business when we first started 10 years ago I worked 100 hours a week for the first couple years then 60-70 the next few now I only work about 25 hours a week

You sheep have to realize that anyone who ever accomplished anything never worked just 40 hours a week

And how is that a sociopathic view?

And FYI mentioning family is off limits
You can't get a better job than part time because they won't hire full timers because of Obamacare.
You can't work two jobs because your one job changes the hours you work every other week.

There are plenty of part time jobs that will give you regular shifts
No there isn't.
You people tell us Bush is a moron, yet he outwitted the entire Democratic party?

Bush fucked you and every working class American. YOU are too stupid to figure it out.

Bush fucked you and every working class American.

By cutting taxes on us. Bastard!!! Durr.

By cutting taxes on us. Bastard!!! Durr

How did that work out?

Economy got a bump, Americans kept more of their salary.
What's wrong with that?

Economy got a bump, Americans kept more of their salary.
What's wrong with that?

The $2.5 Trillion Tragedy: What America Has Given Up For 10 Years Of Bush Tax Cuts

– Give 122.7 Million Children Low-Income Health Care Every Year For Ten Years

– Give 49.2 Million People Access To Low-Income Healthcare Every Year For Ten Years

– Provide 43.1 Million Students With Pell Grants Worth $5,500 Every Year For Ten Years

– Provide 31.5 Million Head Start Slots For Children Every Year For Ten Years

– Provide VA Care For 30.7 Million Military Veterans Every Year For Ten Years

– Provide 30.4 Million Scholarships For University Students Every Year For Ten Years

– Hire 4.19 Million Firefighters Every Year For Ten Years

– Hire 3.67 Million Elementary School Teachers Every Year For Ten Years

– Hire 3.6 Million Police Officers Every Year For Ten Years

– Retrofit 144.6 Million Households For Wind Power Every Year For Ten Years

– Retrofit 54.2 Million Households For Solar Photovoltaic Energy Every Year For Ten Years

Such a deal!

The $2.5 Trillion Tragedy: What America Has Given Up For 10 Years Of Bush Tax Cuts

Americans saved $2.5 trillion because of the Bush tax cuts?
That's awesome!

Americans saved $2.5 trillion because of the Bush tax cuts?
That's awesome!

That's $2.5 trillion short on paying the bills which you and yours are paying back.
Bush fucked you and every working class American.

By cutting taxes on us. Bastard!!! Durr.

By cutting taxes on us. Bastard!!! Durr

How did that work out?

Economy got a bump, Americans kept more of their salary.
What's wrong with that?

Economy got a bump, Americans kept more of their salary.
What's wrong with that?

The $2.5 Trillion Tragedy: What America Has Given Up For 10 Years Of Bush Tax Cuts

– Give 122.7 Million Children Low-Income Health Care Every Year For Ten Years

– Give 49.2 Million People Access To Low-Income Healthcare Every Year For Ten Years

– Provide 43.1 Million Students With Pell Grants Worth $5,500 Every Year For Ten Years

– Provide 31.5 Million Head Start Slots For Children Every Year For Ten Years

– Provide VA Care For 30.7 Million Military Veterans Every Year For Ten Years

– Provide 30.4 Million Scholarships For University Students Every Year For Ten Years

– Hire 4.19 Million Firefighters Every Year For Ten Years

– Hire 3.67 Million Elementary School Teachers Every Year For Ten Years

– Hire 3.6 Million Police Officers Every Year For Ten Years

– Retrofit 144.6 Million Households For Wind Power Every Year For Ten Years

– Retrofit 54.2 Million Households For Solar Photovoltaic Energy Every Year For Ten Years

Such a deal!

The $2.5 Trillion Tragedy: What America Has Given Up For 10 Years Of Bush Tax Cuts

Americans saved $2.5 trillion because of the Bush tax cuts?
That's awesome!

Americans saved $2.5 trillion because of the Bush tax cuts?
That's awesome!

That's $2.5 trillion short on paying the bills which you and yours are paying back.

That's $2.5 trillion short on paying the bills

Well gosh, I guess we should cut spending.

which you and yours are paying back.

