The World Is Sick Of Israeli Atrocities...

I don't recall seeing any documents of Britain transferring any land to Israel.
That's because you didn't read the links, obviously. Google it for yourself. I've already supplied PLENTY of data here.

Besides, if you are NOT aware of that fact, then I feel sorry for you. That's pretty darn sad.
I've seen a lot of "say so" but no documents.

that's because we get sick and tired of posting the same links and documents over and over and over and over and over again. Because once we do; suddenly you and your friends become silent in the thread they are posted in. Because then you are too busy creating other threads which would then require the same links and documents to refute you B.S. lies.

But I have learned long ago that this is your tactic. Once proven wrong, you do not admit, but move on.
Yeah, yeah, the same old song and dance but no documents.

No Jews in Gaza. They've been cleansed:eusa_shhh:

Israeli police evicting Israeli settlers from Gaza after a unilateral withdrawal isn't exactly "ethnic cleansing". Nice try though.

A better example might be the forced expulsion of Jews from certain Arab countries during the formation of Israel.

your definition....there are no Jews in Gaza
ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory with the intent of making it ethnically or religiously homogeneous. The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration

So...if you consider this ethnic cleansing, you are effectively accusing Israel of ethnically cleansing Gaza...

The problem though lies in "intent".

the intent was to remove all the Jews ..Ethnic cleansing:thup:

By Israel.

Yep.... so you're against it :cool:
No Jews in Gaza. They've been cleansed:eusa_shhh:

Israeli police evicting Israeli settlers from Gaza after a unilateral withdrawal isn't exactly "ethnic cleansing". Nice try though.

A better example might be the forced expulsion of Jews from certain Arab countries during the formation of Israel.

your definition....there are no Jews in Gaza
ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory with the intent of making it ethnically or religiously homogeneous. The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration

So...if you consider this ethnic cleansing, you are effectively accusing Israel of ethnically cleansing Gaza...

The problem though lies in "intent".

the intent was to remove all the Jews ..Ethnic cleansing:thup:

Well, I suspect that the goal of any people that were invaded would be to remove the invader.

A Jew free country? You'd like that I know
Really? The world is sick of Muslims perpetrating evil on the world. 9\11. dingbats chopping off heads on the internet. Please, Israel is just a victim of Islamic hate. Of all the evil in the world, what Israel has done to protect themselves is the least of my worries. What these psychopathic Muslim mass murders do, that really concerns me and the world, I think.

We get that you hate Muslims.
I get that she hates the psychopathic do I.

Kill :Boom2:All radical Muslims...and their children!
Israeli police evicting Israeli settlers from Gaza after a unilateral withdrawal isn't exactly "ethnic cleansing". Nice try though.

A better example might be the forced expulsion of Jews from certain Arab countries during the formation of Israel.

your definition....there are no Jews in Gaza
ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory with the intent of making it ethnically or religiously homogeneous. The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration

So...if you consider this ethnic cleansing, you are effectively accusing Israel of ethnically cleansing Gaza...

The problem though lies in "intent".

the intent was to remove all the Jews ..Ethnic cleansing:thup:

By Israel.

Yep.... so you're against it :cool:

If it's ethnic cleansing I'm against it.

Are you?
Jews where massacred. We know atrocities. Islam NOW is like Germany in 1933. When the good Germans did nothing to stop the extremists, that is what Islam is NOW, Islam does NOTHING to stop the extremists. Israel does what it has to, in self defense. Islam? it murders unarmed civilians in Europe and America. We all know what it is.
Jews where massacred. We know atrocities. Islam NOW is like Germany in 1933. When the good Germans did nothing to stop the extremists, that is what Islam is NOW, Islam does NOTHING to stop the extremists. Israel does what it has to, in self defense. Islam? it murders unarmed civilians in Europe and America. We all know what it is.

Oh brother. Yet another idiotic attempt to compare modern world events to the Holocaust with ignorant generalizations.
Really? The world is sick of Muslims perpetrating evil on the world. 9\11. dingbats chopping off heads on the internet. Please, Israel is just a victim of Islamic hate. Of all the evil in the world, what Israel has done to protect themselves is the least of my worries. What these psychopathic Muslim mass murders do, that really concerns me and the world, I think.

