There has never been a previous President rip a current President, like tonight

Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.
Is class important in a president to you? Is tradition and precedent? Is that why you support Trump? Because he is so dignified,m respectful and humble?

Because he actually is getting things done, just like he said he would.

Promises kept.
And the virus did not magically disappear in April, or the heat and light of the summer. And the wall is stalled. And YOUR taxes didn't go down like the wealthy' taxes did. And we're divided about race as we haven't been since the Sixties. And he cares more about monuments than people, flags of traitors more than the press, autocratic leaders more than our allies.

Promises kept.
Do you REALLY think it's Trump that's dividing us on race? The guy that passed prison sentencing reform that's freed more Blacks than Obama and Biden ever did? The guy that pardoned Jack Johnson? The guy who's economic policies gave blacks and Hispanics their best unemployment numbers ever?
This whole Black Lives Matter thing is a crock! Defunding the Police is so incredibly stupid it boggles the mind. You've got people leaving major urban areas in numbers I haven't seen since the 70's. That isn't on Trump...that's all on liberal politicians and liberal policies.
Why does Trump think every Black or Brown person who comes here are from Shitholes? Why does Trump say there were fine people marching with torches while chanting 'Jews will not replace us!'? Why does Trump say Black Lives Matter is a symbol of hate? Why was Trump and his father convicted by the New York State attorney general?

Because, most black and brown people who come here ARE from shitholes!

Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Somalia.....
And the presidential responsible thing to do is to call other nations shitholes.

Trump is blunt. If you travel overseas you're going to see places that can only be described as "shitholes". It may not be PC to call them that but it doesn't change the fact that they ARE!
Have you not heard. The USA is the new shit hole. No one wants to let US citizens in their country because we cnnot control the corona virus. Trump has turned us into a shit hole.
Which countries have controlled the corona virus, moron?
Done better, not eliminated completely
" While countries as different as South Korea, Thailand, Iceland, Slovakia, and Australia acted decisively to bend the curve of infections downward, the U.S. achieved merely a plateau in the spring, "
and many more, MORON

Biden virus deaths are less than a third what they were at their peak in April. Sorry to rain on your parade with actual facts
Biden virus deaths? You are obviously confused, based on you support Trump.

Biden called Trump a racist for trying to restrict travel from China then again when he tried to restrict travel from Europe. He clearly made it far harder to control the virus.

You break it, you bought it. It's the Biden virus now
Please, after eight years of Obama for you idiots to blame Trump for dividing the nation is just moronic. Obama did nothing but divide the country and pit blacks against whites. Suddenly this is a standard to you? That's just laughable.

2012 United States presidential election - Wikipedia › wiki › 2012_United_States_presiden...

Obama defeated Romney, winning a majority of both the Electoral College and the popular vote. Obama won 332 electoral votes and 51.1% of the popular vote ...
Home state
‎: ‎Illinois
Electoral vote‎: ‎332
States carried‎: ‎26 + DC
Popular vote‎: ‎65,915,795

When was the last time a republican won the majority of the popular vote?
There has never been a previous President rip a current President, like tonight.
Obama ripped Trump by telling the truth.
Trump is threatening our Democracy.
Trump will cheat and lie to win.
Trump has been an incompetent President.
Trump is more concerned about himself and his friends that thenation.
Trump is more concerned about befriending dictators than other democratic countries

Wholly shit if that was O'bummer's message PROGS are really fucked now.

They don't have a chance anyway short of media and "special elections", and Trump headed those off to some extent and they're still battling. Even PROGS I talk too are disgusted with the Demonicrats. Never mind Trump, look what the Demonicrats came up with for POTUS for starts. Dems are toast.

I agree. I have Dem friends who will be voting for Trump as they consider Biden no where near what a POTUS should be. Hell most of them think he's senile.

They also know how great the country was before the Covid bullshit. UE the lowest its been in 50 years. Jobs all across the country and a great economy with Trump at the helm. God knows what will happen if Biden wins. He sure ain't no Trump.

Did you see how many Republicans came out spoke against this moron? Group of Republicans in Arizona are voting for Biden.
Two former US president Obama & Clinton spoke against Trump. Bush and Carter are voting for Biden.

