The Wages Of Ordinary American Workers Has Increased 9% in Forty Years

Bush fucked you and every working class American.

By cutting taxes on us. Bastard!!! Durr.

By cutting taxes on us. Bastard!!! Durr

How did that work out?

Economy got a bump, Americans kept more of their salary.
What's wrong with that?

Liberals need people flat broke and dependent on government handouts, otherwise your average liberal is about as popular as a crotch full of poison oak.

Liberals need people flat broke and dependent on government handouts, otherwise your average liberal is about as popular as a crotch full of poison oak.

The right is keeping workers flat broke. Employers have plenty of monies to pay a living wage......they don't want too.

Employers are only on the right?

Employers are only on the right?

Ninety-five percent of the employers that I personally know or have spoken with are and vote Republican.
By cutting taxes on us. Bastard!!! Durr

How did that work out?

Economy got a bump, Americans kept more of their salary.
What's wrong with that?

Liberals need people flat broke and dependent on government handouts, otherwise your average liberal is about as popular as a crotch full of poison oak.

Liberals need people flat broke and dependent on government handouts, otherwise your average liberal is about as popular as a crotch full of poison oak.

The right is keeping workers flat broke. Employers have plenty of monies to pay a living wage......they don't want too.

Employers are only on the right?

Employers are only on the right?

Ninety-five percent of the employers that I personally know or have spoken with are and vote Republican.

What does that tell you ?
The graph clearly shows that people out there are far more economically successful than the OP, how dare they! Those god damn hard working, innovative entrepreneurs have a lot of nerve actually wanting to get paid back for all the society enriching products and services they provide.

Personally I think we should have gub'mint steal their stuff so the politicians and bureaucrats can make the economy less efficient by wasting it on a mountain of useless bureaucratic bullshit (after all who needs productive capital anyways?), thereby lowering the productivity of "ordinary American Workers" and thus further depressing their wages.

Dorothy (respectfully),

The Worker-to-CEO ratio went from 20-to-1 in 1965 to 365-to-1 in 2000. Was this a pure market reflex (as you suggest), or did it have to do partly with the bipartisan passage of trade and labor laws that allowed our noble capitalists to shift production to freedom-hating tyrannies in places like China? - thus allowing our great and noble John Galts to force American workers to compete with sweatshops - thus driving down wages and increasing wealth disparities. [Hey dingbat: your presidential nominee says "yes".]

But maybe you are right; maybe our innovative CEOs have become uber productive, like when they sank the global economy by voluntarily placing trillions in bets they couldn't cover (see the Derivative Market). Of course , after these noble innovators blew up our economy, they were bailed out by their Democratic & Republican puppets in Washington.

You can say that this was a market distortion - and I'd agree on more than one level - but nobody had a gun to the heads of Lehman or Bear when they were making such transparently corrupt bets on such an obviously inflated housing market.

I personally do not know any liberal who says that CEO's should not be rewarded for creating value; nor do I know any liberals who think that the factory worker who builds an iPhone should be rewarded like Steve Jobs - or even close to it. These are your straw men.

Frankly, I could give a shit if some lazy moron is making minimum wage & eating dog food while a corrupt derivative trader flies over head drinking champaign. Life is unfair. Deal with it.

I come at this from a totally different angle. I think the current disparity in the distribution system - a disparity created by lobbying dollars and campaign contributions - is a problem only in so far as it has hollowed out consumer demand. Every worker is a consumer (whose role on the demand side is vital to economic growth).

So it seems we have a bit of a contradiction. To maintain incentives on the supply side, capitalists require low labor costs (a.k,a higher profits), but those same capitalists also need consumers to buy their stuff, which is challenging when wages are kept so low.

Reagan's answer to this conradiction was to create a faux credit democracy whereby the middle class was kept in the game through a massive expansion of personal credit (debt). (Don't take my word for it - google household debt starting in the 80s.)

To keep pace with globalization - which shifted jobs to more profitable labor markets in China and the global south - the middle class had to borrow more and more in order to consume and stay afloat. American families went on a 30 year debt-based spending orgy. It was called Morning in America and it was sponsored by American Express, Visa, MasterCard and SubPrime. We used every financial trick in the book to replace the wages that never trickled down.

