There is something seriously warped about this Duggar statement

Sir, what was your stance for that Anthony Weiner incident?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Anthony Weiner is an adult, not a teenager, and should have known better. What was your opinion?

It is disturbing that folks like the Duggar's and many of their followers and fans compare things like what Anthony Weiner did and same sex marriage with a teenage molesting five year old little girls. Normal people don't put those things in the same category. That is part of the driving force behind this scandal. The Duggar's and their fans are attempting to minimize the molestation of little girls. They compare it to consenting adults deciding on sexuality or an adult sending pictures of himself to other adults. If we listen to them we will treat molesting little girls as some kind of miner offense that need not be taken seriously. Oh well, it is the families business is not good enough for most people. Oh well, how about if we be serious about teenagers molesting little kids.

I didn't follow the Anthony Weiner incident. Was he arrested? Did he ask for forgiveness for his apparently indecent actions? Did he seek professional help? I really would like to know before I could make a comparison. I have three gay couples as neighbors, two couples are women and one couple is male, and we get along extremely well and consider each other friends. They don't need to get married to live together and most legal problems they may have can be solved by a power of attorney from
You offered an opinion on the guy and now you are saying you don't really know anything about the case. Maybe you should find out about these things before you try to discuss them. I know very little, nor do I care. I just know sending pictures of himself to adult females does not equate to Josh diddling his 5 year old kid sister and little girl visiting his home.

For starters, I only offered my opinion on the difference between an adult and a teenager. And, you seem to be the only one who claims that Josh 'diddled' little girls. Are you sure about that or did you just grab that out of you ass.
Duggar diddled and you defend him.
So you blame all of societies marital woes upon gays, who can't even legally marry in most places? That's interesting.

I've never had /anyone/ tell me that they couldn't imagine having sex with an 80 year old, so idk what to say about your gay friend there. However, only like one, maybe two, of the LGBT's I know are looking for sex, the heterosexuals are far more inclined to that "fulfillment." Most of the LGBT's I know are looking for their "soul mates" and flowery romanticized shit like that (which, yea, I don't believe in.)

While I can agree with the "expectation" thing being a major cause for marriage failures (or any relationship failure) I again point out that this is not exclusive to LGBT relationships, heterosexuals have the same difficulties with unrealistic expectations of how their relationship is going to be, and yes, even how "marriage" is going to be - in fact many people on both sides (typically women) seem to have this stupid idea that if they get married things will change for the better; and I strongly advise both my straight and LGBT friends when I believe that they may be falling into that trap.

As far as aging, testosterone is a fickle thing as once ages. The desire for sex oft does wear off, but again you ignore that there is /more/ to the LGBT relationship than sex alone. Your one friend may in deed suffer from a "lack of fulfillment" or "satisfaction" but that isn't the case for every gay out there, not is it in any way exclusive to LGBT relationships. As far a Jenner, maybe he is looking for some more spot-light time, I really do not know, but he does not define all LGBT relationships, or even all Transgenders; Jenner is, like your gay friend, merely one individuals story.

Everything you've described as a "flaw" is both accepted and considered "normal" in heterosexual relationships, why then point it out as a "problem" for LGBTs? It's not a problem for LGBT's, it's a problem for all couples.

I don't blame gays ---- but I certainly don't want to add them to the ever increasing pile of societal woes. I feel society is better promoting the ideal and not settling for whatever and encouraging it for future generations as "normal." Marriage is an ideal. Homosexuality is just another rung down the ladder

You appear to have missed the latest reality in this country. Ladder's are not accepted anymore, we're all supposed to be treading water at the bottom now. In any event, allowing SSM isn't going to add any more shit to the pool than extremist religious bible-thumpers have already deposited in trying to keep them out.

If you really wanted to address societal woes in the US, then you'd consider that division is one of the most serious problems this country faces, hell we might be in the midst of the most serious threat this country has faced since the civil war. Yet, right now, instead of attempting to mend those rifts between fellow American's, jack-wads from every possible corner of the ring are in a contest to see how much they can shit on everyone else in some bravado chest thumping display to prove that "they are right" or someone else is "wrong." Watching the news lately is akin to watching a bunch of 5 year olds fight over a single speck of sand on the beach. It's just embarrassing...

