The World Is Sick Of Israeli Atrocities...

I've seen a lot of "say so" but no documents.

that's because we get sick and tired of posting the same links and documents over and over and over and over and over again. Because once we do; suddenly you and your friends become silent in the thread they are posted in. Because then you are too busy creating other threads which would then require the same links and documents to refute you B.S. lies.

But I have learned long ago that this is your tactic. Once proven wrong, you do not admit, but move on.
Yeah, yeah, the same old song and dance but no documents.

That's because the issue of transferring land has nothing to do with anything.
You made it up. The need to transfer land to the Jews for them to legally declare independence is a 'Tinmore Pre requisite'.
You seem to make up quite a lot of things actually

Actually, "a defined territory" is a prerequisite for statehood.

I've seen a lot of "say so" but no documents.

that's because we get sick and tired of posting the same links and documents over and over and over and over and over again. Because once we do; suddenly you and your friends become silent in the thread they are posted in. Because then you are too busy creating other threads which would then require the same links and documents to refute you B.S. lies.

But I have learned long ago that this is your tactic. Once proven wrong, you do not admit, but move on.
Yeah, yeah, the same old song and dance but no documents.

That's because the issue of transferring land has nothing to do with anything.
You made it up. The need to transfer land to the Jews for them to legally declare independence is a 'Tinmore Pre requisite'.
You seem to make up quite a lot of things actually

Actually, "a defined territory" is a prerequisite for statehood.


The state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: a ) a permanent population; b ) a defined territory; c ) government; and d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states.

The Avalon Project Convention on Rights and Duties of States inter-American December 26 1933
What is all this talk about Israeli atrocities? Nobody is perfect. But Hamas, they blow up over 250 American marines in Beirut Lebanon back in 1983, Muslim extremist, and how quickly these marines were forgotten. Semper Fi. Ever since then, Americans forget the atrocities Muslims commit, then focus on the few mistakes Israel has made as if it's the be all end all. Remember 9/11? Yeah, that's what Muslims do. But do exaggerate Israeli crimes against humanity, do go on.
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What is all this talk about Israeli atrocities? Nobody is perfect. But Hamas, they blow up over 250 American marines in Beirut Lebanon back in 1983, Muslim extremist, and how quickly these marines were forgotten. Semper Fi. Ever since then, Americans forget the atrocities Muslims commit, then focus on the few mistakes Israel has made as if it's the be all end all. Remember 9/11? Yeah, that's what Muslims do. But do exaggerate Israeli crimes against humanity, do go on.

That was Hezbollah.
But I agree with the rest of your post
that's because we get sick and tired of posting the same links and documents over and over and over and over and over again. Because once we do; suddenly you and your friends become silent in the thread they are posted in. Because then you are too busy creating other threads which would then require the same links and documents to refute you B.S. lies.

But I have learned long ago that this is your tactic. Once proven wrong, you do not admit, but move on.
Yeah, yeah, the same old song and dance but no documents.

That's because the issue of transferring land has nothing to do with anything.
You made it up. The need to transfer land to the Jews for them to legally declare independence is a 'Tinmore Pre requisite'.
You seem to make up quite a lot of things actually

Actually, "a defined territory" is a prerequisite for statehood.


The state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: a ) a permanent population; b ) a defined territory; c ) government; and d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states.

The Avalon Project Convention on Rights and Duties of States inter-American December 26 1933

Ethnic cleansing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory with the intent of making it ethnically or religiously homogeneous. The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration (deportation, population transfer), as well as mass murder, and intimidation.

No Jews in Gaza. They've been cleansed:eusa_shhh:

Israeli police evicting Israeli settlers from Gaza after a unilateral withdrawal isn't exactly "ethnic cleansing". Nice try though.

A better example might be the forced expulsion of Jews from certain Arab countries during the formation of Israel.

your definition....there are no Jews in Gaza
ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory with the intent of making it ethnically or religiously homogeneous. The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration

So...if you consider this ethnic cleansing, you are effectively accusing Israel of ethnically cleansing Gaza...

The problem though lies in "intent".

the intent was to remove all the Jews ..Ethnic cleansing:thup:

This is SO obvious. I cannot believe that people are arguing that Israel is the one who wants to wipe out an entire people. THAT is just not the case. It is the other way around. What is wrong with people? Are they really SO blind?
No Jews in Gaza. They've been cleansed:eusa_shhh:

Israeli police evicting Israeli settlers from Gaza after a unilateral withdrawal isn't exactly "ethnic cleansing". Nice try though.

A better example might be the forced expulsion of Jews from certain Arab countries during the formation of Israel.

your definition....there are no Jews in Gaza
ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory with the intent of making it ethnically or religiously homogeneous. The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration

So...if you consider this ethnic cleansing, you are effectively accusing Israel of ethnically cleansing Gaza...

