There Is No Crisis On The Southern Border. None.


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Mike Pence was burbling a few minutes ago about the “crisis” on our southern border, so I’d like to share that crisis with you. Here it is:


Yes, there is traffic across our southern border. However, the net traffic entering the US is zero or lower. To put it plainly: more people are leaving than are coming in.This is not a crisis. It is not anything close to a crisis.

The number of undocumented workers in the United States has been declining steadily for a decade. It’s obviously not something to panic over. What’s more, anyone who’s truly concerned about the undocumented population anyway should be obsessed with E-Verify, not a wall. This is because a properly functioning E-Verify system would (a) be more effective than a wall, (b) stop illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the south, and (c) reduce all forms of illegal immigration, including visa overstays, which a wall can’t stop.

Trump’s obsession with a wall is a sign of unseriousness. The big businesses that run the Republican Party encourage it because they know it won’t work—and something that works is the last thing they want.

This whole thing is just a kabuki show. It’s ridiculous.

There is no crisis on the southern border. None.

This is nothing but deflection from the ass kicking Republicans got in the midterms, and Trumps legal problems him and his family will be facing soon.
Mike Pence was burbling a few minutes ago about the “crisis” on our southern border, so I’d like to share that crisis with you. Here it is:


Yes, there is traffic across our southern border. However, the net traffic entering the US is zero or lower. To put it plainly: more people are leaving than are coming in.This is not a crisis. It is not anything close to a crisis.

The number of undocumented workers in the United States has been declining steadily for a decade. It’s obviously not something to panic over. What’s more, anyone who’s truly concerned about the undocumented population anyway should be obsessed with E-Verify, not a wall. This is because a properly functioning E-Verify system would (a) be more effective than a wall, (b) stop illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the south, and (c) reduce all forms of illegal immigration, including visa overstays, which a wall can’t stop.

Trump’s obsession with a wall is a sign of unseriousness. The big businesses that run the Republican Party encourage it because they know it won’t work—and something that works is the last thing they want.

This whole thing is just a kabuki show. It’s ridiculous.

There is no crisis on the southern border. None.

This is nothing but deflection from the ass kicking Republicans got in the midterms, and Trumps legal problems him and his family will be facing soon.

A complete constuct of the blob.
Mike Pence was burbling a few minutes ago about the “crisis” on our southern border, so I’d like to share that crisis with you. Here it is:


Yes, there is traffic across our southern border. However, the net traffic entering the US is zero or lower. To put it plainly: more people are leaving than are coming in.This is not a crisis. It is not anything close to a crisis.

The number of undocumented workers in the United States has been declining steadily for a decade. It’s obviously not something to panic over. What’s more, anyone who’s truly concerned about the undocumented population anyway should be obsessed with E-Verify, not a wall. This is because a properly functioning E-Verify system would (a) be more effective than a wall, (b) stop illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the south, and (c) reduce all forms of illegal immigration, including visa overstays, which a wall can’t stop.

Trump’s obsession with a wall is a sign of unseriousness. The big businesses that run the Republican Party encourage it because they know it won’t work—and something that works is the last thing they want.

This whole thing is just a kabuki show. It’s ridiculous.

There is no crisis on the southern border. None.

This is nothing but deflection from the ass kicking Republicans got in the midterms, and Trumps legal problems him and his family will be facing soon.
...other than we have an wide open southern border.
Mike Pence was burbling a few minutes ago about the “crisis” on our southern border, so I’d like to share that crisis with you. Here it is:


Yes, there is traffic across our southern border. However, the net traffic entering the US is zero or lower. To put it plainly: more people are leaving than are coming in.This is not a crisis. It is not anything close to a crisis.

The number of undocumented workers in the United States has been declining steadily for a decade. It’s obviously not something to panic over. What’s more, anyone who’s truly concerned about the undocumented population anyway should be obsessed with E-Verify, not a wall. This is because a properly functioning E-Verify system would (a) be more effective than a wall, (b) stop illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the south, and (c) reduce all forms of illegal immigration, including visa overstays, which a wall can’t stop.

Trump’s obsession with a wall is a sign of unseriousness. The big businesses that run the Republican Party encourage it because they know it won’t work—and something that works is the last thing they want.

This whole thing is just a kabuki show. It’s ridiculous.

There is no crisis on the southern border. None.

This is nothing but deflection from the ass kicking Republicans got in the midterms, and Trumps legal problems him and his family will be facing soon.
...other than we have an wide open southern border.