You got that right Biden is no Trump. Your 10 yo boy lie like hell most of the time. One of his press conference last week. He was asked if he regret all the lies he made right in his face. He avoided that question. How many times in press conference when he was fact checked. He ran away like a coward dog. Trump is an embarrassment and laughing stock around the world.
How true and the Trump minions are cult like in their following of a President who prefers the government of Russia more than our Constitutional Democracy. He has been openly envious of Putin and Kim Jong Un. If that does not bother you, you are not a good American.

This moron blasted just about every one including his own people that works directly to him in public. But you never heard a single words blasting Putin. Even presented with evidence that Putin rape our 2016 election. Putin is puppet master.

He was warned again by his own intelligence agencies that Putin is now engage in 2020 election interference. NOT a single word from this weakling president against Putin. Biden warned the Russians that there will be consequences if they interfere in 2020 election. That is a true leader we need. Not this moron pretending to be president.

Go BIDEN this country need you to bring back normalcy or restore decency and respect around the world.

the russians are not significant factors. they don't deserve comment.

a bigger factor, is the violent mobs in the streets.

Since you are a Russian lover, an enemy of US, always up to no good against US. They deserve attention.

Violent mobs in the streets started when Lloyd was murdered by white cops in the street. Against police brutalities. Trump don’t have a clue and doesn’t even know how to address the crisis. But he has the time to play golf and post photo op.
We have 3 crisis the Pandemic Coronavirus, economy and racism. Trump is so incompetent not capable of addressing any of these issues. But he has the time to promote Qanon.

1. it is funny to see leftards like yourself red baiting. dismissed.

2. the spark for the mobs, don't care. i do care about the impact of the violent mobs.

3. diseases arise and hit and pass. Trump has done fine.

4. Racism is a crisis. the BLM mobs are certainly motivated by racism and hatred of white people.

5 The mobs are a crisis for the cities and the states. Unless you want Trump to address the fact that you dems are in open insurrection, again?
What are the Trump losers going to do when Trump loses by a land slide. Trump gave many losers a voice. They will have to run back to their rat holes and shut up.

HIs primary base was working class and middle class whites.

We aren't going anywhere. And more and more, we are done being blamed for shit that we have nothing to do with. and paying the price of shit we are not responsible for.

this is only the beginning.
No, it is the end for the Trump base following a snake oil salesman like Trump. Middle America older whites need help. I feel a Biden Presidency will provide help not a con.
Trump is the last stand for privileged old white men that have felt entitled over all others. It is time they give up their privilege and realize the new world.
I know what I am talking about. I am an old white guy.
Is Portland, New York, Chicago and Minneapolis the "new world"? Why would any rational person regardless of color chose THAT as how they want to live?
The idiots rioting are not endorsed by those backing Biden.
The idiot rioters are trying to ruin our country just like Trump and supporters . Both need to be eliminated.

So then why is it your party that is sheltering the rioters by saying there are more peaceful protesters (as if that has anything to do with it) and it's not really a problem?
Not nearly as many Biden supporters are sheltering the rioters as Trump supporters shelter white supremacist rioters.
Please, after eight years of Obama for you idiots to blame Trump for dividing the nation is just moronic. Obama did nothing but divide the country and pit blacks against whites. Suddenly this is a standard to you? That's just laughable.
2012 United States presidential election - Wikipedia › wiki › 2012_United_States_presiden...

Obama defeated Romney, winning a majority of both the Electoral College and the popular vote. Obama won 332 electoral votes and 51.1% of the popular vote ...
Home state
‎: ‎Illinois
Electoral vote‎: ‎332
States carried‎: ‎26 + DC
Popular vote‎: ‎65,915,795

When was the last time a republican won the majority of the popular vote?

W in 2004. What does that have to do with what I said?
There has never been a previous President rip a current President, like tonight.
Obama ripped Trump by telling the truth.
Trump is threatening our Democracy.
Trump will cheat and lie to win.
Trump has been an incompetent President.
Trump is more concerned about himself and his friends that thenation.
Trump is more concerned about befriending dictators than other democratic countries

Wholly shit if that was O'bummer's message PROGS are really fucked now.

