The Women's March is Global

Trump is the first modern president who openly demeans women as sexual objects - and supporters find that acceptable.

Kennedy, Johnson, and Clinton would all fit into this category, they just didn't have the electronics back then. As far as reproductive rights, please name any reproductive rights that have been curtailed by Trump. Additionally , can we have a breakdown of quotes from the marches in the us that were anti trump vs. pro women.

Can anyone make an argument that except for diehard extremists, this event will fade from the headlines very quickly. Women that didn't believe in abortion were not welcome. So much for a women's march. What a waste of an opportunity to show solidarity and hope for the truly suffering women of the world, very few of which live in the us.
There may never be marches this size but that doesn't mean these people are going to fade away. You can bet that almost everyone of those marcher's names are on a list that will be used for future demonstrations, fund raising, letter writing, marches, sit ins etc. In essence, these demonstrations are organizational tools. Unlike the opposition who has declared victory and ready to go back to their everyday lives, these people are organizing for the long fight ahead.

"You can bet that almost everyone of those marcher's names are on a list"

Let's hope so for future reference ......

And this is good...why?

I lived in the midwest for about 1/3rd of my life, and I thought that I knew these people who voted for Trump. In Iowa, Nebraska, or Texas, if you said things about a man's wife or daughter that Trump routinely says, you would quickly find yourself on the losing argument with a John Deere hay baler. Yet, they voted for the miserable SOB. Amazing!
I still don't get what they want?

You have a president now that gives a damn about everyone.. Why are they mad?
I have seen countless interviews with protesters today, on Sky and the BBC, and they all simply whined about Trump. Reporters had to ask them to hold down their vulgar signs on many occasions and to stop screeching pussy this and pussy that. They are a laughing stock, imho.

Where we all these hysterical women who say they care about Women's Rights on November 10th 2016, when Hillary supporters were holding up signs saying "Rape Melania"

Where were all these hysterical women who say they care about Women's Rights when this waste of human skin called Don King was Tweeting this.

Obama fostered the anger and division we've been seeing. With time, I can see Trump helping heal the wounds.
Unlike obama, Trump is working for all Americans. It's going to take time for people to realize that. I'm confident it'll eventually happen.

I have hope for those like coyote.

What about the types such at the fat whale ass Cora Miriam Segal, you know the SJW Anti-Free Speech POS maniac in the below video who was MEGA TRIGGERED by the presence of Milo? No hope for this type, a SJW and Radical Militant Feminist, she's also so hideously repulsive it should be illegal for her to appear in public without a bag on her head.

Cora Miriam Segal begins her meltdown of MEGA bedwetting at 41 seconds in. Then at about 3 minutes and 11 seconds some female Kebab gets triggered by the presence of Milo.

No wonder you just have to love Milo when he makes them this insane!

The below event was about the important of Free Speech, so much for Leftist tolerance for Free Speech :rolleyes-41:

Let them talk. How else are we going to learn who the crazies are? :)

They aren't going to win ground by saying crazy shit. It's one of the reasons why Hillary lost the election.

IMO... this thread is another good example of how far some will go to paint an idea that isn't there.
While I'm sure coyote believes the world is protesting President Trump, it doesn't take much effort to see how ridiculous that is.

I should also mention how much I appreciate people like coyote. She's sometimes good for a laugh.

Read my OP.

The global nature of this is not about Trump.
I lived in the midwest for about 1/3rd of my life, and I thought that I knew these people who voted for Trump. In Iowa, Nebraska, or Texas, if you said things about a man's wife or daughter that Trump routinely says, you would quickly find yourself on the losing argument with a John Deere hay baler. Yet, they voted for the miserable SOB. Amazing!

What and you let Bill Clinton get away with it?
This thread seems weird because Coyote is trying to meld the DC protest with others that have nothing to do with President Trump.
I think it's an attempt to make the D.C. protest look larger than it really is.


I still don't get what they want?

You have a president now that gives a damn about everyone.. Why are they mad?

They will never be happy, they are permanently angry, they are intolerant, they are emotionally immature, they cannot cope when something doesn't turn out how they demand it turns out.

They are like unruly children and the way to deal with them is to completely ignore them, let them march, protest, scream, cry and all of it people should just completely ignore, this is the way you deal with unruly children.

Of course if they turn violent, that needs a different type of dealing with and that involves Zero Tolerance.

