There is systemic racism we are unable to discuss calmly

blacks are just as racist
they commit more hate crimes at twice the rate, per capita
they murder at over SEVEN times the rate
the graduate at lowest levels
racism is one of the least problems we should worry about--there will always be racism on both sides
blacks are just as racist
they commit more hate crimes at twice the rate, per capita
they murder at over SEVEN times the rate
the graduate at lowest levels
racism is one of the least problems we should worry about--there will always be racism on both sides

Democrats want to genocide all the white proles and replace them with sub-morons who they think will admire them and do what they're told, basically; that's why they get all giggly when they post those 'whitey will be a minority in 20 years!!! ' gibberish pronouncements. It's as much about class warfare as it is race, and of course keeping half the black and latino population stupid, violent, and illiterate and paying the other half well out of tax money to keep them that way is their big hope. They fail to notice that most of the current increase is coming from Asians, and they don't give two shits about latinos or blacks, who hate them as much as they hate each other.

Democrats are just stupid, no doubt about it.
His Reality Check Bounced

Notice that the Auntie Fanny agent left after his recon discovered no way to take over USMB. He'll have better luck at the United Statists Message Board. His years of elitist training will finally pay off.
Hello I'm nobody or I'm everyone I'm not sure. The passion behind this subject is palpable. We must find a way to have this conversation and still hear each other. Passion steps in and anger follows.....conversation over.
Fact: The country is still run by old white men!
The poor, immigrants and blacks are at the bottom of the list of importance because they feel we have nothing to offer and so they can use us without conscience. Flint is a perfect reflection of what I speak.
Fact: We have glossed over these issues too long. That is why the conversation has to occur. The country is crying to be heard be seen.

Of course this conversation is uncomfortable. If you're not uncomfortable then you're set in stone and angry no matter which side you're on. Where do we go from here?

Love, Understanding, Respect for differing viewpoints is the course necessary.....easy to say right?

This is our challenge.

100% bull shit. The only racism comes from minirities toward whites. You lefty idiots see racism everywhere because you don't know any better.
Hello I'm nobody or I'm everyone I'm not sure. The passion behind this subject is palpable. We must find a way to have this conversation and still hear each other. Passion steps in and anger follows.....conversation over.
Fact: The country is still run by old white men!
The poor, immigrants and blacks are at the bottom of the list of importance because they feel we have nothing to offer and so they can use us without conscience. Flint is a perfect reflection of what I speak.
Fact: We have glossed over these issues too long. That is why the conversation has to occur. The country is crying to be heard be seen.

Of course this conversation is uncomfortable. If you're not uncomfortable then you're set in stone and angry no matter which side you're on. Where do we go from here?

Love, Understanding, Respect for differing viewpoints is the course necessary.....easy to say right?

This is our challenge.

I do not agree with your "facts"

If you can point to specific instance of an institution being racist, I'll stand right along side you in protest. However, just screaming systematic racism is to blame for inequality of outcome is unhelpful and does nothing to help those you suggest you support. Be specific man!
The compulsory and politically correct dogma is that blacks cannot be racist, only whites can be racist, and whites are always racist.
Did anyone notices that the OP has quit USMB, because she encountered opinions that are different from hers? She went back to Facebook political forum where the most important political issue is the new knickers of Kim kardashian, and they are all passionate about it.
In contrast, white racists _are_ making the policies, such as vote suppression, backing the prison-industrial complex, and stealing wealth away from working people.

Oh, I see why. Racist vote suppression is a core principle of the Republican party, one that they can't remain in power without using. Thus, it's forbidden for any Republicans to admit that, so you're handwaving the issue away with some "But both sides do it!" fiction.

Vote suppression is THE LAW. Only CITIZENS are eligible to vote. Unfortunately, this is a critically important law that has gone unenforced for decades, with Democrats continually importing illegal aliens into the US, to vote FOR THEM, and no one doing anything to stop them.

And if you had an ounce of decency, you would speak out in favor of vote suppression of illegal voting, but instead, as typical of liberals, you disguise the issue as one of vote suppression of legal voters.