My mother has a saying, "pick your battles." All I am saying is that Christians really need to think about if denying SSM is really important enough to risk their power base in the US over. Keeping in mind that /even/ if they some how magically manage to crush the SSM movement for eternity, that is /not/ going to prevent LGBT's from having relationships, from living together, from having "icky sex," from talking about LGBT, nor even from attempting to adopt children. All this ultimately does is make the US look bigoted in a world where nearly every first world power on the planet (including heavily Christian ones) has accepted LGBT's right to form legally binding relationships. Is a piece of paper /really/ the issue ya'll want to lose support over? Do you really think the rest of the country doesn't see the hypocrisy of allowing divorce, adultery, and now even child molestation, while denying SSM as immoral? I'm just saying, ya'll might want to think about this a little more carefully.

For the record, I gave all my kidos the option of deciding their religion on their own, encouraged them to go to church with their Grandparents, and two of them have found God. It bothers me that it might have been a mistake to involve them in what appears to be a corrupt and bigoted institution. Now I have started to wonder if all these churches do is talk about how icky LGBT's are like the bigots do on boards like this, in the media, etc. My boys are busy with that "new life" thing; they've both got wonderful girlfriends, great jobs, and they're settling down. They're at that point where grandchildren are coming soon, I don't want my grandkids trying to sort out why their religious leaders hate their Grandmother, because I'm one of those "B's" they rage about, because their adopted-aunt is one of those "SSM L's" that they rage about. Bible thumpers solution is for me to simply not tell them I'm bi, to lie to them about who their adopted-aunt in law is... Why should I? Why should I protect what becomes more and more a bigoted institution? Not to mention all this other shit Christians have popping out of the woodwork.

It's ya'll religion, do as you wish, but just know that modern non-bigots all over this country, aren't buying into the cover story so much anymore. As my youngest informed me after going to church the last time (like 3 years ago), "Wow, they are full of crap mom." I had stopped him from debating the issue with his brothers, told him it's their personal choice that we should respect... I've lost that opinion over this stupid war on SSM, I'm done defending the "good" of the church with those close to me. I doubt I'm the only one going "holy shit..." What ya'll are doing right now with SSM is just wrong in a free country.
I didn't follow what started the Sandusky case, but didn't one or more his victims sue him? Sandusky was not a minor so sealing his records is absurd.
Nor was Duggar when the investigation started.

Duggar was not arrested, charged with a crime or sued by anyone. The statute of limitations has expired and all you bigots are doing is hurting several innocent victims for no other reason than you hate Christians.

We aren't doing anything but discussing this on a public forum. Your concern for the victims is shallow. If you were really concerned for the victims, you'd be wondering why his parents swept this under the rug, and never got Josh any professional help from a licensed therapist. And stop with your whiny victim BS.
He's not fooling anyone. Neither him nor his fellow radical reactionary rightwing choir members.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Spoken like a pretend Christian.

Says the Cafeteria Christian...
Homosexuality today is all about glamorizing sexual enjoyment/fulfillment... Dugger's problem seems to have been straightened out and not dwelled on, accepted, or normalized. I am sure he would be the first one to admit he had a problem. Not many homosexuals are willing today to admit they are hooked or have an issue. The only reason Duggar was "outed" was to discredit his family which is a thorn in the side of today's "new normal." Fortunately, Duggar isn't what he was at 14 or 15 ---- Unfortunately, most 'gays' may never grow up.

Just out of curiosity when were you homosexual and when did you "grow out of it"? Since you know what it's "all about"...
It is a matter of choice. One can grow into being a lush if one refuses to curb the desire to get drunk. Babies do not start off wanting to be sexual objects. They grow up, and along the way they decide how they are going to live. Are they going to live for themselves, someone else, or for God? This is the basic choice of life. A man can use his sexuality to further his own pleasure, or decide that sex is not all there is to life. In fact, it should be among the least important things for a Christian. To the homosexual, sex seems to be the major defining characteristic. I believe that such a desire is learned and nurtured.

So, when did you choose to be straight, assuming you're straight?
Nor was Duggar when the investigation started.

Duggar was not arrested, charged with a crime or sued by anyone. The statute of limitations has expired and all you bigots are doing is hurting several innocent victims for no other reason than you hate Christians.

We aren't doing anything but discussing this on a public forum. Your concern for the victims is shallow. If you were really concerned for the victims, you'd be wondering why his parents swept this under the rug, and never got Josh any professional help from a licensed therapist. And stop with your whiny victim BS.

