There is systemic racism we are unable to discuss calmly

Hello I'm nobody or I'm everyone I'm not sure. The passion behind this subject is palpable. We must find a way to have this conversation and still hear each other. Passion steps in and anger follows.....conversation over.
Fact: The country is still run by old white men!
The poor, immigrants and blacks are at the bottom of the list of importance because they feel we have nothing to offer and so they can use us without conscience. Flint is a perfect reflection of what I speak.
Fact: We have glossed over these issues too long. That is why the conversation has to occur. The country is crying to be heard be seen.

Of course this conversation is uncomfortable. If you're not uncomfortable then you're set in stone and angry no matter which side you're on. Where do we go from here?

Love, Understanding, Respect for differing viewpoints is the course necessary.....easy to say right?

This is our challenge.
Hello I'm nobody or I'm everyone I'm not sure. The passion behind this subject is palpable. We must find a way to have this conversation and still hear each other. Passion steps in and anger follows.....conversation over.
Fact: The country is still run by old white men! This is a lie, as many different people are in positions of power.
Four years after earning a bachelor’s degree, black
graduates in the 2008 cohort held $24,720 more
student loan debt than white graduates ($52,726
versus $28,006), on average.

Still, black borrowers remain more than three
times as likely to default within four years as white
borrowers (7.6 percent versus 2.4 percent)

So at least in the case of student loans, they're ending up with MORE debt and default MORE often. If anything, institutions should be lending LESS to them, not MORE!
True, maybe. One must dig a little deeper and uncover the why of this statistic. The mere fact that it exists is only the beginning. The real story here is the why. I do not have that information, maybe you can find it for us to discuss.
Because negroes tend to be careless with money. It's caused by stupidity and low self-control.
Do you have any evidence to suggest this, or is this merely your own bias?
Are you talking about IQ studies that have been posted on these forums?

Otherwise, what do you think is the reason behind blacks committing the most retarded crimes ever that lose them money? What about their poor performance in school? Does white racism make them rob a liquor store to put themselves in prison?
Several books I've read lately explain that although IQ tests are widely accepted, they have never been proven to actually measure intelligence. Dr. Joy Degruy says, "In his book The Mismeasure of Man, Stephen J. Gould reviews the history of intelligence testing and discusses its problems. It is important to understand Gould's work because IQ testing is widely accepted as science, and we must understand how little science was actually involved in its development.

Did the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test actually measure intelligence? Almost certainly not. We cannot know for sure because the test was never validated. Because there is no objective way to measure intelligence in the first place, it is impossible to ever validate such a test. So even though the test was never proved to be valid, its proponents continued to assert that they had a test of intelligence. They made such a good case, pseudo-scientific though it was, that America started buying into the concept of measuring intelligence. The trouble remains, we cannot know what any of these tests actually measure."
Four years after earning a bachelor’s degree, black
graduates in the 2008 cohort held $24,720 more
student loan debt than white graduates ($52,726
versus $28,006), on average.

Still, black borrowers remain more than three
times as likely to default within four years as white
borrowers (7.6 percent versus 2.4 percent)

So at least in the case of student loans, they're ending up with MORE debt and default MORE often. If anything, institutions should be lending LESS to them, not MORE!
True, maybe. One must dig a little deeper and uncover the why of this statistic. The mere fact that it exists is only the beginning. The real story here is the why. I do not have that information, maybe you can find it for us to discuss.
Because negroes tend to be careless with money. It's caused by stupidity and low self-control.
Do you have any evidence to suggest this, or is this merely your own bias?
Are you talking about IQ studies that have been posted on these forums?

Otherwise, what do you think is the reason behind blacks committing the most retarded crimes ever that lose them money? What about their poor performance in school? Does white racism make them rob a liquor store to put themselves in prison?
Several books I've read lately explain that although IQ tests are widely accepted, they have never been proven to actually measure intelligence. Dr. Joy Degruy says, "In his book The Mismeasure of Man, Stephen J. Gould reviews the history of intelligence testing and discusses its problems. It is important to understand Gould's work because IQ testing is widely accepted as science, and we must understand how little science was actually involved in its development.