They don't have a chance anyway short of media and "special elections", and Trump headed those off to some extent and they're still battling. Even PROGS I talk too are disgusted with the Demonicrats. Never mind Trump, look what the Demonicrats came up with for POTUS for starts. Dems are toast.

I agree. I have Dem friends who will be voting for Trump as they consider Biden no where near what a POTUS should be. Hell most of them think he's senile.

They also know how great the country was before the Covid bullshit. UE the lowest its been in 50 years. Jobs all across the country and a great economy with Trump at the helm. God knows what will happen if Biden wins. He sure ain't no Trump.

Did you see how many Republicans came out spoke against this moron? Group of Republicans in Arizona are voting for Biden.
Two former US president Obama & Clinton spoke against Trump. Bush and Carter are voting for Biden.

You got that right Biden is no Trump. Your 10 yo boy lie like hell most of the time. One of his press conference last week. He was asked if he regret all the lies he made right in his face. He avoided that question. How many times in press conference when he was fact checked. He ran away like a coward dog. Trump is an embarrassment and laughing stock around the world.
How true and the Trump minions are cult like in their following of a President who prefers the government of Russia more than our Constitutional Democracy. He has been openly envious of Putin and Kim Jong Un. If that does not bother you, you are not a good American.

This moron blasted just about every one including his own people that works directly to him in public. But you never heard a single words blasting Putin. Even presented with evidence that Putin rape our 2016 election. Putin is puppet master.

He was warned again by his own intelligence agencies that Putin is now engage in 2020 election interference. NOT a single word from this weakling president against Putin. Biden warned the Russians that there will be consequences if they interfere in 2020 election. That is a true leader we need. Not this moron pretending to be president.

Go BIDEN this country need you to bring back normalcy or restore decency and respect around the world.

the russians are not significant factors. they don't deserve comment.

a bigger factor, is the violent mobs in the streets.

Since you are a Russian lover, an enemy of US, always up to no good against US. They deserve attention.

Violent mobs in the streets started when Lloyd was murdered by white cops in the street. Against police brutalities. Trump don’t have a clue and doesn’t even know how to address the crisis. But he has the time to play golf and post photo op.
We have 3 crisis the Pandemic Coronavirus, economy and racism. Trump is so incompetent not capable of addressing any of these issues. But he has the time to promote Qanon.

1. it is funny to see leftards like yourself red baiting. dismissed.

2. the spark for the mobs, don't care. i do care about the impact of the violent mobs.

3. diseases arise and hit and pass. Trump has done fine.

4. Racism is a crisis. the BLM mobs are certainly motivated by racism and hatred of white people.

5 The mobs are a crisis for the cities and the states. Unless you want Trump to address the fact that you dems are in open insurrection, again?
What are the Trump losers going to do when Trump loses by a land slide. Trump gave many losers a voice. They will have to run back to their rat holes and shut up.

HIs primary base was working class and middle class whites.

We aren't going anywhere. And more and more, we are done being blamed for shit that we have nothing to do with. and paying the price of shit we are not responsible for.

this is only the beginning.
No, it is the end for the Trump base following a snake oil salesman like Trump. Middle America older whites need help. I feel a Biden Presidency will provide help not a con.
Trump is the last stand for privileged old white men that have felt entitled over all others. It is time they give up their privilege and realize the new world.
I know what I am talking about. I am an old white guy.
Is Portland, New York, Chicago and Minneapolis the "new world"? Why would any rational person regardless of color chose THAT as how they want to live?
The idiots rioting are not endorsed by those backing Biden.
The idiot rioters are trying to ruin our country just like Trump and supporters . Both need to be eliminated.

Maybe you should tell the Dem Governors and mayors of those cities to get their fingers out of their asses and get control of the rioters and arsonists.

The only reason they are rioting and burning down buildings is because those knuckleheads told their police forces to stand down.

And they are all Dems.
Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.
Is class important in a president to you? Is tradition and precedent? Is that why you support Trump? Because he is so dignified,m respectful and humble?

