There is no rapture, Jesus is not coming back in the clouds

Nothing koshergrl says is relevant to Jesus or His love for mankind. She hates. Yes, Jesus will return in clouds streaming glory.

Jesus is coming at Har-mageddon. Leading Gods armies to this earth--99% will not like the results. 99% of all religion is false.

cut that final "n" off the mountain Har Magiddo
Armageddon is a greek adaptation, ?? I do not do
greek and have no idea why the final N is added to the name of the mountain------when you enlist-----go to the place
called MEGIDDO-----near a mountain (probably would
be called more like a hill in the USA) as in UP THERE IN THAT THAR HILL......

Har-mageddon = righteous war--Jesus leads Gods armies to the earth--Every kingdom( govt, armies,supporters) will be mislead to stand in opposition( Rev 16)--99% will fall.

ok they got that HAR name wrong-----the name of the HAR
(mountain) is HAR MEGIDDO the mountain of Megiddo.
I would hate for you to go around asking "where is mageddon" because you want to go to the mountain ---and NO ONE WOULD KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. I have a sense that the coming great war will not
culminate in a battle on the little hill----Megiddo-----there ain't enough room for all the nations.
I think that you can bring a portable charcoal grill and have a picnic

Har-mageddon will be all over the earth. Megiddo is not Har-mageddon--Gods war against wickedness is. Every kingdom will be mislead into standing in opposition( Rev 16)--99% will fall. 99% is the number all throughout the bible of mislead mankind, except possibly when the Israelites stood strong, but they fell over and over.
Most see like this-2Cor 4:4
Anyone that believes in any religion is a fool.

Jesus started one single religion--the one that is no part of this world and does not fit in. Jesus spoke to 7 congregations in (revelation( happening now in these last days) proving there is a religion that has Jesus.
Was it not claimed the 7 churches... Just look to the heavens it was the 7 sisters or Pleiades borrowed from Greek mythology.... It is all borrowed from mythology.....How deep down the rabbit hole do you want to go....hmmmmm....
Was it not claimed the 7 churches... Just look to the heavens it was the 7 sisters or Pleiades borrowed from Greek mythology.... It is all borrowed from mythology.....How deep down the rabbit hole do you want to go....hmmmmm....
shimon, we borrowed you from mythology, little twinkle star. Why were you hated?
Ohhh Jake wherever do you get I am hated...But seriously you must be talking about yourself because your name is Jake STAR key... Lol... Too funny out of your own mouth you shot your little twinkle twinkle
Ohhh Jake wherever do you get I am hated...But seriously you must be talking about yourself because your name is Jake STAR key... Lol... Too funny out of your own mouth you shot your little twinkle twinkle
Ah, you don't know your name's mythology. Leah said she was hated (by God) because Rachel was favored of Jacob. God gave her a bouncy baby boy named shimon or simeon or simon to show she was not hated. You don't even know your own provenance.
If God was telling the writer of Revelations about Jesus coming to Earth, why would he be riding a horse and not driving a Mustang?
Anyone that believes in any religion is a fool.

Jesus started one single religion--the one that is no part of this world and does not fit in. Jesus spoke to 7 congregations in (revelation( happening now in these last days) proving there is a religion that has Jesus.
Jesus didn't start a religion, that happened 70 years after his death.........
Please don't you be teaching classes in religion, moonglow, because you will be terminated right quick.

  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"
    synonyms: faith, belief, worship, creed; More
    • a particular system of faith and worship.
      plural noun: religions
      "the world's great religions"
    • a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.
      "consumerism is the new religion"