Only a jerk would want to sensationalize what happened to 5 year old girls 12 years ago. The only one being harmed are the victims who are now teenagers and subjected to scrutiny and humiliation by assholes like you. In case you didn't notice, the Duggars have been widely discussed in the media.

Of course they're under scrutiny, you idiot, they are on a reality show preaching family values. They turned their own lives over to the media. This wouldn't have come back to bite them on the ass if they had been honest about it to begin with, and if they had dealt with it in an appropriate manner.

Shame on those 5 year old girls! They need to pay for being victimized now that they are teenagers and actually forgave their brother or his disgusting actions. Don't you agree, bigot?

Hopefully those ignorant parents of theirs will get them in professional counseling. I'm sure they were coached on what to say.
I think you're lying. You simply want to defend the child molester.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I think you are a pretend Christian and wouldn't know the truth if it bit you on the ass.

I guess we could say the same of you.

I guess you could, but I would prefer my supposed lie be refuted rather than calling me a liar.

I'm not calling you a liar, I'm calling you a fake Christian.

Marcatl called me a liar and how would a bigot like you know the what a fake Christian is?

Because a sincere Christian wouldn't call someone they don't know, a fake Christian.
Anthony Weiner is an adult, not a teenager, and should have known better. What was your opinion?

It is disturbing that folks like the Duggar's and many of their followers and fans compare things like what Anthony Weiner did and same sex marriage with a teenage molesting five year old little girls. Normal people don't put those things in the same category. That is part of the driving force behind this scandal. The Duggar's and their fans are attempting to minimize the molestation of little girls. They compare it to consenting adults deciding on sexuality or an adult sending pictures of himself to other adults. If we listen to them we will treat molesting little girls as some kind of miner offense that need not be taken seriously. Oh well, it is the families business is not good enough for most people. Oh well, how about if we be serious about teenagers molesting little kids.

I didn't follow the Anthony Weiner incident. Was he arrested? Did he ask for forgiveness for his apparently indecent actions? Did he seek professional help? I really would like to know before I could make a comparison. I have three gay couples as neighbors, two couples are women and one couple is male, and we get along extremely well and consider each other friends. They don't need to get married to live together and most legal problems they may have can be solved by a power of attorney from
You offered an opinion on the guy and now you are saying you don't really know anything about the case. Maybe you should find out about these things before you try to discuss them. I know very little, nor do I care. I just know sending pictures of himself to adult females does not equate to Josh diddling his 5 year old kid sister and little girl visiting his home.

For starters, I only offered my opinion on the difference between an adult and a teenager. And, you seem to be the only one who claims that Josh 'diddled' little girls. Are you sure about that or did you just grab that out of you ass.
Perhaps we have different definitions of diddle. I thought it meant a kind of fondling of private parts. That is how I meant it to be interpreted.

Perhaps we do.

verb - transitive
  • to have sexual intercourse with someone.He got arrested because he's been diddling kids.
Statistically, sex offenders continue to re-offend. That is why sex offenders are registered and face penalties for failing to do so. Josh has not been convicted, but his admission to having committed sex offenses as a youth is a strong indication that he may suffer and be subject to the same kind of illness other sex offenders have. The only way to insure he does not is by professional evaluation. Hence the only way to insure the safety of children around Josh is to make an evaluation so as to know what protective, if any, steps have to be taken. His unwillingness to be evaluated is suspicious, selfish and unreasonable. He himself has admitted to having experienced a problem that experts agree may be controlled, but in many cases, not cured. He needs to show that he is cured or that his illness can be controlled by professional assistance.

Show me the statistics of teenagers that are non-violent sex offenders that re-offend since I believe it is a very low percentage. It seems after 12 years, a marriage and three children, if Josh was a repeat sex offender he would have been, at the very least, been accused of something. He has shown that he is cured by his actions.
Sir, what was your stance for that Anthony Weiner incident?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Anthony Weiner is an adult, not a teenager, and should have known better. What was your opinion?

