CDZ The worst thing mankind ever invented...

Yeah, war is inevitable- all conflict begins when one tries to force his will on another- there is no designated time line for retaliation against interfering/inflicting/forcing one's will on another. Where possible, some, if not many, will profit from the conflict. That too is inevitable. The profit is not always monetary- though eventually it is capitalized, it, being power over another- and, religion is often as not at the heart of the war or it's sold religiously to inspire zealotry of the acolytes, many of whom believe they are fighting the good fight for a moral purpose, when in reality they ain't.
------------------------------------ Pearl Harbor as example needed a WAR LIKE Response GDjjr .
War is NOT a natural occurrence. It is a man made invention that needs to be terminated. In nearly all wars, they were started by the elites to benefit themselves.

It is most convenient of the warmongers to conclude war is natural. LMFAO.
I'm the exact opposite of a war monger and war is natural.
Humans exploit war.
There is a difference.
Everything fights.
What is it?

War is the worst thing ever invented by man. Yet the US government pursues a policy of nonstop war, and many Americans find this acceptable. We must all become ANTI-WAR!!!

In A Society Built On War, We Must Do More Than Just Prefer Peace
War is the worst thing in the world. In terms of death, destruction and suffering caused to human beings, nothing else comes close: it’s just the absolute worst thing. It is worse than economic injustice. It is worse than racism. It is worse than sexism. It is worse than homophobia and transphobia. It is worse than draconian drug policies and immigration policies. All of those things are bad. War is worse. The politics of anyone who claims to care about people should reflect this.

If you don’t think that war is the worst thing in the world, it’s only because you haven’t looked closely enough at exactly what it is and how it works. Wars always necessarily involve not just mountains of human corpses, but lives ruined forever, bodies ripped apart, brains permanently destroyed by neurological trauma and minds permanently destroyed by psychological trauma, millions displaced from their homes, rape and slavery and human trafficking rising exponentially in the chaos, extremist factions rising to power and inflicting unspeakable evils on people. The suffering that is inflicted by every one of these military operations which get promoted by middle-aged men in DC think tanks in a casual tone of voice with the occasional joke mixed in, the suffering is literally unfathomable.

In A Society Built On War, We Must Do More Than Just Prefer Peace
Gubmint is the worst invention by far....It is the fictitious entity behind all these fool wars.
What is it?

War is the worst thing ever invented by man. Yet the US government pursues a policy of nonstop war, and many Americans find this acceptable. We must all become ANTI-WAR!!!

In A Society Built On War, We Must Do More Than Just Prefer Peace
War is the worst thing in the world. In terms of death, destruction and suffering caused to human beings, nothing else comes close: it’s just the absolute worst thing. It is worse than economic injustice. It is worse than racism. It is worse than sexism. It is worse than homophobia and transphobia. It is worse than draconian drug policies and immigration policies. All of those things are bad. War is worse. The politics of anyone who claims to care about people should reflect this.

If you don’t think that war is the worst thing in the world, it’s only because you haven’t looked closely enough at exactly what it is and how it works. Wars always necessarily involve not just mountains of human corpses, but lives ruined forever, bodies ripped apart, brains permanently destroyed by neurological trauma and minds permanently destroyed by psychological trauma, millions displaced from their homes, rape and slavery and human trafficking rising exponentially in the chaos, extremist factions rising to power and inflicting unspeakable evils on people. The suffering that is inflicted by every one of these military operations which get promoted by middle-aged men in DC think tanks in a casual tone of voice with the occasional joke mixed in, the suffering is literally unfathomable.

In A Society Built On War, We Must Do More Than Just Prefer Peace

What about genocide? Without war genocide could be carried out unchecked. I suspect many Jews living today would prefer we had World War 2 instead of letting the Nazis wipeout the entire European Jewish population.

War is often necessary.
LOL. War IS genocide.

No, it is not.

War is an armed conflict between two or more groups.
Genocide is the systematic killing of a large group who is likely unarmed.
How many Jews were armed combatants fighting the holocaust. Unarmed women and children were rounded up and sent to their deaths.

The difference between war and genocide is not subtle, yet you can’t see the difference. Kinda pathetic.


noun: genocide; plural noun: genocides
  1. the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
    "a campaign of genocide"
my only point with my History of the word Genocide is that the word and concept are rather new and have no History before the Polock named Lempkin made up the word . Its another made up word from the 40s and 50s . Genocide is emotional concept like misogony , homophobia and many other NEWLY invented political words . See 'Nagasaki , Hiroshima , Dresden to see how things are done when a war is being fought BTm . --- The Man Who Invented the Word ‘Genocide’ ---
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What is it?

War is the worst thing ever invented by man. Yet the US government pursues a policy of nonstop war, and many Americans find this acceptable. We must all become ANTI-WAR!!!

