There is systemic racism we are unable to discuss calmly

Because whites are mentally handicapped
This is a perfect example of why we cannot have a clam and civil discussion on this topic. Sure, there is racism. Is it systemic? I don't believe it is, anymore. The fact remains, though, that there is racism on ALL "sides" of this issue. We will do NOTHING to resolve this until we can agree that there are only two "sides", those who call racism what it is (no matter what the source), and those who should be relegated to the dark halls of history. Until you, sir/maam, are able to recognise racism in yourself, and change, you will be on the "side" relegated to history. You are a dieing breed, you are not the norm in this society, the sooner you realise and accept that, the sooner you will be able to overcome your own prejudices.
Black racists are growing in number, not "dying", moron.

This society has done absolutely nothing to reduce racism against whites.
The moron here is YOU. I said NOTHING about any particular group of racists. The fact remains that racists ARE a dying breed.
Because whites are mentally handicapped
This is a perfect example of why we cannot have a clam and civil discussion on this topic. Sure, there is racism. Is it systemic? I don't believe it is, anymore. The fact remains, though, that there is racism on ALL "sides" of this issue. We will do NOTHING to resolve this until we can agree that there are only two "sides", those who call racism what it is (no matter what the source), and those who should be relegated to the dark halls of history. Until you, sir/maam, are able to recognise racism in yourself, and change, you will be on the "side" relegated to history. You are a dieing breed, you are not the norm in this society, the sooner you realise and accept that, the sooner you will be able to overcome your own prejudices.
Of course its systemic. Did things change overnight and I missed it? Whites still own the vast majority of the resources, control the branches of government, control the media, and have the bulk of the wealth as a group. I'm not a dying breed. In fact I am a growing breed. More Blacks are waking up to the realities of white racism and divorcing themselves of white philosophy and lies.
So, your saying then that if I own a home, and you do not, it is because of systemic racism? Get a grip dude.
Hello I'm nobody or I'm everyone I'm not sure. The passion behind this subject is palpable. We must find a way to have this conversation and still hear each other. Passion steps in and anger follows.....conversation over.
Fact: The country is still run by old white men!
The poor, immigrants and blacks are at the bottom of the list of importance because they feel we have nothing to offer and so they can use us without conscience. Flint is a perfect reflection of what I speak.
Fact: We have glossed over these issues too long. That is why the conversation has to occur. The country is crying to be heard be seen.

Of course this conversation is uncomfortable. If you're not uncomfortable then you're set in stone and angry no matter which side you're on. Where do we go from here?

Love, Understanding, Respect for differing viewpoints is the course necessary.....easy to say right?

This is our challenge.
Listen to Morgan!

View attachment 150629
Thank you. Could not have said it better myself.
Because whites are mentally handicapped
This is a perfect example of why we cannot have a clam and civil discussion on this topic. Sure, there is racism. Is it systemic? I don't believe it is, anymore. The fact remains, though, that there is racism on ALL "sides" of this issue. We will do NOTHING to resolve this until we can agree that there are only two "sides", those who call racism what it is (no matter what the source), and those who should be relegated to the dark halls of history. Until you, sir/maam, are able to recognise racism in yourself, and change, you will be on the "side" relegated to history. You are a dieing breed, you are not the norm in this society, the sooner you realise and accept that, the sooner you will be able to overcome your own prejudices.
Of course its systemic. Did things change overnight and I missed it? Whites still own the vast majority of the resources, control the branches of government, control the media, and have the bulk of the wealth as a group. I'm not a dying breed. In fact I am a growing breed. More Blacks are waking up to the realities of white racism and divorcing themselves of white philosophy and lies.
So, your saying then that if I own a home, and you do not, it is because of systemic racism? Get a grip dude.
Depends. If you were approved for a loan from a racist white person I was denied a loan from thats an excellent example of systemic racism. Get a grip on what?
Because whites are mentally handicapped
This is a perfect example of why we cannot have a clam and civil discussion on this topic. Sure, there is racism. Is it systemic? I don't believe it is, anymore. The fact remains, though, that there is racism on ALL "sides" of this issue. We will do NOTHING to resolve this until we can agree that there are only two "sides", those who call racism what it is (no matter what the source), and those who should be relegated to the dark halls of history. Until you, sir/maam, are able to recognise racism in yourself, and change, you will be on the "side" relegated to history. You are a dieing breed, you are not the norm in this society, the sooner you realise and accept that, the sooner you will be able to overcome your own prejudices.
Of course its systemic. Did things change overnight and I missed it? Whites still own the vast majority of the resources, control the branches of government, control the media, and have the bulk of the wealth as a group. I'm not a dying breed. In fact I am a growing breed. More Blacks are waking up to the realities of white racism and divorcing themselves of white philosophy and lies.
So, your saying then that if I own a home, and you do not, it is because of systemic racism? Get a grip dude.
Depends. If you were approved for a loan from a racist white person I was denied a loan from thats an excellent example of systemic racism. Get a grip on what?