It’s not “wide open” . And it’s definitely no emergency.
Mike Pence was burbling a few minutes ago about the “crisis” on our southern border, so I’d like to share that crisis with you. Here it is:


Yes, there is traffic across our southern border. However, the net traffic entering the US is zero or lower. To put it plainly: more people are leaving than are coming in.This is not a crisis. It is not anything close to a crisis.

The number of undocumented workers in the United States has been declining steadily for a decade. It’s obviously not something to panic over. What’s more, anyone who’s truly concerned about the undocumented population anyway should be obsessed with E-Verify, not a wall. This is because a properly functioning E-Verify system would (a) be more effective than a wall, (b) stop illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the south, and (c) reduce all forms of illegal immigration, including visa overstays, which a wall can’t stop.

Trump’s obsession with a wall is a sign of unseriousness. The big businesses that run the Republican Party encourage it because they know it won’t work—and something that works is the last thing they want.

This whole thing is just a kabuki show. It’s ridiculous.

There is no crisis on the southern border. None.

This is nothing but deflection from the ass kicking Republicans got in the midterms, and Trumps legal problems him and his family will be facing soon.
...other than we have an wide open southern border.

It’s not “wide open” . And it’s definitely no emergency.
Quit falling down the well
The vast majority of the southern border looks like this...

Mike Pence was burbling a few minutes ago about the “crisis” on our southern border, so I’d like to share that crisis with you. Here it is:


Yes, there is traffic across our southern border. However, the net traffic entering the US is zero or lower. To put it plainly: more people are leaving than are coming in.This is not a crisis. It is not anything close to a crisis.

The number of undocumented workers in the United States has been declining steadily for a decade. It’s obviously not something to panic over. What’s more, anyone who’s truly concerned about the undocumented population anyway should be obsessed with E-Verify, not a wall. This is because a properly functioning E-Verify system would (a) be more effective than a wall, (b) stop illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the south, and (c) reduce all forms of illegal immigration, including visa overstays, which a wall can’t stop.

Trump’s obsession with a wall is a sign of unseriousness. The big businesses that run the Republican Party encourage it because they know it won’t work—and something that works is the last thing they want.

This whole thing is just a kabuki show. It’s ridiculous.

There is no crisis on the southern border. None.

This is nothing but deflection from the ass kicking Republicans got in the midterms, and Trumps legal problems him and his family will be facing soon.
I like how Sanders raaaaaaanted about all the terrorists that were captured trying to cross. Captured! So why do we need a wall, Sarah?

Because the boogy man is coming!
Illegal is illegal...

Progressives hypocrisy is predictable
Two thousand illegals cross on average every day and bitch Pelosi says we do not need a wall and you stupid liberals drink her koolaid .

Mike Pence was burbling a few minutes ago about the “crisis” on our southern border, so I’d like to share that crisis with you. Here it is:


Yes, there is traffic across our southern border. However, the net traffic entering the US is zero or lower. To put it plainly: more people are leaving than are coming in.This is not a crisis. It is not anything close to a crisis.

The number of undocumented workers in the United States has been declining steadily for a decade. It’s obviously not something to panic over. What’s more, anyone who’s truly concerned about the undocumented population anyway should be obsessed with E-Verify, not a wall. This is because a properly functioning E-Verify system would (a) be more effective than a wall, (b) stop illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the south, and (c) reduce all forms of illegal immigration, including visa overstays, which a wall can’t stop.

Trump’s obsession with a wall is a sign of unseriousness. The big businesses that run the Republican Party encourage it because they know it won’t work—and something that works is the last thing they want.

This whole thing is just a kabuki show. It’s ridiculous.

There is no crisis on the southern border. None.

This is nothing but deflection from the ass kicking Republicans got in the midterms, and Trumps legal problems him and his family will be facing soon.

When you say "more people are leaving", don't you mean, "more people are being leaved by ICE"?
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Trump deflected the invasion by his use of military. Millions and millions of illegals in the country, build that wall and let Trump fix it.
No matter what the actual facts are regressive trolls continue to lie and try to hurt this country.
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Mike Pence was burbling a few minutes ago about the “crisis” on our southern border, so I’d like to share that crisis with you. Here it is:


Yes, there is traffic across our southern border. However, the net traffic entering the US is zero or lower. To put it plainly: more people are leaving than are coming in.This is not a crisis. It is not anything close to a crisis.

The number of undocumented workers in the United States has been declining steadily for a decade. It’s obviously not something to panic over. What’s more, anyone who’s truly concerned about the undocumented population anyway should be obsessed with E-Verify, not a wall. This is because a properly functioning E-Verify system would (a) be more effective than a wall, (b) stop illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the south, and (c) reduce all forms of illegal immigration, including visa overstays, which a wall can’t stop.

