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CDZ There are TWO Genders: Change My Mind

Just another group like gay people, who came out of the closet, always have been around. Just like the people that believe in things like pedophile rings in pizza places basements that have no basement. Or space lasers, people now have permission to come out of there closet.
Having surgery and hormone therapy to "change" to the opposite sex is a historically recent thing.
So stop trying to derail the thread. Sexual attraction has nothing to do with how many genders there are
Derail the thread? This thread will soon have a thousand posts and discussions here started over and over again about the same point. What else can be added to that?
Quite correct. There two genders, and none of these wackos can prove otherwise. That’s why they keep trying to move the goal posts.
Biologically yes, there are two sexes. But there are men who consider themselves as women and vice versa. What can you do with them? Send them to a psychiatrist clinic or prison or to the wilderness? Nothing.

What you can do with them is tell them to adjust their desires to reality, the way every adult has to. No one's especially objecting to men wearing dresses and considering themselves to be pretty princesses. We're objecting to them demanding that WE say they're pretty princesses, lest their feelings be hurt. I genuinely, 100% don't give a shit if their feelings are hurt, and the more they keep throwing tantrums, the more I edge toward actually enjoying their feelings being hurt.
If you refuse to refer to a man as 'she' and use women's name when communicating with him, then it is your choice and your right.

Biologically this person will be a man in any case, so you will be right in this regard. But someone may consider it to be rude. But then again, it is a choice of oneself how to behave in the society.

Sometimes, you come across a person who is an idiot. Some choose to be polite and not to use this word in communication, others can call him (her) this name after a couple of words. It is a personal choice.

I consider it to be rude to try to appropriate my sex and gender, and to demand that I be complicit in the theft. I give their belief that I'm being rude in refusing every bit as much consideration as they give my belief that they're being rude by trying to eradicate my identity.

While I'm listing things about which I don't give a rat's ass, your judgement of "You seem like an idiot for not talking and acting exactly the way I personally think is correct" is on that list. If you're so hung up on "nice, nice, have to look nice" that you can't see past a few words to the point, that's entirely a you problem.

If you don't like how I express my thoughts and feelings, you are welcome to absent yourself from conversation with me. You are not welcome to demand that I change to suit you.
I demand nothing from you. And I don't care how you communicate with people. You really got nothing from my previous post? Well, that is not the first time when I feel that conversation with you is futile.
And they should be recognized that way,
No they should not. Why, because it is not true. Society should not participate in the lie that they are telling themselves.
Well, I'm not going to try to change your opinion, even if I thought I could. I will say this, though: There was a time when women were expected to wear dresses. Pants were seen as men's clothes, and women who wore them were criticized, jeered, excluded, threatened, beaten, disowned, and arrested. The men who did all of these things justified themselves by saying things much like you just did: Who do they think they are, they think they're men but they're not, they're lying to themselves, and so on. They insisted that they were upholding the natural order of things, but now we know that they were being close-minded and cruel, arguing nonsense and why? What these women wore didn't affect them one bit.

You're free to think what you will, but you should know that you're on the wrong side of history, and are coming across as being close-minded and cruel.

There's one very large difference in your little analogy: those women were not, at any point in time, stating that they were men or demanding that other people confirm that they were men. They were engaging in activities that men saw as their own private preserve, but they were acknowledging fully that they were still women while doing so.

Oh, there's one other difference: you say, "It didn't affect them one bit." Hairy Tiffany demanding that he be confirmed and treated as a woman in the same way and to the same extent that I am a woman DOES hurt me, and other women. Once again, the fact that YOU don't see it and have decided that it doesn't exist and is no big deal only means that YOU are not one of the people being hurt.

Please explain to me why I am supposed to care that you have mansplained away my concerns and informed me that you're going to think I'm a mean person if I don't immediately hop to and start toeing your ideological line. Also, I'd like to know what great, psychic power you have to know the future and make definitive statements about what the "wrong side of history" is.

I do appreciate your magnanimous permission to think what we will, though. I do so worry about thinking things that the misogynists around me haven't sanctioned.
Well, first, I was responding to JoeMoma, not you, but also I wouldn't have any idea what your (or Joe's, for that matter) identity is, except for you saying it in this post.

Second, you don't HAVE to care about what I think at all. I'm not a social psychologist or expert in gender studies; I'm just imparting what I know on a message board intended for, well, messages. If my posts can help broaden your perspective on the matter, super, and if they can't, that's okay too. I trust that you're a grown, thinking person with your own life experience, and can make up your own mind.

