There has never been more massive gaslighting than what The Swamp is doing over voter fraud

I’m unaware of the abundance of evidence that supports your claim that literally millions of votes had been compromised in the presidential election. You also somehow want us to believe that the Dems/Swampers didn’t bother to change any votes down ballot for the Senate, House O Reps, Governors, State Legislatures and even local elections. Please, I understand you wanted Trump to serve another term but he lost the electoral college by the same “landslide” he won it 4 years ago. It was a sad and pathetic chapter in our nations history to see a president denied their rightful legitimacy 4 years ago and then be impeached because.....he’s kind of an asshole?
Your claims here, so far as you are presenting actual evidence of millions of fraudulent votes, appears to be heading down that same road. If I am missing something please feel free to point that out, but if it’s ok with you, please leave the insults out...Happy New Year, and may your 2021 be better than 2020.
2020 Election Fraud Evidence Compiled
Ok, I’ll check this out....but Roger Stone is the best you can do? The self described master of dirty politics? The guy with Nixon tattooed on his back? The guy who just got pardoned? I really hope this is not your only source.

Check the evidence. It's credibility doesn't depend on the word of Roger Stone.
Ok just started going through the different court cases you provide, much more compelling evidence that our voting system has profound flaws but I’m still not finding the evidence for massive fraud in this election. It seems like the systematic issues here would affect all elections not just this years presidential election. By extension Hillary Clinton could make the same case in election she lost fair and square (I bet we agree on that!).
Sorry boss but witty memes fall well short of evidence.
I have now gone through a good amount of the evidence you provide. It is more or less using divergent bits of information to create conjecture. Interesting and even compelling in some ways but in the end there is nothing here that indicates your assertions are anymore factual than the Dems claims of Russian Collusion in 2016. In short, so far as I can tell, you have a conspiracy theory that his heavy on the theory and light on the conspiracy.
Thanks for making the effort to bring me around to your point of view, I respect your intellect and character a great deal more than I did before this discussion.
Good luck and here’s hoping 2021 is a long shot better than 2020 for all of us.

No fools here? Nothing but fools and liars.
This study provides measures of vote fraud in the 2020 presidential election. It first compares Fulton county’s precincts that are adjacent to similar precincts in neighboring counties that had no allegations of fraud to isolate the impact of Fulton county’s vote-counting process (including potential fraud). In measuring the difference in President Trump’s vote share of the absentee ballots for these adjacent precincts, we account for the difference in his vote share of the in-person voting and the difference in registered voters’ demographics. The best estimate shows an unusual 7.81% drop in Trump’s percentage of the absentee ballots for Fulton County alone of 11,350 votes, or over 80% of Biden’s vote lead in Georgia. The same approach is applied to Allegheny County in Pennsylvania for both absentee and provisional ballots. The estimated number of fraudulent votes from those two sources is about 55,270 votes.
Last edited:
you do not understand
I’m unaware of the abundance of evidence that supports your claim that literally millions of votes had been compromised in the presidential election. You also somehow want us to believe that the Dems/Swampers didn’t bother to change any votes down ballot for the Senate, House O Reps, Governors, State Legislatures and even local elections. Please, I understand you wanted Trump to serve another term but he lost the electoral college by the same “landslide” he won it 4 years ago. It was a sad and pathetic chapter in our nations history to see a president denied their rightful legitimacy 4 years ago and then be impeached because.....he’s kind of an asshole?
Your claims here, so far as you are presenting actual evidence of millions of fraudulent votes, appears to be heading down that same road. If I am missing something please feel free to point that out, but if it’s ok with you, please leave the insults out...Happy New Year, and may your 2021 be better than 2020.
the beauty of mail in ballots is that we do not know who actually voted
the Dems did a great job of brainwashing their low iq supporters
So your smoking gun is conjecture? Sounds a lot like the evidence Adam Shifty claimed he had about Trump’s relationship with Russia.
yea, you do not understand
So explain, please.
you do not understand how paper ballots are wide open for voter fraud
No, I do not understand how the possibility of something means that it is true.
Your logic here is kind of like, people can die in car accidents, so let’s outlaw cars because they obviously kill people.
Except for the fact that there's no reason to allow mail-in voting. On the other hand, there is very good reason to allow cars.
What are you babbling about? Mail in ballots have been used ever since we began sending the military over seas to stay. Are you suggesting that people who fight to defend your ability to spew any nonsense you want, should not have the right to vote?
crazy liberal cultist in deep denial of reality
I am open to anything you have to offer, but you have not presented anything other than I’m brainwashed because I don’t agree with you. Give me a link to actual proof and I promise I am open to going through it. You do understand Trump appointed judges have thrown out cases too? In fact, the only case he won was an appellate court in Pa said the state couldn‘t give people until Nov 12th to prove their ID if there was a problem with their mail in ballot, they said they only had until the 9th. The Pa SC reversed that decision. Regardless, not enough ballots in question to change the election in PA let alone the country.
Regardless, not enough ballots in question to change the election in PA let alone the country.

