The Women's March is Global

The American women in these marches are Democrats. And the rest around the world are far Left extremists. Which basically makes them Democrats as well. Not all American women march in lock-step with these particular women. I know Democrats and much of the MSM believes they all do, but that's not the reality.
Our best bet as a nation will be to constantly bring out the truth of his lack of support among the people, which will grow as they will quickly discover that all of his promises were just empty rhetoric. This will keep him perpetually in personal feuds with everyone, and he will never have time to get anything done other than to throw out insults by Twitter.
The Histrionics of the left are in part why Trump is your President today.
Keep it up, by all means :thup:

Got it! It is the democrats fault that the worst possible person in the USA is president!

I think that we have met before. Did you used to operate the Tilt-A-Whirl at the Georgia State fair back in the 1960's?
These same groups never organized a single protest against Bill Clinton. Why do you think that is? Here's a hint, it has nothing to do with women's rights.
I don't think so. And the reason is this: it's extremely hard to compare rape across nations due to the very different ways they define rape and the ability of women to report rape.

But America by far has the best system in place for women to report rape. The law is on their side because this country treats women equally now. Which makes me question the motives of this march in the process.

Exactly, and that is why I say it's more like Sweden. Women feel generally safe in being able to report sexual assault.

Even still the US has a very high instance of rape and victimization of women, more than a majority of other countries in the world. Which is why I don't understand why we're focusing on India when a far worse epidemic of rape is happening right under our noses.

Actually...I don't understand why YOU are focusing on India. I brought up India in one post as one example, and you (and some others) are making it into more than what I actually said.

May I ask why? No one would have said anything against me if I brought up Pakistan. Does the fact that this is India make it more acceptable or less barbaric? Looking at the reactions of some here - it apparently does.

In addition, there are some distinct differences between rape in western countries like the US, and in countries like India and others that are similar - not the least being the ability of women to report it without severe repercussions (which can include murder or being doused in acid).

India’s Caste System Punishes Man by Ordering Rape of His Sisters
Two Indian sisters have been forced out of their home village and are on the run after local leaders said the young women should be raped and publically humiliated as punishment for their brother’s affair with a married woman.

Untouchable? India's Dalit women speak out about sexual assault and rape -
The country's 2011 census, the latest available, states that just over 16 percent of India's population are Dalits -- making up roughly 200 million people. According to India's National Crime Records Bureau, more than four Dalit women are raped every day in India. The NRCB's 2014 statistics say crime against Dalits rose 19%. In many of the cases, these crimes are committed by upper caste perpetrators.
Last week, a young Dalit woman in the state of Haryana reported being gang raped by a group of men, including some of the same individuals accused of raping her three years ago.

Caste-Based Rape in India – Indians 4 Social Change
Caste-based rape is a tool of domination that the upper castes use against lower caste women. The lowest caste, Dalits, (or untouchables) face sexual violence from higher castes.

There is a huge history of caste violence and inter-caste warfare that precedes modern-day caste-based sexual violence. However, one striking historical occurrence largely shaped the power dynamic. In some regions, newly wed Dalit women would have to sleep with the higher-caste landowners on their wedding night. This type of caste-based gender power dynamic highly influenced modern relations.
WHEN a distressed father is reporting his daughter’s disappearance to a policeman in India, there are some questions he doesn’t want to hear. “What is your caste?” is one of them. Yet, the father, Sohan Lal, said this was the first thing the police asked him last Tuesday, when he begged them for help. After revealing his low-caste background as a Shakya, Mr. Lal said the officers mocked him and refused to lift a finger.

Hours later, Mr. Lal’s daughter, 12, and a female cousin, 14, were found hanging by their scarves from a mango tree in Katra Saadatganj, in the state of Uttar Pradesh. They had been raped. His daughter had last been seen with a group of brothers from the Yadav caste, which is the dominant caste in the village.

In India, it’s not easy to report on rape
She wept as she told us how one wintry day, in a field she had been tilling, her boss pushed her down to the ground and raped her. She wept as she described how she’d gone to the police and they didn’t believe her. She wept as she told us how the entire village turned against her.

As she spoke, she took the edge of her sequined-trimmed sari, the color of mangoes, and wiped her cheeks. She sat alone on a string cot in her front yard in a village about four hours east of New Delhi, India’s capital. A crowd had gathered a short distance away, including the father of her alleged rapist. He was laughing at her.
“The villagers have all been very bad to me,” the woman said. “Nobody believes me. They think I’m faking it. They said they will kill me if I don’t go back on my words. I’m helpless.”

Reporting about rape in Indian villages is not easy. The stigma of sexual assault is so pervasive that the first response to a rape is often silence, or victim shaming. Ancient caste and family alliances prevail, deals are struck, money changes hands.
I don't think so. And the reason is this: it's extremely hard to compare rape across nations due to the very different ways they define rape and the ability of women to report rape.

But America by far has the best system in place for women to report rape. The law is on their side because this country treats women equally now. Which makes me question the motives of this march in the process.

Exactly, and that is why I say it's more like Sweden. Women feel generally safe in being able to report sexual assault.