What I am, though, is a historian, which is why I presented the subject through the lens of how other people have argued similar positions in the past. Having studied history for several decades now is also why I feel pretty confident in my abilities to see which way the trends are leading. It's not psychic, but again, you don't HAVE to acquiesce to what I say. It's a free country.

So now you. What is your background on this, aside from being a woman? Where are you coming from, that explains your stance on how the existence of trans women hurts you personally?
So stop trying to derail the thread. Sexual attraction has nothing to do with how many genders there are
Derail the thread? This thread will soon have a thousand posts and discussions here started over and over again about the same point. What else can be added to that?
Quite correct. There two genders, and none of these wackos can prove otherwise. That’s why they keep trying to move the goal posts.
Biologically yes, there are two sexes. But there are men who consider themselves as women and vice versa. What can you do with them? Send them to a psychiatrist clinic or prison or to the wilderness? Nothing.

What you can do with them is tell them to adjust their desires to reality, the way every adult has to. No one's especially objecting to men wearing dresses and considering themselves to be pretty princesses. We're objecting to them demanding that WE say they're pretty princesses, lest their feelings be hurt. I genuinely, 100% don't give a shit if their feelings are hurt, and the more they keep throwing tantrums, the more I edge toward actually enjoying their feelings being hurt.
If you refuse to refer to a man as 'she' and use women's name when communicating with him, then it is your choice and your right.

Biologically this person will be a man in any case, so you will be right in this regard. But someone may consider it to be rude. But then again, it is a choice of oneself how to behave in the society.

Sometimes, you come across a person who is an idiot. Some choose to be polite and not to use this word in communication, others can call him (her) this name after a couple of words. It is a personal choice.

I consider it to be rude to try to appropriate my sex and gender, and to demand that I be complicit in the theft. I give their belief that I'm being rude in refusing every bit as much consideration as they give my belief that they're being rude by trying to eradicate my identity.

While I'm listing things about which I don't give a rat's ass, your judgement of "You seem like an idiot for not talking and acting exactly the way I personally think is correct" is on that list. If you're so hung up on "nice, nice, have to look nice" that you can't see past a few words to the point, that's entirely a you problem.

If you don't like how I express my thoughts and feelings, you are welcome to absent yourself from conversation with me. You are not welcome to demand that I change to suit you.
I demand nothing from you. And I don't care how you communicate with people. You really got nothing from my previous post? Well, that is not the first time when I feel that conversation with you is futile.

If you think I "got nothing" from your post, then that just tells me you were too busy focusing your hyper-sensitivity once more on "She's not talking nice like I think she should" to actually read and comprehend the post.

Which definitely makes conversation with you futile.
And they should be recognized that way,
No they should not. Why, because it is not true. Society should not participate in the lie that they are telling themselves.
Well, I'm not going to try to change your opinion, even if I thought I could. I will say this, though: There was a time when women were expected to wear dresses. Pants were seen as men's clothes, and women who wore them were criticized, jeered, excluded, threatened, beaten, disowned, and arrested. The men who did all of these things justified themselves by saying things much like you just did: Who do they think they are, they think they're men but they're not, they're lying to themselves, and so on. They insisted that they were upholding the natural order of things, but now we know that they were being close-minded and cruel, arguing nonsense and why? What these women wore didn't affect them one bit.

You're free to think what you will, but you should know that you're on the wrong side of history, and are coming across as being close-minded and cruel.

There's one very large difference in your little analogy: those women were not, at any point in time, stating that they were men or demanding that other people confirm that they were men. They were engaging in activities that men saw as their own private preserve, but they were acknowledging fully that they were still women while doing so.

Oh, there's one other difference: you say, "It didn't affect them one bit." Hairy Tiffany demanding that he be confirmed and treated as a woman in the same way and to the same extent that I am a woman DOES hurt me, and other women. Once again, the fact that YOU don't see it and have decided that it doesn't exist and is no big deal only means that YOU are not one of the people being hurt.

Please explain to me why I am supposed to care that you have mansplained away my concerns and informed me that you're going to think I'm a mean person if I don't immediately hop to and start toeing your ideological line. Also, I'd like to know what great, psychic power you have to know the future and make definitive statements about what the "wrong side of history" is.

