The Women's March is Global

This thread seems weird because Coyote is trying to meld the DC protest with others that have nothing to do with President Trump.
I think it's an attempt to make the D.C. protest look larger than it really is.


I still don't get what they want?

You have a president now that gives a damn about everyone.. Why are they mad?

"Why are they mad?"

Because they lack Vitamin B and they can't get laid?

And then there are some women that just can't be pleased or be proud of their country unless their husband gets elected to the presidency. Just like.... can't remember her name but she usually has a scowl.. oh yea, michelle o.
Didn't she say she didn't like this country (or something like that)?
The last time I saw political reaction on the streets like this, it was about Vietnam. That brought about the end of the war. Before that, I saw the same sort of national commitment to end segregation in the South. It worked. Women are not going to forget this, and Trump is never going to win them over. Ever. Other than those women trying to get into his pockets for other reasons, I do believe that Trump's pussy grabbing days are over. The percentage of women who the Twitter in Chief will pigeonhole as "nasty" is going to get larger and larger with each passing week.
The last time I saw political reaction on the streets like this, it was about Vietnam. That brought about the end of the war. Before that, I saw the same sort of national commitment to end segregation in the South. It worked. Women are not going to forget this, and Trump is never going to win them over. Ever. Other than those women trying to get into his pockets for other reasons, I do believe that Trump's pussy grabbing days are over. The percentage of women who the Twitter in Chief will pigeonhole as "nasty" is going to get larger and larger with each passing week.

Absolutely. I can only imagine what these marches are doing to his tiny, insignificant narcissistic mind. He must be in absolute agony over this, seething with anger. I can't wait for his twitter tirade about it. I expect a full blown Trump melt down any day now.
The last time I saw political reaction on the streets like this, it was about Vietnam. That brought about the end of the war. Before that, I saw the same sort of national commitment to end segregation in the South. It worked. Women are not going to forget this, and Trump is never going to win them over. Ever. Other than those women trying to get into his pockets for other reasons, I do believe that Trump's pussy grabbing days are over. The percentage of women who the Twitter in Chief will pigeonhole as "nasty" is going to get larger and larger with each passing week.
President Trump will eventually be embraced by many of those who made the mistake of listening to the liberal propaganda. That includes you and coyote.

Assuming you have an IQ greater than 100, you'll soon learn how wrong you are.
The last time I saw political reaction on the streets like this, it was about Vietnam. That brought about the end of the war. Before that, I saw the same sort of national commitment to end segregation in the South. It worked. Women are not going to forget this, and Trump is never going to win them over. Ever. Other than those women trying to get into his pockets for other reasons, I do believe that Trump's pussy grabbing days are over. The percentage of women who the Twitter in Chief will pigeonhole as "nasty" is going to get larger and larger with each passing week.
President Trump will eventually be embraced by many of those who made the mistake of listening to the liberal propaganda. That includes you and coyote.

Assuming you have an IQ greater than 100, you'll soon learn how wrong you are.

I'll tell you what. Until Trump, I thought that the presidency could not get any lower than Nixon. We threw his ass out in 1974. That was 43 years ago, and I still hate the SOB. If I ever get over that, I'll start working on getting over the Loose Cannon in Chief, Trump.
The last time I saw political reaction on the streets like this, it was about Vietnam. That brought about the end of the war. Before that, I saw the same sort of national commitment to end segregation in the South. It worked. Women are not going to forget this, and Trump is never going to win them over. Ever. Other than those women trying to get into his pockets for other reasons, I do believe that Trump's pussy grabbing days are over. The percentage of women who the Twitter in Chief will pigeonhole as "nasty" is going to get larger and larger with each passing week.
President Trump will eventually be embraced by many of those who made the mistake of listening to the liberal propaganda. That includes you and coyote.

Assuming you have an IQ greater than 100, you'll soon learn how wrong you are.

I'll tell you what. Until Trump, I thought that the presidency could not get any lower than Nixon. We threw his ass out in 1974. That was 43 years ago, and I still hate the SOB. If I ever get over that, I'll start working on getting over the Loose Cannon in Chief, Trump.
Trump is much better than you think. The guy has a long history reaching out to help people others would ignore.
Unlike career politicians, he's someone who cares about people. I have no doubt about him wanting to improve things for everyone.

