Then they came for us...


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So was my g-pa and he did 6 months for running a still for the mob during prohibition.

They only vary sleightly in how they achieve the same ends.

No. They are not remotely the same thing, and they do not have the same ends. They are not shades of the same thing. You do not understand what you are talking about. You make claims, but you cannot back them up, because they have no basis in reality.
And what political party has a major contender for the nomination to run for President that is talking of arresting judges?

Who brought in the Patriot Bill?

Instead of judging a person's politics by the flap yap about liberty and the Constitution, judge them by what the people they support are doing. By that standard, the 'Conservatives' are the ones that are supporting fascistic ideas and ideology.
How about the population of starving poor people in Africa? Would you like to see that population eliminated? Planned Parenthood would, they're there now taking care of it. about inner city poor? The deformed, comatose, elderly, crippled, unhappy...would you like to see those populations eliminated? How? Legalized abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, anyone?

Do you think the planet is overburdened with people? Would you like to see the population reduced to accomodate it better?

How do you propose those things happen? Osmosis? Or legalized abortion, euthanasia and assisted suicide? All tools of the Nazis and other fascists who seek to control the population for WHATEVER reason. Including "racial equality".

More loose associations. Tone it down to some semblance of reality. we're in opposite land now? Because that was very specific. Do you not know what "loose association" means?

We're not in opposite land, and what you've made above are very loose, propaganda-style or delusional-paranoid associations.

Because there are Planned Parenthood clinics in Africa, and Planned Parenthood provides reproductive services, you claim that this equals the elimination of the starving population of Africa. A loose association. It's difficult to even understand what you're claiming here. Are they aborting starving adults and children?

Because progressives and liberals seek greater economic equality [and thus an end to poverty], you claim that the way that progressives and liberals want to achieve greater economic equality is by a Nazi-like policy of euthanasia. But this is absurd. What liberals and progressives have proposed are anti-poverty programs to address poverty [like assistance for needy families, food stamps, and Medicaid], and education programs and the ADA for the disabled, social security and Medicare for the elderly, mental health services for the depressed, and medical care for the comatose. Removal of life support for those in a coma can only be done in conjunction with the patients' doctors and the patients' next of kin. None of which are remotely like fascist or Nazi policies. The only state that I know of with an assisted suicide law is Oregon, and the standards are strict, and bear no resemblance to Hitler's policies. A loose association.

Oregon Revised Statute | Death with Dignity Act

Because liberals and progressives think that overpopulation is a potential problem, they support family planning. The Nazis encouraged large "Aryan" families and literally murdered all others in all stages of life. And you're going to pretend that these are the policies of the Democratic Party of the US? The policies of the nations of Canada, or Sweden, or Norway, or France, to give a few examples of modern social democracies. Why even try to make such a ridiculous claim? Who do you expect to believe this?

These are loose associations. It's on the order of "You know who else liked flowers? HITLER!" You cannot simply point to a voluntary choice offered to someone and claim it's like a forced policy from the Nazis. You are spouting primitive propaganda to demonize your enemy. You cannot expect anyone to take this seriously unless they are ignorant or self-deluded.
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It's not a loose association at all. The first act of the Nazis was to legalize abortion and encourage the populations they despised to obtain them.

Pretty much lockstep with liberal population control.

That and moving populations around according to their race...remember bussing of inner city kids to white schools? Affirmative action? What's that? It's moving populations according to race.
It's not a loose association at all. The first act of the Nazis was to legalize abortion and encourage the populations they despised to obtain them.

Pretty much lockstep with liberal population control.

That and moving populations around according to their race...remember bussing of inner city kids to white schools? Affirmative action? What's that? It's moving populations according to race.

These are loose, crazy, paranoid associations. The Nazis didn't "encourage" their policies. Do you understand the difference between encourage and force? Between providing a clinic with a variety of reproductive health care choices that people can CHOOSE to go to, and a concentration camp?

Busing is a policy of taking kids to a different school in the same district, not relocating them to a camp. And affirmative action isn't moving anyone at all. Loose associations. Russell Crowe finding signs of the great conspiracy against the US in every newspaper he picked up. In other words: :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
And what political party has a major contender for the nomination to run for President that is talking of arresting judges?

Who brought in the Patriot Bill?

Instead of judging a person's politics by the flap yap about liberty and the Constitution, judge them by what the people they support are doing. By that standard, the 'Conservatives' are the ones that are supporting fascistic ideas and ideology.
Holding judges accountable IS constitutional! Accountability is what the Constitution is all about! A government that is accountable to "We the People" is EXACTLY what the founders intended!

By the way, stop the inflammatory BULL SHIT. Newt didn't suggest we "arrest" judges...unless they break the law that is. He suggest calling them before Congress to explain why they decided to LEGISLATE from the bench and kicking them off the bench if they can't explain why it's constitutional. VERY different and VERY much in keep with our Constitution!

Next, care to guess who WROTE the Patriot Act and when? I'll save ya the trouble. The ULTIMATE progressive, Joe Biden in 1994!

It was passed as a compromise to put an end the endless string of calls for investigations and legislative obstructionism in Congress by democrats in the wake of 9/11.

It was STUPID...knee jerk reactionary legislation by the frightened and MOST of it needs to GO!

LOST...some folks are just lost!

The root word is progress. As in progressing toward a freer and more just world.
Dude, the founders wrote the documents that founded the freest, most prosperous and just society in the HISTORY OF MAN over 200 years ago. IT DON'T NEED PROGRESS!

And that bull about "a more just world" is EXACTLY the kind of crap that has led to every mistake made by this country in all our history. It is NOT OUR JOB to progress the rest of the world. That would be the ideology of fascism!

