The Women's March is Global

Here are some of the choicer quotes from a man who has said that he “would be the best for women”:

  • “I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married.”
  • “I did try and fuck her. She was married.”
  • “Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”
  • “Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”

Some guys mouth off like this. It's a guy thing. It's usually all talk. Trump's never been known to harm a woman or ruin her reputation like.... hillary's husband for example.
WTF?? The perv was cheating on his wife

Not relevant to women's rights in any way.

and sexually harassing women for years.

Not according to any reliable source.

But you Democrats call that being a 'big supporter of women's rights?'

Policy, dumbass. You can't be a dumb as you sound, can you?

Wow, that's so damn bizarre.

Indeed. You're openly revising history, and you think no once will notice. Do we really have to go over all of Bill Clinton's pro-woman policies?

And Trump hasn't taken a single right away from women. Y'all are some pretty big hypocrites.

You lying about us doesn't make us hypocrites.

Now, have you figured out the 'consent' thing yet, and why it's important, and why it matters that Trump didn't get consent? If you haven't, I hope there are no women around you.
Lol. Unity.

Leader: Feminist Group Dropped From 'March on DC' Because of Pro-Life Stance

This insight into reality brought to you by my newfound googling skills.

lol, the right wing spin machine in full effect. You guys have to be shaking in your boots by now....this is just the beginning.

Well, people should be scared of a movement who asks one Madonna to speak... when she says things like "I have thought many times how I wanted to blow up the White House" or something to that effect.

I wouldn't take anything Madonna says seriously. She's been desperate for attention for some time now.

Then why was she at this march? That speaks volumes.

Because Madonna is ALL about ATTENTION. Haven't you figured that out?


But that was the wrong way to get it.
lol, the right wing spin machine in full effect. You guys have to be shaking in your boots by now....this is just the beginning.

Well, people should be scared of a movement who asks one Madonna to speak... when she says things like "I have thought many times how I wanted to blow up the White House" or something to that effect.

I wouldn't take anything Madonna says seriously. She's been desperate for attention for some time now.

Then why was she at this march? That speaks volumes.

I have no idea what she said, and I don't particularly care. But she has a right to be there, as any American does.

No, I don't think people who make terroristic threats belong anywhere... except in a jail cell.

Secret Service to investigate Madonna | Daily Mail Online

Ok then, let her be investigated for threats. What's your next strawman?
Lol. Unity.

Leader: Feminist Group Dropped From 'March on DC' Because of Pro-Life Stance

This insight into reality brought to you by my newfound googling skills.

lol, the right wing spin machine in full effect. You guys have to be shaking in your boots by now....this is just the beginning.

Well, people should be scared of a movement who asks one Madonna to speak... when she says things like "I have thought many times how I wanted to blow up the White House" or something to that effect.

I wouldn't take anything Madonna says seriously. She's been desperate for attention for some time now.

Then why was she at this march? That speaks volumes.

I have no idea what she said, and I don't particularly care. But she has a right to be there, as any American does.
She said the F word at least 4 times, said Trump should suck c**k, and that she'd though about bombing the Whitehouse or something similar. This with an audience with children in it. Of course there were a great many vulgar placards and walking vaginas too. And these women complain they aren't treated with respect.
lol, the right wing spin machine in full effect. You guys have to be shaking in your boots by now....this is just the beginning.

Well, people should be scared of a movement who asks one Madonna to speak... when she says things like "I have thought many times how I wanted to blow up the White House" or something to that effect.

I wouldn't take anything Madonna says seriously. She's been desperate for attention for some time now.

Then why was she at this march? That speaks volumes.

Because Madonna is ALL about ATTENTION. Haven't you figured that out?


But that was the wrong way to get it.

True...but - do you seriously think Madonna has EVER had good judgement? :lol:
Trump is the first modern president who openly demeans women as sexual objects - and supporters find that acceptable.

Kennedy, Johnson, and Clinton would all fit into this category, they just didn't have the electronics back then. As far as reproductive rights, please name any reproductive rights that have been curtailed by Trump. Additionally , can we have a breakdown of quotes from the marches in the us that were anti trump vs. pro women.

Can anyone make an argument that except for diehard extremists, this event will fade from the headlines very quickly. Women that didn't believe in abortion were not welcome. So much for a women's march. What a waste of an opportunity to show solidarity and hope for the truly suffering women of the world, very few of which live in the us.
There may never be marches this size but that doesn't mean these people are going to fade away. You can bet that almost everyone of those marcher's names are on a list that will be used for future demonstrations, fund raising, letter writing, marches, sit ins etc. In essence, these demonstrations are organizational tools. Unlike the opposition who has declared victory and ready to go back to their everyday lives, these people are organizing for the long fight ahead.
Like OWS?

