then there were 5 seats needed in November-

Well, that's what Romney gets for not being an obedient sheep. I'm sure he's not surprised.

Them Republicans who start thinkin' fer themselves are radical pinko commie Hitlers 'n such!
has absolutely nothing to do with obedient, except to his constituency. They voted him and put him in that position. no one else. dude, you truly have no brain. not a cell.

Utah voted 73% Romney in 2012. It voted 46% for Trump. Romney outpolled Trump when he ran for the Senate.
And now they want his head, Romney,. Oops
Well, that's what Romney gets for not being an obedient sheep. I'm sure he's not surprised.

Them Republicans who start thinkin' fer themselves are radical pinko commie Hitlers 'n such!
has absolutely nothing to do with obedient, except to his constituency. They voted him and put him in that position. no one else. dude, you truly have no brain. not a cell.

Utah voted 73% Romney in 2012. It voted 46% for Trump. Romney outpolled Trump when he ran for the Senate.
And now they want his head, Romney,. Oops

Today; and I say this BEFORE the Barr/Durham report is released which will change things much more--------------->the odds are,

1. Trump is re=elected.

2. GOP holds Senate 51-49, or 52-48.

3. House comes very close, or flips back.

The numbers prove this out, although as they say, anything can happen, but if you are playing the odds, those 3 predictions as of today are a safe bet!
The GOP has a shot at picking off 4 Dem Senate seats.

No they don’t

Watch and learn.

learn what - dems will lose seats because republicans ignored the majority of registered voters ?

Uh no the.dems will lose seats because their freshmen who ran as moderates have been exposed.....oh and riding the wave of Trump crushing the dem candidate

it was close to 80% of the american public - all across the political spectrum that said witness & docs were paramount to a fair trial. the ads are gonna be amazing & will keep that sham trial at the forefront & fresh in voters' minds right up until the election as the info keeps leaking - drip drip drip....

Now a message from Real Republicans

Now, back to your regularly scheduled "The Party of the Rump" all claiming to be Republicans.
Well, that's what Romney gets for not being an obedient sheep. I'm sure he's not surprised.

Them Republicans who start thinkin' fer themselves are radical pinko commie Hitlers 'n such!
has absolutely nothing to do with obedient, except to his constituency. They voted him and put him in that position. no one else. dude, you truly have no brain. not a cell.

Utah voted 73% Romney in 2012. It voted 46% for Trump. Romney outpolled Trump when he ran for the Senate.
And now they want his head, Romney,. Oops

Today; and I say this BEFORE the Barr/Durham report is released which will change things much more--------------->the odds are,

1. Trump is re=elected.

2. GOP holds Senate 51-49, or 52-48.

3. House comes very close, or flips back.

The numbers prove this out, although as they say, anything can happen, but if you are playing the odds, those 3 predictions as of today are a safe bet!

Even if Rump is reelected, look for Barr to be removed. Right after that, Rump goes back to another impeachment. Once again, Rump is trying to use his office for his own personal gain. This time, the Dems won't need any of the denied records. He figures he got away with something and now he's doubling down or even tripling down. He believes that he's the King. He's the Captain of the Ship and the Captain is taking the Ship down with him. Someone needs to put padlocks on those petcocks.
The GOP has a shot at picking off 4 Dem Senate seats.

No they don’t

Watch and learn.

learn what - dems will lose seats because republicans ignored the majority of registered voters ?

Uh no the.dems will lose seats because their freshmen who ran as moderates have been exposed.....oh and riding the wave of Trump crushing the dem candidate

it was close to 80% of the american public - all across the political spectrum that said witness & docs were paramount to a fair trial. the ads are gonna be amazing & will keep that sham trial at the forefront & fresh in voters' minds right up until the election as the info keeps leaking - drip drip drip....
These snap polls mean shit, you guys jerk off , like they mean anything. It's just a reflection of what the news tells them. then people figure out what liars you guys are. Look the dem field is a joke, the campaign is a disaster and Trump is getting MORE popular...….He will destroy them in the debates.
Well, that's what Romney gets for not being an obedient sheep. I'm sure he's not surprised.