Problem is: the middle class is now too indebted to consume at the pace required for vigorous economic growth. This fact makes our economy terribly vulnerable to the slightest shock. So, my dear NightFox, you can wax on about the noble entrepreneurial spirit, but at some point you need to fix consumer demand without such an over reliance on debt. If the system doesn't find a way to address the income disparities that have hollowed out demand, then the contradiction between our need to maintain incentives and demand will swallow us, which tragedy will make us more vulnerable to a despot promising moral renewal and national greatness, circa Germany 1930s
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You people tell us Bush is a moron, yet he outwitted the entire Democratic party? :laugh:

You people tell us Bush is a moron, yet he outwitted the entire Democratic party?

Bush fucked you and every working class American. YOU are too stupid to figure it out.

My wealth went up nearly 800% during the Bush and Obama administrations, I don't know what you people are crying about.

My wealth went up nearly 800% during the Bush and Obama administrations, I don't know what you people are crying about.

And today after the implosion?

I met with my boss this afternoon, my salary is going up again plus a big bonus :banana:

I met with my boss this afternoon, my salary is going up again plus a big bonus

So you sucked AND swallowed?

Sorry, couldn't resist.

When ALL employees receive the same, the economy will be good again.

So you are a sicko, shocker.
The graph clearly shows that people out there are far more economically successful than the OP, how dare they! Those god damn hard working, innovative entrepreneurs have a lot of nerve actually wanting to get paid back for all the society enriching products and services they provide.

Personally I think we should have gub'mint steal their stuff so the politicians and bureaucrats can make the economy less efficient by wasting it on a mountain of useless bureaucratic bullshit (after all who needs productive capital anyways?), thereby lowering the productivity of "ordinary American Workers" and thus further depressing their wages.

Dorothy (respectfully),

The Worker-to-CEO ratio went from 20-to-1 in 1965 to 365-to-1 in 2000. Was this a pure market reflex (as you suggest), or did it have to do partly with the bipartisan passage of trade and labor laws that allowed our noble capitalists to shift production to freedom-hating tyrannies in places like China? - thus allowing our great and noble John Galts to force American workers to compete with sweatshops - thus driving down wages and increasing wealth disparities. [Hey dingbat: your presidential nominee says "yes".]

But maybe you are right; maybe our innovative CEOs have become uber productive, like when they sank the global economy by voluntarily placing trillions in bets they couldn't cover (see the Derivative Market). Of course , after these noble innovators blew up our economy, they were bailed out by their Democratic & Republican puppets in Washington.

You can say that this was a market distortion - and I'd agree on more than one level - but nobody had a gun to the heads of Lehman or Bear when they were making such transparently corrupt bets on such an obviously inflated housing market.

I personally do not know any liberal who says that CEO's should not be rewarded for creating value; nor do I know any liberals who think that the factory worker who builds an iPhone should be rewarded like Steve Jobs - or even close to it. These are your straw men.

Frankly, I could give a shit if some lazy moron is making minimum wage & eating dog food while a corrupt derivative trader flies over head drinking champaign. Life is unfair. Deal with it.

I come at this from a totally different angle. I think the current disparity in the distribution system - a disparity created by lobbying dollars and campaign contributions - is a problem only in so far as it has hollowed out consumer demand. Every worker is a consumer (whose role on the demand side is vital to economic growth).

So it seems we have a bit of a contradiction. To maintain incentives on the supply side, capitalists require low labor costs (a.k,a higher profits), but those same capitalists also need consumers to buy their stuff, which is challenging when wages are kept so low.

Reagan's answer to this conradiction was to create a faux credit democracy whereby the middle class was kept in the game through a massive expansion of personal credit (debt). (Don't take my word for it - google household debt starting in the 80s.)

To keep pace with globalization - which shifted jobs to more profitable labor markets in China and the global south - the middle class had to borrow more and more in order to consume and stay afloat. American families went on a 30 year debt-based spending orgy. It was called Morning in America and it was sponsored by American Express, Visa, MasterCard and SubPrime. We used every financial trick in the book to replace the wages that never trickled down.

Problem is: the middle class is now too indebted to consume at the pace required for vigorous economic growth. This fact makes our economy terribly vulnerable to the slightest shock. So, my dear NightFox, you can wax on about the noble entrepreneurial spirit, but at some point you need to fix consumer demand without such an over reliance on debt. If the system doesn't find a way to address the income disparities that have hollowed out demand, then the contradiction between our need to maintain incentives and demand will swallow us, which tragedy will make us more vulnerable to a despot promising moral renewal and national greatness, circa Germany 1930s

What pedantic nonsense. Reality seems to have escaped you.