Did the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test actually measure intelligence? Almost certainly not. We cannot know for sure because the test was never validated. Because there is no objective way to measure intelligence in the first place, it is impossible to ever validate such a test. So even though the test was never proved to be valid, its proponents continued to assert that they had a test of intelligence. They made such a good case, pseudo-scientific though it was, that America started buying into the concept of measuring intelligence. The trouble remains, we cannot know what any of these tests actually measure."
I've seen criticism of IQ tests and I agree they are somewhat valid. For example, I have seen reports that say IQ test scores are influenced only partly by intelligence. That they are also influence by level of motivation and how much work the test taker is willing to put into the test-taking effort. What does it mean? It means negroes are lazy as well as stupid.

But if you think there's more to it, go ahead and actually post the criticism of the test (as opposed to an excerpt that gives very little detail). Also explain why they commit the dumbest crimes to end up in prison. And why they do poorly in school.
Four years after earning a bachelor’s degree, black
graduates in the 2008 cohort held $24,720 more
student loan debt than white graduates ($52,726
versus $28,006), on average.

Still, black borrowers remain more than three
times as likely to default within four years as white
borrowers (7.6 percent versus 2.4 percent)

So at least in the case of student loans, they're ending up with MORE debt and default MORE often. If anything, institutions should be lending LESS to them, not MORE!
True, maybe. One must dig a little deeper and uncover the why of this statistic. The mere fact that it exists is only the beginning. The real story here is the why. I do not have that information, maybe you can find it for us to discuss.
Because negroes tend to be careless with money. It's caused by stupidity and low self-control.
Do you have any evidence to suggest this, or is this merely your own bias?
Are you talking about IQ studies that have been posted on these forums?

Otherwise, what do you think is the reason behind blacks committing the most retarded crimes ever that lose them money? What about their poor performance in school? Does white racism make them rob a liquor store to put themselves in prison?
Well, IQ studies, flawed as they are, would be a start. All I am looking for is hard facts, not personal opinion.
Four years after earning a bachelor’s degree, black
graduates in the 2008 cohort held $24,720 more
student loan debt than white graduates ($52,726
versus $28,006), on average.

Still, black borrowers remain more than three
times as likely to default within four years as white
borrowers (7.6 percent versus 2.4 percent)

So at least in the case of student loans, they're ending up with MORE debt and default MORE often. If anything, institutions should be lending LESS to them, not MORE!
True, maybe. One must dig a little deeper and uncover the why of this statistic. The mere fact that it exists is only the beginning. The real story here is the why. I do not have that information, maybe you can find it for us to discuss.
Because negroes tend to be careless with money. It's caused by stupidity and low self-control.
Do you have any evidence to suggest this, or is this merely your own bias?
Are you talking about IQ studies that have been posted on these forums?

Otherwise, what do you think is the reason behind blacks committing the most retarded crimes ever that lose them money? What about their poor performance in school? Does white racism make them rob a liquor store to put themselves in prison?
Well, IQ studies, flawed as they are, would be a start. All I am looking for is hard facts, not personal opinion.
I assume you've seen the IQ statistics if you've heard of the criticism.

Then there's the fact that they lead the numbers in violent crime (also well-known) and poor performance in school (probably least well known of the three). I'll post the least known one since I assume you've seen the other two given how well known they are.
Four years after earning a bachelor’s degree, black
graduates in the 2008 cohort held $24,720 more
student loan debt than white graduates ($52,726
versus $28,006), on average.

Still, black borrowers remain more than three
times as likely to default within four years as white
borrowers (7.6 percent versus 2.4 percent)

So at least in the case of student loans, they're ending up with MORE debt and default MORE often. If anything, institutions should be lending LESS to them, not MORE!
True, maybe. One must dig a little deeper and uncover the why of this statistic. The mere fact that it exists is only the beginning. The real story here is the why. I do not have that information, maybe you can find it for us to discuss.
Because negroes tend to be careless with money. It's caused by stupidity and low self-control.
Do you have any evidence to suggest this, or is this merely your own bias?
Are you talking about IQ studies that have been posted on these forums?

Otherwise, what do you think is the reason behind blacks committing the most retarded crimes ever that lose them money? What about their poor performance in school? Does white racism make them rob a liquor store to put themselves in prison?
Several books I've read lately explain that although IQ tests are widely accepted, they have never been proven to actually measure intelligence. Dr. Joy Degruy says, "In his book The Mismeasure of Man, Stephen J. Gould reviews the history of intelligence testing and discusses its problems. It is important to understand Gould's work because IQ testing is widely accepted as science, and we must understand how little science was actually involved in its development.

