The Warmergate Scandal

Michael Crichton misunderstood ice flow with ice growth, put it in a fiction book and Inhofe ran with the information.
Nah, Inhofe would still be a fool along with Al Gore and Crichton.

I'm not a "D". Most superficially my views on the military, guns, and the death penalty prevent me from joining that faith. For the life of me I don't understand how anyone joins a political party. There are soo many issues few folks can be in agreement on all of them. But I do find myself agreeing with the "D's" more often than the "R's" economically.
"Fuck you asshole"! Wow, I bet you're one bad ass dude, dude. I spent over 30 years dealing with foul mouthed 'tough' guys, and you know what, most were chicken shits.
Based on my experience, you've got several tattoos, and if you and I met face to face, you'd piss your pants.
Have a nice day.

Wry catcher must be everything he's ever dreamed of in a man!

Ah, the other tought guy. What's your CV Dudette?

I never claimed I was (nor did I ever deny that I was) a tough guy, you fucking imbecile.

I have no idea what a "tought guy" is, however.

Why do you ask about my CV, jizz catcher? It matters in the context of what we say here -- how exactly?
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Michael was a very bright man with a far greater grasp of science than Albert Gore.

He also had an natural distrust of all things Big Government...
Don't forget, he started out supporting AGW and that was the basis for him to start trying to write State of Fear. But as he researched the topic the more bullshit he kept finding till he realized the whole thing was a scam, and hence "State of Fear" became an incredibly well researched anti-AGW book.
But as he researched the topic the more bullshit he kept finding till he realized the whole thing was a scam, and hence "State of Fear" became an incredibly well researched anti-AGW book

I disagree. If State of Fear was supposed to be well researched it failed or just demonstrated Crichton's limited understanding of issues such as ice flow.

One might wonder why people like Tulaczyk do it. The motivation isn’t fame; in fact, he and other glaciologists seem positively allergic to it. Tulaczyk himself had a bitter brush with fame thanks to Michael Crichton’s best-selling conspiracy novel State of Fear. One of the novel’s characters, an agent named John Kenner, cites a paper published by Tulaczyk and a collaborator, Ian Joughin of the University of Washington in Seattle, to support his claim that climate change is pretty much bunk. Joughin’s and Tulaczyk’s paper, published in Science in 2002, documents an increase in ice mass for one region of the WAIS called the Ross Sea Sector. The fictional Kenner contends that this and other research indicate that Antarctica’s ice is not actually melting.

Glaciologists say this is not the case: The Ross Sea Sector is gaining mass because one glacier, the Kamb Ice Stream, which periodically stops and starts, is currently in stop mode and therefore not dumping ice into the ocean. “It was overblown and exaggerated,” Tulaczyk says, “in terms of proving something that it didn’t prove.” But Crichton was an effective publicist, and Joughin and Tulaczyk—willingly or not—were taken up as heroes who “disproved” climate change.

Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) invited Crichton, based on the success of his novel, to testify before the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works about the potential for bias in climate research, which he did on September 28, 2005. Several months later the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) honored Crichton’s novel with its annual Journalism Award. “It is fiction,” the group’s communications director, Larry Nation, was quoted as saying to The New York Times on February 9, 2006. “But it has the absolute ring of truth.” (Shortly afterward, AAPG changed the prize’s name to the more vague Geo*sciences in the Media Award.) The studies cited in Crichton’s book are still bandied about in chat rooms and climate blogs scattered across the Web. And a document released by Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) in February 2007 lists some of those studies in a climate-science primer for members of the Senate Republican Policy Committee.
The Ground Zero of Climate Change | Arctic & Antarctic | DISCOVER Magazine
I believe Michael Crichton is a poor example. He's almost as annoying as Al Gore. You had to read at least one of my posts about Crichton, Inhofe, and ice flow right?
Crichton was at least an MD...What are Gore's credentials in anything, besides having half an idea on which dinner jacket to wear?

he won an academy award, which means he's about as qualified as Jane Fonda.
...And a noble pizza prize. Both should be revoked.
But as he researched the topic the more bullshit he kept finding till he realized the whole thing was a scam, and hence "State of Fear" became an incredibly well researched anti-AGW book

I disagree. If State of Fear was supposed to be well researched it failed or just demonstrated Crichton's limited understanding of issues such as ice flow.