Because he actually is getting things done, just like he said he would.

Promises kept.
And the virus did not magically disappear in April, or the heat and light of the summer. And the wall is stalled. And YOUR taxes didn't go down like the wealthy' taxes did. And we're divided about race as we haven't been since the Sixties. And he cares more about monuments than people, flags of traitors more than the press, autocratic leaders more than our allies.

Promises kept.
Do you REALLY think it's Trump that's dividing us on race? The guy that passed prison sentencing reform that's freed more Blacks than Obama and Biden ever did? The guy that pardoned Jack Johnson? The guy who's economic policies gave blacks and Hispanics their best unemployment numbers ever?
This whole Black Lives Matter thing is a crock! Defunding the Police is so incredibly stupid it boggles the mind. You've got people leaving major urban areas in numbers I haven't seen since the 70's. That isn't on Trump...that's all on liberal politicians and liberal policies.
Why does Trump think every Black or Brown person who comes here are from Shitholes? Why does Trump say there were fine people marching with torches while chanting 'Jews will not replace us!'? Why does Trump say Black Lives Matter is a symbol of hate? Why was Trump and his father convicted by the New York State attorney general?

Because, most black and brown people who come here ARE from shitholes!

Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Somalia.....
And the presidential responsible thing to do is to call other nations shitholes.

Trump is blunt. If you travel overseas you're going to see places that can only be described as "shitholes". It may not be PC to call them that but it doesn't change the fact that they ARE!
Have you not heard. The USA is the new shit hole. No one wants to let US citizens in their country because we cnnot control the corona virus. Trump has turned us into a shit hole.
Which countries have controlled the corona virus, moron?
Done better, not eliminated completely
" While countries as different as South Korea, Thailand, Iceland, Slovakia, and Australia acted decisively to bend the curve of infections downward, the U.S. achieved merely a plateau in the spring, "
and many more, MORON

Biden virus deaths are less than a third what they were at their peak in April. Sorry to rain on your parade with actual facts
Biden virus deaths? You are obviously confused, based on you support Trump.

Biden called Trump a racist for trying to restrict travel from China then again when he tried to restrict travel from Europe. He clearly made it far harder to control the virus.

You break it, you bought it. It's the Biden virus now
That is as stupid of a statement as human could make. It is what you expect from a Trump supporter.
Bull shit, race whore. Obama told blacks they were screwed and couldn't make it and they should just vote for government freebies and lowering the bar.
Cite where Obama said that.

(sound of a gauntlet being thrown)
As bad as it was to elect a Birther to lead us through COVID is that we elected a man who used COVID to politically divide us.

I was never a big fan of Bush 43, but he used 9-11 to unite us. He did not blame Muslims, he did not try to blame Democrats....what he did was stand as a symbol we could rally behind.

Trump used COVID to divide the nation. Turn wearing masks and socially distancing into a political statement. Republicans do not wear masks and mock those who do. Even today, most Republicans say they will not get a COVID vaccine when it is available.

Worst man we could have chosen to lead us

That's two birther Presidents in a row! Obama was the first to accuse himself of being born in Kenya.

Maybe Michelle can run in 2024 when Trump leaves office and make it three in a row, she said Obama was born in Kenya too!

Once again showing the choir that Trump is preaching to

Trump has not only provided weak leadership during COVID but he is rallying his dim witted followers to openly revolt against stopping the spread of the disease.

Democrats blaming Trump for "dividing the nation" is like Hitler blaming the Jews for WWII

Trump has divided the nation into red state, blue state. From Trumps SALT tax policy, to his control over federal funding, refusing to help California with their wildfires, because they're a blue state.

Please, after eight years of Obama for you idiots to blame Trump for dividing the nation is just moronic. Obama did nothing but divide the country and pit blacks against whites. Suddenly this is a standard to you? That's just laughable.

And listen to any Biden or Democrat speech and tell me they are trying to unite the country. You're an ignorant, lying dumb ass
Obama did not divide our country. A bunch of old white men who cannot handle a black man being President divided our country.