Trump’s obsession with a wall is a sign of unseriousness. The big businesses that run the Republican Party encourage it because they know it won’t work—and something that works is the last thing they want.

This whole thing is just a kabuki show. It’s ridiculous.

There is no crisis on the southern border. None.

This is nothing but deflection from the ass kicking Republicans got in the midterms, and Trumps legal problems him and his family will be facing soon.

Since Trump well knows that his cult members are ignorant morons, he has been able to further convince them that the "crisis" facing our country boils down to a caravan of kids from central America........

The orange idiot is worried about Mueller, NYSD and the NYS AG, what is tis moron in chief to do???...............Deflect to a made-up "crisis"
Mike Pence was burbling a few minutes ago about the “crisis” on our southern border, so I’d like to share that crisis with you. Here it is:


Yes, there is traffic across our southern border. However, the net traffic entering the US is zero or lower. To put it plainly: more people are leaving than are coming in.This is not a crisis. It is not anything close to a crisis.

The number of undocumented workers in the United States has been declining steadily for a decade. It’s obviously not something to panic over. What’s more, anyone who’s truly concerned about the undocumented population anyway should be obsessed with E-Verify, not a wall. This is because a properly functioning E-Verify system would (a) be more effective than a wall, (b) stop illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the south, and (c) reduce all forms of illegal immigration, including visa overstays, which a wall can’t stop.

Trump’s obsession with a wall is a sign of unseriousness. The big businesses that run the Republican Party encourage it because they know it won’t work—and something that works is the last thing they want.

This whole thing is just a kabuki show. It’s ridiculous.

There is no crisis on the southern border. None.

This is nothing but deflection from the ass kicking Republicans got in the midterms, and Trumps legal problems him and his family will be facing soon.
Yes. It is a completely manufactured crisis engeneered specifically to keep the weaker minded folks frothing at the mouth and in line instead of thinking about things like indictments and investigations.

It is actually for more effective than I would have thought, sad as that is. Just look at all the fools on the forum who have bought it hook, line, and sinker.
Mike Pence was burbling a few minutes ago about the “crisis” on our southern border, so I’d like to share that crisis with you. Here it is:


Yes, there is traffic across our southern border. However, the net traffic entering the US is zero or lower. To put it plainly: more people are leaving than are coming in.This is not a crisis. It is not anything close to a crisis.

The number of undocumented workers in the United States has been declining steadily for a decade. It’s obviously not something to panic over. What’s more, anyone who’s truly concerned about the undocumented population anyway should be obsessed with E-Verify, not a wall. This is because a properly functioning E-Verify system would (a) be more effective than a wall, (b) stop illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the south, and (c) reduce all forms of illegal immigration, including visa overstays, which a wall can’t stop.

Trump’s obsession with a wall is a sign of unseriousness. The big businesses that run the Republican Party encourage it because they know it won’t work—and something that works is the last thing they want.

This whole thing is just a kabuki show. It’s ridiculous.

There is no crisis on the southern border. None.

This is nothing but deflection from the ass kicking Republicans got in the midterms, and Trumps legal problems him and his family will be facing soon.
It is 2019, not 2016. I don't know that we could call it a "crisis," but it is a problem, for sure, when our immigration courts and asylum processing folks are so swamped with folks from the south.
Those things won't be remedied with a Wall, at least not for a few years, so we really need to get ahead of the processing parts of this while we're waiting.
No matter what the actual facts are regressive trolls continue to lie and try to to hurt this country.
Look at this moron^. "No matter what the actual facts are...."

You can't make this shit up.
Mike Pence was burbling a few minutes ago about the “crisis” on our southern border, so I’d like to share that crisis with you. Here it is:


Yes, there is traffic across our southern border. However, the net traffic entering the US is zero or lower. To put it plainly: more people are leaving than are coming in.This is not a crisis. It is not anything close to a crisis.

The number of undocumented workers in the United States has been declining steadily for a decade. It’s obviously not something to panic over. What’s more, anyone who’s truly concerned about the undocumented population anyway should be obsessed with E-Verify, not a wall. This is because a properly functioning E-Verify system would (a) be more effective than a wall, (b) stop illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the south, and (c) reduce all forms of illegal immigration, including visa overstays, which a wall can’t stop.

Trump’s obsession with a wall is a sign of unseriousness. The big businesses that run the Republican Party encourage it because they know it won’t work—and something that works is the last thing they want.

This whole thing is just a kabuki show. It’s ridiculous.

There is no crisis on the southern border. None.