Even still the US has a very high instance of rape and victimization of women, more than a majority of other countries in the world. Which is why I don't understand why we're focusing on India when a far worse epidemic of rape is happening right under our noses.

Actually...I don't understand why YOU are focusing on India. I brought up India in one post as one example, and you (and some others) are making it into more than what I actually said.

May I ask why? No one would have said anything against me if I brought up Pakistan. Does the fact that this is India make it more acceptable or less barbaric? Looking at the reactions of some here - it apparently does.

In addition, there are some distinct differences between rape in western countries like the US, and in countries like India and others that are similar - not the least being the ability of women to report it without severe repercussions (which can include murder or being doused in acid).

India’s Caste System Punishes Man by Ordering Rape of His Sisters
Two Indian sisters have been forced out of their home village and are on the run after local leaders said the young women should be raped and publically humiliated as punishment for their brother’s affair with a married woman.

Untouchable? India's Dalit women speak out about sexual assault and rape -
The country's 2011 census, the latest available, states that just over 16 percent of India's population are Dalits -- making up roughly 200 million people. According to India's National Crime Records Bureau, more than four Dalit women are raped every day in India. The NRCB's 2014 statistics say crime against Dalits rose 19%. In many of the cases, these crimes are committed by upper caste perpetrators.
Last week, a young Dalit woman in the state of Haryana reported being gang raped by a group of men, including some of the same individuals accused of raping her three years ago.

Caste-Based Rape in India – Indians 4 Social Change
Caste-based rape is a tool of domination that the upper castes use against lower caste women. The lowest caste, Dalits, (or untouchables) face sexual violence from higher castes.

There is a huge history of caste violence and inter-caste warfare that precedes modern-day caste-based sexual violence. However, one striking historical occurrence largely shaped the power dynamic. In some regions, newly wed Dalit women would have to sleep with the higher-caste landowners on their wedding night. This type of caste-based gender power dynamic highly influenced modern relations.
WHEN a distressed father is reporting his daughter’s disappearance to a policeman in India, there are some questions he doesn’t want to hear. “What is your caste?” is one of them. Yet, the father, Sohan Lal, said this was the first thing the police asked him last Tuesday, when he begged them for help. After revealing his low-caste background as a Shakya, Mr. Lal said the officers mocked him and refused to lift a finger.

Hours later, Mr. Lal’s daughter, 12, and a female cousin, 14, were found hanging by their scarves from a mango tree in Katra Saadatganj, in the state of Uttar Pradesh. They had been raped. His daughter had last been seen with a group of brothers from the Yadav caste, which is the dominant caste in the village.

In India, it’s not easy to report on rape
She wept as she told us how one wintry day, in a field she had been tilling, her boss pushed her down to the ground and raped her. She wept as she described how she’d gone to the police and they didn’t believe her. She wept as she told us how the entire village turned against her.

As she spoke, she took the edge of her sequined-trimmed sari, the color of mangoes, and wiped her cheeks. She sat alone on a string cot in her front yard in a village about four hours east of New Delhi, India’s capital. A crowd had gathered a short distance away, including the father of her alleged rapist. He was laughing at her.
“The villagers have all been very bad to me,” the woman said. “Nobody believes me. They think I’m faking it. They said they will kill me if I don’t go back on my words. I’m helpless.”

Reporting about rape in Indian villages is not easy. The stigma of sexual assault is so pervasive that the first response to a rape is often silence, or victim shaming. Ancient caste and family alliances prevail, deals are struck, money changes hands.
Trump is the first modern president who openly demeans women as sexual objects - and supporters find that acceptable.

Kennedy, Johnson, and Clinton would all fit into this category, they just didn't have the electronics back then. As far as reproductive rights, please name any reproductive rights that have been curtailed by Trump. Additionally , can we have a breakdown of quotes from the marches in the us that were anti trump vs. pro women.

Can anyone make an argument that except for diehard extremists, this event will fade from the headlines very quickly. Women that didn't believe in abortion were not welcome. So much for a women's march. What a waste of an opportunity to show solidarity and hope for the truly suffering women of the world, very few of which live in the us.
There may never be marches this size but that doesn't mean these people are going to fade away. You can bet that almost everyone of those marcher's names are on a list that will be used for future demonstrations, fund raising, letter writing, marches, sit ins etc. In essence, these demonstrations are organizational tools. Unlike the opposition who has declared victory and ready to go back to their everyday lives, these people are organizing for the long fight ahead.

Flop, registering the marchers? Most of them don't have any money. Most of them will have a different phone number in three months. Most of them will,have a different address. I suspect more marchers are getting the numbers of the people paying the protestors. How many marchers are upstanding citizens who know how to spell o have manners. The majority of the signs were vulgar beyond description. And these diehards ain't newbies, they have been on the leftard radar for a long time.

The worldwide scope of the demonstrations is impressive. But this is more a battle of globalism vs nationalism. I really don't care what people in other countries think we should do in America and I am under no illusions that this protest was for women, it was strictly a trump hatefest. And I am under no illusions that these people are operatives. Voters yes, higher on the food chain, no.

