The Warmergate Scandal

Fuck you asshole.

Either go through my posts on this particular subject as it relates to other scientists using cooked IPCC/CRU information, find out my exact and unchanged position on it, or shut your fucking punk ass mouth.

Since you already said it, you wouldn't have a problem answering a simple question with a simple answer.

I shouldn't need to wade through page after page of masturbation going on.

Though if there is one clear thing from your post, your anger issue is not a myth.
Like you said on another thread @ 6:18, "the truth, as always, is in the numbers". When the numbers are modified and adjusted by those wanting to make a point versus conduct science. The truth as been wrung out of the numbers.

Again, judging the many by a few is not the way to go about things. There is no clear evidence that manmade Global Warming is a myth. All the deniers have right now is a bunch of speculation and jumping to conclusions on the basis that a small group of scientists being wrong means they all are.
☭proletarian☭;1805407 said:
I'm not saying anything on your rep page that I won't say to your goddamn lying punk face, you goddamn lying fucking punk.

Keep mischaracterizing what I've been saying about this for weeks, and you'll get more of the same, asshole.

How bout simply addressing the case made by TF00t instead of attacking people who disagree with you?
I attack punk assholes who blatantly mischaracterize my position, not those who merely disagree with me.

Are you ever going to address the arguments I posted twice?
What evidence other than capos vouching for the mob boss do you need?

For someones who hates religion, you sure do cling to this one like you're under the thumb of St. Peter, Buckwheat. :rofl:

Replace Global Warming with 9/11 and this would be in the Conspiracy Theory Forum. :cool:

Incorrect. The concept of Man-made global warming is unproven. It's been proven the towers could not have collapsed from explosives.

no, it hasn't. It's been shown that they didn't copllapse from explosives. Had explosives been used, they could have been brought down (although it would be unwise to skip the other steps usually taken in demolition)
☭proletarian☭;1805621 said:
☭proletarian☭;1805407 said:
How bout simply addressing the case made by TF00t instead of attacking people who disagree with you?
I attack punk assholes who blatantly mischaracterize my position, not those who merely disagree with me.

Are you ever going to address the arguments I posted twice?

Of course Dude is going to do nothing of the sort. He is not bright and can't argue. He does yell and swear a lot, though.:razz:
Like you said on another thread @ 6:18, "the truth, as always, is in the numbers". When the numbers are modified and adjusted by those wanting to make a point versus conduct science. The truth as been wrung out of the numbers.

Again, judging the many by a few is not the way to go about things. There is no clear evidence that manmade Global Warming is a myth. All the deniers have right now is a bunch of speculation and jumping to conclusions on the basis that a small group of scientists being wrong means they all are.
One must wonder how you conclude that the poster is saying ALL scientists are wrong. Such emotional drivel you spew.
One must wonder how you conclude that the poster is saying ALL scientists are wrong. Such emotional drivel you spew.

I'm still wondering where I specified a single poster. Oh wait, I didn't. :lol:

You and Dude would make a perfect couple. Two people too emotional for their good.
One must wonder how you conclude that the poster is saying ALL scientists are wrong. Such emotional drivel you spew.

I'm still wondering where I specified a single poster. Oh wait, I didn't. :lol: ....
Liar. So far, it's Dude and saveliberty.
Like you said on another thread @ 6:18, "the truth, as always, is in the numbers". When the numbers are modified and adjusted by those wanting to make a point versus conduct science. The truth as been wrung out of the numbers.

Again, judging the many by a few is not the way to go about things. There is no clear evidence that manmade Global Warming is a myth. All the deniers have right now is a bunch of speculation and jumping to conclusions on the basis that a small group of scientists being wrong means they all are.

Next we're going to be told that Bernie Madoff should be let out of prison, because Ivan Boesky looked over his books and found them all in order. :lol:

Except Bernie Madoff is not evidence that all investment firms or all Jews are crooks. However, you are applying that logic in this case by saying that the work of a few scientists discredit them all.

Don't you love when your analogies blow up in your face? :lol:


Your trying to weasel out when called on your emotional reactions is ugly, but normal for you.
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☭proletarian☭;1805412 said:
It appears you did not.

Until you do, your commentary is of no import.

Get back to us when you've done your homework and have at least some actual basis to know what you pretend to be talking about.


I've posted TF00t's rebuttal twice. Go quote it and refute it if he's wrong.

Please post the point and your counter here. Would you like the answer in pill form or a suppository? I doubt you will swallow the answer, so I'll make arrangements for the later.

Your trying to weasel out when called on your emotional reactions is ugly, but normal for you.

Except the point to Dude was on a different but related issue. And I never specified saveliberty. Saveliberty and I actually get on along on somewhat good terms as far as I can remember.

The only emotional reactions that are ugly right now is yours.