We get that you hate Muslims.
I get that she hates the psychopathic do I.

Kill :Boom2:All radical Muslims...and their children!

Wow. Killing innocent children too. How civilized.
your definition....there are no Jews in Gaza

So...if you consider this ethnic cleansing, you are effectively accusing Israel of ethnically cleansing Gaza...

The problem though lies in "intent".

the intent was to remove all the Jews ..Ethnic cleansing:thup:

By Israel.

Yep.... so you're against it :cool:

If it's ethnic cleansing I'm against it.

Are you?
so your against Jews being forced out of Arab controlled areas right?:2up: That's the only cleansing actually. You give the Arabs anatomy. Forcibly remove all Jews and get a terrorist state go figure
Jews where massacred. We know atrocities. Islam NOW is like Germany in 1933. When the good Germans did nothing to stop the extremists, that is what Islam is NOW, Islam does NOTHING to stop the extremists. Israel does what it has to, in self defense. Islam? it murders unarmed civilians in Europe and America. We all know what it is.

Oh brother. Yet another idiotic attempt to compare modern world events to the Holocaust with ignorant generalizations.
The point about Germans not stopping the Nazis while they could is the same as moderate Muslims not putting the brakes on extremists while they could is a valid point.
I don't recall seeing any documents of Britain transferring any land to Israel.
That's because you didn't read the links, obviously. Google it for yourself. I've already supplied PLENTY of data here.

Besides, if you are NOT aware of that fact, then I feel sorry for you. That's pretty darn sad.
I've seen a lot of "say so" but no documents.

WTF is wrong with you? You don't know history?
Sure I do, and I have never seen any document showing Britain transferring any land to Israel.
Israeli land and property laws - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Israel Lands - Privatization or National Ownership Jewish Virtual Library

The British Mandate Land ownership under the British Mandate was based on the Ottoman Land Code, with additional legislation adopted during the Mandate. Under the Ottoman Code, land was classified in five categories with provisions for documentation of registration. The two basic types of land were mulk (private lands), and miri (land
leased from the state). While the latter was subject to certain limitations, miri land was inherited, sold, and generally regarded as the land of the user. Under the code, individuals able to prove cultivation of a plot of land for 10 years or more were issued a title of ownership.

Miri also included communal and common lands. Most miri land registered in the Ottoman Land Registry (tapu) was of this type. A considerable portion of both mulk and miri land was administered independently of the British administration by Muslim and Christian awqaf (religious endowment) and handled as nontransferable properties for the benefit of the religious communities. At the time of the British occupation of Palestine, the majority of lands in the country were either unregistered in the tapu, or the registration was imperfect and obsolete. The Mandate government added a sixth category of lands, "Public Lands", which was defined as lands under the control of the government by treaty, convention, agreement, succession and lands acquired for public purpose. Public lands totaled approximately 1,500,000 out of 26,320,000 dunums (1,500 sq. km or 26,320 sq. km) at the end of 1943.

The Mandate government also adopted measures under the 1928 Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance for identification and registration of land according to cadastral survey. By the end of the British Mandate, titles were settled and registered on 25% of the total land area of Mandate Palestine. Five laws were adopted between 1920 and 1940 to address Palestinian Arab concerns about Jewish/Zionist land purchases in Palestine, including the eviction of agricultural tenants by mostly absentee landlords who were not Palestinian. <<

Absentee property Israel law - Text Non-UN document 14 March 1950

all this and more has been posted before by other members.

How can Europeans "give" land that is inhabited by indigenous people to other Europeans? That's a crazy concept. The Muslims and Christians attacked no one. They were simply resisting the European takeover of their land and homes. The Christians and Muslims were unsuccessful in defending themselves from the Jewish savages but they certainly had every right to defend themselves.

Eventually there will be peace through demographic changes as happened in South Africa and Rhodesia.