This is nothing but deflection from the ass kicking Republicans got in the midterms, and Trumps legal problems him and his family will be facing soon.
/----/ CBS says you lie like a rug.
CBS TIJUANA, Mexico -- A "caravan" of largely Central American migrants waiting to request asylum at the U.S. border is bigger and far more visible than in previous years. Caravans from Central America have made the trek since 2008, but have mostly been ignored, CBS News' Mireya Villarreal reports.
Mike Pence was burbling a few minutes ago about the “crisis” on our southern border, so I’d like to share that crisis with you. Here it is:


Yes, there is traffic across our southern border. However, the net traffic entering the US is zero or lower. To put it plainly: more people are leaving than are coming in.This is not a crisis. It is not anything close to a crisis.

The number of undocumented workers in the United States has been declining steadily for a decade. It’s obviously not something to panic over. What’s more, anyone who’s truly concerned about the undocumented population anyway should be obsessed with E-Verify, not a wall. This is because a properly functioning E-Verify system would (a) be more effective than a wall, (b) stop illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the south, and (c) reduce all forms of illegal immigration, including visa overstays, which a wall can’t stop.

Trump’s obsession with a wall is a sign of unseriousness. The big businesses that run the Republican Party encourage it because they know it won’t work—and something that works is the last thing they want.

This whole thing is just a kabuki show. It’s ridiculous.

There is no crisis on the southern border. None.

This is nothing but deflection from the ass kicking Republicans got in the midterms, and Trumps legal problems him and his family will be facing soon.
...other than we have an wide open southern border.

It’s not “wide open” . And it’s definitely no emergency.
Quit falling down the well
The vast majority of the southern border looks like this...


Yeah. Cause a lot of it is empty wasteland . Why bother putting a wall where no one is at ?
Mike Pence was burbling a few minutes ago about the “crisis” on our southern border, so I’d like to share that crisis with you. Here it is:


Yes, there is traffic across our southern border. However, the net traffic entering the US is zero or lower. To put it plainly: more people are leaving than are coming in.This is not a crisis. It is not anything close to a crisis.

The number of undocumented workers in the United States has been declining steadily for a decade. It’s obviously not something to panic over. What’s more, anyone who’s truly concerned about the undocumented population anyway should be obsessed with E-Verify, not a wall. This is because a properly functioning E-Verify system would (a) be more effective than a wall, (b) stop illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the south, and (c) reduce all forms of illegal immigration, including visa overstays, which a wall can’t stop.

Trump’s obsession with a wall is a sign of unseriousness. The big businesses that run the Republican Party encourage it because they know it won’t work—and something that works is the last thing they want.

This whole thing is just a kabuki show. It’s ridiculous.

There is no crisis on the southern border. None.

This is nothing but deflection from the ass kicking Republicans got in the midterms, and Trumps legal problems him and his family will be facing soon.

Since Trump well knows that his cult members are ignorant morons, he has been able to further convince them that the "crisis" facing our country boils down to a caravan of kids from central America........

The orange idiot is worried about Mueller, NYSD and the NYS AG, what is tis moron in chief to do???...............Deflect to a made-up "crisis"
I don't think it is a deflection. Trump hasn't had a big Congressional win in a year. It's time for another. The Wall will be a win.
Mike Pence was burbling a few minutes ago about the “crisis” on our southern border, so I’d like to share that crisis with you. Here it is:


Yes, there is traffic across our southern border. However, the net traffic entering the US is zero or lower. To put it plainly: more people are leaving than are coming in.This is not a crisis. It is not anything close to a crisis.

The number of undocumented workers in the United States has been declining steadily for a decade. It’s obviously not something to panic over. What’s more, anyone who’s truly concerned about the undocumented population anyway should be obsessed with E-Verify, not a wall. This is because a properly functioning E-Verify system would (a) be more effective than a wall, (b) stop illegal immigration from everywhere, not just the south, and (c) reduce all forms of illegal immigration, including visa overstays, which a wall can’t stop.

Trump’s obsession with a wall is a sign of unseriousness. The big businesses that run the Republican Party encourage it because they know it won’t work—and something that works is the last thing they want.

This whole thing is just a kabuki show. It’s ridiculous.

There is no crisis on the southern border. None.

This is nothing but deflection from the ass kicking Republicans got in the midterms, and Trumps legal problems him and his family will be facing soon.
...other than we have an wide open southern border.

It’s not “wide open” . And it’s definitely no emergency.
Quit falling down the well
The vast majority of the southern border looks like this...


Yeah. Cause a lot of it is empty wasteland . Why bother putting a wall where no one is at ?
But they ARE there. Every night. Ranchers find their garbage everywhere. They do come and some of them make it. The estimates on how many is up to the political party.

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