There Is No "Far Right" In This Country

But I'll prove that "Far Right" doesn't exist.

Will you be doing that anytime soon?
In the next two days of cut-n-paste BS to try and get people to stray...

Well, then....time to destroy you:

There is no "far right" in this country.
To be 'far,' it must be at a distance to the center: American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

There are so very many ways to prove same.....

5. Let's take as an example, traditional marriage, that involves one man and one woman, and compare that with homosexual marriage..
....which is the radical position?
Hence, Far Left.

Need convincing? Well, a common social reference is 'the nuclear family.' It has always menant:
" a family group that consists only of father, mother, and children" Definition of NUCLEAR FAMILY

How about 'traditional family'?
"A traditional family is a family structure that consists of a man, woman and one or more of their biological or adopted children. In most traditional families, the man and woman are husband and wife." Traditional Family: Definition & Concept | far as the concept of marriage and family, where do we find the radical position?
The Left.

Hence, 'Far Left.'
So far, far from the center, that they cannot point to a single philosopher, sage, or religious leader throughout history who has endorsed homosexual marriage.

If you have used the fallacy "Far Right," or never considered its usage, see if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.

First--you proved there is a far left, not disproved there is a far right.

Second--take care on what is traditional or supported/was supported by religious factions.

Although most social conservatives are also moderate Republicans, there are a few that support
1. killing homosexuals
2. reintroduction of slavery
3. teaching anti-scientific ideas
4. returning jews to Israel to fulfill end-time prophecies
5. A biblical based Government/Judicial system.

and so on. These are just about far right social conservatism.

Far right Libertarianism(which is more novel than threatening) May include the re-introduction of the Gold standard or the promotion of Isolationism(Somebody earlier thought protectionism and tariffs is a far left concept. No, it is Far right and is used to create an independent and self serving economy for individuals. Liberals are not that deep and think it will protect jobs, which it might not do!!)

Now here is the rub
Those ideas are/were tradition at one point. You may wish to call them "radical" however, the true term is Barbaric, primitive, archaic--OLD OUTDATED TRADITIONS--radical as in the sense as going socially backwards, not new!

So, you did not destroy anyone, you used a bad example. The concept of the traditional family is not radical, nor is the expanded traditional family that includes grandparents, uncles and cousins(which maybe more traditional than the 'traditional family').
It is apparent that dissenting views are increasingly met with intolerance. Labels are used to silence opposing points of view and claim victory without having to present a reasoned point of view. Labels like "sexist", "racist" and "extremist" are easy to use, don't require a permit (protected by the 1st Amendment) and have proven to be effective weapons for those too lazy to engage in a debate.

People that are truly far-right, ie: fascist or far-left, ie: communist remain a very small minority of the US population. As things stand these labels have only served to silence a dialogue and like the politician's "two minute sound-bite", dumb-down the issues.


Can anyone show how many Americans are either fascist or communist?

. point was that your implication that the "left" brays while ignoring the fact that most of the ranters are on rightwingnut talk radio...
Well, that's one opinion, certainly.

...and while i appreciate that you aren't a rush or coulter aficionado, the fact is that rush has defined the GOP agenda, dragging it further and further into wacko territory.
Hardly, although I understand that's the position of the Stephanie Millers, Norman Goldmans, Rachel Maddows, and other flip sides of the coin...
There is no far right of the Republican Party

I prefer to look at them as either Trump voters or the batshit crazy part of the party
Yes... most Lefties are inclined to pitch it that way... fortunately, the Left is going to be pushed from power once again, in just under 10 months...
There is no better way to describe the part of the Republican Party that supports Trump than batshit crazy. Own it
Sometimes a little 'batshit crazy' is just what the doctor ordered, to flush-out the stench of too much liberality and over-accommodation... a 'market correction'.
The Commies are coming ! Lol.

Step out of the 50s grandma.

