There is systemic racism we are unable to discuss calmly

Hello I'm nobody or I'm everyone I'm not sure. The passion behind this subject is palpable. We must find a way to have this conversation and still hear each other. Passion steps in and anger follows.....conversation over.
Fact: The country is still run by old white men!
The poor, immigrants and blacks are at the bottom of the list of importance because they feel we have nothing to offer and so they can use us without conscience. Flint is a perfect reflection of what I speak.
Fact: We have glossed over these issues too long. That is why the conversation has to occur. The country is crying to be heard be seen.

Of course this conversation is uncomfortable. If you're not uncomfortable then you're set in stone and angry no matter which side you're on. Where do we go from here?

Love, Understanding, Respect for differing viewpoints is the course necessary.....easy to say right?

This is our challenge.

Who are these old white men? You are correct...... but you have only gotten a small part of the equation correct. Perhaps you need to look a little further? Like listen to JFK's speech from April 27th, 1961.....
Hello I'm nobody or I'm everyone I'm not sure. The passion behind this subject is palpable. We must find a way to have this conversation and still hear each other. Passion steps in and anger follows.....conversation over.
Fact: The country is still run by old white men!
The poor, immigrants and blacks are at the bottom of the list of importance because they feel we have nothing to offer and so they can use us without conscience. Flint is a perfect reflection of what I speak.
Fact: We have glossed over these issues too long. That is why the conversation has to occur. The country is crying to be heard be seen.

Of course this conversation is uncomfortable. If you're not uncomfortable then you're set in stone and angry no matter which side you're on. Where do we go from here?

Love, Understanding, Respect for differing viewpoints is the course necessary.....easy to say right?

This is our challenge.
They know this

But in order to justify this. They'll shift the blame on to black ppl.

Things white ppl say when faced with a case of white racism:
  1. Blacks are racist too.
  2. Black culture is the problem (Single moms, No Fathers, Gangsters)
  3. I was beaten up/robbed/called names by blacks.
  4. Blacks have a high crime rate.
  5. Blacks carry knives.
  6. Blacks are to blame for their own troubles.
  7. Blacks like to “blame whitey”.
  8. Blacks are not smart (IQ)
  9. White people are great (White Inventor Argument)
  10. Black parents do not care about education.
The argument is moved from what whites do, to what they think blacks do.

It's a cheap attempt to change the subject. But at a deeper level it's also a moral argument, directed not at us black people but at whites themselves.

White ppl know they benefit from racism. They know black ppl get screwed.

They feel guilt about that at some level

But since they want to believe they're good ppl they either fight against that inequality, or make up excuses.

Making excuses is way easier.

If they can blame blacks, then they have no reason to feel guilty at all. Then they can still see themselves as good people.

Case closed!

So in the end we know all about what is wrong with blacks, because that makes white people feel better about themselves and raises their self-esteem, but very little is said about what is wrong with white people and the white racism built into society.

Where is the CNN special on that?

I had to rate your post funny. OTOH, you sounded like someone that would debate the issue rather than argue and get into a futile pissing match, so maybe what I'll say might generate a discussion between you and I.

When America was founded, the Constitution was clear:

" the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity..." (an excerpt from the Preamble)

In the Dred Scott v Sanford case Roger Taney was very thorough in his analysis. According to Wikipedia:

"Taney spent pages 407–421 of his decision chronicling the history of slave and negro law in the British colonies and American states to decide if federal law could recognize Scott as a citizen of any state within the meaning of Article III"

Dred Scott v. Sandford - Wikipedia

That resulted in the 14th Amendment being illegally ratified:

The Fourteenth Amendment is Unconstitutional - Judge L.H. Perez

Among the many things I hate about the 14th Amendment is that it created two separate and distinct classes of citizens: Preamble and 14th Amendment citizens.

While I don't agree with everything the following link states, it will give you a little background for my next statements:

Chap. 6 - The TRUTH About the 14th Amendment

Both the left and the right; Democrats and Republicans; conservatives and liberals have discounted most of the above and the links wherein I have made my stand, but common sense and the many unanswered questions I've posed to judges in numerous cases tells me I'm probably in the ball park.

Under the 14th Amendment, with two classes of citizens having been created, the objective of government was to then make us all equal. So, they have tried to bring everybody under the purview of the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment does not guarantee, secure, create, or promise you ANY right. It only guarantees certain benefits and privileges and the equal protection of the laws.

