CDZ The worst thing mankind ever invented...

What is it?

War is the worst thing ever invented by man. Yet the US government pursues a policy of nonstop war, and many Americans find this acceptable. We must all become ANTI-WAR!!!

In A Society Built On War, We Must Do More Than Just Prefer Peace
War is the worst thing in the world. In terms of death, destruction and suffering caused to human beings, nothing else comes close: it’s just the absolute worst thing. It is worse than economic injustice. It is worse than racism. It is worse than sexism. It is worse than homophobia and transphobia. It is worse than draconian drug policies and immigration policies. All of those things are bad. War is worse. The politics of anyone who claims to care about people should reflect this.

If you don’t think that war is the worst thing in the world, it’s only because you haven’t looked closely enough at exactly what it is and how it works. Wars always necessarily involve not just mountains of human corpses, but lives ruined forever, bodies ripped apart, brains permanently destroyed by neurological trauma and minds permanently destroyed by psychological trauma, millions displaced from their homes, rape and slavery and human trafficking rising exponentially in the chaos, extremist factions rising to power and inflicting unspeakable evils on people. The suffering that is inflicted by every one of these military operations which get promoted by middle-aged men in DC think tanks in a casual tone of voice with the occasional joke mixed in, the suffering is literally unfathomable.

In A Society Built On War, We Must Do More Than Just Prefer Peace


Outside that I have to say internet for me because the ignorant have become more ignorant...
Yeah, war is inevitable- all conflict begins when one tries to force his will on another- there is no designated time line for retaliation against interfering/inflicting/forcing one's will on another. Where possible, some, if not many, will profit from the conflict. That too is inevitable. The profit is not always monetary- though eventually it is capitalized, it, being power over another- and, religion is often as not at the heart of the war or it's sold religiously to inspire zealotry of the acolytes, many of whom believe they are fighting the good fight for a moral purpose, when in reality they ain't.
------------------------------------ Pearl Harbor as example needed a WAR LIKE Response GDjjr .
Actually, Pearl Harbor was known about, and our interfering in the oil conflict between China and Japan is what caused the known of attack- therefore, had we minded our own business to begin with and followed Washington and Jefferson's beliefs (trade with all ally with none) we would have been out of it- yes, retaliation was necessary- but, had there been no allying to begin with there would be no need for the attack in the first place.
Agreed. Thank you.
Actually, Pearl Harbor was known about....
This is old, tired, and unsupportable.
and our interfering in the oil conflict between China and Japan is what caused the known of attack
No - Japan made the choice to go to war; that decision caused the attack.
When you stand up to a bully and he punches you, did you cause yourself to be punched?
Just because you believe it is unsupportable doesn't make it so-

I suggest reading something other than gov't approved History.

Attack on Pearl Harbor - 1941

During the 1930s, Japan, having already annexed Korea in 1910, sought to further expand its empire, particularly to gain natural resources. In 1931, the Japanese invaded Manchuria, a small, resource-rich province in northern China, and set up a puppet state called Manchukuo. In 1937, Japan invaded the rest of China and by some estimates killed as many as 300,000 people during the infamous Nanking Massacre. China would lose as many as 14 million people by the end of World War II.

Western powers were distressed by Japanese expansion, particularly because it violated the “Open Door” Policy supported by the League of Nations (a precursor to the United Nations), which had been put in place to ensure equal trading opportunities with China. The League of Nations reprimanded Japan, but this did nothing to stop its expansion.

The United States was expecting an attack. Ongoing negotiations to end Japanese expansion were not producing results, particularly since the start of the American trade embargo. Only hours before the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Admiral Husband Kimmel, the Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, received a message from the Navy: “This dispatch is to be considered a war warning. Negotiations with Japan looking toward stabilization of conditions in the Pacific have ceased and an aggressive move by Japan is expected within the next few days. Execute an appropriate defensive deployment preparatory to carrying out the tasks assigned” (390). The message did not, however, mention Pearl Harbor as a potential attack site, as the United States was instead expecting an attack on the Philippines.
What is it?

