There Is No "Far Right" In This Country

The Far Right? The conservatives who call John McCain a RINO, or even a liberal, or the conservatives who say Mitt Romney wasn't conservative enough and that's why he lost.

Arm raised in a Nazi-style salute, the leader of Greece's fastest-rising political party surveyed hundreds of young men in black T-shirts as they exploded into cheers. Their battle cry reverberated through the night: Blood! Honour! Golden Dawn!
"We may sometimes raise our hand this way, but these hands are clean, not dirty. They haven't stolen," shouted Nikolaos Mihaloliakos as he stood, floodlit, in front of about 2,000 diehard party followers filling an open-air amphitheatre at Goudi park, a former military camp near Athens.

You have to wonder what god-awful mental contortions this fat, ugly, far right pig must go through to convince itself it is superior to anyone.

When it looks in the mirror, does it see something like this?:


Sieg Heil!
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"Far Right" and "Far Left" are subjective and relative terms. Obviously.

Who is more conservative than Ted Cruz? Who is more liberal than Bernie Sanders?

If you can't come up with several examples, then Cruz & Sanders are the "Far" in the term. If you can, THOSE people are the "Far" in the term.


In the context of history, Ted Cruz is a Constitutionalist, or a centrist. The government created in 1789 was a government positioned considerably to the left of the government rooted in 150 years of tradition beforehand. The new government created by the Constitution was a more centralized government, one that consolidated the governments of the United States and claimed for itself some considerable prerogative, or a power to make laws "necessary and proper" in order to execute congressional authority.

After the Philadelphia Convention, America, over some time, shifted from a position on the right to a position in the center, where Ted Cruz and other conservatives hang their hats.

Since the Progressive Era, America has been moving farther to the left, farther away from its values and traditions.

Consider the history, as the OP asks you to. Conservatives and Constitutionalists are centrists. Liberals are far left.
"Far Right" and "Far Left" are subjective and relative terms. Obviously.

Who is more conservative than Ted Cruz? Who is more liberal than Bernie Sanders?

If you can't come up with several examples, then Cruz & Sanders are the "Far" in the term. If you can, THOSE people are the "Far" in the term.


In the context of history, Ted Cruz is a Constitutionalist, or a centrist. The government created in 1789 was a government positioned considerably to the left of the government rooted in 150 years of tradition beforehand. The new government created by the Constitution was a more centralized government, one that consolidated the governments of the United States and claimed for itself some considerable prerogative, or a power to make laws "necessary and proper" in order to execute congressional authority.

After the Philadelphia Convention, America, over some time, shifted from a position on the right to a position in the center, where Ted Cruz and other conservatives hang their hats.

Since the Progressive Era, America has been moving farther to the left, farther away from its values and traditions.

Consider the history, as the OP asks you to. Conservatives and Constitutionalists are centrists. Liberals are far left.

"Far Right" and "Far Left" are subjective and relative terms. Obviously.

Who is more conservative than Ted Cruz? Who is more liberal than Bernie Sanders?

If you can't come up with several examples, then Cruz & Sanders are the "Far" in the term. If you can, THOSE people are the "Far" in the term.


In the context of history, Ted Cruz is a Constitutionalist, or a centrist. The government created in 1789 was a government positioned considerably to the left of the government rooted in 150 years of tradition beforehand. The new government created by the Constitution was a more centralized government, one that consolidated the governments of the United States and claimed for itself some considerable prerogative, or a power to make laws "necessary and proper" in order to execute congressional authority.

After the Philadelphia Convention, America, over some time, shifted from a position on the right to a position in the center, where Ted Cruz and other conservatives hang their hats.

Since the Progressive Era, America has been moving farther to the left, farther away from its values and traditions.

Consider the history, as the OP asks you to. Conservatives and Constitutionalists are centrists. Liberals are far left.

The far right also manifest as 'constitutionalists' and other practitioners of the idiocy that is 'originalism,' such as Ted Cruz and his ilk.

As a consequence of their wrongheaded extremism they reject the settled and accepted doctrine of judicial review, the authority of the Supreme Court to determine what the Constitution means, and the supremacy of Federal laws and the Federal Constitution, in conflict with the original intent and understanding of the Founding Generation.

Indeed, Cruz's advocacy of subjecting Supreme Court justices to 'elections' is another example of the lunacy of the far right.
"Far Right" and "Far Left" are subjective and relative terms. Obviously.

Who is more conservative than Ted Cruz? Who is more liberal than Bernie Sanders?

If you can't come up with several examples, then Cruz & Sanders are the "Far" in the term. If you can, THOSE people are the "Far" in the term.


In the context of history, Ted Cruz is a Constitutionalist, or a centrist. The government created in 1789 was a government positioned considerably to the left of the government rooted in 150 years of tradition beforehand. The new government created by the Constitution was a more centralized government, one that consolidated the governments of the United States and claimed for itself some considerable prerogative, or a power to make laws "necessary and proper" in order to execute congressional authority.

After the Philadelphia Convention, America, over some time, shifted from a position on the right to a position in the center, where Ted Cruz and other conservatives hang their hats.

Since the Progressive Era, America has been moving farther to the left, farther away from its values and traditions.

Consider the history, as the OP asks you to. Conservatives and Constitutionalists are centrists. Liberals are far left.

