There is no democracy without a free press. Right now, there is no democracy.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

There is no democracy without a free press. Right now, there is no democracy.

14 Jun 2023 ~~ By Drjohn

There is no democracy without a free press. Thatā€™s been echoed by many people.
Hereā€™s one view:
The purpose of a free press is to ensure that the people are free to receive and impart information that is not manipulated or serving a particular person, entity or interest. Its duty, in fact, is often to investigate people of power, and especially the government, to ask the hard questions and to attempt to uncover whatā€™s really happening, regardless of the political fallout.
ā€œnot manipulated or serving a particular person.ā€
Today much of the press is manipulated in favor of a particular person- Joe Biden. Censorship by the left-wing media is very troublesome- it cost Donald Trump the 2020 election. Trump has been harassed and pursued by phony charges and accusations since 2015.If you pay attention to the media, you see that every accusation about Trump is true but every piece of evidence against Biden is false. Each time a credible piece of evidence against Biden appears, the DNC media ignores it.
On Fridayā€™s broadcast of Newsmax TVā€™s ā€œRob Schmitt Tonight,ā€ journalist Matt Taibbi stated that he believes there has been a lack of coverage of allegations of influence-peddling against President Joe Biden because ā€œit happens to be politically inconvenientā€ and stated that it almost seems like members of the media ā€œjust get a memo to not cover stuff.ā€
Taibbi said, ā€œI think a lot of journalists of an older generation feel the same way, which is, once upon a time, most reporters didnā€™t really care who was in office. If they were corrupt, if they did something wrong, weā€™d do the reporting. It didnā€™t really matter to us. The idea that you would non-report something like the Biden story because it happens to be politically inconvenient would have been inconceivable, I think, in the mainstream press, even a dozen years ago.ā€
The dog whistle gets blown.




If you think we have a ā€œFree Pressā€, look who owns the Press.
Despite what the Quisling controlled Media America tells us daily, America is under attack on every front by Maoist Marxist Democrats. We see this in their attacks on our Children, their teaching, attacks on the Christian religion, Conservatives, Whites, and now on our political choices.
Has there been a time when the media became a Ministry of Propaganda for one specific party, promoting lies about the other party while suppressing any bad stories about the protected party?
Yes!ā€¦ RIGHT NOW.
The "free press" in its original form was the honest broadcasting of the news by paper, radio, or TV.
We now have the internet.
So, the real issue comes down to this: "If we don't have "freedom of speech," we don't have a "democracy."
By that reasoning, we still have a "Democracy" albeit a fragile one.
That said, there are other ways to kill a "Democracy." One is a collapse of the institutions that the "Democracy" depends on, like the DOJ, the FBI, and the military (which has gone Woke).
Each day that goes by we are seeing the truth in Nakita Khruschev's predictive words.
The media's lying is like the guy who puts gerbils up his ass for fun. Nobody can figure out what made them start their stupidity but they both seem to become more reluctant to stop as time goes by. They're like drug addicts.

There is no democracy without a free press. Right now, there is no democracy.

14 Jun 2023 ~~ By Drjohn

There is no democracy without a free press. Thatā€™s been echoed by many people.
Hereā€™s one view:
The purpose of a free press is to ensure that the people are free to receive and impart information that is not manipulated or serving a particular person, entity or interest. Its duty, in fact, is often to investigate people of power, and especially the government, to ask the hard questions and to attempt to uncover whatā€™s really happening, regardless of the political fallout.
ā€œnot manipulated or serving a particular person.ā€
Today much of the press is manipulated in favor of a particular person- Joe Biden. Censorship by the left-wing media is very troublesome- it cost Donald Trump the 2020 election. Trump has been harassed and pursued by phony charges and accusations since 2015.If you pay attention to the media, you see that every accusation about Trump is true but every piece of evidence against Biden is false. Each time a credible piece of evidence against Biden appears, the DNC media ignores it.
On Fridayā€™s broadcast of Newsmax TVā€™s ā€œRob Schmitt Tonight,ā€ journalist Matt Taibbi stated that he believes there has been a lack of coverage of allegations of influence-peddling against President Joe Biden because ā€œit happens to be politically inconvenientā€ and stated that it almost seems like members of the media ā€œjust get a memo to not cover stuff.ā€
Taibbi said, ā€œI think a lot of journalists of an older generation feel the same way, which is, once upon a time, most reporters didnā€™t really care who was in office. If they were corrupt, if they did something wrong, weā€™d do the reporting. It didnā€™t really matter to us. The idea that you would non-report something like the Biden story because it happens to be politically inconvenient would have been inconceivable, I think, in the mainstream press, even a dozen years ago.ā€
The dog whistle gets blown.