In A Society Built On War, We Must Do More Than Just Prefer Peace
War is the worst thing in the world. In terms of death, destruction and suffering caused to human beings, nothing else comes close: it’s just the absolute worst thing. It is worse than economic injustice. It is worse than racism. It is worse than sexism. It is worse than homophobia and transphobia. It is worse than draconian drug policies and immigration policies. All of those things are bad. War is worse. The politics of anyone who claims to care about people should reflect this.

If you don’t think that war is the worst thing in the world, it’s only because you haven’t looked closely enough at exactly what it is and how it works. Wars always necessarily involve not just mountains of human corpses, but lives ruined forever, bodies ripped apart, brains permanently destroyed by neurological trauma and minds permanently destroyed by psychological trauma, millions displaced from their homes, rape and slavery and human trafficking rising exponentially in the chaos, extremist factions rising to power and inflicting unspeakable evils on people. The suffering that is inflicted by every one of these military operations which get promoted by middle-aged men in DC think tanks in a casual tone of voice with the occasional joke mixed in, the suffering is literally unfathomable.

In A Society Built On War, We Must Do More Than Just Prefer Peace
What is it?

War is the worst thing ever invented by man. Yet the US government pursues a policy of nonstop war, and many Americans find this acceptable. We must all become ANTI-WAR!!!

In A Society Built On War, We Must Do More Than Just Prefer Peace
War is the worst thing in the world. In terms of death, destruction and suffering caused to human beings, nothing else comes close: it’s just the absolute worst thing. It is worse than economic injustice. It is worse than racism. It is worse than sexism. It is worse than homophobia and transphobia. It is worse than draconian drug policies and immigration policies. All of those things are bad. War is worse. The politics of anyone who claims to care about people should reflect this.

If you don’t think that war is the worst thing in the world, it’s only because you haven’t looked closely enough at exactly what it is and how it works. Wars always necessarily involve not just mountains of human corpses, but lives ruined forever, bodies ripped apart, brains permanently destroyed by neurological trauma and minds permanently destroyed by psychological trauma, millions displaced from their homes, rape and slavery and human trafficking rising exponentially in the chaos, extremist factions rising to power and inflicting unspeakable evils on people. The suffering that is inflicted by every one of these military operations which get promoted by middle-aged men in DC think tanks in a casual tone of voice with the occasional joke mixed in, the suffering is literally unfathomable.

In A Society Built On War, We Must Do More Than Just Prefer Peace
War has made mankind what it is today. War is competition and is how societies have evolved. Saying it should be ended is fine but competition is a good thing, it is at the heart of capitalism/free markets and would need to be replaced with something.
WW1 , WW2 and no one worried about Genocide and the killing of the enemy which included the disposal of active enemies and their allies which often times meant the disposal of supposed , possible allies of the enemy BTm .
What is it?

War is the worst thing ever invented by man. Yet the US government pursues a policy of nonstop war, and many Americans find this acceptable. We must all become ANTI-WAR!!!

In A Society Built On War, We Must Do More Than Just Prefer Peace
War is the worst thing in the world. In terms of death, destruction and suffering caused to human beings, nothing else comes close: it’s just the absolute worst thing. It is worse than economic injustice. It is worse than racism. It is worse than sexism. It is worse than homophobia and transphobia. It is worse than draconian drug policies and immigration policies. All of those things are bad. War is worse. The politics of anyone who claims to care about people should reflect this.

If you don’t think that war is the worst thing in the world, it’s only because you haven’t looked closely enough at exactly what it is and how it works. Wars always necessarily involve not just mountains of human corpses, but lives ruined forever, bodies ripped apart, brains permanently destroyed by neurological trauma and minds permanently destroyed by psychological trauma, millions displaced from their homes, rape and slavery and human trafficking rising exponentially in the chaos, extremist factions rising to power and inflicting unspeakable evils on people. The suffering that is inflicted by every one of these military operations which get promoted by middle-aged men in DC think tanks in a casual tone of voice with the occasional joke mixed in, the suffering is literally unfathomable.

In A Society Built On War, We Must Do More Than Just Prefer Peace

What about genocide? Without war genocide could be carried out unchecked. I suspect many Jews living today would prefer we had World War 2 instead of letting the Nazis wipeout the entire European Jewish population.

War is often necessary.
LOL. War IS genocide.

No, it is not.

War is an armed conflict between two or more groups.
Genocide is the systematic killing of a large group who is likely unarmed.
How many Jews were armed combatants fighting the holocaust. Unarmed women and children were rounded up and sent to their deaths.