You were "denied a loan" (you're probably lying) because you're an unrepentant asshole with delusions of grandeur and a racist who doesn't have enough brains or self control to hide his disdain towards white people. even when seeking a loan.
Hello I'm nobody or I'm everyone I'm not sure. The passion behind this subject is palpable. We must find a way to have this conversation and still hear each other. Passion steps in and anger follows.....conversation over.
Fact: The country is still run by old white men!
The poor, immigrants and blacks are at the bottom of the list of importance because they feel we have nothing to offer and so they can use us without conscience. Flint is a perfect reflection of what I speak.
Fact: We have glossed over these issues too long. That is why the conversation has to occur. The country is crying to be heard be seen.

Of course this conversation is uncomfortable. If you're not uncomfortable then you're set in stone and angry no matter which side you're on. Where do we go from here?

Love, Understanding, Respect for differing viewpoints is the course necessary.....easy to say right?

This is our challenge.
Listen to Morgan!

View attachment 150629
Thank you. Could not have said it better myself.
I really do believe this is the only approach that will work and have done since I was a child. There is so much history, so much that cannot be put right now, that we all have to just stop and look to the future. It could be done if only enough vocal/famous people - like Morgan for example - would be willing to say so, imho.
Hello I'm nobody or I'm everyone I'm not sure. The passion behind this subject is palpable. We must find a way to have this conversation and still hear each other. Passion steps in and anger follows.....conversation over.
Fact: The country is still run by old white men!
The poor, immigrants and blacks are at the bottom of the list of importance because they feel we have nothing to offer and so they can use us without conscience. Flint is a perfect reflection of what I speak.
Fact: We have glossed over these issues too long. That is why the conversation has to occur. The country is crying to be heard be seen.

Of course this conversation is uncomfortable. If you're not uncomfortable then you're set in stone and angry no matter which side you're on. Where do we go from here?

Love, Understanding, Respect for differing viewpoints is the course necessary.....easy to say right?

This is our challenge.
Listen to Morgan!

View attachment 150629
Thank you. Could not have said it better myself.
I really do believe this is the only approach that will work and have done since I was a child. There is so much history, so much that cannot be put right now, that we all have to just stop and look to the future. It could be done if only enough vocal/famous people - like Morgan for example - would be willing to say so, imho.

This is avoidance behavior. Black history month is the direct result of systemic racism. Without racism there would be no need for a Black history month as it would be taught every day of the year. Black history month is an attempt to teach Blacks and others their history which has been omitted or outright lied about in american history books.

So did "roskus" freeman have sex with his grand daughter? Seemed something like that came up about the same time as the cosby rapes. More magic negros?
Because whites are mentally handicapped
This is a perfect example of why we cannot have a clam and civil discussion on this topic. Sure, there is racism. Is it systemic? I don't believe it is, anymore. The fact remains, though, that there is racism on ALL "sides" of this issue. We will do NOTHING to resolve this until we can agree that there are only two "sides", those who call racism what it is (no matter what the source), and those who should be relegated to the dark halls of history. Until you, sir/maam, are able to recognise racism in yourself, and change, you will be on the "side" relegated to history. You are a dieing breed, you are not the norm in this society, the sooner you realise and accept that, the sooner you will be able to overcome your own prejudices.
Of course its systemic. Did things change overnight and I missed it? Whites still own the vast majority of the resources, control the branches of government, control the media, and have the bulk of the wealth as a group. I'm not a dying breed. In fact I am a growing breed. More Blacks are waking up to the realities of white racism and divorcing themselves of white philosophy and lies.
So, your saying then that if I own a home, and you do not, it is because of systemic racism? Get a grip dude.
Depends. If you were approved for a loan from a racist white person I was denied a loan from thats an excellent example of systemic racism. Get a grip on what?
Where is it you were denied a loan? I'm just curious where you found this lending institution that leaves lending strictly to the totally subjective authority of the racist person looking over your documents and deciding to give you a loan or not instead of using objective criteria to guide that individual to the decision. Surely you realize these people almost always have to follow some set of rules when handing out money, right?