My taxes were cut, why do you feel I'm paying it back?
This is simply unbridled Capitalism. The wealthy have the power and buy access to politicians who make them more wealthy through legislation that gives them an advantage. Blaming Presidents is ridiculous. The blame lies with the lower and middle class people who continue to elect corrupt politicians, and continue to believe in thoroughly debunked concepts like trickle down economics, and unrestrained free markets that work directly against their own best interests. Make no mistake, for many of you, the powerful are working to eliminate your job as soon as they possibly can and put you in a low paying service job, if you're not already there.
Capitalism certainly can work, but this unbridled super capitalism works only for an ever decreasing percentage of Americans.

The blame lies with the lower and middle class people who continue to elect corrupt politicians

I agree, voting for libs who want to legalize millions of illegals is no way to raise wages for middle and lower income Americans.

Seal the border, deport the illegals, now!!!

I agree, voting for libs who want to legalize millions of illegals is no way to raise wages for middle and lower income Americans.

Seal the border, deport the illegals, now!!!

Both sides are the problem. The left for humanitarian reasons, the right for profit.

Raising wages for Americans will have to be done through regulation.

Sealing the border is impossible. Arrest, fine, and incarcerate employers that knowingly hire illegals. Six months, and there will be no issue.
EQUAL HELL.....IT WAS SIMPLY A STARTING POINT. In the 1940's, 50's a corporate executive earned about 12-15 times what a carpenter or plumber made. By the 1970's that multiplier had increased to about 100 times as much. Now a CEO earns about 500 times what an ordinary worker makes. You ever heard of leaving the fox to guard the chicken house?

Go ahead divide the CEO's single salary out over all the workers it won't make any real difference, other than to satisfy your need to punish someone who makes more money than you.

"after taxes" is your clue to why the poor and middle class are not doing so well. You better have yourself a look at where the local, county, state, and federal taxes that are being vamped from the poor and middle class are going, then stop voting for Democrats.

Go ahead divide the CEO's single salary out over all the workers it won't make any real difference, other than to satisfy your need to punish someone who makes more money than you.

"after taxes" is your clue to why the poor and middle class are not doing so well. You better have yourself a look at where the local, county, state, and federal taxes that are being vamped from the poor and middle class are going, then stop voting for Democrats.

What percentage of your total income in federal taxes do you pay?

actual federal tax PAID ÷ total income =

Son, we live in a world of winner takes all and wealth has to be generated by men with principles. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinberg? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for the poor and curse the wealthy. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know, that my wealth while incomprehensible to you pays your share. You don't want the truth because deep down, in places you don't talk about at parties you want me generating wealth, you need me generating wealth. So I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to.

Son, we live in a world of winner takes all and wealth has to be generated by men with principles. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinberg? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for the poor and curse the wealthy. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know, that my wealth while incomprehensible to you pays your share. You don't want the truth because deep down, in places you don't talk about at parties you want me generating wealth, you need me generating wealth. So I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to.

Answer the question and quit bloviating!

What percentage of your total income in federal taxes do you pay?

actual federal tax PAID ÷ total income =

Post your home address and phone number first.

Post your home address and phone number first.

Your actual federal taxes were that low?
Maybe they'll contribute to keeping you alive after you've long since passed being productive. Or maybe they won't... ;-)

No I'll have saved enough to take care of my self. You see I don't need to be subsidized like you do
Well, last I heard, people are required to perform services and provide little things like food, fuel, etc. If everybody were as forward thinking as you, there'd be no one to do these things.

There will always be people around to pay to do a job. I just don't expect other people to pay for me like you do
You can thank those of us who weren't too lazy or selfish to have kids for that.

Having children is extremely selfish. And FYI no one could ever call me lazy. I do more than any of my friend with kids do.

Why did you have kids? To give them to society? To put the burden on them to make the world a better place?

Are you so conceited as to think a child with your DNA will be a boon to the world when in all reality no one but you really cared or even noticed if he was born or not?

You had a kid because you wanted to. It was for you and your wife and you alone. it wasn't for anyone else. In fact if you are like most people and you probably are you didn't even think about it. You fell for the get married have kids societal expectations.

The irony is that having kids allows you all kinds of tax credits , even though those kids are a big drain on gov services !