In other words, the government did not really give you squat. Instead of elevating the black people to the status of whites, they tried to begin a process of taking white peoples Rights incrementally. And so, today, we have at least two separate and distinct governments operating in the United States: 1) the de jure / lawful / legal / constitutional Republic and 2) a de facto / unlawful / illegal Federal / Legislative Democracy owned and controlled by a few elite multinational corporations.

Unable to assimilate, the black people are trying to fight against a nation built to advance and protect the white people. The blacks were never given full status of whites so the government tried to lower the status of whites to 14th Amendment citizens where all we have are civil rights.

The whites lost their God given unalienable Rights under this scheme; nobody wants to focus on what's really going on and the government gets to jump in and mandate more laws to prop up the phony notion that we're all the same except for the color of our skin. I don't think the black people will quit until the control ALL of America and, unfortunately, the whites don't know much about their Rights nor their history.
Hello I'm nobody or I'm everyone I'm not sure. The passion behind this subject is palpable. We must find a way to have this conversation and still hear each other. Passion steps in and anger follows.....conversation over.
Fact: The country is still run by old white men!
The poor, immigrants and blacks are at the bottom of the list of importance because they feel we have nothing to offer and so they can use us without conscience. Flint is a perfect reflection of what I speak.
Fact: We have glossed over these issues too long. That is why the conversation has to occur. The country is crying to be heard be seen.

Of course this conversation is uncomfortable. If you're not uncomfortable then you're set in stone and angry no matter which side you're on. Where do we go from here?

Love, Understanding, Respect for differing viewpoints is the course necessary.....easy to say right?

This is our challenge.

Who are these old white men? You are correct...... but you have only gotten a small part of the equation correct. Perhaps you need to look a little further? Like listen to JFK's speech from April 27th, 1961.....
It will go over his head. Even when as you are mentioning it he has no idea what you are referring to.
Hello I'm nobody or I'm everyone I'm not sure. The passion behind this subject is palpable. We must find a way to have this conversation and still hear each other. Passion steps in and anger follows.....conversation over.
Fact: The country is still run by old white men!
The poor, immigrants and blacks are at the bottom of the list of importance because they feel we have nothing to offer and so they can use us without conscience. Flint is a perfect reflection of what I speak.
Fact: We have glossed over these issues too long. That is why the conversation has to occur. The country is crying to be heard be seen.

Of course this conversation is uncomfortable. If you're not uncomfortable then you're set in stone and angry no matter which side you're on. Where do we go from here?

Love, Understanding, Respect for differing viewpoints is the course necessary.....easy to say right?

This is our challenge.
They know this

But in order to justify this. They'll shift the blame on to black ppl.

Things white ppl say when faced with a case of white racism:
  1. Blacks are racist too.
  2. Black culture is the problem (Single moms, No Fathers, Gangsters)
  3. I was beaten up/robbed/called names by blacks.
  4. Blacks have a high crime rate.
  5. Blacks carry knives.
  6. Blacks are to blame for their own troubles.
  7. Blacks like to “blame whitey”.
  8. Blacks are not smart (IQ)
  9. White people are great (White Inventor Argument)
  10. Black parents do not care about education.
The argument is moved from what whites do, to what they think blacks do.

It's a cheap attempt to change the subject. But at a deeper level it's also a moral argument, directed not at us black people but at whites themselves.

White ppl know they benefit from racism. They know black ppl get screwed.

They feel guilt about that at some level

But since they want to believe they're good ppl they either fight against that inequality, or make up excuses.

Making excuses is way easier.

If they can blame blacks, then they have no reason to feel guilty at all. Then they can still see themselves as good people.

Case closed!

So in the end we know all about what is wrong with blacks, because that makes white people feel better about themselves and raises their self-esteem, but very little is said about what is wrong with white people and the white racism built into society.

Where is the CNN special on that?

I had to rate your post funny. OTOH, you sounded like someone that would debate the issue rather than argue and get into a futile pissing match, so maybe what I'll say might generate a discussion between you and I.

When America was founded, the Constitution was clear:

" the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity..." (an excerpt from the Preamble)

In the Dred Scott v Sanford case Roger Taney was very thorough in his analysis. According to Wikipedia:

"Taney spent pages 407–421 of his decision chronicling the history of slave and negro law in the British colonies and American states to decide if federal law could recognize Scott as a citizen of any state within the meaning of Article III"

Dred Scott v. Sandford - Wikipedia

That resulted in the 14th Amendment being illegally ratified:

The Fourteenth Amendment is Unconstitutional - Judge L.H. Perez


Among the many things I hate about the 14th Amendment is that it created two separate and distinct classes of citizens: Preamble and 14th Amendment citizens.