" Fifty years of liberal propaganda got people to thinking of Communist Party members as lovable idealists and the urge to fire them from their government jobs as an irrational anachronistic prejudice. Allowing card-carrying members of the Communist Party to handle classified material after the Alger Hiss case would be like encouraging al-Qaeda members to carry box cutters on airplanes after 9-11."
Don't forget to start up the Edsel this week, the batteries go dead if you don't drive it.

Did you actually imagine that this addressed the material .....factual material provided????

I can see that you've been getting free buffet coupons or frequent flier miles for trips to the last seat in the dumb row.

Respond to what ? Your latest cut n paste hack piece from some insane far right website?

Why bother . The claims are so crazy that there's no point in replying .

You can't respond

And in not having neither the ammunition, nor ability to do inadvertently verify everything I've posted.

That's the truth, isn't it.

I've tried to engage you but you never seem to have an opinion . You cut and paste .
I have noticed the bed wetters have almost entirely stopped making NAZI references towards conservatives, because the argument that the National Socialist Workers Party platform is far more like the DNC than anything a conservative would endorse has won.

On top of it, the moonbats are getting more antisemitic every day.

Conservatives keep trying to deny the Nazis are conservatives but that won't fly. Liberals don't compare conservatives to Hitlet because references and comparisons to Hitler are false, unless genocide is involved.

Conservatives are always seeking to claim liberals they like and deny extreme right wing atrocities were committed by conservatives.

Hitler was a right wing loony, as are Cruz, Santorum, Huckaby, and many of the posters here.

Even the Democrats, who many here castigate as "commies" are much further to the right than our Conservatives.

If you think being "far right" is a bad thing, perhaps you'd better take a close look at what constitutes right wing.

Fascism manifests on the right side of the political spectrum, including Nazis.

Indeed, neo-Nazis in the United States and Europe represent the most extreme of the far right.
But I'll prove that "Far Right" doesn't exist.

Will you be doing that anytime soon?
In the next two days of cut-n-paste BS to try and get people to stray...

Well, then....time to destroy you:

There is no "far right" in this country.
To be 'far,' it must be at a distance to the center: American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

There are so very many ways to prove same.....

5. Let's take as an example, traditional marriage, that involves one man and one woman, and compare that with homosexual marriage..
....which is the radical position?
Hence, Far Left.

Need convincing? Well, a common social reference is 'the nuclear family.' It has always menant:
" a family group that consists only of father, mother, and children" Definition of NUCLEAR FAMILY

How about 'traditional family'?
"A traditional family is a family structure that consists of a man, woman and one or more of their biological or adopted children. In most traditional families, the man and woman are husband and wife." Traditional Family: Definition & Concept | far as the concept of marriage and family, where do we find the radical position?
The Left.

Hence, 'Far Left.'
So far, far from the center, that they cannot point to a single philosopher, sage, or religious leader throughout history who has endorsed homosexual marriage.

If you have used the fallacy "Far Right," or never considered its usage, see if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.

First--you proved there is a far left, not disproved there is a far right.

Second--take care on what is traditional or supported/was supported by religious factions.

Although most social conservatives are also moderate Republicans, there are a few that support
1. killing homosexuals
2. reintroduction of slavery
3. teaching anti-scientific ideas
4. returning jews to Israel to fulfill end-time prophecies
5. A biblical based Government/Judicial system.

and so on. These are just about far right social conservatism.

or the promotion of Isolationism(Somebody earlier thought protectionism and tariffs is a far left concept. No, it is Far right and is used to create an independent and self serving economy for individuals. Liberals are not that deep and think it will protect jobs, which it might not do!!)

Now here is the rub
Those ideas are/were tradition at one point. You may wish to call them "radical" however, the true term is Barbaric, primitive, archaic--OLD OUTDATED TRADITIONS--radical as in the sense as going socially backwards, not new!

So, you did not destroy anyone, you used a bad example. The concept of the traditional family is not radical, nor is the expanded traditional family that includes grandparents, uncles and cousins(which maybe more traditional than the 'traditional family').