If they want to grab hold and hang on because of the example we set...let um, but it's NOT your or any other progressive/liberal/socialist/communist/fascist do-gooder or leader in this country to decide what is progress for the rest of the world!

It was not authoritarian. We have an elected government. Do you understand the difference.
Do YOU? See, this is the kind of ridiculous crap we get when people who do not understand our history, the history of world governments or the Constitution start talking. Fortunately...our founders DID!

THIS IS NOT ENGLAND...or Iraq or any other country on the planet. We do NOT elect a government. We elect REPRESENTATIVES to fill slots in our representative government that DOES NOT CHANGE. Our representatives are place holders from each generation with a SWORN OATH to uphold the founding document for the next generation...NOT the government!

Do YOU understand? There is a HELL of a difference! You live under a Representative Republic...NOT a democracy. You do NOT vote to change our form of government with the ideology of the representatives you elect. Democracies mostly do and democracies DON'T WORK!

WE are the government!

"Law and order" has been the motto of the GOP for decades.

Law and Order is the name of a freaking TV show. RULE OF LAW is what the Constitution provides in EQUAL measure for all US CITIZENS and is the motto for conservatives!

The rule of law and a guarantee of equal justice under that law for all citizens is the thing that separates us from the rest of the world...PERIOD!
Progressivism/Socialism/Communism: Central economic planning, abolition of private property, propaganda as "news", military dictatorship, societal stratification via political affiliation, scapegoating of unfavored societal groups for the nation's ills and concentration camps/gulags for dissenters and other "undesirables".

Oh, which team should I choose to be? :rolleyes:

Except that those don't apply to liberals or progressives.

Again, you are attempting to show that liberals and progressives are like fascists. And you've been unable to do.

Progressives and liberals don't support military dictatorships, or abolition of private property, or societal stratification via political affiliation, or scapegoating of marginalized groups, or gulags for anyone.

Tell that to Marx.

"You are horrified at our intending to do away with private property. But in your existing society, private property is already done away with for nine-tenths of the population; its existence for the few is solely due to its non-existence in the hands of those nine-tenths. You reproach us, therefore, with intending to do away with a form of property, the necessary condition for whose existence is the non-existence of any property for the immense majority of society."

"The theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property."

KARL MARX, The Communist Manifesto
First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

- Martin Niemöller

Who will speak for us when they come, I ask you?

They came for the woman who had been raped and sought out an abortion.

They came for the college professor and the teacher who wanted to teach science.

They came for the scientist who warned of man made catastrophe and birth defects.

They came for the college student who wanted a job.

They came for the atheist who refused to bow down before mystical beliefs.

They came for those that speak a different language.

They came for the artist who gave us enlightenment.

They came for the man who dared to love another man.

They came for the women who dared to love another woman.

And finally, when only Republicans and Conservatives were left, they looked around at the "Heaven" they thought they had created and discovered they were in "Hell".
Holding judges accountable IS constitutional! Accountability is what the Constitution is all about! A government that is accountable to "We the People" is EXACTLY what the founders intended!

By the way, stop the inflammatory BULL SHIT. Newt didn't suggest we "arrest" judges...unless they break the law that is. He suggest calling them before Congress to explain why they decided to LEGISLATE from the bench and kicking them off the bench if they can't explain why it's constitutional. VERY different and VERY much in keep with our Constitution!

Not at all. What he proposes is not in keeping with the constitution.

The root word is progress. As in progressing toward a freer and more just world.
Dude, the founders wrote the documents that founded the freest, most prosperous and just society in the HISTORY OF MAN over 200 years ago. IT DON'T NEED PROGRESS!

Yes, it needed progress. Women weren't allowed to vote. Black people could be owned and sold, and so could their children. There was no public education and no standing army. Yes, we needed progress. You are being ignorant.

And that bull about "a more just world" is EXACTLY the kind of crap that has led to every mistake made by this country in all our history. It is NOT OUR JOB to progress the rest of the world. That would be the ideology of fascism!

If they want to grab hold and hang on because of the example we set...let um, but it's NOT your or any other progressive/liberal/socialist/communist/fascist do-gooder or leader in this country to decide what is progress for the rest of the world!

I wasn't saying that we should remake the world through force. I was speaking of progressives and liberals, in their own nations.

Do YOU? See, this is the kind of ridiculous crap we get when people who do not understand our history, the history of world governments or the Constitution start talking. Fortunately...our founders DID!

THIS IS NOT ENGLAND...or Iraq or any other country on the planet. We do NOT elect a government. We elect REPRESENTATIVES to fill slots in our representative government that DOES NOT CHANGE. Our representatives are place holders from each generation with a SWORN OATH to uphold the founding document for the next generation...NOT the government!

A valid point. We have elected representatives. This sort of blows up your stuff about Newt and his posse going after judges, though.

Do YOU understand? There is a HELL of a difference! You live under a Representative Republic...NOT a democracy. You do NOT vote to change our form of government with the ideology of the representatives you elect. Democracies mostly do and democracies DON'T WORK!

A representative democracy best describes our government.

Democracies work well.

"Law and order" has been the motto of the GOP for decades.

Law and Order is the name of a freaking TV show. RULE OF LAW is what the Constitution provides in EQUAL measure for all US CITIZENS and is the motto for conservatives!

Law and order has been a GOP campaign talking point for a long time. You probably are in your twenties or thirties and don't remember how much Pub candidates used to say this.

Law and order (politics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The rule of law and a guarantee of equal justice under that law for all citizens is the thing that separates us from the rest of the world...PERIOD!

Actually, no. Other nations in the world, not just the US, have the rule of law as well, and equal rights for citizens. Call Glenn Beck. Demand your money back.

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