The WALL with Mexico, karma and Trump supporters

Literal vs figurative hair splitting. The border patrol guys already told Trump that they wanted a fence they can see through rather than a solid wall, Trump agreed with them and that's been the plan for a good while.

Really???? Yesterday the pompous ass. Trump stated

So did you ever think you’d see a President who knows how much concrete and rebar you can lay down in a single day? Believe me, I know. I know.

Trump wants to build 30-foot-high wall at Mexican border -

Trump wants to build 30-foot-high wall at Mexican border -

Want to venture a guess how many bundles of drugs make it across that "fence ?

Literal vs figurative hair splitting. The border patrol guys already told Trump that they wanted a fence they can see through rather than a solid wall, Trump agreed with them and that's been the plan for a good while.

Really???? Yesterday the pompous ass. Trump stated

So did you ever think you’d see a President who knows how much concrete and rebar you can lay down in a single day? Believe me, I know. I know.

Trump wants to build 30-foot-high wall at Mexican border -

Trump wants to build 30-foot-high wall at Mexican border -

Want to venture a guess how many bundles of drugs make it across that "fence ?


Ummm, a lot less than currently comes across?
As Donald Trump tries to move forward with his promised border wall, CNN spoke with families who’ve been through this before and others, mostly Trump voters, who are at risk of having the wall cut through their property, leaving some of their homes on the Mexican side of the wall.

Funny and tragic.......

The party that use to be of fiscal responsibility, now wants to build an extremely expensive "great wall of mexico"... my question is, besides the taco stands on every corner, which trump was apparently worried about, what societal problems will this wall solve?

Its cheaper to build the wall than supporting a bunch of illegal immigrants.

How do we support illegal immigrants? Really? They have no access to government assistance programs and they contribute millions and millions of tax dollars to our economy ..

Hang on and you will become well informed on how they suck away at our wealth by providing slave wage labor.

By people like trump.

If you are in competition for a job with an illegal immigrant it is likely you have no skill or education and need to gain more employable qualifications.. (not that immigrants couldn't hold better jobs but they normally try under the table because of their status- at restaurants or farms)

They use Hospital Emergency Rooms as Primary Physicians.
They use our schools, forcing the hiring of Bi-Lingual teachers and forcing foreign language compliance.
They live several families to an apartment/house and produce an excessive amount of garbage forcing an increase in Property Taxes.
The work in construction putting plumbers, electricians, carpenters, stone cutters; I guess only these losers suffer.
Edit/Update - I should have put the link. From December fyi - Trump: The border wall may be a fence "in certain areas"
Who gives a crap it's expensive and won't solve any societal issues. I don't want my tax dollars to go there.

Pretty sure it's a lot less expensive than housing and feeding far as solving societal issues, didn't realize that was what we were trying to do.
We don't house and feed them. And yes we are, they're costing us money and jobs, right? That's what our so called president claims, no?
Edit/Update - I should have put the link. From December fyi - Trump: The border wall may be a fence "in certain areas"
Who gives a crap it's expensive and won't solve any societal issues. I don't want my tax dollars to go there.

Pretty sure it's a lot less expensive than housing and feeding far as solving societal issues, didn't realize that was what we were trying to do.
We don't house and feed them. And yes we are, they're costing us money and jobs, right? That's what our so called president claims, no?
We do house and feed them.
Edit/Update - I should have put the link. From December fyi - Trump: The border wall may be a fence "in certain areas"
Who gives a crap it's expensive and won't solve any societal issues. I don't want my tax dollars to go there.

Pretty sure it's a lot less expensive than housing and feeding far as solving societal issues, didn't realize that was what we were trying to do.
We don't house and feed them. And yes we are, they're costing us money and jobs, right? That's what our so called president claims, no?

No kidding, it's really the housing fairy and food fairy?
The wall is just another of the Trumpster's schemes for his self-aggrandizing ego. Mexico won't pay for it......and republican in congress will have to bend over to shell out $24 MILLION per mile for this 2,000 mile wall.
Literal vs figurative hair splitting. The border patrol guys already told Trump that they wanted a fence they can see through rather than a solid wall, Trump agreed with them and that's been the plan for a good while.

Really???? Yesterday the pompous ass. Trump stated

So did you ever think you’d see a President who knows how much concrete and rebar you can lay down in a single day? Believe me, I know. I know.

Trump wants to build 30-foot-high wall at Mexican border -

Trump wants to build 30-foot-high wall at Mexican border -

Want to venture a guess how many bundles of drugs make it across that "fence ?


Yeah that sections gotta be redone. Did you see the fence in the OP video, that's what was being talked about.

I get all of Trumps tweets and notices on my phone everyday and I don't recall him saying that, can I have a link please. Although the fence, as seen in the OP video, actually does have a cement and rebar foundation so he may have been talking about that, or perhaps one of the few sections that requires an actual wall (though I'm not sure where all the border patrol guys wanted those put.)
No actually, folks like /ME/ are because most of this nation pays jack fucking shit toward the countries bills, but as was noted; public schools, prisons, etc. etc. And all the while I suspect these non-American's are voting in our elections - funny given the uproar; that the Russian media is getting a ration of fucking shit for even speaking about our elections...
Edit/Update - I should have put the link. From December fyi - Trump: The border wall may be a fence "in certain areas"
Who gives a crap it's expensive and won't solve any societal issues. I don't want my tax dollars to go there.

Pretty sure it's a lot less expensive than housing and feeding far as solving societal issues, didn't realize that was what we were trying to do.
We don't house and feed them. And yes we are, they're costing us money and jobs, right? That's what our so called president claims, no?

No kidding, it's really the housing fairy and food fairy?
No, they come here and work and build a life and pay taxes.
Edit/Update - I should have put the link. From December fyi - Trump: The border wall may be a fence "in certain areas"
Who gives a crap it's expensive and won't solve any societal issues. I don't want my tax dollars to go there.

Pretty sure it's a lot less expensive than housing and feeding far as solving societal issues, didn't realize that was what we were trying to do.
We don't house and feed them. And yes we are, they're costing us money and jobs, right? That's what our so called president claims, no?

No kidding, it's really the housing fairy and food fairy?
No, they come here and work and build a life and pay taxes.
Who reports their income?
The Tooth Fairy?
They pay Sales Tax

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