200K Pennsylvania vote hack is the massive bombshell most Americans missed
There are enough votes right there to give the election to Trump.

Wow! How did I miss this? Get this out there man! There’s been a coup perpetrated by about 80 million Americans by using their votes!
you do not understand
I’m unaware of the abundance of evidence that supports your claim that literally millions of votes had been compromised in the presidential election. You also somehow want us to believe that the Dems/Swampers didn’t bother to change any votes down ballot for the Senate, House O Reps, Governors, State Legislatures and even local elections. Please, I understand you wanted Trump to serve another term but he lost the electoral college by the same “landslide” he won it 4 years ago. It was a sad and pathetic chapter in our nations history to see a president denied their rightful legitimacy 4 years ago and then be impeached because.....he’s kind of an asshole?
Your claims here, so far as you are presenting actual evidence of millions of fraudulent votes, appears to be heading down that same road. If I am missing something please feel free to point that out, but if it’s ok with you, please leave the insults out...Happy New Year, and may your 2021 be better than 2020.
the beauty of mail in ballots is that we do not know who actually voted
the Dems did a great job of brainwashing their low iq supporters
So your smoking gun is conjecture? Sounds a lot like the evidence Adam Shifty claimed he had about Trump’s relationship with Russia.
yea, you do not understand
So explain, please.
you do not understand how paper ballots are wide open for voter fraud
No, I do not understand how the possibility of something means that it is true.
Your logic here is kind of like, people can die in car accidents, so let’s outlaw cars because they obviously kill people.
Except for the fact that there's no reason to allow mail-in voting. On the other hand, there is very good reason to allow cars.
What are you babbling about? Mail in ballots have been used ever since we began sending the military over seas to stay. Are you suggesting that people who fight to defend your ability to spew any nonsense you want, should not have the right to vote?
crazy liberal cultist in deep denial of reality
I am open to anything you have to offer, but you have not presented anything other than I’m brainwashed because I don’t agree with you. Give me a link to actual proof and I promise I am open to going through it. You do understand Trump appointed judges have thrown out cases too? In fact, the only case he won was an appellate court in Pa said the state couldn‘t give people until Nov 12th to prove their ID if there was a problem with their mail in ballot, they said they only had until the 9th. The Pa SC reversed that decision. Regardless, not enough ballots in question to change the election in PA let alone the country.
Regardless, not enough ballots in question to change the election in PA let alone the country.

200K Pennsylvania vote hack is the massive bombshell most Americans missed
There are enough votes right there to give the election to Trump.

