There really is no IRS scandal

with people like the op and his buddy Lakhota wailing there is no scandal..... is it any wonder this government believes it can now walk all over us, takes the fifth which is telling "we the people" to get screwed they don't have to answer to us...and now THEY are in charge of our health care yet they can't even hang onto some e-mails, that I guess the dog ate

WE ARE so frikken screwed with people who are loyal to a party instead of our country and the people in it


yep, and we can thank the most transparent administration eva... who hasn't done one thing wrong in the loving eyes of their subjects who tells us they are as clean as the first fallen snow

I guess that is why their approvals with that person who won LIAR of the year is so sky high, it's in the clouds...oh wait that's their disapprovals that are SKY HIGH
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It's just coming out that the bitch Lerner wanted to target Grassley. Check this out.

Lerner sought IRS audit of sitting GOP senator, emails show

AND from the article...

"We have seen a lot of unbelievable things in this investigation, but the fact that Lois Lerner attempted to initiate an apparently baseless IRS examination against a sitting Republican United States Senator is shocking," Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp, R-Mich., said in a statement.

"At every turn, Lerner was using the IRS as a tool for political purposes in defiance of taxpayer rights."

Grassley said in a statement that this kind of incident fuels concerns people have about "political targeting" at the highest levels. "It's very troubling that a simple clerical mix-up could get a taxpayer immediately referred for an IRS exam without any due diligence from agency officials," the senator said.

Lerner sought IRS audit of sitting GOP senator, emails show | Fox News
Despite what the GOP says... Tea Party groups were denied tax exempt status...(they all should have been)
But you cant name one. e-mails from any time during the last presidential campaign were lost..
..all have been turned over to the GOP...and they know it

....No one asked that political groups be investigated when they asked for tax exempt status because you don't have to ask for tax exempt status. You simply claim it. there isn't (and cant be) an IRS scandal about tax exempt status.

Its all an election year..clown show

Actually..there is a scandal.

A VERY big scandal.

All political action committees granted 501 (4) status?


And NO ONE in congress wants to do anything about it.

Think of them as greater community organizers, my dear Mr. Sallow.

There, there. You'll feel better! :D
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It's just coming out that the bitch Lerner wanted to target Grassley. Check this out.

Lerner sought IRS audit of sitting GOP senator, emails show

AND from the article...

"We have seen a lot of unbelievable things in this investigation, but the fact that Lois Lerner attempted to initiate an apparently baseless IRS examination against a sitting Republican United States Senator is shocking," Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp, R-Mich., said in a statement.

"At every turn, Lerner was using the IRS as a tool for political purposes in defiance of taxpayer rights."

Grassley said in a statement that this kind of incident fuels concerns people have about "political targeting" at the highest levels. "It's very troubling that a simple clerical mix-up could get a taxpayer immediately referred for an IRS exam without any due diligence from agency officials," the senator said.

Lerner sought IRS audit of sitting GOP senator, emails show | Fox News

She was just following orders with Obama's blessing
We warned people this is what they would get...I think this (with the IRS, BLM, EPA etc) is that civilian army he was talking about...USING every government agency to step on our necks and the BLM thing where 200 ARMED agents being used to try and Seize ONE man property, that was our first hint of what is coming at us...we need a lot of prayers we survive THIS man and his comrades in arms

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But if there is no Tea Party group that was done wrong...

How can another GOP investigation find wrong they admit isn't there

That's what happens when you OPEN a can of worms, all sorts of shit like lost e-mails, and now 6 other ranking officials e-mails are lost, comes to light! Perhaps if she didn't LIE, ....and why would Lerner plead the 5TH if there was NO CRIMINAL INTENT involved?


That's the way "government" is today - they are above us and we are there to serve THEM.

Kings and Queens and Lords and Ladies. This is why we left England, then kicked the shit out of them.
There is no scandal.

They broke the law absolutely and with out question by not keeping records of the emails.

I know to liberals breaking the law isn't worthy of the title of scandal, but nonetheless in the real world breaking the law is scandalous.

Again, Richard Nixon was ousted because he lied about INFORMATION about the break in at the Watergate.

I can't help but wonder what these Nazis would be screaming if the shoe were on the other foot.....

But you agree .......because....well.... you cant argue the point..

There is nothing to argue. The behavior of the IRS since these hearings began is indicative of serious malfeasance afoot. It's more obvious than the hole in your ass and as a wise man once suggested, I won't waste my time arguing with an idiot.

But what Tea Party groups were denied tax exempt status...Which ones?
We'll wait for your answer

Who said you get to set the bar for "a scandal" ?

Answer: nobody

It is just hysterical that the IRS is selling this crashed hard drive story to the public and some of you dupes are right on it.
It appears that they have lost interest in continuing this idiotic game of "you can't prove a thing".

Haven't heard from their side in a while.
The Scandal is when the IRS acts as an arm of the executive branch to impede partisans on the other side.
Whether 501(c4) status should be allowed isnt even an issue Liberals have plenty of those as well Im sure.

Why did Lowest Learner take the 5th? so she wouldnt incriminate herself or others. Damn it , The IRS
works for us. their job is to collect taxes. We are not subserient to them, why is it if the IRS has a problem with your tax return you are guilty until you prove yourself innocent.

All that is asked of them right now is to be transparent and forthcoming, and they wont do that.

No scandal ? no emails. no hard drives.
How about this for the shoe on the other foot? for a change? Lets let the IRS be guilty until they
prove themselves Innocent.

You can just call it therapy, and they can build character in the process,
Is that why the I.R.S. apologized for it? Why the President claimed he was outraged over it when the story first broke? So the I.R.S. apologized for something that didn't happen and the President was outraged over something that didn't happen yeah okay.

