There Is No "Far Right" In This Country

Constitutionally speaking, you are clueless with that tail wagging dog idiocy. The several States ceded a portion of their sovereignty to the national government when they ratified the Constitution which included Article VI, Clause 2;

"This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding." [Emphasis Added]

The notion that only the federal government knows what the constitution actually says is ridiculous on its face. The several, sovereign states wrote the constitution before the supreme court even existed. The people of the several, sovereign states ratified the constitution before the supreme court even existed. The states are the authors. Who would know better about what it says than the actual authors? How could the states establish the constitution between themselves if they didn't know what it said?

The notion that only the federal government knows what the constitution actually says is ridiculous on its face.
That is your construct, not mine fool! Don't try to put your erroneous words in my mouth!
The several, sovereign states wrote the constitution before the supreme court even existed. The people of the several, sovereign states ratified the constitution before the supreme court even existed. The states are the authors. Who would know better about what it says than the actual authors? How could the states establish the constitution between themselves if they didn't know what it said?
Before you uninformed knot-it-all's start spouting your crackpot ideas about the intent of the framers of the Constitution, you should first read and FULLY understand what that Social Contract says! The Supremacy Clause means what it says since it ratification, and it's the law of the land. It is not a fantasy or figment of whim that the Nation is stuck in some kind of limbo where the Articles of Confederation are still in force and effect when the States did have the power you're claiming they now have. You are in error and constitutionally ignorant. Edify thyself!
1. There is no "far right" in this country.
Yet....the very same folks who poke fun at religious Americans, by comparing God with Santa Claus, go on and on.....

"F**k the far right."
MARCO RUBIO: I 'Absolutely' Support Tuition Breaks For Illegal Aliens

'Or Sanders, who does even better against the far right tard candidates'
BUSTED ! – Republican State of Union Response Carried Amnesty Pledge in Spanish Version…

'I bet this will drive the far right loons insane:'
Nikki Haley rebukes Trump in State of the Union rebuttal

'Uh.. there is very much a "far right" in this country.'
The Delusional Candidate

'... what the far right reactionaries are posting.'
Another reason Americans WANT to see Obama and Obamacare GO!!!

'...for some time now the most and loudest noise has come from the Far Right.'
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

" insane the far right is."
Yes, You're A Communist

2. There is no "far right" in this country. So... how to explain the constant reference to this meme by Leftists?

One fact of life is that hearing a phrase often enough, one tends to accept it without spending the effort of examining same. The term "Far Right," used in a cavalier yet effective manner by the Left, is one of those terms.

Yet...upon proves to be imaginary, very much like the benefits of communism....or ObamaCare.

3. It is a well know axiom that, to see what the Left is doing, note what they are blaming the other side of doing.
One regularly sees the Leftists, Liberals, Progressives, Democrats, whatever....railing against the "Far Right," using "Far Right" as a pejorative, an imprecation.
And....BTW.....there certainly is a Far Left.

But I'll prove that "Far Right" doesn't exist.
Of course a far rightwinger would post a thread like this. It's to be expected.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

So sorry to interrupt your Far Left talking points...but there is no 'Far Right"
Radical positions as opposed to traditional ones identify "Far" Left or Right....

A review might help you to close in on the concept...
1. ... traditional marriage, that involves one man and one woman, and compare that with homosexual marriage..

2. Another of those positions under regular discussion is 'prayer' in the public arena....Congress opens each year with prayer.

3. Is 'free speech' embraced by one side, and opposed by the other? You betcha! Obama's Supreme Court nominee says it would be be proper to suppress speech because it is offensive to society or to the government.

4. While we were founded on the biblical idea that all men are created equal,
LBJ advanced a two-class nation based on skin color.

....this radical view was advanced: affirmative action. Hence, Democrats....the Far Left.

5. Here's one more radical position by the Left....fighting to elect a sexual pervert and admitted liar and disbarred lawyer to the White House: Bill Clinton

Relative to American traditions, values, and history ...championing a man of such low character is a radical position.
Hence, far left.