It is disturbing that folks like the Duggar's and many of their followers and fans compare things like what Anthony Weiner did and same sex marriage with a teenage molesting five year old little girls. Normal people don't put those things in the same category. That is part of the driving force behind this scandal. The Duggar's and their fans are attempting to minimize the molestation of little girls. They compare it to consenting adults deciding on sexuality or an adult sending pictures of himself to other adults. If we listen to them we will treat molesting little girls as some kind of miner offense that need not be taken seriously. Oh well, it is the families business is not good enough for most people. Oh well, how about if we be serious about teenagers molesting little kids.

I didn't follow the Anthony Weiner incident. Was he arrested? Did he ask for forgiveness for his apparently indecent actions? Did he seek professional help? I really would like to know before I could make a comparison. I have three gay couples as neighbors, two couples are women and one couple is male, and we get along extremely well and consider each other friends. They don't need to get married to live together and most legal problems they may have can be solved by a power of attorney from

If one of your so-called friends has an unfortunate car crash, for example, and ends up in intensive care, their life partner won't even be able to visit them in the hospital. They can't solve that problem with
Anthony Weiner is an adult, not a teenager, and should have known better. What was your opinion?

It is disturbing that folks like the Duggar's and many of their followers and fans compare things like what Anthony Weiner did and same sex marriage with a teenage molesting five year old little girls. Normal people don't put those things in the same category. That is part of the driving force behind this scandal. The Duggar's and their fans are attempting to minimize the molestation of little girls. They compare it to consenting adults deciding on sexuality or an adult sending pictures of himself to other adults. If we listen to them we will treat molesting little girls as some kind of miner offense that need not be taken seriously. Oh well, it is the families business is not good enough for most people. Oh well, how about if we be serious about teenagers molesting little kids.

I didn't follow the Anthony Weiner incident. Was he arrested? Did he ask for forgiveness for his apparently indecent actions? Did he seek professional help? I really would like to know before I could make a comparison. I have three gay couples as neighbors, two couples are women and one couple is male, and we get along extremely well and consider each other friends. They don't need to get married to live together and most legal problems they may have can be solved by a power of attorney from
You offered an opinion on the guy and now you are saying you don't really know anything about the case. Maybe you should find out about these things before you try to discuss them. I know very little, nor do I care. I just know sending pictures of himself to adult females does not equate to Josh diddling his 5 year old kid sister and little girl visiting his home.

For starters, I only offered my opinion on the difference between an adult and a teenager. And, you seem to be the only one who claims that Josh 'diddled' little girls. Are you sure about that or did you just grab that out of you ass.
Perhaps we have different definitions of diddle. I thought it meant a kind of fondling of private parts. That is how I meant it to be interpreted.
Uh, that IS diddling.

Scary, very scary...

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I think you are a pretend Christian and wouldn't know the truth if it bit you on the ass.

I guess we could say the same of you.

I guess you could, but I would prefer my supposed lie be refuted rather than calling me a liar.

I'm not calling you a liar, I'm calling you a fake Christian.

Marcatl called me a liar and how would a bigot like you know the what a fake Christian is?

Because a sincere Christian wouldn't call someone they don't know, a fake Christian.
Someone who professes to be a Christian and then calls someone who forgives someone's trespasses a liar is a fake Christian.
It is disturbing that folks like the Duggar's and many of their followers and fans compare things like what Anthony Weiner did and same sex marriage with a teenage molesting five year old little girls. Normal people don't put those things in the same category. That is part of the driving force behind this scandal. The Duggar's and their fans are attempting to minimize the molestation of little girls. They compare it to consenting adults deciding on sexuality or an adult sending pictures of himself to other adults. If we listen to them we will treat molesting little girls as some kind of miner offense that need not be taken seriously. Oh well, it is the families business is not good enough for most people. Oh well, how about if we be serious about teenagers molesting little kids.

I didn't follow the Anthony Weiner incident. Was he arrested? Did he ask for forgiveness for his apparently indecent actions? Did he seek professional help? I really would like to know before I could make a comparison. I have three gay couples as neighbors, two couples are women and one couple is male, and we get along extremely well and consider each other friends. They don't need to get married to live together and most legal problems they may have can be solved by a power of attorney from
You offered an opinion on the guy and now you are saying you don't really know anything about the case. Maybe you should find out about these things before you try to discuss them. I know very little, nor do I care. I just know sending pictures of himself to adult females does not equate to Josh diddling his 5 year old kid sister and little girl visiting his home.