Wow! How did I miss this? Get this out there man! There’s been a coup perpetrated by about 80 million Americans by using their votes!
Joe Braindead Biden did not get 80 million votes. Phantom votes are illegal votes. Joe should concede before he goes to jail.
you do not understand
I’m unaware of the abundance of evidence that supports your claim that literally millions of votes had been compromised in the presidential election. You also somehow want us to believe that the Dems/Swampers didn’t bother to change any votes down ballot for the Senate, House O Reps, Governors, State Legislatures and even local elections. Please, I understand you wanted Trump to serve another term but he lost the electoral college by the same “landslide” he won it 4 years ago. It was a sad and pathetic chapter in our nations history to see a president denied their rightful legitimacy 4 years ago and then be impeached because.....he’s kind of an asshole?
Your claims here, so far as you are presenting actual evidence of millions of fraudulent votes, appears to be heading down that same road. If I am missing something please feel free to point that out, but if it’s ok with you, please leave the insults out...Happy New Year, and may your 2021 be better than 2020.
the beauty of mail in ballots is that we do not know who actually voted
the Dems did a great job of brainwashing their low iq supporters
So your smoking gun is conjecture? Sounds a lot like the evidence Adam Shifty claimed he had about Trump’s relationship with Russia.
yea, you do not understand
So explain, please.
you do not understand how paper ballots are wide open for voter fraud
No, I do not understand how the possibility of something means that it is true.
Your logic here is kind of like, people can die in car accidents, so let’s outlaw cars because they obviously kill people.
Except for the fact that there's no reason to allow mail-in voting. On the other hand, there is very good reason to allow cars.
What are you babbling about? Mail in ballots have been used ever since we began sending the military over seas to stay. Are you suggesting that people who fight to defend your ability to spew any nonsense you want, should not have the right to vote?
crazy liberal cultist in deep denial of reality
I am open to anything you have to offer, but you have not presented anything other than I’m brainwashed because I don’t agree with you. Give me a link to actual proof and I promise I am open to going through it. You do understand Trump appointed judges have thrown out cases too? In fact, the only case he won was an appellate court in Pa said the state couldn‘t give people until Nov 12th to prove their ID if there was a problem with their mail in ballot, they said they only had until the 9th. The Pa SC reversed that decision. Regardless, not enough ballots in question to change the election in PA let alone the country.
Regardless, not enough ballots in question to change the election in PA let alone the country.

200K Pennsylvania vote hack is the massive bombshell most Americans missed
There are enough votes right there to give the election to Trump.

Wow! How did I miss this? Get this out there man! There’s been a coup perpetrated by about 80 million Americans by using their votes!
Joe Braindead Biden did not get 80 million votes. Phantom votes are illegal votes. Joe should concede before he goes to jail.
Ok, sorry for my mistake.
you do not understand
I’m unaware of the abundance of evidence that supports your claim that literally millions of votes had been compromised in the presidential election. You also somehow want us to believe that the Dems/Swampers didn’t bother to change any votes down ballot for the Senate, House O Reps, Governors, State Legislatures and even local elections. Please, I understand you wanted Trump to serve another term but he lost the electoral college by the same “landslide” he won it 4 years ago. It was a sad and pathetic chapter in our nations history to see a president denied their rightful legitimacy 4 years ago and then be impeached because.....he’s kind of an asshole?
Your claims here, so far as you are presenting actual evidence of millions of fraudulent votes, appears to be heading down that same road. If I am missing something please feel free to point that out, but if it’s ok with you, please leave the insults out...Happy New Year, and may your 2021 be better than 2020.
the beauty of mail in ballots is that we do not know who actually voted
the Dems did a great job of brainwashing their low iq supporters
So your smoking gun is conjecture? Sounds a lot like the evidence Adam Shifty claimed he had about Trump’s relationship with Russia.
yea, you do not understand
So explain, please.
you do not understand how paper ballots are wide open for voter fraud
No, I do not understand how the possibility of something means that it is true.
Your logic here is kind of like, people can die in car accidents, so let’s outlaw cars because they obviously kill people.
Except for the fact that there's no reason to allow mail-in voting. On the other hand, there is very good reason to allow cars.
What are you babbling about? Mail in ballots have been used ever since we began sending the military over seas to stay. Are you suggesting that people who fight to defend your ability to spew any nonsense you want, should not have the right to vote?
crazy liberal cultist in deep denial of reality
I am open to anything you have to offer, but you have not presented anything other than I’m brainwashed because I don’t agree with you. Give me a link to actual proof and I promise I am open to going through it. You do understand Trump appointed judges have thrown out cases too? In fact, the only case he won was an appellate court in Pa said the state couldn‘t give people until Nov 12th to prove their ID if there was a problem with their mail in ballot, they said they only had until the 9th. The Pa SC reversed that decision. Regardless, not enough ballots in question to change the election in PA let alone the country.
Regardless, not enough ballots in question to change the election in PA let alone the country.

200K Pennsylvania vote hack is the massive bombshell most Americans missed
There are enough votes right there to give the election to Trump.