And people complain about the health mandate, but not the child mandate . That's ok!
The Bush administration told a DOCUMENTED 935 lies to gain support for a Bush family revenge on Saddam Hussein. It cost the lives of 4500 young Americans and the serious wounding of 35,000.

You people tell us Bush is a moron, yet he outwitted the entire Democratic party? :laugh:

You people tell us Bush is a moron, yet he outwitted the entire Democratic party?

Bush fucked you and every working class American. YOU are too stupid to figure it out.

My wealth went up nearly 800% during the Bush and Obama administrations, I don't know what you people are crying about.

My wealth went up nearly 800% during the Bush and Obama administrations, I don't know what you people are crying about.

And today after the implosion?

I met with my boss this afternoon, my salary is going up again plus a big bonus :banana:

I met with my boss this afternoon, my salary is going up again plus a big bonus

So you sucked AND swallowed?

Sorry, couldn't resist.

When ALL employees receive the same, the economy will be good again.
This is simply unbridled Capitalism. The wealthy have the power and buy access to politicians who make them more wealthy through legislation that gives them an advantage. Blaming Presidents is ridiculous. The blame lies with the lower and middle class people who continue to elect corrupt politicians, and continue to believe in thoroughly debunked concepts like trickle down economics, and unrestrained free markets that work directly against their own best interests. Make no mistake, for many of you, the powerful are working to eliminate your job as soon as they possibly can and put you in a low paying service job, if you're not already there.
Capitalism certainly can work, but this unbridled super capitalism works only for an ever decreasing percentage of Americans.

The blame lies with the lower and middle class people who continue to elect corrupt politicians

I agree, voting for libs who want to legalize millions of illegals is no way to raise wages for middle and lower income Americans.

Seal the border, deport the illegals, now!!!

I agree, voting for libs who want to legalize millions of illegals is no way to raise wages for middle and lower income Americans.

Seal the border, deport the illegals, now!!!

Both sides are the problem. The left for humanitarian reasons, the right for profit.

Raising wages for Americans will have to be done through regulation.

Sealing the border is impossible. Arrest, fine, and incarcerate employers that knowingly hire illegals. Six months, and there will be no issue.

Raising wages for Americans will have to be done through regulation.

Deport 11 million or so illegals, no regulation will be needed to raise wages.
You people tell us Bush is a moron, yet he outwitted the entire Democratic party? :laugh:

You people tell us Bush is a moron, yet he outwitted the entire Democratic party?

Bush fucked you and every working class American. YOU are too stupid to figure it out.

Bush fucked you and every working class American.

By cutting taxes on us. Bastard!!! Durr.

By cutting taxes on us. Bastard!!! Durr

How did that work out?

Economy got a bump, Americans kept more of their salary.
What's wrong with that?

Liberals need people flat broke and dependent on government handouts, otherwise your average liberal is about as popular as a crotch full of poison oak.

Liberals need people flat broke and dependent on government handouts, otherwise your average liberal is about as popular as a crotch full of poison oak.

The right is keeping workers flat broke. Employers have plenty of monies to pay a living wage......they don't want too.
You people tell us Bush is a moron, yet he outwitted the entire Democratic party?

Bush fucked you and every working class American. YOU are too stupid to figure it out.

Bush fucked you and every working class American.

By cutting taxes on us. Bastard!!! Durr.

By cutting taxes on us. Bastard!!! Durr

How did that work out?

Economy got a bump, Americans kept more of their salary.
What's wrong with that?

Liberals need people flat broke and dependent on government handouts, otherwise your average liberal is about as popular as a crotch full of poison oak.

Liberals need people flat broke and dependent on government handouts, otherwise your average liberal is about as popular as a crotch full of poison oak.

The right is keeping workers flat broke. Employers have plenty of monies to pay a living wage......they don't want too.

Employers are only on the right?
Gee I wonder why people just don't get it, they vilify business, regulate and tax business to death, lose their job, blame someone else and elect the same old clowns over and over expecting something to change? Reminds me of Einsteins theory of insanity.

Gee I wonder why people just don't get it, they vilify business, regulate and tax business to death, lose their job, blame someone else and elect the same old clowns over and over expecting something to change? Reminds me of Einsteins theory of insanity.