The far right also manifest as 'constitutionalists' and other practitioners of the idiocy that is 'originalism,' such as Ted Cruz and his ilk.

As a consequence of their wrongheaded extremism they reject the settled and accepted doctrine of judicial review, the authority of the Supreme Court to determine what the Constitution means, and the supremacy of Federal laws and the Federal Constitution, in conflict with the original intent and understanding of the Founding Generation.

Indeed, Cruz's advocacy of subjecting Supreme Court justices to 'elections' is another example of the lunacy of the far right.
This fails as a fallacy of retardation.

And thank you for the funny point.
"Far Right" and "Far Left" are subjective and relative terms. Obviously.

Who is more conservative than Ted Cruz? Who is more liberal than Bernie Sanders?

If you can't come up with several examples, then Cruz & Sanders are the "Far" in the term. If you can, THOSE people are the "Far" in the term.


In the context of history, Ted Cruz is a Constitutionalist, or a centrist. The government created in 1789 was a government positioned considerably to the left of the government rooted in 150 years of tradition beforehand. The new government created by the Constitution was a more centralized government, one that consolidated the governments of the United States and claimed for itself some considerable prerogative, or a power to make laws "necessary and proper" in order to execute congressional authority.

After the Philadelphia Convention, America, over some time, shifted from a position on the right to a position in the center, where Ted Cruz and other conservatives hang their hats.

Since the Progressive Era, America has been moving farther to the left, farther away from its values and traditions.

Consider the history, as the OP asks you to. Conservatives and Constitutionalists are centrists. Liberals are far left.

Excellent, wegie!
1. There is no "far right" in this country.
Yet....the very same folks who poke fun at religious Americans, by comparing God with Santa Claus, go on and on.....

"F**k the far right."
MARCO RUBIO: I 'Absolutely' Support Tuition Breaks For Illegal Aliens

'Or Sanders, who does even better against the far right tard candidates'
BUSTED ! – Republican State of Union Response Carried Amnesty Pledge in Spanish Version…

'I bet this will drive the far right loons insane:'
Nikki Haley rebukes Trump in State of the Union rebuttal

'Uh.. there is very much a "far right" in this country.'
The Delusional Candidate

'... what the far right reactionaries are posting.'
Another reason Americans WANT to see Obama and Obamacare GO!!!

'...for some time now the most and loudest noise has come from the Far Right.'
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

" insane the far right is."
Yes, You're A Communist

2. There is no "far right" in this country. So... how to explain the constant reference to this meme by Leftists?

One fact of life is that hearing a phrase often enough, one tends to accept it without spending the effort of examining same. The term "Far Right," used in a cavalier yet effective manner by the Left, is one of those terms.

Yet...upon proves to be imaginary, very much like the benefits of communism....or ObamaCare.

3. It is a well know axiom that, to see what the Left is doing, note what they are blaming the other side of doing.
One regularly sees the Leftists, Liberals, Progressives, Democrats, whatever....railing against the "Far Right," using "Far Right" as a pejorative, an imprecation.
And....BTW.....there certainly is a Far Left.

But I'll prove that "Far Right" doesn't exist.

Do you not know of people like Stephen "Don" Black, Preston Wigginton, David Duke then? They're in the US and they're far right. The former was a member of the US Nazi Party.. just in case you think he's not far right.

He runs Stormfront, you can find a lot of far right racists hanging out there.

1. Until 1989 at least, David Duke ran for elected office on the Democrat ticket.

2.More to the point, David Duke is a Nazi.
Nazis are leftists.....

". ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?"
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

I am often astounded at your lack of education.
Are you a government school graduate?

A) It doesn't matter what David Duke ran on, he was still far right and has never been a member of a Nazi Party. Black has, but not Duke.

B) As for your nonsense about whether Nazism is far left or far right, it's commonly accepted that Nazism is far right, that's just what it is called. Get over it. Trying to discredit the opposition by falsely linking it with Hitler and the Nazis is just desperate nonsense.
I have noticed the bed wetters have almost entirely stopped making NAZI references towards conservatives, because the argument that the National Socialist Workers Party platform is far more like the DNC than anything a conservative would endorse has won.

On top of it, the moonbats are getting more antisemitic every day.

And the contemporary Democrat Party stands for the same things the Communist Party did.

It clearly doesn't, but you're free to make a detailed case.
Its hypocritical to believe in freedom and liberty and limited government.....but its OK to stick your nose into what two consenting adults do and its cowardly to feel threatened by gay marriage. Please explain how gay marriage is a threat to my marriage to my wife of 47 years. I've asked this question before and not one conservative has ever been able to come up with an answer. Where exactly do those hypocrites fall into? Moderate? Right?

The far right also manifest as 'constitutionalists' and other practitioners of the idiocy that is 'originalism,' such as Ted Cruz and his ilk.

As a consequence of their wrongheaded extremism they reject the settled and accepted doctrine of judicial review, the authority of the Supreme Court to determine what the Constitution means, and the supremacy of Federal laws and the Federal Constitution, in conflict with the original intent and understanding of the Founding Generation.

Indeed, Cruz's advocacy of subjecting Supreme Court justices to 'elections' is another example of the lunacy of the far right.

The states, who created the federal government, are the principles. The federal government, created by the states, is their agent. Agents don't tell principles what the principals meant when they created their agent.

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