The Worst President Ever?


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
This article sums it up rather nicely...Obama, the ugliest, cold human being, most hateful, thuggish WORST President ever in my book

The Worst President Ever? – OpEd

President Barack Obama

By Alan Caruba -- (May 17, 2013)

All through George W. Bush’s two terms, the Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi and others claimed that they represented “a culture of corruption” and yet I cannot recall any significant examples, nor does a look back at those years reveal any scandals resulting from his administration’s governance. It was not perfect, but it was not corrupt.

This term, however, marked Barack Obama’s first term and now his second which is currently imploding from a confluence of scandals involving Benghazi-Gate, the Internal Revenue Service, and the Department of Justice. Let’s not forget “Fast and Furious.”

The very first example of the changes that would mark his administration was the announcement of Obama’s “czars”, a shadowy group of advisors whose power to set and influence government policy without any congressional oversight appears to have transcended that of his cabinet members, many of whom would contribute to lengthening the recession he “inherited” as the result of the 2008 financial crisis while increasing the national debt and deficit to heights never before seen in the history of the nation.

What we have come to learn in his first term was that Obama had scant regard for the Constitution, the guiding instrument of governance. It was in his view an “imperfect” instrument and yet, with amendments, it has guided the nation to superpower status since its ratification in 1791, a process that took four years from the 1786 Annapolis Convention that called for a Constitutional Convention.

What we learned through is first campaign and first term was that Obama lies about everything, starting with his personal life. What we have learned is that his answer to everything is to give another speech, hold another press conference, issue another executive order, and to dismiss any criticism as “a sideshow”, and to host a number of dinners to give the impression he is willing to work with Republicans in Congress. In truth, he rarely interacted even with Democrats in Congress.

In short, Obama has never addressed his duty to govern. He has instead maintained a non-stop process of campaigning and fund-raising. It did not work in 2010 when voters returned power to the Republicans in the House and now he is doing everything he can to regain Democrat control there in 2014.

This is a President who spent his entire first term blaming his predecessor, George W. Bush, for every problem that crossed his desk and demanded his attention.

This is a President whose foreign policy in the Middle East failed to address events there while delegating responsibility to his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton who as of 2 AM the morning of September 12th knew that it was an orchestrated attack by al Qaeda. And then, in concert with the White House, told Americans that it was the result of a video and was a “spontaneous” event.

all of it here
The Worst President Ever? - OpEd
Not ever. That infamy belongs to Buchanan, followed by Harding and Pierce. For Obama it's too early, but he's a contender. Possibly more so for two-term presidents.
Oh yaaa, it must be time for the weekly Obama-is-worst-pres-ever thread -- the USMB Wingnut Brigade's wet dream deflection from The Shrub's dismal presidency and Congressional GOP's do nothing record.
This article sums it up rather nicely...Obama, the ugliest, cold human being, most hateful, thuggish WORST President ever in my book

The Worst President Ever? – OpEd

President Barack Obama

By Alan Caruba -- (May 17, 2013)

All through George W. Bush’s two terms, the Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi and others claimed that they represented “a culture of corruption” and yet I cannot recall any significant examples, nor does a look back at those years reveal any scandals resulting from his administration’s governance. It was not perfect, but it was not corrupt.

This term, however, marked Barack Obama’s first term and now his second which is currently imploding from a confluence of scandals involving Benghazi-Gate, the Internal Revenue Service, and the Department of Justice. Let’s not forget “Fast and Furious.”

The very first example of the changes that would mark his administration was the announcement of Obama’s “czars”, a shadowy group of advisors whose power to set and influence government policy without any congressional oversight appears to have transcended that of his cabinet members, many of whom would contribute to lengthening the recession he “inherited” as the result of the 2008 financial crisis while increasing the national debt and deficit to heights never before seen in the history of the nation.

What we have come to learn in his first term was that Obama had scant regard for the Constitution, the guiding instrument of governance. It was in his view an “imperfect” instrument and yet, with amendments, it has guided the nation to superpower status since its ratification in 1791, a process that took four years from the 1786 Annapolis Convention that called for a Constitutional Convention.

What we learned through is first campaign and first term was that Obama lies about everything, starting with his personal life. What we have learned is that his answer to everything is to give another speech, hold another press conference, issue another executive order, and to dismiss any criticism as “a sideshow”, and to host a number of dinners to give the impression he is willing to work with Republicans in Congress. In truth, he rarely interacted even with Democrats in Congress.

In short, Obama has never addressed his duty to govern. He has instead maintained a non-stop process of campaigning and fund-raising. It did not work in 2010 when voters returned power to the Republicans in the House and now he is doing everything he can to regain Democrat control there in 2014.

