The Wall

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area

The Problem
: How long and where will "the wall" be built? No one, seems to know or care. The wall is a metaphor, a barrier to protect our border but in no way is the be all, end all to prevent illegal entry into the US.

The Bigger Problem
: Trump's divisive rhetoric well before the election in November last, which continues even to today. He can't get out of his own way, and his advisers seem to be as inept in diplomacy as is he.

The Solution: Fire NIelsen; have the Army Corp of Engineers lay out the part of the border which needs a physical barrier, and in the blueprint, the areas which can effectively be guarded by boots on the ground with technology, drones and air power; as well as the cost to build and maintain.

Pelosi & Scuhmer need to understand Trump is a two-year old and lay out in a news conference how much of the wall is already in place, and knock off calling the Wall Immoral. Walk back that comment and explain what most American's believe, the separation of families by removing their children is unconscionable.
The Problem: How long and where will "the wall" be built? No one, seems to know or care. The wall is a metaphor, a barrier to protect our border but in no way is the be all, end all to prevent illegal entry into the US.

The Bigger Problem
: Trump's divisive rhetoric well before the election in November last, which continues even to today. He can't get out of his own way, and his advisers seem to be as inept in diplomacy as is he.

The Solution: Fire NIelsen; have the Army Corp of Engineers lay out the part of the border which needs a physical barrier, and in the blueprint, the areas which can effectively be guarded by boots on the ground with technology, drones and air power; as well as the cost to build and maintain.

Pelosi & Scuhmer need to understand Trump is a two-year old and lay out in a news conference how much of the wall is already in place, and knock off calling the Wall Immoral. Walk back that comment and explain what most American's believe, the separation of families by removing their children is unconscionable.

Right! trump is a two year old. He has been President two years! Schumer and Pelosi have been in Congress for decades and if they fucking knew how to get this shit done why haven’t they done it? Why do we have 20 million illegals in this country?
The Problem: How long and where will "the wall" be built? No one, seems to know or care. The wall is a metaphor, a barrier to protect our border but in no way is the be all, end all to prevent illegal entry into the US.

NO WALL is an end all or be all. No one but you ever said it was. That's why they have guards around prisons, fool. We've known for decades where to build the wall.

Walk back that comment and explain what most American's believe, the separation of families by removing their children is unconscionable.
So you're for keeping the children in prison with the adults? The children are pawns being abused by their "parents" and are far better off in US custody than what their parents were doing with them, idiot. But hey, easy fix. SEND THE KIDS BACK to the border, hand them over to Mexican authorities to deal with. Then put their criminal adults on the rock pile doing hard labor. If the damn Mexicans don't like the kids being handled like this, then please---- keep the damn kids over there in MEXICO.
but, but, but

Border Facts



BUT, BUT . TRUMP IS SUCH AN ASSHOLE HE WANTS A WALL DAM HIM gawd you DEMOCRATS are such sickening mental cases to fkn stupid to even realize what you said before.

but, but

The Problem: How long and where will "the wall" be built? No one, seems to know or care. The wall is a metaphor, a barrier to protect our border but in no way is the be all, end all to prevent illegal entry into the US.

The Bigger Problem
: Trump's divisive rhetoric well before the election in November last, which continues even to today. He can't get out of his own way, and his advisers seem to be as inept in diplomacy as is he.

The Solution: Fire NIelsen; have the Army Corp of Engineers lay out the part of the border which needs a physical barrier, and in the blueprint, the areas which can effectively be guarded by boots on the ground with technology, drones and air power; as well as the cost to build and maintain.

Pelosi & Scuhmer need to understand Trump is a two-year old and lay out in a news conference how much of the wall is already in place, and knock off calling the Wall Immoral. Walk back that comment and explain what most American's believe, the separation of families by removing their children is unconscionable.
If I were the Dems i’d lay out a reform bill that includes DACA and a specific border security plan that funds the most urgent needs of the agents on the front lines. If a wall is a top priority for the agents then they should get funding for what they need. But from my understanding, most drugs cross at ports of entry and most illegals come from visa overstays. So it seems smarter to focus on those areas. I understand that Pelosi probably promised to always be a No on the Wall and I understand why given Trumps horrible rhetoric around it. But the Dems need to do something proactive and not just obstructionary when it comes to border security. Now is the time to do it.
The Problem: How long and where will "the wall" be built? No one, seems to know or care. The wall is a metaphor, a barrier to protect our border but in no way is the be all, end all to prevent illegal entry into the US.

The Bigger Problem
: Trump's divisive rhetoric well before the election in November last, which continues even to today. He can't get out of his own way, and his advisers seem to be as inept in diplomacy as is he.

The Solution: Fire NIelsen; have the Army Corp of Engineers lay out the part of the border which needs a physical barrier, and in the blueprint, the areas which can effectively be guarded by boots on the ground with technology, drones and air power; as well as the cost to build and maintain.

Pelosi & Scuhmer need to understand Trump is a two-year old and lay out in a news conference how much of the wall is already in place, and knock off calling the Wall Immoral. Walk back that comment and explain what most American's believe, the separation of families by removing their children is unconscionable.