This may be my fav counter-post of the day.

So much to deal hardly knows where to is thoughtful, and shows some background.....

1. Start with this:
"Although most social conservatives are also moderate Republicans, there are a few that support
1. killing homosexuals
2. reintroduction of slavery
3. teaching anti-scientific ideas
4. returning jews to Israel to fulfill end-time prophecies
5. A biblical based Government/Judicial system."

Every single one of those is absurd, and untrue....or a bastardization of the truth.
I say that based on what would be majority Republican and/or conservative perspective.
Really....Let's see you support those claims with numbers and documentation.

2. By 'teaching anti-scientific ideas' thing is, I suppose based on those who'd teach creationism along with Darwinian Evolution.
Your problem is that you fail to understand that there is equally as much proof for either one.
"And let us dispose of a common misconception. The complete transmutation of even one animal species into a different species has never been directly observed either in the laboratory or in the field." Dean H. Kenyon (Professor of Biology, San Francisco State University), affidavit presented to the U.S. Supreme Court, No. 85-1513, Brief of Appellants, prepared under the direction of William J. Guste, Jr., Attorney General of the State of Louisiana, October 1985, p. A-16.

3. As far as "A biblical based Government/Judicial system"....there already is one:
"This is the great contribution of our Judeo-Christian foundation to Western civilization. The principles of justice are laid down in the Torah and the Gospels, and implemented through human actions memorialized in judicial codes.

The written laws and rules are codifications of the unwritten ones worked out over millennia as the result of human interactions and experience.

The Bible is the wisdom of the West. It is from the precepts of the Bible that the legal systems of the West have been developed- systems, worked out over millennia, for dealing with inequality, with injustice, with greed, reducible t that which Christians call the Golden Rule, and the Jews had propounded as “That which is hateful to you, don not do to your neighbor.”

It is these rules and laws which form a framework which allows the individual foreknowledge of that which is permitted and that which is forbidden."
David Mamet

But a good post.
" Fifty years of liberal propaganda got people to thinking of Communist Party members as lovable idealists and the urge to fire them from their government jobs as an irrational anachronistic prejudice. Allowing card-carrying members of the Communist Party to handle classified material after the Alger Hiss case would be like encouraging al-Qaeda members to carry box cutters on airplanes after 9-11."
Don't forget to start up the Edsel this week, the batteries go dead if you don't drive it.

Did you actually imagine that this addressed the material .....factual material provided????

I can see that you've been getting free buffet coupons or frequent flier miles for trips to the last seat in the dumb row.

Respond to what ? Your latest cut n paste hack piece from some insane far right website?

Why bother . The claims are so crazy that there's no point in replying .

You can't respond

And in not having neither the ammunition, nor ability to do inadvertently verify everything I've posted.

That's the truth, isn't it.

I've tried to engage you but you never seem to have an opinion . You cut and paste .

Try not to use terms you cannot define.

"Opinion" would be good starting point for your journey through the dictionary.

Clearly you imagine the quotes,sources, linked documentation that I use are chosen at random.
A truly lame-brained perspective.
Time for a mid-course review.

1. The is no Far Right in this nation....but there certainly is a Far Left.

The thesis is based on the definitions involved:
To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center.
American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

The premise
here is that, if I can show that the values called 'Far Right' are actually at the center of American traditions, values, and history represent that center, well then, they cannot be correctly awarded the modifier "Far."

"Radical" is important to the discussion. It means
"especially of change or action relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough" (see Google.)
It's what the radical Obama was getting at when he said
“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” — Barack Obama, October 30, 2008. “

2. So far, I've given these examples of traditionally American positions...the 'center' against which to compare the positions.

a. traditional marriage, that involves one man and one woman, and compare that with homosexual marriage..

b. Another of those positions under regular discussion is 'prayer' in the public arena....Congress opens each year with prayer.

c. Is 'free speech' embraced by one side, and opposed by the other? You betcha! Obama's Supreme Court nominee says it would be be proper to suppress speech because it is offensive to society or to the government.

