There is something seriously warped about this Duggar statement

Sometimes I get confused. is this the thread where someone is advocating that the cop should have shot the unarmed black teenagers at the community pool, or the thread about how the teenaged child molester was only playing doctor with his five year old sister?
The cop molesting the teenager is a different thread. This thread is about the Christian family values guy molesting little five year old girls and his Christian parents covering it up.
With minor side tracks into other current political issues :p

Look up the definition of Power of Attorney. I happen to know that it is up to the Hospital staff and know of one case close to home where my gay neighbor had this very problem and they allowed her to sleep in the same room with her partner.

There are some serious flaws in the PoA substitute for SSM, most notably the following:

"The person who creates a power of attorney, known as the grantor, can only do so when he/she has the requisite mental capacity. Suppose the grantor loses capacity to grant permission after the power of attorney has been created (for example, from Alzheimer's disease or a head injury in a car crash); then the power will probably no longer be effective"

While one can get what's called a "durable provisions" PoA, it is not exactly nationally recognized so you can end up with a document that's not valid "everywhere" and in some cases businesses that are not in a recognizing state. Which is also a problem here:

"Although a power of attorney grants the agent powers to perform acts in the absence of the grantor, the POA cannot grant powers to the agent that conflict with rules and regulations governing people and companies that the agent deals with. For example, if a bank has regulations that require the grantor to be physically present in the bank to perform certain actions, the POA cannot grant the agent power to perform those actions in the absence of the grantor."

Not to mention the bible-thumper hate groups have already made it pretty clear that they want to deny services to LGBT's, given that they could write in regulations that render POA invalid, it is not a solution.
With minor side tracks into other current political issues :p

Look up the definition of Power of Attorney. I happen to know that it is up to the Hospital staff and know of one case close to home where my gay neighbor had this very problem and they allowed her to sleep in the same room with her partner.

There are some serious flaws in the PoA substitute for SSM, most notably the following:

"The person who creates a power of attorney, known as the grantor, can only do so when he/she has the requisite mental capacity. Suppose the grantor loses capacity to grant permission after the power of attorney has been created (for example, from Alzheimer's disease or a head injury in a car crash); then the power will probably no longer be effective"

While one can get what's called a "durable provisions" PoA, it is not exactly nationally recognized so you can end up with a document that's not valid "everywhere" and in some cases businesses that are not in a recognizing state. Which is also a problem here:

"Although a power of attorney grants the agent powers to perform acts in the absence of the grantor, the POA cannot grant powers to the agent that conflict with rules and regulations governing people and companies that the agent deals with. For example, if a bank has regulations that require the grantor to be physically present in the bank to perform certain actions, the POA cannot grant the agent power to perform those actions in the absence of the grantor."

Not to mention the bible-thumper hate groups have already made it pretty clear that they want to deny services to LGBT's, given that they could write in regulations that render POA invalid, it is not a solution.
So this is definitely not the thread about shooting the teenagers at the pool party. Thanks.
If they had dealt with it appropriately they would never have earned so much money as media whores. They sold their children out for money.

They did deal with it appropriately. Jealous of their money? LOL. Are all children on TV shows media whores, or just Christian children. Bigotry and jealousy are not very good arguments.
Well now...this is a new excuse for Josh.......people are jealous of the family's money............that's why we are calling them out on their hypocrisy and Josh being a pervert. :lol: Got to admit you are creative in your excuse making.

Josh doesn't need any excuses but bigots do.
So that's why people like you have been laying out all those excuses. Gotcha! :2up:

You are the dipshit that called someones jealousy of the money the Duggars make an excuse, not me.
Oh? So you didn't say this:
.people are jealous of the family's money..
I guess you could, but I would prefer my supposed lie be refuted rather than calling me a liar.

I'm not calling you a liar, I'm calling you a fake Christian.

Marcatl called me a liar and how would a bigot like you know the what a fake Christian is?

Because a sincere Christian wouldn't call someone they don't know, a fake Christian.
Someone who professes to be a Christian and then calls someone who forgives someone's trespasses a liar is a fake Christian.[/QUOTE
Sir, what was your stance for that Anthony Weiner incident?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Anthony Weiner is an adult, not a teenager, and should have known better. What was your opinion?