But any and all of their demands should be ignored, the Leftists aren't in charge in America anymore, they need to be shown who The Bosses are.
I think we'll eventually start seeing a gradual change/shift with many on the left after President Trump has had time to start repairing the damage obama has caused.
We might even see coyote thanking President Trump! :laugh:

I doubt it. I'm struggling to give him a chance and be fair. But the reality is this - I don't think Obama did any damage, I've agreed with many (though not all) of his positions. Thus far, I do not think - from what I can glean of his positions - there are any I agree with.
You'll come around, coyote. I say that because I don't think you're stupid... just a little naive. :)

Our president really is much smarter than you think.
This thread seems weird because Coyote is trying to meld the DC protest with others that have nothing to do with President Trump.
I think it's an attempt to make the D.C. protest look larger than it really is.


I still don't get what they want?

You have a president now that gives a damn about everyone.. Why are they mad?

"Why are they mad?"

Because they lack Vitamin B and they can't get laid?

And then there are some women that just can't be pleased or be proud of their country unless their husband gets elected to the presidency. Just like.... can't remember her name but she usually has a scowl.. oh yea, michelle o.
Didn't she say she didn't like this country (or something like that)?

Here are some of the choicer quotes from a man who has said that he “would be the best for women”:

  • “I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married.”
  • “I did try and fuck her. She was married.”
  • “Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”
  • “Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”
I have seen countless interviews with protesters today, on Sky and the BBC, and they all simply whined about Trump. Reporters had to ask them to hold down their vulgar signs on many occasions and to stop screeching pussy this and pussy that. They are a laughing stock, imho.

Where we all these hysterical women who say they care about Women's Rights on November 10th 2016, when Hillary supporters were holding up signs saying "Rape Melania"

Where were all these hysterical women who say they care about Women's Rights when this waste of human skin called Don King was Tweeting this.

Obama fostered the anger and division we've been seeing. With time, I can see Trump helping heal the wounds.
Unlike obama, Trump is working for all Americans. It's going to take time for people to realize that. I'm confident it'll eventually happen.

I have hope for those like coyote.

What about the types such at the fat whale ass Cora Miriam Segal, you know the SJW Anti-Free Speech POS maniac in the below video who was MEGA TRIGGERED by the presence of Milo? No hope for this type, a SJW and Radical Militant Feminist, she's also so hideously repulsive it should be illegal for her to appear in public without a bag on her head.

Cora Miriam Segal begins her meltdown of MEGA bedwetting at 41 seconds in. Then at about 3 minutes and 11 seconds some female Kebab gets triggered by the presence of Milo.

No wonder you just have to love Milo when he makes them this insane!

The below event was about the important of Free Speech, so much for Leftist tolerance for Free Speech :rolleyes-41:

Let them talk. How else are we going to learn who the crazies are? :)

They aren't going to win ground by saying crazy shit. It's one of the reasons why Hillary lost the election.

IMO... this thread is another good example of how far some will go to paint an idea that isn't there.
While I'm sure coyote believes the world is protesting President Trump, it doesn't take much effort to see how ridiculous that is.

I should also mention how much I appreciate people like coyote. She's sometimes good for a laugh.

Read my OP.

The global nature of this is not about Trump.

Then why today your confusing us?
Since the Republican party has gone stark, raving mad, I don't know why they didn't bring Justin Bieber down from Canada, and run him. They could have brought in Charlie Sheen as his running mate.
The last time I saw political reaction on the streets like this, it was about Vietnam. That brought about the end of the war. Before that, I saw the same sort of national commitment to end segregation in the South. It worked. Women are not going to forget this, and Trump is never going to win them over. Ever. Other than those women trying to get into his pockets for other reasons, I do believe that Trump's pussy grabbing days are over. The percentage of women who the Twitter in Chief will pigeonhole as "nasty" is going to get larger and larger with each passing week.
President Trump will eventually be embraced by many of those who made the mistake of listening to the liberal propaganda. That includes you and coyote.

Assuming you have an IQ greater than 100, you'll soon learn how wrong you are.

I'll tell you what. Until Trump, I thought that the presidency could not get any lower than Nixon. We threw his ass out in 1974. That was 43 years ago, and I still hate the SOB. If I ever get over that, I'll start working on getting over the Loose Cannon in Chief, Trump.
Trump is much better than you think. The guy has a long history reaching out to help people others would ignore.
Unlike career politicians, he's someone who cares about people. I have no doubt about him wanting to improve things for everyone.

I couldn't be happier about him beating Hillary. That drunk **** would have buried this country within a year.

And you know this how?
Trump is the first modern president who openly demeans women as sexual objects - and supporters find that acceptable.

Kennedy, Johnson, and Clinton would all fit into this category, they just didn't have the electronics back then. As far as reproductive rights, please name any reproductive rights that have been curtailed by Trump. Additionally , can we have a breakdown of quotes from the marches in the us that were anti trump vs. pro women.