Wow! How did I miss this? Get this out there man! There’s been a coup perpetrated by about 80 million Americans by using their votes!
Joe Braindead Biden did not get 80 million votes. Phantom votes are illegal votes. Joe should concede before he goes to jail.
Ok, sorry for my mistake.
the cult is strong in this one
you do not understand
I’m unaware of the abundance of evidence that supports your claim that literally millions of votes had been compromised in the presidential election. You also somehow want us to believe that the Dems/Swampers didn’t bother to change any votes down ballot for the Senate, House O Reps, Governors, State Legislatures and even local elections. Please, I understand you wanted Trump to serve another term but he lost the electoral college by the same “landslide” he won it 4 years ago. It was a sad and pathetic chapter in our nations history to see a president denied their rightful legitimacy 4 years ago and then be impeached because.....he’s kind of an asshole?
Your claims here, so far as you are presenting actual evidence of millions of fraudulent votes, appears to be heading down that same road. If I am missing something please feel free to point that out, but if it’s ok with you, please leave the insults out...Happy New Year, and may your 2021 be better than 2020.
the beauty of mail in ballots is that we do not know who actually voted
the Dems did a great job of brainwashing their low iq supporters
So your smoking gun is conjecture? Sounds a lot like the evidence Adam Shifty claimed he had about Trump’s relationship with Russia.
yea, you do not understand
So explain, please.
you do not understand how paper ballots are wide open for voter fraud
No, I do not understand how the possibility of something means that it is true.
Your logic here is kind of like, people can die in car accidents, so let’s outlaw cars because they obviously kill people.
Except for the fact that there's no reason to allow mail-in voting. On the other hand, there is very good reason to allow cars.
What are you babbling about? Mail in ballots have been used ever since we began sending the military over seas to stay. Are you suggesting that people who fight to defend your ability to spew any nonsense you want, should not have the right to vote?
crazy liberal cultist in deep denial of reality
I am open to anything you have to offer, but you have not presented anything other than I’m brainwashed because I don’t agree with you. Give me a link to actual proof and I promise I am open to going through it. You do understand Trump appointed judges have thrown out cases too? In fact, the only case he won was an appellate court in Pa said the state couldn‘t give people until Nov 12th to prove their ID if there was a problem with their mail in ballot, they said they only had until the 9th. The Pa SC reversed that decision. Regardless, not enough ballots in question to change the election in PA let alone the country.
Regardless, not enough ballots in question to change the election in PA let alone the country.

200K Pennsylvania vote hack is the massive bombshell most Americans missed
There are enough votes right there to give the election to Trump.

Wow! How did I miss this? Get this out there man! There’s been a coup perpetrated by about 80 million Americans by using their votes!
Joe Braindead Biden did not get 80 million votes. Phantom votes are illegal votes. Joe should concede before he goes to jail.
Ok, sorry for my mistake.
the cult is strong in this one
You mean the school children singing about Obama? Some children were actually told they could pray to him. Your cult nonsense is projection.
you do not understand
I’m unaware of the abundance of evidence that supports your claim that literally millions of votes had been compromised in the presidential election. You also somehow want us to believe that the Dems/Swampers didn’t bother to change any votes down ballot for the Senate, House O Reps, Governors, State Legislatures and even local elections. Please, I understand you wanted Trump to serve another term but he lost the electoral college by the same “landslide” he won it 4 years ago. It was a sad and pathetic chapter in our nations history to see a president denied their rightful legitimacy 4 years ago and then be impeached because.....he’s kind of an asshole?
Your claims here, so far as you are presenting actual evidence of millions of fraudulent votes, appears to be heading down that same road. If I am missing something please feel free to point that out, but if it’s ok with you, please leave the insults out...Happy New Year, and may your 2021 be better than 2020.
the beauty of mail in ballots is that we do not know who actually voted
the Dems did a great job of brainwashing their low iq supporters
So your smoking gun is conjecture? Sounds a lot like the evidence Adam Shifty claimed he had about Trump’s relationship with Russia.
yea, you do not understand
So explain, please.
you do not understand how paper ballots are wide open for voter fraud
No, I do not understand how the possibility of something means that it is true.
Your logic here is kind of like, people can die in car accidents, so let’s outlaw cars because they obviously kill people.
Except for the fact that there's no reason to allow mail-in voting. On the other hand, there is very good reason to allow cars.
What are you babbling about? Mail in ballots have been used ever since we began sending the military over seas to stay. Are you suggesting that people who fight to defend your ability to spew any nonsense you want, should not have the right to vote?
crazy liberal cultist in deep denial of reality
I am open to anything you have to offer, but you have not presented anything other than I’m brainwashed because I don’t agree with you. Give me a link to actual proof and I promise I am open to going through it. You do understand Trump appointed judges have thrown out cases too? In fact, the only case he won was an appellate court in Pa said the state couldn‘t give people until Nov 12th to prove their ID if there was a problem with their mail in ballot, they said they only had until the 9th. The Pa SC reversed that decision. Regardless, not enough ballots in question to change the election in PA let alone the country.
Regardless, not enough ballots in question to change the election in PA let alone the country.