While I don't agree with everything the following link states, it will give you a little background for my next statements:

Chap. 6 - The TRUTH About the 14th Amendment

Both the left and the right; Democrats and Republicans; conservatives and liberals have discounted most of the above and the links wherein I have made my stand, but common sense and the many unanswered questions I've posed to judges in numerous cases tells me I'm probably in the ball park.

Under the 14th Amendment, with two classes of citizens having been created, the objective of government was to then make us all equal. So, they have tried to bring everybody under the purview of the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment does not guarantee, secure, create, or promise you ANY right. It only guarantees certain benefits and privileges and the equal protection of the laws.

In other words, the government did not really give you squat. Instead of elevating the black people to the status of whites, they tried to begin a process of taking white peoples Rights incrementally. And so, today, we have at least two separate and distinct governments operating in the United States: 1) the de jure / lawful / legal / constitutional Republic and 2) a de facto / unlawful / illegal Federal / Legislative Democracy owned and controlled by a few elite multinational corporations.

Unable to assimilate, the black people are trying to fight against a nation built to advance and protect the white people. The blacks were never given full status of whites so the government tried to lower the status of whites to 14th Amendment citizens where all we have are civil rights.

The whites lost their God given unalienable Rights under this scheme; nobody wants to focus on what's really going on and the government gets to jump in and mandate more laws to prop up the phony notion that we're all the same except for the color of our skin. I don't think the black people will quit until the control ALL of America and, unfortunately, the whites don't know much about their Rights nor their history.

Seems that you are very familiar with the Act of 1871 and the de-facto government that resides in the city/state that is the District of Columbia.......always good to come across those that are awake.
Hello I'm nobody or I'm everyone I'm not sure. The passion behind this subject is palpable. We must find a way to have this conversation and still hear each other. Passion steps in and anger follows.....conversation over.
Fact: The country is still run by old white men!
The poor, immigrants and blacks are at the bottom of the list of importance because they feel we have nothing to offer and so they can use us without conscience. Flint is a perfect reflection of what I speak.
Fact: We have glossed over these issues too long. That is why the conversation has to occur. The country is crying to be heard be seen.

Of course this conversation is uncomfortable. If you're not uncomfortable then you're set in stone and angry no matter which side you're on. Where do we go from here?

Love, Understanding, Respect for differing viewpoints is the course necessary.....easy to say right?

This is our challenge.

Who are these old white men? You are correct...... but you have only gotten a small part of the equation correct. Perhaps you need to look a little further? Like listen to JFK's speech from April 27th, 1961.....
It will go over his head. Even when as you are mentioning it he has no idea what you are referring to.

More than likely.......but at least worth a try....LOL!
No. I'm saying Africa is not in the US.
Well we know that at least I hope considering nowadays educational requirements.
So, back to your original thought. You were saying that you were not capable to take care of yourself, why do you think that?
i dont just think that. I know that whites were not capable of taking care of themselves. History shows us this. Blacks educated whites and then were driven away. White civilization collapsed. Blacks came back to europe and taught whites it was ok to take baths and how to read and write. Whites drove them away again and tried to come over to the americas but needed Black men to help them navigate. I could go on and on but you get my point. Whites need help. It was smart of your ancestors to give you a head start. God knows that 400 years was still not enough. Thats why you still whine like bitches.
Do I come across whining? Interesting. I am just asking you that why do you think that you cannot take care of yourself and need the government to take care of you. You are consistently avoiding the answer to that. You alluded to blacks starting to walk in two legs 400 years later than whites, then the next post you said blacks taught everything what whites know. Then you said you needed somebody else to take care of you. You are very confused or trying to confuse me.
Yes you do. I dont have a good answer other than whites are insecure and look to government to give them a head start.
Why do you think whites need a headstart when just a couple of minutes ago you said blacks taught everything to whites?
The sons of the black pharaohs unveil their newest technology, flaunting their conquest of the seas! They're on their way to Europe to teach the dumb whites to read, write, and do math, but first they have to figure out how to not rock the boat!


