There Is No Such Thing As A Future The Antichrist.

Yes we require a host when we visit this world to utilize all aspects of it.

We? Sounds a bit parasitic to me. I think of the human form as a type of cocoon in which a spiritual being should develop over time. It either produces a "living being" or it doesn't.

Many religious practices, secular laws, and customs are implemented specifically to abort that development, for obvious reasons, by demons, devils, and the potentates of darkness.
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If you know that then you should also realize that in scripture the subject of "the living and the dead" is not about anything physical but are appropriate metaphors for people who either comply with the Divine commands or don't, life or death being the consequence.
Horseshit. 2000 years of Christian dogma cannot be undone because some secular humanists wants to secularize the account of the pascal lamb suffering death to reconcile justice with mercy.
If you know that then you should also realize that in scripture the subject of "the living and the dead" is not about anything physical but are appropriate metaphors for people who either comply with the Divine commands or don't, life or death being the consequence.

What's the difference? Positive and negative will never be one any more than the living can be one with the dead or the truth can be one with a lie and so 'we are all one' can't be truth.

Yes, sort of. I demanded an explanation, answers, and I got them. Then I took the red pill.
Good and evil required judgment. GOD is not judgmental, people are. So much for your " divine " commandments.
We? Sounds a bit parasitic to me. I think of the human form as a type of cocoon in which a spiritual being should develop over time. It either produces a "living being" or it doesn't.

Many religions, secular laws, and customs are implemented specifically to abort that development, for obvious reasons, by demons and devils and all the potentates of darkness.
Absolutely not, the relationship is symbiotic, even mutualistic. We put the humanity in human beings. Canceling out there primitive urges and desires as much as possible allowing them to better themselves to help them evolve.
Horseshit. 2000 years of Christian dogma cannot be undone because some secular humanists wants to secularize the account of the pascal lamb suffering death to reconcile justice with mercy.


5782 years of Judaism cannot be undone by 2000 years of pagan beliefs perpetuated by superstitious 4th century Romans who understood neither scripture nor the power of God because they were completely ignorant of Jewish thought, belief, and literary expressions
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Absolutely not, the relationship is symbiotic, even mutualistic. We put the humanity in human beings. Canceling out there primitive urges and desires as much as possible allowing them to better themselves to help them evolve.
Who is this we? Where are you from? How many of you are there? What name do you go by?
Good and evil required judgment. GOD is not judgmental, people are. So much for your " divine " commandments.
The divine commands were given by God specifically to teach people the difference between good and evil, right and wrong, true and false, clean and unclean, life and death.

5782 years of Judaism cannot be undone by 2000 years of pagan beliefs perpetuated by superstitious 4th century Romans who understood neither scripture nor the power of God because they were completely ignorant of Jewish thought, belief, and literary expressions
You're both fighting a losing battle.
The divine commands were given by God specifically to teach people the difference between good and evil, right and wrong, true and false, clean and unclean, life and death.
I'm sorry but you're mistaken. Don't worry, you're not alone.

5782 years of Judaism cannot be undone by 2000 years of pagan beliefs perpetuated by superstitious 4th century Romans who understood neither scripture nor the power of God because they were completely ignorant of Jewish thought, belief, and literary expressions
It's a good thing then that Christianity is a sect of Judaism.
I'm sorry but you're mistaken. Don't worry, you're not alone.

What? Me worry? lol

I don't think so. What name do you give your god who is not judgmental and gave no instructions to teach people the difference between good and evil and life and death?
The Lord of Darkness? Psst. That ain't no god. It's a self-negating multiplicity. A parasite.
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What? Me worry? lol

I don't think so. What name do you give your god who is not judgmental and gave no instructions to teach people the difference between good and evil and life and death?
The Lord of darkness? Psst. That ain't no god. It's a self-negating multiplicity. A parasite.
You sound like a self righteous Pharisee.
What? Me worry? lol

I don't think so. What name do you give your god who is not judgmental and gave no instructions to teach people the difference between good and evil and life and death?
The Lord of Darkness? Psst. That ain't no god. It's a self-negating multiplicity. A parasite.
GOD gave each and everyone of us the ability to experience this world to the fullest. Religion is a cop out on those gifts.
GOD gave each and everyone of us the ability to experience this world to the fullest. Religion is a cop out on those gifts.

Hey, if you want to be the host for some 'we' (a parasite of unknown origin) who "visit this world to utilize all aspects of it" that's your choice. From where I stand I see that your out of hand dismissal of religion is the cop out. Scripture is not an escape from reality, scripture is instruction about how to deal with the realities of life in order to experience its fullness by teaching hard learned lessons of the past about the heights and depths of human potential.

You don't even acknowledge the reality of good or evil. How could any we 'experience the world to the fullest' without that basic awareness without which you are completely blind?
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It's a good thing then that Christianity is a sect of Judaism.

If that was true not one Christian on Earth would worship Jesus as if he was God but instead they all do. You don't even know that Jesus was teaching how to understand the figurative words and comply with the hidden subjects of the Divine commands that fulfills the promise of abundant blessings and eternal life in the Sanctuary of God here and now on Earth.

Instead you openly defy the Law, worship a trinity, and dick around with bread and wine......

Christianity is not a sect of Judaism. Christians don't even follow the teachings of Jesus.

And when I irrefutably show you what Jesus was actually teaching, you call it crazy talk. lol

What a loser.
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If that was true not one Christian on Earth would worship Jesus as if he was God but instead they all do.
It is true and they still do. It's why the Christian bible has two testaments; a new and an OLD.
You don't even know that Jesus was teaching how to understand the figurative words and comply with the hidden subjects of the Divine commands that fulfills the promise of abundant blessings and eternal life in the Sanctuary of God here and now on Earth.
Says the guy with the secular interpretation whose only theology is whatever silly shit he makes up that day. Seriously, do you have a link for any of your beliefs? Is this a secret religion you belong to?
Hey, if you want to be the host for some 'we' (a parasite of unknown origin) who "visit this world to utilize all aspects of it" that's your choice. From where I stand I see that your out of hand dismissal of religion is the cop out. Scripture is not an escape from reality, scripture is instruction about how to deal with the realities of life in order to experience its fullness by teaching hard learned lessons of the past about the heights and depths of human potential.

You don't even acknowledge the reality of good or evil. How could any we 'experience the world to the fullest' without that basic awareness without which you are completely blind?
Good and evil are human concepts. You must understand that at least. Along with heaven, purgatory and hell. GOD has nothing to do with those concepts.
Instead you openly defy the Law, worship a trinity, and dick around with bread and wine......

Christianity is not a sect of Judaism. Christians don't even follow the teachings of Jesus.

And when I irrefutably show you what Jesus was actually teaching, you call it crazy talk. lol

What a loser.
Cool story but the only thing you teach is your hatred of Christianity and Christians. Your only purpose is to attack a rival religion. But your religion is secular humanism which makes it doubly ironic because your desire to emulate Christians validates Christians.

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