War is the worst thing ever invented by man. Yet the US government pursues a policy of nonstop war, and many Americans find this acceptable. We must all become ANTI-WAR!!!

In A Society Built On War, We Must Do More Than Just Prefer Peace
War is the worst thing in the world. In terms of death, destruction and suffering caused to human beings, nothing else comes close: it’s just the absolute worst thing. It is worse than economic injustice. It is worse than racism. It is worse than sexism. It is worse than homophobia and transphobia. It is worse than draconian drug policies and immigration policies. All of those things are bad. War is worse. The politics of anyone who claims to care about people should reflect this.

If you don’t think that war is the worst thing in the world, it’s only because you haven’t looked closely enough at exactly what it is and how it works. Wars always necessarily involve not just mountains of human corpses, but lives ruined forever, bodies ripped apart, brains permanently destroyed by neurological trauma and minds permanently destroyed by psychological trauma, millions displaced from their homes, rape and slavery and human trafficking rising exponentially in the chaos, extremist factions rising to power and inflicting unspeakable evils on people. The suffering that is inflicted by every one of these military operations which get promoted by middle-aged men in DC think tanks in a casual tone of voice with the occasional joke mixed in, the suffering is literally unfathomable.

In A Society Built On War, We Must Do More Than Just Prefer Peace
Gubmint is the worst invention by far....It is the fictitious entity behind all these fool wars.
Yes. War and government go hand-in-hand. Abolish government. No more war.
What is it?

War is the worst thing ever invented by man. Yet the US government pursues a policy of nonstop war, and many Americans find this acceptable. We must all become ANTI-WAR!!!

In A Society Built On War, We Must Do More Than Just Prefer Peace
War is the worst thing in the world. In terms of death, destruction and suffering caused to human beings, nothing else comes close: it’s just the absolute worst thing. It is worse than economic injustice. It is worse than racism. It is worse than sexism. It is worse than homophobia and transphobia. It is worse than draconian drug policies and immigration policies. All of those things are bad. War is worse. The politics of anyone who claims to care about people should reflect this.

If you don’t think that war is the worst thing in the world, it’s only because you haven’t looked closely enough at exactly what it is and how it works. Wars always necessarily involve not just mountains of human corpses, but lives ruined forever, bodies ripped apart, brains permanently destroyed by neurological trauma and minds permanently destroyed by psychological trauma, millions displaced from their homes, rape and slavery and human trafficking rising exponentially in the chaos, extremist factions rising to power and inflicting unspeakable evils on people. The suffering that is inflicted by every one of these military operations which get promoted by middle-aged men in DC think tanks in a casual tone of voice with the occasional joke mixed in, the suffering is literally unfathomable.

In A Society Built On War, We Must Do More Than Just Prefer Peace
Gubmint is the worst invention by far....It is the fictitious entity behind all these fool wars.
Yes. War and government go hand-in-hand. Abolish government. No more war.

We'd be better off abolishing people- there are always people who believe themselves superior to others
Actually, Pearl Harbor was known about....
This is old, tired, and unsupportable.
and our interfering in the oil conflict between China and Japan is what caused the known of attack
No - Japan made the choice to go to war; that decision caused the attack.
When you stand up to a bully and he punches you, did you cause yourself to be punched?
Just because you believe it is unsupportable doesn't make it so-

I suggest reading something other than gov't approved History.

Attack on Pearl Harbor - 1941

During the 1930s, Japan, having already annexed Korea in 1910, sought to further expand its empire, particularly to gain natural resources. In 1931, the Japanese invaded Manchuria, a small, resource-rich province in northern China, and set up a puppet state called Manchukuo. In 1937, Japan invaded the rest of China and by some estimates killed as many as 300,000 people during the infamous Nanking Massacre. China would lose as many as 14 million people by the end of World War II.

