The Women's March is Global

Sister Marches


Countries include:
Saudi Arabia
I hope, so hope, he can hear the roar from 1600 Pennsylvania. It was discouraging to me that Trump's popularity wasn't affected in the least by his "Grab 'em by the Pussy" comments or peeking into the dressing rooms at Miss Universe, or some of the other snatch and grab rudeness that was reported by other women. The March today is making me feel a little better. Maybe things aren't quite as bad as I thought.

Yeah, those women are so, so concerned with women's rights - so much so that they haven't uttered a peep in 6 years while 1 MM syrian women were massacred by russia and iran.
Or when ISIS was raping and killing women who refused to submit to them.
Trump is a big supporter of womens rights. So is his daughter, Ivanka.

I love this story about our president. It says a lot about him as a father, and a man who understands the importance of women and a good education....

Skip to the 1min mark....
No sum game, it will accomplish nothing and all be forgotten by week's end.

Week's end? It'll be forgotten by tomorrow when the married women marching are serving mini hot dogs and beer to their husbands watching football, and the fat lesbians sitting in their knitting classes.

Nice how you reduce women's rights to a bunch "fat lesbians".
Why is the Womens March considered a March against Trump?
All the conditions existed under the Obama Administration and they said nothing!
It is all BS

I think because objectifying women as sexual parts became once again normalized in the open during the Trump campaign.
Became normalized? Have you even read the comments on this board for the last 7/8/9 years? You are full of it.
I guarantee they didn't march in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt, Syria, Pakistan, Indonesia or any of the other women hating Muslims shotholes!

Then you should probably not support implementing those types of anti-woman policies here, eh?

That would be what they were marching against. Good to see you support the marchers.

Nice red herring. I don't support any of those measures and other than banning abortion neither does the GOP.

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Trump is a big supporter of womens rights. So is his daughter, Ivanka.

I love this story about our president. It says a lot about him as a father, and a man who understands the importance of women and a good education....

Skip to the 1min mark....

Yeah, lol...he supports their rights alright. Their right to shut up while he rapes them and grabs their pussy.

Is this movement really to protest rape in India (and now elsewhere), or is it mainly to protest Trump?

If it's the latter, then I'm sorry to say that this "global" movement is nothing more than a worldwide female oriented temper tantrum.

Why bother searching it yourself when you can use this question as an opportunity to slam women, fat boy?

Try googling once in a while.

Unity Principles

Lol. Unity.

Leader: Feminist Group Dropped From 'March on DC' Because of Pro-Life Stance

This insight into reality brought to you by my newfound googling skills.

lol, the right wing spin machine in full effect. You guys have to be shaking in your boots by now....this is just the beginning.

Well, people should be scared of a movement who asks one Madonna to speak... when she says things like "I have thought many times how I wanted to blow up the White House" or something to that effect.
Trump is the first modern president who openly demeans women as sexual objects - and supporters find that acceptable.

Kennedy, Johnson, and Clinton would all fit into this category, they just didn't have the electronics back then. As far as reproductive rights, please name any reproductive rights that have been curtailed by Trump. Additionally , can we have a breakdown of quotes from the marches in the us that were anti trump vs. pro women.

Can anyone make an argument that except for diehard extremists, this event will fade from the headlines very quickly. Women that didn't believe in abortion were not welcome. So much for a women's march. What a waste of an opportunity to show solidarity and hope for the truly suffering women of the world, very few of which live in the us.
There may never be marches this size but that doesn't mean these people are going to fade away. You can bet that almost everyone of those marcher's names are on a list that will be used for future demonstrations, fund raising, letter writing, marches, sit ins etc. In essence, these demonstrations are organizational tools. Unlike the opposition who has declared victory and ready to go back to their everyday lives, these people are organizing for the long fight ahead.
Like OWS?

What ever happened to them?
They are given credit for coining the phrase "the 1%" and made inequity of income distribution in our society an issue which helped Obama to his 2012 victory.

