The Women's March is Global

Reading facebook now. My very conservative and religious cousin was out marching, with his wife and daughter, and their local march. I'm very proud to be related to all of them.

This is our families marching. The human shitstains who are flinging such ugly names at the marchers are attacking our families, and we will not forget it.
This thread seems weird because Coyote is trying to meld the DC protest with others that have nothing to do with President Trump.
I think it's an attempt to make the D.C. protest look larger than it really is.


I still don't get what they want?

You have a president now that gives a damn about everyone.. Why are they mad?

They will never be happy, they are permanently angry, they are intolerant, they are emotionally immature, they cannot cope when something doesn't turn out how they demand it turns out.

They are like unruly children and the way to deal with them is to completely ignore them, let them march, protest, scream, cry and all of it people should just completely ignore, this is the way you deal with unruly children.

Of course if they turn violent, that needs a different type of dealing with and that involves Zero Tolerance.

But any and all of their demands should be ignored, the Leftists aren't in charge in America anymore, they need to be shown who The Bosses are.
I think we'll eventually start seeing a gradual change/shift with many on the left after President Trump has had time to start repairing the damage obama has caused.
We might even see coyote thanking President Trump! :laugh:

I doubt it. I'm struggling to give him a chance and be fair. But the reality is this - I don't think Obama did any damage, I've agreed with many (though not all) of his positions. Thus far, I do not think - from what I can glean of his positions - there are any I agree with.
You'll come around, coyote. I say that because I don't think you're stupid... just a little naive. :)

Our president really is much smarter than you think.

Are you saying Trump is not a righwinger?
The last time I saw political reaction on the streets like this, it was about Vietnam. That brought about the end of the war. Before that, I saw the same sort of national commitment to end segregation in the South. It worked. Women are not going to forget this, and Trump is never going to win them over. Ever. Other than those women trying to get into his pockets for other reasons, I do believe that Trump's pussy grabbing days are over. The percentage of women who the Twitter in Chief will pigeonhole as "nasty" is going to get larger and larger with each passing week.
President Trump will eventually be embraced by many of those who made the mistake of listening to the liberal propaganda. That includes you and coyote.

Assuming you have an IQ greater than 100, you'll soon learn how wrong you are.

I'll tell you what. Until Trump, I thought that the presidency could not get any lower than Nixon. We threw his ass out in 1974. That was 43 years ago, and I still hate the SOB. If I ever get over that, I'll start working on getting over the Loose Cannon in Chief, Trump.
Trump is much better than you think. The guy has a long history reaching out to help people others would ignore.
Unlike career politicians, he's someone who cares about people. I have no doubt about him wanting to improve things for everyone.

I couldn't be happier about him beating Hillary. That drunk **** would have buried this country within a year.

And you know this how?
I listened to the debates with an open mind.

I did, too, but I confess that the republicans who were running never did get to the bottom of just exactly how large his penis was, in relation to his hands. Such Class!
The last time I saw political reaction on the streets like this, it was about Vietnam. That brought about the end of the war. Before that, I saw the same sort of national commitment to end segregation in the South. It worked. Women are not going to forget this, and Trump is never going to win them over. Ever. Other than those women trying to get into his pockets for other reasons, I do believe that Trump's pussy grabbing days are over. The percentage of women who the Twitter in Chief will pigeonhole as "nasty" is going to get larger and larger with each passing week.
President Trump will eventually be embraced by many of those who made the mistake of listening to the liberal propaganda. That includes you and coyote.

Assuming you have an IQ greater than 100, you'll soon learn how wrong you are.

I'll tell you what. Until Trump, I thought that the presidency could not get any lower than Nixon. We threw his ass out in 1974. That was 43 years ago, and I still hate the SOB. If I ever get over that, I'll start working on getting over the Loose Cannon in Chief, Trump.
Trump is much better than you think. The guy has a long history reaching out to help people others would ignore.
Unlike career politicians, he's someone who cares about people. I have no doubt about him wanting to improve things for everyone.

I couldn't be happier about him beating Hillary. That drunk **** would have buried this country within a year.

And you know this how?
I listened to the debates with an open mind.

What has he actually done to show he cares about people? Actions mean more than words.
Let's get back on topic. Coyote would like us to think women around the world are protesting against President Trump. :)

Only those women who resent being thought of as inflatable sex toys.
How coyote sees herself is none of my business. I'm sure she meant well when she thought women around the world were protesting against President Trump.

You seem obsessed with me.
Really? Don't flatter yourself.
I've refused dates with women you remind me of.

Hey... that isn't to say you aren't a nice person. :)
Reading facebook now. My very conservative and religious cousin was out marching, with his wife and daughter, and their local march. I'm very proud to be related to all of them.

This is our families marching. The human shitstains who are flinging such ugly names at the marchers are attacking our families, and we will not forget it.

What did they achieve just for us to make fun of them?

small crowds, small penis?

Donald Trump- the Honey Booboo of politics.
President Trump will eventually be embraced by many of those who made the mistake of listening to the liberal propaganda. That includes you and coyote.

Assuming you have an IQ greater than 100, you'll soon learn how wrong you are.

I'll tell you what. Until Trump, I thought that the presidency could not get any lower than Nixon. We threw his ass out in 1974. That was 43 years ago, and I still hate the SOB. If I ever get over that, I'll start working on getting over the Loose Cannon in Chief, Trump.
Trump is much better than you think. The guy has a long history reaching out to help people others would ignore.
Unlike career politicians, he's someone who cares about people. I have no doubt about him wanting to improve things for everyone.

I couldn't be happier about him beating Hillary. That drunk **** would have buried this country within a year.