6. Franklin Roosevelt threw the United States Constitution under the bus, and used the public fisc for all sorts of endeavors not authorized in Article 1, section 8.
He was the ultimate "Far Leftist."

I hope you've learned from this lesson.

Thanks for the laugh.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Who is to the Right of Ted Cruz?
What position are you referring to, fence-sitter?
I've long since noted that you don't provide direct answers.

Perhaps someone here will.

The question ain't that complicated.

Stop lying.
Of course I do....and have throughout the thread.

You, on the other hand, were asked this:
What position are you referring to of Ted Cruz's, fence-sitter?

And you promptly changed the subject.
1. There is no "far right" in this country.
Yet....the very same folks who poke fun at religious Americans, by comparing God with Santa Claus, go on and on.....

"F**k the far right."
MARCO RUBIO: I 'Absolutely' Support Tuition Breaks For Illegal Aliens

'Or Sanders, who does even better against the far right tard candidates'
BUSTED ! – Republican State of Union Response Carried Amnesty Pledge in Spanish Version…

'I bet this will drive the far right loons insane:'
Nikki Haley rebukes Trump in State of the Union rebuttal

'Uh.. there is very much a "far right" in this country.'
The Delusional Candidate

'... what the far right reactionaries are posting.'
Another reason Americans WANT to see Obama and Obamacare GO!!!

'...for some time now the most and loudest noise has come from the Far Right.'
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

" insane the far right is."
Yes, You're A Communist

2. There is no "far right" in this country. So... how to explain the constant reference to this meme by Leftists?

One fact of life is that hearing a phrase often enough, one tends to accept it without spending the effort of examining same. The term "Far Right," used in a cavalier yet effective manner by the Left, is one of those terms.

Yet...upon proves to be imaginary, very much like the benefits of communism....or ObamaCare.

3. It is a well know axiom that, to see what the Left is doing, note what they are blaming the other side of doing.
One regularly sees the Leftists, Liberals, Progressives, Democrats, whatever....railing against the "Far Right," using "Far Right" as a pejorative, an imprecation.
And....BTW.....there certainly is a Far Left.

But I'll prove that "Far Right" doesn't exist.
Of course a far rightwinger would post a thread like this. It's to be expected.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

So sorry to interrupt your Far Left talking points...but there is no 'Far Right"
Radical positions as opposed to traditional ones identify "Far" Left or Right....

A review might help you to close in on the concept...
1. ... traditional marriage, that involves one man and one woman, and compare that with homosexual marriage..

2. Another of those positions under regular discussion is 'prayer' in the public arena....Congress opens each year with prayer.

3. Is 'free speech' embraced by one side, and opposed by the other? You betcha! Obama's Supreme Court nominee says it would be be proper to suppress speech because it is offensive to society or to the government.

4. While we were founded on the biblical idea that all men are created equal,
LBJ advanced a two-class nation based on skin color.

....this radical view was advanced: affirmative action. Hence, Democrats....the Far Left.

5. Here's one more radical position by the Left....fighting to elect a sexual pervert and admitted liar and disbarred lawyer to the White House: Bill Clinton

Relative to American traditions, values, and history ...championing a man of such low character is a radical position.
Hence, far left.

6. Franklin Roosevelt threw the United States Constitution under the bus, and used the public fisc for all sorts of endeavors not authorized in Article 1, section 8.
He was the ultimate "Far Leftist."

I hope you've learned from this lesson.

Thanks for the laugh.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

You Leftists.....Far Leftists.....certainly are a laugh.
Being a government school grad, you are unable to construct a cogent response.

"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"

She nailed you, huh?
Constitutionally speaking, you are clueless with that tail wagging dog idiocy. The several States ceded a portion of their sovereignty to the national government when they ratified the Constitution which included Article VI, Clause 2;

"This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding." [Emphasis Added]

The notion that only the federal government knows what the constitution actually says is ridiculous on its face. The several, sovereign states wrote the constitution before the supreme court even existed. The people of the several, sovereign states ratified the constitution before the supreme court even existed. The states are the authors. Who would know better about what it says than the actual authors? How could the states establish the constitution between themselves if they didn't know what it said?