“But maybe you are right; maybe our innovative CEOs have become uber productive”

By your own statement, you have admitted that the current CEO is responsible for creating the productivity necessary to employ 18 times the number of workers he used to. Further, the CEOs have been responsible for increasing the median income from $4600 to $28,000 – approximately, a 600% increase. That sounds pretty damn “uber productive”.

“, like when they sank the global economy by voluntarily placing trillions in bets they couldn't cover (see the Derivative Market).” Once again, totally disconnected from reality. The Derivative Market existed for a single purpose – to offset high risk loans MANDATED by the federal government.

“ … corrupt bets on such an obviously inflated housing market.” Once again, ignorance pokes its head thru the clouds. The housing market wasn’t inflated – the problem was the number of bad loans made to people who couldn’t, and had no intention, to pay them back. Why were they written? Because the federal government told lenders that if they didn’t lend to minorities and low income people, the government would cut off their franchises. It was, supposedly, an “equal rights” ploy that generated millions of high risk loans. If you are even remotely familiar with the Law of Large Numbers, you would know that combining these loans would significantly decrease the risk of the overall package.

Then, of course, we see you blame Reagan for the “massive increase” in personal debt. In reality, personal debt is created by the slovenly habits of the individuals involved. Attempting to maintain a false standard of living with plastic is doomed. If you can’t afford a new car, don’t buy a new car. If you can’t afford a house, don’t buy a house.

Your whole argument falls apart because you fail to consider the change in standard of living – in the 1950s, the average house was 894 sq feet, in 1965, it was 1,206 sq feet, and today it’s 2,349 sq feet. All this despite the fact that the average number of people living in those houses has decreased by 60%.

Then, you drag out that favorite whipping boy – globalization. The truth is actually quite simple. The average American worker is not worth the cost of employing him at the inflated wages he expects. His productivity does not warrant a salary 10 times another person. You get paid exactly what you’re worth – not one penny more, and not one penny less. If I pay you 10 times somebody else, you need to produce 10 times what the other person would.

As for your lecture about personal debt versus income, you’re absolutely right. But, you need to remember- those people created their own problem. THEY are the ones who went in debt, and THEY should be the ones to get themselves out. It is NOT my responsibility to make sure that your kids get fed every night. It is NOT my responsibility to make sure that you have the biggest tv, or the coolest phone, or the newest car. You created it … you fix it. Don’t come crying to me.
By cutting taxes on us. Bastard!!! Durr

How did that work out?

Economy got a bump, Americans kept more of their salary.
What's wrong with that?

Liberals need people flat broke and dependent on government handouts, otherwise your average liberal is about as popular as a crotch full of poison oak.

Liberals need people flat broke and dependent on government handouts, otherwise your average liberal is about as popular as a crotch full of poison oak.

The right is keeping workers flat broke. Employers have plenty of monies to pay a living wage......they don't want too.

Employers are only on the right?

Employers are only on the right?

Ninety-five percent of the employers that I personally know or have spoken with are and vote Republican.
That just proves what a small, closed little world you live in. It's all perception, not reality.
The simple truth is that anyone can make more money any time they want. It's just that most people don't want to

The simple truth is that anyone can make more money any time they want. It's just that most people don't want to

Sure, if they want to work two or three jobs.

As a responsible employer I pay higher wages so my 'guys' don't have too.

The Koch Brothers must be very proud of you. Too bad you've screwed yourself and your family with your sociopath views.

So what?

You all whine that people can't make more money and the fact is they can

It is not written anywhere that all anyone will ever need is one 40 hour a week job

And I worked 2 or more jobs from the age of 16 right up until my late 30s. It allowed me to save the money I needed to start our business when we first started 10 years ago I worked 100 hours a week for the first couple years then 60-70 the next few now I only work about 25 hours a week

You sheep have to realize that anyone who ever accomplished anything never worked just 40 hours a week

And how is that a sociopathic view?

And FYI mentioning family is off limits
You can't get a better job than part time because they won't hire full timers because of Obamacare.
You can't work two jobs because your one job changes the hours you work every other week.