Four years after earning a bachelor’s degree, black
graduates in the 2008 cohort held $24,720 more
student loan debt than white graduates ($52,726
versus $28,006), on average.

Still, black borrowers remain more than three
times as likely to default within four years as white
borrowers (7.6 percent versus 2.4 percent)

So at least in the case of student loans, they're ending up with MORE debt and default MORE often. If anything, institutions should be lending LESS to them, not MORE!
Hello I'm nobody or I'm everyone I'm not sure. The passion behind this subject is palpable. We must find a way to have this conversation and still hear each other. Passion steps in and anger follows.....conversation over.
Fact: The country is still run by old white men!
The poor, immigrants and blacks are at the bottom of the list of importance because they feel we have nothing to offer and so they can use us without conscience. Flint is a perfect reflection of what I speak.
Fact: We have glossed over these issues too long. That is why the conversation has to occur. The country is crying to be heard be seen.

Of course this conversation is uncomfortable. If you're not uncomfortable then you're set in stone and angry no matter which side you're on. Where do we go from here?

Love, Understanding, Respect for differing viewpoints is the course necessary.....easy to say right?

This is our challenge.

Flint/Ferguson -- all the other stories IS about what been "failing you". It's large, inefficient, inept and corrupt govt systems that actually ABUSE economically challenged communities. The "customer relations" Stinks. The LEADERSHIP stinks and the accountability is non-existent.

So here's my question. WHY do all those really oppressed people keep voting for BIGGER AND MORE MUSCULAR government? Isn't that stupid when you realize how inept and callous they are?

And why do folks STAY in these "underserved communities"??? Don't you know there's OTHER places that are better run and not as dangerous for their children?
Hello I'm nobody or I'm everyone I'm not sure. The passion behind this subject is palpable. We must find a way to have this conversation and still hear each other. Passion steps in and anger follows.....conversation over.
Fact: The country is still run by old white men!
The poor, immigrants and blacks are at the bottom of the list of importance because they feel we have nothing to offer and so they can use us without conscience. Flint is a perfect reflection of what I speak.
Fact: We have glossed over these issues too long. That is why the conversation has to occur. The country is crying to be heard be seen.

Of course this conversation is uncomfortable. If you're not uncomfortable then you're set in stone and angry no matter which side you're on. Where do we go from here?

Love, Understanding, Respect for differing viewpoints is the course necessary.....easy to say right?

This is our challenge.

Flint/Ferguson -- all the other stories IS about what been "failing you". It's large, inefficient, inept and corrupt govt systems that actually ABUSE economically challenged communities. The "customer relations" Stinks. The LEADERSHIP stinks and the accountability is non-existent.

So here's my question. WHY do all those really oppressed people keep voting for BIGGER AND MORE MUSCULAR government? Isn't that stupid when you realize how inept and callous they are?

And why do folks STAY in these "underserved communities"??? Don't you know there's OTHER places that are better run and not as dangerous for their children?
Your question suggests a rational, non-moronic actor. Obviously that assumption is wrong.
Four years after earning a bachelor’s degree, black
graduates in the 2008 cohort held $24,720 more
student loan debt than white graduates ($52,726
versus $28,006), on average.

Still, black borrowers remain more than three
times as likely to default within four years as white
borrowers (7.6 percent versus 2.4 percent)

So at least in the case of student loans, they're ending up with MORE debt and default MORE often. If anything, institutions should be lending LESS to them, not MORE!
True, maybe. One must dig a little deeper and uncover the why of this statistic. The mere fact that it exists is only the beginning. The real story here is the why. I do not have that information, maybe you can find it for us to discuss.
Four years after earning a bachelor’s degree, black
graduates in the 2008 cohort held $24,720 more
student loan debt than white graduates ($52,726
versus $28,006), on average.

