There Is No Such Thing As A Future The Antichrist.

Good and evil are human concepts. You must understand that at least. Along with heaven, purgatory and hell. GOD has nothing to do with those concepts.
So God is ambivalent? Where did you get such a silly notion?
Cool story but the only thing you teach is your hatred of Christianity and Christians.

lol. If I really really really hated Christians I would have just let you all rot where you stand and made lots and lots of money off of your blindness and state of perpetual unawareness.
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lol. If I really really really hated Christians I would have just let you all rot where you stand and made lots and lots of money off of your blindness and state of perpetual unawareness.
There's no question about your animosity towards Christians. So don't try and pretend like it's not there. Your piety and disdain for your fellow man drips from every post you make.
There's no question about your animosity towards Christians. So don't try and pretend like it's not there. Your piety and disdain for your fellow man drips from every post you make.

Don't be silly. I love you all dearly. You would make great pets. If it wasn't for the fact that you keep shitting on the living room floor I would give you the run of the house but, alas, because of your defiance and obstinate stupidity you'll have to remain in outside in the yard.
Don't be silly. I love you all dearly. You would make great pets. If it wasn't for the fact that you keep shitting on the living room floor I would give you the run of the house but, alas, because of your defiance and obstinate stupidity you'll have to remain in outside in the yard.
Your lack of respect for your fellow man is astonishing. Your piety knows no bounds.
Your lack of respect for your fellow man is astonishing. Your piety knows no bounds.

Lack of respect? lol...

You are the guy trying to mislead people into seeking spiritual life from a lifeless matzo made by human hands. You even tried in vain to persuade me. Talk about lack of respect!

Forgive me for having enough respect for you to alert you to the fact that even if your own scriptures are true you are already dead, in hell, obliviously prancing around on the road that leads to destruction.
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Lack of respect? lol...

You are the guy trying to mislead people into seeking spiritual life from a lifeless matzo made by human hands. You even tried in vain to persuade me. Talk about lack of respect!

Forgive me for having enough respect for you to alert you to the fact that even if your own scriptures are true you are already dead, in hell, obliviously prancing around on the road that leads to destruction.
Thank you for proving my point :clap:
Lack of respect? lol...

You are the guy trying to mislead people into seeking spiritual life from a lifeless matzo made by human hands. You even tried in vain to persuade me. Talk about lack of respect!

Forgive me for having enough respect for you to alert you to the fact that even if your own scriptures are true you are already dead, in hell, obliviously prancing around on the road that leads to destruction.
The road to perdition is filled with travelers; it is a long and winding road filled with many chances for redemption and empyrean. The big question is why so many choose to travel it at all when it can be totally avoided.
The road to perdition is filled with travelers; it is a long and winding road filled with many chances for redemption and empyrean. The big question is why so many choose to travel it at all when it can be totally avoided.

The simple answer is that they have been indoctrinated since birth into a belief system designed by the religious hierarchy to use the power of death consequent to defying the Divine commands (that you dismissed) turning otherwise good and intelligent people into easy prey for every sort of foul and loathsome beast and bird that use their lofty positions to enrich themselves and lead smooth easy lives off the backs of their hapless captives who then willingly poison their own children with the same crap damning them to the same fate.

It's been a very successful self perpetuating scam, like a virulent plague, a crippling mental malfunction that few recover from. Damn smart them 4th century Roman talking serpents.
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The simple answer is that they have been indoctrinated since birth into a belief system designed by the religious hierarchy to use the power of death consequent to defying the Divine commands (that you dismissed) turning otherwise good and intelligent people into easy prey for every sort of foul and loathsome beast and bird that use their lofty positions to enrich themselves and lead smooth easy lives off the backs of their hapless captives who then willingly poison their own children with the same crap damning them to the same fate.

It's been a very successful self perpetuating scam, like a virulent plague, a crippling mental malfunction that few recover from. Damn smart them 4th century Roman talking serpents.
Wow, you still believe in hell and damnation. The judgmental religions ( tribal ) knew that would be a go keeper rule when they started their religious scams. Fear and intimation are really sad, bad reasons to believe in a god/gods.
Wow, you still believe in hell and damnation. The judgmental religions ( tribal ) knew that would be a go keeper rule when they started their religious scams. Fear and intimation are really sad, bad reasons to believe in a god/gods.
It ranks up there with guilt and shame. They only work on the gullible and needy.
It ranks up there with guilt and shame. They only work on the gullible and needy.

so why did you encroach a human being - why not a bald eagle ...


surly as one would be a choice - your patronage is beyond anything the metaphysical would ever tolerate. (you're) worse than even the desert religions.
so why did you encroach a human being - why not a bald eagle ...

View attachment 675395

surly as one would be a choice - your patronage is beyond anything the metaphysical would ever tolerate. (you're) worse than even the desert religions.
I did not make any choice other than to visit this world, like everyone else that's here. Homo sapiens are the most receptive to receiving Us in this world. The vehicle of choice as it were.
Wow, you still believe in hell and damnation. The judgmental religions ( tribal ) knew that would be a go keeper rule when they started their religious scams. Fear and intimation are really sad, bad reasons to believe in a god/gods.

Of course. Can't you see that those same people who were beguiled with threats of real and imaginary punishment into believing in a hell that awaits unbelievers after they die are already in hell and under a curse, a form of insanity, and real demons torment them day and night into feeling guilty for that which is not sinful and religiously doing that which is sinful?

They read scripture, take it literally, miss the point, and then come to believe in a past that never happened, have no clue about what is actually taking place, and hope for a future that will never occur in a world where reality, like an eternal fire that will never go out, contradicts their irrational beliefs day and night causing unspeakable and unrelenting pain and suffering which makes them say and do stupid things that injure them and their loved ones further.

Isn't that a perfect description of hell? Don't even try to tell me that there is no such thing.
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Of course. Can't you see that those same people who were beguiled with threats of real and imaginary punishment into believing in a hell that awaits unbelievers after they die are already in hell and under a curse, a form of insanity, and real demons torment them day and night into feeling guilty for that which is not sinful and religiously doing that which is sinful?

They read scripture, take it literally, miss the point, and then come to believe in a past that never happened, have no clue about what is actually taking place, and hope for a future that will never occur in a world where reality, like an eternal fire that will never go out, contradicts their irrational beliefs day and night causing unspeakable and unrelenting pain and suffering which makes them say and do stupid things that injure them and their loved ones further.

Isn't that a perfect description of hell? Don't even try to tell me that there is no such thing.
The only hell that exists on Earth is that which we create for one another, and it's always the religious that are stirring up the trouble.
The only hell that exists on Earth is that which we create for one another, and it's always the religious that are stirring up the trouble.

A time is coming, indeed it is already here, when hell will give up the dead in its keeping.

Then there will be no hell, no more death and no more curse on the inhabitants of the Earth.
A time is coming, indeed it is already here, when hell will give up the dead in its keeping.

Then there will be no hell, no more death and no more curse on the inhabitants of the Earth.
Keep dreaming, you don't even realize your children are not your own.
Lack of respect? lol...

You are the guy trying to mislead people into seeking spiritual life from a lifeless matzo made by human hands. You even tried in vain to persuade me. Talk about lack of respect!

Forgive me for having enough respect for you to alert you to the fact that even if your own scriptures are true you are already dead, in hell, obliviously prancing around on the road that leads to destruction.

Of course little man, just ask you.

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