As for stealing wealth away from working people, that is being done daily, by Democrats with every job-swiping, illegal alien they import, and then protect with sanctuary cities. In addition these remittance-sending aliens steal wealth away from American small business owners ($133 Billion/year), by depriving them of sales, while pillaging the US economy (21st century style imperialism)
Affirmative Action died in 1969, with the election of Nixon and the implementing of a quota system. They kept just kept the name as a smoke screen, like the Commie cesspools call themselves 'democratic republics', and Democrats calling themselves 'the Party of Jefferson'.
Affirmative Action, (and its after-effects) has been very much ALIVE since 1969 (including RIGHT NOW). I was deprived of an assistantship at graduate school in 1977, by affirmative action. I, and 17 other non-blacks, was forced to quit the school, and have suffered the consequences ever since, including now (in retirement) with reduced Social Security $$.
Did anyone notices that the OP has quit USMB, because she encountered opinions that are different from hers? She went back to Facebook political forum where the most important political issue is the new knickers of Kim kardashian, and they are all passionate about it.
Our loss.
Affirmative Action died in 1969, with the election of Nixon and the implementing of a quota system. They kept just kept the name as a smoke screen, like the Commie cesspools call themselves 'democratic republics', and Democrats calling themselves 'the Party of Jefferson'.
Affirmative Action, (and its after-effects) has been very much ALIVE since 1969 (including RIGHT NOW). I was deprived of an assistantship at graduate school in 1977, by affirmative action. I, and 17 other non-blacks, was forced to quit the school, and have suffered the consequences ever since, including now (in retirement) with reduced Social Security $$.

Nope, you were denied because of a quota system, period.
Hello I'm nobody or I'm everyone I'm not sure. The passion behind this subject is palpable. We must find a way to have this conversation and still hear each other. Passion steps in and anger follows.....conversation over.
Fact: The country is still run by old white men!
The poor, immigrants and blacks are at the bottom of the list of importance because they feel we have nothing to offer and so they can use us without conscience. Flint is a perfect reflection of what I speak.
Fact: We have glossed over these issues too long. That is why the conversation has to occur. The country is crying to be heard be seen.

Of course this conversation is uncomfortable. If you're not uncomfortable then you're set in stone and angry no matter which side you're on. Where do we go from here?

Love, Understanding, Respect for differing viewpoints is the course necessary.....easy to say right?

This is our challenge.
They know this

But in order to justify this. They'll shift the blame on to black ppl.

Things white ppl say when faced with a case of white racism:
  1. Blacks are racist too.
  2. Black culture is the problem (Single moms, No Fathers, Gangsters)
  3. I was beaten up/robbed/called names by blacks.
  4. Blacks have a high crime rate.
  5. Blacks carry knives.
  6. Blacks are to blame for their own troubles.
  7. Blacks like to “blame whitey”.
  8. Blacks are not smart (IQ)
  9. White people are great (White Inventor Argument)
  10. Black parents do not care about education.
The argument is moved from what whites do, to what they think blacks do.

It's a cheap attempt to change the subject. But at a deeper level it's also a moral argument, directed not at us black people but at whites themselves.

White ppl know they benefit from racism. They know black ppl get screwed.

They feel guilt about that at some level

But since they want to believe they're good ppl they either fight against that inequality, or make up excuses.

Making excuses is way easier.

If they can blame blacks, then they have no reason to feel guilty at all. Then they can still see themselves as good people.

Case closed!

So in the end we know all about what is wrong with blacks, because that makes white people feel better about themselves and raises their self-esteem, but very little is said about what is wrong with white people and the white racism built into society.

Where is the CNN special on that?
Last edited:
Hello I'm nobody or I'm everyone I'm not sure. The passion behind this subject is palpable. We must find a way to have this conversation and still hear each other. Passion steps in and anger follows.....conversation over.
Fact: The country is still run by old white men!
The poor, immigrants and blacks are at the bottom of the list of importance because they feel we have nothing to offer and so they can use us without conscience. Flint is a perfect reflection of what I speak.
Fact: We have glossed over these issues too long. That is why the conversation has to occur. The country is crying to be heard be seen.

Of course this conversation is uncomfortable. If you're not uncomfortable then you're set in stone and angry no matter which side you're on. Where do we go from here?

Love, Understanding, Respect for differing viewpoints is the course necessary.....easy to say right?