If you think we have a ā€œFree Pressā€, look who owns the Press.
Despite what the Quisling controlled Media America tells us daily, America is under attack on every front by Maoist Marxist Democrats. We see this in their attacks on our Children, their teaching, attacks on the Christian religion, Conservatives, Whites, and now on our political choices.
Has there been a time when the media became a Ministry of Propaganda for one specific party, promoting lies about the other party while suppressing any bad stories about the protected party?
Yes!ā€¦ RIGHT NOW.
The "free press" in its original form was the honest broadcasting of the news by paper, radio, or TV.
We now have the internet.
So, the real issue comes down to this: "If we don't have "freedom of speech," we don't have a "democracy."
By that reasoning, we still have a "Democracy" albeit a fragile one.
That said, there are other ways to kill a "Democracy." One is a collapse of the institutions that the "Democracy" depends on, like the DOJ, the FBI, and the military (which has gone Woke).
Each day that goes by we are seeing the truth in Nakita Khruschev's predictive words.

After 4+ years of your blob calling the press the "enemy of the people" you're suddenly worried? You're a fucking idiot.

There is no democracy without a free press. Right now, there is no democracy.

Introduce yourself to Miles Mathis , the world expert in this field by light years . He extends the timeline back to the Phoenicians after they were protected by their leader or visiting God ā€” from the sky . What we are seeing now ā€”ā€”- post CIA ā€”- is just the latest chapter in modern information and mind control. It will take someone or something bigger than I can envisage to change the pyramid paradigm and have a system which functions for more than the top few .
It is a hard search to find results for, but it is known that many politicians go on to work for the media. Not only do they work for the media, they are related by family to the media as well. Wives, Brother, Sisters of politicians are the top management of the media.
A free press.

Is free to do whatever it wants to do. Otherwise, it wouldn't be free.

There is no democracy without a free press. Right now, there is no democracy.

14 Jun 2023 ~~ By Drjohn

There is no democracy without a free press. Thatā€™s been echoed by many people.
Hereā€™s one view:
The purpose of a free press is to ensure that the people are free to receive and impart information that is not manipulated or serving a particular person, entity or interest. Its duty, in fact, is often to investigate people of power, and especially the government, to ask the hard questions and to attempt to uncover whatā€™s really happening, regardless of the political fallout.
ā€œnot manipulated or serving a particular person.ā€
Today much of the press is manipulated in favor of a particular person- Joe Biden. Censorship by the left-wing media is very troublesome- it cost Donald Trump the 2020 election. Trump has been harassed and pursued by phony charges and accusations since 2015.If you pay attention to the media, you see that every accusation about Trump is true but every piece of evidence against Biden is false. Each time a credible piece of evidence against Biden appears, the DNC media ignores it.
On Fridayā€™s broadcast of Newsmax TVā€™s ā€œRob Schmitt Tonight,ā€ journalist Matt Taibbi stated that he believes there has been a lack of coverage of allegations of influence-peddling against President Joe Biden because ā€œit happens to be politically inconvenientā€ and stated that it almost seems like members of the media ā€œjust get a memo to not cover stuff.ā€
Taibbi said, ā€œI think a lot of journalists of an older generation feel the same way, which is, once upon a time, most reporters didnā€™t really care who was in office. If they were corrupt, if they did something wrong, weā€™d do the reporting. It didnā€™t really matter to us. The idea that you would non-report something like the Biden story because it happens to be politically inconvenient would have been inconceivable, I think, in the mainstream press, even a dozen years ago.ā€
The dog whistle gets blown.




If you think we have a ā€œFree Pressā€, look who owns the Press.
Despite what the Quisling controlled Media America tells us daily, America is under attack on every front by Maoist Marxist Democrats. We see this in their attacks on our Children, their teaching, attacks on the Christian religion, Conservatives, Whites, and now on our political choices.
Has there been a time when the media became a Ministry of Propaganda for one specific party, promoting lies about the other party while suppressing any bad stories about the protected party?
Yes!ā€¦ RIGHT NOW.
The "free press" in its original form was the honest broadcasting of the news by paper, radio, or TV.
We now have the internet.
So, the real issue comes down to this: "If we don't have "freedom of speech," we don't have a "democracy."
By that reasoning, we still have a "Democracy" albeit a fragile one.
That said, there are other ways to kill a "Democracy." One is a collapse of the institutions that the "Democracy" depends on, like the DOJ, the FBI, and the military (which has gone Woke).
Each day that goes by we are seeing the truth in Nakita Khruschev's predictive words.

If there is no democracy then someone should be knocking on your door in a few minutes

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