"Trump's divisive rhetoric" has made human traffickers think twice about coming north to support the democrat party
The Problem: How long and where will "the wall" be built? No one, seems to know or care. The wall is a metaphor, a barrier to protect our border but in no way is the be all, end all to prevent illegal entry into the US.

The Bigger Problem
: Trump's divisive rhetoric well before the election in November last, which continues even to today. He can't get out of his own way, and his advisers seem to be as inept in diplomacy as is he.

The Solution: Fire NIelsen; have the Army Corp of Engineers lay out the part of the border which needs a physical barrier, and in the blueprint, the areas which can effectively be guarded by boots on the ground with technology, drones and air power; as well as the cost to build and maintain.

Pelosi & Scuhmer need to understand Trump is a two-year old and lay out in a news conference how much of the wall is already in place, and knock off calling the Wall Immoral. Walk back that comment and explain what most American's believe, the separation of families by removing their children is unconscionable.
If I were the Dems i’d lay out a reform bill that includes DACA and a specific border security plan that funds the most urgent needs of the agents on the front lines. If a wall is a top priority for the agents then they should get funding for what they need. But from my understanding, most drugs cross at ports of entry and most illegals come from visa overstays. So it seems smarter to focus on those areas. I understand that Pelosi probably promised to always be a No on the Wall and I understand why given Trumps horrible rhetoric around it. But the Dems need to do something proactive and not just obstructionary when it comes to border security. Now is the time to do it.

Soros won't allow that, he wants to turn the USA into a third world hellhole
The Problem: How long and where will "the wall" be built? No one, seems to know or care. The wall is a metaphor, a barrier to protect our border but in no way is the be all, end all to prevent illegal entry into the US.

The Bigger Problem
: Trump's divisive rhetoric well before the election in November last, which continues even to today. He can't get out of his own way, and his advisers seem to be as inept in diplomacy as is he.

The Solution: Fire NIelsen; have the Army Corp of Engineers lay out the part of the border which needs a physical barrier, and in the blueprint, the areas which can effectively be guarded by boots on the ground with technology, drones and air power; as well as the cost to build and maintain.

Pelosi & Scuhmer need to understand Trump is a two-year old and lay out in a news conference how much of the wall is already in place, and knock off calling the Wall Immoral. Walk back that comment and explain what most American's believe, the separation of families by removing their children is unconscionable.
If I were the Dems i’d lay out a reform bill that includes DACA and a specific border security plan that funds the most urgent needs of the agents on the front lines. If a wall is a top priority for the agents then they should get funding for what they need. But from my understanding, most drugs cross at ports of entry and most illegals come from visa overstays. So it seems smarter to focus on those areas. I understand that Pelosi probably promised to always be a No on the Wall and I understand why given Trumps horrible rhetoric around it. But the Dems need to do something proactive and not just obstructionary when it comes to border security. Now is the time to do it.

Soros won't allow that, he wants to turn the USA into a third world hellhole
How do you know what Soros thinks?
The wall is hype. It's a diversion from real issues being used by both sides. There will be no wall because within the first 1/2 hour of a section of it built, the Mexicans will have 10 breaches of it well under way. The terrain particularly in the California section simply can't be walled off. The area is too inaccessible for the most part and rough, strewn with huge boulders, arid conditions, hills, valleys, rattlesnakes. .

So, when people are ready to talk about why this diversion is being used I guess then it will be a useful topic.
Funny thing about your meme it is trump associating with know commies like Kim and Xi that he admittedly gets along very well with.

Commie Trumpers is what you all are. Admitting that you would rather deal with known thugs and communists says all I need to know about "the Red" Trumper.
The Problem: How long and where will "the wall" be built? No one, seems to know or care. The wall is a metaphor, a barrier to protect our border but in no way is the be all, end all to prevent illegal entry into the US.

The Bigger Problem
: Trump's divisive rhetoric well before the election in November last, which continues even to today. He can't get out of his own way, and his advisers seem to be as inept in diplomacy as is he.

The Solution: Fire NIelsen; have the Army Corp of Engineers lay out the part of the border which needs a physical barrier, and in the blueprint, the areas which can effectively be guarded by boots on the ground with technology, drones and air power; as well as the cost to build and maintain.

Pelosi & Scuhmer need to understand Trump is a two-year old and lay out in a news conference how much of the wall is already in place, and knock off calling the Wall Immoral. Walk back that comment and explain what most American's believe, the separation of families by removing their children is unconscionable.
If I were the Dems i’d lay out a reform bill that includes DACA and a specific border security plan that funds the most urgent needs of the agents on the front lines. If a wall is a top priority for the agents then they should get funding for what they need. But from my understanding, most drugs cross at ports of entry and most illegals come from visa overstays. So it seems smarter to focus on those areas. I understand that Pelosi probably promised to always be a No on the Wall and I understand why given Trumps horrible rhetoric around it. But the Dems need to do something proactive and not just obstructionary when it comes to border security. Now is the time to do it.

Soros won't allow that, he wants to turn the USA into a third world hellhole
How do you know what Soros thinks?

I listen to what democrat leaders are saying
Trump cult members want a contiguous wall from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico; they'll accept nothing less.

Trump is trapped by his supporters' fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate.
When Trump supporters see a wall, they stop. They say Oh look, a wall, nothing we can do.


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