The Winter Games - Some real annoying things!


Trust the pie.
Dec 17, 2009
Maybe I just haven't paid much attention over the years. I had a lot on me and I worked really long hard hours. Maybe the stunts have gotten harder. But I just don't remember so many biting the dust on the slopes and in the skating rink. Seems I remember one flawless performance after another in previous years. A flawless performance is hard to come by this time. Have the stunts gotten harder, or the rinks and slopes more difficult?

Knowing pretty well that this will be my last chance to see the winter games, I've made the effort even thought I haven't felt like it. I haven't caught it all, but I have caught my favorite parts.

I'm still annoyed at the costumes. This is .....ta...da....the WINTER games. Zhang looked like all she needed was an Easter bonnet, and her tights still don't match her skin tone. My daughter was in dance, baton, gymnastics, and winter guard. Tights are made to match ALL skin tones. And where's the velvet and fur trim. For Pete's sake this is the WINTER games not the rites of spring. Give the illusion with the costumes that it is WINTER!

For my last winter games, I really wanted special. Special is few and far between. I expected more. But what can you expect from a show that starts off with an acid trip.
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Putin is a social butterfly. Looking for more defectors? Matt Lauer look he looks like he has chocolate smeared around his mouth.
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I remember a time when it was unusual for a skater to fall or stumble.
Speed skating has caught my attention this year. Last night there was one poor woman I really felt sorry for. She looked like she needed to lose about 40 pounds. I could just feel her trying to drag that weight through the resistance of ice, air, and gravity.

They may be doing harder stuff. But still, they should have mastered the stunts before they take them to the Olympics.
After figure skating changed the scoring system in the wake of the judging scandal, the tricks have been much more difficult as the top skaters go after the highest possible base scores.

I'm an avid figure skating fan who attends at least one big competition per year and this Olympics had been exceptionally well skated compared to most recent competitions. The level of skating skills is much higher than we've ever seen since they dropped figures in 1990.

In 1988, Kurt Browning landed the first quadruple jump and until the 1990's he was the only skater doing quads. Now there are skaters landing three quads in a program.
I am enjoying watching it. Skating and snowboarding.

Some of the costumes sucked. Some were pretty neat.
After figure skating changed the scoring system in the wake of the judging scandal, the tricks have been much more difficult as the top skaters go after the highest possible base scores.

I'm an avid figure skating fan who attends at least one big competition per year and this Olympics had been exceptionally well skated compared to most recent competitions. The level of skating skills is much higher than we've ever seen since they dropped figures in 1990.

In 1988, Kurt Browning landed the first quadruple jump and until the 1990's he was the only skater doing quads. Now there are skaters landing three quads in a program.

I recall the year that Scott Hamilton won and he said his strategy was to 'triple dazzle the judges.' It did seem that for years those communist bloc countries stuck together on high scoring their own.
Finally something that was not a disappointment - the ice dancing. I still am unimpressed with the costumes. This is the winter games, not the Easter parade. They should dress like they are at the winter games.

I think all the down hiil skiing, slalom, etc. was the worst I've ever seen at an Olympics. I am aware of the problems with the melting snow, and likely that is the reason they were all so bad.
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I think all the down hiil skiing, slalom, etc. was the worst I've ever seen at an Olympics. I am aware of the problems with the melting snow, and likely that is the reason they were all so bad.
I'm not into the Olympics in general like I was but as I understand it the downhill courses are very difficult when you are pushing the envelope due to the unseasonably warm weather. Thank God nobody got blow up so far.
Last night one of the announcers said one of the skiers, I believe, was on 'tender hooks.' OMG! That drives me nuts when they say stuff like that. It is 'tenterhooks.' Not 'Tender hooks.'

I also get annoyed when some says 'chomping at the bit.' One of them said that as well on another day. It is not 'chomping at the bit.' It is 'champing at the bit.'

And I wish people would learn that when someone is a ringer for someone they are not the 'spitting image.' They are the 'spit and image.'

Three most annoying things.

1. Snowboarding.

2. Snowboarders.

3. Snowboarding Commentators who all sound like Jeff Spicoli.

Not a real sport when this guy can be good at it.
I can't explain it but these games don't have the same excitement as others.

I try to watch and find myself channel surfing to see if there's something interesting on.
I can't explain it but these games don't have the same excitement as others.

I try to watch and find myself channel surfing to see if there's something interesting on.

Maybe the stunts are more difficult. Two things I don't recall from past events is the thrown triple axel and the quad. Those definitely have to be very hard stunts. But they've been doing triple axels for decades and they are falling on those too.

I don't find curling interesting, for the same reason I didn't care to watch bowling an TV on Sunday afternoons when I was a girl. Yea, curling has an interesting history, (used to use a dead frozen squirrel) but for crying out loud where is the sport in sweeping ice. Sheesh. And couldn't anyone lie on their back on a sled and slide down a hill?

I definitely agree, this year's games have been boring. When I stayed up to watch men's free style, I kept thinking that maybe the next guy would do well, but none did. The one who won gold only fell twice. All others fell 3 times. IMO, that doesn't merit gold, silver, or bronze.

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