Did the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test actually measure intelligence? Almost certainly not. We cannot know for sure because the test was never validated. Because there is no objective way to measure intelligence in the first place, it is impossible to ever validate such a test. So even though the test was never proved to be valid, its proponents continued to assert that they had a test of intelligence. They made such a good case, pseudo-scientific though it was, that America started buying into the concept of measuring intelligence. The trouble remains, we cannot know what any of these tests actually measure."
Theyve actually been proven that they dont measure intelligence. For starters an IQ test only tests social indoctrination. Then there is the fact that there are 2 or 3 types of intelligence. I knew kids that were brilliant but school and tests bored the shit out of them..
True, maybe. One must dig a little deeper and uncover the why of this statistic. The mere fact that it exists is only the beginning. The real story here is the why. I do not have that information, maybe you can find it for us to discuss.
Because negroes tend to be careless with money. It's caused by stupidity and low self-control.
Do you have any evidence to suggest this, or is this merely your own bias?
Are you talking about IQ studies that have been posted on these forums?

Otherwise, what do you think is the reason behind blacks committing the most retarded crimes ever that lose them money? What about their poor performance in school? Does white racism make them rob a liquor store to put themselves in prison?
Several books I've read lately explain that although IQ tests are widely accepted, they have never been proven to actually measure intelligence. Dr. Joy Degruy says, "In his book The Mismeasure of Man, Stephen J. Gould reviews the history of intelligence testing and discusses its problems. It is important to understand Gould's work because IQ testing is widely accepted as science, and we must understand how little science was actually involved in its development.

Did the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test actually measure intelligence? Almost certainly not. We cannot know for sure because the test was never validated. Because there is no objective way to measure intelligence in the first place, it is impossible to ever validate such a test. So even though the test was never proved to be valid, its proponents continued to assert that they had a test of intelligence. They made such a good case, pseudo-scientific though it was, that America started buying into the concept of measuring intelligence. The trouble remains, we cannot know what any of these tests actually measure."
For starters an IQ test only tests social indoctrination.
So how did you reach that conclusion from that article?
Because negroes tend to be careless with money. It's caused by stupidity and low self-control.
Do you have any evidence to suggest this, or is this merely your own bias?
Are you talking about IQ studies that have been posted on these forums?

Otherwise, what do you think is the reason behind blacks committing the most retarded crimes ever that lose them money? What about their poor performance in school? Does white racism make them rob a liquor store to put themselves in prison?
Several books I've read lately explain that although IQ tests are widely accepted, they have never been proven to actually measure intelligence. Dr. Joy Degruy says, "In his book The Mismeasure of Man, Stephen J. Gould reviews the history of intelligence testing and discusses its problems. It is important to understand Gould's work because IQ testing is widely accepted as science, and we must understand how little science was actually involved in its development.

Did the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test actually measure intelligence? Almost certainly not. We cannot know for sure because the test was never validated. Because there is no objective way to measure intelligence in the first place, it is impossible to ever validate such a test. So even though the test was never proved to be valid, its proponents continued to assert that they had a test of intelligence. They made such a good case, pseudo-scientific though it was, that America started buying into the concept of measuring intelligence. The trouble remains, we cannot know what any of these tests actually measure."
For starters an IQ test only tests social indoctrination.
So how did you reach that conclusion from that article?
Easy. I posed a question to a white person taken from a White culturally bias IQ test but changed to reflect Black culture and the dumb fucker flunked.
Do you have any evidence to suggest this, or is this merely your own bias?
Are you talking about IQ studies that have been posted on these forums?

Otherwise, what do you think is the reason behind blacks committing the most retarded crimes ever that lose them money? What about their poor performance in school? Does white racism make them rob a liquor store to put themselves in prison?
Several books I've read lately explain that although IQ tests are widely accepted, they have never been proven to actually measure intelligence. Dr. Joy Degruy says, "In his book The Mismeasure of Man, Stephen J. Gould reviews the history of intelligence testing and discusses its problems. It is important to understand Gould's work because IQ testing is widely accepted as science, and we must understand how little science was actually involved in its development.

Did the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test actually measure intelligence? Almost certainly not. We cannot know for sure because the test was never validated. Because there is no objective way to measure intelligence in the first place, it is impossible to ever validate such a test. So even though the test was never proved to be valid, its proponents continued to assert that they had a test of intelligence. They made such a good case, pseudo-scientific though it was, that America started buying into the concept of measuring intelligence. The trouble remains, we cannot know what any of these tests actually measure."
For starters an IQ test only tests social indoctrination.
So how did you reach that conclusion from that article?
Easy. I posed a question to a white person taken from a White culturally bias IQ test but changed to reflect Black culture and the dumb fucker flunked.
If you reached your conclusion entirely from negro nonscience, why did you link to an unrelated article instead of just posting your negro nonscience bullshit methodology so people will immediately know to ignore your post?
Are you talking about IQ studies that have been posted on these forums?