There are plenty of part time jobs that will give you regular shifts
No there isn't.

too bad you put so many limits on yourself. Maybe you should just give up since you are absolutely incapable of bettering your position
No I'll have saved enough to take care of my self. You see I don't need to be subsidized like you do
Well, last I heard, people are required to perform services and provide little things like food, fuel, etc. If everybody were as forward thinking as you, there'd be no one to do these things.

There will always be people around to pay to do a job. I just don't expect other people to pay for me like you do
You can thank those of us who weren't too lazy or selfish to have kids for that.

Having children is extremely selfish. And FYI no one could ever call me lazy. I do more than any of my friend with kids do.

Why did you have kids? To give them to society? To put the burden on them to make the world a better place?

Are you so conceited as to think a child with your DNA will be a boon to the world when in all reality no one but you really cared or even noticed if he was born or not?

You had a kid because you wanted to. It was for you and your wife and you alone. it wasn't for anyone else. In fact if you are like most people and you probably are you didn't even think about it. You fell for the get married have kids societal expectations.
It was a very conscious decision and as rough as it gets sometimes, once you have them you can't imagine life without them.

I can't say that I'm unfamiliar with your attitudes though. There was a time when I really only thought of my self in much the same way as you do. I guess I was a bit of a libertarian back then. Thankfully I grew up.

I'm not a libertarian, I am a realist.

The choice to have children is a selfish one. IDGAF if anyone has kids I just don't think I should pay for them.
No I'll have saved enough to take care of my self. You see I don't need to be subsidized like you do
Well, last I heard, people are required to perform services and provide little things like food, fuel, etc. If everybody were as forward thinking as you, there'd be no one to do these things.

There will always be people around to pay to do a job. I just don't expect other people to pay for me like you do
You can thank those of us who weren't too lazy or selfish to have kids for that.

Having children is extremely selfish. And FYI no one could ever call me lazy. I do more than any of my friend with kids do.

Why did you have kids? To give them to society? To put the burden on them to make the world a better place?

Are you so conceited as to think a child with your DNA will be a boon to the world when in all reality no one but you really cared or even noticed if he was born or not?

You had a kid because you wanted to. It was for you and your wife and you alone. it wasn't for anyone else. In fact if you are like most people and you probably are you didn't even think about it. You fell for the get married have kids societal expectations.

The irony is that having kids allows you all kinds of tax credits , even though those kids are a big drain on gov services !

And people complain about the health mandate, but not the child mandate . That's ok!
That's one of the reasons I am for a flat tax with no deductions

If you want kids that's fine but you shouldn't expect other people to pay for them
The simple truth is that anyone can make more money any time they want. It's just that most people don't want to

The simple truth is that anyone can make more money any time they want. It's just that most people don't want to

Sure, if they want to work two or three jobs.

As a responsible employer I pay higher wages so my 'guys' don't have too.

The Koch Brothers must be very proud of you. Too bad you've screwed yourself and your family with your sociopath views.

So what?

You all whine that people can't make more money and the fact is they can

It is not written anywhere that all anyone will ever need is one 40 hour a week job

And I worked 2 or more jobs from the age of 16 right up until my late 30s. It allowed me to save the money I needed to start our business when we first started 10 years ago I worked 100 hours a week for the first couple years then 60-70 the next few now I only work about 25 hours a week

You sheep have to realize that anyone who ever accomplished anything never worked just 40 hours a week

And how is that a sociopathic view?

And FYI mentioning family is off limits

So what?

You all whine that people can't make more money and the fact is they can

It is not written anywhere that all anyone will ever need is one 40 hour a week job

And I worked 2 or more jobs from the age of 16 right up until my late 30s. It allowed me to save the money I needed to start our business when we first started 10 years ago I worked 100 hours a week for the first couple years then 60-70 the next few now I only work about 25 hours a week

You sheep have to realize that anyone who ever accomplished anything never worked just 40 hours a week

And how is that a sociopathic view?

And FYI mentioning family is off limits

I've found through personal experience as an employer that employees that work more than 40 hours per week become less productive, and while you save monies upfront, in the end you'll make less.

You've self-financed your business. Why would you do that?

People that weren't focused and didn't know how to create a business worked more than 40 hours per week.