You fuckin idiot. Did you not read Rocco's post showing all the attacks and massacres against Jews before Israel even became a state??
It was only AFTER these attacks that Haganah and Irgun were created.
Then there were the attacks diring the civil war and Arab Israeli war.
You're a liar and your posts should not be taken seriously
We did.

All that was after Britain occupied Palestine with the Balfour declaration in its pocket and began colonizing Palestine on the behalf of the foreign Zionists.

The Palestinians resisted colonization then as they resist it now.

First off, show me one link of a 'colonization' incident becore those attacks.
Second, you ALWAYS justify Palestinian killing of Jews. You have used every excuse possible.
But you are also forgetting that many many local Jews were massacred as well.

Either way, the attacks/massacres were started by the Arabs. You cannot change history, no matter how bad you want to.
I don't recall seeing any documents of Britain transferring any land to Israel.
That's because you didn't read the links, obviously. Google it for yourself. I've already supplied PLENTY of data here.

Besides, if you are NOT aware of that fact, then I feel sorry for you. That's pretty darn sad.
I've seen a lot of "say so" but no documents.

WTF is wrong with you? You don't know history?

He posts as if he is an expert on the history of the conflict, but he's ALWAYS wrong about EVERYTHING.
What with the garbage state the SA is now. One must hate africans to promote that "struggle" against "apartheid".

So, you are an Apartheid supporter. I knew it, just wanted confirmation. No wonder you support Israel, today's Apartheid state.

Funny how you call Israel an Apartheid state wher you can't even point out where there is Apartheid inside Israel proper.
Your bullshit liss just keep on coming. Non stop bullshit

"The Jewish state (for so it identifies itself, after all) maintains a system of formal and informal housing segregation both in Israel and in the occupied territories. It's obvious, of course, that Jewish settlements in the West Bank aren't exactly bursting with Palestinians. In Israel itself, however, hundreds of communities have been established for Jewish residents on land expropriated from Palestinians, in which segregation is maintained, for example, by admissions committees empowered to use ethnic criteria long since banned in the United States, or by the inability of Palestinian citizens to access land held exclusively for the Jewish people by the state-sanctioned Jewish National Fund.

Jewish residents of the occupied territories enjoy various rights and privileges denied to their Palestinian neighbors. While the former enjoy the protections of Israeli civil law, the latter are subject to the harsh provisions of military law. So, while their Jewish neighbors come and go freely, West Bank Palestinians are subject to arbitrary arrest and detention, and to the denial of freedom of movement; they are frequently barred from access to educational or healthcare facilities, Christian and Muslim sites for religious worship, and so on."

Does the term apartheid fit Israel Of course it does. - LA Times

Meanwhile, Palestinian citizens of Israel must contend with about 50 state laws and bills that, according to the Palestinian-Israeli human rights organization Adalah, either privilege Jews or directly discriminate against the Palestinian minority. One of the key components of Israel's nationality law, the Law of Return, for example, applies to Jews only, and excludes Palestinians, including Palestinians born in what is now the state of Israel. While Jewish citizens can move back and forth without interdiction, Israeli law expressly bars Palestinian citizens from bringing spouses from the occupied territories to live with them in Israel.

As I thought, you cannot prove there is apartheid in Israel proper.
Jews and Arabs live side by side, work side by side, eat aide by side, move forward side by side. In Apartheid South Africa, Blacks were not allowed to do the above.
Is there some discrimination against Arabs in Israel by the population? Absolutely, but every country has discrimination.

Talk about an Orwellian response. The article confirms that Israel practices Apartheid and you respond by claiming it doesn't.

"11. The Committee notes with increased concern that Israeli society maintains Jewish
and non-Jewish sectors, which raises issues under article 3 of the Convention. Clarifications
provided by the delegation confirmed the Committee’s concerns in relation to the existence
of two systems of education, one in Hebrew and one in Arabic, which except in rare
circumstances remain impermeable and inaccessible to the other community, as well as
separate municipalities: Jewish municipalities and the so-called “municipalities of the
minorities”. The enactment of the Admissions Committees Law (2011), which gives private
committees full discretion to reject applicants deemed “unsuitable to the social life of the community”, is a clear sign that the concerns as regards segregation remain pressing..."

