There goes Donald Trump’s Nobel peace prize (37 dead as US Jerusalem embassy opens)

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Moving the embassy. Do you need help tying your shoes as well?
they opened the embassy correct at a new location. so? Why can't we? Same people occupy the new building. I'm confused by what the issue is.

Because this does nothing but inflame violence and possibly terrorism. We are telling the Islamic world to fuck off, this is a neo-con's wet dream.

Now, I know you don't care about Muslims, but I hope you love war.
So we have to placate to them. We should do what is right and be able to handle the repercussions. Even if it isn’t easy

Didn't we just placate to the Israeli government and our own neocons? This does absolutely nothing in our own best interests, not one fucking thing.

Disagree. It’s always in our interest to side with freedom. You may look at it as a pointless symbolic gesture, but I look at it as allying ourselves with the country who shares our values the most.

If it only were pointless, it's obviously not.
they opened the embassy correct at a new location. so? Why can't we? Same people occupy the new building. I'm confused by what the issue is.

Because this does nothing but inflame violence and possibly terrorism. We are telling the Islamic world to fuck off, this is a neo-con's wet dream.

Now, I know you don't care about Muslims, but I hope you love war.
So we have to placate to them. We should do what is right and be able to handle the repercussions. Even if it isn’t easy

Didn't we just placate to the Israeli government and our own neocons? This does absolutely nothing in our own best interests, not one fucking thing.

Disagree. It’s always in our interest to side with freedom. You may look at it as a pointless symbolic gesture, but I look at it as allying ourselves with the country who shares our values the most.

If it only were pointless, it's obviously not.

So what do you think Trump wanted to accomplish?
they opened the embassy correct at a new location. so? Why can't we? Same people occupy the new building. I'm confused by what the issue is.

Because this does nothing but inflame violence and possibly terrorism. We are telling the Islamic world to fuck off, this is a neo-con's wet dream.

Now, I know you don't care about Muslims, but I hope you love war.
because we moved into a new building? really? how shallow are you?

Pretty dumb, dude, pretty dumb post you got there.
and you're blaming our move for dead people. and I'm dumb. I'll be dumb then. You're just a fking nutjob for sure.

Are you blaming Israel then?

The deaths today should be a clear demonstration of what putting our embassy in Jerusalem means to any future peace between the ME and Israel. If you're a neocon then most likely you are now frothing at the mouth over future wars.

I would tend to blame the people who committed the murders! Lol. WTH?
what was the mistake?

Moving the embassy. Do you need help tying your shoes as well?
they opened the embassy correct at a new location. so? Why can't we? Same people occupy the new building. I'm confused by what the issue is.

Because this does nothing but inflame violence and possibly terrorism. We are telling the Islamic world to fuck off, this is a neo-con's wet dream.

Now, I know you don't care about Muslims, but I hope you love war.

Oh noes! You can't suck up enough, eh? Lol. We did nothing to incite anyone to murder anyone else. Period.

We did, there is a huge contentious fight about what to do with Jerusalem and here comes the neocons to stamp our embassy right in the middle of that mess. Of course we are inciting violence.

No, we aren't. Clinton signed that jerusalm embassy move back in 1995.
I hope the Catholic church, Russia, Iran, China, and Muslims stop Zionists, and their feral Chimp out genocides, wars, oppression, and provocations over a piece of desert they read about in the Bible.
since when did opening a building suggest death and destruction? I'm sorry, but you need to explain your shit here.

1.) Israel has Nukes, and Iran does not.

2.) Israel is oppressing, stealing, and killing the Palestinians, Iran is doing a similar, what?

3.) Israel is running to the U.S.A with more Nukes than Israel, to help them with Iran.

Am I missing something?

It's clearly the f*cking Zionists in Israel, and the U.S.A who are the main troublemakers.

If we look at the trouble-making is probably 90% of it is Zionist, 10% is Muslim.

Iran can't handle nukes. The clerics are crazy and would kill millions if they had them. The mullahs are suppressing, killing, raping, hanging gays on bridges.

Israel has killed more than Iran on the offense from everything I've seen.

Iran did kill some Iraqis, only because Saddam Hussein invaded Iran, and the U.S.A Zionists propped up Saddamn Hussein against Iran, and Israel propped up Iran against Hussein.

The #1 fact is we should have NEVER gotten the f*ck involved in Mid-East affairs.

You Zionists have f*cked up, over, and over again.
can't make up ignorance like yours. truly amazing how you don't know history. And you wish to repeat what you say you don't know. even sadder.

Since the 1940's Israel invaded Palestine, they killed 100,000 +, majority being Palestinians, they invaded Golan heights, in both cases combined about 1 million + Arabs were expelled from Gaza, West Bank, and Golan Heights.

And Iran?

