There goes Donald Trump’s Nobel peace prize (37 dead as US Jerusalem embassy opens)

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Zionism always gave me the HEEBie Jeebies.

Now more than ever, as they push for a move that could trigger a Nuclear Holocaust.
Oh noes! You can't suck up enough, eh? Lol. We did nothing to incite anyone to murder anyone else. Period.

We did, there is a huge contentious fight about what to do with Jerusalem and here comes the neocons to stamp our embassy right in the middle of that mess. Of course we are inciting violence.

No, we aren't. Clinton signed that jerusalm embassy move back in 1995.

Yes and it's not been moved because we have a little territorial dispute going on. It's not like the other presidents just didn't get around to it in time.

Ultimately, there is no dispute to who owns that land. It is clearly owned by israel.

Arabs owned more land, and had a majority of people in the 1940's.

Zionists, and their lies. (By Martin Luther)

The native americans owned more land when the colonists were forming. You have no point. Israel owned that land from previous millenia, lost it, gained it back through wars that were started by other ME countries etc. This isnt new.
If cartoons can set them off, then why not moving embassies? Geez, what is wrong with you people? Lol.

You made a point: Why provoke the bear? That's a metaphor, BTW. Since we know that doing so rarely ends well, I have to wonder, what is wrong with you?
Israel made a mistake. They should have wiped out the pallys to the last when they had the chance.

If that's true, then Iran has every right to act against Israel.

They have been trying to act against israel by setting up command and infrastructure in syria. They fired 20 rockets into israel. 15 or so were intercepted by israels iron dome. The other five never touched israel soil. Israel went into to syria and decimated irans' infrastructure a day later with precision.
We did, there is a huge contentious fight about what to do with Jerusalem and here comes the neocons to stamp our embassy right in the middle of that mess. Of course we are inciting violence.

No, we aren't. Clinton signed that jerusalm embassy move back in 1995.

Yes and it's not been moved because we have a little territorial dispute going on. It's not like the other presidents just didn't get around to it in time.

Ultimately, there is no dispute to who owns that land. It is clearly owned by israel.

Arabs owned more land, and had a majority of people in the 1940's.

Zionists, and their lies. (By Martin Luther)

The native americans owned more land when the colonists were forming. You have no point. Israel owned that land from previous millenia, lost it, gained it back through wars that were started by other ME countries etc. This isnt new.

So, you think a Jewish minority should impose it's self on an Arab majority?

If so, we should support a Catholic Super state on your Zionist trash heap we call the Zionist States of America.

About 95% of American territories were Catholic French, or Catholic Spanish before they were U.S.A territories.

About 30% of Americans today are Baptized Catholics, just like about 30% of Palestine / Israel were Circumcised Jews when they founded. Israel.

It's time to bring down the Zionist states of America.
Israel made a mistake. They should have wiped out the pallys to the last when they had the chance.

If that's true, then Iran has every right to act against Israel.

They have been trying to act against israel by setting up command and infrastructure in syria. They fired 20 rockets into israel. 15 or so were intercepted by israels iron dome. The other five never touched israel soil. Israel went into to syria and decimated irans' infrastructure a day later with precision.

If America can aid Israel, then Iran can aid Palestine.

You Zionists speak in fork tongued lies, hypocrisy, and manipulations.
As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death.
Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.

Let's face it, you were never going to give Trump a prize anyway even if he saved all of mankind. Meantime, the Palestinians in Gaza are killing themselves by rioting, burning and protesting at everything that doesn't go their way. They are just like the Left here, except Israel doesn't put up with their bullshit.
As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death.
Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.

Terrorosfs like using their civilians to be killer to pretend to make a point. How many children did they terrorosts use as human shields?
No, we aren't. Clinton signed that jerusalm embassy move back in 1995.

Yes and it's not been moved because we have a little territorial dispute going on. It's not like the other presidents just didn't get around to it in time.

Ultimately, there is no dispute to who owns that land. It is clearly owned by israel.

Arabs owned more land, and had a majority of people in the 1940's.