Apartheid, pure and simple.
That's NOT
What with the garbage state the SA is now. One must hate africans to promote that "struggle" against "apartheid".

So, you are an Apartheid supporter. I knew it, just wanted confirmation. No wonder you support Israel, today's Apartheid state.

Funny how you call Israel an Apartheid state wher you can't even point out where there is Apartheid inside Israel proper.
Your bullshit liss just keep on coming. Non stop bullshit

"The Jewish state (for so it identifies itself, after all) maintains a system of formal and informal housing segregation both in Israel and in the occupied territories. It's obvious, of course, that Jewish settlements in the West Bank aren't exactly bursting with Palestinians. In Israel itself, however, hundreds of communities have been established for Jewish residents on land expropriated from Palestinians, in which segregation is maintained, for example, by admissions committees empowered to use ethnic criteria long since banned in the United States, or by the inability of Palestinian citizens to access land held exclusively for the Jewish people by the state-sanctioned Jewish National Fund.

Jewish residents of the occupied territories enjoy various rights and privileges denied to their Palestinian neighbors. While the former enjoy the protections of Israeli civil law, the latter are subject to the harsh provisions of military law. So, while their Jewish neighbors come and go freely, West Bank Palestinians are subject to arbitrary arrest and detention, and to the denial of freedom of movement; they are frequently barred from access to educational or healthcare facilities, Christian and Muslim sites for religious worship, and so on."

Does the term apartheid fit Israel Of course it does. - LA Times

Meanwhile, Palestinian citizens of Israel must contend with about 50 state laws and bills that, according to the Palestinian-Israeli human rights organization Adalah, either privilege Jews or directly discriminate against the Palestinian minority. One of the key components of Israel's nationality law, the Law of Return, for example, applies to Jews only, and excludes Palestinians, including Palestinians born in what is now the state of Israel. While Jewish citizens can move back and forth without interdiction, Israeli law expressly bars Palestinian citizens from bringing spouses from the occupied territories to live with them in Israel.

As I thought, you cannot prove there is apartheid in Israel proper.
Jews and Arabs live side by side, work side by side, eat aide by side, move forward side by side. In Apartheid South Africa, Blacks were not allowed to do the above.
Is there some discrimination against Arabs in Israel by the population? Absolutely, but every country has discrimination.

Talk about an Orwellian response. The article confirms that Israel practices Apartheid and you respond by claiming it doesn't.

"11. The Committee notes with increased concern that Israeli society maintains Jewish
and non-Jewish sectors, which raises issues under article 3 of the Convention. Clarifications
provided by the delegation confirmed the Committee’s concerns in relation to the existence
of two systems of education, one in Hebrew and one in Arabic, which except in rare
circumstances remain impermeable and inaccessible to the other community, as well as
separate municipalities: Jewish municipalities and the so-called “municipalities of the
minorities”. The enactment of the Admissions Committees Law (2011), which gives private
committees full discretion to reject applicants deemed “unsuitable to the social life of the community”, is a clear sign that the concerns as regards segregation remain pressing..."

Apartheid, pure and simple.

That's not apartheid. You idiots compare Israel to SA, yet you have no clue how Blacks were treated. There is zero compariskn between the two countries. You just like to parrot what the anti Israel says.
Once again you fail.
Really? The world is sick of Muslims perpetrating evil on the world. 9\11. dingbats chopping off heads on the internet. Please, Israel is just a victim of Islamic hate. Of all the evil in the world, what Israel has done to protect themselves is the least of my worries. What these psychopathic Muslim mass murders do, that really concerns me and the world, I think.

We get that you hate Muslims.
I get that she hates the psychopathic do I.

Kill :Boom2:All radical Muslims...and their children!