One might wonder why people like Tulaczyk do it. The motivation isn’t fame; in fact, he and other glaciologists seem positively allergic to it. Tulaczyk himself had a bitter brush with fame thanks to Michael Crichton’s best-selling conspiracy novel State of Fear. One of the novel’s characters, an agent named John Kenner, cites a paper published by Tulaczyk and a collaborator, Ian Joughin of the University of Washington in Seattle, to support his claim that climate change is pretty much bunk. Joughin’s and Tulaczyk’s paper, published in Science in 2002, documents an increase in ice mass for one region of the WAIS called the Ross Sea Sector. The fictional Kenner contends that this and other research indicate that Antarctica’s ice is not actually melting.

Glaciologists say this is not the case: The Ross Sea Sector is gaining mass because one glacier, the Kamb Ice Stream, which periodically stops and starts, is currently in stop mode and therefore not dumping ice into the ocean. “It was overblown and exaggerated,” Tulaczyk says, “in terms of proving something that it didn’t prove.” But Crichton was an effective publicist, and Joughin and Tulaczyk—willingly or not—were taken up as heroes who “disproved” climate change.

Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) invited Crichton, based on the success of his novel, to testify before the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works about the potential for bias in climate research, which he did on September 28, 2005. Several months later the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) honored Crichton’s novel with its annual Journalism Award. “It is fiction,” the group’s communications director, Larry Nation, was quoted as saying to The New York Times on February 9, 2006. “But it has the absolute ring of truth.” (Shortly afterward, AAPG changed the prize’s name to the more vague Geo*sciences in the Media Award.) The studies cited in Crichton’s book are still bandied about in chat rooms and climate blogs scattered across the Web. And a document released by Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) in February 2007 lists some of those studies in a climate-science primer for members of the Senate Republican Policy Committee.
The Ground Zero of Climate Change | Arctic & Antarctic | DISCOVER Magazine
Of course you'd disagree. It disagrees with the faith.

Pie Jesu domine >whack!< Donna ejus requiem. >whack!<
"We are seeing the death of the Kyoto Protocol," said Djemouai Kamel of Algeria, the head of the 50-nation Africa group.

"Nothing is happening at this moment," Zia Hoque Mukta, a delegate from Bangladesh, told The Associated Press. He said developing countries have demanded that conference president Connie Hedegaard of Denmark bring the industrial nations' emissions targets to the top of the agenda before talks can resume.

Developing countries boycott UN climate talks - Yahoo! News
"We are seeing the death of the Kyoto Protocol," said Djemouai Kamel of Algeria, the head of the 50-nation Africa group.

"Nothing is happening at this moment," Zia Hoque Mukta, a delegate from Bangladesh, told The Associated Press. He said developing countries have demanded that conference president Connie Hedegaard of Denmark bring the industrial nations' emissions targets to the top of the agenda before talks can resume.

Developing countries boycott UN climate talks - Yahoo! News
Finally. Took long enough lingering in intensive care. I want a "Do Not Resuscitate" order put on it.
"We are seeing the death of the Kyoto Protocol," said Djemouai Kamel of Algeria, the head of the 50-nation Africa group.

"Nothing is happening at this moment," Zia Hoque Mukta, a delegate from Bangladesh, told The Associated Press. He said developing countries have demanded that conference president Connie Hedegaard of Denmark bring the industrial nations' emissions targets to the top of the agenda before talks can resume.

Developing countries boycott UN climate talks - Yahoo! News
Finally. Took long enough lingering in intensive care. I want a "Do Not Resuscitate" order put on it.

But there is almost always more spin to come. We've already seen the flaccid attempts for the apparent scandal. So far, none are sticking. So maybe there is some hope that the entire world is not more emotional than thinking.
Of course you'd disagree. It disagrees with the faith.

Pie Jesu domine >whack!< Donna ejus requiem. >whack!<
What am I supposed to say back to this?

"Well of course you agree with the scientific theories of 'State of Fear' since it agrees with your faith"

There, I made an emotional outburst.