I do appreciate your magnanimous permission to think what we will, though. I do so worry about thinking things that the misogynists around me haven't sanctioned.
Well, first, I was responding to JoeMoma, not you, but also I wouldn't have any idea what your (or Joe's, for that matter) identity is, except for you saying it in this post.

Second, you don't HAVE to care about what I think at all. I'm not a social psychologist or expert in gender studies; I'm just imparting what I know on a message board intended for, well, messages. If my posts can help broaden your perspective on the matter, super, and if they can't, that's okay too. I trust that you're a grown, thinking person with your own life experience, and can make up your own mind.

What I am, though, is a historian, which is why I presented the subject through the lens of how other people have argued similar positions in the past. Having studied history for several decades now is also why I feel pretty confident in my abilities to see which way the trends are leading. It's not psychic, but again, you don't HAVE to acquiesce to what I say. It's a free country.

So now you. What is your background on this, aside from being a woman? Where are you coming from, that explains your stance on how the existence of trans women hurts you personally?

Well, first, re-visit the concept of "public message board.

Second, please do not try to divert down a tangent about "caring/not caring" in order to avoid the point, which is that you are attempting to bully people into keeping silent and not opposing your preferred agenda by littering your posts with judgements and condemnations about "You're close-minded and cruel". Inappropriate in the extreme to try to use, "I think my position is nicer, so that must mean it's correct." The truth does not have to be nice (and frequently isn't); it just has to be true.

Third, please spare me the self-flattery about "broadening my perspective" by parroting talking points at me as though you think I've never heard them before. Any time a man is lecturing a woman on how women think and feel and how they "should" think and feel, it's a pretty good bet he needs to stop talking and do some listening, because HIS perspectives need to be broadened.

What you are is an extremely bad selector of analogies, because you're presenting this issue "through the lens" of something not even remotely comparable, based on your complete inability - or unwillingness - to understand the operative points of the opposing argument. So no, I don't feel any confidence at all in your ability to "see which way trends are leading", because all I'm seeing is yet another tool you're trying to use to bully me into silence. History will be and say whatever it does, and I won't be around to know about it either way, so I don't care. All I can do is all any human being could ever do: state the facts on the ground as honestly as possible.

What background is it you think I need, aside from being a woman? Are you suggesting that I'm speaking to any point other than womanhood? Or are you suggesting that I need to somehow justify my right to think and feel and speak to my own identity by saying, "I have XYZ degree and training, so that allows me to say what being a woman is like, where other people who are merely female cannot"?

I am a woman. Aside from being a human being, it is the most integral, intrinsic aspect of my identity, more than any of the things the left tells me should be deeply important: more than my nationality, more than my cultural background, FAR more than my race. That is all I need to speak to the experience of being a woman, and that is all you need to know.
This is a newish conservative talking point, that go's along with all the other sexual talking points. An obsession about other peoples sexual behavior. that effects close to zero of of us in any way. Why not start a 100 pages of how disgusting it is that Male heterosexual men beat & rape women daily.
This is a newish conservative talking point, that go's along with all the other sexual talking points. An obsession about other peoples sexual behavior. that effects close to zero of of us in any way. Why not start a 100 pages of how disgusting it is that Male heterosexual men beat & rape women daily.
It is more than just their sexual behavior but their bathroom habits

Where will they pee?
And they should be recognized that way,
No they should not. Why, because it is not true. Society should not participate in the lie that they are telling themselves.
Well, I'm not going to try to change your opinion, even if I thought I could. I will say this, though: There was a time when women were expected to wear dresses. Pants were seen as men's clothes, and women who wore them were criticized, jeered, excluded, threatened, beaten, disowned, and arrested. The men who did all of these things justified themselves by saying things much like you just did: Who do they think they are, they think they're men but they're not, they're lying to themselves, and so on. They insisted that they were upholding the natural order of things, but now we know that they were being close-minded and cruel, arguing nonsense and why? What these women wore didn't affect them one bit.

You're free to think what you will, but you should know that you're on the wrong side of history, and are coming across as being close-minded and cruel.

There's one very large difference in your little analogy: those women were not, at any point in time, stating that they were men or demanding that other people confirm that they were men. They were engaging in activities that men saw as their own private preserve, but they were acknowledging fully that they were still women while doing so.

Oh, there's one other difference: you say, "It didn't affect them one bit." Hairy Tiffany demanding that he be confirmed and treated as a woman in the same way and to the same extent that I am a woman DOES hurt me, and other women. Once again, the fact that YOU don't see it and have decided that it doesn't exist and is no big deal only means that YOU are not one of the people being hurt.