Still, black borrowers remain more than three
times as likely to default within four years as white
borrowers (7.6 percent versus 2.4 percent)

So at least in the case of student loans, they're ending up with MORE debt and default MORE often. If anything, institutions should be lending LESS to them, not MORE!
True, maybe. One must dig a little deeper and uncover the why of this statistic. The mere fact that it exists is only the beginning. The real story here is the why. I do not have that information, maybe you can find it for us to discuss.
Because negroes tend to be careless with money. It's caused by stupidity and low self-control.
i dont just think that. I know that whites were not capable of taking care of themselves. History shows us this. Blacks educated whites and then were driven away. White civilization collapsed. Blacks came back to europe and taught whites it was ok to take baths and how to read and write. Whites drove them away again and tried to come over to the americas but needed Black men to help them navigate. I could go on and on but you get my point. Whites need help. It was smart of your ancestors to give you a head start. God knows that 400 years was still not enough. Thats why you still whine like bitches.
Do I come across whining? Interesting. I am just asking you that why do you think that you cannot take care of yourself and need the government to take care of you. You are consistently avoiding the answer to that. You alluded to blacks starting to walk in two legs 400 years later than whites, then the next post you said blacks taught everything what whites know. Then you said you needed somebody else to take care of you. You are very confused or trying to confuse me.
Yes you do. I dont have a good answer other than whites are insecure and look to government to give them a head start.
Why do you think whites need a headstart when just a couple of minutes ago you said blacks taught everything to whites?
Because whites are mentally handicapped. If Blacks were miracle workers then the Roman and Greek empires would have never collapsed. There was a reason the Moors had to come educate you. Your entire history consists of other races helping you and somehow you still manage to fuck it up. :laugh:

and that's why Africa is a supermetropolitan paradise
I think with a little research you will find that there are countries in the continent of Africa that are thriving and doing quite well. There are also parts of the continent not doing so well (since so many of their resources were stolen), like there are parts of the U.S. not doing so well because we have chosen to ignore them.
Four years after earning a bachelor’s degree, black
graduates in the 2008 cohort held $24,720 more
student loan debt than white graduates ($52,726
versus $28,006), on average.

Still, black borrowers remain more than three
times as likely to default within four years as white
borrowers (7.6 percent versus 2.4 percent)

So at least in the case of student loans, they're ending up with MORE debt and default MORE often. If anything, institutions should be lending LESS to them, not MORE!
True, maybe. One must dig a little deeper and uncover the why of this statistic. The mere fact that it exists is only the beginning. The real story here is the why. I do not have that information, maybe you can find it for us to discuss.
Because negroes tend to be careless with money. It's caused by stupidity and low self-control.
That's a very broad statement. I know many, many black folks who are not at all careless with money. They are not stupid and they do not lack self-control. You really can never be accurate when you throw an entire group of people into the same pot.
Four years after earning a bachelor’s degree, black
graduates in the 2008 cohort held $24,720 more
student loan debt than white graduates ($52,726
versus $28,006), on average.

Still, black borrowers remain more than three
times as likely to default within four years as white
borrowers (7.6 percent versus 2.4 percent)

So at least in the case of student loans, they're ending up with MORE debt and default MORE often. If anything, institutions should be lending LESS to them, not MORE!
True, maybe. One must dig a little deeper and uncover the why of this statistic. The mere fact that it exists is only the beginning. The real story here is the why. I do not have that information, maybe you can find it for us to discuss.
Because negroes tend to be careless with money. It's caused by stupidity and low self-control.
That's a very broad statement. I know many, many black folks who are not at all careless with money. They are not stupid and they do not lack self-control. You really can never be accurate when you throw an entire group of people into the same pot.
I was explaining the statistics. No, not all negroes are stupid, but they certainly lead the statistics.
Four years after earning a bachelor’s degree, black
graduates in the 2008 cohort held $24,720 more
student loan debt than white graduates ($52,726
versus $28,006), on average.