Western powers were distressed by Japanese expansion, particularly because it violated the “Open Door” Policy supported by the League of Nations (a precursor to the United Nations), which had been put in place to ensure equal trading opportunities with China. The League of Nations reprimanded Japan, but this did nothing to stop its expansion.

The United States was expecting an attack. Ongoing negotiations to end Japanese expansion were not producing results, particularly since the start of the American trade embargo. Only hours before the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Admiral Husband Kimmel, the Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, received a message from the Navy: “This dispatch is to be considered a war warning. Negotiations with Japan looking toward stabilization of conditions in the Pacific have ceased and an aggressive move by Japan is expected within the next few days. Execute an appropriate defensive deployment preparatory to carrying out the tasks assigned” (390). The message did not, however, mention Pearl Harbor as a potential attack site, as the United States was instead expecting an attack on the Philippines.
You’re new here. There are a lot of statists here who are close minded. They stopped learning in the third grade. So they won’t accept the truth that FDR instigated the attack, knew it was coming, and refused to warn commanders at Pearl. Then, he scapegoated those commanders.

I’m not sure we ever had a potus so corrupt and tyrannical. Maybe Dishonest Abe beats him.
Actually, Pearl Harbor was known about....
This is old, tired, and unsupportable.
and our interfering in the oil conflict between China and Japan is what caused the known of attack
No - Japan made the choice to go to war; that decision caused the attack.
When you stand up to a bully and he punches you, did you cause yourself to be punched?
Just because you believe it is unsupportable doesn't make it so-

I suggest reading something other than gov't approved History.

Attack on Pearl Harbor - 1941

During the 1930s, Japan, having already annexed Korea in 1910, sought to further expand its empire, particularly to gain natural resources. In 1931, the Japanese invaded Manchuria, a small, resource-rich province in northern China, and set up a puppet state called Manchukuo. In 1937, Japan invaded the rest of China and by some estimates killed as many as 300,000 people during the infamous Nanking Massacre. China would lose as many as 14 million people by the end of World War II.

Western powers were distressed by Japanese expansion, particularly because it violated the “Open Door” Policy supported by the League of Nations (a precursor to the United Nations), which had been put in place to ensure equal trading opportunities with China. The League of Nations reprimanded Japan, but this did nothing to stop its expansion.

The United States was expecting an attack. Ongoing negotiations to end Japanese expansion were not producing results, particularly since the start of the American trade embargo. Only hours before the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Admiral Husband Kimmel, the Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, received a message from the Navy: “This dispatch is to be considered a war warning. Negotiations with Japan looking toward stabilization of conditions in the Pacific have ceased and an aggressive move by Japan is expected within the next few days. Execute an appropriate defensive deployment preparatory to carrying out the tasks assigned” (390). The message did not, however, mention Pearl Harbor as a potential attack site, as the United States was instead expecting an attack on the Philippines.
You’re new here. There are a lot of statists here who are close minded. They stopped learning in the third grade. So they won’t accept the truth that FDR instigated the attack, knew it was coming, and refused to warn commanders at Pearl. Then, he scapegoated those commanders.

I’m not sure we ever had a potus so corrupt and tyrannical. Maybe Dishonest Abe beats him.
This ain't my first rodeo- they're easy to spot.
Actually, Pearl Harbor was known about....
This is old, tired, and unsupportable.
and our interfering in the oil conflict between China and Japan is what caused the known of attack
No - Japan made the choice to go to war; that decision caused the attack.
When you stand up to a bully and he punches you, did you cause yourself to be punched?
Just because you believe it is unsupportable doesn't make it so-
Correct - the fact you cannot soundly support it makes it so.
Nothing in your "source" supports your old, tired claim at the US knew the attack on Pearl Harbor was coming.
You’re new here. There are a lot of statists here who are close minded. They stopped learning in the third grade. So they won’t accept the truth that FDR instigated the attack, knew it was coming, and refused to warn commanders at Pearl.
Old, tired, unsupportable nonsense.
You’re new here. There are a lot of statists here who are close minded. They stopped learning in the third grade. So they won’t accept the truth that FDR instigated the attack, knew it was coming, and refused to warn commanders at Pearl.
Old, tired, unsupportable nonsense.
Yeah a politician would never lie a nation to war. LMFAO.