Bull shit, race whore. Obama told blacks they were screwed and couldn't make it and they should just vote for government freebies and lowering the bar.

Nothing he ever did united the country.

And Dementia Joe is doing the same thing telling blacks if they don't want freebies and a lower bar they ain't black
Oh my, you are an absolute idiot. There is no use to respond. People as stupid as you are hopeless. God help you.
Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.
Is class important in a president to you? Is tradition and precedent? Is that why you support Trump? Because he is so dignified,m respectful and humble?

Because he actually is getting things done, just like he said he would.

Promises kept.
And the virus did not magically disappear in April, or the heat and light of the summer. And the wall is stalled. And YOUR taxes didn't go down like the wealthy' taxes did. And we're divided about race as we haven't been since the Sixties. And he cares more about monuments than people, flags of traitors more than the press, autocratic leaders more than our allies.

Promises kept.
Do you REALLY think it's Trump that's dividing us on race? The guy that passed prison sentencing reform that's freed more Blacks than Obama and Biden ever did? The guy that pardoned Jack Johnson? The guy who's economic policies gave blacks and Hispanics their best unemployment numbers ever?
This whole Black Lives Matter thing is a crock! Defunding the Police is so incredibly stupid it boggles the mind. You've got people leaving major urban areas in numbers I haven't seen since the 70's. That isn't on Trump...that's all on liberal politicians and liberal policies.
Why does Trump think every Black or Brown person who comes here are from Shitholes? Why does Trump say there were fine people marching with torches while chanting 'Jews will not replace us!'? Why does Trump say Black Lives Matter is a symbol of hate? Why was Trump and his father convicted by the New York State attorney general?

Because, most black and brown people who come here ARE from shitholes!

Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Somalia.....
And the presidential responsible thing to do is to call other nations shitholes.

Trump is blunt. If you travel overseas you're going to see places that can only be described as "shitholes". It may not be PC to call them that but it doesn't change the fact that they ARE!
Have you not heard. The USA is the new shit hole. No one wants to let US citizens in their country because we cnnot control the corona virus. Trump has turned us into a shit hole.
Which countries have controlled the corona virus, moron?
Done better, not eliminated completely
" While countries as different as South Korea, Thailand, Iceland, Slovakia, and Australia acted decisively to bend the curve of infections downward, the U.S. achieved merely a plateau in the spring, "
and many more, MORON

Biden virus deaths are less than a third what they were at their peak in April. Sorry to rain on your parade with actual facts
Biden virus deaths? You are obviously confused, based on you support Trump.

Biden called Trump a racist for trying to restrict travel from China then again when he tried to restrict travel from Europe. He clearly made it far harder to control the virus.

You break it, you bought it. It's the Biden virus now
That is as stupid of a statement as human could make. It is what you expect from a Trump supporter.

Stupid is flaming Trump for a global pandemic. But since Democrats want to play that game, Biden is more to blame than Trump is. At least Trump is on our side
Biden called Trump a racist for trying to restrict travel from China then again when he tried to restrict travel from Europe. He clearly made it far harder to control the virus.

Once again your lack of facts betrays your conclusion. Trump was a racist because he only banned "chinese" people coming from china. He let 40,000 non-chinese nationals fly into the US from China, including from Wuhan.
Last edited:
As bad as it was to elect a Birther to lead us through COVID is that we elected a man who used COVID to politically divide us.

I was never a big fan of Bush 43, but he used 9-11 to unite us. He did not blame Muslims, he did not try to blame Democrats....what he did was stand as a symbol we could rally behind.

Trump used COVID to divide the nation. Turn wearing masks and socially distancing into a political statement. Republicans do not wear masks and mock those who do. Even today, most Republicans say they will not get a COVID vaccine when it is available.

Worst man we could have chosen to lead us

That's two birther Presidents in a row! Obama was the first to accuse himself of being born in Kenya.

Maybe Michelle can run in 2024 when Trump leaves office and make it three in a row, she said Obama was born in Kenya too!

Once again showing the choir that Trump is preaching to

Trump has not only provided weak leadership during COVID but he is rallying his dim witted followers to openly revolt against stopping the spread of the disease.