For starters, I only offered my opinion on the difference between an adult and a teenager. And, you seem to be the only one who claims that Josh 'diddled' little girls. Are you sure about that or did you just grab that out of you ass.
Perhaps we have different definitions of diddle. I thought it meant a kind of fondling of private parts. That is how I meant it to be interpreted.

Perhaps we do.

verb - transitive
  • to have sexual intercourse with someone.He got arrested because he's been diddling kids.

1. To touch or caress the genitals in some way.

2. Female masturbation.

3. To cheat or swindle.
I'm not so sure that we'd know... I mean, we've got the church sweeping it under the run so it didn't ruin reputations, and it seems like the cop they talked to might have blown off the incident a bit as well, then we've got a judge destroying the paperwork /after/ information was legally requested (though as I understand it the files they destroyed were the minor victims "complaints" and not viewable, correct me if I'm wrong on that, but why have them destroyed THEN?), we've got the guy they had sent him to for "help" in jail for child molestation, and now the parents are having police called in because they are refusing to see DHS about another complaint.

That's an awful lot of suspicious shit to be going on if you ask me. I mean I can buy a couple, even a few, "quirks" in a situation, but at some point it starts to smell...

(Though I would not be surprised if someone asshole just made the recent report to harass them, still, the /correct/ thing to do is let DHS talk to the kid(s), not refuse to let them speak to the kid(s) and have to get the police involved - and isn't this the /second/ time the parents have basically ignored (legally authorized) people worried about their kids as well? Didn't they blow off some meeting with Josh?)

Josh has already admitted what he did was wrong to his parents and to the cops. What is the reason for further investigation other than to embarrass and publicly humiliate the INNOCENT victims. Nothing legally can be done to Josh Duggar. Even convicted felons are given a second chance after serving their time. Why not give a Christian a second chance?
Before you answer, I will tell you the answer. Because he is publicly opposed to same sex marriage.

Statistically, sex offenders continue to re-offend. That is why sex offenders are registered and face penalties for failing to do so. Josh has not been convicted, but his admission to having committed sex offenses as a youth is a strong indication that he may suffer and be subject to the same kind of illness other sex offenders have. The only way to insure he does not is by professional evaluation. Hence the only way to insure the safety of children around Josh is to make an evaluation so as to know what protective, if any, steps have to be taken. His unwillingness to be evaluated is suspicious, selfish and unreasonable. He himself has admitted to having experienced a problem that experts agree may be controlled, but in many cases, not cured. He needs to show that he is cured or that his illness can be controlled by professional assistance.

Show me the statistics of teenagers that are non-violent sex offenders that re-offend since I believe it is a very low percentage. It seems after 12 years, a marriage and three children, if Josh was a repeat sex offender he would have been, at the very least, been accused of something. He has shown that he is cured by his actions.
Sir, what was your stance for that Anthony Weiner incident?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Anthony Weiner is an adult, not a teenager, and should have known better. What was your opinion?

All he did was send dick pics. He didn't diddle his 5 year old sister.
I guess we could say the same of you.

I guess you could, but I would prefer my supposed lie be refuted rather than calling me a liar.

I'm not calling you a liar, I'm calling you a fake Christian.

Marcatl called me a liar and how would a bigot like you know the what a fake Christian is?

Because a sincere Christian wouldn't call someone they don't know, a fake Christian.
Someone who professes to be a Christian and then calls someone who forgives someone's trespasses a liar is a fake Christian.

I'm not a Christian, therefore I don't qualify being a fake one.
If one of your so-called friends has an unfortunate car crash, for example, and ends up in intensive care, their life partner won't even be able to visit them in the hospital. They can't solve that problem with

Not to mention "family" health insurance, life insurance policies, and a crap ton of government shit; taxes, social security, first time home buyer loans (and HUD and housing assistance,) nearly all of the "welfare" stuff as well. (Edit, actually did they alter the welfare stuff to just "household size" or is that still based on marital status as well?)
I guess we could say the same of you.

I guess you could, but I would prefer my supposed lie be refuted rather than calling me a liar.

I'm not calling you a liar, I'm calling you a fake Christian.

Marcatl called me a liar and how would a bigot like you know the what a fake Christian is?