I couldn't be happier about him beating Hillary. That drunk **** would have buried this country within a year.
The last time I saw political reaction on the streets like this, it was about Vietnam. That brought about the end of the war. Before that, I saw the same sort of national commitment to end segregation in the South. It worked. Women are not going to forget this, and Trump is never going to win them over. Ever. Other than those women trying to get into his pockets for other reasons, I do believe that Trump's pussy grabbing days are over. The percentage of women who the Twitter in Chief will pigeonhole as "nasty" is going to get larger and larger with each passing week.
President Trump will eventually be embraced by many of those who made the mistake of listening to the liberal propaganda. That includes you and coyote.

Assuming you have an IQ greater than 100, you'll soon learn how wrong you are.

I'll tell you what. Until Trump, I thought that the presidency could not get any lower than Nixon. We threw his ass out in 1974. That was 43 years ago, and I still hate the SOB. If I ever get over that, I'll start working on getting over the Loose Cannon in Chief, Trump.
Trump is much better than you think. The guy has a long history reaching out to help people others would ignore.
Unlike career politicians, he's someone who cares about people. I have no doubt about him wanting to improve things for everyone.

I couldn't be happier about him beating Hillary. That drunk **** would have buried this country within a year.

Well, Tycho, if Trump is the kind of person for whom you would vote, I am sure that you will get exactly what you deserve!
This is Trump meeting with a supporter shortly before he takes the oath....

The guy looks like he's in shock after getting off the phone with his dad. lol
He was also given $10,000. :)
The last time I saw political reaction on the streets like this, it was about Vietnam. That brought about the end of the war. Before that, I saw the same sort of national commitment to end segregation in the South. It worked. Women are not going to forget this, and Trump is never going to win them over. Ever. Other than those women trying to get into his pockets for other reasons, I do believe that Trump's pussy grabbing days are over. The percentage of women who the Twitter in Chief will pigeonhole as "nasty" is going to get larger and larger with each passing week.
President Trump will eventually be embraced by many of those who made the mistake of listening to the liberal propaganda. That includes you and coyote.

Assuming you have an IQ greater than 100, you'll soon learn how wrong you are.

I'll tell you what. Until Trump, I thought that the presidency could not get any lower than Nixon. We threw his ass out in 1974. That was 43 years ago, and I still hate the SOB. If I ever get over that, I'll start working on getting over the Loose Cannon in Chief, Trump.
Trump is much better than you think. The guy has a long history reaching out to help people others would ignore.
Unlike career politicians, he's someone who cares about people. I have no doubt about him wanting to improve things for everyone.

I couldn't be happier about him beating Hillary. That drunk **** would have buried this country within a year.

Well, Tycho, if Trump is the kind of person for whom you would vote, I am sure that you will get exactly what you deserve!
I'm looking forward to the changes. :)
Things are going badly for poor Melania. She quickly discovered that she can't advertise her jewelry on the White House website for QVC. That was erased within 24 hours. Fortunately, they did not make anyone undress who was wearing her clothing label during the inaugural. Such pettiness doesn't apply to Donald, who endorses L.L.Bean for contributing to his campaign. The neon TUMP sign that will be mounted on the White House is on order from Mexico.
Let's get back on topic. Coyote would like us to think women around the world are protesting against President Trump. :)
Things are going badly for poor Melania. She quickly discovered that she can't advertise her jewelry on the White House website for QVC. That was erased within 24 hours. Fortunately, they did not make anyone undress who was wearing her clothing label during the inaugural. Such pettiness doesn't apply to Donald, who endorses L.L.Bean for contributing to his campaign. The neon TUMP sign that will be mounted on the White House is on order from Mexico.
Her and President Trump will be facing a learning curve. That's normal with anyone in their position. :)
Who idolizes that?

Tens of millions of hypocritical idiots who freaked at The Donald's grab them by the pussy comment, that's who idolizes that.

I don't think so. I don't know of anyone who idolizes that and I found Trump's comments pretty offensive.

And do you find offensive the fact that Bill Clinton was a serial rapist?

Was there a women's march protesting about that?


This is called HYPOCRISY!

Clinton was a womanizer. But that is between him and his wife.

Trump's infidelities are the same.

If there was rape, please show me the convictions or even indictments and trials otherwise, bullshit.