That is a technology even they have not been able to master since ruling Ancient Egypt thousands of years ago!
No. I'm saying Africa is not in the US.
Well we know that at least I hope considering nowadays educational requirements.
So, back to your original thought. You were saying that you were not capable to take care of yourself, why do you think that?
i dont just think that. I know that whites were not capable of taking care of themselves. History shows us this. Blacks educated whites and then were driven away. White civilization collapsed. Blacks came back to europe and taught whites it was ok to take baths and how to read and write. Whites drove them away again and tried to come over to the americas but needed Black men to help them navigate. I could go on and on but you get my point. Whites need help. It was smart of your ancestors to give you a head start. God knows that 400 years was still not enough. Thats why you still whine like bitches.
Do I come across whining? Interesting. I am just asking you that why do you think that you cannot take care of yourself and need the government to take care of you. You are consistently avoiding the answer to that. You alluded to blacks starting to walk in two legs 400 years later than whites, then the next post you said blacks taught everything what whites know. Then you said you needed somebody else to take care of you. You are very confused or trying to confuse me.
Yes you do. I dont have a good answer other than whites are insecure and look to government to give them a head start.
Why do you think whites need a headstart when just a couple of minutes ago you said blacks taught everything to whites?
Because whites are mentally handicapped. If Blacks were miracle workers then the Roman and Greek empires would have never collapsed. There was a reason the Moors had to come educate you. Your entire history consists of other races helping you and somehow you still manage to fuck it up. :laugh:
Well we know that at least I hope considering nowadays educational requirements.
So, back to your original thought. You were saying that you were not capable to take care of yourself, why do you think that?
i dont just think that. I know that whites were not capable of taking care of themselves. History shows us this. Blacks educated whites and then were driven away. White civilization collapsed. Blacks came back to europe and taught whites it was ok to take baths and how to read and write. Whites drove them away again and tried to come over to the americas but needed Black men to help them navigate. I could go on and on but you get my point. Whites need help. It was smart of your ancestors to give you a head start. God knows that 400 years was still not enough. Thats why you still whine like bitches.
Do I come across whining? Interesting. I am just asking you that why do you think that you cannot take care of yourself and need the government to take care of you. You are consistently avoiding the answer to that. You alluded to blacks starting to walk in two legs 400 years later than whites, then the next post you said blacks taught everything what whites know. Then you said you needed somebody else to take care of you. You are very confused or trying to confuse me.
Yes you do. I dont have a good answer other than whites are insecure and look to government to give them a head start.
Why do you think whites need a headstart when just a couple of minutes ago you said blacks taught everything to whites?
Because whites are mentally handicapped. If Blacks were miracle workers then the Roman and Greek empires would have never collapsed. There was a reason the Moors had to come educate you. Your entire history consists of other races helping you and somehow you still manage to fuck it up. :laugh:

and that's why Africa is a supermetropolitan paradise
Well we know that at least I hope considering nowadays educational requirements.
So, back to your original thought. You were saying that you were not capable to take care of yourself, why do you think that?
i dont just think that. I know that whites were not capable of taking care of themselves. History shows us this. Blacks educated whites and then were driven away. White civilization collapsed. Blacks came back to europe and taught whites it was ok to take baths and how to read and write. Whites drove them away again and tried to come over to the americas but needed Black men to help them navigate. I could go on and on but you get my point. Whites need help. It was smart of your ancestors to give you a head start. God knows that 400 years was still not enough. Thats why you still whine like bitches.
Do I come across whining? Interesting. I am just asking you that why do you think that you cannot take care of yourself and need the government to take care of you. You are consistently avoiding the answer to that. You alluded to blacks starting to walk in two legs 400 years later than whites, then the next post you said blacks taught everything what whites know. Then you said you needed somebody else to take care of you. You are very confused or trying to confuse me.
Yes you do. I dont have a good answer other than whites are insecure and look to government to give them a head start.
Why do you think whites need a headstart when just a couple of minutes ago you said blacks taught everything to whites?
Because whites are mentally handicapped. If Blacks were miracle workers then the Roman and Greek empires would have never collapsed. There was a reason the Moors had to come educate you. Your entire history consists of other races helping you and somehow you still manage to fuck it up. :laugh:
Now you are trolling Asslips. Good sport, making me laugh.
i dont just think that. I know that whites were not capable of taking care of themselves. History shows us this. Blacks educated whites and then were driven away. White civilization collapsed. Blacks came back to europe and taught whites it was ok to take baths and how to read and write. Whites drove them away again and tried to come over to the americas but needed Black men to help them navigate. I could go on and on but you get my point. Whites need help. It was smart of your ancestors to give you a head start. God knows that 400 years was still not enough. Thats why you still whine like bitches.
Do I come across whining? Interesting. I am just asking you that why do you think that you cannot take care of yourself and need the government to take care of you. You are consistently avoiding the answer to that. You alluded to blacks starting to walk in two legs 400 years later than whites, then the next post you said blacks taught everything what whites know. Then you said you needed somebody else to take care of you. You are very confused or trying to confuse me.
Yes you do. I dont have a good answer other than whites are insecure and look to government to give them a head start.
Why do you think whites need a headstart when just a couple of minutes ago you said blacks taught everything to whites?
Because whites are mentally handicapped. If Blacks were miracle workers then the Roman and Greek empires would have never collapsed. There was a reason the Moors had to come educate you. Your entire history consists of other races helping you and somehow you still manage to fuck it up. :laugh:
Now you are trolling Asslips. Good sport, making me laugh.
I may be trolling but you know its true.
Well we know that at least I hope considering nowadays educational requirements.
So, back to your original thought. You were saying that you were not capable to take care of yourself, why do you think that?
i dont just think that. I know that whites were not capable of taking care of themselves. History shows us this. Blacks educated whites and then were driven away. White civilization collapsed. Blacks came back to europe and taught whites it was ok to take baths and how to read and write. Whites drove them away again and tried to come over to the americas but needed Black men to help them navigate. I could go on and on but you get my point. Whites need help. It was smart of your ancestors to give you a head start. God knows that 400 years was still not enough. Thats why you still whine like bitches.
Do I come across whining? Interesting. I am just asking you that why do you think that you cannot take care of yourself and need the government to take care of you. You are consistently avoiding the answer to that. You alluded to blacks starting to walk in two legs 400 years later than whites, then the next post you said blacks taught everything what whites know. Then you said you needed somebody else to take care of you. You are very confused or trying to confuse me.
Yes you do. I dont have a good answer other than whites are insecure and look to government to give them a head start.
Why do you think whites need a headstart when just a couple of minutes ago you said blacks taught everything to whites?
Because whites are mentally handicapped. If Blacks were miracle workers then the Roman and Greek empires would have never collapsed. There was a reason the Moors had to come educate you. Your entire history consists of other races helping you and somehow you still manage to fuck it up. :laugh:

Well, this is complete rubbish. The Moors invaded Spain and the Iberian peninsula to steal wealth, and place a tax on the existing population which was business as usual for the Muslims across N. Africa at the time.
If the North Africans taught Europeans anything, it was teaching them more war and more slavery. So thank you and your ancestors for the slavery lesson.
Maybe these Africans also taught the Nigerians civilization also, they managed to create an entire civilization that revolved around slavery and then collapsed once slavery collapsed.

Moors didnt come to educate, rather they conquered, and the ones they didnt conquer were simply displaced from their lands and then came back and finally send the Moors back to Africa after a couple hundred years of warfare. thanks for pretending though once again!
i dont just think that. I know that whites were not capable of taking care of themselves. History shows us this. Blacks educated whites and then were driven away. White civilization collapsed. Blacks came back to europe and taught whites it was ok to take baths and how to read and write. Whites drove them away again and tried to come over to the americas but needed Black men to help them navigate. I could go on and on but you get my point. Whites need help. It was smart of your ancestors to give you a head start. God knows that 400 years was still not enough. Thats why you still whine like bitches.
Do I come across whining? Interesting. I am just asking you that why do you think that you cannot take care of yourself and need the government to take care of you. You are consistently avoiding the answer to that. You alluded to blacks starting to walk in two legs 400 years later than whites, then the next post you said blacks taught everything what whites know. Then you said you needed somebody else to take care of you. You are very confused or trying to confuse me.
Yes you do. I dont have a good answer other than whites are insecure and look to government to give them a head start.
Why do you think whites need a headstart when just a couple of minutes ago you said blacks taught everything to whites?
Because whites are mentally handicapped. If Blacks were miracle workers then the Roman and Greek empires would have never collapsed. There was a reason the Moors had to come educate you. Your entire history consists of other races helping you and somehow you still manage to fuck it up. :laugh:

Well, this is complete rubbish. The Moors invaded Spain and the Iberian peninsula to steal wealth, and place a tax on the existing population which was business as usual for the Muslims across N. Africa at the time.
If the North Africans taught Europeans anything, it was teaching them more war and more slavery. So thank you and your ancestors for the slavery lesson.
Maybe these Africans also taught the Nigerians civilization also, they managed to create an entire civilization that revolved around slavery and then collapsed once slavery collapsed.