It is disturbing that folks like the Duggar's and many of their followers and fans compare things like what Anthony Weiner did and same sex marriage with a teenage molesting five year old little girls. Normal people don't put those things in the same category. That is part of the driving force behind this scandal. The Duggar's and their fans are attempting to minimize the molestation of little girls. They compare it to consenting adults deciding on sexuality or an adult sending pictures of himself to other adults. If we listen to them we will treat molesting little girls as some kind of miner offense that need not be taken seriously. Oh well, it is the families business is not good enough for most people. Oh well, how about if we be serious about teenagers molesting little kids.

I didn't follow the Anthony Weiner incident. Was he arrested? Did he ask for forgiveness for his apparently indecent actions? Did he seek professional help? I really would like to know before I could make a comparison. I have three gay couples as neighbors, two couples are women and one couple is male, and we get along extremely well and consider each other friends. They don't need to get married to live together and most legal problems they may have can be solved by a power of attorney from

If one of your so-called friends has an unfortunate car crash, for example, and ends up in intensive care, their life partner won't even be able to visit them in the hospital. They can't solve that problem with

Look up the definition of Power of Attorney. I happen to know that it is up to the Hospital staff and know of one case close to home where my gay neighbor had this very problem and they allowed her to sleep in the same room with her partner.
Ah...anecdotes of a "gay neighbor" How cute.
They did deal with it appropriately. Jealous of their money? LOL. Are all children on TV shows media whores, or just Christian children. Bigotry and jealousy are not very good arguments.
Well now...this is a new excuse for Josh.......people are jealous of the family's money............that's why we are calling them out on their hypocrisy and Josh being a pervert. :lol: Got to admit you are creative in your excuse making.

Josh doesn't need any excuses but bigots do.
So that's why people like you have been laying out all those excuses. Gotcha! :2up:

You are the dipshit that called someones jealousy of the money the Duggars make an excuse, not me.
Oh? So you didn't say this:
.people are jealous of the family's money..

That is correct. I didn't say that, Bodecea said that and that would be you.
I'm not calling you a liar, I'm calling you a fake Christian.

Marcatl called me a liar and how would a bigot like you know the what a fake Christian is?

Because a sincere Christian wouldn't call someone they don't know, a fake Christian.
Someone who professes to be a Christian and then calls someone who forgives someone's trespasses a liar is a fake Christian.[/QUOTE
Anthony Weiner is an adult, not a teenager, and should have known better. What was your opinion?

It is disturbing that folks like the Duggar's and many of their followers and fans compare things like what Anthony Weiner did and same sex marriage with a teenage molesting five year old little girls. Normal people don't put those things in the same category. That is part of the driving force behind this scandal. The Duggar's and their fans are attempting to minimize the molestation of little girls. They compare it to consenting adults deciding on sexuality or an adult sending pictures of himself to other adults. If we listen to them we will treat molesting little girls as some kind of miner offense that need not be taken seriously. Oh well, it is the families business is not good enough for most people. Oh well, how about if we be serious about teenagers molesting little kids.

I didn't follow the Anthony Weiner incident. Was he arrested? Did he ask for forgiveness for his apparently indecent actions? Did he seek professional help? I really would like to know before I could make a comparison. I have three gay couples as neighbors, two couples are women and one couple is male, and we get along extremely well and consider each other friends. They don't need to get married to live together and most legal problems they may have can be solved by a power of attorney from

If one of your so-called friends has an unfortunate car crash, for example, and ends up in intensive care, their life partner won't even be able to visit them in the hospital. They can't solve that problem with

Look up the definition of Power of Attorney. I happen to know that it is up to the Hospital staff and know of one case close to home where my gay neighbor had this very problem and they allowed her to sleep in the same room with her partner.
Ah...anecdotes of a "gay neighbor" How cute.