Otherwise, what do you think is the reason behind blacks committing the most retarded crimes ever that lose them money? What about their poor performance in school? Does white racism make them rob a liquor store to put themselves in prison?
Several books I've read lately explain that although IQ tests are widely accepted, they have never been proven to actually measure intelligence. Dr. Joy Degruy says, "In his book The Mismeasure of Man, Stephen J. Gould reviews the history of intelligence testing and discusses its problems. It is important to understand Gould's work because IQ testing is widely accepted as science, and we must understand how little science was actually involved in its development.

Did the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test actually measure intelligence? Almost certainly not. We cannot know for sure because the test was never validated. Because there is no objective way to measure intelligence in the first place, it is impossible to ever validate such a test. So even though the test was never proved to be valid, its proponents continued to assert that they had a test of intelligence. They made such a good case, pseudo-scientific though it was, that America started buying into the concept of measuring intelligence. The trouble remains, we cannot know what any of these tests actually measure."
For starters an IQ test only tests social indoctrination.
So how did you reach that conclusion from that article?
Easy. I posed a question to a white person taken from a White culturally bias IQ test but changed to reflect Black culture and the dumb fucker flunked.
If you reached your conclusion entirely from negro nonscience, why did you link to an unrelated article instead of just posting your negro nonscience bullshit methodology so people will immediately know to ignore your post?
I reached the conclusion that the test was culturally biased from my own investigation. I linked the article to show that there is more to it than just intelligence. Motivation is a big factor. WTF is wrong with you? You dont know how to read white boy?
Several books I've read lately explain that although IQ tests are widely accepted, they have never been proven to actually measure intelligence. Dr. Joy Degruy says, "In his book The Mismeasure of Man, Stephen J. Gould reviews the history of intelligence testing and discusses its problems. It is important to understand Gould's work because IQ testing is widely accepted as science, and we must understand how little science was actually involved in its development.

Did the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test actually measure intelligence? Almost certainly not. We cannot know for sure because the test was never validated. Because there is no objective way to measure intelligence in the first place, it is impossible to ever validate such a test. So even though the test was never proved to be valid, its proponents continued to assert that they had a test of intelligence. They made such a good case, pseudo-scientific though it was, that America started buying into the concept of measuring intelligence. The trouble remains, we cannot know what any of these tests actually measure."
For starters an IQ test only tests social indoctrination.
So how did you reach that conclusion from that article?
Easy. I posed a question to a white person taken from a White culturally bias IQ test but changed to reflect Black culture and the dumb fucker flunked.
If you reached your conclusion entirely from negro nonscience, why did you link to an unrelated article instead of just posting your negro nonscience bullshit methodology so people will immediately know to ignore your post?
I reached the conclusion that the test was culturally biased from my own investigation. I linked the article to show that there is more to it than just intelligence. Motivation is a big factor. WTF is wrong with you? You dont know how to read white boy?
I guess negro failure is partly due to negro laziness/lack of motivation. Who would have guess?

So what negro cultural gem did you add to the question?
For starters an IQ test only tests social indoctrination.
So how did you reach that conclusion from that article?
Easy. I posed a question to a white person taken from a White culturally bias IQ test but changed to reflect Black culture and the dumb fucker flunked.
If you reached your conclusion entirely from negro nonscience, why did you link to an unrelated article instead of just posting your negro nonscience bullshit methodology so people will immediately know to ignore your post?
I reached the conclusion that the test was culturally biased from my own investigation. I linked the article to show that there is more to it than just intelligence. Motivation is a big factor. WTF is wrong with you? You dont know how to read white boy?
I guess negro failure is partly due to negro laziness/lack of motivation. Who would have guess?