- Carriers moved out. Leaving only WWI era ships.
- Pacific base moved from SF Bay to Pearl Harbor over objections from commanders, by FDR. Pearl was nearly impossible to defend.
- Pearl commander told not to recon the area of ocean in which the Japanese navy approached
- Open seas order issued by FDR’s man in DC, to prevent merchant shipping from exposing the approaching Japanese navy.
- FDR’s absurd demands of Japan and extremely stringent sanctions, he knew Japan couldn’t accept.
- FDR refusing to even speak to Japanese representatives.
- it goes on and on.....

One must be able to add 2 and 2.
What is it?

War is the worst thing ever invented by man. Yet the US government pursues a policy of nonstop war, and many Americans find this acceptable. We must all become ANTI-WAR!!!

In A Society Built On War, We Must Do More Than Just Prefer Peace
War is the worst thing in the world. In terms of death, destruction and suffering caused to human beings, nothing else comes close: it’s just the absolute worst thing. It is worse than economic injustice. It is worse than racism. It is worse than sexism. It is worse than homophobia and transphobia. It is worse than draconian drug policies and immigration policies. All of those things are bad. War is worse. The politics of anyone who claims to care about people should reflect this.

If you don’t think that war is the worst thing in the world, it’s only because you haven’t looked closely enough at exactly what it is and how it works. Wars always necessarily involve not just mountains of human corpses, but lives ruined forever, bodies ripped apart, brains permanently destroyed by neurological trauma and minds permanently destroyed by psychological trauma, millions displaced from their homes, rape and slavery and human trafficking rising exponentially in the chaos, extremist factions rising to power and inflicting unspeakable evils on people. The suffering that is inflicted by every one of these military operations which get promoted by middle-aged men in DC think tanks in a casual tone of voice with the occasional joke mixed in, the suffering is literally unfathomable.

In A Society Built On War, We Must Do More Than Just Prefer Peace
Worst things man invented?
1. Designated hitter rule.
2. Neck ties
3. Rap "music"
4. GMO food.
5. Speed bumps
6. Credit cards
7. Twitter / Social Media
8. Mullet hairstyle
9. Organized religion
10. Cell phones (simultaneously one of the best and worst inventions)
What is it?

War is the worst thing ever invented by man. Yet the US government pursues a policy of nonstop war, and many Americans find this acceptable. We must all become ANTI-WAR!!!

In A Society Built On War, We Must Do More Than Just Prefer Peace
War is the worst thing in the world. In terms of death, destruction and suffering caused to human beings, nothing else comes close: it’s just the absolute worst thing. It is worse than economic injustice. It is worse than racism. It is worse than sexism. It is worse than homophobia and transphobia. It is worse than draconian drug policies and immigration policies. All of those things are bad. War is worse. The politics of anyone who claims to care about people should reflect this.

If you don’t think that war is the worst thing in the world, it’s only because you haven’t looked closely enough at exactly what it is and how it works. Wars always necessarily involve not just mountains of human corpses, but lives ruined forever, bodies ripped apart, brains permanently destroyed by neurological trauma and minds permanently destroyed by psychological trauma, millions displaced from their homes, rape and slavery and human trafficking rising exponentially in the chaos, extremist factions rising to power and inflicting unspeakable evils on people. The suffering that is inflicted by every one of these military operations which get promoted by middle-aged men in DC think tanks in a casual tone of voice with the occasional joke mixed in, the suffering is literally unfathomable.

In A Society Built On War, We Must Do More Than Just Prefer Peace

Slavery. Not racially-based, necessarily, but the idea that one human being can own, buy, sell and trade another human being.

Hell, that's an invention worth fighting a war over.
Slavery. Not racially-based, necessarily, but the idea that one human being can own, buy, sell and trade another human being.