This is our challenge.
They know this

But in order to justify this. They'll shift the blame on to black ppl.

Things white ppl say when faced with a case of white racism:
  1. Blacks are racist too.
  2. You are the racist one.
  3. I was beaten up/robbed/called names by blacks.
  4. Blacks have a high crime rate.
  5. Blacks carry knives.
  6. Blacks are to blame for their own troubles.
  7. Blacks like to “blame whitey”.
  8. Black are not smart (IQ)
  9. White people are great (White Inventor Argument)
  10. Black parents do not care about education.
The argument is moved from what whites do, to what they think blacks do.

It's a cheap attempt to change the subject. But at a deeper level it's also a moral argument, directed not at us black people but at whites themselves.

White ppl know they benefit from racism. They know black ppl get screwed.

They feel guilt about that at some level

But since they want to believe they're good ppl they either fight against that inequality, or make up excuses.

Making excuses is way easier.

If they can blame blacks, then they have no reason to feel guilty at all. Then they can still see themselves as good people.

Case closed!

So in the end we know all about what is wrong with blacks, because that makes white people feel better about themselves and raises their self-esteem, but very little is said about what is wrong with white people and the white racism built into society.

Where is the CNN special on that?

Without your victimhood status, you are nothing. Your entire identity is built around a mythology of oppression and hate.
They know this

But in order to justify this. They'll shift the blame on to black people

Things white say when faced with a case of white racism:
  1. Blacks are racist too.
  2. You are the racist one.
  3. I was beaten up/robbed/called names by blacks.
  4. Blacks have a high crime rate.
  5. Blacks carry knives.
  6. Blacks are to blame for their own troubles.
  7. Blacks like to “blame whitey”.
  8. Black are not smart (IQ)
  9. White people are great (White Inventor Argument)
  10. Black parents do not care about education.
The argument is moved from what whites do to what they think mainly blacks do.

At one level it is just a cheap attempt to change the subject, to draw attention away from what whites do. But at a deeper level it is also a moral argument – directed not at us black people but at whites themselves.

White Americans know they live in an unequal society where whites benefit and blacks get screwed.

They feel guilt about that at some level

That's why they get angry when blacks talk about racism. Because deep down they know what black people say is true

But since they want to believe they are good people they either fight against that inequality – or make up excuses.

Making up excuses is way easier.

If they can blame blacks, then they have no reason to feel guilty at all. Then they can still see themselves as good people.

Case closed!

So in the end we know all about what is wrong with blacks, because that makes white people feel better about themselves and raises their self-esteem, but very little is said about what is wrong with white people and the white racism built into society.

Where is the CNN special on that?
So this pile of BS denial makes you feel better ? I'm guessing you know damn well that whites are (and have been for 50 years) the victims of racist discrimination (affirmative action) on a massive scale, and blacks are the beneficiaries. And that's just the tip of it. The police brutality myth perpetrated by Obama, Sharpton and all his other anti-white racist race hustlers is just the latest of it.

I wonder if you have any clue about all the passes given to criminal blacks, at the expense of whites and everyone else in society (including other blacks). Ever hear of Eleanor Bumpurs, Micheal Stewart, Larry Davis, Lemrick Nelson, Kiko Garcia, Marla Hanson, Marion Barry, Edward Summers, Robert Chambers, Michael Lasane, the Howard Beach case, Ann Viner/Evelyn Wagler, Channon Christian/Chistopher Newsom, White gangs at Columbis University (1987),Sbrina Collins (Emory University),Gilbert Moore, Jr (Williams College), Alicia Hardin (Trinity Intl Univ.-2005), Tawana Brawley, Laurie Hecht, etc. etc ???????????

If not, your education about race in America is just beginning. Same with other information deprived liberals who have foolishly depended on the liberal OMMISSION media, for their information.
Nope, you were denied because of a quota system, period.
That's what affirmative action is. Always has been.

Nope, exactly the opposite; it prohibited using quotas. Thank Nixon for that, it came under his domestic policies and pandering to the Black Caucus, not the Affirmative Action clauses in the Civil Rights Act. Moynihan, Humphrey, and most of the other liberals fought off the radicals over the Philadelphia Plan and the imposition of quotas, Nixon revived them within weeks of being inaugurated.

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