There is no Free Stuff

No it's the one thing the federal government is SUPPOSED to do.....

The federal government is supposed to spend money on defense but not pay for it with taxes?

good one.

I hope for your sake you're just pretending to be this stupid.

That's what he claimed.

Are you willing to raise taxes to pay for every increase in the military budget?

I'm willing to reduce expenditures when it comes to liberal pie in the sky spending and apply it to military spending.

Military spending for WHAT?
More waterboarding!
Ya gotta love the liberal mind set.
Whine about the rich not paying their fair share when the moochers pay nothing.

More proof that the Right wants to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

More proof I dont like paying for freeloaders.


So you want the people who actually pay taxes to move?
Where would that leave the moochers?
Oh yeah.....starving.

The left frequently dares taxpayers to move if they don't like getting over taxed, they are that arrogant.
More proof that the Right wants to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

More proof I dont like paying for freeloaders.


So you want the people who actually pay taxes to move?
Where would that leave the moochers?
Oh yeah.....starving.

I'm looking out for your happiness. Find a country with lower taxes. Move there. Pursue your happiness.

Find a country that does things related to this the way you like it and move there.

I'm happy where I am.
Ya gotta love the liberal mind set.
Whine about the rich not paying their fair share when the moochers pay nothing.

More proof that the Right wants to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

More proof I dont like paying for freeloaders.


So you want the people who actually pay taxes to move?
Where would that leave the moochers?
Oh yeah.....starving.

The left frequently dares taxpayers to move if they don't like getting over taxed, they are that arrogant.

You people are always raving about Americans moving from one state to another supposedly for the sake of lower taxes,

now you're mocking it.
Why does every Republican want to cut taxes and increase military spending. Free military?

Well there are the tax breaks for the 1%…more free stuff for them.

Like what?

Freedom from paying taxes.

Do you call this freedom from paying taxes?

"The top-earning 1 percent of Americans will pay nearly half of the federal income taxes for 2014, the largest share in at least three years, according to a study.

According to a projection from the non-partisan Tax Policy Center, the top 1 percent of Americans will pay 45.7 percent of the individual income taxes in 2014—up from 43 percent in 2013 and 40 percent in 2012 (the oldest period available). (Tweet this)

The bottom 80 percent of Americans are expected to pay 15 percent of all federal income taxes in 2014, according to the study. The bottom 60 percent are expected to pay less than 2 percent of federal income taxes."

Top 1% pay nearly half of federal income taxes
Well the problem is you are not able to have an original thought....

I'm going to blow you......away

We want to cut taxes and INCREASE money to the federal treasury AND raise military spending...its a concept that requires knowledge of business and how the real world won't get it.

Cutting taxes means LESS revenue dumbass

No it doesn't any more than lowering prices = less revenue. You lefties are some of the most economically illiterate folks walking planet Earth. You should have spent less time in basket weaving classes.

If your taxes are $5000 and then are cut to $4000, is that less revenue for the government or more?
See, that's the problem m, the conditions may not stay the same.... what if he paid 10% of 50, 0000...for you 5000 tax bill. BUT what if you lowered taxes to 8%.(the 4000 figure)........BUT you now make 65,000 this time.........guess what that 8% isn't 4000, it's 5200......which is more than 5000, so in one year you made more money, cut taxes and paid more in taxes

Holy shit math is awesome to understand, along with economics.....its just you need growth, which we don't have under this president. Trump 2016 baby.....

You gave a magical 30% raise. AKA voodoo. AKA voodoo economics.

When have the Republicans EVER cut taxes, increased defense spending, and balanced the budget?
They never started with one......except 911 and it fucked the economy fo r ahile but I have plenty examples of cutting taxes and the govt revenue going up......
Uh you're such an armature..I didn't say no taxes, please point to that?

I'll repeat the question:

Why does every Republican want to cut taxes and increase military spending? Free military?
Well the problem is you are not able to have an original thought....

I'm going to blow you......away

We want to cut taxes and INCREASE money to the federal treasury AND raise military spending...its a concept that requires knowledge of business and how the real world won't get it.

Cutting taxes means LESS revenue dumbass
LOL, notice how the idea of cutting spending in other areas never even occurs to Doctor Dumbfuck....... apparently in LeftWingerTopia government spending and taxes must always go up on EVERYTHING.

No wonder the Republic is drowning in debt.

We wouldn't be drowning in debt if the Republicans would pay for what they want to spend money on. They never do. Reagan didn't, neither of the Bushes did it. Trump won't.