What ever happened to them?
They are given credit for coining the phrase "the 1%" and made inequity of income distribution in our society an issue which helped Obama to his 2012 victory.

Marches and protests are not about achieving any particular gold but rather about bringing an issue to the attention of the nation.
What issue?

What crisis do we have?
An ill tempered, incompetent egomaniac in the Whitehouse.
I still don't get what they want?

You have a president now that gives a damn about everyone.. Why are they mad?
I have seen countless interviews with protesters today, on Sky and the BBC, and they all simply whined about Trump. Reporters had to ask them to hold down their vulgar signs on many occasions and to stop screeching pussy this and pussy that. They are a laughing stock, imho.

Why does the world care?

Oh they figured it out that Trumps the world president?

It's not business as usual no more?

The world cares because the world is getting smaller everyday. What happens in New York or Washington effects London, Moscow, and cities around the world. Trump is a radical, unpredictable, bombastic, politician who lacks political skills and knowledge and who now is in the most power position in the world with thousands of nuclear weapons at his finger tips. I would say that is a pretty good reason for the rest of world to care.
Trump is a pacifist. What's up with your fear mongering about nuclear buttons?
A president that encourages nuclear proliferation and says, "Let it be an arms race. We will outmatch them at every pass and outlast them all" is certainly not a pacifist.
Maybe you do not understand the ancient wisdom what worked perfectly until social decay (what we are experiencing also nowadays) destroyed those civilisations from within. Here it is, remember this: Si vis pacem, para bellum
The popular meme is that the Women's March is simply an anti-Trump march. But it isn't. It's a march for the recognition of issues important to women, that are being buried under the onslaught of anti-PC rhetoric that legitimizes "pussy grabbing" as no big deal and is chipping away at women's reproductive rights and freedoms. Trump is the first modern president who openly demeans women as sexual objects - and supporters find that acceptable.

The marches global - there are marches in all states and in countries around the world where women face far more serious issues, then we do here. It's a worldwide sisterhood.

Women's Marches Go Global: Postcards From Protests Around The World

Sister marches have been organized in all 50 states, and in countries around the world. They have been organized to express solidarity with the aims of the original march: opposition to President Trump's agenda, and support of women's rights and human rights in general.

Given the quirks of time zones, many of those marches kicked off before the event that inspired them. In Paris, London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Mexico City, Bangkok, Delhi, Cape Town, and other cities, protesters have already broken out their signs and pink hats in solidarity

It's fantastic! The pink hats with the kitten ears are symbolic of what Trump said he liked to grab. Hahahahah! Now WE have him by his little balls.
lol, the right wing spin machine in full effect. You guys have to be shaking in your boots by now....this is just the beginning.

Well, people should be scared of a movement who asks one Madonna to speak... when she says things like "I have thought many times how I wanted to blow up the White House" or something to that effect.

I wouldn't take anything Madonna says seriously. She's been desperate for attention for some time now.

Then why was she at this march? That speaks volumes.

I have no idea what she said, and I don't particularly care. But she has a right to be there, as any American does.
She said the F word at least 4 times, said Trump should suck c**k, and that she'd though about bombing the Whitehouse or something similar. This with an audience with children in it. Of course there were a great many vulgar placards and walking vaginas too. And these women complain they aren't treated with respect.
Sounds like she speaks Trump's language.
Here are some of the choicer quotes from a man who has said that he “would be the best for women”:

  • “I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married.”
  • “I did try and fuck her. She was married.”
  • “Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”
  • “Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”

Some guys mouth off like this. It's a guy thing. It's usually all talk. Trump's never been known to harm a woman or ruin her reputation like.... hillary's husband for example.

Did you ever hear about what he did to Salma Hayek? After she refused to date him, he planted a story about her in the National Enquirer.
Trump is the first modern president who openly demeans women as sexual objects - and supporters find that acceptable.

Kennedy, Johnson, and Clinton would all fit into this category, they just didn't have the electronics back then. As far as reproductive rights, please name any reproductive rights that have been curtailed by Trump. Additionally , can we have a breakdown of quotes from the marches in the us that were anti trump vs. pro women.

Can anyone make an argument that except for diehard extremists, this event will fade from the headlines very quickly. Women that didn't believe in abortion were not welcome. So much for a women's march. What a waste of an opportunity to show solidarity and hope for the truly suffering women of the world, very few of which live in the us.
There may never be marches this size but that doesn't mean these people are going to fade away. You can bet that almost everyone of those marcher's names are on a list that will be used for future demonstrations, fund raising, letter writing, marches, sit ins etc. In essence, these demonstrations are organizational tools. Unlike the opposition who has declared victory and ready to go back to their everyday lives, these people are organizing for the long fight ahead.
Like OWS?