Moors didnt come to educate, rather they conquered, and the ones they didnt conquer were simply displaced from their lands and then came back and finally send the Moors back to Africa after a couple hundred years of warfare. thanks for pretending though once again!
Actually its quite true. They taught the europeans it was ok to bathe. Europeans thought water harbored evil spirits. They showed them how to construct castles and to this very day when you go to Spain you can see the proof on the sign outside of the castles. They gave them street lighting and running water as well as fashion etc etc etc.

I'm surprised you dont know this?

" was believed in many parts of Europe that water could carry disease into the body through the pores in the skin. According to one medical treaty of the 16th century, “Water baths warm the body, but weaken the organism and widen pores. That’s why they can be dangerous and cause different diseases, even death.” It wasn’t just diseases from the water itself they were worried about. They also felt that with the pores widened after a bath, this resulted in infections of the air having easier access to the body. Hence, bathing became connected with spread of diseases, not just immorality."
Last edited:
Do I come across whining? Interesting. I am just asking you that why do you think that you cannot take care of yourself and need the government to take care of you. You are consistently avoiding the answer to that. You alluded to blacks starting to walk in two legs 400 years later than whites, then the next post you said blacks taught everything what whites know. Then you said you needed somebody else to take care of you. You are very confused or trying to confuse me.
Yes you do. I dont have a good answer other than whites are insecure and look to government to give them a head start.
Why do you think whites need a headstart when just a couple of minutes ago you said blacks taught everything to whites?
Because whites are mentally handicapped. If Blacks were miracle workers then the Roman and Greek empires would have never collapsed. There was a reason the Moors had to come educate you. Your entire history consists of other races helping you and somehow you still manage to fuck it up. :laugh:

Well, this is complete rubbish. The Moors invaded Spain and the Iberian peninsula to steal wealth, and place a tax on the existing population which was business as usual for the Muslims across N. Africa at the time.
If the North Africans taught Europeans anything, it was teaching them more war and more slavery. So thank you and your ancestors for the slavery lesson.
Maybe these Africans also taught the Nigerians civilization also, they managed to create an entire civilization that revolved around slavery and then collapsed once slavery collapsed.

Moors didnt come to educate, rather they conquered, and the ones they didnt conquer were simply displaced from their lands and then came back and finally send the Moors back to Africa after a couple hundred years of warfare. thanks for pretending though once again!
Actually its quite true. They taught the europeans it was ok to bathe. Europeans thought water harbored evil spirits. They showed them how to construct castles and to this very day when you go to Spain you can see the proof on the sign outside of the castles. They gave them street lighting and running water as well as fashion etc etc etc.

I'm surprised you dont know this?

" was believed in many parts of Europe that water could carry disease into the body through the pores in the skin. According to one medical treaty of the 16th century, “Water baths warm the body, but weaken the organism and widen pores. That’s why they can be dangerous and cause different diseases, even death.” It wasn’t just diseases from the water itself they were worried about. They also felt that with the pores widened after a bath, this resulted in infections of the air having easier access to the body. Hence, bathing became connected with spread of diseases, not just immorality."

Actually its quite true. They taught the europeans it was ok to bathe. Europeans thought water harbored evil spirits.

They showed them how to construct castles and to this very day when you go to Spain you can see the proof on the sign outside of the castles. They gave them street lighting and running water as well as fashion etc etc etc.

Hello I'm nobody or I'm everyone I'm not sure. The passion behind this subject is palpable. We must find a way to have this conversation and still hear each other. Passion steps in and anger follows.....conversation over.
Fact: The country is still run by old white men!
The poor, immigrants and blacks are at the bottom of the list of importance because they feel we have nothing to offer and so they can use us without conscience. Flint is a perfect reflection of what I speak.
Fact: We have glossed over these issues too long. That is why the conversation has to occur. The country is crying to be heard be seen.

Of course this conversation is uncomfortable. If you're not uncomfortable then you're set in stone and angry no matter which side you're on. Where do we go from here?