Businesses that don't pay a living wage are evil.

There aren't any extreme regulations.

Businesses aren't taxed to death.


Obvious solution: let leftist vote farmer regressives take even more of your wages.

The chart is indeed bullshit, not because it starts at zero, but because it implies these are the same people. Obviously as people get more educated the income disparity has to widen per year.

The chart is indeed bullshit, not because it starts at zero, but because it implies these are the same people. Obviously as people get more educated the income disparity has to widen per year.

The chart isn't 'bullshit.' I'll help you understand.

How much was a pickup truck in 1979, and a pickup truck in 2007?

Have wages increased the same as the pickup truck?

Education doesn't really have to do with it, it's the industry in which you work.

If that person is still driving the same pick up track he is a regressive and has failed in his life. I am sorry if that is the case for you. You live 80 years, it's your job to make it to the 1 % in one of those.

If that person is still driving the same pick up track he is a regressive and has failed in his life. I am sorry if that is the case for you. You live 80 years, it's your job to make it to the 1 % in one of those.

I see you've missed the point of wage/cost disparity.
The simple truth is that anyone can make more money any time they want. It's just that most people don't want to

The simple truth is that anyone can make more money any time they want. It's just that most people don't want to

Sure, if they want to work two or three jobs.

As a responsible employer I pay higher wages so my 'guys' don't have too.

The Koch Brothers must be very proud of you. Too bad you've screwed yourself and your family with your sociopath views.

So what?

You all whine that people can't make more money and the fact is they can

It is not written anywhere that all anyone will ever need is one 40 hour a week job

And I worked 2 or more jobs from the age of 16 right up until my late 30s. It allowed me to save the money I needed to start our business when we first started 10 years ago I worked 100 hours a week for the first couple years then 60-70 the next few now I only work about 25 hours a week

You sheep have to realize that anyone who ever accomplished anything never worked just 40 hours a week

And how is that a sociopathic view?

And FYI mentioning family is off limits

So what?

You all whine that people can't make more money and the fact is they can

It is not written anywhere that all anyone will ever need is one 40 hour a week job

And I worked 2 or more jobs from the age of 16 right up until my late 30s. It allowed me to save the money I needed to start our business when we first started 10 years ago I worked 100 hours a week for the first couple years then 60-70 the next few now I only work about 25 hours a week

You sheep have to realize that anyone who ever accomplished anything never worked just 40 hours a week

And how is that a sociopathic view?

And FYI mentioning family is off limits

I've found through personal experience as an employer that employees that work more than 40 hours per week become less productive, and while you save monies upfront, in the end you'll make less.

You've self-financed your business. Why would you do that?

People that weren't focused and didn't know how to create a business worked more than 40 hours per week.

Sociopath: A person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience. My guess is that you're too far gone to see you fit the definition.

Again, you've let your family down.
This is simply unbridled Capitalism. The wealthy have the power and buy access to politicians who make them more wealthy through legislation that gives them an advantage. Blaming Presidents is ridiculous. The blame lies with the lower and middle class people who continue to elect corrupt politicians, and continue to believe in thoroughly debunked concepts like trickle down economics, and unrestrained free markets that work directly against their own best interests. Make no mistake, for many of you, the powerful are working to eliminate your job as soon as they possibly can and put you in a low paying service job, if you're not already there.
Capitalism certainly can work, but this unbridled super capitalism works only for an ever decreasing percentage of Americans.
How often do you voluntarily pay a higher price for something if you can get it cheaper? If you don't, why do you fault business owners for seeking the lowest labor costs they can get? A business does not exist to provide jobs, it exists to create a profit, and if your job doesn't help do that, it probably will disappear. That's just reality.

How often do you voluntarily pay a higher price for something if you can get it cheaper? If you don't, why do you fault business owners for seeking the lowest labor costs they can get? A business does not exist to provide jobs, it exists to create a profit, and if your job doesn't help do that, it probably will disappear. That's just reality.

wtf!! How can you equate an employee with a product? Really?????

If a business fails it's the business owners fault, NOT the fact he/she paid employees too much money.