Democrats blaming Trump for "dividing the nation" is like Hitler blaming the Jews for WWII

Trump has divided the nation into red state, blue state. From Trumps SALT tax policy, to his control over federal funding, refusing to help California with their wildfires, because they're a blue state.

Please, after eight years of Obama for you idiots to blame Trump for dividing the nation is just moronic. Obama did nothing but divide the country and pit blacks against whites. Suddenly this is a standard to you? That's just laughable.

And listen to any Biden or Democrat speech and tell me they are trying to unite the country. You're an ignorant, lying dumb ass
Obama did not divide our country. A bunch of old white men who cannot handle a black man being President divided our country.

Bull shit, race whore. Obama told blacks they were screwed and couldn't make it and they should just vote for government freebies and lowering the bar.

Nothing he ever did united the country.

And Dementia Joe is doing the same thing telling blacks if they don't want freebies and a lower bar they ain't black
Oh my, you are an absolute idiot. There is no use to respond. People as stupid as you are hopeless. God help you.

You're still saying this shit Trump is "dividing" the country while you ignore Obama and Biden doing nothing else. Now that's stupid as shit. I'm in line for God's help after you
Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.
Is class important in a president to you? Is tradition and precedent? Is that why you support Trump? Because he is so dignified,m respectful and humble?

Because he actually is getting things done, just like he said he would.

Promises kept.
And the virus did not magically disappear in April, or the heat and light of the summer. And the wall is stalled. And YOUR taxes didn't go down like the wealthy' taxes did. And we're divided about race as we haven't been since the Sixties. And he cares more about monuments than people, flags of traitors more than the press, autocratic leaders more than our allies.

Promises kept.
Do you REALLY think it's Trump that's dividing us on race? The guy that passed prison sentencing reform that's freed more Blacks than Obama and Biden ever did? The guy that pardoned Jack Johnson? The guy who's economic policies gave blacks and Hispanics their best unemployment numbers ever?
This whole Black Lives Matter thing is a crock! Defunding the Police is so incredibly stupid it boggles the mind. You've got people leaving major urban areas in numbers I haven't seen since the 70's. That isn't on Trump...that's all on liberal politicians and liberal policies.
Why does Trump think every Black or Brown person who comes here are from Shitholes? Why does Trump say there were fine people marching with torches while chanting 'Jews will not replace us!'? Why does Trump say Black Lives Matter is a symbol of hate? Why was Trump and his father convicted by the New York State attorney general?

Because, most black and brown people who come here ARE from shitholes!

Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Somalia.....
And the presidential responsible thing to do is to call other nations shitholes.

Trump is blunt. If you travel overseas you're going to see places that can only be described as "shitholes". It may not be PC to call them that but it doesn't change the fact that they ARE!
Have you not heard. The USA is the new shit hole. No one wants to let US citizens in their country because we cnnot control the corona virus. Trump has turned us into a shit hole.
Which countries have controlled the corona virus, moron?
Done better, not eliminated completely
" While countries as different as South Korea, Thailand, Iceland, Slovakia, and Australia acted decisively to bend the curve of infections downward, the U.S. achieved merely a plateau in the spring, "
and many more, MORON

Biden virus deaths are less than a third what they were at their peak in April. Sorry to rain on your parade with actual facts
Most of Europe and Canada have recovered from the TRUMPvirus

The US still has 1000 deaths a day
Biden called Trump a racist for trying to restrict travel from China then again when he tried to restrict travel from Europe. He clearly made it far harder to control the virus.

Once again your lack of facts betrays your conclusion. Trump was a racist because he only banned "chinese" people coming from china. He let 40,000 non-chinese nationals fly into the US.

So you're on the record demanding Trump not let US citizens return to the United States? Of course you are. What a dumb ass. He can't lock up Americans in China, dumb ass.

But Dementia Joe wanted them ALL to be able to come to the US and bring the disease here. That you're OK with
As bad as it was to elect a Birther to lead us through COVID is that we elected a man who used COVID to politically divide us.

I was never a big fan of Bush 43, but he used 9-11 to unite us. He did not blame Muslims, he did not try to blame Democrats....what he did was stand as a symbol we could rally behind.