Please explain to me why I am supposed to care that you have mansplained away my concerns and informed me that you're going to think I'm a mean person if I don't immediately hop to and start toeing your ideological line. Also, I'd like to know what great, psychic power you have to know the future and make definitive statements about what the "wrong side of history" is.

I do appreciate your magnanimous permission to think what we will, though. I do so worry about thinking things that the misogynists around me haven't sanctioned.
Well, first, I was responding to JoeMoma, not you, but also I wouldn't have any idea what your (or Joe's, for that matter) identity is, except for you saying it in this post.

Second, you don't HAVE to care about what I think at all. I'm not a social psychologist or expert in gender studies; I'm just imparting what I know on a message board intended for, well, messages. If my posts can help broaden your perspective on the matter, super, and if they can't, that's okay too. I trust that you're a grown, thinking person with your own life experience, and can make up your own mind.

What I am, though, is a historian, which is why I presented the subject through the lens of how other people have argued similar positions in the past. Having studied history for several decades now is also why I feel pretty confident in my abilities to see which way the trends are leading. It's not psychic, but again, you don't HAVE to acquiesce to what I say. It's a free country.

So now you. What is your background on this, aside from being a woman? Where are you coming from, that explains your stance on how the existence of trans women hurts you personally?

Well, first, re-visit the concept of "public message board.

Second, please do not try to divert down a tangent about "caring/not caring" in order to avoid the point, which is that you are attempting to bully people into keeping silent and not opposing your preferred agenda by littering your posts with judgements and condemnations about "You're close-minded and cruel". Inappropriate in the extreme to try to use, "I think my position is nicer, so that must mean it's correct." The truth does not have to be nice (and frequently isn't); it just has to be true.

Third, please spare me the self-flattery about "broadening my perspective" by parroting talking points at me as though you think I've never heard them before. Any time a man is lecturing a woman on how women think and feel and how they "should" think and feel, it's a pretty good bet he needs to stop talking and do some listening, because HIS perspectives need to be broadened.

What you are is an extremely bad selector of analogies, because you're presenting this issue "through the lens" of something not even remotely comparable, based on your complete inability - or unwillingness - to understand the operative points of the opposing argument. So no, I don't feel any confidence at all in your ability to "see which way trends are leading", because all I'm seeing is yet another tool you're trying to use to bully me into silence. History will be and say whatever it does, and I won't be around to know about it either way, so I don't care. All I can do is all any human being could ever do: state the facts on the ground as honestly as possible.

What background is it you think I need, aside from being a woman? Are you suggesting that I'm speaking to any point other than womanhood? Or are you suggesting that I need to somehow justify my right to think and feel and speak to my own identity by saying, "I have XYZ degree and training, so that allows me to say what being a woman is like, where other people who are merely female cannot"?

I am a woman. Aside from being a human being, it is the most integral, intrinsic aspect of my identity, more than any of the things the left tells me should be deeply important: more than my nationality, more than my cultural background, FAR more than my race. That is all I need to speak to the experience of being a woman, and that is all you need to know.
Okay. Best of luck to you.
3 time loser when it comes to marrying women. I'm not fond of men, except maybe their golf swing or poker faces.
So maybe it would be nice to have a 3rd gender. One with a puss, but doesn't come with all the drama and spending habits. LOL
And they should be recognized that way,
No they should not. Why, because it is not true. Society should not participate in the lie that they are telling themselves.
Well, I'm not going to try to change your opinion, even if I thought I could. I will say this, though: There was a time when women were expected to wear dresses. Pants were seen as men's clothes, and women who wore them were criticized, jeered, excluded, threatened, beaten, disowned, and arrested. The men who did all of these things justified themselves by saying things much like you just did: Who do they think they are, they think they're men but they're not, they're lying to themselves, and so on. They insisted that they were upholding the natural order of things, but now we know that they were being close-minded and cruel, arguing nonsense and why? What these women wore didn't affect them one bit.

You're free to think what you will, but you should know that you're on the wrong side of history, and are coming across as being close-minded and cruel.

There's one very large difference in your little analogy: those women were not, at any point in time, stating that they were men or demanding that other people confirm that they were men. They were engaging in activities that men saw as their own private preserve, but they were acknowledging fully that they were still women while doing so.