Ohhh Jake wherever do you get I am hated...But seriously you must be talking about yourself because your name is Jake STAR key... Lol... Too funny out of your own mouth you shot your little twinkle twinkle
Ah, you don't know your name's mythology. Leah said she was hated (by God) because Rachel was favored of Jacob. God gave her a bouncy baby boy named shimon or simeon or simon to show she was not hated. You don't even know your own provenance.
Now Jake she didn't just have Simeon she had 5 others as well...and you stated I was hated that is what threw me off.. It was Leah that was hated.... Well she wasn't that hated that Jacob didn't stop laying with her and having children... Anyways my name means " he who hears" or he who is heard... With hearing not meaning literally hearing but in a deeper sense... Interestingly in the shema which we recite we are To say HEAR oh Israel the lord our Gd the lord is ONE.... Funny how the tribe of Simeon or Shimon shrank to become landless and absorbed into Judah but in the end will be Heard and placed ahead of the rest of the Israelites....So Leah Might have been Hated by Jacob who became Israel but Shimon which you said was hated was placed before the rest of Israel by Gd..... Interesting and thank you for bringing that up and allowing me to bring that out into the open for others to see but not hear.. Or Hear but not see...
Ohhh Jake wherever do you get I am hated...But seriously you must be talking about yourself because your name is Jake STAR key... Lol... Too funny out of your own mouth you shot your little twinkle twinkle
Ah, you don't know your name's mythology. Leah said she was hated (by God) because Rachel was favored of Jacob. God gave her a bouncy baby boy named shimon or simeon or simon to show she was not hated. You don't even know your own provenance.
Now Jake she didn't just have Simeon she had 5 others as well...and you stated I was hated that is what threw me off.. It was Leah that was hated.... Well she wasn't that hated that Jacob didn't stop laying with her and having children... Anyways my name means " he who hears" or he who is heard... With hearing not meaning literally hearing but in a deeper sense... Interestingly in the shema which we recite we are To say HEAR oh Israel the lord our Gd the lord is ONE.... Funny how the tribe of Simeon or Shimon shrank to become landless and absorbed into Judah but in the end will be Heard and placed ahead of the rest of the Israelites....So Leah Might have been Hated by Jacob who became Israel but Shimon which you said was hated was placed before the rest of Israel by Gd..... Interesting and thank you for bringing that up and allowing me to bring that out into the open for others to see but not hear.. Or Hear but not see...
Or see and hear.
This will be right on topic while addressing some off topic comments made.

Many already know Hell- Gehinnom in Judaism is describing what life in the wrong path away from that essence we call G-d would be like. That's why they paint a picture of the burning trash dump outside the walls of Jerusalem as it's similarity. A life liken to war torn areas with burning tires, trash scattered, people and buildings tattered and all residing outside the kingdom.

But what many don't know is the term for being cast out the kingdom was called being dead or in the pits (of society). Sort of like in the TV show Big Bang Theory when Howard calls his friend "dead to him" for snagging what he considered was his new girlfiend.
He outcasts the 2 of them and refuses to aclnowledge them. But what happens when he accepts them back? He says they came back to him, they are alive, it's a miracle.
In Biblical times it was called resurrection and coming back from the dead to merely be welcomed back into society or inside the kingdoms walls through repentance or someone arguing your case. You were as Howard put it "no longer dead"- to them.
It's possible that the rich young man Lazarus was cast out -"dead to them" and brought back when Theudas(made part of Jesus image) pled for his lovers return from exhile.
IT'S an easy story to confuse or manipulate.
I say they used it for the later if it was not fully fabricated in the first place.

hashev------it is a matter of language and usage, -----as you know. I grew up knowing ONLY ENGLISH. No education in any religion-----except visits to the sunday school in the church basement with a friend. ------but regarding the bible
(OT and NT) even I had a slight edge over my sunday school
playmates based on language usage by my American born
grandmother who was also fluent and literate in Yiddish. The
manner in which American Christians misconstrue the words
of both books-----still fascinates me. Another issue is "traditional interpretation" People who grow up with
the yearly Christmas play re-enactment of the baby born in
the manger-----(which----in fact, I did---but it had no more reality to me than did FLASH GORDON and the Easter bunny) will hold onto their early impressions for life

I think the funniest manger scene I ever saw was an Archangel Michael statue above the manger with sword drawn on the Baby Jesus. Purposefully done symbolism, or accidentally revealled symbolism, either way It had me grinning ear to ear.

was it on someone's front lawn or---a church constructed thing?

Front lawn, major road traffic.
If done purposefully it was brilliant.
Nothing koshergrl says is relevant to Jesus or His love for mankind. She hates. Yes, Jesus will return in clouds streaming glory.

Jesus is coming at Har-mageddon. Leading Gods armies to this earth--99% will not like the results. 99% of all religion is false.
His return will far gracious than you can possibly imagine.

1Cor 1:10--proves 99% of all religion is false--Jesus started one single religion--there is one truth. God only had one single religion in the ot. Its all that is needed.

Hence Lilith created by God along side Man(Adam), but Eve was created from man's rib within man(adam).
I know that Joseph and Paul were not the same man, because no logical argument can be made that the writer of Josephus was the writer of Paul's epistles.