The promise:

“…the proposed government cannot be deemed a national one; since its jurisdiction extends to certain enumerated objects only, and leaves to the several States a residuary and inviolable sovereignity over all other objects.”
Federalist #39

Up to your usual horseshit of misquoting to change context AGAIN! Here is what Federalist #39 has to say within the FULL CONTEXT of what Madison wrote you dishonest twit...your bit is in RED and underlined in BLUE is the bit you omitted showing it was a comparison in the argument;

"But if the government be national with regard to the OPERATION of its powers, it changes its aspect again when we contemplate it in relation to the EXTENT of its powers. The idea of a national government involves in it, not only an authority over the individual citizens, but an indefinite supremacy over all persons and things, so far as they are objects of lawful government. Among a people consolidated into one nation, this supremacy is completely vested in the national legislature. Among communities united for particular purposes, it is vested partly in the general and partly in the municipal legislatures. In the former case, all local authorities are subordinate to the supreme; and may be controlled, directed, or abolished by it at pleasure. In the latter, the local or municipal authorities form distinct and independent portions of the supremacy, no more subject, within their respective spheres, to the general authority, than the general authority is subject to them, within its own sphere. In this relation, then, the proposed government cannot be deemed a NATIONAL one; since its jurisdiction extends to certain enumerated objects only, and leaves to the several States a residuary and inviolable sovereignty over all other objects. It is true that in controversies relating to the boundary between the two jurisdictions, the tribunal which is ultimately to decide, is to be established under the general government. But this does not change the principle of the case. The decision is to be impartially made, according to the rules of the Constitution; and all the usual and most effectual precautions are taken to secure this impartiality. Some such tribunal is clearly essential to prevent an appeal to the sword and a dissolution of the compact; and that it ought to be established under the general rather than under the local governments, or, to speak more properly, that it could be safely established under the first alone, is a position not likely to be combated."

Clearly, Madison's reference to the Supremacy of the Constitution is sufficient to dispel any validity to the crackpot notion that the States are Supreme over the Union and the tail wags the damn dog!
Can anyone tell me who exists to the right of Ted Cruz on the political spectrum?

As the saying goes, sunlight is the best disinfectant.
So....let's light up your post.

As structured in this thread, it is the comparison of a position with traditional American views that identify Far Left or Far Right:

4. There is no "Far Right" in this country.
As is always important when dealing with Leftists, Liberals.....let's define terms.

The terms far right and far left are relative to some understood center.

To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center.
American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

The premise
here is that, if I can show that the values called 'Far Right' are actually at the center of American traditions, values, and history represent that center, well then, they cannot be correctly awarded the modifier "Far."

"Radical" is important to the discussion. It means
"especially of change or action relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough" (see Google.)

Your post is clearly an attempt to paint an individual as an example of Far Right.
When I exposed your attempt to be 'even handed,' the role of any fence simply wandered off.

I believe I've put you in your place by asking what positions of Cruz are Far Right.

Constitutionally speaking, you are clueless with that tail wagging dog idiocy. The several States ceded a portion of their sovereignty to the national government when they ratified the Constitution which included Article VI, Clause 2;

"This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding." [Emphasis Added]

The notion that only the federal government knows what the constitution actually says is ridiculous on its face. The several, sovereign states wrote the constitution before the supreme court even existed. The people of the several, sovereign states ratified the constitution before the supreme court even existed. The states are the authors. Who would know better about what it says than the actual authors? How could the states establish the constitution between themselves if they didn't know what it said?