Hell, that's an invention worth fighting a war over.

Slavery is, almost by logical necessity, rooted in some sort of supremacy, mostly racial, or ethnic, or gender based. So, include into "slavery" the chattel status of women, and we're facing what the worst "invention" likely is. I would suggest to could call it the "Birth Defect".

Overcoming that isn't done by way of waging a war. It's way more challenging, like having a look into a mirror.
Slavery. Not racially-based, necessarily, but the idea that one human being can own, buy, sell and trade another human being.

Hell, that's an invention worth fighting a war over.

Slavery is, almost by logical necessity, rooted in some sort of supremacy, mostly racial, or ethnic, or gender based. So, include into "slavery" the chattel status of women, and we're facing what the worst "invention" likely is. I would suggest to could call it the "Birth Defect".

Overcoming that isn't done by way of waging a war. It's way more challenging, like having a look into a mirror.

Some ancient wars were waged to acquire slaves, in which case the supremacy was the relative strength of the opposing forces. Your point as to otherness - including gender (and adding tribalism) is taken.
War is NOT a natural occurrence. It is a man made invention that needs to be terminated. In nearly all wars, they were started by the elites to benefit themselves.

It is most convenient of the warmongers to conclude war is natural. LMFAO.
Hitler would love your naivete
Slavery. Not racially-based, necessarily, but the idea that one human being can own, buy, sell and trade another human being.

Hell, that's an invention worth fighting a war over.

Slavery is, almost by logical necessity, rooted in some sort of supremacy, mostly racial, or ethnic, or gender based. So, include into "slavery" the chattel status of women, and we're facing what the worst "invention" likely is. I would suggest to could call it the "Birth Defect".

Overcoming that isn't done by way of waging a war. It's way more challenging, like having a look into a mirror.

Some ancient wars were waged to acquire slaves, in which case the supremacy was the relative strength of the opposing forces. Your point as to otherness - including gender (and adding tribalism) is taken.

The relative strength of the forces just decided which of the supremacists would actually become owners, rather than slaves. Just to clarify, I am understanding "supremacy" as in internal, ideological concept (like White supremacy), not a political or military concept of power.
What is it?

War is the worst thing ever invented by man. Yet the US government pursues a policy of nonstop war, and many Americans find this acceptable. We must all become ANTI-WAR!!!

In A Society Built On War, We Must Do More Than Just Prefer Peace
War is the worst thing in the world. In terms of death, destruction and suffering caused to human beings, nothing else comes close: it’s just the absolute worst thing. It is worse than economic injustice. It is worse than racism. It is worse than sexism. It is worse than homophobia and transphobia. It is worse than draconian drug policies and immigration policies. All of those things are bad. War is worse. The politics of anyone who claims to care about people should reflect this.

If you don’t think that war is the worst thing in the world, it’s only because you haven’t looked closely enough at exactly what it is and how it works. Wars always necessarily involve not just mountains of human corpses, but lives ruined forever, bodies ripped apart, brains permanently destroyed by neurological trauma and minds permanently destroyed by psychological trauma, millions displaced from their homes, rape and slavery and human trafficking rising exponentially in the chaos, extremist factions rising to power and inflicting unspeakable evils on people. The suffering that is inflicted by every one of these military operations which get promoted by middle-aged men in DC think tanks in a casual tone of voice with the occasional joke mixed in, the suffering is literally unfathomable.

In A Society Built On War, We Must Do More Than Just Prefer Peace
Bullshit. War ferries failed ideologies to the grave where they belong. War culls the weak from the herd making those who remain, strong. Which is a benefit to the continuation of the most capable amongst us. War has been the the impetus for most of the greatest inventions that have pushed our technological development from throwing rocks, to investigating the creation of our universe. For as Men; what are we without war? Being the the Apex predators that we are; we can only sharpen our iron against others like us. And in doing so we propel our species forward.
War made us. It’s what we do. It’s who we are....

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