200K Pennsylvania vote hack is the massive bombshell most Americans missed
There are enough votes right there to give the election to Trump.

Wow! How did I miss this? Get this out there man! There’s been a coup perpetrated by about 80 million Americans by using their votes!
Joe Braindead Biden did not get 80 million votes. Phantom votes are illegal votes. Joe should concede before he goes to jail.
Ok, sorry for my mistake.
the cult is strong in this one
So let us review, I have asked all of you for any evidence you have to convince me that I am wrong. Only one of you have presented any evidence and that came from Roger Stone’s website. Regardless, I reviewed what was being can review the discussion if you care to see the results. Now because I disagree with your unsubstantiated claims, you dismiss my reservations by claiming I blindly follow some Dem conspiracy.
Let us be clear, from my perspective the Democratic party is riddled with self-serving political hacks. The Democratic Party is full of folks willing to manipulate, cheat, rape (looking at you Willy C), lie and steal to get what they want. The problem for me is that all of that is true of the Republican Party as well.
So please stop confusing me with some over-educated/under-reasonable SJW.
The burden of proof is on those making the claim, and so far as I can tell your whole argument boils down to, “I can’t believe that more people would vote for Biden than Trump.”
Sounds a lot like you’ve been reading the Shifty/ Schumer playbook and are applying what you’ve learned.
So if I’m in any cult, it’s the Cult for Reason.
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
Wrong, turd. They didn't even look at the evidence. What they made clear is that they are corrupt political hacks or spineless cowards.
These stupid fuck cowards who keep lying as they are paid to do here by constantly posting bs that this was the most secure voting that took place keep evading that fact that the courts have repeatedly not even looked at the evidence,that’s just one example of numerous facts of vote fraud that took place these shills try to ignore and beliveve did not happen.these asswipes have even stopped to saying that it’s not true that the lawyers and whistleblowers and judges are not getting death threats.incredible they have no conscience about lying thst they would have the audacity to claim that has not happened.
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
They're so emotionally invested in this that you'll likely never see them admit they've been conned.

Fooled. Pranked. By a buffoon and his crew.
I'm emotionally invested in my country I will face death to destroy you and every leftist
I didn't serve to defend against communism just to watch it turn communism from within
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
They're so emotionally invested in this that you'll likely never see them admit they've been conned.

Fooled. Pranked. By a buffoon and his crew.
I'm emotionally invested in my country I will face death to destroy you and every leftist
I didn't serve to defend against communism just to watch it turn communism from within
You've been taken for a fool by those you trust.

That's on you.
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
They're so emotionally invested in this that you'll likely never see them admit they've been conned.

Fooled. Pranked. By a buffoon and his crew.
I'm emotionally invested in my country I will face death to destroy you and every leftist
I didn't serve to defend against communism just to watch it turn communism from within
You've been taken for a fool by those you trust.

That's on you.
no dumbass those who pushed the bullshit the last four years fed it to you and you ate it and asked for more
You're really a stupid little thing who cannot think for it's self
You believed the shit democrat propaganda mainstream media reported to you to find out it was all a lie. But like a dumbass who can't admit you were fooled still try and push it
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
At least you admit there was voter fraud, but somehow you "know" that it wasn't enough to sway the election to Biden. Interesting, I wonder how you "know" that?
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
They're so emotionally invested in this that you'll likely never see them admit they've been conned.