The promise:

“…the proposed government cannot be deemed a national one; since its jurisdiction extends to certain enumerated objects only, and leaves to the several States a residuary and inviolable sovereignity over all other objects.”
Federalist #39

Up to your usual horseshit of misquoting to change context AGAIN! Here is what Federalist #39 has to say within the FULL CONTEXT of what Madison wrote you dishonest twit...your bit is in RED and underlined in BLUE is the bit you omitted showing it was a comparison in the argument;

"But if the government be national with regard to the OPERATION of its powers, it changes its aspect again when we contemplate it in relation to the EXTENT of its powers. The idea of a national government involves in it, not only an authority over the individual citizens, but an indefinite supremacy over all persons and things, so far as they are objects of lawful government. Among a people consolidated into one nation, this supremacy is completely vested in the national legislature. Among communities united for particular purposes, it is vested partly in the general and partly in the municipal legislatures. In the former case, all local authorities are subordinate to the supreme; and may be controlled, directed, or abolished by it at pleasure. In the latter, the local or municipal authorities form distinct and independent portions of the supremacy, no more subject, within their respective spheres, to the general authority, than the general authority is subject to them, within its own sphere. In this relation, then, the proposed government cannot be deemed a NATIONAL one; since its jurisdiction extends to certain enumerated objects only, and leaves to the several States a residuary and inviolable sovereignty over all other objects. It is true that in controversies relating to the boundary between the two jurisdictions, the tribunal which is ultimately to decide, is to be established under the general government. But this does not change the principle of the case. The decision is to be impartially made, according to the rules of the Constitution; and all the usual and most effectual precautions are taken to secure this impartiality. Some such tribunal is clearly essential to prevent an appeal to the sword and a dissolution of the compact; and that it ought to be established under the general rather than under the local governments, or, to speak more properly, that it could be safely established under the first alone, is a position not likely to be combated."

Clearly, Madison's reference to the Supremacy of the Constitution is sufficient to dispel any validity to the crackpot notion that the States are Supreme over the Union and the tail wags the damn dog!

Clean up your language and try again.
Can anyone tell me who exists to the right of Ted Cruz on the political spectrum?

As the saying goes, sunlight is the best disinfectant.
So....let's light up your post.

As structured in this thread, it is the comparison of a position with traditional American views that identify Far Left or Far Right:

4. There is no "Far Right" in this country.
As is always important when dealing with Leftists, Liberals.....let's define terms.

The terms far right and far left are relative to some understood center.

To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center.
American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

The premise here is that, if I can show that the values called 'Far Right' are actually at the center of American traditions, values, and history represent that center, well then, they cannot be correctly awarded the modifier "Far."

"Radical" is important to the discussion. It means
"especially of change or action relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough" (see Google.)

Your post is clearly an attempt to paint an individual as an example of Far Right.
When I exposed your attempt to be 'even handed,' the role of any fence simply wandered off.

I believe I've put you in your place by asking what positions of Cruz are Far Right.
So there is no one to the right of Ted Cruz.

Can anyone tell me who exists to the right of Ted Cruz on the political spectrum?

As the saying goes, sunlight is the best disinfectant.
So....let's light up your post.

As structured in this thread, it is the comparison of a position with traditional American views that identify Far Left or Far Right:

4. There is no "Far Right" in this country.
As is always important when dealing with Leftists, Liberals.....let's define terms.

The terms far right and far left are relative to some understood center.

To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center.
American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

The premise here is that, if I can show that the values called 'Far Right' are actually at the center of American traditions, values, and history represent that center, well then, they cannot be correctly awarded the modifier "Far."

"Radical" is important to the discussion. It means
"especially of change or action relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough" (see Google.)

Your post is clearly an attempt to paint an individual as an example of Far Right.
When I exposed your attempt to be 'even handed,' the role of any fence simply wandered off.

I believe I've put you in your place by asking what positions of Cruz are Far Right.
So there is no one to the right of Ted Cruz.


And nobody sits on a fence with the aplomb that you do.

11. Even more stringent than 'tradition' is 'protocol,' the official system of rules governing the nation. The Far Left has broken both tradition and protocol.
Has the Right attempted to erase
American traditions, values, and history, those that represent the center?

Bet you Leftist indoctrinees never even considered that question.

The only document by which Americans have agreed to be governed is the United States Constitution.,...that's why it is known as 'the law of the land.'
Progressives have used radical beliefs as a lever to uproot the Constitution since the 19th century, but the complete overturning of the Constitution came under our 32nd President.

One can see the effect of Far Left action by considering prohibition, as compared to Roosevelt's invasion of the private home market- he set up Fannie Mae in 1938- and the creation of Social Security.