Sociopath: A person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience. My guess is that you're too far gone to see you fit the definition.

Again, you've let your family down.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

Any person is capable of being alert and productive for more than 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week. Maybe you're not because you're a pathetic whiner.

And my family is doing just fine. Better than most in fact so why don't you worry about your own family?
Libertarians hate it when the subject of family comes up. Very few of them have kids (so are completely oblivious to the issues) and whatever family they do have, they don't give a fuck about.

It's not up to anyone else to pay for your kids.
If you can't afford then don't have them

It's not up to anyone else to pay for your kids.
If you can't afford then don't have them

Who paid for your kids education?

Don't have kids. If I did I would have home schooled them or put them in a private school
This is simply unbridled Capitalism. The wealthy have the power and buy access to politicians who make them more wealthy through legislation that gives them an advantage. Blaming Presidents is ridiculous. The blame lies with the lower and middle class people who continue to elect corrupt politicians, and continue to believe in thoroughly debunked concepts like trickle down economics, and unrestrained free markets that work directly against their own best interests. Make no mistake, for many of you, the powerful are working to eliminate your job as soon as they possibly can and put you in a low paying service job, if you're not already there.
Capitalism certainly can work, but this unbridled super capitalism works only for an ever decreasing percentage of Americans.

The blame lies with the lower and middle class people who continue to elect corrupt politicians

I agree, voting for libs who want to legalize millions of illegals is no way to raise wages for middle and lower income Americans.

Seal the border, deport the illegals, now!!!

I agree, voting for libs who want to legalize millions of illegals is no way to raise wages for middle and lower income Americans.

Seal the border, deport the illegals, now!!!

Both sides are the problem. The left for humanitarian reasons, the right for profit.

Raising wages for Americans will have to be done through regulation.

Sealing the border is impossible. Arrest, fine, and incarcerate employers that knowingly hire illegals. Six months, and there will be no issue.

Raising wages for Americans will have to be done through regulation.

Deport 11 million or so illegals, no regulation will be needed to raise wages.

Deport 11 million or so illegals, no regulation will be needed to raise wages.

Business will loose 9% of full-time workers and will pay more.

That's why I said no wage regulation would be needed. Durr.
Economy got a bump, Americans kept more of their salary.
What's wrong with that?

Liberals need people flat broke and dependent on government handouts, otherwise your average liberal is about as popular as a crotch full of poison oak.

Liberals need people flat broke and dependent on government handouts, otherwise your average liberal is about as popular as a crotch full of poison oak.

The right is keeping workers flat broke. Employers have plenty of monies to pay a living wage......they don't want too.

Employers are only on the right?

Employers are only on the right?

Ninety-five percent of the employers that I personally know or have spoken with are and vote Republican.

What does that tell you ?

What does that tell you ?

They have no regard for their employees.
You people tell us Bush is a moron, yet he outwitted the entire Democratic party?

Bush fucked you and every working class American. YOU are too stupid to figure it out.

My wealth went up nearly 800% during the Bush and Obama administrations, I don't know what you people are crying about.

My wealth went up nearly 800% during the Bush and Obama administrations, I don't know what you people are crying about.

And today after the implosion?

I met with my boss this afternoon, my salary is going up again plus a big bonus :banana:

I met with my boss this afternoon, my salary is going up again plus a big bonus

So you sucked AND swallowed?

Sorry, couldn't resist.

When ALL employees receive the same, the economy will be good again.

So you are a sicko, shocker.

So you are a sicko, shocker.

When ALL employees receive the same raise and bonus, the economy will be good again.
My wealth went up nearly 800% during the Bush and Obama administrations, I don't know what you people are crying about.

My wealth went up nearly 800% during the Bush and Obama administrations, I don't know what you people are crying about.

And today after the implosion?

I met with my boss this afternoon, my salary is going up again plus a big bonus :banana:

I met with my boss this afternoon, my salary is going up again plus a big bonus

So you sucked AND swallowed?

Sorry, couldn't resist.

When ALL employees receive the same, the economy will be good again.

So you are a sicko, shocker.

So you are a sicko, shocker.

When ALL employees receive the same raise and bonus, the economy will be good again.