Why not, a lot of it sounds the same. I am not saying their are one of the same, I'm sayin Josephus probably wrote Paul's letters, incorporating himself in parts. They are too many similarities to be a coincidence.

Josephus incorporated himself in the letter of Paul?
I never read anything about Josephus in the NT---can
you cite the basis for your theory?

The point is that if there's been some guy who performed miracles in front of crowds everywhere he went Josephus would have mentioned him.......he didn't!
I know that Joseph and Paul were not the same man, because no logical argument can be made that the writer of Josephus was the writer of Paul's epistles.

Why not, a lot of it sounds the same. I am not saying their are one of the same, I'm sayin Josephus probably wrote Paul's letters, incorporating himself in parts. They are too many similarities to be a coincidence.

Josephus incorporated himself in the letter of Paul?
I never read anything about Josephus in the NT---can
you cite the basis for your theory?

The point is that if there's been some guy who performed miracles in front of crowds everywhere he went Josephus would have mentioned him.......he didn't!

yes----I have come across that notion------it boggles my mind
that there are people eager to push the notion that Paul is Josephus or that Josephus wrote letters attributed to Paul.
There is no evidence that Josephus was involved in the Jesus 'religion movement-------the whole thing seems to be based
on the history that they both spent time in rome and wrote in
Greek-------like lots of jews. EXTREMELY TENUOUS. ----like Elvis is John Lennon----both SANG. There are people SO eager to believe idiot conjecture
Penny is following the outline in, Flavious Josephus And the Apostle Paul Were the Same Person?, page 1. which offers, once again, assertions but no proof.
Reading Paul and Josephus is proof enough. When I read Josephus, I though man this sounds so familiar, I started out by why do Paul and Josephus have so much in common. I mean just reading Josephus made me think of Paul , and even Josephus saying he was wise at 14 and all the scholars came to him for advice made me think of Jesus. I mean its there.
I know that Joseph and Paul were not the same man, because no logical argument can be made that the writer of Josephus was the writer of Paul's epistles.

Why not, a lot of it sounds the same. I am not saying their are one of the same, I'm sayin Josephus probably wrote Paul's letters, incorporating himself in parts. They are too many similarities to be a coincidence.

Josephus incorporated himself in the letter of Paul?
I never read anything about Josephus in the NT---can
you cite the basis for your theory?

The point is that if there's been some guy who performed miracles in front of crowds everywhere he went Josephus would have mentioned him.......he didn't!

Suetonius mentions in his writing of Emperor Vespasian , he healed a blind man using mud and healed a cripple.
The point is that if there's been some guy who performed miracles in front of crowds everywhere he went Josephus would have mentioned him.......he didn't!

When Jesus healed the blind man he wrote something on the ground, put a paste of mud and spit over the guys eyes, put his hand over that, and then asked him what he saw.

How could the guy see anything with mud and spit and a hand over his eyes?

The healing was a healing of perception not sight. First he saw trees, then he saw men. Jsus was teaching the man how to understand the figurative expressions used in scripture where men are often compared to tees, either fruitful or barren.

Thats why no one who remained perceptually blind was impressed, saw nothing important to write about, and thought that Jesus was just some sort of magician, his followers deranged..

Same goes for turning water into wine, raising the dead, calming the storm, walking on water, cleansing lepers, healing the sick, feeding the multitude, and ascending bodily into heaven in full view of believers and unbelievers alike.
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Josephus was born several years after the crucifixstion of Jesus. He was a leader in the Jewish Revolt, was defeated by Vespasian, defected to Vespasian and the side of the Romans, and became a Roman homer thereafter. Why would he mention a wandering miracle worker who died before he was born?

KJVJohn 9: 1
And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. 2And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? 3Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him. 4I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. 5As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. 6When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay, 7And said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam, (which is by interpretation, Sent.) He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing. 8The neighbours therefore, and they which before had seen him that he was blind, said, Is not this he that sat and begged? 9Some said, This is he: others said, He is like him: but he said, I am he. 10Therefore said they unto him, How were thine eyes opened? 11He answered and said, A man that is called Jesus made clay, and anointed mine eyes, and said unto me, Go to the pool of Siloam, and wash: and I went and washed, and I received sight. 12Then said they unto him, Where is he? He said, I know not.

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