This is a President who spent his entire first term blaming his predecessor, George W. Bush, for every problem that crossed his desk and demanded his attention.

This is a President whose foreign policy in the Middle East failed to address events there while delegating responsibility to his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton who as of 2 AM the morning of September 12th knew that it was an orchestrated attack by al Qaeda. And then, in concert with the White House, told Americans that it was the result of a video and was a “spontaneous” event.

all of it here
The Worst President Ever? - OpEd

Love your avitar. :doubt:

Not ever. That infamy belongs to Buchanan, followed by Harding and Pierce. For Obama it's too early, but he's a contender. Possibly more so for two-term presidents.

Too early to know that Obama is a bad president?! LOL!

When I think history's worst presidents, I think the presidents whose policies did the most damage to the Republic. Hence, the very worst are Buchanan, Wilson, LBJ and Obama.
Woodrow Wilson

Among the many reasons why:

He dishonestly led us into a pointless, costly, destructive war, and assumed control over huge sectors of the economy to wage it. He seized railroads, food and energy production, and implemented price controls.
He suppressed dissent and imprisoned war critics. Said Wilson, "Conformity will be the only virtue. And every man who refuses to conform will have to pay the penalty." He signed the Espionage and Sedition Acts, the latter of which made it a criminal offense to "oppose the cause of the United States." He retaliated against critical newspapers, and directed the U.S. Postal Service to stop delivering mail determined to be critical of the war effort.
Wilson not only continued existing racial segregation of federal government workers, he extended it.
He instituted the first military draft since the Civil War.
He signed the first federal drug prohibition.
He reinstituted the federal income tax.
A few more, from Gene Healy's book, The Cult of the Presidency:

Wilson believed in an activist, imperialist presidency. In his 1909 book Constitutional Government, he made the case against checks and balances and the separation of powers. The government, Wilson argued, is a living organism, and "no living thing can have its organs offset against each other as checks, and live."
He ordered unconstitutional, unilateral military interventions into Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Mexico. (He also oversaw military interventions in Panama and Cuba, and instituted American-favored dictators throughout Latin America.)
Wilson believed God ordained him to be president, and acted accordingly, boasting to one friend in 1913 that "I have been smashing precedents almost daily every since I got here." Every president since Jefferson had given the State of the Union in writing. Wilson reinstituted what Jefferson derided as the "speech from the Throne," and ordered Congress assembled to hear him speak, giving rise to the embarrassing spectacle the SOTU has become today.
He oversaw a massive domestic spying program, and encouraged American citizens to report one another for subversion.

He's my pick for the worst from what I've read. Created the Federal Reserve, and threw 10's of thousands of Americans in jail for speaking out against the govt.
“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world - no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”
― Woodrow Wilson

That is a Woodrow Wilson quote as he condemns himself for what he did as President. He realized then that creating the Federal Reserve was a huge error. That error has held until today.
The worst President of my lifetime:

Barack Hussein Obama

The entire ranking of POTUS in my lifetime:

Worst to best:

1. Barack Hussein Obama - Bad in every phase of his job.
2. Jimmy Carter - Same as above but not as damaging.
3. Lyndon Johnson - Did ANTBODY think he did a good job?
4. George W. Bush - Got us Barack Obama
5. Gerald Ford - Did he do ANYTHING?
6. Richard Nixon - Good at foreign policy.
7. John F. Kennedy - Got us to the moon.
8. George H.W. Bush - Didn't screw up the Reagan legacy
9. Bill Clinton - Knew how to govern
10. Ronald Reagan - His great deeds out weigh his few mistakes.
“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world - no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”
― Woodrow Wilson

That is a Woodrow Wilson quote as he condemns himself for what he did as President. He realized then that creating the Federal Reserve was a huge error. That error has held until today.

No, actually it isn't. It's another unsourced myth-quote. These things have a certain aroma.

The nearest thing I can find to this was from Wilson's book "The New Freedom: A Call for the Emancipation of the Generous" published in 1913:

"We have restricted credit, we have restricted opportunity, we have controlled development, and we have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." - page 201, here

This passage was not about the Federal Reserve, since that didn't yet exist.

Always gotta wonder when people have to make stuff up to prove their point. But if the poster of this quote has a legitimate source, by all means bring it in. The Internet doesn't know of one.
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The absolute worst president, if you are using death as a yardstick has to be Abraham Lincoln.
Oh yaaa, it must be time for the weekly Obama-is-worst-pres-ever thread -- the USMB Wingnut Brigade's wet dream deflection from The Shrub's dismal presidency and Congressional GOP's do nothing record.

Could you provide a link to prove your rant against Bush, or is it that you are just plain prejudiced against anything that speaks conservative?

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