What ever happened to them?
They are given credit for coining the phrase "the 1%" and made inequity of income distribution in our society an issue which helped Obama to his 2012 victory.

Marches and protests are not about achieving any particular gold but rather about bringing an issue to the attention of the nation.
What issue?

What crisis do we have?
An ill tempered, incompetent egomaniac in the Whitehouse.
We already got rid of Obama who you talking about?
No sum game, it will accomplish nothing and all be forgotten by week's end.

I actually hope not.

There are countries, like India (and there is a march in Dehli) where women face a lot of violence, rape, discrimmination that they are fighting to have recognized.

I've been to India...I never want to go back. Talk about a third world shithole and yes women have it awful there. I've never witnessed so much poverty either.

In fact women here should spend some time in India....then rethink how awful they have it here

Sounds like you didn't have the money to stay in a decent place and good part of the city....Uh, BTW, what city would that be, anyway? (so full of shit)
Well, people should be scared of a movement who asks one Madonna to speak... when she says things like "I have thought many times how I wanted to blow up the White House" or something to that effect.

I wouldn't take anything Madonna says seriously. She's been desperate for attention for some time now.

Then why was she at this march? That speaks volumes.

Because Madonna is ALL about ATTENTION. Haven't you figured that out?


But that was the wrong way to get it.

True...but - do you seriously think Madonna has EVER had good judgement? :lol:
I'm gonna say she has. I say that because she more $ than me. lol
Here are some of the choicer quotes from a man who has said that he “would be the best for women”:

  • “I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married.”
  • “I did try and fuck her. She was married.”
  • “Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”
  • “Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”

Some guys mouth off like this. It's a guy thing. It's usually all talk. Trump's never been known to harm a woman or ruin her reputation like.... hillary's husband for example.

Did you ever hear about what he did to Salma Hayek? After she refused to date him, he planted a story about her in the National Enquirer.
Now you trying to play nice?
lol, the right wing spin machine in full effect. You guys have to be shaking in your boots by now....this is just the beginning.

Well, people should be scared of a movement who asks one Madonna to speak... when she says things like "I have thought many times how I wanted to blow up the White House" or something to that effect.

I wouldn't take anything Madonna says seriously. She's been desperate for attention for some time now.

Then why was she at this march? That speaks volumes.

I have no idea what she said, and I don't particularly care. But she has a right to be there, as any American does.
She said the F word at least 4 times, said Trump should suck c**k, and that she'd though about bombing the Whitehouse or something similar. This with an audience with children in it. Of course there were a great many vulgar placards and walking vaginas too. And these women complain they aren't treated with respect.

Ok, so...she was out of line. I think everyone can agree on that.
I wouldn't take anything Madonna says seriously. She's been desperate for attention for some time now.

Then why was she at this march? That speaks volumes.

Because Madonna is ALL about ATTENTION. Haven't you figured that out?


But that was the wrong way to get it.

True...but - do you seriously think Madonna has EVER had good judgement? :lol:
I'm gonna say she has. I say that because she more $ than me. lol

Welllllll....that's a valid point.....
Well, people should be scared of a movement who asks one Madonna to speak... when she says things like "I have thought many times how I wanted to blow up the White House" or something to that effect.

I wouldn't take anything Madonna says seriously. She's been desperate for attention for some time now.

Then why was she at this march? That speaks volumes.

Because Madonna is ALL about ATTENTION. Haven't you figured that out?


But that was the wrong way to get it.

True...but - do you seriously think Madonna has EVER had good judgement? :lol:

No, and "poor judgement" is no excuse for such vile rhetoric. But this also speaks to the judgement of the organizers of this event too. While I think there a hundreds of thousands of well meaning women out there participating, this movement has lost all credibility with me when they allow someone like that out there. Yeah, this is a movement I no longer take seriously.

Imagine if Trump said he thought about blowing up a bunch of abortion clinics. Think about that.
Well, people should be scared of a movement who asks one Madonna to speak... when she says things like "I have thought many times how I wanted to blow up the White House" or something to that effect.

I wouldn't take anything Madonna says seriously. She's been desperate for attention for some time now.

Then why was she at this march? That speaks volumes.

I have no idea what she said, and I don't particularly care. But she has a right to be there, as any American does.
She said the F word at least 4 times, said Trump should suck c**k, and that she'd though about bombing the Whitehouse or something similar. This with an audience with children in it. Of course there were a great many vulgar placards and walking vaginas too. And these women complain they aren't treated with respect.
Sounds like she speaks Trump's language.
But they're supposed to be outraged by that!

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