So what negro cultural gem did you add to the question?
Your white boy insecurities will not goad me into giving you the answers to my test white boy. I'm smarter than you. Anything you could possible come up with I already assumed you would ask.
So how did you reach that conclusion from that article?
Easy. I posed a question to a white person taken from a White culturally bias IQ test but changed to reflect Black culture and the dumb fucker flunked.
If you reached your conclusion entirely from negro nonscience, why did you link to an unrelated article instead of just posting your negro nonscience bullshit methodology so people will immediately know to ignore your post?
I reached the conclusion that the test was culturally biased from my own investigation. I linked the article to show that there is more to it than just intelligence. Motivation is a big factor. WTF is wrong with you? You dont know how to read white boy?
I guess negro failure is partly due to negro laziness/lack of motivation. Who would have guess?

So what negro cultural gem did you add to the question?
Your white boy insecurities will not goad me into giving you the answers to my test white boy. I'm smarter than you. Anything you could possible come up with I already assumed you would ask.
You assumed I'd do the only rational thing and ask you about the methodology of your "experiment?" Way to go, great sage! Now you get to look like a moron who won't even say what question he asked on his "test." As if anyone doubted the utter retardation of even the idea of a "test" with only one question that's supposed to undo IQ testing.

Maybe the white boy didn't know how to smoke crack or rob a liquor store. Could be he hadn't been to prison. Or maybe he didn't give the answer in the retarded "ebonics" language negroes use in the US.

Maybe it is a cultural slant like you said. Perhaps they can make a test that does away with white crap like math and language and instead has questions about basketball, smoking crack, high-risk/low-reward robberies, doing time in prison, and weekend negrohood shootings (a negro cultural pastime). You know, to make it less culturally slanted towards whites so the negroes will have a chance.
Last edited:
True, maybe. One must dig a little deeper and uncover the why of this statistic. The mere fact that it exists is only the beginning. The real story here is the why. I do not have that information, maybe you can find it for us to discuss.
Because negroes tend to be careless with money. It's caused by stupidity and low self-control.
Do you have any evidence to suggest this, or is this merely your own bias?
Are you talking about IQ studies that have been posted on these forums?

Otherwise, what do you think is the reason behind blacks committing the most retarded crimes ever that lose them money? What about their poor performance in school? Does white racism make them rob a liquor store to put themselves in prison?
Well, IQ studies, flawed as they are, would be a start. All I am looking for is hard facts, not personal opinion.
I assume you've seen the IQ statistics if you've heard of the criticism.

Then there's the fact that they lead the numbers in violent crime (also well-known) and poor performance in school (probably least well known of the three). I'll post the least known one since I assume you've seen the other two given how well known they are.
I guess I'll have to take your word for it that this graph indeed shows what you claim it does....
Because negroes tend to be careless with money. It's caused by stupidity and low self-control.
Do you have any evidence to suggest this, or is this merely your own bias?
Are you talking about IQ studies that have been posted on these forums?

Otherwise, what do you think is the reason behind blacks committing the most retarded crimes ever that lose them money? What about their poor performance in school? Does white racism make them rob a liquor store to put themselves in prison?
Well, IQ studies, flawed as they are, would be a start. All I am looking for is hard facts, not personal opinion.
I assume you've seen the IQ statistics if you've heard of the criticism.

Then there's the fact that they lead the numbers in violent crime (also well-known) and poor performance in school (probably least well known of the three). I'll post the least known one since I assume you've seen the other two given how well known they are.
I guess I'll have to take your word for it that this graph indeed shows what you claim it does....
Or just research it. Here, let me hold your hand:

The Condition of Education - Elementary and Secondary Education - Student Effort, Persistence and Progress - Status Dropout Rates - Indicator April (2017)
Do you have any evidence to suggest this, or is this merely your own bias?
Are you talking about IQ studies that have been posted on these forums?

Otherwise, what do you think is the reason behind blacks committing the most retarded crimes ever that lose them money? What about their poor performance in school? Does white racism make them rob a liquor store to put themselves in prison?
Well, IQ studies, flawed as they are, would be a start. All I am looking for is hard facts, not personal opinion.
I assume you've seen the IQ statistics if you've heard of the criticism.

Then there's the fact that they lead the numbers in violent crime (also well-known) and poor performance in school (probably least well known of the three). I'll post the least known one since I assume you've seen the other two given how well known they are.
I guess I'll have to take your word for it that this graph indeed shows what you claim it does....
Or just research it. Here, let me hold your hand:

The Condition of Education - Elementary and Secondary Education - Student Effort, Persistence and Progress - Status Dropout Rates - Indicator April (2017)
Funny, you make a claim, then when asked to back it up with facts, you get all defensive and pretentious. Interesting. All I was asking for was actual data to support your claim. Simple, yet it took offending you to get it, apparently.

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