Them Republicans who start thinkin' fer themselves are radical pinko commie Hitlers 'n such!
has absolutely nothing to do with obedient, except to his constituency. They voted him and put him in that position. no one else. dude, you truly have no brain. not a cell.

Utah voted 73% Romney in 2012. It voted 46% for Trump. Romney outpolled Trump when he ran for the Senate.
And now they want his head, Romney,. Oops

Today; and I say this BEFORE the Barr/Durham report is released which will change things much more--------------->the odds are,

1. Trump is re=elected.

2. GOP holds Senate 51-49, or 52-48.

3. House comes very close, or flips back.

The numbers prove this out, although as they say, anything can happen, but if you are playing the odds, those 3 predictions as of today are a safe bet!

Even if Rump is reelected, look for Barr to be removed. Right after that, Rump goes back to another impeachment. Once again, Rump is trying to use his office for his own personal gain. This time, the Dems won't need any of the denied records. He figures he got away with something and now he's doubling down or even tripling down. He believes that he's the King. He's the Captain of the Ship and the Captain is taking the Ship down with him. Someone needs to put padlocks on those petcocks.
You guys with your stupid pie in the sky dreams.....Trump wins, he'll have the house, and it's payback time.....Schiff can learn to be a bitch in jail......leakers are like rats...….not well liked...….
Well, that's what Romney gets for not being an obedient sheep. I'm sure he's not surprised.

Them Republicans who start thinkin' fer themselves are radical pinko commie Hitlers 'n such!
has absolutely nothing to do with obedient, except to his constituency. They voted him and put him in that position. no one else. dude, you truly have no brain. not a cell.

Utah voted 73% Romney in 2012. It voted 46% for Trump. Romney outpolled Trump when he ran for the Senate.
And now they want his head, Romney,. Oops

Today; and I say this BEFORE the Barr/Durham report is released which will change things much more--------------->the odds are,

1. Trump is re=elected.

2. GOP holds Senate 51-49, or 52-48.

3. House comes very close, or flips back.

The numbers prove this out, although as they say, anything can happen, but if you are playing the odds, those 3 predictions as of today are a safe bet!

Even if Rump is reelected, look for Barr to be removed. Right after that, Rump goes back to another impeachment. Once again, Rump is trying to use his office for his own personal gain. This time, the Dems won't need any of the denied records. He figures he got away with something and now he's doubling down or even tripling down. He believes that he's the King. He's the Captain of the Ship and the Captain is taking the Ship down with him. Someone needs to put padlocks on those petcocks.

I know you believe what you said, or deserve an academy award. In either case, your screwed if that is your vision of what is coming.

I am not going to be so bold as to tell you WHAT is going to happen when the GOP controls the congress and the Whitehouse, but I am gonna predict that you ain't gonna like what they do to your Socialists-)
the stupid shit republitards crack me up -

100 senators - 45 are democrats

33 seats up for election in 2020

dems need 6 seats to reach a 51 majority

xxxxxxx 5 xxxxxxx

GOP Rep. Calls for Romney to be Expelled from Republican Caucus


That's not going to happen.

But back in Utah, there are movements underway to get Romney to resign his position. That could be a real possibility.

Especially when his family living in Utah. He can hide in Washington...they can't. His Daughter-in-Law has already
spoken out against him. So has the Chairman of the RNC...His Niece.

Before it is all over...he will resign his position and the Governor of Utah will appoint someone to serve out his term.
Thus, the Dems need to win 7 seats for control. (Jones of Alabama is dead meat)

As of today, the Republican Party has withdrawn it's support of recall. Romney took it to the People today. They accepted his reasons for his vote. So much for your stupid just making shit up. Where did I learn this? I live 22 miles from the Utah Border and we have Utah News in our Newspapers. Many voters accepted and ended up agreeing with his vote. You morons and Rump can't touch him.