My three keys to a successful business:

1) Five years total capital.
2) Know who to hire (which you can farm out)
3) Never, never, ever, hire family.
The only economic mobility that really matters is the ability to get to the point where you realize that you have enough. Once you get to that point, you realize that the whining is just that, whining, and 90% of the democrat political appeal disappears.

The only economic mobility that really matters is the ability to get to the point where you realize that you have enough. Once you get to that point, you realize that the whining is just that, whining, and 90% of the democrat political appeal disappears.

If voters don't completely vote out Republicans, the majority of middle class today will never be able to retire.
You people tell us Bush is a moron, yet he outwitted the entire Democratic party? :laugh:

You people tell us Bush is a moron, yet he outwitted the entire Democratic party?

Bush fucked you and every working class American. YOU are too stupid to figure it out.

My wealth went up nearly 800% during the Bush and Obama administrations, I don't know what you people are crying about.

My wealth went up nearly 800% during the Bush and Obama administrations, I don't know what you people are crying about.

And today after the implosion?

Who gives a phuck about YOUR wealth?? George W. Bush assumed a 4.3% unemployment rate, a balanced budget with surpluses projected to a paid off debt, cut tax rates for his rich buds, not once but twice, 2001 and 2003 then started an unnecessary war, doubled the national debt and left a financial catastrophe:



Wow look at 2007 to 2009 horrible, oh wait asshole lying scum Democrats were in control of congress and spending during that time :eusa_think:

Wow look at 2007 to 2009 horrible, oh wait asshole lying scum Democrats were in control of congress and spending during that time

Democrats had control of more than 60 votes in the Senate AND a majority in the house after the implosion started?
Libertarians hate it when the subject of family comes up. Very few of them have kids (so are completely oblivious to the issues) and whatever family they do have, they don't give a fuck about.

I have three kids, two of them have masters degrees and the other one is a key player in the world wide control of nuclear materials. I have eight grandkids, five have graduated college and three have masters degrees, I have two great granddaughters who are just finishing up a two year tour in S. Korea with their parents, my granddaughter and her husband who flies these little jewels along the 38th parallel:

I have three kids, two of them have masters degrees and the other one is a key player in the world wide control of nuclear materials. I have eight grandkids, five have graduated college and three have masters degrees, I have two great granddaughters who are just finishing up a two year tour in S. Korea with their parents, my granddaughter and her husband who flies these little jewels along the 38th parallel:

Your party wants to downsize the military and the government which would cost at least two of you family members their jobs.
Libertarians hate it when the subject of family comes up. Very few of them have kids (so are completely oblivious to the issues) and whatever family they do have, they don't give a fuck about.

It's not up to anyone else to pay for your kids.
If you can't afford then don't have them

It's not up to anyone else to pay for your kids.
If you can't afford then don't have them

Who paid for your kids education?
This is simply unbridled Capitalism. The wealthy have the power and buy access to politicians who make them more wealthy through legislation that gives them an advantage. Blaming Presidents is ridiculous. The blame lies with the lower and middle class people who continue to elect corrupt politicians, and continue to believe in thoroughly debunked concepts like trickle down economics, and unrestrained free markets that work directly against their own best interests. Make no mistake, for many of you, the powerful are working to eliminate your job as soon as they possibly can and put you in a low paying service job, if you're not already there.
Capitalism certainly can work, but this unbridled super capitalism works only for an ever decreasing percentage of Americans.

The blame lies with the lower and middle class people who continue to elect corrupt politicians

I agree, voting for libs who want to legalize millions of illegals is no way to raise wages for middle and lower income Americans.

Seal the border, deport the illegals, now!!!

I agree, voting for libs who want to legalize millions of illegals is no way to raise wages for middle and lower income Americans.

Seal the border, deport the illegals, now!!!

Both sides are the problem. The left for humanitarian reasons, the right for profit.

Raising wages for Americans will have to be done through regulation.

Sealing the border is impossible. Arrest, fine, and incarcerate employers that knowingly hire illegals. Six months, and there will be no issue.

Raising wages for Americans will have to be done through regulation.

Deport 11 million or so illegals, no regulation will be needed to raise wages.

Deport 11 million or so illegals, no regulation will be needed to raise wages.

Business will loose 9% of full-time workers and will pay more.

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