Wow. Killing innocent children too. How civilized.
Actually, I've been over this before somewhere in this forum. I'd target no babies or toddlers that hadn't been nurtured into believing they'll become martyrs after blowing themselves and innocent bystanders to bits in a suicide mission, sent by Mohammed, the child molesting, shit of a pig. You wanna WOW at killing innocent children? Talk the to goddamned radical Muslims that teach their children it's God's will to go blow themselves up. Talk to the radical Muslims that cannot rest until all infidels (including those among them that might neglect a silly fucking rule from the Chief Pedophile of the 400s) are stone cold dead.

I merely want to scrape the rust off this ship we call peaceful living. A little collateral damage will soon be forgiven.
The world is tired of Islamic atrocities, and the excuses, The Muslims are even tired of these people that use suicide bombers and cowardly tactics to harm innocent people world wide. Hamas are cowards hiding behind civilians and cynically blaming Israel for the results.
I don't recall seeing any documents of Britain transferring any land to Israel.
That's because you didn't read the links, obviously. Google it for yourself. I've already supplied PLENTY of data here.

Besides, if you are NOT aware of that fact, then I feel sorry for you. That's pretty darn sad.
I've seen a lot of "say so" but no documents.

that's because we get sick and tired of posting the same links and documents over and over and over and over and over again. Because once we do; suddenly you and your friends become silent in the thread they are posted in. Because then you are too busy creating other threads which would then require the same links and documents to refute you B.S. lies.

But I have learned long ago that this is your tactic. Once proven wrong, you do not admit, but move on.
Yeah, yeah, the same old song and dance but no documents.

That's because the issue of transferring land has nothing to do with anything.
You made it up. The need to transfer land to the Jews for them to legally declare independence is a 'Tinmore Pre requisite'.
You seem to make up quite a lot of things actually
I don't recall seeing any documents of Britain transferring any land to Israel.
I've seen a lot of "say so" but no documents.

that's because we get sick and tired of posting the same links and documents over and over and over and over and over again. Because once we do; suddenly you and your friends become silent in the thread they are posted in. Because then you are too busy creating other threads which would then require the same links and documents to refute you B.S. lies.

But I have learned long ago that this is your tactic. Once proven wrong, you do not admit, but move on.
Yeah, yeah, the same old song and dance but no documents.

That's because the issue of transferring land has nothing to do with anything.
You made it up. The need to transfer land to the Jews for them to legally declare independence is a 'Tinmore Pre requisite'.
You seem to make up quite a lot of things actually

Actually, "a defined territory" is a prerequisite for statehood.
This brings me back round to why don't the Palestinians attack the Brits? It's because they are ignorant cowards and bigots.

What would be the point?

That is who is responsible for their current predicament, right? I think it's wonderful that Israel is there in the ME to keep a little bit of sanity amongst the insane and brainwashed over in the middle east. They contribute good things to the world and are good people. I think they should push the palestinians into Egypt and let Egypt deal with them. They are a creation of the Egyptians anyways. :D

So you support ethnic cleansing even though many of them are indiginous the Palestine?

Ethnic cleansing? No. War? Yes. The act of lobbing bombs into Israel is an act of war that should be taken seriously when you are a country with citizens who matter to you.

Should they hold back? No, they should not. They should hit them with everything they can. Maybe THEN they will stop.

Ethnic cleansing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory with the intent of making it ethnically or religiously homogeneous. The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration (deportation, population transfer), as well as mass murder, and intimidation.
So technically every state in the world is involved in ethnic cleansing.
I've seen a lot of "say so" but no documents.

that's because we get sick and tired of posting the same links and documents over and over and over and over and over again. Because once we do; suddenly you and your friends become silent in the thread they are posted in. Because then you are too busy creating other threads which would then require the same links and documents to refute you B.S. lies.

But I have learned long ago that this is your tactic. Once proven wrong, you do not admit, but move on.
Yeah, yeah, the same old song and dance but no documents.

That's because the issue of transferring land has nothing to do with anything.
You made it up. The need to transfer land to the Jews for them to legally declare independence is a 'Tinmore Pre requisite'.
You seem to make up quite a lot of things actually

Actually, "a defined territory" is a prerequisite for statehood.

So how does the Palestinian virtual state declared statehood?

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