Your trying to weasel out when called on your emotional reactions is ugly, but normal for you.

Except the point to Dude was on a different but related issue. And I never specified saveliberty. Saveliberty and I actually get on along on somewhat good terms as far as I can remember. ....
Your relationships are insignificant to me.

Don't quote another and misrepresent their view, then say you didn't. Christ,'s in writing.

Think before spewing. You clearly don't, you just react without thought. Then when called on it, get so upset. Suck it up and/or learn to think before spewing. Weaseling is your forte - we get it. You haven't shown any evidence of doing otherwise. You have chosen your own path and are well-known for it.
We in fact have plenty of evidence, in that those who have been gathering and compiling the "evidence" have faked some of it and either buried or destroyed contravening evidence. Moreover, speaking of flawed logic, saying that man has an impact provodes zero evidence, in and of itself, that the effect is what you claim it to be.

But all of that is a deflection and distraction from your invocation of flawed logic in the first place.

Try harder.

Okay, how about this. Go to your garage, bring with you a garden hose and put one end in the tailpipe of your car, and the other end in a rear window. Then roll all the windows in the car up, and the rear one as high as possible, filling any gaps with towels.
Next, close the garage door with your remote, start the car, and turn on Rush Limbaugh.
As you become sleepy, simply think of the words of your teacher, think to yourself, "I'm getting sleepy, very sleepy...
Oh, but before you do this, list all of the reasons you believe man has had no impact on our planet. But do so before you try the experiment.

Hey dumb ass, that is carbon MONOXIDE coming out of the tailpipe, not carbon dioxide. Gee, sit in the air with an ozone machine (three oxygen atoms together) it will kill you too.

Hey "dumb ass"?
Get with the program, open your mind and look at the entire text in context.
Okay, how about this. Go to your garage, bring with you a garden hose and put one end in the tailpipe of your car, and the other end in a rear window. Then roll all the windows in the car up, and the rear one as high as possible, filling any gaps with towels.
Next, close the garage door with your remote, start the car, and turn on Rush Limbaugh.
As you become sleepy, simply think of the words of your teacher, think to yourself, "I'm getting sleepy, very sleepy...
Oh, but before you do this, list all of the reasons you believe man has had no impact on our planet. But do so before you try the experiment.

Hey dumb ass, that is carbon MONOXIDE coming out of the tailpipe, not carbon dioxide. Gee, sit in the air with an ozone machine (three oxygen atoms together) it will kill you too.

Hey "dumb ass"?
Get with the program, open your mind and look at the entire text in context.

Not exactly a scale representation of Earth, is that? Do you have anything other than obviously flawed anecdotes?
Your relationships are insignificant to me.

Don't quote another and misrepresent their view, then say you didn't. Christ,'s in writing.

Think before spewing. You clearly don't, you just react without thought. Then when called on it, get so upset. Suck it up and/or learn to think before spewing. Weaseling is your forte - we get it. You haven't shown any evidence of doing otherwise. You have chosen your own path and are well-known for it.

The only two here who clearly has some issues and being upset is you and Dude. I'm not upset at all. :lol:

You think you know me, but you really don't know. So while you may go thread from thread like a snake, thinking you "got me" while attacking me. You don't. :lol:

And again, you continue your fetish with my age. Why? I don't know. If you're one of those Cougars, may I recommend finding some other prey? :eek:
I attack punk assholes who blatantly mischaracterize my position, not those who merely disagree with me.

Isn't that a wee bit of hypocrisy considering you mischaracterize many other scientists on the basis of a few?

You still haven't explained to me why I'm wrong or answered my questions.
Fuck you asshole.

Either go through my posts on this particular subject, as it relates to other scientists using cooked IPCC/CRU information, find out my exact and unchanged position on it, or shut your fucking punk ass mouth.

"Fuck you asshole"! Wow, I bet you're one bad ass dude, dude. I spent over 30 years dealing with foul mouthed 'tough' guys, and you know what, most were chicken shits.
Based on my experience, you've got several tattoos, and if you and I met face to face, you'd piss your pants.
Have a nice day.
Isn't that a wee bit of hypocrisy considering you mischaracterize many other scientists on the basis of a few?

You still haven't explained to me why I'm wrong or answered my questions.
Fuck you asshole.

Either go through my posts on this particular subject, as it relates to other scientists using cooked IPCC/CRU information, find out my exact and unchanged position on it, or shut your fucking punk ass mouth.

"Fuck you asshole"! Wow, I bet you're one bad ass dude, dude. I spent over 30 years dealing with foul mouthed 'tough' guys, and you know what, most were chicken shits.
Based on my experience, you've got several tattoos, and if you and I met face to face, you'd piss your pants.
Have a nice day.
I love your ironic comedy.

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