The problem though lies in "intent".

the intent was to remove all the Jews ..Ethnic cleansing:thup:

By Israel.

Are you serious? Do you actually believe that Israel is the one who is a country of genocidal maniacs? Really? You seem like an intelligent person, and I find it stunning that anyone with half a brain would believe this line of crap!!!???
Jews where massacred. We know atrocities. Islam NOW is like Germany in 1933. When the good Germans did nothing to stop the extremists, that is what Islam is NOW, Islam does NOTHING to stop the extremists. Israel does what it has to, in self defense. Islam? it murders unarmed civilians in Europe and America. We all know what it is.

I think you best check the fact , many Muslims are against the radicals.

Actually Israel has the racist and fascist government. In 1933 Judea declared war on Germany.
Ethnic cleansing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory with the intent of making it ethnically or religiously homogeneous. The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration (deportation, population transfer), as well as mass murder, and intimidation.

You mean like how every last Jew has been clensed from Gaza despite the fact that Jews were living there millenia before the Palestinians were invented or how over 99% of Jews living in Arab lands have been clensed?

Quoting a definition of ethnic clensing is one thing. Apply the term properly is another.
"There ancestral lands were never in Palestine as the records show, even Winny told the house of commons that the majority were illegal immigrants back in 1939.

Let's see how your bullshit differs from the official record. taking the period from 1922 through 1937. As per the Report of the Mandatory in 1937.

Oh dear, the total increase in population through immigration was 281,339 and the Jewish part of that increase was 245,433, the Muslim part was 25,168 and the Christian part was 10,414. Isn't it discouraging that while you yap bullshit, I provide source documentation.

6. The estimated total population has increased in the 15 years from 1922 to the middle of 1937, by 631,272 persons. The increase is due to immigration and to the excess of births over deaths, the allocation of the total increases between these two factors being estimated to be as follows:--

All religions.Moslems.Jews.Christians.Others.
Total increase
of population
Increase by










... - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the LoN 31 December 1937

Israel should take the Gaza strip back and push those "palestinians" into Egypt. That's what they are really anyways. The are Egyptians and Jordanians. None of those people alive today that refer to themselves as "palestinians" have any right to the land they occupy. Israel won it fair and square, but they gave that land to those savage beasts. I think they are being TOO nice. They should get rid of those POS once and for all IMO.

How do you "win" land "fair and square" without contravening the Geneva Convention? The Jewish savages came from Europe invaded the land.

No, the French and Brits already had control of that "territory." They gave it to Israel, who in turn was attacked, yet beat incredible odds to win and maintain their hold on their land. Why they would ever have agreed to give up the Gaza strip to those monsters, I don't know. They should throw them all out and take it back, and never negotiate with the scum again. If they see them, they should shoot first and ask questions later. :D That's how you handle that kind of POS scum. They will stop with their terror tactics eventually, and then there can be peace, because we all know that Israel just wants to exist in peace.
"They gave it to Israel,"

Could you document that?[/QUOTE]

Do you wasn't the maps again tinny that show even Jordan is in Israel, and the minutes of the LoN treaty that spelt out Palestine was destined for the RESURECTED NATIONAL HOME OF THE JEWS.
How can Europeans "give" land that is inhabited by indigenous people to other Europeans? That's a crazy concept. The Muslims and Christians attacked no one. They were simply resisting the European takeover of their land and homes. The Christians and Muslims were unsuccessful in defending themselves from the Jewish savages but they certainly had every right to defend themselves.

Eventually there will be peace through demographic changes as happened in South Africa and Rhodesia.

You fuckin idiot. Did you not read Rocco's post showing all the attacks and massacres against Jews before Israel even became a state??
It was only AFTER these attacks that Haganah and Irgun were created.
Then there were the attacks diring the civil war and Arab Israeli war.
You're a liar and your posts should not be taken seriously
We did.

All that was after Britain occupied Palestine with the Balfour declaration in its pocket and began colonizing Palestine on the behalf of the foreign Zionists.

The Palestinians resisted colonization then as they resist it now.

The Palestinians were the Jews, Palestine was spoils of war and was owned by the LoN from 1919. The arab muslims had no legal ownership for 1,000 years so had no legal grounds to resist anything, and still don't. They have no written treaty signed by their representative other than the ones appertaining to Syria and Jordan. The JEWS of the world are the LEGAL LAND OWNERS under customary international law as they were bequeathed the land in 1921, just as the arab muslims are the LEGAL LAND OWNERS of Syria and Jordan.
Let's see how your bullshit differs from the official record. taking the period from 1922 through 1937. As per the Report of the Mandatory in 1937.

Oh dear, the total increase in population through immigration was 281,339 and the Jewish part of that increase was 245,433, the Muslim part was 25,168 and the Christian part was 10,414. Isn't it discouraging that while you yap bullshit, I provide source documentation.