"Consider Prohibition: Up to 1919, everyone still understood that The Constitution did not give Congress authority to simply “pass a law” banning alcoholic beverages! So the Constitution was amended to prohibit alcoholic beverages, and to authorize Congress to make laws to enforce the prohibition (18th Amdt.).
Congress' Enumerated Powers - Freedom Outpost

Where are the amendments that authorize federal home mortgages, or old age insurance?

"....the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today. ....the regulatory welfare state where the federal government regulates business and commerce, natural resources, human resources, ...

Under the Progressives, the federal government was no longer limited by the enumerated powers delegated in the Constitution; ...

During the regime of Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR), all three branches of the federal government abandoned the Constitution: FDR proposed “New Deal” programs; Congress passed them. At first, the Supreme Court ruled (generally 5 to 4) that these programs were unconstitutional as outside the legislative powers delegated to Congress. But when FDR threatened to “pack the court” by adding judges who would do his bidding, one judge flipped to the liberal/progressive side, and the Court started approving FDR’s programs (5 to 4)." Ibid.

What could be more radical and obverse to American tradition than abandoning the Constitution?
Far Left= Progressives, Liberals, Democrats.

And still no sign of 'a Far Right.'
Can anyone tell me who exists to the right of Ted Cruz on the political spectrum?

As the saying goes, sunlight is the best disinfectant.
So....let's light up your post.

As structured in this thread, it is the comparison of a position with traditional American views that identify Far Left or Far Right:

4. There is no "Far Right" in this country.
As is always important when dealing with Leftists, Liberals.....let's define terms.

The terms far right and far left are relative to some understood center.

To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center.
American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

The premise here is that, if I can show that the values called 'Far Right' are actually at the center of American traditions, values, and history represent that center, well then, they cannot be correctly awarded the modifier "Far."

"Radical" is important to the discussion. It means
"especially of change or action relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough" (see Google.)

Your post is clearly an attempt to paint an individual as an example of Far Right.
When I exposed your attempt to be 'even handed,' the role of any fence simply wandered off.

I believe I've put you in your place by asking what positions of Cruz are Far Right.
So there is no one to the right of Ted Cruz.


And nobody sits on a fence with the aplomb that you do.

Hardcore partisan ideologues on both ends are irritated by those of us who choose to think for ourselves.

You're welcome.
PC doesn't think there's a far right because the far right is sitting in the next chair to the right of her.
Can anyone tell me who exists to the right of Ted Cruz on the political spectrum?

Apparently according to PC the Right has moved so far to the left that none of them can claim to be staunch conservatives.
1. There is no "far right" in this country.
Yet....the very same folks who poke fun at religious Americans, by comparing God with Santa Claus, go on and on.....

"F**k the far right."
MARCO RUBIO: I 'Absolutely' Support Tuition Breaks For Illegal Aliens

'Or Sanders, who does even better against the far right tard candidates'
BUSTED ! – Republican State of Union Response Carried Amnesty Pledge in Spanish Version…

'I bet this will drive the far right loons insane:'
Nikki Haley rebukes Trump in State of the Union rebuttal

'Uh.. there is very much a "far right" in this country.'
The Delusional Candidate

'... what the far right reactionaries are posting.'
Another reason Americans WANT to see Obama and Obamacare GO!!!

'...for some time now the most and loudest noise has come from the Far Right.'
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

" insane the far right is."
Yes, You're A Communist

2. There is no "far right" in this country. So... how to explain the constant reference to this meme by Leftists?

One fact of life is that hearing a phrase often enough, one tends to accept it without spending the effort of examining same. The term "Far Right," used in a cavalier yet effective manner by the Left, is one of those terms.

Yet...upon proves to be imaginary, very much like the benefits of communism....or ObamaCare.

3. It is a well know axiom that, to see what the Left is doing, note what they are blaming the other side of doing.
One regularly sees the Leftists, Liberals, Progressives, Democrats, whatever....railing against the "Far Right," using "Far Right" as a pejorative, an imprecation.
And....BTW.....there certainly is a Far Left.