Israel oppresses them, look at the Buffer Zone at Gaza, where a Wall not blockades them from leaving, and not only only doesn't let them leave get healthcare outside of Gaza, not only does the Buffer Zone eat up Palestinian farm lands at Gaza, they have armed Israeli guards who shoot at Palestinians, including children.

And Iran?

Israel has sterlized Black Ethiopian Jews.

And Iran?

Israel says Refugees are to be deported, or go to jail.

And Iran?

I never said I love Iran, but the bigger evil is clear.
Because this does nothing but inflame violence and possibly terrorism. We are telling the Islamic world to fuck off, this is a neo-con's wet dream.

Now, I know you don't care about Muslims, but I hope you love war.
So we have to placate to them. We should do what is right and be able to handle the repercussions. Even if it isn’t easy

Didn't we just placate to the Israeli government and our own neocons? This does absolutely nothing in our own best interests, not one fucking thing.

Disagree. It’s always in our interest to side with freedom. You may look at it as a pointless symbolic gesture, but I look at it as allying ourselves with the country who shares our values the most.

If it only were pointless, it's obviously not.

So what do you think Trump wanted to accomplish?

I think John Bolton wants to go to war with someone....almost anyone in the ME.
they opened the embassy correct at a new location. so? Why can't we? Same people occupy the new building. I'm confused by what the issue is.

Because this does nothing but inflame violence and possibly terrorism. We are telling the Islamic world to fuck off, this is a neo-con's wet dream.

Now, I know you don't care about Muslims, but I hope you love war.
So we have to placate to them. We should do what is right and be able to handle the repercussions. Even if it isn’t easy

Didn't we just placate to the Israeli government and our own neocons? This does absolutely nothing in our own best interests, not one fucking thing.

Can't prove a negative. So, how does this help us?

A liberal who doesn't want to help another nation in need of help, that is surrounded by Muslim countries that hate it and whose people survived through an attempted genocide, which, in fact, some Muslim countries played a role in? Hmm. Well, Israel didn't give themselves that land. That land was given to them by the former "holders" of this land, the French and the Brits way back in the 1940s, like another lifetime ago.
Moving the embassy. Do you need help tying your shoes as well?
they opened the embassy correct at a new location. so? Why can't we? Same people occupy the new building. I'm confused by what the issue is.

Because this does nothing but inflame violence and possibly terrorism. We are telling the Islamic world to fuck off, this is a neo-con's wet dream.

Now, I know you don't care about Muslims, but I hope you love war.

Oh noes! You can't suck up enough, eh? Lol. We did nothing to incite anyone to murder anyone else. Period.

We did, there is a huge contentious fight about what to do with Jerusalem and here comes the neocons to stamp our embassy right in the middle of that mess. Of course we are inciting violence.

No, we aren't. Clinton signed that jerusalm embassy move back in 1995.

Yes and it's not been moved because we have a little territorial dispute going on. It's not like the other presidents just didn't get around to it in time.
So we have to placate to them. We should do what is right and be able to handle the repercussions. Even if it isn’t easy

Didn't we just placate to the Israeli government and our own neocons? This does absolutely nothing in our own best interests, not one fucking thing.

Disagree. It’s always in our interest to side with freedom. You may look at it as a pointless symbolic gesture, but I look at it as allying ourselves with the country who shares our values the most.

If it only were pointless, it's obviously not.

So what do you think Trump wanted to accomplish?

I think John Bolton wants to go to war with someone....almost anyone in the ME.

Well you’re a paranoid liberal, and most readers will see it as such
Israel made a mistake. They should have wiped out the pallys to the last when they had the chance.
they opened the embassy correct at a new location. so? Why can't we? Same people occupy the new building. I'm confused by what the issue is.

Because this does nothing but inflame violence and possibly terrorism. We are telling the Islamic world to fuck off, this is a neo-con's wet dream.

Now, I know you don't care about Muslims, but I hope you love war.

Oh noes! You can't suck up enough, eh? Lol. We did nothing to incite anyone to murder anyone else. Period.

We did, there is a huge contentious fight about what to do with Jerusalem and here comes the neocons to stamp our embassy right in the middle of that mess. Of course we are inciting violence.

No, we aren't. Clinton signed that jerusalm embassy move back in 1995.

Yes and it's not been moved because we have a little territorial dispute going on. It's not like the other presidents just didn't get around to it in time.

Ultimately, there is no dispute to who owns that land. It is clearly owned by israel.
Because this does nothing but inflame violence and possibly terrorism. We are telling the Islamic world to fuck off, this is a neo-con's wet dream.

Now, I know you don't care about Muslims, but I hope you love war.
So we have to placate to them. We should do what is right and be able to handle the repercussions. Even if it isn’t easy

Didn't we just placate to the Israeli government and our own neocons? This does absolutely nothing in our own best interests, not one fucking thing.

Can't prove a negative. So, how does this help us?