The anecdote only proves that you are wrong in that case.
I'm not so sure that we'd know... I mean, we've got the church sweeping it under the run so it didn't ruin reputations, and it seems like the cop they talked to might have blown off the incident a bit as well, then we've got a judge destroying the paperwork /after/ information was legally requested (though as I understand it the files they destroyed were the minor victims "complaints" and not viewable, correct me if I'm wrong on that, but why have them destroyed THEN?), we've got the guy they had sent him to for "help" in jail for child molestation, and now the parents are having police called in because they are refusing to see DHS about another complaint.

That's an awful lot of suspicious shit to be going on if you ask me. I mean I can buy a couple, even a few, "quirks" in a situation, but at some point it starts to smell...

(Though I would not be surprised if someone asshole just made the recent report to harass them, still, the /correct/ thing to do is let DHS talk to the kid(s), not refuse to let them speak to the kid(s) and have to get the police involved - and isn't this the /second/ time the parents have basically ignored (legally authorized) people worried about their kids as well? Didn't they blow off some meeting with Josh?)

Josh has already admitted what he did was wrong to his parents and to the cops. What is the reason for further investigation other than to embarrass and publicly humiliate the INNOCENT victims. Nothing legally can be done to Josh Duggar. Even convicted felons are given a second chance after serving their time. Why not give a Christian a second chance?
Before you answer, I will tell you the answer. Because he is publicly opposed to same sex marriage.

Statistically, sex offenders continue to re-offend. That is why sex offenders are registered and face penalties for failing to do so. Josh has not been convicted, but his admission to having committed sex offenses as a youth is a strong indication that he may suffer and be subject to the same kind of illness other sex offenders have. The only way to insure he does not is by professional evaluation. Hence the only way to insure the safety of children around Josh is to make an evaluation so as to know what protective, if any, steps have to be taken. His unwillingness to be evaluated is suspicious, selfish and unreasonable. He himself has admitted to having experienced a problem that experts agree may be controlled, but in many cases, not cured. He needs to show that he is cured or that his illness can be controlled by professional assistance.

Show me the statistics of teenagers that are non-violent sex offenders that re-offend since I believe it is a very low percentage. It seems after 12 years, a marriage and three children, if Josh was a repeat sex offender he would have been, at the very least, been accused of something. He has shown that he is cured by his actions.
Sir, what was your stance for that Anthony Weiner incident?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Anthony Weiner is an adult, not a teenager, and should have known better. What was your opinion?
That what he did was a personal matter between him and his wife and had absolutely nothing to do with his job or his constituents. I believe what occurred there with his ouster was nothing more than a successful Republican witch hunt of the highest order. Absolutely disgusting.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
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We aren't doing anything but discussing this on a public forum. Your concern for the victims is shallow. If you were really concerned for the victims, you'd be wondering why his parents swept this under the rug, and never got Josh any professional help from a licensed therapist. And stop with your whiny victim BS.

Only a jerk would want to sensationalize what happened to 5 year old girls 12 years ago. The only one being harmed are the victims who are now teenagers and subjected to scrutiny and humiliation by assholes like you. In case you didn't notice, the Duggars have been widely discussed in the media.

Of course they're under scrutiny, you idiot, they are on a reality show preaching family values. They turned their own lives over to the media. This wouldn't have come back to bite them on the ass if they had been honest about it to begin with, and if they had dealt with it in an appropriate manner.
If they had dealt with it appropriately they would never have earned so much money as media whores. They sold their children out for money.

They did deal with it appropriately. Jealous of their money? LOL. Are all children on TV shows media whores, or just Christian children. Bigotry and jealousy are not very good arguments.
Well now...this is a new excuse for Josh.......people are jealous of the family's money............that's why we are calling them out on their hypocrisy and Josh being a pervert. [emoji38] Got to admit you are creative in your excuse making.
Actually, that was the lamest excuse one could come up with. It's one of the rightwing go-to excuses.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
With minor side tracks into other current political issues :p

Look up the definition of Power of Attorney. I happen to know that it is up to the Hospital staff and know of one case close to home where my gay neighbor had this very problem and they allowed her to sleep in the same room with her partner.