Feels bad lol
Wry catcher must be everything he's ever dreamed of in a man!

Ah, the other tought guy. What's your CV Dudette?

I never claimed I was (nor did I ever deny that I was) a tough guy, you fucking imbecile.

I have no idea what a "tought guy" is, however.

Why do you ask about my CV, jizz catcher? It matters in the context of what we say here -- how exactly?

Obviously you're not a tough guy (or as I wrongly wrote 'tought' guy), real tough guys don't focus on male sperm, or at least guys most guys find such a fascination weird. Notwithstanding your sexual fascination, it's clear you're a jerk. What life events cause you to be such a nasty and perverted thing?
But as he researched the topic the more bullshit he kept finding till he realized the whole thing was a scam, and hence "State of Fear" became an incredibly well researched anti-AGW book

I disagree. If State of Fear was supposed to be well researched it failed or just demonstrated Crichton's limited understanding of issues such as ice flow.

One might wonder why people like Tulaczyk do it. The motivation isn’t fame; in fact, he and other glaciologists seem positively allergic to it. Tulaczyk himself had a bitter brush with fame thanks to Michael Crichton’s best-selling conspiracy novel State of Fear. One of the novel’s characters, an agent named John Kenner, cites a paper published by Tulaczyk and a collaborator, Ian Joughin of the University of Washington in Seattle, to support his claim that climate change is pretty much bunk. Joughin’s and Tulaczyk’s paper, published in Science in 2002, documents an increase in ice mass for one region of the WAIS called the Ross Sea Sector. The fictional Kenner contends that this and other research indicate that Antarctica’s ice is not actually melting.

Glaciologists say this is not the case: The Ross Sea Sector is gaining mass because one glacier, the Kamb Ice Stream, which periodically stops and starts, is currently in stop mode and therefore not dumping ice into the ocean. “It was overblown and exaggerated,” Tulaczyk says, “in terms of proving something that it didn’t prove.” But Crichton was an effective publicist, and Joughin and Tulaczyk—willingly or not—were taken up as heroes who “disproved” climate change.

Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) invited Crichton, based on the success of his novel, to testify before the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works about the potential for bias in climate research, which he did on September 28, 2005. Several months later the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) honored Crichton’s novel with its annual Journalism Award. “It is fiction,” the group’s communications director, Larry Nation, was quoted as saying to The New York Times on February 9, 2006. “But it has the absolute ring of truth.” (Shortly afterward, AAPG changed the prize’s name to the more vague Geo*sciences in the Media Award.) The studies cited in Crichton’s book are still bandied about in chat rooms and climate blogs scattered across the Web. And a document released by Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) in February 2007 lists some of those studies in a climate-science primer for members of the Senate Republican Policy Committee.
The Ground Zero of Climate Change | Arctic & Antarctic | DISCOVER Magazine
Of course you'd disagree. It disagrees with the faith.

Pie Jesu domine >whack!< Donna ejus requiem. >whack!<
Dona eis requiem sempiternam (one can hope).
Ah, the other tought guy. What's your CV Dudette?

I never claimed I was (nor did I ever deny that I was) a tough guy, you fucking imbecile.

I have no idea what a "tought guy" is, however.

Why do you ask about my CV, jizz catcher? It matters in the context of what we say here -- how exactly?

Obviously you're not a tough guy (or as I wrongly wrote 'tought' guy), real tough guys don't focus on male sperm, or at least guys most guys find such a fascination weird. Notwithstanding your sexual fascination, it's clear you're a jerk. What life events cause you to be such a nasty and perverted thing?

Actually, dipshit, to make a snide comment about your stupid username invoking an allusion to your own sexual orientation (I do presume you are a gay man) is not exhibiting a fascination. You'd know that if you had even a passing familiarity with the meaning of words.

In any event, dipstick, whether or not I am "tough" is just not relevant to any mature discussion of anything here -- which you might know if you could be mature instead of just pontificating about it in your endlessly hypocritical way.

Now then. Back on topic. What relevance is a CV to you?

Oh, right. I forgot. You weren't being "on topic" even when you asked that stupid question.

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