Love, Understanding, Respect for differing viewpoints is the course necessary.....easy to say right?

This is our challenge.

There is no systemic racism. Therein lies the reason why we cannot have this conversation. You insist on starting the talks with an advantage. You cut off the truth right away and then you want to argue a point that you are set up to win.

The fact that the country is now run by old white men is an irrelevant statistic.

The divide between the races exists mostly in the inner cities and in the media. In real life suburbia, in the office, in recreation, everywhere else, racism has faded away. It is only kept alive by the media and the Race Grievance Industry.
Do I come across whining? Interesting. I am just asking you that why do you think that you cannot take care of yourself and need the government to take care of you. You are consistently avoiding the answer to that. You alluded to blacks starting to walk in two legs 400 years later than whites, then the next post you said blacks taught everything what whites know. Then you said you needed somebody else to take care of you. You are very confused or trying to confuse me.
Yes you do. I dont have a good answer other than whites are insecure and look to government to give them a head start.
Why do you think whites need a headstart when just a couple of minutes ago you said blacks taught everything to whites?
Because whites are mentally handicapped. If Blacks were miracle workers then the Roman and Greek empires would have never collapsed. There was a reason the Moors had to come educate you. Your entire history consists of other races helping you and somehow you still manage to fuck it up. :laugh:

Well, this is complete rubbish. The Moors invaded Spain and the Iberian peninsula to steal wealth, and place a tax on the existing population which was business as usual for the Muslims across N. Africa at the time.
If the North Africans taught Europeans anything, it was teaching them more war and more slavery. So thank you and your ancestors for the slavery lesson.
Maybe these Africans also taught the Nigerians civilization also, they managed to create an entire civilization that revolved around slavery and then collapsed once slavery collapsed.

Moors didnt come to educate, rather they conquered, and the ones they didnt conquer were simply displaced from their lands and then came back and finally send the Moors back to Africa after a couple hundred years of warfare. thanks for pretending though once again!
Actually its quite true. They taught the europeans it was ok to bathe. Europeans thought water harbored evil spirits. They showed them how to construct castles and to this very day when you go to Spain you can see the proof on the sign outside of the castles. They gave them street lighting and running water as well as fashion etc etc etc.

I'm surprised you dont know this?

" was believed in many parts of Europe that water could carry disease into the body through the pores in the skin. According to one medical treaty of the 16th century, “Water baths warm the body, but weaken the organism and widen pores. That’s why they can be dangerous and cause different diseases, even death.” It wasn’t just diseases from the water itself they were worried about. They also felt that with the pores widened after a bath, this resulted in infections of the air having easier access to the body. Hence, bathing became connected with spread of diseases, not just immorality."
A lot of the water back then did harbor evil spirits and made people super sick. No one drank it; the silver lining was ale.
So they guessed wrong about how the infections entered the body, but they weren't wrong about the water.
Yes you do. I dont have a good answer other than whites are insecure and look to government to give them a head start.
That's what blacks do, have been doing for 50 years (affirmative action), and are still doing today, and they look to more than just the govt. It's also the media, private industry, and the miseducation system.

And blacks get more than just a "headstart". They get a PASS on committing crime, and are complicit in the blame others MO (particularly cops and whites)
Because whites are mentally handicapped. If Blacks were miracle workers then the Roman and Greek empires would have never collapsed. There was a reason the Moors had to come educate you. Your entire history consists of other races helping you and somehow you still manage to fuck it up. :laugh:
DREAMING out loud. No law against it. Especially by those who are pathologically inferiority complexed. :rolleyes:
Actually its quite true. They taught the europeans it was ok to bathe. Europeans thought water harbored evil spirits. They showed them how to construct castles and to this very day when you go to Spain you can see the proof on the sign outside of the castles. They gave them street lighting and running water as well as fashion etc etc etc.

I'm surprised you dont know this?

" was believed in many parts of Europe that water could carry disease into the body through the pores in the skin. According to one medical treaty of the 16th century, “Water baths warm the body, but weaken the organism and widen pores. That’s why they can be dangerous and cause different diseases, even death.” It wasn’t just diseases from the water itself they were worried about. They also felt that with the pores widened after a bath, this resulted in infections of the air having easier access to the body. Hence, bathing became connected with spread of diseases, not just immorality."
I'm surprised you provide so many source links for your outlandish, laughble claims. Gosh, we're just swimming in them.

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