There are some serious flaws in the PoA substitute for SSM, most notably the following:

"The person who creates a power of attorney, known as the grantor, can only do so when he/she has the requisite mental capacity. Suppose the grantor loses capacity to grant permission after the power of attorney has been created (for example, from Alzheimer's disease or a head injury in a car crash); then the power will probably no longer be effective"

While one can get what's called a "durable provisions" PoA, it is not exactly nationally recognized so you can end up with a document that's not valid "everywhere" and in some cases businesses that are not in a recognizing state. Which is also a problem here:

"Although a power of attorney grants the agent powers to perform acts in the absence of the grantor, the POA cannot grant powers to the agent that conflict with rules and regulations governing people and companies that the agent deals with. For example, if a bank has regulations that require the grantor to be physically present in the bank to perform certain actions, the POA cannot grant the agent power to perform those actions in the absence of the grantor."

Not to mention the bible-thumper hate groups have already made it pretty clear that they want to deny services to LGBT's, given that they could write in regulations that render POA invalid, it is not a solution.
So this is definitely not the thread about shooting the teenagers at the pool party. Thanks.

Well, I have something to say about that, anyway. If the cops do shoot the unarmed black teenagers in the pool, they will have to answer to the health department, because you have to drain the pool to get the blood out.
Josh has already admitted what he did was wrong to his parents and to the cops. What is the reason for further investigation other than to embarrass and publicly humiliate the INNOCENT victims. Nothing legally can be done to Josh Duggar. Even convicted felons are given a second chance after serving their time. Why not give a Christian a second chance?
Before you answer, I will tell you the answer. Because he is publicly opposed to same sex marriage.

Statistically, sex offenders continue to re-offend. That is why sex offenders are registered and face penalties for failing to do so. Josh has not been convicted, but his admission to having committed sex offenses as a youth is a strong indication that he may suffer and be subject to the same kind of illness other sex offenders have. The only way to insure he does not is by professional evaluation. Hence the only way to insure the safety of children around Josh is to make an evaluation so as to know what protective, if any, steps have to be taken. His unwillingness to be evaluated is suspicious, selfish and unreasonable. He himself has admitted to having experienced a problem that experts agree may be controlled, but in many cases, not cured. He needs to show that he is cured or that his illness can be controlled by professional assistance.

Show me the statistics of teenagers that are non-violent sex offenders that re-offend since I believe it is a very low percentage. It seems after 12 years, a marriage and three children, if Josh was a repeat sex offender he would have been, at the very least, been accused of something. He has shown that he is cured by his actions.
Sir, what was your stance for that Anthony Weiner incident?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Anthony Weiner is an adult, not a teenager, and should have known better. What was your opinion?
That what he did was a personal matter between him and his wife and had absolutely nothing to do with his job or his constituents. I believe what occurred there with his ouster was nothing more than a successful Republican witch hunt of the highest order. Absolutely disgusting.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I find it interesting that you approve of a Congressman's decision to send photos of his private parts to single women. Do you do that as well without your wife's knowledge or permission?
Only a jerk would want to sensationalize what happened to 5 year old girls 12 years ago. The only one being harmed are the victims who are now teenagers and subjected to scrutiny and humiliation by assholes like you. In case you didn't notice, the Duggars have been widely discussed in the media.

Of course they're under scrutiny, you idiot, they are on a reality show preaching family values. They turned their own lives over to the media. This wouldn't have come back to bite them on the ass if they had been honest about it to begin with, and if they had dealt with it in an appropriate manner.
If they had dealt with it appropriately they would never have earned so much money as media whores. They sold their children out for money.

They did deal with it appropriately. Jealous of their money? LOL. Are all children on TV shows media whores, or just Christian children. Bigotry and jealousy are not very good arguments.
Well now...this is a new excuse for Josh.......people are jealous of the family's money............that's why we are calling them out on their hypocrisy and Josh being a pervert. [emoji38] Got to admit you are creative in your excuse making.
Actually, that was the lamest excuse one could come up with. It's one of the rightwing go-to excuses.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

This sure did look like this left-winger was jealous of the Duggars money to me.
"If they had dealt with it appropriately they would never have earned so much money as media whores. They sold their children out for money."
I don't think Josh Duggar needs any excuses.
Statistically, sex offenders continue to re-offend. That is why sex offenders are registered and face penalties for failing to do so. Josh has not been convicted, but his admission to having committed sex offenses as a youth is a strong indication that he may suffer and be subject to the same kind of illness other sex offenders have. The only way to insure he does not is by professional evaluation. Hence the only way to insure the safety of children around Josh is to make an evaluation so as to know what protective, if any, steps have to be taken. His unwillingness to be evaluated is suspicious, selfish and unreasonable. He himself has admitted to having experienced a problem that experts agree may be controlled, but in many cases, not cured. He needs to show that he is cured or that his illness can be controlled by professional assistance.