Ask yourself how many, if any, of these einsteins you would hire to work for you in your business or who you would go into business with? And then ask yourself how many of these people would you respect?
Our best bet as a nation will be to constantly bring out the truth of his lack of support among the people, which will grow as they will quickly discover that all of his promises were just empty rhetoric. This will keep him perpetually in personal feuds with everyone, and he will never have time to get anything done other than to throw out insults by Twitter.
Huh? He just destroyed Obama care mandate yesterday with a E..O
How coyote sees herself is none of my business. I'm sure she meant well when she thought women around the world were protesting against President Trump.

You seem obsessed with me.
Really? Don't flatter yourself.
I've refused dates with women you remind me of.

Hey... that isn't to say you aren't a nice person. :)

Is it the fleas that bother you?
Why would I care about what you have buzzing around?

You keep bringing me up...and since I'm not the topic of the OP, I wonder why...I thought maybe I wasn't using enough flea spray :dunno:

Not that any of this has to do with the global nature of this march which is women's issues.
Why are you talking about flea spray? I've been asking why you're pretending the woman's protest is larger than it is.

I don't care about any flea problem you might be having. LOL
You seem obsessed with me.
Really? Don't flatter yourself.
I've refused dates with women you remind me of.

Hey... that isn't to say you aren't a nice person. :)

Is it the fleas that bother you?
Why would I care about what you have buzzing around?

You keep bringing me up...and since I'm not the topic of the OP, I wonder why...I thought maybe I wasn't using enough flea spray :dunno:

Not that any of this has to do with the global nature of this march which is women's issues.
Why are you talking about flea spray? I've been asking why you're pretending the woman's protest is larger than it is.

I don't care about any flea problem you might be having. LOL

I'm just goofing off :)
Really? Don't flatter yourself.
I've refused dates with women you remind me of.

Hey... that isn't to say you aren't a nice person. :)

Is it the fleas that bother you?
Why would I care about what you have buzzing around?

You keep bringing me up...and since I'm not the topic of the OP, I wonder why...I thought maybe I wasn't using enough flea spray :dunno:

Not that any of this has to do with the global nature of this march which is women's issues.
Why are you talking about flea spray? I've been asking why you're pretending the woman's protest is larger than it is.

I don't care about any flea problem you might be having. LOL

I'm just goofing off :)
Really? Don't flatter yourself.
I've refused dates with women you remind me of.

Hey... that isn't to say you aren't a nice person. :)

Is it the fleas that bother you?
Why would I care about what you have buzzing around?

You keep bringing me up...and since I'm not the topic of the OP, I wonder why...I thought maybe I wasn't using enough flea spray :dunno:

Not that any of this has to do with the global nature of this march which is women's issues.
Why are you talking about flea spray? I've been asking why you're pretending the woman's protest is larger than it is.

I don't care about any flea problem you might be having. LOL

I'm just goofing off :)
It's all good. ;)
These same groups never organized a single protest against Bill Clinton. Why do you think that is? Here's a hint, it has nothing to do with women's rights.

That's because Clinton was a big supporter of women's rights.

Are you going to now lie big to everyone's face and claim he wasn't? Just how big of a lie are you willing to tell to score cult brownie points?

Oh, also try to understand the concept of 'consent'. it's very important to liberals. Conservatives seem to regard it as irrelevant. That's one of the things that's so scary about them.
Flop, registering the marchers? Most of them don't have any money.

It just doesn't register in your little cult mind, that this was mainstream America.

Your cult says they were all hippies paid by Soros, so that's what you believe, and no stupid things like facts or evidence are going to change your mind. Your anti-reality shields are at full power.

Ask yourself how many, if any, of these einsteins you would hire to work for you in your business or who you would go into business with?

It's certain nobody would hire you, if you displayed your delusional mindset to an employer.
I guarantee they didn't march in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt, Syria, Pakistan, Indonesia or any of the other women hating Muslims shotholes!

Then you should probably not support implementing those types of anti-woman policies here, eh?

That would be what they were marching against. Good to see you support the marchers.
Today was an extraordinary day for America. The numbers here in the USA and in other countries was something I didn't expect to materialize. Absolutely amazing...the biggest "F-you" to Trump imaginable. Love it. The energy from today is going to reverberate for months.

Standing ovation to the women who organized the march.

These same groups never organized a single protest against Bill Clinton. Why do you think that is? Here's a hint, it has nothing to do with women's rights.

That's because Clinton was a big supporter of women's rights.

Are you going to now lie big to everyone's face and claim he wasn't? Just how big of a lie are you willing to tell to score cult brownie points?

Oh, also try to understand the concept of 'consent'. it's very important to liberals. Conservatives seem to regard it as irrelevant. That's one of the things that's so scary about them.

WTF?? The perv was cheating on his wife and sexually harassing women for years. But you Democrats call that being a 'big supporter of women's rights?' Wow, that's so damn bizarre. And Trump hasn't taken a single right away from women. Y'all are some pretty big hypocrites.
Why is the Womens March considered a March against Trump?
All the conditions existed under the Obama Administration and they said nothing!
It is all BS
The femenist freaks always act this way when democrats lose power. It has nothing to do with women's rights or concern about abuses of women globally. They are pissed that they lost the election...period.

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