6. The estimated total population has increased in the 15 years from 1922 to the middle of 1937, by 631,272 persons. The increase is due to immigration and to the excess of births over deaths, the allocation of the total increases between these two factors being estimated to be as follows:--

All religions.Moslems.Jews.Christians.Others.
Total increase
of population
Increase by










... - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the LoN 31 December 1937

Israel should take the Gaza strip back and push those "palestinians" into Egypt. That's what they are really anyways. The are Egyptians and Jordanians. None of those people alive today that refer to themselves as "palestinians" have any right to the land they occupy. Israel won it fair and square, but they gave that land to those savage beasts. I think they are being TOO nice. They should get rid of those POS once and for all IMO.

How do you "win" land "fair and square" without contravening the Geneva Convention? The Jewish savages came from Europe invaded the land.

No, the French and Brits already had control of that "territory." They gave it to Israel, who in turn was attacked, yet beat incredible odds to win and maintain their hold on their land. Why they would ever have agreed to give up the Gaza strip to those monsters, I don't know. They should throw them all out and take it back, and never negotiate with the scum again. If they see them, they should shoot first and ask questions later. :D That's how you handle that kind of POS scum. They will stop with their terror tactics eventually, and then there can be peace, because we all know that Israel just wants to exist in peace.
"They gave it to Israel,"

Could you document that?

Hello? I already did in the links I provided. READ them please. :rolleyes-41:
I don't recall seeing any documents of Britain transferring any land to Israel.[/QUOTE]

Because Britain did not have any legal ownership of the land, they were just agents acting on behalf of the LoN. It was the LoN and its successor the UN that transferred ownership. Just look on Britain as a police force sent to keep law and order and to assist the locals in setting up their own country
I don't recall seeing any documents of Britain transferring any land to Israel.
That's because you didn't read the links, obviously. Google it for yourself. I've already supplied PLENTY of data here.

Besides, if you are NOT aware of that fact, then I feel sorry for you. That's pretty darn sad.
I've seen a lot of "say so" but no documents.

Because the documents have been posted repeatedly and you just ignore them when they destroy your argument
...In that case kill the terrorist scum that runs Israel that commits genocide without a second thought.
In that case, don't fuss when you've given the Israelis the excuse they need in the eyes of the world, to wipe you out, once and for all.

The Israelis do not commit genocide.

They are merely engaged in a long-term campaign to force Palestinians off their few remaining scraps of land.

The Palestinians may end-up having to pack, and leave, but at least they'll be alive, once they've moved to Jordan or Lebanon.

On the other hand, the Palestinians have long-since sworn to drown the Jews in the Mediterranean.

The latter sounds much more like the stereotypical, classical definition of 'genocide' than any land-squeezing at-issue here.

Penelope is another ignorant uneducated terrorist sympathizer, obviously.

Genocide is mentioned in the Hamas charter. Genocide of the Jewish people is mentioned SEVERAL times actually.

They are not following their charter, haven't you heard the news. Listen to your PM Bibi and we should of been blown up by the nukes he predicted in the early 1990, Israel is the country spreading false propaganda and has been for years.

They quoted the same charter just a few short months ago right before the attacked Israel
I don't recall seeing any documents of Britain transferring any land to Israel.
That's because you didn't read the links, obviously. Google it for yourself. I've already supplied PLENTY of data here.

Besides, if you are NOT aware of that fact, then I feel sorry for you. That's pretty darn sad.
I've seen a lot of "say so" but no documents.

WTF is wrong with you? You don't know history?

Your the one who is clueless about history. Perhaps its you who can't understand what you read.

Don't forget that there are two lines of history, on the right hand line we have the real history and on the left hand line the history according to islam.
Israel should take the Gaza strip back and push those "palestinians" into Egypt. That's what they are really anyways. The are Egyptians and Jordanians. None of those people alive today that refer to themselves as "palestinians" have any right to the land they occupy. Israel won it fair and square, but they gave that land to those savage beasts. I think they are being TOO nice. They should get rid of those POS once and for all IMO.

How do you "win" land "fair and square" without contravening the Geneva Convention? The Jewish savages came from Europe invaded the land.

No, the French and Brits already had control of that "territory." They gave it to Israel, who in turn was attacked, yet beat incredible odds to win and maintain their hold on their land. Why they would ever have agreed to give up the Gaza strip to those monsters, I don't know. They should throw them all out and take it back, and never negotiate with the scum again. If they see them, they should shoot first and ask questions later. :D That's how you handle that kind of POS scum. They will stop with their terror tactics eventually, and then there can be peace, because we all know that Israel just wants to exist in peace.
"They gave it to Israel,"

Could you document that?

Hello? I already did in the links I provided. READ them please. :rolleyes-41:
I don't recall seeing any documents of Britain transferring any land to Israel.