Zionists, and their lies. (By Martin Luther)

The native americans owned more land when the colonists were forming. You have no point. Israel owned that land from previous millenia, lost it, gained it back through wars that were started by other ME countries etc. This isnt new.

So, you think a Jewish minority should impose it's self on an Arab majority?

If so, we should support a Catholic Super state on your Zionist trash heap we call the Zionist States of America.

About 95% of American territories were Catholic French, or Catholic Spanish before they were U.S.A territories.

About 30% of Americans today are Baptized Catholics, just like about 30% of Palestine / Israel were Circumcised Jews when they founded. Israel.

It's time to bring down the Zionist states of America.

Well, man's distortion of religion is the ultimate cause. The catholics pray to confess their sins to another fallible imperfect person while the jews missed the messiah when he rode in on an ass. You were saying?
Israel made a mistake. They should have wiped out the pallys to the last when they had the chance.

If that's true, then Iran has every right to act against Israel.

They have been trying to act against israel by setting up command and infrastructure in syria. They fired 20 rockets into israel. 15 or so were intercepted by israels iron dome. The other five never touched israel soil. Israel went into to syria and decimated irans' infrastructure a day later with precision.

If America can aid Israel, then Iran can aid Palestine.

You Zionists speak in fork tongued lies, hypocrisy, and manipulations.

They sure can but they picked the weak side. Its not a forked tongue. That's your emotion deluding logic.
Because this does nothing but inflame violence and possibly terrorism. We are telling the Islamic world to fuck off, this is a neo-con's wet dream.

Now, I know you don't care about Muslims, but I hope you love war.
So we have to placate to them. We should do what is right and be able to handle the repercussions. Even if it isn’t easy

Didn't we just placate to the Israeli government and our own neocons? This does absolutely nothing in our own best interests, not one fucking thing.

Disagree. It’s always in our interest to side with freedom. You may look at it as a pointless symbolic gesture, but I look at it as allying ourselves with the country who shares our values the most.

If it only were pointless, it's obviously not.

So what do you think Trump wanted to accomplish?

Trump is running scared, and in fear of his job. Thus he tries to keep the Mueller story off the front page / cable TV, no matter what the consequences may be to others.

His death toll will continue to climb, and may spread to innocents by radicalized terrorists, domestically and overseas. Yesterday's knife attack in Paris maybe the first of many responses by those who will blame Trump, but take it out on others.
Israel made a mistake. They should have wiped out the pallys to the last when they had the chance.

If that's true, then Iran has every right to act against Israel.

They have been trying to act against israel by setting up command and infrastructure in syria. They fired 20 rockets into israel. 15 or so were intercepted by israels iron dome. The other five never touched israel soil. Israel went into to syria and decimated irans' infrastructure a day later with precision.

If America can aid Israel, then Iran can aid Palestine.

You Zionists speak in fork tongued lies, hypocrisy, and manipulations.

They sure can but they picked the weak side. Its not a forked tongue. That's your emotion deluding logic.

America can kill, kill, kill in Iraq, and Syria , built up military bases in Iraq, and Syria, have troops in Iraq, and Syria, AND SUPPORT Israel who kills, kills, kills in Palestine, whom Israel has Nukes unlike Iran.

But, Iran does far less, and their the problem.

You Zionist punks are the f*cking #1 problem, you are immoral, primitive, brutish, and ignorant savages.
As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death.
Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.
Moving the embassy to Jerusalem did not cause death, Hamas sending people to attack the fence did. Your suggestion that the US should shape its policies to accommodate the demands of terrorists is insane. There has never been a rational basis for the US or any other country to refuse to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and move its embassy there. Seventy years of refusing to has not brought peace but only encouraged the terrorists to continue to make impossible demands and to engage in violence whenever they don't get their way.
We did, there is a huge contentious fight about what to do with Jerusalem and here comes the neocons to stamp our embassy right in the middle of that mess. Of course we are inciting violence.

No, we aren't. Clinton signed that jerusalm embassy move back in 1995.

Yes and it's not been moved because we have a little territorial dispute going on. It's not like the other presidents just didn't get around to it in time.