3. And several times, I've presented this challenge:
If you have used the fallacy "Far Right," or never considered its usage, see if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.

Still waiting.

Perhaps one or two more examples to prove how radical the Left is....and how the same cannot be shown to be true of the Right.

8. Let's take racialism.
The infamous, Democrat-inspired, Dred Scott decision made the nation a two-class nation based on skin color.

Clearly radical, when one considers that American values are memorialized in the Declaration of Independence ("All men are created equal").

Yet, under Democrat Lyndon Johnson....this radical view was advanced: affirmative action. Democrats....the Far Left.

What could have been done rather than awarding special benefits to melanin?
How about what John Kennedy did when the Russians beat us into space.....the government paid colleges and universities to offer science majors free books, and courses (the National Science Foundation grants).
It didn't declare war on Russia.

It didn't demand quotas of 'A's' and 'B's.'
And it certainly didn't endorse racialism, dividing the nation based on race.
9. Here's one more radical position by the Left....fighting to elect a sexual pervert and admitted liar and disbarred lawyer to the White House: Bill Clinton

"Despite his disgrace, Morris continued to quietly advise the president. On Jan. 21, 1998, the day the Monica Lewinsky story broke in the mainstream press, Morris says Clinton called, explained that he had "slipped up" with Lewinsky and asked Morris to take a poll about the potential impact. When Morris reported that Americans would favor his impeachment or resignation if he lied under oath, he says Clinton replied: "Well, we'll just have to win, then."
And he was the choice of Democrats, Liberals, Progressives....

Relative to
American traditions, values, and history ...championing a man of such low character is a radical position.
Hence, far left.

If you have used the fallacy "Far Right," or never considered its usage, see if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.
Perhaps one or two more examples to prove how radical the Left is....and how the same cannot be shown to be true of the Right.

8. Let's take racialism.
The infamous, Democrat-inspired, Dred Scott decision made the nation a two-class nation based on skin color.

Clearly radical, when one considers that American values are memorialized in the Declaration of Independence ("All men are created equal").

Yet, under Democrat Lyndon Johnson....this radical view was advanced: affirmative action. Democrats....the Far Left.

What could have been done rather than awarding special benefits to melanin?
How about what John Kennedy did when the Russians beat us into space.....the government paid colleges and universities to offer science majors free books, and courses (the National Science Foundation grants).
It didn't declare war on Russia.

It didn't demand quotas of 'A's' and 'B's.'
And it certainly didn't endorse racialism, dividing the nation based on race.

Affirmative action is a remedy to correct the atrocities committed by white conservatives.
9. Here's one more radical position by the Left....fighting to elect a sexual pervert and admitted liar and disbarred lawyer to the White House: Bill Clinton

"Despite his disgrace, Morris continued to quietly advise the president. On Jan. 21, 1998, the day the Monica Lewinsky story broke in the mainstream press, Morris says Clinton called, explained that he had "slipped up" with Lewinsky and asked Morris to take a poll about the potential impact. When Morris reported that Americans would favor his impeachment or resignation if he lied under oath, he says Clinton replied: "Well, we'll just have to win, then."
And he was the choice of Democrats, Liberals, Progressives....

Relative to
American traditions, values, and history ...championing a man of such low character is a radical position.
Hence, far left.

If you have used the fallacy "Far Right," or never considered its usage, see if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.

There has to be a far right if there is a right at all.
A textbook example of a far rightwing position:

Insisting on maintaining loopholes in the background check laws, in the face of 90% opposition to that position from the American people.
You can generally identify the Far Right as the people who blame a race, or races, for America's problems. Mexicans and Muslims are the scapegoat du jour. Black scapegoats never go out of style.

You can generally identify the Far Left as the people who blame the rich for America's problems.

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