There is no Morality

That's really good news.

I guess the next hot looking woman or small child I see I can just grab em and pork their brains out.

Since God is out of the picture and I have no innate sense of right or wrong I just feel like being crazy today.

You won't grab em and pork em though will you?

Is that a serious question????

No.......I......won't. Because I was born with the knowledge of right and wrong.

You were a very precocious baby if you were born with the knowledge of right and wrong. Most of us were born with the ability to breathe, suck milk, pee and crap. And most of us had to learn about right and wrong.
You know religion used to require human sacrifice right?

you know states used to committ mass genocide right?

Sadly they still do.

But perhaps I should clarify my point.

Take God out the picture, take religion out the picture.

Are all humans built with a sense of morality?

If so, give examples. If so, prove it.

Or is that just faith based as well...

My point is that morality isn't dependent on a god belief or religion.

Some societies worshipped gods which demanded human sacrifice. How did they know that? The priestly caste told them so.

Humans aren't built with a sense of morality. We were able to work out what was good for us and what was bad for us though. We did that without religion or god belief.

"Working out what was good for us and what was bad for us" is called morality. Societies are formed on common beliefs, and the vast majority of societies has been formed based on a common religious belief. Name one that wasn't.
well, as someone who is religious, I believe we are all born with the sense of what is right and what is wrong, whether the person is religious or not in favor of any religion.... I think we all inherited a conscience from adam and eve....who ate from the tree of the knowledge of the proverbial ''good and evil''....this 'story' in the Bible, refers to just that....we ALL have been born with this ''knowledge, this sense of what is right and what is wrong''.... NOTE! this does not exclude that we may get screwed up along the way and lose this sense of morality....

define "screwed up"
you know states used to committ mass genocide right?

Sadly they still do.

But perhaps I should clarify my point.

Take God out the picture, take religion out the picture.

Are all humans built with a sense of morality?

If so, give examples. If so, prove it.

Or is that just faith based as well...

My point is that morality isn't dependent on a god belief or religion.

Some societies worshipped gods which demanded human sacrifice. How did they know that? The priestly caste told them so.

Humans aren't built with a sense of morality. We were able to work out what was good for us and what was bad for us though. We did that without religion or god belief.

"Working out what was good for us and what was bad for us" is called morality. Societies are formed on common beliefs, and the vast majority of societies has been formed based on a common religious belief. Name one that wasn't.

Hang on. Apparently we agree that morality is "working out what was good forus and what was bad for us". I'll just put that aside for a moment because I'm not going to claim that there is an agreement until it's acknowledged.

"Societies are formed on common beliefs."

Are they? Or do common beliefs follow the gathering that becomes a society? And could it be the case that societies are actually formed out of a need for humans to cooperate with one another to respond to the biological imperative?

If "the vast majority of societies has been formed based on a common religious belief" then that assumes that the religious belief existed prior to the society existing. How could that be?
Take God out the picture, take religion out the picture.

Are all humans built with a sense of morality?

If so, give examples. If so, prove it.

Or is that just faith based as well...

No humans do not have a built in sense of morality.

We do have, however, instincts.

One of those instinct drives us to want to be social animals.

Our so-called morals are rules for being part of that society.

You've probably noticed that our "morality" is also useful for helping people work and live together, yes?

That's not a coincidence, ya know.

And naturally, since different societies face slightly different social needs, each ends up creating somewhat different moral codes to accomodate their different needs.
Take God out the picture, take religion out the picture.

Are all humans built with a sense of morality?

If so, give examples. If so, prove it.

Or is that just faith based as well...

No humans do not have a built in sense of morality.

We do have, however, instincts.

One of those instinct drives us to want to be social animals.

Our so-called morals are rules for being part of that society.

You've probably noticed that our "morality" is also useful for helping people work and live together, yes?

That's not a coincidence, ya know.

And naturally, since different societies face slightly different social needs, each ends up creating somewhat different moral codes to accomodate their different needs.

How would you explain honor killings under that paradigm ?
Take God out the picture, take religion out the picture.

Are all humans built with a sense of morality?

If so, give examples. If so, prove it.

Or is that just faith based as well...

That's a bullshit question with no plausible answer.
well, as someone who is religious, I believe we are all born with the sense of what is right and what is wrong, whether the person is religious or not in favor of any religion.... I think we all inherited a conscience from adam and eve....who ate from the tree of the knowledge of the proverbial ''good and evil''....this 'story' in the Bible, refers to just that....we ALL have been born with this ''knowledge, this sense of what is right and what is wrong''.... NOTE! this does not exclude that we may get screwed up along the way and lose this sense of morality....

define "screwed up"

that's a good question...i guess it could mean, our ''wires crossed'' instead of being wired to "go with the flow" with fellow man....
If you take God out of the picture, meaning that He does not exist, there would be no natural, built-in morality within man. All standards would be man-made, and there would be a lot less agreement about stndards than there are now. It's pretty bad now.