Ultimately, there is no dispute to who owns that land. It is clearly owned by israel.

Arabs owned more land, and had a majority of people in the 1940's.

Zionists, and their lies. (By Martin Luther)

The native americans owned more land when the colonists were forming. You have no point. Israel owned that land from previous millenia, lost it, gained it back through wars that were started by other ME countries etc. This isnt new.

With that logic you would be perfectly OK with Russia moving back in and taking Alaska back.

Oh, shit, bad example, you probably want that to happen anyway.

We have laws now that we try to follow and the international community has stayed away from accepting Jerusalem as Israel's capital since they do not have the only claim to it. You can expect this moronic move on our part to be a great recruiting tool for international terrorism or if you like specifically targeting the United States.

Once again, we gain nothing from this move.
As everyone predicted, moving that US Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem would cause death.
Before today, giving Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize was a bad idea. Now it is a super crazy idea.

Let's face it, you were never going to give Trump a prize anyway even if he saved all of mankind. Meantime, the Palestinians in Gaza are killing themselves by rioting, burning and protesting at everything that doesn't go their way. They are just like the Left here, except Israel doesn't put up with their bullshit.

I believe many of the protesters are being shot by Israeli soldiers.

And no, Trump is not in any way, shape or form going to save 'all of mankind'. That's a joke, right?
Moving the embassy. Do you need help tying your shoes as well?
they opened the embassy correct at a new location. so? Why can't we? Same people occupy the new building. I'm confused by what the issue is.

Because this does nothing but inflame violence and possibly terrorism. We are telling the Islamic world to fuck off, this is a neo-con's wet dream.

Now, I know you don't care about Muslims, but I hope you love war.

Oh noes! You can't suck up enough, eh? Lol. We did nothing to incite anyone to murder anyone else. Period.

We did, there is a huge contentious fight about what to do with Jerusalem and here comes the neocons to stamp our embassy right in the middle of that mess. Of course we are inciting violence.

No, we aren't. Clinton signed that jerusalm embassy move back in 1995.

Why do you echo bullshit, it only makes those who research an issue believe you are a damn liar?

...: though both the Clinton Administration and Israeli government “support the move to Jerusalem in principle, they would prefer to see the peace process more stabilized before confronting the explosive issue of Jerusalem.” The effort led by Senate majority leader Bob Dole to make the move mandatory came “at a particularly raw moment,” the magazine added. Here’s how TIME described the many years of political history that led up to that point:"

The 1995 Law Behind President Trump's Plan to Move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem
they opened the embassy correct at a new location. so? Why can't we? Same people occupy the new building. I'm confused by what the issue is.

Because this does nothing but inflame violence and possibly terrorism. We are telling the Islamic world to fuck off, this is a neo-con's wet dream.

Now, I know you don't care about Muslims, but I hope you love war.
because we moved into a new building? really? how shallow are you?

Pretty dumb, dude, pretty dumb post you got there.
and you're blaming our move for dead people. and I'm dumb. I'll be dumb then. You're just a fking nutjob for sure.

Are you blaming Israel then?

The deaths today should be a clear demonstration of what putting our embassy in Jerusalem means to any future peace between the ME and Israel. If you're a neocon then most likely you are now frothing at the mouth over future wars.
why would I blame anyone other than the ones doing the killing? that's stupid. explain how a building can cause violence. You have failed to do that yet. A building that already existed for years.
they opened the embassy correct at a new location. so? Why can't we? Same people occupy the new building. I'm confused by what the issue is.

Because this does nothing but inflame violence and possibly terrorism. We are telling the Islamic world to fuck off, this is a neo-con's wet dream.

Now, I know you don't care about Muslims, but I hope you love war.
So we have to placate to them. We should do what is right and be able to handle the repercussions. Even if it isn’t easy

Didn't we just placate to the Israeli government and our own neocons? This does absolutely nothing in our own best interests, not one fucking thing.

Can't prove a negative. So, how does this help us?
dude I have no fking clue what you're referencing.
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