Can anyone make an argument that except for diehard extremists, this event will fade from the headlines very quickly. Women that didn't believe in abortion were not welcome. So much for a women's march. What a waste of an opportunity to show solidarity and hope for the truly suffering women of the world, very few of which live in the us.
There may never be marches this size but that doesn't mean these people are going to fade away. You can bet that almost everyone of those marcher's names are on a list that will be used for future demonstrations, fund raising, letter writing, marches, sit ins etc. In essence, these demonstrations are organizational tools. Unlike the opposition who has declared victory and ready to go back to their everyday lives, these people are organizing for the long fight ahead.

"You can bet that almost everyone of those marcher's names are on a list"

Let's hope so for future reference ......

And this is good...why?

To mobilize them when needed, no?
Where we all these hysterical women who say they care about Women's Rights on November 10th 2016, when Hillary supporters were holding up signs saying "Rape Melania"

Where were all these hysterical women who say they care about Women's Rights when this waste of human skin called Don King was Tweeting this.

Obama fostered the anger and division we've been seeing. With time, I can see Trump helping heal the wounds.
Unlike obama, Trump is working for all Americans. It's going to take time for people to realize that. I'm confident it'll eventually happen.

I have hope for those like coyote.

What about the types such at the fat whale ass Cora Miriam Segal, you know the SJW Anti-Free Speech POS maniac in the below video who was MEGA TRIGGERED by the presence of Milo? No hope for this type, a SJW and Radical Militant Feminist, she's also so hideously repulsive it should be illegal for her to appear in public without a bag on her head.

Cora Miriam Segal begins her meltdown of MEGA bedwetting at 41 seconds in. Then at about 3 minutes and 11 seconds some female Kebab gets triggered by the presence of Milo.

No wonder you just have to love Milo when he makes them this insane!

The below event was about the important of Free Speech, so much for Leftist tolerance for Free Speech :rolleyes-41:

Let them talk. How else are we going to learn who the crazies are? :)

They aren't going to win ground by saying crazy shit. It's one of the reasons why Hillary lost the election.

IMO... this thread is another good example of how far some will go to paint an idea that isn't there.
While I'm sure coyote believes the world is protesting President Trump, it doesn't take much effort to see how ridiculous that is.

I should also mention how much I appreciate people like coyote. She's sometimes good for a laugh.

Read my OP.

The global nature of this is not about Trump.

Then why today your confusing us?

Here are some of the choicer quotes from a man who has said that he “would be the best for women”:

  • “I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married.”
  • “I did try and fuck her. She was married.”
  • “Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”
  • “Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”

What now your posting like a moron .
How many rap lyrics do you want me to post that says we haven't heard it before?
The last time I saw political reaction on the streets like this, it was about Vietnam. That brought about the end of the war. Before that, I saw the same sort of national commitment to end segregation in the South. It worked. Women are not going to forget this, and Trump is never going to win them over. Ever. Other than those women trying to get into his pockets for other reasons, I do believe that Trump's pussy grabbing days are over. The percentage of women who the Twitter in Chief will pigeonhole as "nasty" is going to get larger and larger with each passing week.
President Trump will eventually be embraced by many of those who made the mistake of listening to the liberal propaganda. That includes you and coyote.

Assuming you have an IQ greater than 100, you'll soon learn how wrong you are.

I'll tell you what. Until Trump, I thought that the presidency could not get any lower than Nixon. We threw his ass out in 1974. That was 43 years ago, and I still hate the SOB. If I ever get over that, I'll start working on getting over the Loose Cannon in Chief, Trump.
Trump is much better than you think. The guy has a long history reaching out to help people others would ignore.
Unlike career politicians, he's someone who cares about people. I have no doubt about him wanting to improve things for everyone.

I couldn't be happier about him beating Hillary. That drunk **** would have buried this country within a year.

And you know this how?
I listened to the debates with an open mind.
Here are some of the choicer quotes from a man who has said that he “would be the best for women”:

  • “I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married.”
  • “I did try and fuck her. She was married.”
  • “Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”
  • “Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”

What now your posting like a moron .
How many rap lyrics do you want me to post that says we haven't heard it before?

Pardon me. I was answering your question by quoting your own candidate and president. I will know better than to do that again.
Here are some of the choicer quotes from a man who has said that he “would be the best for women”:

  • “I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married.”
  • “I did try and fuck her. She was married.”
  • “Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”
  • “Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”
And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”

There are women who are attracted to fame and money and they will let such men behave in this way. Didn't you know that already?

I'm more unhappy about some of Hillarys vile comments myself:

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