Does the 9 Trillion + that Obama added to the national debt count?
You do realize that under President Barry Kardashian the national debt has doubled, in a mere 7 years. But, I'm guessing this is Bush's fault...
My understanding is that the budget is determined by Congress and one or both houses have been controlled by the GOP for most of Obama's terms. If you looking to pin some blame I think that is where it belongs.
The essence of the hillary campaign is to promise more and more free stuff...aka...try to buy the she does have a lot of money thanks to bill and his criminal mind and ceaseless efforts to get more and more based on a fallacious charity....but do not expect her to donte any of that to pay for the free stuff she promises and promises.......the truth is there is no such thing as free stuff....all the stuff hillary is promising to voters would only sink the nation lower into debt and chaos....we cannot even collect enough taxes now to pay our debts....clinton would quadruple the debt and all the ramifications of that.

The Illusion of Free Stuff - The Illusion of More
Trying to pre-load your excuses for when Trump loses, are you?

"Because free stuff!"

We've heard that one before. Try to find some new material. :lol:
You do realize that under President Barry Kardashian the national debt has doubled, in a mere 7 years. But, I'm guessing this is Bush's fault...
My understanding is that the budget is determined by Congress and one or both houses have been controlled by the GOP for most of Obama's terms. If you looking to pin some blame I think that is where it belongs.

How many years did the Democrats prevent a budget from being passed?
More proof that the Right wants to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

More proof I dont like paying for freeloaders.


So you want the people who actually pay taxes to move?
Where would that leave the moochers?
Oh yeah.....starving.

The left frequently dares taxpayers to move if they don't like getting over taxed, they are that arrogant.

You people are always raving about Americans moving from one state to another supposedly for the sake of lower taxes,

now you're mocking it.

I'm mocking dumb ass liberals who delude themselves into thinking businesses and individuals just have to sit there and take it up the ass on taxes only to discover businesses and individuals have the option to tell liberals to eat shit, then pack up and move. :eusa_dance:
You do realize that under President Barry Kardashian the national debt has doubled, in a mere 7 years. But, I'm guessing this is Bush's fault...
My understanding is that the budget is determined by Congress and one or both houses have been controlled by the GOP for most of Obama's terms. If you looking to pin some blame I think that is where it belongs.

How many years did the Democrats prevent a budget from being passed?
Exactly as many years as the GOP prevented a budget from being passed.
Ya gotta love the liberal mind set.
Whine about the rich not paying their fair share when the moochers pay nothing.

More proof that the Right wants to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

More proof I dont like paying for freeloaders.


So you want the people who actually pay taxes to move?
Where would that leave the moochers?
Oh yeah.....starving.

I'm looking out for your happiness. Find a country with lower taxes. Move there. Pursue your happiness.

If you truly were, you'd leave and never come back./
More proof that the Right wants to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

More proof I dont like paying for freeloaders.


So you want the people who actually pay taxes to move?
Where would that leave the moochers?
Oh yeah.....starving.

The left frequently dares taxpayers to move if they don't like getting over taxed, they are that arrogant.

You people are always raving about Americans moving from one state to another supposedly for the sake of lower taxes,

now you're mocking it.

I already live in a low tax state.
It's the feds that are fucking me over.
More proof I dont like paying for freeloaders.


So you want the people who actually pay taxes to move?
Where would that leave the moochers?
Oh yeah.....starving.

I'm looking out for your happiness. Find a country with lower taxes. Move there. Pursue your happiness.

Find a country that does things related to this the way you like it and move there.

I'm happy where I am.

That's a lie.
These stupid uneducated greedy low information Moon Bats have never understood the concept that "their ain't no such thing as a free lunch".

The idiots think that if somebody else besides themselves pay for it then it is somehow free.
You do realize that under President Barry Kardashian the national debt has doubled, in a mere 7 years. But, I'm guessing this is Bush's fault...
My understanding is that the budget is determined by Congress and one or both houses have been controlled by the GOP for most of Obama's terms. If you looking to pin some blame I think that is where it belongs.

How many years did the Democrats prevent a budget from being passed?
Exactly as many years as the GOP prevented a budget from being passed.

How many and what years?
'No Free Stuff' all depends on personal perspective.

If I am homeless and go to a soup kitchen and get a free bowl of soup, it's a FREE bowl of soup. If I apply for a free 'Obamaphome' and am given one, it's a 'free' cell phone. If I am someone paying for that bowl of soup or that cell phone then it's not 'free'.

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