Trump used COVID to divide the nation. Turn wearing masks and socially distancing into a political statement. Republicans do not wear masks and mock those who do. Even today, most Republicans say they will not get a COVID vaccine when it is available.

Worst man we could have chosen to lead us

That's two birther Presidents in a row! Obama was the first to accuse himself of being born in Kenya.

Maybe Michelle can run in 2024 when Trump leaves office and make it three in a row, she said Obama was born in Kenya too!

Once again showing the choir that Trump is preaching to

Trump has not only provided weak leadership during COVID but he is rallying his dim witted followers to openly revolt against stopping the spread of the disease.

Democrats blaming Trump for "dividing the nation" is like Hitler blaming the Jews for WWII

Trump has divided the nation into red state, blue state. From Trumps SALT tax policy, to his control over federal funding, refusing to help California with their wildfires, because they're a blue state.

Please, after eight years of Obama for you idiots to blame Trump for dividing the nation is just moronic. Obama did nothing but divide the country and pit blacks against whites. Suddenly this is a standard to you? That's just laughable.

And listen to any Biden or Democrat speech and tell me they are trying to unite the country. You're an ignorant, lying dumb ass
Obama did not divide our country. A bunch of old white men who cannot handle a black man being President divided our country.

Bull shit, race whore. Obama told blacks they were screwed and couldn't make it and they should just vote for government freebies and lowering the bar.

Nothing he ever did united the country.

And Dementia Joe is doing the same thing telling blacks if they don't want freebies and a lower bar they ain't black
Oh my, you are an absolute idiot. There is no use to respond. People as stupid as you are hopeless. God help you.

You're still saying this shit Trump is "dividing" the country while you ignore Obama and Biden doing nothing else. Now that's stupid as shit. I'm in line for God's help after you

Compare how Bush 43 united the country vs how Trump has turned the virus into “Us vs Them”
Obama has no class, and doesn’t respect tradition and precedent.
Is class important in a president to you? Is tradition and precedent? Is that why you support Trump? Because he is so dignified,m respectful and humble?

Because he actually is getting things done, just like he said he would.

Promises kept.
And the virus did not magically disappear in April, or the heat and light of the summer. And the wall is stalled. And YOUR taxes didn't go down like the wealthy' taxes did. And we're divided about race as we haven't been since the Sixties. And he cares more about monuments than people, flags of traitors more than the press, autocratic leaders more than our allies.

Promises kept.
Do you REALLY think it's Trump that's dividing us on race? The guy that passed prison sentencing reform that's freed more Blacks than Obama and Biden ever did? The guy that pardoned Jack Johnson? The guy who's economic policies gave blacks and Hispanics their best unemployment numbers ever?
This whole Black Lives Matter thing is a crock! Defunding the Police is so incredibly stupid it boggles the mind. You've got people leaving major urban areas in numbers I haven't seen since the 70's. That isn't on Trump...that's all on liberal politicians and liberal policies.
Why does Trump think every Black or Brown person who comes here are from Shitholes? Why does Trump say there were fine people marching with torches while chanting 'Jews will not replace us!'? Why does Trump say Black Lives Matter is a symbol of hate? Why was Trump and his father convicted by the New York State attorney general?

Because, most black and brown people who come here ARE from shitholes!

Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Somalia.....
And the presidential responsible thing to do is to call other nations shitholes.

Trump is blunt. If you travel overseas you're going to see places that can only be described as "shitholes". It may not be PC to call them that but it doesn't change the fact that they ARE!
Have you not heard. The USA is the new shit hole. No one wants to let US citizens in their country because we cnnot control the corona virus. Trump has turned us into a shit hole.
Which countries have controlled the corona virus, moron?
Done better, not eliminated completely
" While countries as different as South Korea, Thailand, Iceland, Slovakia, and Australia acted decisively to bend the curve of infections downward, the U.S. achieved merely a plateau in the spring, "
and many more, MORON

Biden virus deaths are less than a third what they were at their peak in April. Sorry to rain on your parade with actual facts
Most of Europe and Canada have recovered from the TRUMPvirus

The US still has 1000 deaths a day

Actually France and Germany have had significant flare ups. Not sure what your point is. As if that's Trump's fault
As bad as it was to elect a Birther to lead us through COVID is that we elected a man who used COVID to politically divide us.