I'm placing you on ignore ban due to your sicko post, it will be like you don't exist, no loss there.
This is simply unbridled Capitalism. The wealthy have the power and buy access to politicians who make them more wealthy through legislation that gives them an advantage. Blaming Presidents is ridiculous. The blame lies with the lower and middle class people who continue to elect corrupt politicians, and continue to believe in thoroughly debunked concepts like trickle down economics, and unrestrained free markets that work directly against their own best interests. Make no mistake, for many of you, the powerful are working to eliminate your job as soon as they possibly can and put you in a low paying service job, if you're not already there.
Capitalism certainly can work, but this unbridled super capitalism works only for an ever decreasing percentage of Americans.

The blame lies with the lower and middle class people who continue to elect corrupt politicians

I agree, voting for libs who want to legalize millions of illegals is no way to raise wages for middle and lower income Americans.

Seal the border, deport the illegals, now!!!

I agree, voting for libs who want to legalize millions of illegals is no way to raise wages for middle and lower income Americans.

Seal the border, deport the illegals, now!!!

Both sides are the problem. The left for humanitarian reasons, the right for profit.

Raising wages for Americans will have to be done through regulation.

Sealing the border is impossible. Arrest, fine, and incarcerate employers that knowingly hire illegals. Six months, and there will be no issue.

Raising wages for Americans will have to be done through regulation.

Deport 11 million or so illegals, no regulation will be needed to raise wages.

Deport 11 million or so illegals, no regulation will be needed to raise wages.

Business will loose 9% of full-time workers and will pay more.

That's why I said no wage regulation would be needed. Durr.

That's why I said no wage regulation would be needed. Durr.

Employers won't replace, they'll add additional responsibility to existing employees and pocket the added profit.

Again. The only way the working class in this country getting hire wages is through regulation, which btw, is the only reason the middle class exist.
My wealth went up nearly 800% during the Bush and Obama administrations, I don't know what you people are crying about.

And today after the implosion?

I met with my boss this afternoon, my salary is going up again plus a big bonus :banana:

I met with my boss this afternoon, my salary is going up again plus a big bonus

So you sucked AND swallowed?

Sorry, couldn't resist.

When ALL employees receive the same, the economy will be good again.

So you are a sicko, shocker.

So you are a sicko, shocker.

When ALL employees receive the same raise and bonus, the economy will be good again.

I'm placing you on ignore ban due to your sicko post, it will be like you don't exist, no loss there.

I'm placing you on ignore ban due to your sicko post, it will be like you don't exist, no loss there.

You're placing me on ignore because you can't refute my posts.
Liberals need people flat broke and dependent on government handouts, otherwise your average liberal is about as popular as a crotch full of poison oak.

Liberals need people flat broke and dependent on government handouts, otherwise your average liberal is about as popular as a crotch full of poison oak.

The right is keeping workers flat broke. Employers have plenty of monies to pay a living wage......they don't want too.

Employers are only on the right?

Employers are only on the right?

Ninety-five percent of the employers that I personally know or have spoken with are and vote Republican.

What does that tell you ?

What does that tell you ?

They have no regard for their employees.

It's great you have such a high view of people.
Liberals need people flat broke and dependent on government handouts, otherwise your average liberal is about as popular as a crotch full of poison oak.

The right is keeping workers flat broke. Employers have plenty of monies to pay a living wage......they don't want too.

Employers are only on the right?

Employers are only on the right?

Ninety-five percent of the employers that I personally know or have spoken with are and vote Republican.

What does that tell you ?

What does that tell you ?

They have no regard for their employees.

It's great you have such a high view of people.

It's great you have such a high view of people.

As an employer I don't have a high view of people that screw their employees, which by what I've personally observed is 95% of employers.
My wealth went up nearly 800% during the Bush and Obama administrations, I don't know what you people are crying about.

My wealth went up nearly 800% during the Bush and Obama administrations, I don't know what you people are crying about.

And today after the implosion?

I met with my boss this afternoon, my salary is going up again plus a big bonus :banana:

I met with my boss this afternoon, my salary is going up again plus a big bonus

So you sucked AND swallowed?

Sorry, couldn't resist.

When ALL employees receive the same, the economy will be good again.

So you are a sicko, shocker.

So you are a sicko, shocker.

When ALL employees receive the same raise and bonus, the economy will be good again.

" ... same raise, same bonus ..."

Yeah, let's forget all about reward and motivation.

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