Because a sincere Christian wouldn't call someone they don't know, a fake Christian.
Someone who professes to be a Christian and then calls someone who forgives someone's trespasses a liar is a fake Christian.[/QUOTE
Show me the statistics of teenagers that are non-violent sex offenders that re-offend since I believe it is a very low percentage. It seems after 12 years, a marriage and three children, if Josh was a repeat sex offender he would have been, at the very least, been accused of something. He has shown that he is cured by his actions.
Sir, what was your stance for that Anthony Weiner incident?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Anthony Weiner is an adult, not a teenager, and should have known better. What was your opinion?

It is disturbing that folks like the Duggar's and many of their followers and fans compare things like what Anthony Weiner did and same sex marriage with a teenage molesting five year old little girls. Normal people don't put those things in the same category. That is part of the driving force behind this scandal. The Duggar's and their fans are attempting to minimize the molestation of little girls. They compare it to consenting adults deciding on sexuality or an adult sending pictures of himself to other adults. If we listen to them we will treat molesting little girls as some kind of miner offense that need not be taken seriously. Oh well, it is the families business is not good enough for most people. Oh well, how about if we be serious about teenagers molesting little kids.

I didn't follow the Anthony Weiner incident. Was he arrested? Did he ask for forgiveness for his apparently indecent actions? Did he seek professional help? I really would like to know before I could make a comparison. I have three gay couples as neighbors, two couples are women and one couple is male, and we get along extremely well and consider each other friends. They don't need to get married to live together and most legal problems they may have can be solved by a power of attorney from

If one of your so-called friends has an unfortunate car crash, for example, and ends up in intensive care, their life partner won't even be able to visit them in the hospital. They can't solve that problem with

Look up the definition of Power of Attorney. I happen to know that it is up to the Hospital staff and know of one case close to home where my gay neighbor had this very problem and they allowed her to sleep in the same room with her partner.
Josh has already admitted what he did was wrong to his parents and to the cops. What is the reason for further investigation other than to embarrass and publicly humiliate the INNOCENT victims. Nothing legally can be done to Josh Duggar. Even convicted felons are given a second chance after serving their time. Why not give a Christian a second chance?
Before you answer, I will tell you the answer. Because he is publicly opposed to same sex marriage.

Statistically, sex offenders continue to re-offend. That is why sex offenders are registered and face penalties for failing to do so. Josh has not been convicted, but his admission to having committed sex offenses as a youth is a strong indication that he may suffer and be subject to the same kind of illness other sex offenders have. The only way to insure he does not is by professional evaluation. Hence the only way to insure the safety of children around Josh is to make an evaluation so as to know what protective, if any, steps have to be taken. His unwillingness to be evaluated is suspicious, selfish and unreasonable. He himself has admitted to having experienced a problem that experts agree may be controlled, but in many cases, not cured. He needs to show that he is cured or that his illness can be controlled by professional assistance.

Show me the statistics of teenagers that are non-violent sex offenders that re-offend since I believe it is a very low percentage. It seems after 12 years, a marriage and three children, if Josh was a repeat sex offender he would have been, at the very least, been accused of something. He has shown that he is cured by his actions.
Sir, what was your stance for that Anthony Weiner incident?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Anthony Weiner is an adult, not a teenager, and should have known better. What was your opinion?

All he did was send dick pics. He didn't diddle his 5 year old sister.

Is this what you meant by diddle?
"verb - transitive
  • to have sexual intercourse with someone.He got arrested because he's been diddling kids.
I guess you could, but I would prefer my supposed lie be refuted rather than calling me a liar.

I'm not calling you a liar, I'm calling you a fake Christian.

Marcatl called me a liar and how would a bigot like you know the what a fake Christian is?

Because a sincere Christian wouldn't call someone they don't know, a fake Christian.
Someone who professes to be a Christian and then calls someone who forgives someone's trespasses a liar is a fake Christian.[/QUOTE
Sir, what was your stance for that Anthony Weiner incident?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Anthony Weiner is an adult, not a teenager, and should have known better. What was your opinion?

It is disturbing that folks like the Duggar's and many of their followers and fans compare things like what Anthony Weiner did and same sex marriage with a teenage molesting five year old little girls. Normal people don't put those things in the same category. That is part of the driving force behind this scandal. The Duggar's and their fans are attempting to minimize the molestation of little girls. They compare it to consenting adults deciding on sexuality or an adult sending pictures of himself to other adults. If we listen to them we will treat molesting little girls as some kind of miner offense that need not be taken seriously. Oh well, it is the families business is not good enough for most people. Oh well, how about if we be serious about teenagers molesting little kids.