Show me the statistics of teenagers that are non-violent sex offenders that re-offend since I believe it is a very low percentage. It seems after 12 years, a marriage and three children, if Josh was a repeat sex offender he would have been, at the very least, been accused of something. He has shown that he is cured by his actions.
Sir, what was your stance for that Anthony Weiner incident?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Anthony Weiner is an adult, not a teenager, and should have known better. What was your opinion?
That what he did was a personal matter between him and his wife and had absolutely nothing to do with his job or his constituents. I believe what occurred there with his ouster was nothing more than a successful Republican witch hunt of the highest order. Absolutely disgusting.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I find it interesting that you approve of a Congressman's decision to send photos of his private parts to single women. Do you do that as well without your wife's knowledge or permission?

That was a really stupid thing Anthony did, especially since he has such a pretty wife, and they even had a baby on the way.

I was certainly okay with throwing him under the bus.

However, there really is no comparison between sending dick pics to touching your 5 year old sister/s on multiple occasions.
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Statistically, sex offenders continue to re-offend. That is why sex offenders are registered and face penalties for failing to do so. Josh has not been convicted, but his admission to having committed sex offenses as a youth is a strong indication that he may suffer and be subject to the same kind of illness other sex offenders have. The only way to insure he does not is by professional evaluation. Hence the only way to insure the safety of children around Josh is to make an evaluation so as to know what protective, if any, steps have to be taken. His unwillingness to be evaluated is suspicious, selfish and unreasonable. He himself has admitted to having experienced a problem that experts agree may be controlled, but in many cases, not cured. He needs to show that he is cured or that his illness can be controlled by professional assistance.

Show me the statistics of teenagers that are non-violent sex offenders that re-offend since I believe it is a very low percentage. It seems after 12 years, a marriage and three children, if Josh was a repeat sex offender he would have been, at the very least, been accused of something. He has shown that he is cured by his actions.
Sir, what was your stance for that Anthony Weiner incident?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Anthony Weiner is an adult, not a teenager, and should have known better. What was your opinion?
That what he did was a personal matter between him and his wife and had absolutely nothing to do with his job or his constituents. I believe what occurred there with his ouster was nothing more than a successful Republican witch hunt of the highest order. Absolutely disgusting.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I find it interesting that you approve of a Congressman's decision to send photos of his private parts to single women. Do you do that as well without your wife's knowledge or permission?
Yeah? And I find it interesting that you approve of Josh Duggar molesting his younger siblings.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Show me the statistics of teenagers that are non-violent sex offenders that re-offend since I believe it is a very low percentage. It seems after 12 years, a marriage and three children, if Josh was a repeat sex offender he would have been, at the very least, been accused of something. He has shown that he is cured by his actions.
Sir, what was your stance for that Anthony Weiner incident?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Anthony Weiner is an adult, not a teenager, and should have known better. What was your opinion?
That what he did was a personal matter between him and his wife and had absolutely nothing to do with his job or his constituents. I believe what occurred there with his ouster was nothing more than a successful Republican witch hunt of the highest order. Absolutely disgusting.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I find it interesting that you approve of a Congressman's decision to send photos of his private parts to single women. Do you do that as well without your wife's knowledge or permission?
Yeah? And I find it interesting that you approve of Josh Duggar molesting his younger siblings.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I clearly stated that I didn't approve of Josh Duggar's actions as a teenager. He asked for forgiveness, was interviewed by the Cops and was not arrested. I do consider sensationalizing it to humiliate his siblings now that they are teenagers to advance the LGBT agenda and to criticize all Christians is disgusting and despicable.