But I'll prove that "Far Right" doesn't exist.

Do you not know of people like Stephen "Don" Black, Preston Wigginton, David Duke then? They're in the US and they're far right. The former was a member of the US Nazi Party.. just in case you think he's not far right.

He runs Stormfront, you can find a lot of far right racists hanging out there.

1. Until 1989 at least, David Duke ran for elected office on the Democrat ticket.

2.More to the point, David Duke is a Nazi.
Nazis are leftists.....

". ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?"
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

I am often astounded at your lack of education.
Are you a government school graduate?

A) It doesn't matter what David Duke ran on, he was still far right and has never been a member of a Nazi Party. Black has, but not Duke.

B) As for your nonsense about whether Nazism is far left or far right, it's commonly accepted that Nazism is far right, that's just what it is called. Get over it. Trying to discredit the opposition by falsely linking it with Hitler and the Nazis is just desperate nonsense.

1. " for your nonsense about whether Nazism is far left or far right, it's commonly accepted that Nazism is far right,..."

Accepted by the uneducated, and the indoctrinated.

2. "Trying to discredit the opposition by falsely linking it with Hitler and the Nazis is just desperate nonsense.

Yet, exactly what the Left has done...and you've bought it like it was on sale.

"American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin,..."
Goldberg, Liberal Fascism

Ah, the way to defeat anyone in a verbal battle, just declare them to be "indoctrinated" or "uneducated".

Actually we have things called "labels". An "apple" is an apple no matter which way you look at it. You can call it a Manzana, an Apfel, a Pingguo, whatever you like, but it's still an apple. Labels are labels and "far right" is a label for things which are Fascism, Nazism and so on.

No, most people who look at what Hitler did, realize that he wasn't a Socialist in any way, shape or form.

Most people don't even bother to debate whether Hitler was far right or not, because it doesn't even matter. Hitler was what he was, and the label we have for what he was is "far-right". The only people who give a damn are people on the right who want to be removed from any connections with what Hitler did. I'd ask why they would want this so.

People on the left don't try and distance themselves from someone like Stalin, they call him far-left, but don't feel that far-left has much to do with the center left of politics, nor even things like Socialism.

So you can quote someone who you think agrees with you. So what? It's their opinion. That still doesn't take away from the fact that labels are labels.
1. The is no Far Right in this nation....but there certainly is a Far Left.

The thesis is based on the definitions involved:
To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center.
American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

Your entire thread falls apart right at the beginning, because you defined your entire thesis on your opinion of what defines the center.

While the center may include American traditions, values, and history, it also holds a relatively unbiased view when it comes to politics.

Those individuals on the Far Right and the Far Left hold strong biases on nearly every political issue in order to support and protect.their philosophies.

While you can write a long drawn out thread in an attempt to redefine a fact, it will only be correct in your mind (and other far right wingnut that share your mind).

See that!

I knew you could do it.....just needed a little coaxing.

"Your entire thread falls apart right at the beginning, because you defined your entire thesis on your opinion of what defines the center."

Well....let's define the center in the same way United States Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart described obscenity: "I know it when I see it."

And you, and everyone else, knows what traditional America values are.

A review might help you to close in on the concept...

1. ... traditional marriage, that involves one man and one woman, and compare that with homosexual marriage..

2. Another of those positions under regular discussion is 'prayer' in the public arena....Congress opens each year with prayer.

3. Is 'free speech' embraced by one side, and opposed by the other? You betcha! Obama's Supreme Court nominee says it would be be proper to suppress speech because it is offensive to society or to the government.

4. While we were founded on the biblical idea that all men are created equal,
LBJ advanced a two-class nation based on skin color.

....this radical view was advanced: affirmative action. Hence, Democrats....the Far Left.

5. Here's one more radical position by the Left....fighting to elect a sexual pervert and admitted liar and disbarred lawyer to the White House: Bill Clinton

Relative to American traditions, values, and history ...championing a man of such low character is a radical position.
Hence, far left.

And, I'll add a few more today.

Can you come up with a similar list that flies in the face of time-honored, traditional American values to support the bogus concept, "Far Right"?