And you know this how?
I listened to the debates with an open mind.

What has he actually done to show he cares about people? Actions mean more than words.
Are we talking about the Pope or the President. If it's the Pope, then he should care about people. If it's the President, I couldn't care less if he cares about people as long as he protects our interests and the Constitution.
I'll tell you what. Until Trump, I thought that the presidency could not get any lower than Nixon. We threw his ass out in 1974. That was 43 years ago, and I still hate the SOB. If I ever get over that, I'll start working on getting over the Loose Cannon in Chief, Trump.
Trump is much better than you think. The guy has a long history reaching out to help people others would ignore.
Unlike career politicians, he's someone who cares about people. I have no doubt about him wanting to improve things for everyone.

I couldn't be happier about him beating Hillary. That drunk **** would have buried this country within a year.

And you know this how?
I listened to the debates with an open mind.

What has he actually done to show he cares about people? Actions mean more than words.
Are we talking about the Pope or the President. If it's the Pope, then he should care about people. If it's the President, I couldn't care less if he cares about people as long as he protects our interests and the Constitution.

If you read the posts, it's clear what we're talking about. If someone says he cares about people, I would like to know how.
Here are some of the choicer quotes from a man who has said that he “would be the best for women”:

  • “I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married.”
  • “I did try and fuck her. She was married.”
  • “Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”
  • “Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”

What now your posting like a moron .
How many rap lyrics do you want me to post that says we haven't heard it before?

Pardon me. I was answering your question by quoting your own candidate and president. I will know better than to do that again.

What is wrong with you?
Let's get back on topic. Coyote would like us to think women around the world are protesting against President Trump. :)

Only those women who resent being thought of as inflatable sex toys.
How coyote sees herself is none of my business. I'm sure she meant well when she thought women around the world were protesting against President Trump.

You seem obsessed with me.
Really? Don't flatter yourself.
I've refused dates with women you remind me of.

Hey... that isn't to say you aren't a nice person. :)

Is it the fleas that bother you?
What did they achieve just for us to make fun of them?

Why Today’s Protests Matter
January 21, 2017

Jonathan Chait: “It matters that Trump drew a sparse crowd to inaugural festivities that he had billed beforehand as a historic, Jacksonian uprising of The People. And it matters much more that millions of Americans came out on a Saturday to register their protest. It is not only catharsis, though catharsis is better than depression. The message has been heard by the political class, Republican and Democratic alike…”

“The demobilization of the Democratic base is over. The prospect of a Democratic wave may not stop Republicans, and it may not even give them pause. But the governing party had probably assumed the clock would not start for months on the liberal backlash. Now the clock is ticking already.”
Trump is much better than you think. The guy has a long history reaching out to help people others would ignore.
Unlike career politicians, he's someone who cares about people. I have no doubt about him wanting to improve things for everyone.

I couldn't be happier about him beating Hillary. That drunk **** would have buried this country within a year.

And you know this how?
I listened to the debates with an open mind.

What has he actually done to show he cares about people? Actions mean more than words.
Are we talking about the Pope or the President. If it's the Pope, then he should care about people. If it's the President, I couldn't care less if he cares about people as long as he protects our interests and the Constitution.

If you read the posts, it's clear what we're talking about. If someone says he cares about people, I would like to know how.
You would probably have to get to know them on a personal level to know that. There isn't a test for it and people can be phoney. The secret service know the answer to your question. But they don't talk much.
Let's get back on topic. Coyote would like us to think women around the world are protesting against President Trump. :)

Only those women who resent being thought of as inflatable sex toys.
How coyote sees herself is none of my business. I'm sure she meant well when she thought women around the world were protesting against President Trump.

You seem obsessed with me.
Really? Don't flatter yourself.
I've refused dates with women you remind me of.

Hey... that isn't to say you aren't a nice person. :)

Is it the fleas that bother you?
Why would I care about what you have buzzing around?
Only those women who resent being thought of as inflatable sex toys.
How coyote sees herself is none of my business. I'm sure she meant well when she thought women around the world were protesting against President Trump.

You seem obsessed with me.
Really? Don't flatter yourself.
I've refused dates with women you remind me of.

Hey... that isn't to say you aren't a nice person. :)

Is it the fleas that bother you?
Why would I care about what you have buzzing around?

You keep bringing me up...and since I'm not the topic of the OP, I wonder why...I thought maybe I wasn't using enough flea spray :dunno:

Not that any of this has to do with the global nature of this march which is women's issues.
Reading facebook now. My very conservative and religious cousin was out marching, with his wife and daughter, and their local march. I'm very proud to be related to all of them.

This is our families marching. The human shitstains who are flinging such ugly names at the marchers are attacking our families, and we will not forget it.
You won't forget it? WTF does that mean?
Our best bet as a nation will be to constantly bring out the truth of his lack of support among the people, which will grow as they will quickly discover that all of his promises were just empty rhetoric. This will keep him perpetually in personal feuds with everyone, and he will never have time to get anything done other than to throw out insults by Twitter.
Look, coyote. We have a difference of opinions on this topic. I hope you know I'm doing my best to respect your thoughts/feelings.

I hope you don't take anything bad I say to heart. As I've said several times before, I'm sure you're a good person.
You're a little fucked up because you don't think like me, but I think you're a good person who means well.
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Our best bet as a nation will be to constantly bring out the truth of his lack of support among the people, which will grow as they will quickly discover that all of his promises were just empty rhetoric. This will keep him perpetually in personal feuds with everyone, and he will never have time to get anything done other than to throw out insults by Twitter.
The Histrionics of the left are in part why Trump is your President today.
Keep it up, by all means :thup:

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