The difference between war and genocide is not subtle, yet you can’t see the difference. Kinda pathetic.


noun: genocide; plural noun: genocides
  1. the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
    "a campaign of genocide"
Yes it is. They go hand-in-hand.
Yeah, war is inevitable- all conflict begins when one tries to force his will on another- there is no designated time line for retaliation against interfering/inflicting/forcing one's will on another. Where possible, some, if not many, will profit from the conflict. That too is inevitable. The profit is not always monetary- though eventually it is capitalized, it, being power over another- and, religion is often as not at the heart of the war or it's sold religiously to inspire zealotry of the acolytes, many of whom believe they are fighting the good fight for a moral purpose, when in reality they ain't.
------------------------------------ Pearl Harbor as example needed a WAR LIKE Response GDjjr .
Actually, Pearl Harbor was known about, and our interfering in the oil conflict between China and Japan is what caused the known of attack- therefore, had we minded our own business to begin with and followed Washington and Jefferson's beliefs (trade with all ally with none) we would have been out of it- yes, retaliation was necessary- but, had there been no allying to begin with there would be no need for the attack in the first place.
Yeah, war is inevitable- all conflict begins when one tries to force his will on another- there is no designated time line for retaliation against interfering/inflicting/forcing one's will on another. Where possible, some, if not many, will profit from the conflict. That too is inevitable. The profit is not always monetary- though eventually it is capitalized, it, being power over another- and, religion is often as not at the heart of the war or it's sold religiously to inspire zealotry of the acolytes, many of whom believe they are fighting the good fight for a moral purpose, when in reality they ain't.
------------------------------------ Pearl Harbor as example needed a WAR LIKE Response GDjjr .
Actually, Pearl Harbor was known about, and our interfering in the oil conflict between China and Japan is what caused the known of attack- therefore, had we minded our own business to begin with and followed Washington and Jefferson's beliefs (trade with all ally with none) we would have been out of it- yes, retaliation was necessary- but, had there been no allying to begin with there would be no need for the attack in the first place.
----------------------------------------- USA decided to go to WAR . USA won that WAR and that's History no matter differing opinions GDjjr .
I'm not a war monger- but, war is inevitable. Attacking or intentionally provoking or invading another's home there is a moral obligation to defend ones self- interventionism, in an alleged civil society (the US), can be avoided though.
in some peoples opinions the problem MAY be the Lack of genocide in some cases . See the widows , mothers , relatives , kids , wives of 'isis' fighters being kept and fed in prison camps in the middle east right now as I type .
Yeah, war is inevitable- all conflict begins when one tries to force his will on another- there is no designated time line for retaliation against interfering/inflicting/forcing one's will on another. Where possible, some, if not many, will profit from the conflict. That too is inevitable. The profit is not always monetary- though eventually it is capitalized, it, being power over another- and, religion is often as not at the heart of the war or it's sold religiously to inspire zealotry of the acolytes, many of whom believe they are fighting the good fight for a moral purpose, when in reality they ain't.
------------------------------------ Pearl Harbor as example needed a WAR LIKE Response GDjjr .
Actually, Pearl Harbor was known about, and our interfering in the oil conflict between China and Japan is what caused the known of attack- therefore, had we minded our own business to begin with and followed Washington and Jefferson's beliefs (trade with all ally with none) we would have been out of it- yes, retaliation was necessary- but, had there been no allying to begin with there would be no need for the attack in the first place.
----------------------------------------- USA decided to go to WAR . USA won that WAR and that's History no matter differing opinions GDjjr .
The USA was lied to by its POTUS- I wasn't arguing who won or didn't- that's immaterial and irrelevant to what I said.
What is it?

War is the worst thing ever invented by man. Yet the US government pursues a policy of nonstop war, and many Americans find this acceptable. We must all become ANTI-WAR!!!

In A Society Built On War, We Must Do More Than Just Prefer Peace
War is the worst thing in the world. In terms of death, destruction and suffering caused to human beings, nothing else comes close: it’s just the absolute worst thing. It is worse than economic injustice. It is worse than racism. It is worse than sexism. It is worse than homophobia and transphobia. It is worse than draconian drug policies and immigration policies. All of those things are bad. War is worse. The politics of anyone who claims to care about people should reflect this.

If you don’t think that war is the worst thing in the world, it’s only because you haven’t looked closely enough at exactly what it is and how it works. Wars always necessarily involve not just mountains of human corpses, but lives ruined forever, bodies ripped apart, brains permanently destroyed by neurological trauma and minds permanently destroyed by psychological trauma, millions displaced from their homes, rape and slavery and human trafficking rising exponentially in the chaos, extremist factions rising to power and inflicting unspeakable evils on people. The suffering that is inflicted by every one of these military operations which get promoted by middle-aged men in DC think tanks in a casual tone of voice with the occasional joke mixed in, the suffering is literally unfathomable.

In A Society Built On War, We Must Do More Than Just Prefer Peace

Socialism. Since 1917 it has murdered over 200 million people.....and people still believe in it...

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