Religion may help define a standard that is workable, but there would be no way to know right from wrong, or good from bad as an absolute with God totally out of the bicture. Religion is man's way of reaching out to, and searching for God. Blindness would be in charge.

Without religion, I suppose some people might be nicer than others, but only because they want to be nice. It really would not matter. We would be just like all of the other animals, only worse. Look around, LOL some are that way now.

I believe God has created us all with knowledge, or a build-in alarm system for moral standards. We abuse it, and neglect it, and it gets numb, unable to function, but I believe it is there.

Good post.

To me, religion is outdated. If God does exist, why the positive connotations? Out thoughts of a higher being are all surrounded by this thought that God, if exists, is some sort of saint. Does a creator necessarily have to be 'God Like' in the sense that we've become accustomed to? Or could he be a bored diety, and our creation is the result of his boredom?

Fact is, we are all animals. Advanced animals, civilized animals yes. But in the end, just another animal. With that said, morality sounds like it's a creation of the mind rather then something built within us.
If you take God out of the picture, meaning that He does not exist, there would be no natural, built-in morality within man. All standards would be man-made, and there would be a lot less agreement about stndards than there are now. It's pretty bad now.

Religion may help define a standard that is workable, but there would be no way to know right from wrong, or good from bad as an absolute with God totally out of the bicture. Religion is man's way of reaching out to, and searching for God. Blindness would be in charge.

Without religion, I suppose some people might be nicer than others, but only because they want to be nice. It really would not matter. We would be just like all of the other animals, only worse. Look around, LOL some are that way now.

I believe God has created us all with knowledge, or a build-in alarm system for moral standards. We abuse it, and neglect it, and it gets numb, unable to function, but I believe it is there.

Good post.

To me, religion is outdated. If God does exist, why the positive connotations? Out thoughts of a higher being are all surrounded by this thought that God, if exists, is some sort of saint. Does a creator necessarily have to be 'God Like' in the sense that we've become accustomed to? Or could he be a bored diety, and our creation is the result of his boredom?

Fact is, we are all animals. Advanced animals, civilized animals yes. But in the end, just another animal. With that said, morality sounds like it's a creation of the mind rather then something built within us.

Thanks for the compliment.
Religion is outdated. However, as I look back to the way God started it all, and how He worked through the ages "with" His people, and people in general, I believe that a "relationship with God" is not ourdated. Religions evolve, all of them. However, I see awesome consistency in how God relates to His people personally, and collectively.

We could conceive of a god, even a creator, who has negative reasons, and negative plans. The thing is, the writings of the Bible are far more convincing that many people are willing to accept. Written over a 1600 year period, by 44+ authors, and consisting of 66 books, written in various places without knowledge of others, but having such consistency, the Bible is absolutely extraordinary. I don't believe it could have happened without a supreme source. The wisdom in it, and the way it all comes together so well, and the amount of prophecy that has actually found fulfillment is fantastic.

So, I don't believe we have contrived a God to match our needs, but God is that God and He created us to be able to appreciate Him and all His mighty works.

It cannot be explained any other way. The creator does not have to be that way, if it is one we made up. Hopwever, I don't believe we made Him up.

I believe that if there were a god who got bored, and used us as a game, he would have tossed us out long ago.

There is some allowance for us to be called animals, however, because the God who I (we Christians) believe in has such a powerful presence, and because I believe He created man as man, and in the image that would allow for us to commune and communicate with Him, as well as appreciate and worship Him. I believe He created us so that we would have opportunity to have a real relationship with Him. So, we are not really animals like the critters of the wild.
About morality, because it is uniersal I believe it is as God's word says, written on the hearts of man.
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Take God out the picture, take religion out the picture.

Are all humans built with a sense of morality?

If so, give examples. If so, prove it.

Or is that just faith based as well...

If I take God out of the picture--we could still have religion(I am waiting for one of you "Christs followers" to dare me into explaining this!!)

But If I keep God in the picture and take religion out, we could still have the situation you described--no morality.

People are taught how to behave, how to decide what is wrong from right. The learn how to examine and become judges of situations that they find important to themselves or those around them. I believe that the act of teaching people how to become good judges of family, society and self is what religion is all about.

The whole concept of God and other mysticisms are just make believe that provides a basis for many intersting tales.
Take God out the picture, take religion out the picture.

Are all humans built with a sense of morality?

If so, give examples. If so, prove it.

Or is that just faith based as well...

Morality is highly subjective.

True--what I may consider acceptable, or even moral may prove to be a great evil to someone else.

We do come acrosss this alot. Such as moral judgements concerning the death penalty/crime and punishment, Suicide, abortion, and Euthanasia.

Then there are "actions due to desperation" that we think we can judge quickly.

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