I think the women's marches are about more then just Trump - they're about the off hand acceptance of misogyny in retaliation to PC, and more important about years of Republican chipping away at women's reproductive freedom.

Wow, rapes don't happen until there are charges.

Yet you believe any harlot that comes forward to complain about Trump "harassment", even though there were never any charges much less convictions. Is it so hard for you to believe someone in a position of great power, like a governor, would be able to abuse his authority to keep himself above the law? Both Clintons are masters of that. BJ used it to keep his victims intimidated. Hillary learned to trade political favors to prevent anyone from busting her on all of her illegal activities.

Aside from that, what do all those women think about Hillary laughing about discrediting a 12 year old girl in a rape trial where she defended the scumbag old man rapist? All those women are hypocrites. They don't give a shit about the female victims of the Clintons. All they care about is their progressive Agenda, income redistribution to their lazy asses.

I think this is kind of interesting...

First - unless someone files charges and there is enough evidence for an indictment, it's little more then he says/she says right?

Second, consider this.

What did I say in my post? I applied the same standard to Trump as to Clinton - infidelities are between spouses, no one else's business. If rape occurred, charges should have been filed, and there should have been indictments. If not - it's he says/she says.

So...I'm going to ask you this:

1. Is Clinton a rapist?
2. Is Trump a rapist?

If you say yes or no to both - then I applaud you for your integrity and an internally consistent argument.

If one is yes and the other no - then I applaud you for making your partisan hypocrisy clear to the rest of us.

As a side note: I have not accused Trump of being a rapist. If you ask me if Trump and Clinton are womanizers and sleazey? Yes, to both.
Things are going badly for poor Melania. She quickly discovered that she can't advertise her jewelry on the White House website for QVC. That was erased within 24 hours. Fortunately, they did not make anyone undress who was wearing her clothing label during the inaugural. Such pettiness doesn't apply to Donald, who endorses L.L.Bean for contributing to his campaign. The neon TUMP sign that will be mounted on the White House is on order from Mexico.
Her and President Trump will be facing a learning curve. That's normal with anyone in their position. :)

Trump's learning curve came to an end when he reached the 6th grade.
This thread seems weird because Coyote is trying to meld the DC protest with others that have nothing to do with President Trump.
I think it's an attempt to make the D.C. protest look larger than it really is.


I still don't get what they want?

You have a president now that gives a damn about everyone.. Why are they mad?

They will never be happy, they are permanently angry, they are intolerant, they are emotionally immature, they cannot cope when something doesn't turn out how they demand it turns out.

They are like unruly children and the way to deal with them is to completely ignore them, let them march, protest, scream, cry and all of it people should just completely ignore, this is the way you deal with unruly children.

Of course if they turn violent, that needs a different type of dealing with and that involves Zero Tolerance.

But any and all of their demands should be ignored, the Leftists aren't in charge in America anymore, they need to be shown who The Bosses are.
I think we'll eventually start seeing a gradual change/shift with many on the left after President Trump has had time to start repairing the damage obama has caused.
We might even see coyote thanking President Trump! :laugh:

I doubt it. I'm struggling to give him a chance and be fair. But the reality is this - I don't think Obama did any damage, I've agreed with many (though not all) of his positions. Thus far, I do not think - from what I can glean of his positions - there are any I agree with.
This thread seems weird because Coyote is trying to meld the DC protest with others that have nothing to do with President Trump.
I think it's an attempt to make the D.C. protest look larger than it really is.


I still don't get what they want?

You have a president now that gives a damn about everyone.. Why are they mad?
I have seen countless interviews with protesters today, on Sky and the BBC, and they all simply whined about Trump. Reporters had to ask them to hold down their vulgar signs on many occasions and to stop screeching pussy this and pussy that. They are a laughing stock, imho.

Where we all these hysterical women who say they care about Women's Rights on November 10th 2016, when Hillary supporters were holding up signs saying "Rape Melania"

Where were all these hysterical women who say they care about Women's Rights when this waste of human skin called Don King was Tweeting this.


I believe that that photo of the sign has been dubunked as photoshop. You might complain about Hillary supporters but I seriously doubt many if any support raping Melania any more than anti-Obama advocates actually supported lynching the president. Can't we move on from this rabid demonizing?

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