Marches and protests are not about achieving any particular gold but rather about bringing an issue to the attention of the nation.

Is this movement really to protest rape in India (and now elsewhere), or is it mainly to protest Trump?

If it's the latter, then I'm sorry to say that this "global" movement is nothing more than a worldwide female oriented temper tantrum.

Why bother searching it yourself when you can use this question as an opportunity to slam women, fat boy?

Try googling once in a while.

Unity Principles

Lol. Unity.

Leader: Feminist Group Dropped From 'March on DC' Because of Pro-Life Stance

This insight into reality brought to you by my newfound googling skills.

lol, the right wing spin machine in full effect. You guys have to be shaking in your boots by now....this is just the beginning.

Well, people should be scared of a movement who asks one Madonna to speak... when she says things like "I have thought many times how I wanted to blow up the White House" or something to that effect.

I wouldn't take anything Madonna says seriously. She's been desperate for attention for some time now.

Is this movement really to protest rape in India (and now elsewhere), or is it mainly to protest Trump?

If it's the latter, then I'm sorry to say that this "global" movement is nothing more than a worldwide female oriented temper tantrum.

Why bother searching it yourself when you can use this question as an opportunity to slam women, fat boy?

Try googling once in a while.

Unity Principles

Lol. Unity.

Leader: Feminist Group Dropped From 'March on DC' Because of Pro-Life Stance

This insight into reality brought to you by my newfound googling skills.

lol, the right wing spin machine in full effect. You guys have to be shaking in your boots by now....this is just the beginning.

Well, people should be scared of a movement who asks one Madonna to speak... when she says things like "I have thought many times how I wanted to blow up the White House" or something to that effect.

I wouldn't take anything Madonna says seriously. She's been desperate for attention for some time now.

Then why was she at this march? That speaks volumes.
Interviewing women at the march. One is there for love. She wants more people to love one another.

Another woman is protesting because not everyone accepts her lesbian daughter.

How is the president supposed to address these issues and how does Madonna's tattooed vagina help?

Why focus on Madonna's vagina in the first place? :dunno:
So apparently Ashley Judd ranting about her bloody sheets and favorite panties being ruined because of her period is a huge issue of importance?
Trump is the first modern president who openly demeans women as sexual objects - and supporters find that acceptable.

Kennedy, Johnson, and Clinton would all fit into this category, they just didn't have the electronics back then. As far as reproductive rights, please name any reproductive rights that have been curtailed by Trump. Additionally , can we have a breakdown of quotes from the marches in the us that were anti trump vs. pro women.

Can anyone make an argument that except for diehard extremists, this event will fade from the headlines very quickly. Women that didn't believe in abortion were not welcome. So much for a women's march. What a waste of an opportunity to show solidarity and hope for the truly suffering women of the world, very few of which live in the us.
There may never be marches this size but that doesn't mean these people are going to fade away. You can bet that almost everyone of those marcher's names are on a list that will be used for future demonstrations, fund raising, letter writing, marches, sit ins etc. In essence, these demonstrations are organizational tools. Unlike the opposition who has declared victory and ready to go back to their everyday lives, these people are organizing for the long fight ahead.
Like OWS?

What ever happened to them?
They are given credit for coining the phrase "the 1%" and made inequity of income distribution in our society an issue which helped Obama to his 2012 victory.

Marches and protests are not about achieving any particular gold but rather about bringing an issue to the attention of the nation.
What issue?

What crisis do we have?
This thread seems weird because Coyote is trying to meld the DC protest with others that have nothing to do with President Trump.
I think it's an attempt to make the D.C. protest look larger than it really is.


I still don't get what they want?

You have a president now that gives a damn about everyone.. Why are they mad?
I have seen countless interviews with protesters today, on Sky and the BBC, and they all simply whined about Trump. Reporters had to ask them to hold down their vulgar signs on many occasions and to stop screeching pussy this and pussy that. They are a laughing stock, imho.

Why does the world care?