Fooled. Pranked. By a buffoon and his crew.
I'm emotionally invested in my country I will face death to destroy you and every leftist
I didn't serve to defend against communism just to watch it turn communism from within
You've been taken for a fool by those you trust.

That's on you.

The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
At least you admit there was voter fraud, but somehow you "know" that it wasn't enough to sway the election to Biden. Interesting, I wonder how you "know" that?
JackOfNoTrades repeats the lies he's been told to say. That's all any of these douchebags do.
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
They're so emotionally invested in this that you'll likely never see them admit they've been conned.

Fooled. Pranked. By a buffoon and his crew.
I'm emotionally invested in my country I will face death to destroy you and every leftist
I didn't serve to defend against communism just to watch it turn communism from within

I’m also invested in My Country
You acting all tough and saying I don’t Love my Country because I question the lies being told to us and being absorbed by you
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
They're so emotionally invested in this that you'll likely never see them admit they've been conned.

Fooled. Pranked. By a buffoon and his crew.
I'm emotionally invested in my country I will face death to destroy you and every leftist
I didn't serve to defend against communism just to watch it turn communism from within

I’m also invested in My Country
You acting all tough and saying I don’t Love my Country because I question the lies being told to us and being absorbed by you
All they know is to attack.
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
They're so emotionally invested in this that you'll likely never see them admit they've been conned.

Fooled. Pranked. By a buffoon and his crew.
I'm emotionally invested in my country I will face death to destroy you and every leftist
I didn't serve to defend against communism just to watch it turn communism from within

I’m also invested in My Country
You acting all tough and saying I don’t Love my Country because I question the lies being told to us and being absorbed by you
All they know is to attack.
What have you and all the other douchebag progs been doing for the last four years?
The evidence for it is abundant in this forum. All the usual subjects are telling the most outrageous lies imaginable. Good article. Read it.

One of the most misused words in modern society is “gaslighting.” Articles, videos, and social media users lob the term at their ideological enemies like rocks at a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest. But we’re witnessing the most blatant and widespread attempt at mass gaslighting that we’ve seen in the nation’s history. The Swamp wants us to believe widespread voter fraud didn’t happen and if we think it did, then we must be insane.
According to Psychology Today, “Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders.”
Abusers. Dictators. Narcissists. Cult leaders. Throw in useful idiots and the self-proclaimed arbiters of truth in media and Big Tech and it seems like we have The Swamp perfectly nailed as perpetrators of massive gaslighting. They want you to believe the case is closed. They want you to think there’s no hope. They want us to ignore the mountains of evidence that demonstrate unambiguous voter fraud and accept that an old, straight, Caucasian, rich career politician outperformed every great leader this nation has ever had.

Oh, blah, blah, blah. There was no amount of voter fraud that could have swung the election. 60 lower court cases and two SC cases should have made that clear for you that by now.
Seriously, it's over. He lost. Deal with it. This constant form of "bargaining" isn't healthy. :)
All this crap will fade into background noise as of Biden's Inauguration Day.

Then they can whine like children/Trump, begging for attention, all they want.

No harm, no foul.
No it won't, turd. It's never going away. Do you actually believe people are going to ignore this monumental swindle?

You present Zero evidence.
Just useless debunked videos
Fake witnesses

Just show me something from a court that confirms the “monumental swindle.
Otherwise, like always, you screaming at the Sky is hilarious and I love it.

Right now, you got nothing and you keep embarrassing yourself MORE than the 2016 Sky Screamers.
They're so emotionally invested in this that you'll likely never see them admit they've been conned.

Fooled. Pranked. By a buffoon and his crew.
I'm emotionally invested in my country I will face death to destroy you and every leftist
I didn't serve to defend against communism just to watch it turn communism from within
You've been taken for a fool by those you trust.

That's on you.
no dumbass those who pushed the bullshit the last four years fed it to you and you ate it and asked for more
You're really a stupid little thing who cannot think for it's self
You believed the shit democrat propaganda mainstream media reported to you to find out it was all a lie. But like a dumbass who can't admit you were fooled still try and push it
Give me One. Just One of the propaganda points that I was fooled by.
Just give me one.

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