I didn't follow the Anthony Weiner incident. Was he arrested? Did he ask for forgiveness for his apparently indecent actions? Did he seek professional help? I really would like to know before I could make a comparison. I have three gay couples as neighbors, two couples are women and one couple is male, and we get along extremely well and consider each other friends. They don't need to get married to live together and most legal problems they may have can be solved by a power of attorney from

If one of your so-called friends has an unfortunate car crash, for example, and ends up in intensive care, their life partner won't even be able to visit them in the hospital. They can't solve that problem with

Look up the definition of Power of Attorney. I happen to know that it is up to the Hospital staff and know of one case close to home where my gay neighbor had this very problem and they allowed her to sleep in the same room with her partner.

That's a bunch of bullshit. They shouldn't have to seek out an attorney to be able to visit their dying partner in the mother fucking hospital. You need to keep your crotch sniffing nose out of their business. How ridiculous!
Josh has already admitted what he did was wrong to his parents and to the cops. What is the reason for further investigation other than to embarrass and publicly humiliate the INNOCENT victims. Nothing legally can be done to Josh Duggar. Even convicted felons are given a second chance after serving their time. Why not give a Christian a second chance?
Before you answer, I will tell you the answer. Because he is publicly opposed to same sex marriage.

Statistically, sex offenders continue to re-offend. That is why sex offenders are registered and face penalties for failing to do so. Josh has not been convicted, but his admission to having committed sex offenses as a youth is a strong indication that he may suffer and be subject to the same kind of illness other sex offenders have. The only way to insure he does not is by professional evaluation. Hence the only way to insure the safety of children around Josh is to make an evaluation so as to know what protective, if any, steps have to be taken. His unwillingness to be evaluated is suspicious, selfish and unreasonable. He himself has admitted to having experienced a problem that experts agree may be controlled, but in many cases, not cured. He needs to show that he is cured or that his illness can be controlled by professional assistance.

Show me the statistics of teenagers that are non-violent sex offenders that re-offend since I believe it is a very low percentage. It seems after 12 years, a marriage and three children, if Josh was a repeat sex offender he would have been, at the very least, been accused of something. He has shown that he is cured by his actions.
Sir, what was your stance for that Anthony Weiner incident?

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Anthony Weiner is an adult, not a teenager, and should have known better. What was your opinion?

All he did was send dick pics. He didn't diddle his 5 year old sister.
To be fair, I was the one to bring up the Weiner situation. The purpose was to show the hypocrisy of these rightwingers who all but called for his execution for his incident. Now they are here defending a confessed child molester.

Quite a contrast.

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Sometimes I get confused. is this the thread where someone is advocating that the cop should have shot the unarmed black teenagers at the community pool, or the thread about how the teenaged child molester was only playing doctor with his five year old sister?
Statistically, sex offenders continue to re-offend. That is why sex offenders are registered and face penalties for failing to do so. Josh has not been convicted, but his admission to having committed sex offenses as a youth is a strong indication that he may suffer and be subject to the same kind of illness other sex offenders have. The only way to insure he does not is by professional evaluation. Hence the only way to insure the safety of children around Josh is to make an evaluation so as to know what protective, if any, steps have to be taken. His unwillingness to be evaluated is suspicious, selfish and unreasonable. He himself has admitted to having experienced a problem that experts agree may be controlled, but in many cases, not cured. He needs to show that he is cured or that his illness can be controlled by professional assistance.

Show me the statistics of teenagers that are non-violent sex offenders that re-offend since I believe it is a very low percentage. It seems after 12 years, a marriage and three children, if Josh was a repeat sex offender he would have been, at the very least, been accused of something. He has shown that he is cured by his actions.
Sir, what was your stance for that Anthony Weiner incident?

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Anthony Weiner is an adult, not a teenager, and should have known better. What was your opinion?

All he did was send dick pics. He didn't diddle his 5 year old sister.
To be fair, I was the one to bring up the Weiner situation. The purpose was to show the hypocrisy of these rightwingers who all but called for his execution for his incident. Now they are here defending a confessed child molester.

Quite a contrast.

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It's pretty amazing how many RWers around here think it's normal for 15 year old boys to molest their sisters. They act like it happens all the time. No biggie... Hey, he said he was sorry....:eek:

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