Oh, there's one other difference: you say, "It didn't affect them one bit." Hairy Tiffany demanding that he be confirmed and treated as a woman in the same way and to the same extent that I am a woman DOES hurt me, and other women. Once again, the fact that YOU don't see it and have decided that it doesn't exist and is no big deal only means that YOU are not one of the people being hurt.

Please explain to me why I am supposed to care that you have mansplained away my concerns and informed me that you're going to think I'm a mean person if I don't immediately hop to and start toeing your ideological line. Also, I'd like to know what great, psychic power you have to know the future and make definitive statements about what the "wrong side of history" is.

I do appreciate your magnanimous permission to think what we will, though. I do so worry about thinking things that the misogynists around me haven't sanctioned.
Well, first, I was responding to JoeMoma, not you, but also I wouldn't have any idea what your (or Joe's, for that matter) identity is, except for you saying it in this post.

Second, you don't HAVE to care about what I think at all. I'm not a social psychologist or expert in gender studies; I'm just imparting what I know on a message board intended for, well, messages. If my posts can help broaden your perspective on the matter, super, and if they can't, that's okay too. I trust that you're a grown, thinking person with your own life experience, and can make up your own mind.

What I am, though, is a historian, which is why I presented the subject through the lens of how other people have argued similar positions in the past. Having studied history for several decades now is also why I feel pretty confident in my abilities to see which way the trends are leading. It's not psychic, but again, you don't HAVE to acquiesce to what I say. It's a free country.

So now you. What is your background on this, aside from being a woman? Where are you coming from, that explains your stance on how the existence of trans women hurts you personally?

Well, first, re-visit the concept of "public message board.

Second, please do not try to divert down a tangent about "caring/not caring" in order to avoid the point, which is that you are attempting to bully people into keeping silent and not opposing your preferred agenda by littering your posts with judgements and condemnations about "You're close-minded and cruel". Inappropriate in the extreme to try to use, "I think my position is nicer, so that must mean it's correct." The truth does not have to be nice (and frequently isn't); it just has to be true.

Third, please spare me the self-flattery about "broadening my perspective" by parroting talking points at me as though you think I've never heard them before. Any time a man is lecturing a woman on how women think and feel and how they "should" think and feel, it's a pretty good bet he needs to stop talking and do some listening, because HIS perspectives need to be broadened.

What you are is an extremely bad selector of analogies, because you're presenting this issue "through the lens" of something not even remotely comparable, based on your complete inability - or unwillingness - to understand the operative points of the opposing argument. So no, I don't feel any confidence at all in your ability to "see which way trends are leading", because all I'm seeing is yet another tool you're trying to use to bully me into silence. History will be and say whatever it does, and I won't be around to know about it either way, so I don't care. All I can do is all any human being could ever do: state the facts on the ground as honestly as possible.

What background is it you think I need, aside from being a woman? Are you suggesting that I'm speaking to any point other than womanhood? Or are you suggesting that I need to somehow justify my right to think and feel and speak to my own identity by saying, "I have XYZ degree and training, so that allows me to say what being a woman is like, where other people who are merely female cannot"?

I am a woman. Aside from being a human being, it is the most integral, intrinsic aspect of my identity, more than any of the things the left tells me should be deeply important: more than my nationality, more than my cultural background, FAR more than my race. That is all I need to speak to the experience of being a woman, and that is all you need to know.
Okay. Best of luck to you.

Your surrender is duly noted. Run along.
Biologically yes, there are two sexes. But there are men who consider themselves as women and vice versa. What can you do with them? Send them to a psychiatrist clinic or prison or to the wilderness? Nothing.

Exactly the point: What can I do with them? Not a damn thing. So why do I have to know what they do in their bedroom and with whom or with what? The problem isn't that there are perverts; the problem is that the perverts want to force me to accept their perversion. Just go away and leave me alone. And, most importantly, leave my children alone.
And they should be recognized that way, as much as society is able. Honestly, I don't think it's practical to expect a society to completely re-construct itself, but I think it's part of becoming a more perfect union that we keep getting more accepting of how others want to live, as long as they aren't hurting anyone else, and as far as I've seen, they aren't.

They are hurting others. They recruit children into their lifestyles. They partner with anti-family organizations to read books to our children in the libraries and schools about how "normal" it is for boys to pretend to be girls. They convince 8-year-old boys to take medication that keeps them from becoming young men and children as young as 18 months start preparation for eventually chemically altering their sexual development in preparation for a full sex change.

