The Word 'Negro' On New York Juror Form Upsets A Negro

Blacks are better at athletics.
Asian are better at studying.
Whites are better at inventing things.
Arabs are better at blowing themselves up (I couldn't think of anything else they're better at than anyone else, except maybe hating Jews).
Everyone brings something different to the table.

This is pretty ignorant and indicative of the low level of intelligence exhibited by bigots and racists.

if Blacks were better at athletics why were all the pro sports originally all white?

- That's irrelevant. Teams were white because they didn't allow blacks to play with them in those days.

If Asians were better at studying why are immigrant Africans the most highly educated group of people in the US?

- You're kidding, right?

If whites are better at inventing things why didn't they invent carbonized steel first?

- I never said that they invented every single fucking thing. :lol:

If Arabs are better at blowing themselves up why do meth lab explosions here in the US have them beat?

- Not even close. Please try again.
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Too many Blacks across America are too caught up in being the downtrodden and victimized Black man to be prideful Americans. It is only through their own hatred for "Whitey" are they held in a self-imposed bondage not unlike the chains that their ancestors wore in centuries past.
True "Freedom" for the Black person in America will come only when the Black community as a whole puts an end to it's own hate-filled racism and focuses instead on advancing the education and morality of it's own people.

------ ^ ------ What he said ------ ^
Blacks are better at athletics.
Asian are better at studying.
Whites are better at inventing things.
Arabs are better at blowing themselves up (I couldn't think of anything else they're better at than anyone else, except maybe hating Jews).
Everyone brings something different to the table.

This is pretty ignorant and indicative of the low level of intelligence exhibited by bigots and racists.

if Blacks were better at athletics why were all the pro sports originally all white?

- That's irrelevant. Teams were white because they didn't allow blacks to play with them in those days.

If Asians were better at studying why are immigrant Africans the most highly educated group of people in the US?

- You're kidding, right?

If whites are better at inventing things why didn't they invent carbonized steel first?

- I never said that they invented every single fucking thing. :lol:

If Arabs are better at blowing themselves up why do meth lab explosions here in the US have them beat?

- Not even close. Please try again.

1. The reason they didnt let Black athletes play was because they thought whites were better at all sports. Your thinking is just a reflection of the same failed mentality.

2. No I am not kidding. Look it up. The internet is still free. That is not a valid response

3. Name 3 things whites invented that was not done by standing on the shoulders of other cultures.

4. See number 2
Too many Blacks across America are too caught up in being the downtrodden and victimized Black man to be prideful Americans. It is only through their own hatred for "Whitey" are they held in a self-imposed bondage not unlike the chains that their ancestors wore in centuries past.
True "Freedom" for the Black person in America will come only when the Black community as a whole puts an end to it's own hate-filled racism and focuses instead on advancing the education and morality of it's own people.

------ ^ ------ What he said ------ ^

This, from a "good christian".
What an airhead, and likely a victim of public school (lack of) education.

Not a victim of anything. They are not intelligent by nature.

The victim here is the OP and others like him who will write pages and pages of racist stupidity over the opinion of one black person who has the right to his/her opinion.

It is the OP who is unintelligent by nature and he proves it every single day.
Just how many names we have to call the negroid????

It used to be negro
then colored
then African American
then black

Is schizophrenia a part of the negroid genetic makeup I wonder????

How about you call them what they are.


Even more so then most of Johnny come lately ethnicities that seem to think they own the place.

Most of true American culture, originated in the Black Community.

And aside from American Indians? They are the longest lasting most consistently American ethnicity in this country.
Oh for Christ sake... what kind of fucking DRUGS are you on tonight?

"True American culture" came from blacks? ... :cuckoo:


The Black Community has been a major influence in the American Culture, Sciences and Politics. And they are "uniquely" American and not derivative of European or African culture.

The first American to die in the American Revolution was black. Black folks have fought in nearly every American war since America was established. The same CANNOT be said of other Ethnicities. Additionally the American Agrarian South and the Industrial North owe much to the labor and industry of Black folks who did not share in the success.

There is nothing more uniquely American, than American Black Culture..and it's impact on American Culture as a whole.
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The word negro is an antiquated description of blacks - no one uses it now days unless thay are trying to incite people to anger. The fact that you are using this word in the thread title says everything I need to know about how the OP feels about "blacks."

Say it - blacks.

Nothing bad will come of it; I know it will not offend as many people, but it is more current and much less offensive.