Just curious, but your 'forgiveness' of Weiner sounds exactly like the excuses that were used to explain away Bill Clinton getting BJ's in the Oval office.

On edit, Weiner resigned from Congress.
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FDR's warning. This minute long video is a humorous warning made about Republicans that is as accurate today as it was 75 years ago. The OP could probably take a transcript of it, cut it up and paste it next to some dopey unrelated quotes attributed to some fascist or libertarian sources and prove he was lying at the behest of Stalin.

There were over 60 MILLION people killed during WWII while FDR was President.
Sir, what was your stance for that Anthony Weiner incident?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Anthony Weiner is an adult, not a teenager, and should have known better. What was your opinion?
That what he did was a personal matter between him and his wife and had absolutely nothing to do with his job or his constituents. I believe what occurred there with his ouster was nothing more than a successful Republican witch hunt of the highest order. Absolutely disgusting.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I find it interesting that you approve of a Congressman's decision to send photos of his private parts to single women. Do you do that as well without your wife's knowledge or permission?
Yeah? And I find it interesting that you approve of Josh Duggar molesting his younger siblings.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I clearly stated that I didn't approve of Josh Duggar's actions as a teenager. He asked for forgiveness, was interviewed by the Cops and was not arrested. I do consider sensationalizing it to humiliate his siblings now that they are teenagers to advance the LGBT agenda and to criticize all Christians is disgusting and despicable.

Just curious, but your 'forgiveness' of Weiner sounds exactly like the excuses that were used to explain away Bill Clinton getting BJ's in the Oval office.
Then why did you feel it necessary to state that I approve of Weiner's dick pics? I stated my position on the matter quite clearly and vociferously, both then and now.

BTW, are you aware that the cop, not cops you're referring too is currently serving massive time for sexual crimes?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
FDR's warning. This minute long video is a humorous warning made about Republicans that is as accurate today as it was 75 years ago. The OP could probably take a transcript of it, cut it up and paste it next to some dopey unrelated quotes attributed to some fascist or libertarian sources and prove he was lying at the behest of Stalin.

There were over 60 MILLION people killed during WWII while FDR was President.
I posted in the wrong thread. Did even notice till to late.
Anthony Weiner is an adult, not a teenager, and should have known better. What was your opinion?
That what he did was a personal matter between him and his wife and had absolutely nothing to do with his job or his constituents. I believe what occurred there with his ouster was nothing more than a successful Republican witch hunt of the highest order. Absolutely disgusting.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I find it interesting that you approve of a Congressman's decision to send photos of his private parts to single women. Do you do that as well without your wife's knowledge or permission?
Yeah? And I find it interesting that you approve of Josh Duggar molesting his younger siblings.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I clearly stated that I didn't approve of Josh Duggar's actions as a teenager. He asked for forgiveness, was interviewed by the Cops and was not arrested. I do consider sensationalizing it to humiliate his siblings now that they are teenagers to advance the LGBT agenda and to criticize all Christians is disgusting and despicable.

Just curious, but your 'forgiveness' of Weiner sounds exactly like the excuses that were used to explain away Bill Clinton getting BJ's in the Oval office.
Then why did you feel it necessary to state that I approve of Weiner's dick pics? I stated my position on the matter quite clearly and vociferously, both then and now.

BTW, are you aware that the cop, not cops you're referring too is currently serving massive time for sexual crimes?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I was referring to the interview he had with the cops when he was 18 years old. I believe that is the one they released to the tabloid magazine to get around the law against releasing interviews of minors.

When was it discovered that this dirt bag cop was into sexual crimes and what were they? Were the Duggars aware of this 12 years ago when they called him? I don't think so!

BTW, Weiner wasn't ousted, he resigned.
FDR's warning. This minute long video is a humorous warning made about Republicans that is as accurate today as it was 75 years ago. The OP could probably take a transcript of it, cut it up and paste it next to some dopey unrelated quotes attributed to some fascist or libertarian sources and prove he was lying at the behest of Stalin.

There were over 60 MILLION people killed during WWII while FDR was President.
I posted in the wrong thread. Did even notice till to late.

I sure am glad I have never made that mistake. LOL

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