Still, black borrowers remain more than three
times as likely to default within four years as white
borrowers (7.6 percent versus 2.4 percent)

So at least in the case of student loans, they're ending up with MORE debt and default MORE often. If anything, institutions should be lending LESS to them, not MORE!
True, maybe. One must dig a little deeper and uncover the why of this statistic. The mere fact that it exists is only the beginning. The real story here is the why. I do not have that information, maybe you can find it for us to discuss.
Because negroes tend to be careless with money. It's caused by stupidity and low self-control.
Do you have any evidence to suggest this, or is this merely your own bias?
Four years after earning a bachelor’s degree, black
graduates in the 2008 cohort held $24,720 more
student loan debt than white graduates ($52,726
versus $28,006), on average.

Still, black borrowers remain more than three
times as likely to default within four years as white
borrowers (7.6 percent versus 2.4 percent)

So at least in the case of student loans, they're ending up with MORE debt and default MORE often. If anything, institutions should be lending LESS to them, not MORE!
True, maybe. One must dig a little deeper and uncover the why of this statistic. The mere fact that it exists is only the beginning. The real story here is the why. I do not have that information, maybe you can find it for us to discuss.
Because negroes tend to be careless with money. It's caused by stupidity and low self-control.
Do you have any evidence to suggest this, or is this merely your own bias?
Are you talking about IQ studies that have been posted on these forums?

Otherwise, what do you think is the reason behind blacks committing the most retarded crimes ever that lose them money? What about their poor performance in school? Does white racism make them rob a liquor store to put themselves in prison?
Last edited:
Hello I'm nobody or I'm everyone I'm not sure. The passion behind this subject is palpable. We must find a way to have this conversation and still hear each other. Passion steps in and anger follows.....conversation over.
Fact: The country is still run by old white men!
The poor, immigrants and blacks are at the bottom of the list of importance because they feel we have nothing to offer and so they can use us without conscience. Flint is a perfect reflection of what I speak.
Fact: We have glossed over these issues too long. That is why the conversation has to occur. The country is crying to be heard be seen.

Of course this conversation is uncomfortable. If you're not uncomfortable then you're set in stone and angry no matter which side you're on. Where do we go from here?

Love, Understanding, Respect for differing viewpoints is the course necessary.....easy to say right?

This is our challenge.
Your OP is full of hypocrisy. You want calm discussion while dissing old WHITE men.


Hello I'm nobody or I'm everyone I'm not sure. The passion behind this subject is palpable. We must find a way to have this conversation and still hear each other. Passion steps in and anger follows.....conversation over.
Fact: The country is still run by old white men!
The poor, immigrants and blacks are at the bottom of the list of importance because they feel we have nothing to offer and so they can use us without conscience. Flint is a perfect reflection of what I speak.
Fact: We have glossed over these issues too long. That is why the conversation has to occur. The country is crying to be heard be seen.

Of course this conversation is uncomfortable. If you're not uncomfortable then you're set in stone and angry no matter which side you're on. Where do we go from here?

Love, Understanding, Respect for differing viewpoints is the course necessary.....easy to say right?

This is our challenge.
Hello I'm nobody or I'm everyone I'm not sure. The passion behind this subject is palpable. We must find a way to have this conversation and still hear each other. Passion steps in and anger follows.....conversation over.
Fact: The country is still run by old white men! This is a lie, as many different people are in positions of power.
The poor, immigrants and blacks are at the bottom of the list of importance because they feel we have nothing to offer /their 'feelings' have nothing to do with race. and so they can use us without conscience.
Flint is a perfect reflection of what I speak. nothing to do with race
Fact: We have glossed over these issues too long. another lie, blatant and shows a complete ignorance of our history. That is why the conversation has to occur. The country is crying to be heard be seen. dramatic much?

Of course this conversation is uncomfortable. If you're not uncomfortable then you're set in stone and angry no matter which side you're on. Where do we go from here?

Love, Understanding, Respect for differing viewpoints is the course necessary.....easy to say right?

This is our challenge.

It really irks me when people talk about having an open and honest conversation about race then start off with lies and bs.

better luck next time skippy

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