Come up in my hood and start throwing around that "negro" shit. Please do! I will drive you free of charge up to north avenue and drop your stupid ass off in some back alley full of hustlers. Go right up to them and ask: "How are all you Negros today?"

Write a thread about it if you make it back - let us know how fun that was.

You know, when you write a post about how a bunch of blacks can't control their impulses if you upset them, you really don't help your cause.
Because you change what you demand we call you every 20 years. We are now convinced that you aren't interested in finding a name but expressing the need to be outraged at the white race.
Surely it wouldn't tax your mental capacities too much to use African American instead of Negro. As an alternative, you could just leave race out of the discussion for the benefit of all.

The whole point of the thread was to use a variant of the word "Negro."

Like the N word, it's fun to say ... empowering even ... like being really pissed off and saying the word F***.

It lets you know who's boss.

The N-word is becoming an expletive and should be treated as such.

I don't think most blacks are seeking to be called anything other than their name. Negro is falling out of use and is considered demeaning by some people so why use it? Black or African American is more acceptable just like White or Caucasian.

I believe by the end of this century, racial descriptors will rarely be used because they will no longer be very descriptive. With the mixture of races and ethnic groups pure black and white will be a rarely as will ethnicity.
The word negro is an antiquated description of blacks - no one uses it now days unless thay are trying to incite people to anger. The fact that you are using this word in the thread title says everything I need to know about how the OP feels about "blacks."

Say it - blacks.

Nothing bad will come of it; I know it will not offend as many people, but it is more current and much less offensive.

Come up in my hood and start throwing around that "negro" shit. Please do! I will drive you free of charge up to north avenue and drop your stupid ass off in some back alley full of hustlers. Go right up to them and ask: "How are all you Negros today?"

Write a thread about it if you make it back - let us know how fun that was.

You know, when you write a post about how a bunch of blacks can't control their impulses if you upset them, you really don't help your cause.

Where did I mention blacks?
The word negro is an antiquated description of blacks - no one uses it now days unless thay are trying to incite people to anger. The fact that you are using this word in the thread title says everything I need to know about how the OP feels about "blacks."

Say it - blacks.

Nothing bad will come of it; I know it will not offend as many people, but it is more current and much less offensive.

Come up in my hood and start throwing around that "negro" shit. Please do! I will drive you free of charge up to north avenue and drop your stupid ass off in some back alley full of hustlers. Go right up to them and ask: "How are all you Negros today?"

Write a thread about it if you make it back - let us know how fun that was.

You know, when you write a post about how a bunch of blacks can't control their impulses if you upset them, you really don't help your cause.

Where did I mention blacks?

So you're suggesting that some OTHER race would pummel someone for using the term negro?

LOL Pussy liberal is not a race, and also no one is worried about getting pummeled by a pussy.
You know, when you write a post about how a bunch of blacks can't control their impulses if you upset them, you really don't help your cause.

Where did I mention blacks?

So you're suggesting that some OTHER race would pummel someone for using the term negro?

LOL Pussy liberal is not a race, and also no one is worried about getting pummeled by a pussy.

What a moron! Tell us again how I really don't help my cause!
Just how many names we have to call the negroid????

It used to be negro
then colored
then African American
then black

Is schizophrenia a part of the negroid genetic makeup I wonder????

I think it has to do with, as far as being an ethnic group goes, they have still not found a comfortable place for themselves within American society. This is nothing to condemn them about. It is so because of a lot of different reasons. Racism being one of them. In anycase, respect means using the term a person is most comfortable with. Most American blacks find the word negro offensive. I totally agree with the woman in the article. She has every right to make a point of it. The term is outdated and offensive.
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The word negro is an antiquated description of blacks - no one uses it now days unless thay are trying to incite people to anger. The fact that you are using this word in the thread title says everything I need to know about how the OP feels about "blacks."

Say it - blacks.

Nothing bad will come of it; I know it will not offend as many people, but it is more current and much less offensive.

Come up in my hood and start throwing around that "negro" shit. Please do! I will drive you free of charge up to north avenue and drop your stupid ass off in some back alley full of hustlers. Go right up to them and ask: "How are all you Negros today?"

Write a thread about it if you make it back - let us know how fun that was.

You know, when you write a post about how a bunch of blacks can't control their impulses if you upset them, you really don't help your cause.

Where did I mention blacks?
You stepped in shit with your racist comment and now you're trying to back your way out of it but you still have shit on your foot. You'd be better off if you just shut up and hope your racist comment will be forgotten. I'm just sayin'.

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