Oh they figured it out that Trumps the world president?

It's not business as usual no more?

The world cares because the world is getting smaller everyday. What happens in New York or Washington effects London, Moscow, and cities around the world. Trump is a radical, unpredictable, bombastic, politician who lacks political skills and knowledge and who now is in the most power position in the world with thousands of nuclear weapons at his finger tips. I would say that is a pretty good reason for the rest of world to care.
Trump is a pacifist. What's up with your fear mongering about nuclear buttons?
A president that encourages nuclear proliferation and says, "Let it be an arms race. We will outmatch them at every pass and outlast them all" is certainly not a pacifist.
Why bother searching it yourself when you can use this question as an opportunity to slam women, fat boy?

Try googling once in a while.

Unity Principles

Lol. Unity.

Leader: Feminist Group Dropped From 'March on DC' Because of Pro-Life Stance

This insight into reality brought to you by my newfound googling skills.

lol, the right wing spin machine in full effect. You guys have to be shaking in your boots by now....this is just the beginning.

Well, people should be scared of a movement who asks one Madonna to speak... when she says things like "I have thought many times how I wanted to blow up the White House" or something to that effect.

I wouldn't take anything Madonna says seriously. She's been desperate for attention for some time now.

Then why was she at this march? That speaks volumes.

I have no idea what she said, and I don't particularly care. But she has a right to be there, as any American does.
Interviewing women at the march. One is there for love. She wants more people to love one another.

Another woman is protesting because not everyone accepts her lesbian daughter.

How is the president supposed to address these issues and how does Madonna's tattooed vagina help?

Why focus on Madonna's vagina in the first place? :dunno:
So apparently Ashley Judd ranting about her bloody sheets and favorite panties being ruined because of her period is a huge issue of importance?

You think so?

I think it's a pretty stupid thing to focus on.
Why bother searching it yourself when you can use this question as an opportunity to slam women, fat boy?

Try googling once in a while.

Unity Principles

Lol. Unity.

Leader: Feminist Group Dropped From 'March on DC' Because of Pro-Life Stance

This insight into reality brought to you by my newfound googling skills.

lol, the right wing spin machine in full effect. You guys have to be shaking in your boots by now....this is just the beginning.

Well, people should be scared of a movement who asks one Madonna to speak... when she says things like "I have thought many times how I wanted to blow up the White House" or something to that effect.

I wouldn't take anything Madonna says seriously. She's been desperate for attention for some time now.

Then why was she at this march? That speaks volumes.

Because Madonna is ALL about ATTENTION. Haven't you figured that out?
I hope, so hope, he can hear the roar from 1600 Pennsylvania. It was discouraging to me that Trump's popularity wasn't affected in the least by his "Grab 'em by the Pussy" comments or peeking into the dressing rooms at Miss Universe, or some of the other snatch and grab rudeness that was reported by other women. The March today is making me feel a little better. Maybe things aren't quite as bad as I thought.

Yeah, those women are so, so concerned with women's rights - so much so that they haven't uttered a peep in 6 years while 1 MM syrian women were massacred by russia and iran.
Or when ISIS was raping and killing women who refused to submit to them.

Is anyone defending ISIS? I must have missed that.
Lol. Unity.

Leader: Feminist Group Dropped From 'March on DC' Because of Pro-Life Stance

This insight into reality brought to you by my newfound googling skills.

lol, the right wing spin machine in full effect. You guys have to be shaking in your boots by now....this is just the beginning.

Well, people should be scared of a movement who asks one Madonna to speak... when she says things like "I have thought many times how I wanted to blow up the White House" or something to that effect.

I wouldn't take anything Madonna says seriously. She's been desperate for attention for some time now.

Then why was she at this march? That speaks volumes.

I have no idea what she said, and I don't particularly care. But she has a right to be there, as any American does.

No, I don't think people who make terroristic threats belong anywhere... except in a jail cell.

Secret Service to investigate Madonna | Daily Mail Online

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