There Are ZERO Children In Poverty

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
I keep on hearing the left constantly saying that children are in poverty and we need to do this and that to lift them out of poverty. A bill is passing through Congress right now which the left claim will lift millions of children out of poverty.

BUT, the fact is, there are actually ZERO children in poverty. Let's define children as anyone younger than 18 and I challenge the left to show proof through financial records of children less than 18 that they are in poverty. Children under 18 have no financial records, nor do they have a financial net worth. In pretty much every single case there is, if they have any income from working jobs they also have zero debts, which gives them a positive net worth because children under 18 can't owe debts. So, assuming that most of these children don't work, they still have no debts and can't possibly be in poverty. They are children.

Now their parents, that's a different story. You can argue that we need to lift the deadbeat parents out of poverty, but children themselves cannot be in poverty. So, when the left claim that this and that will lift children out of poverty they are actually lying because it is lifting deadbeat parents out of poverty, not children.
Most are fat as butterballs....Or at least the one's whose parent is paying for groceries with EBT.

Hungry kids 1931.


I keep on hearing the left constantly saying that children are in poverty and we need to do this and that to lift them out of poverty. A bill is passing through Congress right now which the left claim will lift millions of children out of poverty.

BUT, the fact is, there are actually ZERO children in poverty. Let's define children as anyone younger than 18 and I challenge the left to show proof through financial records of children less than 18 that they are in poverty. Children under 18 have no financial records, nor do they have a financial net worth. In pretty much every single case there is, if they have any income from working jobs they also have zero debts, which gives them a positive net worth because children under 18 can't owe debts. So, assuming that most of these children don't work, they still have no debts and can't possibly be in poverty. They are children.

Now their parents, that's a different story. You can argue that we need to lift the deadbeat parents out of poverty, but children themselves cannot be in poverty. So, when the left claim that this and that will lift children out of poverty they are actually lying because it is lifting deadbeat parents out of poverty, not children.
You are insane
Which is what the US is trying to avoid with poor kids now.
This is very sad, our Democrat president is a life long politician. Always one of the most powerful men in the world. Yet, the Democrat president has done nothing to end poverty in the USA. Even after 3 years as the most powerful man in the world, the Democrat president has done nothing but made poverty worst.

Democrats have no place in this world.
This is very sad, our Democrat president is a life long politician. Always one of the most powerful men in the world. Yet, the Democrat president has done nothing to end poverty in the USA. Even after 3 years as the most powerful man in the world, the Democrat president has done nothing but made poverty worst.

Democrats have no place in this world.
The democrats the republicans and God himself can't stop poverty for the different reasons it happens...As Christ said;

Matthew 26:11 The poor you will always have with you, but ...​

Bible Hub › matthew

For there will never cease to be poor in the land; that is why I am commanding you to open wide your hand to your brother and to the poor and needy in your land ...
I keep on hearing the left constantly saying that children are in poverty and we need to do this and that to lift them out of poverty. A bill is passing through Congress right now which the left claim will lift millions of children out of poverty.

BUT, the fact is, there are actually ZERO children in poverty. Let's define children as anyone younger than 18 and I challenge the left to show proof through financial records of children less than 18 that they are in poverty. Children under 18 have no financial records, nor do they have a financial net worth. In pretty much every single case there is, if they have any income from working jobs they also have zero debts, which gives them a positive net worth because children under 18 can't owe debts. So, assuming that most of these children don't work, they still have no debts and can't possibly be in poverty. They are children.

Now their parents, that's a different story. You can argue that we need to lift the deadbeat parents out of poverty, but children themselves cannot be in poverty. So, when the left claim that this and that will lift children out of poverty they are actually lying because it is lifting deadbeat parents out of poverty, not children.
The incredibly stupid..breathtakingly so, in fact. Kudos for sinking to new depths of ignorance. Children can and do live in poverty. That the situation is out of their control simply adds to the tragedy.
Unless, of course, this is satire! In that case, very good job indeed~

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