But which groups were denied? None?
Then what are the hearings for?

Check with FOX and get back to me

The claim was never that they were denied the claim was that they were given extra scrutiny which they were and that there applications were delayed sometimes for years which they were things that did not happen on anywhere near the same scale with liberal groups. Get off MSNBC and try getting your facts right in the future you will look less foolish I will be happy to continue this with you but I will have to pick up a copy of how to argue with idiots first.
So how come not ONE of you far RW bastards can't link to a source backing up your bogus claims?

Post a credible link stating that "they were given extra scrutiny" and "delayed for years."

The IRS SHOULD be doing it's job.

Most of these partisan organizations are NOT doing anything for the public welfare but merely funnelling money to partisan campaigns.

The scandal is that the IRS hasn't come down on them HARDER!

Don't you bastards get tired of being wrong ALL THE TIME!?!!?
You'll note that no one can question the initial post...

..because it just isn't arguable ...and the GOP cult knows it

You can't argue with psychos. You are simply delusional. You will be mocked from here to forever. I suspect you are merely a sock for some Dem dupe.
There is no real scandal about political targeting because the Tea Party groups were applying for tax breaks directly dependent on them not being political organizations.

If denying them tax breaks was supposed to hinder them in efforts to help conservative candidates etc. politically, as is the general accusation,

then why would they be entitled to the tax breaks in the first place?

If they were groups working politically to help conservatives, they wouldn't qualify for the tax breaks.
The crybaby Squad melted down over 8 US attorneys being fired by Boooooooooooosh, when Bubba fired all 96 and that was a scandal.. Now those US Attorneys serve at the President's pleasure meaning he can fire any or all of them.. He doesn't need the Kook leftist's permission and yet that was a scandal cooked up in which their media cohorts immediately hopped on board.. BUT the most powerful government agency that can destroy lives targets Conservatives, makes their lives hell for years- directly influenced the Presidential election, received emails from Al Franken and Chucky Schumer ORDERING them to target Conservative 501Cs, then loses and DESTROYS emails regarding the investigation and the leftist paid shills would have you believe there is no scandal.. THIS IS LEFTIST AMERIKKKA.. Lies, propaganda..
Despite what the GOP says... Tea Party groups were denied tax exempt status...(they all should have been)
But you cant name one. e-mails from any time during the last presidential campaign were lost..
..all have been turned over to the GOP...and they know it

....No one asked that political groups be investigated when they asked for tax exempt status because you don't have to ask for tax exempt status. You simply claim it. there isn't (and cant be) an IRS scandal about tax exempt status.

Its all an election year..clown show

that's repub-LIE-clown show...
There is nothing to argue. The behavior of the IRS since these hearings began is indicative of serious malfeasance afoot. It's more obvious than the hole in your ass and as a wise man once suggested, I won't waste my time arguing with an idiot.

But what Tea Party groups were denied tax exempt status...Which ones?
We'll wait for your answer

Granted, virtually everyone understands the broad strokes of what happened at the IRS over the last few years, yet Democrats keep dredging up false equivalencies — so it’s useful to trumpet additional data like this. Via NPR:

A House Ways and Means Committee staff analysis of the applications of 111 conservative and progressive groups applying for tax exempt status found conservative applicants faced, “more questions, more denials, more delays,” says committee Chairman Dave Camp, R-Mich. That is, when the IRS sent groups letters asking for further information, conservative groups were asked more questions — on average, three times more. All of the groups with “progressive” in their name were ultimately approved, while only 46 percent of conservative groups won approval. Others are still waiting for an answer or gave up.
Right-leaning groups were asked triple the number of questions (like this, and this), and ended up getting shot down more than half the time. Lefty organizations skated by with fewer inquiries and were all approved. Let’s examine the raw numbers:


To recap: Conservatives won the “who got scrutinized” category 104-7, the “who got rejected” column 54 percent to zero, and the “still in limbo or gave up” tally 56-0. Indeed, as this controversy unfolded, a USA Today analysis determined that over a 27-month period, not a single Tea Party tax-exempt application was given the green light, while “dozens” of liberal applicants were rubber-stamped. The “both sides were targeted, and Issa lied!” crowd can huff and puff all they want, but they can’t change these facts. There’s also the tiny details that (a) the IRS conducted its own internal investigation prior to the IG audit, and reached very similar conclusions, which (b) is why they admitted to and apologized for the improper targeting of conservatives. Meanwhile, the leaders of several established right-leaning groups are now alleging that the IRS abruptly began challenging their previously-granted tax statuses during this same time frame, thus forcing their organizations to divert significant resources to legal fees. Chairman Issa has asked the Inspector General to broaden his probe to include these new accusations. Ranking Democrat Elijah Cummings — who went from being “outraged” at the IRS, to declaring the issue “solved,” to demanding further investigations — has objected to Issa’s request. Has Cummings re-embraced his “problem solved” posture, perhaps? For a “phony” scandal, this story sure seems to have an awful lot of loose threads.

According to the FEDERAL LAW, none of those groups should have gotten 501 c (4) status.

None. Zero. Zip.
Despite what the GOP says... Tea Party groups were denied tax exempt status...(they all should have been)
But you cant name one. e-mails from any time during the last presidential campaign were lost..
..all have been turned over to the GOP...and they know it

....No one asked that political groups be investigated when they asked for tax exempt status because you don't have to ask for tax exempt status. You simply claim it. there isn't (and cant be) an IRS scandal about tax exempt status.

Its all an election year..clown show

I see people like you and find it amazing you found your way out of the birth canal.

you're prime proof that after birth can live :D

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