I was never a big fan of Bush 43, but he used 9-11 to unite us. He did not blame Muslims, he did not try to blame Democrats....what he did was stand as a symbol we could rally behind.

Trump used COVID to divide the nation. Turn wearing masks and socially distancing into a political statement. Republicans do not wear masks and mock those who do. Even today, most Republicans say they will not get a COVID vaccine when it is available.

Worst man we could have chosen to lead us

That's two birther Presidents in a row! Obama was the first to accuse himself of being born in Kenya.

Maybe Michelle can run in 2024 when Trump leaves office and make it three in a row, she said Obama was born in Kenya too!

Once again showing the choir that Trump is preaching to

Trump has not only provided weak leadership during COVID but he is rallying his dim witted followers to openly revolt against stopping the spread of the disease.

Democrats blaming Trump for "dividing the nation" is like Hitler blaming the Jews for WWII

Trump has divided the nation into red state, blue state. From Trumps SALT tax policy, to his control over federal funding, refusing to help California with their wildfires, because they're a blue state.

Please, after eight years of Obama for you idiots to blame Trump for dividing the nation is just moronic. Obama did nothing but divide the country and pit blacks against whites. Suddenly this is a standard to you? That's just laughable.

And listen to any Biden or Democrat speech and tell me they are trying to unite the country. You're an ignorant, lying dumb ass
Obama did not divide our country. A bunch of old white men who cannot handle a black man being President divided our country.

Bull shit, race whore. Obama told blacks they were screwed and couldn't make it and they should just vote for government freebies and lowering the bar.

Nothing he ever did united the country.

And Dementia Joe is doing the same thing telling blacks if they don't want freebies and a lower bar they ain't black
Oh my, you are an absolute idiot. There is no use to respond. People as stupid as you are hopeless. God help you.

You're still saying this shit Trump is "dividing" the country while you ignore Obama and Biden doing nothing else. Now that's stupid as shit. I'm in line for God's help after you

Compare how Bush 43 united the country vs how Trump has turned the virus into “Us vs Them”

And Obama and Biden are more dividers than Trump
Bull shit, race whore. Obama told blacks they were screwed and couldn't make it and they should just vote for government freebies and lowering the bar.
Cite where Obama said that.

(sound of a gauntlet being thrown)

That was Obama's whole message. He was constantly preaching to blacks that Whitie was keeping them down and they had to vote for him
There has never been a previous President rip a current President, like tonight.
Obama ripped Trump by telling the truth.
Trump is threatening our Democracy.
Trump will cheat and lie to win.
Trump has been an incompetent President.
Trump is more concerned about himself and his friends that thenation.
Trump is more concerned about befriending dictators than other democratic countries
/----/ Dementia Joe's platatudes and bromides.
Stupid is flaming Trump for a global pandemic. But since Democrats want to play that game, Biden is more to blame than Trump is. At least Trump is on our side
Nobody blames Trump for the coronavirus. They blame Trump for his piss poor response to a global pandemic.

Trump was briefed at least half a dozen times in january and february, yet except for his "china" ban, Trump did virtually nothing more about it, until he put an "iran" ban in place almost a month later.

Between those two actions, Trump did virtually nothing but play golf.
Stupid is flaming Trump for a global pandemic. But since Democrats want to play that game, Biden is more to blame than Trump is. At least Trump is on our side
Nobody blames Trump for the coronavirus. They blame Trump for his piss poor response to a global pandemic.

Trump was briefed at least half a dozen times in january and february, yet except for his "china" ban, Trump did virtually nothing more about it, until he put an "iran" ban in place almost a month later.

Between those two actions, Trump did virtually nothing but play golf.

What does golf have to do with anything? Just more of your butt hurt.

And Trump started the travel ban on China in January while Biden called him racist for doing it. Whatever Trump did, Biden told you he would have been worse. So suck it

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