Someone told them to read the Constitution, unlike you morons, and learn that you cannot recall a United States Senator.
has absolutely nothing to do with obedient, except to his constituency. They voted him and put him in that position. no one else. dude, you truly have no brain. not a cell.

Utah voted 73% Romney in 2012. It voted 46% for Trump. Romney outpolled Trump when he ran for the Senate.
And now they want his head, Romney,. Oops

Today; and I say this BEFORE the Barr/Durham report is released which will change things much more--------------->the odds are,

1. Trump is re=elected.

2. GOP holds Senate 51-49, or 52-48.

3. House comes very close, or flips back.

The numbers prove this out, although as they say, anything can happen, but if you are playing the odds, those 3 predictions as of today are a safe bet!

Even if Rump is reelected, look for Barr to be removed. Right after that, Rump goes back to another impeachment. Once again, Rump is trying to use his office for his own personal gain. This time, the Dems won't need any of the denied records. He figures he got away with something and now he's doubling down or even tripling down. He believes that he's the King. He's the Captain of the Ship and the Captain is taking the Ship down with him. Someone needs to put padlocks on those petcocks.

If Trump is reelected, the House goes Republican too! That's a major flaw in your stupid prognostication!

Why would Barr be removed?

You don't even know what a petcock is , unless that is your nickname for your boyfriend.
Uh no the.dems will lose seats because their freshmen who ran as moderates have been exposed.....oh and riding the wave of Trump crushing the dem candidate

What seats are they going to lose besides Alabama?
I think they'll lose Michigan, and NH, MN and NM are also in play, the incumbents haven't polled well, and polls always over count for democrats....
Utah voted 73% Romney in 2012. It voted 46% for Trump. Romney outpolled Trump when he ran for the Senate.
And now they want his head, Romney,. Oops

Today; and I say this BEFORE the Barr/Durham report is released which will change things much more--------------->the odds are,

1. Trump is re=elected.

2. GOP holds Senate 51-49, or 52-48.

3. House comes very close, or flips back.

The numbers prove this out, although as they say, anything can happen, but if you are playing the odds, those 3 predictions as of today are a safe bet!

Even if Rump is reelected, look for Barr to be removed. Right after that, Rump goes back to another impeachment. Once again, Rump is trying to use his office for his own personal gain. This time, the Dems won't need any of the denied records. He figures he got away with something and now he's doubling down or even tripling down. He believes that he's the King. He's the Captain of the Ship and the Captain is taking the Ship down with him. Someone needs to put padlocks on those petcocks.

If Trump is reelected, the House goes Republican too! That's a major flaw in your stupid prognostication!

Why would Barr be removed?

You don't even know what a petcock is , unless that is your nickname for your boyfriend.
Logic and reason are not strong points of his
Well, that's what Romney gets for not being an obedient sheep. I'm sure he's not surprised.

Them Republicans who start thinkin' fer themselves are radical pinko commie Hitlers 'n such!

i think he mentioned in his speech that he'll have a target on his back from now on. hopefully it won't be a literal one.
So you voted for Romney in 2012?

I’m trying to figure out how Romney lost with all this demofk support. He’s a great guy huh?

If you only had a brain you would realize that Romney ran against a stronger candidate in 2012 than Trump did in 2016. If Romney had gotten the same amount of votes against Clinton that he did in 2012, he would have received 261 electoral votes. Clinton was a much weaker candidate and Trump narrowly beat her. A poll that was done in 2016 showed that Obama would defeat Trump by 10 and Romney would have beaten Clinton by 9.
No she was the most qualified person ever, and she was a woman...….unbeatable combo!!!!!!!! that's what you told us in 2016, now she sucks???? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

learn what - dems will lose seats because republicans ignored the majority of registered voters ?