Because Britain did not have any legal ownership of the land, they were just agents acting on behalf of the LoN. It was the LoN and its successor the UN that transferred ownership. Just look on Britain as a police force sent to keep law and order and to assist the locals in setting up their own country[/QUOTE]

Yes they did the Balfour Declaration gave permission to the Jew to live in Palestine, and the Jews treated the British so bad and chased them out and so the British washed their hands of it and gave it to the LON of which the US and Truman declared it Israel. Obviously one has no rights to a land if someone had to let them live there, Britain had no intentions of giving them control of Palestine, that is why the British still remained there, till Israel blew up their embassy., LON was formed till 1920, the jews took huge advantage of the situation as they have in every country they have lived in , they try to make it their own, the revolution in Russia, Germany and now Palestine. One thing to live among others with respect , another to try and take over and become masters over others, like the Israel lobby in the US.
Jewish insurgency in Palestine

The conflict lasted until the UN partition plan, on 29 November 1947, after which the civil war between Palestinian Jews and Arabs eclipsed the previous tensions of both with the British

Shortly before the outbreak of World War II, the British introduced the White Paper of 1939. The White Paper rejected the concept of partition of Palestine into Jewish and Arab states, and announced that the country would be turned into an independent binational state with an Arab majority. It severely curtailed Jewish immigration, allowing for only 75,000 Jews to migrate to Palestine from 1940 to 1944, consisting of a yearly quota of 10,000 per year and a supplementary quota for 25,000 to cover refugee emergencies spread out over the same period. Afterwards, further Jewish immigration would depend on consent of the Arab majority. Sales of Arab land to Jews were to be restricted.

From October 1946, opposition leader, Winston Churchill, began calling for Palestine to be given to the United Nations

(it reads like a nightmare, give an inch and take over)
Its WIKI so follow footnotes.
What would be the point?

That is who is responsible for their current predicament, right? I think it's wonderful that Israel is there in the ME to keep a little bit of sanity amongst the insane and brainwashed over in the middle east. They contribute good things to the world and are good people. I think they should push the palestinians into Egypt and let Egypt deal with them. They are a creation of the Egyptians anyways. :D

So you support ethnic cleansing even though many of them are indiginous the Palestine?

Ethnic cleansing? No. War? Yes. The act of lobbing bombs into Israel is an act of war that should be taken seriously when you are a country with citizens who matter to you.

Should they hold back? No, they should not. They should hit them with everything they can. Maybe THEN they will stop.

Ethnic cleansing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory with the intent of making it ethnically or religiously homogeneous. The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration (deportation, population transfer), as well as mass murder, and intimidation.
So technically every state in the world is involved in ethnic cleansing.

No. Only when you stretch the definition to the point of ridicule.
No Jews in Gaza. They've been cleansed:eusa_shhh:

Israeli police evicting Israeli settlers from Gaza after a unilateral withdrawal isn't exactly "ethnic cleansing". Nice try though.

A better example might be the forced expulsion of Jews from certain Arab countries during the formation of Israel.

your definition....there are no Jews in Gaza
ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory with the intent of making it ethnically or religiously homogeneous. The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration

So...if you consider this ethnic cleansing, you are effectively accusing Israel of ethnically cleansing Gaza...

The problem though lies in "intent".

the intent was to remove all the Jews ..Ethnic cleansing:thup:

This is SO obvious. I cannot believe that people are arguing that Israel is the one who wants to wipe out an entire people. THAT is just not the case. It is the other way around. What is wrong with people? Are they really SO blind?

If you want to remove an entire ethnic group from a land they have occupied for generations - then that is ethnic cleansing and that is what you claim to support.
Israeli police evicting Israeli settlers from Gaza after a unilateral withdrawal isn't exactly "ethnic cleansing". Nice try though.

A better example might be the forced expulsion of Jews from certain Arab countries during the formation of Israel.

your definition....there are no Jews in Gaza
ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory with the intent of making it ethnically or religiously homogeneous. The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration

So...if you consider this ethnic cleansing, you are effectively accusing Israel of ethnically cleansing Gaza...

The problem though lies in "intent".

the intent was to remove all the Jews ..Ethnic cleansing:thup:

By Israel.

Are you serious? Do you actually believe that Israel is the one who is a country of genocidal maniacs? Really? You seem like an intelligent person, and I find it stunning that anyone with half a brain would believe this line of crap!!!???

Read more carefully. You're missing the context of what I am saying.

Also - ethnic cleansing is not always genocide.

Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory with the intent of making it ethnically or religiously homogeneous. The forces applied may be various forms of forced migration (deportation, population transfer), as well as mass murder, and intimidation.

If you support forcing the Palestinians out of Palestine - then that is ethnic cleansing.

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