The world in turmoil and Obozo busy picking the Presidential Brackets.....


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
So much for any kind of LASER LIKE FOCUS on ANYTHING that is important to our, and the world's safety! All this guy gives a damn about is HIMSELF, his GOLF GAME, and BASKETBALL!

I honestly wouldn't give a shit, had this Buffoon in Chief actually amounted to something.

He's set the bar so fucking low these past five years, it's beyond pathetic.

964 grueling, hapless, hopeless days to go....
So much for any kind of LASER LIKE FOCUS on ANYTHING that is important to our, and the world's safety! All this guy gives a damn about is HIMSELF, his GOLF GAME, and BASKETBALL!


After the election I can be more flexible. And by that I meant go ahead and take over your neighboring countries and I will play with basketball brackets.
not at all, like it's important enough to need to know....I dropped out of sports at more football for me...that was 22 years ago. Although I am a heavy laborer according to the dept of Labor job description...
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When the last time you busted a nut working all day lifting masonry products??
So much for any kind of LASER LIKE FOCUS on ANYTHING that is important to our, and the world's safety! All this guy gives a damn about is HIMSELF, his GOLF GAME, and BASKETBALL!


Wow ... just barely a step above his usual golf outing or billion dollar vacation to some exotic place. He's the number-one worst prez this nation has ever had to endure (in my honest opinion).
Jeez...and the prez also probably eats food, drinks liquids, talks to his wife and kids, cracks jokes, walks the dog, gets dressed, sleeps, goes to the toilet ....all while the world is in turmoil. Get a life Obamahaters.

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