All I can say is that at least aborted babies go to God otherwise unharmed and as perfect as any human can be, not having been ever afforded a chance to sin. But these sex change babies are harmed and suffer tremendously from the psychological damage done by self-interested, self-serving parents and doctors.
Having surgery and hormone therapy to "change" to the opposite sex is a historically recent thing.

No; having surgery and hormone therapy to change to the opposite is a lie. It never happens. It will never happen.

The only thing that changing one's sexual appearance does is allow them to deceive people into having sex with them without knowing they're having sex with the opposite sex from that which they believe they're having sex. This is a lie perpetuated on homosexuals and heterosexuals, depending on the actions of the transsexual. It's a lie; it's intended to be a lie; it's intended to make fools out of those they seduce with their lies.
This is a newish conservative talking point, that go's along with all the other sexual talking points. An obsession about other peoples sexual behavior. that effects close to zero of of us in any way. Why not start a 100 pages of how disgusting it is that Male heterosexual men beat & rape women daily.

You a lie. Domestic violence happens at a much higher rate in the LGBTQ community.

Biologically yes, there are two sexes. But there are men who consider themselves as women and vice versa. What can you do with them? Send them to a psychiatrist clinic or prison or to the wilderness? Nothing.

Exactly the point: What can I do with them? Not a damn thing. So why do I have to know what they do in their bedroom and with whom or with what? The problem isn't that there are perverts; the problem is that the perverts want to force me to accept their perversion. Just go away and leave me alone. And, most importantly, leave my children alone.
Yeah, I have met such position. Kind of I don't mind such people to exist, but they should keep their mouths closed, don't speak about their ideas and what is better is to keep themselves in some basement. Not gonna happen. You aren't entitled to decide what lives people should live.
Biologically yes, there are two sexes. But there are men who consider themselves as women and vice versa. What can you do with them? Send them to a psychiatrist clinic or prison or to the wilderness? Nothing.

Exactly the point: What can I do with them? Not a damn thing. So why do I have to know what they do in their bedroom and with whom or with what? The problem isn't that there are perverts; the problem is that the perverts want to force me to accept their perversion. Just go away and leave me alone. And, most importantly, leave my children alone.
Yeah, I have met such position. Kind of I don't mind such people to exist, but they should keep their mouths closed, don't speak about their ideas and what is better is to keep themselves in some basement. Not gonna happen. You aren't entitled to decide what lives people should live.

Yes, "leave me alone and stop demanding that I applaud you" is EXACTLY the same as "go hide somewhere and live your life the way I tell you". :rolleyes:
Biologically yes, there are two sexes. But there are men who consider themselves as women and vice versa. What can you do with them? Send them to a psychiatrist clinic or prison or to the wilderness? Nothing.

Exactly the point: What can I do with them? Not a damn thing. So why do I have to know what they do in their bedroom and with whom or with what? The problem isn't that there are perverts; the problem is that the perverts want to force me to accept their perversion. Just go away and leave me alone. And, most importantly, leave my children alone.
Yeah, I have met such position. Kind of I don't mind such people to exist, but they should keep their mouths closed, don't speak about their ideas and what is better is to keep themselves in some basement. Not gonna happen. You aren't entitled to decide what lives people should live.

Yes, "leave me alone and stop demanding that I applaud you" is EXACTLY the same as "go hide somewhere and live your life the way I tell you". :rolleyes:
What does leave me alone mean? I highly doubt that such people want to befriend you and constantly bother you with such proposals.
Biologically yes, there are two sexes. But there are men who consider themselves as women and vice versa. What can you do with them? Send them to a psychiatrist clinic or prison or to the wilderness? Nothing.

Exactly the point: What can I do with them? Not a damn thing. So why do I have to know what they do in their bedroom and with whom or with what? The problem isn't that there are perverts; the problem is that the perverts want to force me to accept their perversion. Just go away and leave me alone. And, most importantly, leave my children alone.
Yeah, I have met such position. Kind of I don't mind such people to exist, but they should keep their mouths closed, don't speak about their ideas and what is better is to keep themselves in some basement. Not gonna happen. You aren't entitled to decide what lives people should live.

Yes, "leave me alone and stop demanding that I applaud you" is EXACTLY the same as "go hide somewhere and live your life the way I tell you". :rolleyes:
What does leave me alone mean? I highly doubt that such people want to befriend you and constantly bother you with such proposals.

You actually don't know what that means? Are you actually this clueless? Your sad little attempt at deflection and goalpost-moving tells me the real problem here is that you're just a liar.

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