There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

I really don't give a rat fuck how many people get killed if we're not going to allow people to carry and protect themselves in schools.

Not one fuck is given.
many other's carrying guns!!
1. too late--he will kill some at least
2. most will not know who the gunman is!!--so the gunman can hide with the other kids and shoot again....if you don't know who the shooter is, and see someone with a pistol--what will you do?? he could be the gunman--maybe not--you HAVE to shoot
Not a big fan of legislating anything.... but Legislate that in order to post / establish a "Gun Free Zone" it must at all times have armed professionals guarding it... Many entities will be deterred by the cost, allowing armed citizenry to carry which is 'the ideal' in the first place.
many other's carrying guns!!
1. too late--he will kill some at least
2. most will not know who the gunman is!!--so the gunman can hide with the other kids and shoot again....if you don't know who the shooter is, and see someone with a pistol--what will you do?? he could be the gunman--maybe not--you HAVE to shoot
This is complete horseshit.

Everybody knows others can shoot them quickly. How many are going to pull their gun?
According to our local news as many as 7 dead, and he had a rifle, and possibly a hand gun
Not a big fan of legislating anything.... but Legislate that in order to post / establish a "Gun Free Zone" it must at all times have armed professionals guarding it... Many entities will be deterred by the cost, allowing armed citizenry to carry which is 'the ideal' in the first place.
with many people running around with guns--no one--especially the police will not know who the gunman is!!
Seriously couldn't you wait till the blood drys before you start mocking?

No mock
Just tired of it

We didn't do anything after Sandy Hook and Vegas........why should we care now?
Thoughts and prayers.....Thoughts and Prayers

What more could you ask?

Obviously what is needed is a thorough study of what moivates these students that decide to kill their fellow students and try and remedy it aka bullying ...many past shooter have been victims of bullying. Teachers should be trained to be on the lookout for bullying activity and take the appropriate action before it goes too far...bullying should not be tolerated.

Or we could have strong gun control like every sane nation. It has proven to work.

We do have strong gun control laws, no one wants to enforce them.

The school superintendent just said that mental health issues are the problem and they are a challenge to address.

The left is always quick to blame the firearm, not the unhinged shooter.
Ah...the shooter MUST have been white.
Looks like I will have to get my thoughts and prayers together and than God we have a second amendment

Seriously couldn't you wait till the blood drys before you start mocking?

No...they can't.......they need the emotion to convince the uninformed to give them the power to go after people who didn't shoot anyone.....
We need emotion to say.......we have had enough
Otherwise, just line up the next children for slaughter
And what's NOT normal but you can see the kids coming out with their hands up as if they are the ones being under arrest. It acclimates the public to accepting the " police state"
That's just stupid. isn't.

You're not thinking rationally....and or confusing effect with intent.
The net effect will be to desensitize people to police authority. While the intent (to make sure there isn't another shooter) may be valid.
We need emotion to say.......we have had enough
Otherwise, just line up the next children for slaughter
We need....

Machine guns.

You don't get it.


We're getting machine guns whether you like it or not. You should just joint the others running to Canada.

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