Take your time.

The center of politics isn't that hard to define. It's the point where left and right meet. What is left and what is right might be up for debate depending on the country, however usually it's self-defined, people will say that they are left, right, libertarian, or people who move from one to the other depending on the issue.

Center in the US will be different to centre in the UK, for example. Not much different to be fair, but a little bit.
1. There is no "far right" in this country.
Yet....the very same folks who poke fun at religious Americans, by comparing God with Santa Claus, go on and on.....

"F**k the far right."
MARCO RUBIO: I 'Absolutely' Support Tuition Breaks For Illegal Aliens

'Or Sanders, who does even better against the far right tard candidates'
BUSTED ! – Republican State of Union Response Carried Amnesty Pledge in Spanish Version…

'I bet this will drive the far right loons insane:'
Nikki Haley rebukes Trump in State of the Union rebuttal

'Uh.. there is very much a "far right" in this country.'
The Delusional Candidate

'... what the far right reactionaries are posting.'
Another reason Americans WANT to see Obama and Obamacare GO!!!

'...for some time now the most and loudest noise has come from the Far Right.'
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

" insane the far right is."
Yes, You're A Communist

2. There is no "far right" in this country. So... how to explain the constant reference to this meme by Leftists?

One fact of life is that hearing a phrase often enough, one tends to accept it without spending the effort of examining same. The term "Far Right," used in a cavalier yet effective manner by the Left, is one of those terms.

Yet...upon proves to be imaginary, very much like the benefits of communism....or ObamaCare.

3. It is a well know axiom that, to see what the Left is doing, note what they are blaming the other side of doing.
One regularly sees the Leftists, Liberals, Progressives, Democrats, whatever....railing against the "Far Right," using "Far Right" as a pejorative, an imprecation.
And....BTW.....there certainly is a Far Left.

But I'll prove that "Far Right" doesn't exist.

Of course it exists. it's populated on this message board by the idiot fringe, those who are challenged by reality, reject pragmatism, fear new ideas and label everyone who isn't a member of the idiot fringe a Commie, Statist, Socialist, leftist, libtard, dumocrat and evil.

Hey, that defines you PC. Of course as a narcissist you hold a special place on the fringe, one focused entirely on you. Let's digress and examine the general characteristics of someone with a personality disorder:
  • Affect [appropriateness, intensity, lability and range of emotions
  • Cognition [how the patient perceives and interprets herself and others]
  • Impulse control
  • Interpersonal functioning
Those who have read your many many posts can see the pattern.

When your threads are challenged you react emotionally, demonstrating poor impulse control and very poor interpersonal functioning (every thread is filled with personal attacks on those who challenge your opinions).

No matter how many times that has been pointed out to you, you persist, a pattern that has been in effect for a long time; likely well before you joined this message board and likely began in early adolescents or childhood.

The truth hurts, but do try to learn from it.
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Can anyone tell me who exists to the right of Ted Cruz on the political spectrum?

As the saying goes, sunlight is the best disinfectant.
So....let's light up your post.

As structured in this thread, it is the comparison of a position with traditional American views that identify Far Left or Far Right:

4. There is no "Far Right" in this country.
As is always important when dealing with Leftists, Liberals.....let's define terms.

The terms far right and far left are relative to some understood center.

To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center.
American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

The premise here is that, if I can show that the values called 'Far Right' are actually at the center of American traditions, values, and history represent that center, well then, they cannot be correctly awarded the modifier "Far."

"Radical" is important to the discussion. It means
"especially of change or action relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough" (see Google.)

Your post is clearly an attempt to paint an individual as an example of Far Right.
When I exposed your attempt to be 'even handed,' the role of any fence simply wandered off.

I believe I've put you in your place by asking what positions of Cruz are Far Right.
So there is no one to the right of Ted Cruz.


And nobody sits on a fence with the aplomb that you do.

Hardcore partisan ideologues on both ends are irritated by those of us who choose to think for ourselves.

You're welcome.

I believe I've put you in your place by asking what positions of Cruz are Far Right.

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