Uh no the.dems will lose seats because their freshmen who ran as moderates have been exposed.....oh and riding the wave of Trump crushing the dem candidate

it was close to 80% of the american public - all across the political spectrum that said witness & docs were paramount to a fair trial. the ads are gonna be amazing & will keep that sham trial at the forefront & fresh in voters' minds right up until the election as the info keeps leaking - drip drip drip....

Now a message from Real Republicans

Now, back to your regularly scheduled "The Party of the Rump" all claiming to be Republicans.

Well since youre calling them real republicans, we know they aren't.....I love it when democrats pretend to be republicans..... One thing for sure Robert Byrd and Ted Kennedy were real democrats, and fantastic people..
it was close to 80% of the american public - all across the political spectrum that said witness & docs were paramount to a fair trial. the ads are gonna be amazing & will keep that sham trial at the forefront & fresh in voters' minds right up until the election as the info keeps leaking - drip drip drip....

Most Americans don't care about impeachment. It's not at the top of people's lists of concerns and the hearings received abysmal ratings.

learn what - dems will lose seats because republicans ignored the majority of registered voters ?

Uh no the.dems will lose seats because their freshmen who ran as moderates have been exposed.....oh and riding the wave of Trump crushing the dem candidate

it was close to 80% of the american public - all across the political spectrum that said witness & docs were paramount to a fair trial. the ads are gonna be amazing & will keep that sham trial at the forefront & fresh in voters' minds right up until the election as the info keeps leaking - drip drip drip....

Now a message from Real Republicans

Now, back to your regularly scheduled "The Party of the Rump" all claiming to be Republicans.

joe walsh - a despicable dude - has seen the light. i will probably still disagree with him on most issues that he takes a stand on.... but not on this:


learn what - dems will lose seats because republicans ignored the majority of registered voters ?

Uh no the.dems will lose seats because their freshmen who ran as moderates have been exposed.....oh and riding the wave of Trump crushing the dem candidate

it was close to 80% of the american public - all across the political spectrum that said witness & docs were paramount to a fair trial. the ads are gonna be amazing & will keep that sham trial at the forefront & fresh in voters' minds right up until the election as the info keeps leaking - drip drip drip....
These snap polls mean shit, you guys jerk off , like they mean anything. It's just a reflection of what the news tells them. then people figure out what liars you guys are. Look the dem field is a joke, the campaign is a disaster and Trump is getting MORE popular...….He will destroy them in the debates.

snap polls? lol...they were consistently rising after turtleboy & ms lindsey were bragging about not being impartial - that the kangaroo court/sham trial was fixed from the start.

average americans - both (D) & (R) realized that a trial without witness' & docs means nothing. thankfully you aren't 'average' so all i can say is good luck - y'all are gonna need it. donny's 'base' has not grown in numbers these past 3 years & there are a lot more of 'us' than *you*.
it was close to 80% of the american public - all across the political spectrum that said witness & docs were paramount to a fair trial. the ads are gonna be amazing & will keep that sham trial at the forefront & fresh in voters' minds right up until the election as the info keeps leaking - drip drip drip....

Most Americans don't care about impeachment. It's not at the top of people's lists of concerns and the hearings received abysmal ratings.

not *your* idea of 'americans' but bipeds with critical thinking skills sure care about sham trials. they'll care even more as more info leaks out over the next several months. they'll care when they are at the polls. i don't think collins is gonna survive this time around. the marine running against turtleboy is showing strong numbers & kelly is too down in AZ. the dude runningg against ms lindsey has an uphill battle - but that's still in play.
I think we all know that Trump will win by a landslide.

The real battle will be for the Senate seats.

Without a Republican majority in the Senate Trump will have a hard time making his court appointments, including the Supreme Court.

Hopefully Trump's coattails can pull in the Republicans we need.

We saw what happen in 2006 when a Democrat House and Senate took over. The economy tanked. Then we saw what happen in 2009 and 2010 with a Democrat President and Congress. The biggest fuck up in government we have ever seen.

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