A liberal who doesn't want to help another nation in need of help, that is surrounded by Muslim countries that hate it and whose people survived through an attempted genocide, which, in fact, some Muslim countries played a role in? Hmm. Well, Israel didn't give themselves that land. That land was given to them by the former "holders" of this land, the French and the Brits way back in the 1940s, like another lifetime ago.

How does moving the embassy really help Israel?

Your post is idiotic. We've given money and military equipment to Israel for decades, we've been helping them and what do we get in return? An expansionist policy that does nothing to get us closer to a peaceful resolution. So, what do we do? We send more money and military equipment to help Israel.
Didn't we just placate to the Israeli government and our own neocons? This does absolutely nothing in our own best interests, not one fucking thing.

Disagree. It’s always in our interest to side with freedom. You may look at it as a pointless symbolic gesture, but I look at it as allying ourselves with the country who shares our values the most.

If it only were pointless, it's obviously not.

So what do you think Trump wanted to accomplish?

I think John Bolton wants to go to war with someone....almost anyone in the ME.

Well you’re a paranoid liberal, and most readers will see it as such

Nah, just you morons and Mac....a moron of a different sort.
Still wondering why this is “something good”. Care to elaborate?
The deaths that can be pinned on Trump, as the OP did?

Good the Regressive Left, of course.


No. I blame those responsible. I tend to blame Dylan Root for his killing those folks in SC; not his religion. I tend to blame Atta and his conspirators for 9/11, not Islam. I tend to blame that jerk in LV for killing the people at the concert, not the guy who sold him the weapons….

I was asking you what is “good” bout moving our embassy to Jerusalem
What is good about? Not much. Mostly done to fire up the base, come what may.

Okay…then why did you characterize it as “something good” earlier???????
Actually, I didn’t.
Hey, congratulations. Maybe even more will die. So just so long as Trump doesn't get credit for something good.


Sure you did.
Because this does nothing but inflame violence and possibly terrorism. We are telling the Islamic world to fuck off, this is a neo-con's wet dream.

Now, I know you don't care about Muslims, but I hope you love war.

Oh noes! You can't suck up enough, eh? Lol. We did nothing to incite anyone to murder anyone else. Period.

We did, there is a huge contentious fight about what to do with Jerusalem and here comes the neocons to stamp our embassy right in the middle of that mess. Of course we are inciting violence.

No, we aren't. Clinton signed that jerusalm embassy move back in 1995.

Yes and it's not been moved because we have a little territorial dispute going on. It's not like the other presidents just didn't get around to it in time.

Ultimately, there is no dispute to who owns that land. It is clearly owned by israel.

Arabs owned more land, and had a majority of people in the 1940's.

Zionists, and their lies. (By Martin Luther)
I write in clear prose what I think and why. You seem to merely want attention. I hope to open the mind of others to my opinions, obviously you are stuck on calling out others who choose to offer opinions "Regressive".

Well, good luck with that.

Well, thanks for that, sarcasm is a wonderful filler for those with nothing to offer. Maybe even better than the fools who can only muster up the "funny button, but not by much.

The 'regressive left' isn't allowed to criticize the president. And if you say otherwise then that's only proof that Mac is getting under your skin....or whatever. He's a broken record and his arguments always include those two points.

It's better when you don't talk.

The deaths that can be pinned on Trump, as the OP did?

Good the Regressive Left, of course.


No. I blame those responsible. I tend to blame Dylan Root for his killing those folks in SC; not his religion. I tend to blame Atta and his conspirators for 9/11, not Islam. I tend to blame that jerk in LV for killing the people at the concert, not the guy who sold him the weapons….

I was asking you what is “good” bout moving our embassy to Jerusalem
What is good about? Not much. Mostly done to fire up the base, come what may.

Okay…then why did you characterize it as “something good” earlier???????
Actually, I didn’t.
Hey, congratulations. Maybe even more will die. So just so long as Trump doesn't get credit for something good.


Sure you did.
You're certainly welcome to interpret anything any way you want. Irrelevant to me.
Because this does nothing but inflame violence and possibly terrorism. We are telling the Islamic world to fuck off, this is a neo-con's wet dream.

Now, I know you don't care about Muslims, but I hope you love war.

Oh noes! You can't suck up enough, eh? Lol. We did nothing to incite anyone to murder anyone else. Period.

We did, there is a huge contentious fight about what to do with Jerusalem and here comes the neocons to stamp our embassy right in the middle of that mess. Of course we are inciting violence.

No, we aren't. Clinton signed that jerusalm embassy move back in 1995.

Yes and it's not been moved because we have a little territorial dispute going on. It's not like the other presidents just didn't get around to it in time.

Ultimately, there is no dispute to who owns that land. It is clearly owned by israel.

War, war, war. Read up on Jerusalem.
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